1. Energy justice: frameworks for
energy law and policy
Raya Salter, Carmen G. Gonzalez, and
Elizabeth Ann Kronk Warner
Energy law has grown rapidly in the past three decades as a specialization within environmental law and natural resources law. Dozens of law
schools in the United States and abroad offer courses and have developed
programs in the energy area, a trend that is expected to increase. This is
in no small part due to a renewed global focus on the need to both curb
the fossil fuel use that contributes to climate change and modernize
existing aging energy infrastructure.
Between January 2016 and March 2018, 175 countries ratified the
Paris Agreement and made commitments to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. In 2016, “[t]he electricity sector edged ahead of the fossil fuel
supply sector to become the largest recipient of [global] energy investment” for the first time ever.1 Global “[i]nvestment in new renewablesbased power, at USD 297 billion [was] … the largest area of electricity
spending.”2 Global investment in electricity networks and energy storage
reached an all-time high of US$277 billion in 2016.3 In the technology
and policy arenas, there is now tremendous momentum towards building
smarter and cleaner energy infrastructure.
It is in this context of climate change and historic energy infrastructure
investment that energy justice, broadly, calls for a moral examination of
energy systems from an energy law perspective. Despite the increased
attention being given to energy law, the clean energy transition, and grid
modernization, the concept of energy justice is relatively new. Although
International Energy Agency, World Energy Investment 2017 Executive
Summary 2 (2017), available at www.iea.org/Textbase/npsum/WEI2017SUM.pdf.
Ibid. at 3.
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Energy justice
the term has been used in practice for almost a decade, it was not until
2013 that the concept of energy justice began to be fully developed
within the academic sphere.4 Accordingly, energy justice remains undertheorized, and, perhaps more importantly, few have considered how
theories of energy justice might be applied practically.
This book, among the first of its kind, addresses a range of energy
justice regulatory challenges from the perspective of international law,
US law, and foreign domestic law. In doing so, the chapters that follow
both illuminate the theory of energy justice and, in many cases, explain
how energy justice policy might be applied in practice. In this regard, the
book fills an existing gap in the scholarly literature on energy justice.
Why focus on energy justice? The concept of energy justice refines
and expands our legal understanding of how we plan for, invest in, and
regulate energy. A just global energy system is one that is safe, reliable,
fair, affordable, and also sustainable for current and future generations
and the natural world. Importantly, energy justice also necessitates an
energy path forward that is restorative, or minimizes and reverses the
cumulative impacts of energy systems at local, regional, and global
levels. This includes adverse impacts on the planet’s ecosystems and on
the communities disproportionately burdened by the impacts of energy
production, distribution, and consumption. The need for restoration is
critical, as energy justice, above all, seeks just outcomes.
An energy justice perspective is also helpful when considering
responses to the negative impacts of climate change. Climate change,
once seen as a problem of the future, is now a daunting contemporary
challenge.5 Energy justice calls for energy theory and practice that can
address the needs and priorities of those now experiencing the negative
impacts of climate change with the most intensity. This book recognizes
that we must transition away from fossil fuels with urgency. In developing energy transition strategies, however, a pure economic focus, or even
a pure greenhouse gas mitigation focus, cannot yield just results.
It is important to note that the underpinnings of energy justice theory
are still in development. To date, two main definitions of energy justice
have emerged. Both build upon justice theories that, in energy advocacy,
have traditional roots in environmental justice and climate justice.
Raphael J. Heffron and Darren McCauley, The Concept of Energy Justice
Across the Disciplines, 105 ENERGY POL’Y 658, 659 (2017).
