Greek Patristics
Recent papers in Greek Patristics
St. Luke in the Fields "Exploring the Psalms" series, May 2018. Originally delivered to the Institute for Studies of Eastern Christianity Annual Conference, "Creation, Redemption & Environmental Ethics" 8 December 2017
Origen’s exegesis of the Song of Songs, despite the praise it generally raised both in antiquity and in modern times, still awaits for deeper investigation as far as the literary project of the Alexandrian and its output are concerned. In... more
Taft R. F. The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. [A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. II]. Roma, 1975. (Orientalia Christiana Analecta;... more
Ionuţ ACRUDOAE, The prosopography of the militares from Pannonia in legio XV Apollinaris / 377 Marija BUZOV, Mljet -Melita in Dalmatia is the island of St. Paul's shipwreck (The Ragusan tradition on St. Paul's shipwerck) / 395 Alessandro... more
This book debunks the myth that the cross was never used as a visual symbol in pre-Constantinian Christianity, bringing together the relevant material evidence demonstrating Christian use of the cross prior to Constantine. The artifacts... more
Introduzione 1. La condanna cristiana degli spettacoli come problema storico, 8-2. L'ipotesi (letteraria) di una presenza cristiana nei luoghi di spettacolo, 16-3. La realtà (storica) di un giudizio radicalmente negativo, 23-4.... more
A provisional parallel-column translation of the Preface and Chapter 1 of Theodoret's Commentary on the Song of Songs.
This study is a new attempt to read the rich theological debates of the fourth century over the place and the meaning of the Nicene Creed. I focus especially on the debate between the radical Arians of second generation (epitomized by... more
A Study of Augustine's City of God and the Sources of his Doctrine of the Two Cities By j o h a n n e s v a n o o r t isbn 978-90-04-24628-7
The first point in Celsus’ argument against the biblical truth is the origin of the Jewish people and Christian faith. Celsus presents Jews and Christians as descendants of the rebellion against ancient peoples, who held and practiced an... more
A few preliminary thoughts about a heavy burden and a delightful task
In Catechetical Oration 38, Gregory of Nyssa refers to other works he has written on the disputed topics of Christian faith. Most of the scholarly discussion of the passage has focused on whether the passage can be used to date the... more
Modern Byzantine scholarship has not paid adequate a ention to the treatise in question. 1 This is particularly true regarding Russian scholarship: neither in The Orthodox Encyclopedia nor in Hesychasm, an Annotated Bibliography, can we... more
Scholars have traditionally read John Chrysostom's baptismal instructions, preached in Antioch, as examples of a new, post-Constantinian paradigm in liturgical theology: the Romans 6 notion of baptism as death and resurrection with... more
Exegesegeschichtlich ist die Erklärung von Ps 140 (141) 2 ein methodisches Musterbeispiel patristischer Schriftauslegung: Nach der Vergewisserung über den auszulegenden Text einschließlich textkritischer Varianten bietet Chrysostomus eine... more
Dans cette conférence, j'ai proposé un parcours transversal dans l’exégèse des premiers siècles (chez Irénée de Lyon, Origène, Eusèbe de Césarée et Hilaire de Poitiers) à propos des "impies", les "pécheurs" et les "pestiférés" nommés dans... more
In the early 1990s, a previously-neglected text, entitled Laterculus Malalianus, was attributed by Jane Stevenson to the hand of Theodore of Tarsus (archbishop of Canterbury, 668–690). The text is a well-spring of Christological concerns.... more
This article tries to identify and analyse the demonological elements contained in the text" On the Belly-Myther" of St. Eustathius of Antioch. St. Eustathius demonology is primarily based on Bible and is developed mainly as a consequence... more
This article seeks to highlight the essential symbolic Christian meanings hidden in some textual metaphors of the Old Testament, such as templum Dei, «house of Wisdom», aula regia, Sancta Sanctorum, «tabernacle», «altar», «ark».To make... more
Der Kommentar Cyrills von Alexandrien († 444) zum 1. Korintherbrief des Apostels Paulus gehörte bisher wohl zu den unbekanntesten Schriften der patristischen Literatur. Die vorliegende Studie stellt die erste umfassende wissenschaftliche... more
Constantine was regarded (at least through the influential image drawn by Eusebius) as an unprecedented model of leader acting towards a reshaping of the public space and putting in its centre the Christian Church. This paper explains how... more
It is the first translation of Contra gentes into Polish. The introduction brings attention on the dependence of the work of former Christian apologetics, on rational justification of Christian faith and on opinions of the author on the... more
Review of Norman Russell, Gregory Palamas and the Making of Palamism in the Modern Age (Oxford University Press, 2019). Forum of the International Orthodox Theological Association, 4 May 2020... more
Τοῦ ἁγίου Ἰουστίνου Ἀπολογία ὑπὲρ Χριστιανῶν πρὸς Ἀντωνῖνον τὸν Εὐσεβῆ I 1. Αὐτοκράτορι Τίτῳ Αἰλίῳ Ἀδριανῷ Ἀντωνίνῳ Εὐσεβεῖ Σεβαστῷ Καίσαρι, καὶ Οὐηρισσίμῳ υἱῷ Φιλοσόφῳ, καὶ Λουκίῳ Φιλοσόφῳ, Καίσαρος φύσει υἱῷ καὶ Εὐσεβοῦς εἰσποιητῷ,... more
Spanish translation of "Origen and Scripture: Contours of the Exegetical Life" (Oxford University Press, 2012; paperback, 2014).
Nell’ampio panorama degli scritti basiliani, le Omelie diverse rappresentano un importante esempio di quel genere di omiletica morale verso la quale anche gli altri Padri Cappadoci mostrarono sempre un vivo interesse. Nel volume si... more
. ISBN978 0 19 964464 3. Hardback £68. The twentieth and twenty-first centuries saw a flowering of publications about Gregory Palamas. Many important studies have appeared, helping us understand his theology, as well as the context within... more
Une confession de foi de Théodore Abu Qurrah, évêque de Harran au IX° siècle : Traduction française annotée du traité arabe avec en annexe
"Les maronites médiévaux, monothélites ? quelques citations."
"Les maronites médiévaux, monothélites ? quelques citations."
Reformation in Siebenbürgen war stark humanistisch geprägt. Reformatoren wie Valentin Wagner rezipierten nicht nur pagane Texte der Antike, sondern auch spätantike Kirchenväter. Der Beitrag bietet eine detaillierte Analyse dieser Nutzung.