Damascus Steel and Crucible Steel in Central Asia
Ann Feuerbach
"Everything is mine:' said gold;
"Everything is mine," said Damascus steel;
"I can buy anything,"said gold;
"I can acquire anything,"said Damascus steel.
Pushkin, 1827 (translated by Bogachev, 1952)
For hundreds of years, swords made of Damascus steel
have been famous for their flexibility, retention of a sharp
edge and beautiful surface pattern. There are two broad categories of swords that are made of what is called Damascus,
Damascene or Damask steel. One category was made by forging different strips of iron and steel together and is known as
pattern welded Damascus steel. This method was used
throughout Europe and Asia. The second category of
Damascus steel was made from an ingot of crucible steel and
is known as crucible Damascus steel. This method has historically been associated with the Wootz steel made in the
Indian subcontinent. A reexamination of the sources of information traditionally used to maintain the myths and legends
about Damascus steel indicates that many beliefs are based
on little or no hard evidence. It is becoming apparent that
Central Asia was a major producer of crucible steel.
This article is divided into two parts. This first part discusses the textual and archaeological evidence for crucible steel
production in Central Asia. The second part is a short profile of
the famous Russian metallurgist, Pave1 Petrovich Anosov, who
successfdly replicated Damascus steel during the 19th century.
CentralAsia (Figure 1)has played a key role in many aspects
of history. For millennia,many different cultures were found within Central Asia and the surrounding area. Contacts between the
cultures were promoted prvnarrly via the swalled Silk Road. The
Silk Road was a series of trade routes running east-west, linking
China and the cultures around the Mediterranean, and
north-south, linking India to southern Russia. Silk was not the
only item traded along the route;spices and other exotic goods,in
addition to ideas and knowledge,were also passed along in each
direction.Although certain routes of the Silk Road were in use for
thousands of years, trade was often interrupted, often for centuries, due to invasions. Arabs, Turkic tribes and Mongols are just
some of the invaders who attacked the prosperous cities along
the route and caused the downfall of many of them.
The recent dissolution of the Soviet Union has greatly facilitated the exchange of scholarly information between the former Soviet states and the rest of the world. This has allowed the
author the opportunity for collaborative research with scholars
in three different areas of CentralAsia,the results of which greatly increased understanding of the production and use of crucible steel in Central Asia. The first collaboration,which initiated this research, resulted in the discovery of a crucible steel
workshop at the ancient city of Merv in Turkmenistan
eeuerbach et al., 1997 and forthcoming;Griffiths et al., 1997). It
was also reported that crucibles used in steel production were
found at various sites in Uzbekistan (Papachristou and
Swertschkow, 1993);the author was able to collect samples of
the crucibles. In order to investigate the prospect of crucible
steel being present in western Central Asia, a collaborative project was undertaken by Irina Arzhanstava from Moscow State
University, Sergei Savenko, director of the Kislovodsk Local
Museum, and the author. The project involved sampling bladed
objects from the Kislovodsk museum. The results of these three
investigations make up the body of this article.
Weapons made of iron only truly surpassed those made of
bronze after craftsmen were able to produce and work steel.
Steel is an iron-carbon alloy with a carbon content of around
0.8%,which is between that of wrought iron and cast iron. Steel
is hard but not brittle and can be sharpened;therefore it is desirable for knives,swords and certain tools such as files and chisels.
Reprinted from the American Society of Arms Collectors Bulletin 82:33-42
Additional articles available at http://americansocietyofarmscollectors.org/resources/articles/
Figure 1. Map of Central Asia and surrounding area Places mentioned in the text are labeled.
In antiquity there were a variety of methods used for making
steel. The first was by directly smelting the ore into steel. This
method was comparatively rare,but evidence for direct smelting
has been found in Japan,Sri Lanka and the Altai Mountain region.
A more common method of making steel was by carburizing (adding carbon to) wrought iron. Iron with virtually no
carbon is known as wrought iron, which is relatively soft and
can be shaped by hammering. If a sword is made of only
wrought iron,it can bend in battle. The use of wrought iron and
steel made of carburized wrought iron was comparatively widespread and can be found in objects from Europe,Asia andAfrica.
In China, the first type of iron used was cast iron
(Wagner, 1993). Cast iron has a relatively high carbon content, generally over 2%, and is hard but brittle. A sword made
of only cast iron can shatter in battle. Steel was made by
decarburization (removing carbon).