(describing how the United States is currently experiencing the effects of climate
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Frameworks for energy law and policy
The first definition advances the idea that energy justice is composed
of three central tenets, namely distributive, procedural, and recognition
justice.6 In the energy space, both distributive and procedural justice are
closely identified with the theory and practice of the environmental
justice movement. Distributive justice examines the allocation of the
costs and benefits of the energy system across society.7 Procedural justice
calls for processes that meaningfully and fairly engage stakeholders in an
inclusive and non-discriminatory way.8 Recognition justice, while closely
linked to procedural justice, seeks fair representation, including equal
political rights and freedom from denigration or disrespect based on
poverty, race, culture, ethnicity, gender, or other characteristics.9
The second energy justice definition emphasizes eight core principles:
availability, sustainability, affordability, due process, transparency and
accountability, intra-generational equity, inter-generational equity, and
responsibility.10 Availability, affordability, and intra-generational equity
require the eradication of energy poverty and the provision of high
quality energy services on an equitable basis to all.11 Due process,
transparency, and accountability can be implemented through a variety of
mechanisms, including social and environmental impact assessments;
free, prior and informed consent procedures; extractive industry transparency standards; and international standards for the reporting of energy
subsidies.12 Sustainability and inter-generational equity call for energy
See generally Darren McCauley et al., Advancing Energy Justice: The
Triumvirate of Tenets, 32 INT’L ENERGY L. REV. 107 (2013).
See generally Gordon Walker, Beyond Distribution and Proximity: Exploring the Multiple Spatialities of Environmental Justice, 41 ANTIPODE 614, 614–36
at 13.
See McCauley et al., Advancing Energy Justice, supra note 6, at 108;
David Schlosberg, The Justice of Environmental Justice: Reconciling Equity,
Recognition, and Participation in a Political Movement, in MORAL AND POLITICAL REASONING IN ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICE 89–92 (Andrew Light and Avner
De-Shalit, eds., 2003) (describing recognition justice as implicating practices of
cultural domination and disrespect).
See Benjamin K. Sovacool et al., Energy Decisions Reframed as Justice
and Ethical Concerns, 1 NATURE ENERGY 1, 3 (2016).
See ibid. at 5 table 2 (illustrating the energy justice decision-making
See ibid.
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Energy justice
systems that respect ecological limits and the rights of future generations.13 Finally, responsibility refers to the obligation of all nations “to
protect the natural environment and reduce energy-related environmental
threats.”14 These eight principles can offer practical guidance to legislators, regulators, and the public in the formulation and implementation of
energy law and policy.
Drawing upon several of these principles, Sovacool and Dworkin
define an energy just world as:
one that equitably shares both the benefits and burdens involved in the
production and consumption of energy services, as well as one that is fair in
how it treats people and communities in energy decision-making. In other
words, we see importance to both substantive outcomes and decisional
procedures. Energy justice, thus, involves the right of all to access energy
services, regardless of whether they are citizens of more or less greatly
developed economies. It encompasses how negative environmental and social
impacts related to energy are distributed across space and time, including
human rights abuses and the access that disenfranchised communities do or
should have to remedies. Energy justice ensures that energy permitting and
siting do not infringe on basic civil liberties and that communities are
meaningfully informed and represented in energy decisions.15
The concept of energy justice presented in the chapters that follow
incorporates elements of these definitions, but also sheds additional light
on the intersection of energy justice with environmental justice, human
rights, climate justice, and indigenous rights. Related closely to these
intersections is the idea that the displacement of vulnerable communities,
involuntary resettlement, the imposition of inequitable pollution burdens,
and energy poverty are key energy problems that need to be addressed
through an energy justice framework. Two of the chapters explore the
relationship between energy justice and energy democracy. Finally,
several of the chapters reflect on how these theories might be transferred
to practice—how energy justice becomes a delivered outcome through
law and policy.
See ibid.
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Frameworks for energy law and policy
One of the intersections considered by this book is the link between the
environmental justice movement and energy justice.16 Uma Outka’s
chapter, “Fairness in the low-carbon shift: learning from environmental
justice” (Chapter 2), does exactly this. The environmental justice movement in the United States forged a pivotal connection among concerns for
social justice, civil rights, and environmental protection. Today, as
climate change drives a shift in the energy sector away from fossil fuels
and toward low-carbon resources, calls for “energy justice” and “climate
justice” expand the environmental justice movement’s conceptual reach
in the modern context. The link between climate change, energy, and
environmental justice is unmistakable: the energy sector contributes to
climate change more than any other industry; climate change is predicted
to affect environmental justice communities most; and the energy sector
has a long history with environmental injustice. The chapter provides
practical guidance on integrating environmental justice principles into the
law and policy governing the renewable energy transition.
