Proceedings of SDM’08 International Workshop on
Practical Privacy-Preserving Data Mining
Edited by
Kun Liu
IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Ran Wolff
University of Haifa, Israel
April 26, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Copyright Notice:
This volume is published electronically and is available from the workshop web page at
The copyright of each paper in this volume resides with its authors. These papers appear in these
electronic workshop proceedings by the authors’ permission being implicitly granted by their
submission to the workshop.
Message from the Workshop Chairs
Kun Liu and Ran Wolff
Keynote - Privacy & Data Protection: Policy and Business Trends
Harriet P. Pearson
Towards Application-Oriented Data Anonymization
Li Xiong, Kumudhavalli Rangachari
Efficient Algorithms for Masking and Finding Quasi-Identifiers
Rajeev Motwani, Ying Xu
On the Lindell-Pinkas Secure Computation of Logarithms: From Theory to Practice
Raphael S. Ryger, Onur Kardes, Rebecca N. Wright
Constrained k-Anonymity: Privacy with Generalization Boundaries
John Miller, Alina Campan, Traian Marius Truta
Privacy-Preserving Predictive Models for Lung Cancer Survival Analysis
Glenn Fung, Shipeng Yu, Cary Dehing-Oberije,
Dirk De Ruysscher, Philippe Lambin, Sriram Krishnan, R. Rao Bharat
We owe thanks to many people for their contributions to the success of the workshop. We would
like to thank first the organizers of SDM’08 for hosting the workshop, and IBM Almaden
Research Center for their generous sponsorship. We thank all the authors who submitted papers
to the workshop, which allowed us to put together an impressive program.
We would also like to express our thanks to our invited speaker Ms. Harriet P. Pearson, the Chief
Privacy Officer of IBM Corporation, for her talk titled “Privacy & Data Protection: Policy and
Business Trends”.
We would especially like to thank the members of the program committee for giving up their time
to review submissions. Despite the short period of time available, they provided thorough,
objective evaluations of their allocated papers, ensuring a high standard of presentations at the
workshop. Their names are gratefully listed below.
Workshop Co-chairs
Kun Liu and Ran Wolff
Program Committee
Osman Abul, TOBB University, Turkey
Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA
Francesco Bonchi, KDD Lab, ISTI-C.N.R., Pisa, Italy
Alexandre Evfimievski, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Chris Giannella, Loyola College in Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Murat Kantarcioglu, University of Texas, Dallas, USA
Hillol Kargupta, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
Bradley Malin, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA
Taneli Mielikäinen, Nokia Research Center Palo Alto, USA
Benny Pinkas, University of Haifa, Israel
Yucel Saygin, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
Evimaria Terzi, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Ke Wang, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Rebecca Wright, Rutgers University, USA
Xintao Wu, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Sponsored by
SIAM Conference on Data Mining (SDM’08)
IBM Almaden Research Center
Message from the P3DM’08 Workshop Chairs
Kun Liu
IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Ran Wolff
University of Haifa, Israel
Governmental and commercial organizations today capture large amounts of data on individual
behavior and increasingly apply data mining to it. This has raised serious concerns for
individuals’ civil liberties as well as their economic well being. In 2003, concerns over the U.S.
Total Information Awareness (also known as Terrorism Information Awareness) project led to
the introduction of a bill in the U.S. Senate that would have banned any data mining programs in
the U.S. Department of Defense. Debates over the need for privacy protection vs. service to
national security and business interests were held in newspapers, magazines, research articles,
television talk shows and elsewhere. Currently, both the public and businesses seem to hold
polarized opinions: There are those who think an organization can analyze information it has
gathered for any purpose it desires and those who think that every type of data mining should be
forbidden. Both positions do little merit to the issue because the former promotes public fear
(notably, Sun's Scott McNealy '99 remark “You have no privacy, get over it!”) and the latter
overly restrictive legislation.
