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The XIII International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa is scheduled to take place in Rome from September 17 to 20, 2014. A dedicated PhD seminar will be held on September 20, providing doctoral students with opportunities to engage with leading scholars, discuss their research, and network with peers in the field.

XIII International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa Rome, 17-20 September 2014 Pontifical University of the Holy Cross «The very name of Christ has become love to man» (φιλανθρω̟ία) (GNO VI, 107, 4-5) Colloquium The 13th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa will be focused on In Canticum canticorum. This exegetical work belongs to the final part of Gregory's life and can be considered a genuine example of his mature thought and brillant preaching. The In Canticum canticorum shows one of the most distinguished characteristics of Gregory’s thought,i.e.thedeep interconnection between thought and spiritual life. This suggests a rich and valuable line of investigation for contemporary research. Hopefully, after three Colloquia devoted to dogmatic works, the coming conference could be a new step towards a better understanding of Gregory's method and thought. Lewis Ayres (Durham) Michel R. Barnes (Marquette) Miguel Brugarolas (Pamplona) Matthieu Cassin (Paris) Sarah Coakley (Cambridge) Scot Douglass (Colorado) Volker H. Drecoll (Tübingen) Hubertus Drobner (Paderborn) Martin Laird (Villanova) Morwenna Ludlow (Exeter) Lenka Karfíková (Prague and Olomouc) Claudio Moreschini (Pisa) Ari Ojell (Helsinki) Ilaria Ramelli (Milano) Anna Silvas (New England) Manlio Simonetti (Roma) J. Warren Smith (Duke) Johannes Zachhuber (Oxford) PhD Seminar Contact Ashort doctoral seminar will be held in the afternoon of the 20th of September from 3 to 6 pm. The aim of the seminar is to offer PhD students attending the conference the possibility of discussing their research with leading scholars in Rome. It will also provide an interesting occasion to network with fellow students and share both experience and perspective. Organizing Committee Prof. Giulio Maspero PONTIFICAL UNIVERSITY O F T H E H O LY C R O S S Prof. Miguel Brugarolas Piazza di Sant'Apollinare, 49 00186 Roma (Italia) Dr. Ilaria Vigorelli