Building on Outka’s chapter, Carmen G. Gonzalez’s chapter, “An
environmental justice critique of biofuels” (Chapter 3), examines the
intersection of environmental justice and energy justice at the international level in the context of biofuels law and policy. Replacing fossil
fuels with biofuels derived from renewable organic matter has been
promoted as a means of mitigating climate change, achieving energy
security, and fostering economic development in the countries that
produce the crops used as biofuel feedstocks. The chapter examines the
impact of the laws and policies driving the biofuels boom, and concludes
that they have contributed to global malnourishment by raising food
prices and have accelerated the large-scale acquisition of arable lands in
poor countries that displace vulnerable local communities (a phenomenon
known as land-grabbing). To add insult to injury, many of these biofuels
(including corn-based ethanol) emit more greenhouse gases than the
fossil fuels they replace, and degrade soil and water in the countries
Notably, while this linkage is highly relevant within the United States, the
environmental justice framework is only one of many discourses adopted by
grassroots social movements in other parts of the world. See, e.g., Tracy-Lynn
Humby, Evaluating the Value of TWAIL, Environmental Justice, and Decolonization Discourses as Framing Lenses for International Environmental Law, 26
TRANSNAT’L L. & CONTEMP. PROBS. 317, 339 (2017); cf. Joan Martinez-Alier et
al., Is There a Global Environmental Justice Movement?, 43 J. PEASANT STUD.
731, 748 (2016).
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Energy justice
where biofuel feedstocks are cultivated. The chapter discusses governance strategies to foster a more equitable and sustainable approach to
Recognizing the importance of human rights-based approaches to energy
law and policy, the book also considers the relationship between human
rights law and energy justice. The concept of energy justice can expand
the human rights framework. While there is currently no stand-alone right
to energy, access to energy is essential for the fulfillment of other human
rights, including the right to health, food, water, and an adequate standard
of living.17 Accordingly, the two are intertwined, and the energy justice
movement can create the impetus to expand our understanding of human
rights law.
The connection between human rights law and energy justice is
explored in Damilola Olawuyi’s chapter, “Energy (and human rights) for
all: addressing human rights risks in energy access projects” (Chapter 4).
Lack of access to energy exacerbates other social challenges, including
poverty, food insecurity, inadequate access to clean water, poor health,
and stunted economic growth. However, many projects designed to
promote access to both renewable and non-renewable energy, such as
biofuel projects in Indonesia; nuclear power plant projects in Nigeria;
hydroelectric projects in China, Panama, and Honduras; and the West
African Gas Pipeline project in Nigeria and Ghana, have been plagued by
human rights violations. The chapter examines law and governance
innovations required to address human rights risks in energy access
projects, including practical tools to incorporate human rights safeguards
into national energy law and policy.
Next, the book considers how energy justice intersects with principles
developed in the climate justice movement. The 2015 landmark UN
Climate Agreement in Paris has propelled energy regulation into the
limelight as a means of reducing global greenhouse gas emissions so as
See Carmen G. Gonzalez, Energy Poverty and the Environment, in
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Frameworks for energy law and policy
to avert climate catastrophe. One of the challenges facing the international community is how to reconcile climate change mitigation with
international commitments to eradicate energy poverty.18 Energy law and
regulation to fairly facilitate universal access to safe, affordable, and
reliable power, sustainably and restoratively—or “energy justice”—
provides a solution to this conundrum.
A cornerstone of any climate change mitigation strategy is the transition away from fossil fuels by both current and future energy users.
Climate justice requires that the countries responsible for the largest
share of greenhouse gas emissions take the lead in addressing climate
change. Many developed nations have enacted domestic regulatory
programs designed to curb greenhouse gas emissions and promote clean
and renewable energy. These efforts, by the nations that have historically
contributed most to climate change, must improve and advance.