The truth of the matter is not that technology has progressed to the point where privacy is not
feasible, but rather the opposite: privacy preservation technology has got to advance to the point
where privacy would no longer rely on accidental lack of information but rather on intentional
and engineered inability to know. This belief is at the heart of privacy-preserving data mining
(PPDM). Pioneered by Agrawal & Srikant and Lindell & Pinkas' work from 2000, there has
been an explosive number of publications in this area. Many privacy-preserving data mining
techniques have been proposed, questioned, and improved. However, compared with the active
and fruitful research in academia, applications of privacy-preserving data mining for real-life
problems are quite rare. Without practice, it is feared that research in privacy-preserving data
mining will stagnate. Furthermore, lack of practice may hint to serious problems with the
underlying concepts of privacy-preserving data mining. Identifying and rectifying these problems
must be a top priority for advancing the field.
Following on these understandings, we set out to arrange a workshop on the practical aspects of
privacy-preserving data mining. We were encouraged by the enthusiastic response of our PC
members, to whom we would like to convey our immense gratitude. The workshop draws eight
submissions, of which five were selected for presentation. As you will find in this collection, they
range from real PPDM applications to efficiency improvements to known algorithms.
Additionally, we pride ourselves in the participation of Harriet P. Pearson, who is the Chief
Privacy Officer of IBM. In our perception, CPOs of large businesses such as IBM are likely to be
important stake holders in any application of PPDM, and their view should be highly relevant for
our community.
Privacy & Data Protection: Policy and Business Trends
Harriet P. Pearson
VP Regulatory Policy & Chief Privacy Officer, IBM Corporation
Business, individuals and the public sector continue to take advantage of the rapid development
and adoption of Web-based and other technologies. With innovation in business models and
processes, as well as changing individual behaviors in venues such as online social networking,
comes the need to address privacy and data protection. This phenomenon occurs every time
society has embraced significant new technologies -- whether it be the printing press, telephone
or home video rentals. But faster introduction and uptake of technologies in our time results in a
larger number of issues and challenges to sort out. This talk will outline the major privacy and
data protection trends and their likely effect on the development of public policies, industry
practices and technology design.
Towards Application-Oriented Data Anonymization†∗
Li Xiong‡
Kumudhavalli Rangachari§
before being shared over the network.
Data anonymization is of increasing importance for allowing sharing of individual data for a variety of data analysis and mining applications. Most of existing work on
data anonymization optimizes the anonymization in terms
of data utility typically through one-size-fits-all measures
such as data discernibility. Our primary viewpoint in this
paper is that each target application may have a unique
need of the data and the best way of measuring data utility is based on the analysis task for which the anonymized
data will ultimately be used. We take a top-down analysis of typical application scenarios and derive applicationoriented anonymization criteria. We propose a prioritized
anonymization scheme where we prioritize the attributes for
anonymization based on how important and critical they are
to the application needs. Finally, we present preliminary results that show the benefits of our approach.
These scenarios can be generalized into the problem of
privacy preserving data publishing where a data custodian needs to distribute an anonymized view of the
data that does not contain individually identifiable information to data recipient(s) for various data analysis and mining tasks. Privacy preserving data publishing has been extensively studied in recent years and a
few principles have been proposed that serve as criteria
for judging whether a published dataset provides sufficient privacy protection [40, 34, 43, 3, 32, 53, 35, 37].
Notably, the earliest principle, k-anonymity [40], requires a set of k records (entities) to be indistinguishable from each other based on a quasi-identifier
set, and its extension, l-diversity [34], requires every
group to contain at least l well-represented sensitive
values. A large body of work contributes to transforming a dataset to meet a privacy principle (dominantly
k-anonymity) using techniques such as generalization,
suppression (removal), permutation and swapping of
certain data values while minimizing certain cost metrics [20, 50, 36, 9, 2, 17, 10, 59, 29, 30, 31, 49, 27, 51, 58].
Data privacy and identity protection is a very important
issue in this day and age when huge databases containing a population’s information need to be stored and
distributed for research or other purposes. For example, the National Cancer Institute initiated the Shared
Pathology Informatics Network (SPIN)1 for researchers
throughout the country to share pathology-based data
sets annotated with clinical information to discover and
validate new diagnostic tests and therapies, and ultimately to improve patient care. However, individually
identifiable health information is protected under the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA)2 . The data have to be sufficiently anonymized
Most of these methods aim to optimize the data utility measured through a one-size-fitsall cost metric such
as general discernibilty or information loss. Few works
have considered targeted applications like classification
and regression [21, 50, 17, 31] but do not model other
kinds of applications nor provide a systematic or adaptive approach for handling various needs.
