Information Systems International Conference (ISICO), 2 – 4 December 2013
Secure and Private Content Distribution in the DRM
Antonius Cahya Prihandoko, Hossein Ghodosi, Bruce Litow
Antonius Cahya Prihandoko*, Hossein Ghodosi**, Bruce Litow**
* School of Business (IT), James Cook University, Australia & Information System Dept., Jember University, Indonesia
** School of Business (IT), James Cook University (JCU), Townsville, QLD 4811, Australia
Digital Rights Management
Content Distribution System
Oblivious Transfer
Digital Rights Management (DRM) is required to provide balanced
protection for both the content provider and the users in a content distribution
system. The content provider demands secure content delivery so that only
authorized users are able to access the content and use it properly. On the
other hand, users require that their privacy be protected. However, most
DRM systems tend to put greater emphasis on content providers’ security
and neglect users’ privacy. This study aims to improve DRM by constructing
a content distribution protocol that preserves the security of content provider
and the privacy of users. To achieve this goal, we utilize the oblivious
transfer (OT) concept. This concept allows a sender to securely send a set of
information to a receiver in such a way that, at the end of the protocol, the
receiver cannot learn more than he was supposed to learn, while the sender
cannot determine what the receiver has learned. Assuming that tamper-proof
device exists, the constructed protocol achieves perfect security for the
content provider and privacy for the users. This oblivious content distribution
ultimately enables DRM to be a privacy-aware protection system. The
system does not merely focus on content providers’ rights, but also seriously
considers users’ privacy protection.
Copyright © 2013 Information Systems International Conference.
All rights reserved.
Corresponding Author:
Antonius Cahya Prihandoko,
School of Business (IT), James Cook University
Townsville, QLD 4811, Australia.
Secure content delivery is urgently required in digital content distribution systems. This form of
content delivery aims to guarantee that only authorized users can access protected content. Digital Rights
Management (DRM) is a popular approach to this security requirement. Under DRM protection, digital
content is usually encrypted before it is delivered. Some methods, such as code obfuscation [1] and whitebox cryptography [2-4], may also be applied to enhance security by modifying the implementation of the
encryption algorithms. Users need to acquire an adequate license to decrypt and use the protected content
Focusing on securing content delivery, the DRM systems often put a great emphasis on content
providers’ security and pay little attention to users’ privacy. The systems usually collect users’ personal data
to allocate appropriate content usage rights to them. The users, however, lack information on how and when
the content provider uses their data. This situation increasingly invades users’ privacy and, thus, reduces
users’ satisfaction. Therefore, protecting users’ privacy has to be seriously considered. DRM systems need to
provide balanced protection for content providers and users [5]. The system must not merely focus on
achieving security for content providers, but also on preserving privacy for users.
A typical DRM for content distribution consists of four parties (see Figure 1): content provider,
distributor, clearing house, and consumer (user) [6]. First of all, the content provider encrypts the content for
security purposes. The provider then passes the protected content to the distributor and the corresponding
usage rules to the clearinghouse. The distributor makes the protected content available on a web server. A
consumer can retrieve the content through the distribution channel and requests a license from the
clearinghouse. The consumer has to register his profile, provide details of the purchased content, and then
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make a payment. After verifying the consumer's identity and other related information, and charging the
consumer's account, the clearinghouse releases a license and delivers it to the consumer. The consumer
decrypts and uses the content based on the rights described in the license.
Figure 1. Typical DRM process for content distribution [6]
Most DRM systems make protected digital content available on their servers. This strategy
preserves both security and privacy. On one hand, downloading protected content from the distributor's web
does not seriously threaten the security of the content provider. The downloader cannot unlock the content,
unless he receives the proper decryption key. On the other hand, in this stage, users can download the
protected content he chooses while the provider cannot determine who is downloading which content. This
mechanism clearly protects the users' privacy.