Roger Colton’s chapter, “The equities of efficiency: distributing energy
usage reduction dollars” (Chapter 5), recognizes this trend and discusses
how using energy more efficiently is one of the most effective ways to
address climate change, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and promote
energy justice. Energy efficiency has the advantage of reducing all types
of power plant-related emissions simultaneously by avoiding the need to
generate electricity in the first place. It thereby mitigates climate change
while improving air quality in the communities most burdened by air
pollution. Energy efficiency is a well-established industry in the United
States with billions of dollars invested annually through administered
energy efficiency services programs, energy savings performance contracting, and other efforts.
The chapter offers a definition of “equity” in the context of the
distribution of utility investments. It then describes an original mechanism, first applied to issues of equity in non-energy industries, that can
be adapted to objectively measure the fairness of utility usage reduction
investments in a particular application and set of circumstances. This
chapter presents a first of its kind tool to measure equity in multifamily
energy efficiency investments.
Indigenous peoples in many nations disproportionately bear the impacts
of energy development. However, the majority of these communities
See ibid. at 113.
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Energy justice
contribute little, if anything, to the negative externalities of such development and seldom benefit from energy projects. As a result, issues of
energy justice often pervade energy development near indigenous communities. Recognizing this trend, several chapters explore concepts of
energy justice within indigenous communities.
Jeanette Wolfley’s chapter, “Mni Wiconi, tribal sovereignty, and treaty
rights: lessons from the Dakota Access Pipeline” (Chapter 6), examines
how energy projects are impacting indigenous communities, with a
specific focus on tribes in the United States. The chapter analyzes the
controversial Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) to demonstrate the continuing importance of treaty rights and sovereignty of Indian nations in
the United States, and the growing opposition to oil and gas pipeline
construction near tribal lands. The increase in energy development and
renewal of existing rights-of-way promises to lead to more clashes in
the coming years. The chapter argues that it is, therefore, imperative for
the energy industry to seriously deliberate the lessons learned from the
DAPL standoff, and to pursue meaningful and respectful engagement
with affected communities.
Building on these themes, Catherine J.K. Sandoval’s chapter, “Energy
access is energy justice: the Yurok Tribe’s trail-blazing work to close the
Native American reservation electricity gap” (Chapter 7), examines the
roots of energy poverty in Native American reservations through a case
study of the Yurok Tribe’s path-breaking work to extend the electric grid
to the Yurok Reservation in northern California. The chapter analyzes the
federalist framework that contributes to the Native American electricity
access gap. Since 1935 when Congress passed the Federal Power Act, the
federal government has been responsible for interstate transmission and
wholesale energy market regulation. However, the federal government
has not assumed responsibility for funding the electric distribution
infrastructure necessary to supply electricity to Native American tribes.
The chapter argues that the federal government’s failure to provide safe,
reliable, and sustainable energy access on Native American reservations
is incompatible with existing federal policy and law. The chapter
concludes with practical recommendations to foster electric grid expansion to Native American reservations consistent with both federal and
state law and policy priorities.
Finally, Dayna Nadine Scott’s and Adrian A. Smith’s chapter, “Transforming relations in the green energy economy: control of lands and
livelihoods” (Chapter 8), presents a tale of two indigenous communities
in Canada—one that faced the devastating impacts of energy development and another that has successfully developed a sustainable energy
project under its inherent sovereignty. The chapter examines the plight of
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Frameworks for energy law and policy
communities displaced by “green energy” projects designed to address
climate change, such as solar, wind, nuclear, and hydroelectric projects.
Despite these projects’ devastating human rights impacts (such as loss of
land, forced migration, and destruction of subsistence livelihoods), many
are proceeding full steam ahead, buoyed by growing enthusiasm for
green energy. Indeed, planned relocation strategies developed for those
fleeing the destruction of their homes by climate change are being
proposed as solutions for communities displaced by green energy—
disregarding the meaningful spiritual and cultural connections that many
people develop with specific lands, species, and ecosystems. The chapter
serves as a warning that the power dynamics of the green economy may
reproduce the “sacrifice zones” of the fossil fuel economy.