Crucible steel is made in a ceramic container, i.e., a crucible. In the past it was made by two methods that tended to
have geographic preferences: the Indian Wootz process and the
Central Asian Fulad process. Many articles have been written
about the Indian Wootz process, but vrhdfy nothing has been
written about the Central Asian Fulad process. There is archaeo
logical evidence for the Wootz process as well as numerous
ethnographic studies,but studies of the CentralAsian process are
In -general,Indian Wootz crucible steel is produced by
placing plant matter and low-carbon iron (wrought iron or
bloomery iron) into a closed crucible and heating it to a high
temperature for hours. The carbon from the plant material
diffuses into the wrought iron, a carburization process, and
the result is steel. The crucible is removed from the furnace
while it is hot and is quickly cooled. The crucible is broken
and the Wootz crucible steel ingot is removed.
What is known about the Central Asian Fulad process is
that it was fundamentally different from the Indian Wootz
method. There are still many questions regarding the Fulad
process and research is continuing, but there are suggestions
that the method included mixing lowcarbon iron (such as
wrought iron or even partially roasted ore) and highcarbon iron
(such as cast iron or charcoal) and placing them together in a
crucible, which was then heated to a high temperature. The
mixture of the high- and lowcarbon iron formed steel.After firing, the crucible was left in the furnace to cool slowly, after
which it was taken out of the furnace and broken to remove the
crucible steel bulat (ingot).
Modern metallurgists may say that the two processes
were similar because both used a crucible to produce steel.
However, if viewed from the point of view of the history of
technology, the archaeological remains and the cultural setting within which the steel was made, the materials and
techniques used were really quite different.
Along with written ethnographic accounts of crucible
steel production, there are historical texts which may be
referring to crucible steel. A reference that is often cited as
evidence for early crucible steel is by Pliny (d. 79A.D.).
But of all the varieties of iron the palm goes to the Seres with
their fabrics and skins. The second prize goes to Parthian iron;
and indeed no other kinds of iron are forged from pure metal,
as aU the rest have a softer alloy welded with them
There are still arguments regarding who the Seres
were, but it is generally believed that they were from India.
Most arguments stop at the first sentence and overlook the
part of the statement that discusses Parthian iron. The translation suggests that Seres and Parthian iron are similar and
that they are "pure"metals, possibly referring to the fact that
crucible steel is a single comparatively homogenous metal
that is "purified"from slag in a crucible.
The earliest reference to crucible steel is from the 3rd centuryA.D. by the Alexandrian alchemist Zosirnos,who wrote that
the process was "invented by the Indians but exploited by the
Persians" (Craddock, 1998). There is also a reference in the
Talmud to steel used for weapons being transported from India
to Persia (Craddock, 1998). In addition,there are Chinese refer-
ences to steel with a pattern being made in India,Sasanian Persia
and Kashmir (Smith, 1988;Schafer, 1963;Needham, 1958).
Islamic texts describe a process which has been interpreted by translators to be crucible steel production. The
interpretations are based on textual descriptions alone and
the exact meaning of some of the technical terms is still
under debate. The following is a translation from al-Tarsusi
(fl. late 12th centuryA.D.).
Take one rotl of female iron (-an),
and hat a rotl of male iron
(shabaquan). Collect the mixture in a pot and put on it 5 dirhems
of magnesia and a handful of acid pomegranate bark. Let the fire
blow on it until the alloy melts. Take it out an make a sword
(Bronson, 1986, p. 43;translated from Cahan 1947)
Another Islamic writer,Al-Beruni(973- 1048A.D.), who
lived in Central Asia, described a similar crucible steel
process and wrote that Indian and non-Indian swords are
made from the steel. He also wrote that crucible steel
was the method used in Herat and gave two different qualities of steel. One was the result of melting components'equal-
ly so that they become united in the mixing operation and no
component can be differentiated or seen independently .
there are four factors that have the possibility of producing different patterns. The carbon composition of the steel, either
high-carbon (hypereutectic) or low-carbon (hypoeutectic),
affects the microstructure and therefore the pattern. The cooling rate also affects the pattern. Differences in carbon content
and cooling rate affect the microstructure and in turn the
behavior of the steel and the type of pattern that can form.
Recent experiments by Prof. Verhoeven and others
(Verhoeven et al., 1998; Verhoeven and Pendray, 1992;
Verhoeven and Peterson, 1992) suggest that a slow cooling rate
is important because it allows impurities to separate out so
that, after forging at a low temperature for a long period of
time, the necessary Damascus steel pattern is produced. The
slow cooling rate allows elements such as manganese and
vanadium to concentrate in certain areas of the microstructure,
which affects the formation of the pattern when it is forged.
These elements appear in very small amounts,around 100 parts
per million. Cooling the ingot quickly produces a finer
microstructure and limited separation of elemental impurities.