In contrast, acquiring a license for the clearinghouse creates a cause for concern over security and
privacy. From the content providers’ perspective, this mechanism may threaten to their security. If an
eavesdropper steals licenses when a user requests them from the clearinghouse, revenue will be lost. From
the users' perspective, the mechanism creates threat to their privacy. The personal information they submit to
the clearinghouse is not guaranteed to be kept secret, as the clearinghouse may send the users' data and
viewing detail to marketing agencies. The users expect that they have their privacy protected and are able to
access digital content anonymously.
To overcome the problem, we construct a content distribution protocol by utilizing the oblivious
transfer concept. Oblivious Transfer (OT) is a cryptographic protocol that allows two parties to privately
exchange one or more secret messages. An OT protocol has to be set up in such a way that it will achieve
security for the sender and privacy for the receiver [7]. The former means that the receiver will not be able to
learn more than he was supposed to learn. The latter means that the sender will not know what the receiver
has learned. The first OT protocol, introduced by Rabin [8], was intended to overcome the exchange of
secrets (EOS) problem. This protocol enables a sender to deliver a message to a receiver in such a way that
the receiver can access the message with probability
and the sender will not know whether the message
was received. Rabin’s protocol was then generalized to the
[9] . In the
protocol, the sender has two
secret messages and the receiver wishes to learn one of them. At the end of the protocol, the sender does not
know which message was chosen while the receiver knows nothing of the unselected message. This scheme
has been studied extensively and generalized to a wide variety of models including
[10-12] and
[13, 14]. To achieve an unconditional secrecy, a protocol may utilize a trusted initializer [15] to sends some
information to both the sender and the receiver at the initialization step. Utilizing a trusted party, however, is
unacceptable in the privacy preserving applications [16]. To omit the trusted party, Naor and Pinkas [16]
proposed a distributed oblivious transfer (DOT) in which the task of the sender is distributed among several
servers. The security of the DOT protocols has been intensively studied [17-20].
The efficiency of the system is also an important issue in the implementation of an OT protocol. OT
is unlikely to be based on more efficient one-way functions or other private-key cryptographic primitives
[21]. As a result, all known OT protocols needs public-key operations that are typically implemented using
modular exponentiations, which are computationally intensive tasks. Our approach, described in section 2,
requires an efficient computation.
The rest of paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides our proposed oblivious distribution
protocol and its implementation to improve DRM. Section 3 gives the security and privacy analysis of the
implemented protocol. Finally, section 4 provides concluding remarks.
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To overcome the identified problem in the typical DRM systems, we do the following steps: (1)
construct an oblivious content distribution protocol; (2) implement the protocol to improve the DRM model
for content distribution; and (3) analyze the improved DRM model to show its security and privacy.
2.1. Oblivious Content Distribution Protocol
We propose an oblivious content distribution protocol that is more flexible and appropriate for DRM
implementation. Our protocol utilizes tamper-proof devices. A tamper-proof device means any device that
can be used only in a particular way, otherwise the device will be corrupted and its content will no longer be
accessible. Utilizing tamper-proof devices in this protocol is less expensive. The device contains only two
types of functions, GetKey and GetContent. GetKey function allows the user to ask for the key; that is,
the input parameter to the GetContent function. GetContent, on the other hand, requires an authorized
key to reveal the message stored in it. With this characteristic, the device can be mass produced at a low cost.
Creating a single device containing all pairs of functions (GetKey,GetContent) may be reasonable and
more efficient. However, for the sake of clarity in this sub section, we assume that one device contains a pair
of functions (GetKey,GetContent).
The protocol allows content provider to deliver contents to user in such a way that at the end of the
protocol the user cannot access contents more than he is supposed to access and the content provider will not
know which contents are accessed by the user. Suppose the content provider (say, Alice) provides N contents
(e.g. movies), (M1, ..., MN), and the user (say, Bob) wishes to access K, where K < N, of these contents. Alice
has a secret code S to access the contents, and utilizes Shamir's secret sharing scheme [22], with the
threshold parameter N-K, to share the secret. That is, she splits the secret into N pieces such that any set of at
least N-K shares can reconstruct the secret.