Two chapters in the book address the relatively new concept of “energy
democracy,” which integrates “policies linking social justice[, energy
ownership,] and economic equity with renewable energy transitions.”19 In
the context of distributed generation, energy democracy seeks to deconstruct the model of the utility as a “natural monopoly”20 and replace it
with more participatory structures. Such structures could include, for
example, the re-municipalization of a privately owned energy system21 or
the construction of a community owned solar farm.22 In this way, energy
democracy is similar to the concept of energy sovereignty, which
envisions a “right” of peoples and communities to make their own
See Matthew J. Burke and Jennie C. Stephens, Energy Democracy: Goals
and Policy Instruments for Sociotechnical Transitions, 33 ENERGY RES. & SOC.
SCI. 35, 35 (2017).
For a discussion of public utilities and natural monopoly, see Richard A.
Posner, Natural Monopoly and Its Regulation, 21 STAN. L. REV. 548 (1968),
available at https://chicagounbound.uchicago.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=
In “a 2011 voter ballot initiative, the City of Boulder, Colorado formally
launched a process of remunicipalization.” Burke and Stephens, Energy Democracy, supra note 19, at 41.
Energy democracy’s proponents cover the political spectrum and do not
necessarily espouse “democracy” as a pure political form. Some supporters of,
for example, remunicipalization may make no call for social equity. Another
advocate for a community owned energy system may adhere to socialist
principles. We expect these issues to be explored further as the energy democracy
concept develops.
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Energy justice
decisions on energy systems that are in line with their own circumstances.23 Both concepts explore the boundaries of utility ownership
paradigms and the traditional notion that utilities are fossil fuel based.
Shalanda Baker’s chapter, “Emerging challenges in the global energy
transition: a view from the frontlines” (Chapter 9) considers, through an
energy democracy framework, how indigenous communities in Mexico
are being impacted by renewable energy investments by private capital
from the Global North sparked, in large part, by Mexico’s marketoriented energy transition. The renewable energy transition unfolding in
Mexico provides a preview of what private-led renewable energy development might look like across the Global South, as well as the inherent
tensions of doing business in a country that is still home to millions of
indigenous peoples. Indeed, countries throughout the Global South, such
as Brazil, are closely watching Mexico’s market-driven reforms to
determine whether they can be replicated. This chapter provides a
window into emerging tensions resulting from this development path and
explores how these tensions might be resolved utilizing an energy
democracy framework.
Eleanor Stein’s chapter, “Energy democracy: power to the people? An
introduction” (Chapter 10), examines the contours of energy democracy.
The chapter discusses how energy democracy has emerged in the
American energy policy space as both a relatively new concept and a
rallying cry. The energy democracy movement developed in Europe and
has gained popularity in the United States as communities have sought to
exert self-determination over their energy systems. Energy democracy,
however, also has a broader meaning. It encompasses the struggle against
the corporate ownership of socially vital and environmentally strategic
resources in favor of democratically controlled and socially owned
energy. The chapter notes, however, that democratically controlled or
owned utility systems do not necessarily result in social justice or equity.
Through a case study of the Reforming the Energy Vision initiative in
New York State, the chapter illustrates the ways in which grassroots
movements are increasingly seeking both control over energy decisionmaking and also ownership of the energy infrastructure itself.
Pere Ariza-Montobbio, Energy Sovereignty: Politicizing an Energy Transition, ENVTL. JUS. ORGS., LIABS. & TRADE 79, 79 (2015), available at www.ejolt.
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Frameworks for energy law and policy
Energy is a complex and interdisciplinary area of study. Energy justice
cannot avert climate change on its own. Climate mitigation cannot occur
without addressing energy use on a grand scale. Yet issues of equity,
justice, and fairness pervade both energy and climate law and policy.24
Ultimately, through the chapters in this book, we hope to further
theorize energy justice, while also illustrating with concrete examples the
ways that theory may be put into practice. The book demonstrates how
energy law becomes energy justice when scholars, policy-makers, and
activists apply to energy the justice frameworks developed by communities in struggle: environmental justice, human rights, climate justice,
and indigenous rights. It also invites further engagement with the
emerging concept of energy democracy. We encourage the exploration of
these linkages and others as the field of energy justice expands and
moves forward.
CHANGE 5 (2014), available at www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar5/wg3/
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