A slow-cooled ingot has a coarser structure and a more extensive separation of elemental impurities. Of course, the method
of forging also produces additional variations in the pattern.
such steel is suitable for files or similar tools. The second qual-
ity was obtained if the degree of melting of the wrought and
cast iron was different for each substance' and thus the intermixing between both components is not complete, and their
parts are shifted so that each of their two colors can be seen
by the naked eye and it is called firind
(Al-Hassanand Hill, 1986, p. 77).
Firind (also transliterated as Farand) is translated either
as Damascus (Allan, 1979, p. 77) or pattern (Al-Hassan and
Hill, 1986,p. 254).
If the textual evidence is accurate, it implies that crucible steel was produced in Central Asia and India from at
least the 3rd century A.D. and possibly even as early as the
1st centuryA.D. It also suggests that crucible steel with a pattern was produced in Herat during the late 10th or early 1lth
century A.D. Herat in modern-day Afghanistan is in the
Khorasan region of Central Asia, along with the cities of Merv
in modern-day Turkmenistan and Nishapur in Iran.
The most famous objects made from crucible steel are
Damascus steel blades. The blades'appearance is caused by the
carbon content, the cooling rate, the elemental composition of
the original bulat (crucible steel ingot) and the method used to
forge the object. Crucible steel is not just any steel, it is highquality homogenous steel with little slag. Roughly speaking,
There are four locations in India and one in Sri Ianka where
remains ofWootz crucible steel production have been studied.All
of the Wootz crucible steel remains from India are from historical
contexts and have ethnographic descriptions of the process as
well. A discussion of these and other ethnographic descriptions
can be found in Bronson's admirable paper (1986).
The only firm archaeological evidence for Wootz steel
production comes from Sri Lanka and is attributed to the
6th- 10th centuries A.D. (Wayman and Juleff, 1999). There are
two sites from Tamil Nadu in South India where crucible steel
is reported to have been made. A site at Kodumanal, dated to
the 3rd century B.C.-3rd century A.D., contained crucibles
and iron processing remains. However, the reports lack sufficient descriptions of the crucible remains for the Kodumanal
site to be confidently relied on as an early crucible steel site.
The second site is Mel-siruvalur, South Arcot district,
(Srinivasan, 1994) where crucibles used for Wootz steel production were confidently identified. These are only surface
finds, however, and the date when the crucibles were used is
uncertain. From central India,Wootz steel was produced during the 19th century A.D. at Gatihosahall, formally called
Mysore (Anantharamu et al., 1999;Freestone and Tite, 1986).
Where evidence is available either from archaeological
sites or ethnographic reports, all of these Wootz remains have
certain features in common: the crucibles are composed of
ordinary ferringenous clay with rice husks used as temper
and are conical (south India) or elongated (Sri Lanka) with
pointed or rounded bases, the crucible charge is composed
of one type of iron and wood and/or leaves and the steel was
removed from the furnace while hot and was cooled quickly.
Nineteenth century crucible steel remains from
Konasarnudram,Nizarnabad district,formally called Golconda,
Andhra Pradesh Gowe et al., 1991; Lowe, 1989), need to be
mentioned. These are reported as being the remains of a
Wootz process. However, when compared against the
remains from India and Central Asia, the materials and techniques used for this process, apart from the use of rice husks
as temper, more closely resemble those of Central Asia.
Only recently were archaeological remains of crucible
steel production found in Central Asia. Remains were also
found at Pap (unpublished data) and at Akhsiket in
Uzbekistan. Akhsiket is a particularly interesting site because
thousands of crucibles used in steel production were found
there. The extent of the remains suggests that the site
remained in use for a long period of time. The Uzbekistan crucibles share some common features with the Turkmenistan
crucibles, but all Central Asian crucibles are very different
from the Indian Wootz crucibles. The Central Asian crucibles
are cylindrical,approximately 8 cm in diameter, flat-bottomed
and made of a high-refractory white firing clay.
A crucible steel workshop was discovered at the ancient
city of Merv in Turkmenistan by members of the International
Merv Project. This workshop is the first single-period crucible
steel workshop to be excavated and to have its remains studied
in detail by various methods of laboratory analysis. The workshop is dated to the early Islamic period, 9th-10th centuryA.D.
Merv was an important administrative and military center
of the Persian, Parthian and Sasanian empires, often being the
easternmost military outpost from which invasions were made
or against which it was defended. During the Parthian and
Sasanian periods,Merv was a very important trading city on the
Silk Road, being at the east-west and north-south crossroads.