The detail protocol is as follows. To share the secret and send the contents, Alice performs the
following steps:
1. She secretly chooses random N-K-1 elements of Zp, denoted a1, ..., aN-K-1 and forms the
polynomial f(x) = S + a1 x1 + ... + aN-K-1 xN-K-1. Note that p is a prime and p > N.
2. For i = 1, ..., N, she computes si, where si = f(i) mod p
3. She loads device di with si as the key value, and Mi as the content value.
4. She gives all devices to Bob.
After delivering the devices there is no subsequent communication between Alice and Bob. Bob can
access K contents if he accepts sacrificing N-K contents that are not supposed to be accessed. This condition
is applied with assumption that once a device is executed, it will be corrupted or will destroy itself. To obtain
K contents, Bob performs the following steps (see also Figure 2 for a clear illustration).
For simplicity, assume that K contents Bob want to access are M1, ..., MK. Bob performs the
GetKey function on the devices dK+1,...,dN (namely GKK+1,...,GKN), to obtain N-K shares.
With the N-K shares, sK+1,…,sN, Bob can reconstruct the polynomial, e.g. using the Lagrange
interpolation, and learn the secret S.
3. Using the access code S, Bob performances the GetContent function on devices d1, ..., dK
(namely GC1,...,GCK) to obtain the contents M1, ..., MK.
Figure 2. Process for obtaining K out of N contents.
The protocol described above can be modified to cover another need. For instance, instead of
focusing on the number_of_items variable, the protocol can be pointed out to the number_of_plays variable
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(e.g. a customer wants to watch a movie for K times). The movie provider then sends the customer a package
containing N pairs (GetKey,GetContent) with all GetContent functions associates with a movie of the
same title.
2.2. Implementation to Improve DRM
To implement the constructed protocol in the DRM applications, we employ smart cards. A smart
card contains an embedded microprocessor so that it can be used not only to store data, but also to process
the data [23]. The microprocessor is also used for security purposes. Data are never directly available to the
external applications as the microprocessor controls data handling and memory access according to a given
set of conditions. In this implementation, a smart card is assumed to be a tamper-proof device and contains
all pairs of functions (GetKey,GetContent).
Suppose the content provider provides N contents, M1, ..., MN. First of all, the content provider
encrypts all contents using a secret key S. For a particular value K,
, S is split into N shares,
s1,…,sN, using Shamir’s scheme with the threshold parameter N – K. The content provider then passes the
protected contents to the distributor and the key’s shares to the smart card (SC) manufacturer.
Figure 3. Smart card model; GK and GC stand for GetKey and GetContent, respectively.
The SC manufacturer creates smart cards and sends them to the distributor. The smart card model
(see Figure 3) has the following characteristics. For a particular K, a smart card contains N pairs of functions
(GetKey(si),GetContent(Mi)), where i = 1,2,…,N. Only one function can be executed from each pair.
That is, executing the function GetKey(si) will disable the associated function GetContent(Mi) and,
thus, will deny access to the associated content Mi. Conversely, executing the function GetContent(Mi)
will disable GetKey(si). In concrete terms, the smart card executes N-K GetKey functions associated with
N-K unselected contents. The shares revealed by these functions are then combined to construct the key S that
be used to unlock K selected contents.
A user can download the protected contents and purchases an appropriate smart card from the
distributor’s channel. To access the downloaded contents, the user’s player must be connected to a
compatible smart card reader. A K-valued smart card can be used to unlock K selected contents and denies
access to N-K unselected contents.
Figure 4. Improved DRM system
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The improved DRM model for content distribution (see Figure 4) provides an efficient mechanism. Instead of
a clearing house, the system employs a smart card manufacturer. Users obtain the content and the
corresponding license (provided by an appropriate smart card) from one party, that is, the distributor. This
mechanism makes the process more efficient. Furthermore, the improved system also achieves security and
privacy for the content provider and the users, respectively. Analysis of both characteristics follows.