The earliest reference to steel production at Merv was
by Plutarch (46?-120?A.D.), who stated
While the Romans were in consternation at this din, suddenly their enemies dropped the coverings of their armour, and
were seen to be themselves blazing in helmets and breastplates, their Margianian steel glittering keen and bright, and
their horses clad in plates of bronze and steel
(Perrin, 1915, p. 387).
Merv was in the region called Khurasan, which is mentioned as a steel manufacturing center by the 9th-century
Islamic scholar Al-Kindi. During this period, Khurasan was
known for manufacturing swords made of local iron and,
apparently, iron all the way from Sri Lanka. It is also claimed
that during the 10th century the region produced weapons
and breastplates (Man, 1979).
The development of the cities of Merv was different
from that of many other cities. The cities lie next to rather
than on top of each other. The first city was Erk Kala, which
is believed to have been founded in the 6th century B.C.
During this time, the city was called Margiana. The second
city to be built was Gyaur Kala and was located south of Erk
Kala. It was founded in the 3rd century B.C.
During the 8th centuryA.D.,a new city, Sultan Kala,was
being built to the east of Gyaur Kala. With the population
moving into this new area, Gyaur Kala became the industrial
area. It was in Gyaur Kala that the metallurgical workshop
was found next to the main east-west road. Surrounding the
crucible steel workshop were other workshops which
worked materials such as copper alloys and ceramics.
Among other finds, the excavation (Figure 2) uncovered
four furnaces,the remains of mud brick walls from buildings and
a pit (Herrmann et al., 1993-1995). Inside the pit were many
pieces of green glassy slag and hundreds of broken crucible
pieces. The original shape of the crucible was reconstructed by
studying many crucible fragments and their various characteris
tic features (Figure 3). All crucibles were 8 cm in diameter and
are estimated at having been 18-20 cm high. The crucibles
were made of a high-refractorywhite firing clay with few impurities. Quartz fragments and grog (small pieces of used crucibles) were used as temper. The crucibles are cylindrical in
shape with a flat bottom and were made on a pottery wheel. A
separate pad was attached to the bottom of the crucible.
This separate pad raised the crucibles off the floor of
the furnace into the hotter region just above the floor and
facilitated the removal of the crucibles after firing. Larger
pieces of grog were put on the floor of the furnace between
the crucibles. Their function was to aid hot air distribution
in the furnace by adding turbulence and also to prevent the
crucibles from firing to the floor of the furnace. They provided an easily removed furnace floor that facilitated the
removal of the crucibles and ash after firing.
Three of the four furnaces were used to make steel. The
fourth was probably a blacksmith's hearth. The furnaces had a
unique design (Figure 4): they were about 80 cm in diameter,
approximately 60 cm in height, and had a central tuyer rising
from the floor of the furnace for the inlet of air. On the side of
the furnace was a single exit flue for gases, which meant that
the top of the furnace needed to be closed and,probably,dome
shaped. The interior wall of the furnace was lined with a claylike material similar to the crucible pads. After use, the furnaces were broken into to remove the crucibles. At least one
furnace was relined and reused three or more times.
re 2. Excavation at Merv. Note how close the 9th-10th century
remains are to the surface. The rnnunk in the back ound
are part of the ancient wall whlch surmurldc.d Gyanr KZ
It is estimated that the furnace reached temperatures
between 1250 and 1550°C,which was unusually high for an
ancient furnace. Charcoal was used to fire the furnace but,
because of its design,the furnace acted much like a deep fuel
bed or gas producing furnace. Gas given off by the charcoal
mixing with water vapor given off by the crucible produced
hydrocarbons. These hydrocarbons burned, increasing the
temperature and reducing the need for more charcoal.
The design and choice of materials used in steel production at Merv indicate a wellestablished and highly efficient
process. This is particularly significant because Merv is situated
in the middle of the Kara Kum desert and there are no known
iron ore or refractory clay sources nearby; all materials had to
be imported. The clay used for the crucibles could withstand
the high temperatures and stresses during firing without failure. Many of the broken crucibles were not discarded but were
broken up further. The broken pieces were sorted according to
size and each size was used for a different purpose. The smallest pieces (-0.2-0.5 cm) were used in the crucible as grog, the
next-largest pieces (-0.5 cm) were used as grog in the pads and
to line the furnace walls, medium-sized pieces (-1 cm) were
used to line the floor of the furnace and large pieces (5- 10 cm)
were used as filler in the mud brick furnace walls.
It is estimated that about 2000 crucibles were made
during the life of the workshop and that each crucible could
contain a steel bulat weighing about 2 pounds. Therefore,
the site could have produced up to 4000 pounds of steel.
Exactly which ingredients were put into the crucible is
still under investigation. Unfortunately, only lowquality raw
materials are usually found in the archaeological record because
goodquality materials were used in the process. Therefore, only
unwanted waste material is found,not raw materials or finished
products. However, lumps of corroded iron were found in the
crucible pit. They are still under investigation because many of
them are too corroded to assess if they were iron,cast iron, steel
or crucible steel. Many pieces have to be sampled in the hope
that a few will contain vestiges of uncorroded metal or remnant
scale - 8crn
Fi re 3. Reconstruction of the crucible and the location of the
b g t inside the crucible.
structures in the corrosion that can be identified as being characteristic of one of the iron-carbon alloys. What the evidence
from the crucibles does suggest is that cast iron may have been
one of the raw materials because there is evidence of a carbon
Figure 4. A partially excava~cdfurnace. pan o f the furnace on the
right side is missing. TMs is where craftsmen would have broken
though the furnace wall to re111ovet 1 1 ~~ m d b ~ e ~ .
boil (the exsolution of carbon in the presence of oxygen;this is
akin to opening a bottle of carbonated water) that caused steel
to splash onto the sides of the crucible. There is also some evidence for bloomery iron in the form of what may be bloomery
slag,but this is still under investigation.
When corroded lumps were sampled, a bulat was discovered. The microstructure indicated that this was a high-carbon steel which was slowly cooled. Electron probe microanalysis indicated that it contained small amounts of other elements, including manganese. This is significant because one of
the most famous Damascus patterns is called Kara Khorasan
(black Khorasan). In order to form this pattern, the original
bulat needed to be high-carbon steel with specific impurities
that was slowly cooled. The Kara Khorasan pattern was presumably named after the place where it was made. As stated
above, Merv is located in the Khorasan region, and Islamic
writer Al-Beruni in the l l t h century A.D. discussed swords
with firind (pattern) being present in Khorasan. It cannot be
stated with certainty if craftsmen were producing swords with
a Kara Khurasan pattern at Merv. However, it is quite possible
that they did because the bulat has the correct structure from
which the pattern could have been produced if it was forged
correctly. Unfortunately,unless a forged object is excavated it
is not possible to know the details of forging methods.
There are a number of published reports of crucible steel
objects in CentralAsia. The earliest known objects made of crucible steel are from Taxila in north India. Two swords and an ax
were excavated from a presumed 1st-3rd centuryA.D. context.
Although Taxila is located on the Indian subcontinent in pres
entday Pakistan, the culture of 1st-3rd century Taxila is more
closely related to Central Asia than to central and south India.
The two next earliest swords, found as part of the
author's research,are from the 3rd-4th centuryA.D. and were
excavated near Kislovodsk in the Russian Northern Caucasus.
They were excavated from a cemetery and are attributed to
the Alan culture. One sword is complete (Figure 5) and the
tang is a separate piece of iron attached with a rivet (Figure
6). Only a fragment remains of the other sword (Figure 7).
The discovery of crucible steel at Merv led the British
Museum Research Laboratory to investigate the type of steel
used in the manufacture of the Sasanian swords in their collection. The swords are attributed to the 5th-6th centuries
A.D. and are thought to be from northern Iran. One sword
was found to be made of crucible steel Gang et al., 1998).
The third crucible steel sword the author examined
was from the Kislovodsk Museum, was excavated from a
Machte cemetery horse burial and is attributed to the 7th
century A.D. Unfortunately, only a fragment of the sword
remained. The fragment is slightly over 2 1 cm long and 4 cm
wide. It appears to have been a double-edged straight sword.
A sword excavated at Nishapur in the Khorasan region
of eastern Iran and now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art,
New York, was examined by Dr. Gilmore and found to be
made of crucible steel (Dr. Brian Gilmore, personal communication). It is attributed to the 9th-10th centuryA.D. (Allan,
1982). This is a very significant find because it is contemporary with the metallurgical workshop at Merv and because
Nishapur is in the Khorasan region. The sword, however,
would not have had a Damascus steel pattern.
The final crucible steel sword from Kislovodsk is attrib
uted to the late l l t h century A.D. (Figures 8 and 9) and was
excavated from a cemetery at Koltso Gora. The style is similar
to the so-called "Sabre of Charlemagne"which is believed to be
of Russian or Hungarian origin and is attributed to 950-1025
A.D. (Nicolle, 1999,p. 36). There are some distinguishing features on the Koltso Gora sword, including a geometric motif in
the decoration, the use of wire and a ring on the hilt, a suspension point adjacent to the hilt on the blade and a smaller guard.