Analysis of Security
In the proposed protocol, the shares of the secret key and the function for accessing content are
stored in a smart card which is assumed to be a tamper-proof device. The user cannot access content without
obtaining the secret key. The key, however, is split into several pieces of shares and distributed among the
pairs of functions (GetKey,GetContent) inside the device using Shamir's secret sharing scheme [22]. This
scheme is secure because knowing less than a predetermined number of shares gives the user no way to
reconstruct the secret. As a result, the user can only obtain the secret key if (and only if) he sacrifices all
contents that he is not supposed to access. This means that the user is not able to access anything other than
the contents that are supposed to be accessed. Additionally, the smart card is only allocated to the user who
has made the payment for it. A particular smart card allows the user to access a limited number of contents as
detemined in it. Therefore, the proposed protocol achieves perfect security for the content provider.
Analysis of Privacy
In the proposed protocol, there is no interaction between content provider and user after the content
provider gives all devices to the user. There is no way for the content provider to determine which devices
the user has used. As all pairs of functions (GetKey,GetContent) are corrupted at the end of the protocol,
the content provider has no knowledge about which content that has been accessed by the user. Additionally,
in the protocol implementation, to unlock the content, a user does not need to provide his personal data for
the license. Instead, he purchases the corresponding smart card anonymously. The content and its associated
smart card will not be connected to the user’s identity. Therefore, the user‘s privacy is protected.
Advance Implementation
In the oblivious content distribution scenario described above, a user can decrypt a set of contents
no more than he was supposed to access. However, once the content has been decrypted, the user can play it
without limit. If the restriction of the number of plays is also considered in a business scheme, then an extra
variable must be added to the content distribution protocol.
The proposed scenario can be enlarged to cover more variables of the usage rules. That is, we can
combine the variables number_of_items and number_of_plays in one scheme. For example, a user may
purchase 5 items, namely content M1,M2,M3,M4,M5, and 20 plays. In this case, the user can play all items, but
no more than 20 times overall. He may play M1 for 3 times, M2 for 4 times, M3 for 7 times, M4 for 4 times
and M5 twice. However, he cannot play M2 for 10 times and M5 for 11 times. This advanced scenario
provides flexible content distribution that still preserves security and privacy.
We construct an oblivious content distribution protocol. In this protocol, the secret key is split into
several shares to enhance the security of the distributed content. Without adequate shares, it is impossible to
reconstruct the secret key. The protocol is then implemented to advantage DRM. This implementation makes
use of smart cards that can be used not only to store data, but also to process the data independently.
Assuming that tamper-proof device exists, the mechanism achieves security for the content provider and
preserves privacy for the users.
If more restrictions of the content usage rules are applied, the proposed protocol can also be
enlarged to cover more variables. Despite providing flexibility, the system still preserves security and
privacy. These characteristics are important to make the improved DRM a privacy-aware rights protection
system. The system does not merely focus on achieving security for the content provider, but also on
preserving privacy for users.
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Antonius Cahya Prihandoko is a lecturer at the Information System Dept., University of
Jember, Indonesia. He received his Bachelor degree in Mathematics Education from the
University of Jember and Master of Applied Science in Computer Science from JCU, Australia,
in 1992 and 1999, respectively. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in Information Technology at
the School of Business (IT), JCU. His research topic is Rights Protection of Digital Content in
the Digital Rights Management (DRM) Environment.
Dr Hossein Ghodosi is a senior lecturer in Information Technology at the School of Business,
JCU Australia. He received his Bachelor degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from
Tehran University, Iran, in 1975; and his MSc and PhD degree both in Computer Science from
University of Wollongong, Australia, in 1994 and 1998, respectively. His primary research area
is Cryptography. More precisely, Society-Oriented and/or Threshold Cryptography. Currently
his principle research themes are: Multi-Party Computations, Oblivious Transfers, and Secret
Sharing Schemes.
Associate Professor Bruce Litow is an adjunct staff at the Department of IT, School of
Business, JCU. His research interest is in computational complexity and how it impinges on
numerous application fields. Currently his principal research themes are: (1) how chinese
remainder representation is connected to combinatorial optimization problems, (2) parallel
complexity of integer GCD, (3) exact computations with algebraic numbers.
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