The production and use of crucible steel in Central Asia
is apparent. All of the earliest examples of crucible steel
objects are from Central Asia and there is also evidence for
large-scale production of crucible steel in Central Asia that
potentially could have made swords with a Damascus steel
pattern. None of the swords examined would have had a typical Damascus steel pattern although some may have exhibited a fine mottled surface pattern when etched.
Contrary to popular belief, it appears that Indian Wootz
was not the steel used to make Damascus steel swords because
all ethnographic references to Indian Wootz state that the crucibles were taken out of the furnace when hot and cooled quickly. This is inconsistent with the formation of a characteristic
Damascus pattern. However, it must be said that Wootz crucible
steel could still have made a goodquality sword which might
have had, under certain circumstances, a faint surface texture.
Therefore, the myth that Damascus steel was primarily made of
imported Indian Wootz is unsubstantiated as all evidence suggests otherwise.Also, there is no evidence,archaeological or textual, for Damascus steel ever being made in Damascus, although
evidence may lie under the presentday city. The myth that
Damascus steel arrived CentralAsia via Tamerlane after he sacked
Damascus and brought all the craftsmen to Samarkand is totally
Sanil,lc #Z
Ohjerl: Straiglil sword
I.oraliun Kill1 Yar
Ceniclely 1
I j a ~ c :3"' - 4"' c Al)
I,cngll~:82 con
Witllh: 4 crn
'1-a~igi s separate picce o l ' i ~ o n
c.-- .:..
Figure 5.
Figure 8. The saber from Koltso Gora.
Figure 6. Detail of the 3rd4th century A.D. sword from Kiln Yar
showing how the tang was attached to the blade.
incorrect because crucible steel was in Centml Asia centuries
before Tamerlane was born. The myth stating that the art of making Damascus steel was lost and needed to be rediscovered is
also untrue. It is true that certain factors influencing the underlying cause of the pattern were not understood until only a few
years ago,such as the role of trace elements. However,Damascus
steel was replicated at will by different methods to form different
patterns during the 1800s. This will be discussed in Part II.
Undoubtedly India did produce swords made of crucible
steel and, if we are to believe Zosimos' statement,crucible steel
originated in India,but this does not necessarily mean southern
India but perhaps northern India,which geographically can be
considered part of Central Asia. Until further archaeological
work is undertaken in India to establish reliable dates for the
crucible steel sites,the evidence as it stands indicates that crucible steel, and probably swords with the traditional Damascus
steel pattern,was produced in various locations in CentralAsia.
To anyone who has studied crucible Damascus steel,the
name Pave1 PetrovichAnosov (also transliterated as Anosoff) is
well known, but to others, especially to those outside of
Russia,his name is less familiar. From 8 to 10 September, 1999,
the town of Zlataoust celebrated the anniversary of the birth
of Anosov. Zlataoust is in the southern Ural mountains of
Russia. The area has a wealth of mineral deposits and complex geological structures. There is evidence that the area has
been mined for stone and ore since prehistoric times.
Anosov was born in 1799 in St. Petersburg. In 1817 he
graduated from the St. Petersburg Mining Cadet Corps and
Simple # I 5
Object: blade
Location Klin yar
Date: 3d- 4' c AD
Length: > 76 cm
Widlh: 5 cm
Figure 7.
was sent to the mining and processing plant at Zlataoust. In
1819 he was made supervisor of the damascened weapons
department of the small Zlataoust arms factory. It was Anosov
who made Zlataoust the premier arms factory of Russia during the mid-19th century. From the beginning of his work at
the Zlataoust factory, Anosov received commendation from
some mining officials and from others received reproach.
Anosov is best known outside of Russia for his crucible
Damascus steel research,but his discoveries did not begin there.
He was the first to produce a geological map of the Zlataoust
region and discovered deposits of malachite, gold, corundum
and graphite. The discovery of these and other minerals near
Zlataoust had important economic consequences for Russia and
as well as for Britain. Until the time when Anosov discovered
these deposits near Zlataoust, these materials were imported
from Britain and were therefore very costly for the Russian economy but benefited that of the British. Anosov received commendation for these discoveries and for saving the factory, and
therefore Russia, money. He also devised methods of making
refractory crucibles from local materials rather than importing
crucibles from Germany. Among numerous other discoveries,
Anosov's independent metallurgical innovations included etching and using a microscope to study steel, tempering in compressed air and reusing iron and steel scrap by remelting them
in clay crucibles. He also understood and utilized gas carburization of iron for steel production as early as 1836.
Anosov's work toward discoveries and innovations was
not for self gratification but rather he sought to make Russia
less reliant on other nations. He was also concerned with the
deforestation which was occurring around Zlataoust due to
the high demand for wood. He introduced a system of reforestation by sowing seeds for pine trees.
In addition, he strived to ease the tasks of Russian serf
workers. One of his first innovations was to improve the locally made scythes. Expensive scythes from Austria were imported into Russia. Anosov's method of cast steel created scythes
San111lc# I
Ohjerl: Sabc~
Cellielery I
(:rave 4 1
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Figure 9.
which remained sharper longer than the Austrian scythes,thus
easing the tasks of agricultural workers. For this he received a
gold medal from the Moscow Society of Agriculture. He also
improved the working facilities in the factory for the workers.
During the 1800s,Russia was undergoing many socioeco
nomic changes. The Urals were seen as a dangerous place, especially the mining and arms factories. The serf workers were generally treated badly by the administration and the factory was
under cruel and often violent military control. Apparently,
Anosov was very different from the other administrators. The
workers thought of him as a very kind and sympathetic man,
which was illustrated by the fact that when he was transferred
from the Zlataoust factory to the Altai, the workers gave him a
fond farewell; evenAnosov was said to have shed tears.
During the 19th century, many scholars throughout
Europe were seeking methods for improving steel. Damascus
steel, with its legendary properties and attractive surface pattern, attracted much attention in the metallurgical community.
Some Western scholars question whether or not Anosov actually produced high-quality crucible Damascus steel. Some
Russian scholars state that Anosov travelled to the East and
forced an oriental blacksmith at knife-point to tell him the
secret. The evidence provided by his notes and comments
from contemporary sources, however, suggest that he obtained
his knowledge by more scientific methods.Anosov concentrated his research on establishing the relationship between the
pattern and properties of the blade because some patterns
were known to appear on better-qualityswords. He conducted
experiments on the factors which could influence the pattern,
including the crystal structure and composition. After many
experiments with different plants and other carbon-containing
substances, he concluded that the form of the carbon was
unimportant but the amount of carbon in the steel was crucial.
Anosov, inspired by the research of Stodart and Faraday
(Hadfield, 1 9 3 1 , ~250),
also experimented with different alloys.
He concluded that steel should be pure in order to produce a
pattern. This we now know to be true up to a certain point, but
we also know that trace elements are necessary (Verhoeven et
al., 1998,pp. 58-64), but these need to be present in an amount
which Anosov was not able to detect. He studied the effect of
titanium, manganese, silicon, chromium, silver, gold, aluminum
and platinum. While performing these studies of alloys,he independently concluded that silicon effects the formation of
graphite, that chromium increases the hardness and improves
the finish and discovered the effects of other alloying elements.
Anosov documented four general methods which he
used to produce crucible Damascus steel: 1) direct reduction
from the ore, 2 ) fusion of cast iron with iron oxide, 3) casting
steel into a mold and 4) reacting iron and carbon. Anosov also
discussed the characteristics of the shrinking phenomenon
and the necessity of slow cooling for crystal growth as well as
the necessity of repeated forging at low temperatures and the
different methods of producing different patterns. Textual,
archaeological,ethnographic and modern replication evidence
shows that these methods can produce steel with a Damascus
pattern. Anosov succeeded in producing Damascus steel
swords with the characteristic pattern and properties, including swords that could cut silk in the air and bend to a 90" angle
and spring back with no apparent structural damage.
It has been suggested that the "legend"of Anosov and
his crucible Damascus steel was an inflated product of Soviet
propaganda or Russian nationalism, but this is definitely not
so. There are accounts of British explorers who met Anosov
in Russia. Their praise of him as a good-hearted man and a
brilliant metallurgist exceeds even the Russian descriptions.
In 1847,while Anosov was stationed in Zlataoust, he was visited by Thomas Witlam Atkinson, a British artist and explorer
who was spending seven years travelling around Siberia,
Mongolia and Central Asia. He describes Zlataoust as the
"Birmingham and Sheffield of the Ourals [sic]" (Atkinson,
1858,p. 117), and indeed it was (Figure 10).
Atkinson was very impressed with the organization of
the buildings, the variety and quality of the weapons and the
beautiful decoration on the swords. He says that he had never
seen, in either Birmingham or Sheffield, "any establishment
which could compare. . . . Indeed this is the most extensive
and best-arranged fabrics of arms in Europe" (Atkinson, 1858,
p. 118). He then describes General Anosov as "one of the
most skillful and ingenious metallurgists of the age"(Atkinson,
1858, pp. 117-118). Atkinson saw many of Anosov's
Damascus steel blades and urged him to publish his experiments and findings sooner rather than later,but unfortunately
Anosov only lived long enough to publish an abridged version
of his research. This paper, "On the Bulat," was published in
the Russian Gorny Journal in 1841 and was translated into
French and German in 1843.
Another British Explorer who befriended Anosov was
Major James Abbott of the Honourable East India Company's
Artillery. MajorAbbott was very interested in the manufacture of
Damascus steel, stating that from a very early age he had a passion for everythmg which had to do with arms. He came across
many blades in Central Asia and India. Although Abbott did not
fully agree with Anosov's classification of Damascus steel or his
estimation of the quality of different types, he did think that
Anosov produced highquality Damascus steel swords. Abbott
stated (1884,p. 347),"Sofar ColonelAnossoff [sic];a man whose
researches in this department of science have enabled him to
revive the natural damask,in a degree of perfection which I have
never observed in the workmanship even of the ancients, and
which certainly cannot be approached by fabrics of any
European nation at present existing." Anosov inspired Major
Abbott so much that in his book he included a section on
Damascus steel written by General Anosov before his own discussion of his observations of Damascus steel.
In both of their written accounts,Atkinson and Abbott
are distressed that Anosov was far from his family and that his
life's work appeared to not be appreciated in Russia. Anosov's
research abruptly ended on 13 May 1851 when he died while
posted in Omsk. Atkinson stated,"my friend died at Omsknot one member of his family was near to soothe his last
moments or receive his parting blessing; they being in St.
Petersburg,near two thousand miles distant"(1858, p. 120).
Although his obituary praised him, the animosity felt by
some of the mining officers became apparent. The mining
officers of the Zlataoust arms factory wanted a portrait of
Anosov to be hung in the factory but this was refused by the
administration. This animosity was also noted by Major James
Abbott, "Alas,his country has not added one stone to his simple monument, or a line to his epitaph. He lies forgotten by all
except his family, and a few friends who knew his worth"
(Atkinson, 1858,p. 121). In 1852,the workers at the Zlataoust
plant made voluntary contributions to have a memorial stone
placed on Anosov's grave in Omsk. After his death, the official
mining community reversed many of the advances which
Anosov made: they returned to importing Austrian scythes
and began importing British steel again. Anosov's Damascus
steel research was virtually forgotten, as noted by Atkinson
(1858, p. 121):"[in] 1853,on my visit to Zlataoust,I found that
a damask blade could not be manufactured."
General Anosov's Damascus steel research again became
known to British scientists in 1922. During February and March
of that year, the metallurgist Colonel N. T. Belaiew was invited
to give a series of lectures at the Royal School of Mines-Imperial
College,University of London. Colonel Belaiew was introduced
to Anosov's research on Damascus steel blades by his professor,
D. K. Chernov. In the 1860s,Chernov was sent to Zlataoust and
there learned about General Anosov's work. When he returned
to the Academy in St. Petersburg, he lectured to his students
about crucible Damascus steel. One student who became particularly interested was N. T. Belaiew. Colonel Belaiew based his
Damascus steel research on that of General Anosov.
These metallurgists and others solved many questions
about the production of Damascus steel. This information is
now being used in a new way to help understand how
Damascus steel was produced in antiquity by comparing the
evidence from replication experiments to that found on
archaeometallurgical remains. In particular,Anosov's research
continues to be used as a foundation upon which new
research can build. History shows that Anosov's research is
not forgotten. In addition to the conference in Zlataoust, on
27 October 1999,the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow organized a conference for the opening of a new exhibition honoring Anosov and Chernov. Chernov also researched Damascus
steel and reproduced it using Anosov's notes.
On a final note, the author recently discovered,in a letter
written to Faraday by Roderick Impey Murchison games, 1996
letter 1432),thathosov sent a sword to Faraday in appreciation
of Faraday's research. After the author's inquiries,the sword was
found in the Faraday Museum, Royal Institution,London. The tip
of the blade does indeed show a fine Damascus pattern. The rest
of the blade appears to have been cleaned but not reetched; the
pattern, therefore, is not visible. On the back edge of the sword
is engraved,in Russian,"FromAnosoff to Faraday 1842 Zlataoust."
I am grateful to the ASOAC for scholarship funding which
allowed me to concentrate on the research. I also thank, for
financial support for travel and supplies,the British Institute of
Persian Studies, the Kress Foundation, the Ludwig Vogelstein
Foundation, the Institute for Archaeometallurgical Studies, the
International Merv Project, the UCL Graduate School and the
UCL Central Research Fund. I also thank the many scholars
who have been generous with their knowledge and artifacts.
Figure 10. Zlataoust during the 19th century, before the church
was demolished by the Soviets.
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