Contributions. Our primary viewpoint in this paper
is that each target application may have a unique need
of the data and the best way of measuring data utility
is based on the analysis task for which the anonymized
data will ultimately be used. We aim to adapt existing
methods by incorporating the application needs into the
anonymization process, thereby increasing its utility to
the target applications.
∗ P3DM’08,
April 26, 2008, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
research is partially supported by an Emory URC grant.
‡ Dept. of Math & Computer Science, Emory University
§ Dept. of Math & Computer Science, Emory University
1 Shared
2 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA). State law or institutional policy may differ from the HIPAA standard and should
be considered as well.
† This
The paper makes a number of contributions. First,
we take a top-down analysis of potential application
scenarios and devise models and schemes to represent
application requirements in terms of relative attribute
certainty as versus individual identifiability. There are
studies focusing on specific mining tasks such as decision tree [8, 12], association rule mining [39, 15, 16], and
on disclosure analysis [26, 19, 42, 12]. A main advantage
of data anonymization as opposed to data perturbation
is that the released data remain ”truthful”, though at a
coarse level of granularity. This allows various analysis
to be carried out using the data, including selection.
importance that can be specified by users or learned
from targeted analysis and mining tasks. Second, we
propose a prioritized anonymization scheme where we
prioritize the attributes for anonymization based on
how important and critical they are to the application
needs. We devise a prioritized cost metric that allows
users to assign different weights to different attributes
and adapt existing generalization-based anonymization
methods in order to produce an optimized view for
the user applications. Finally, we present preliminary
results that show the benefits of our approach.
Another related area is distributed privacy preserving
data sharing and mining that deals with data sharing
for specific tasks across multiple data sources in a distributed manner [33, 44, 23, 25, 46, 56, 45, 4, 6, 47,
24, 54, 11, 55]. The main goal is to ensure data is
2 Related Work
not disclosed among participating parties. Common apOur research is inspired and informed by a number of proaches include data approach that involves data perturbation and protocol approach that applies randomrelated areas. We discuss them briefly below.
response techniques.
Privacy Preserving Access Control and Statistical Databases. Previous work on multilevel secure relational databases [22] provides many valuable insights
for designing a fine-grained secure data model. Hippocratic databases [7, 28, 5] incorporate privacy protection
within relational database systems. Byun et al. presented a comprehensive approach for privacy preserving access control based on the notion of purpose [14].
While these mechanisms enable multilevel access of sensitive information through access control at a granularity level up to a single attribute value for a single tuple,
micro-views of the data are desired where even a single
value of a tuple attribute may have different views [13].
Data Anonymization The work in this paper has
its closest roots in data anonymization that provides
a micro-view of the data while preserving privacy of individuals. The work in this area can be classified into
a number of categories. The first one aims at devising generalization principles in that a generalized table
is considered privacy preserving if it satisfies a generalization principle [40, 34, 43, 3, 32, 53, 35, 37]. Recent work[52] also considered personalized anonymity
to guarantee minimum generalization for every individual in the dataset. Another large body of work contributes to the algorithms for transforming a dataset
to one that meets a generalization principle and minimizes certain quality metrics. Several hardness results [36, 2] show that computing the optimal generalized table is NP-hard and the result suffers severe information loss when the number of quasi-identifier attributes are high. Optimal solutions [9, 29] enumerate
all possible generalized relations with certain constraints
using heuristics to prune the search space. Greedy solutions [20, 50, 17, 10, 59, 30, 31, 49] are proposed to
obtain a suboptimal solution much faster. A few works
are suggesting new approaches in addition to generalization, such as releasing marginals [27], anatomy technique [51], and permutation technique [58], to improve
the utility of the published dataset. Another thread of
research is focused on disclosure analysis [35]. A few
works considered targeted classification and regression
applications [20, 50, 17, 31].
Research in statistical databases has focused on enabling queries on aggregate information (e.g. sum,
count) from a database without revealing individual
records [1]. The approaches can be broadly classified
into data perturbation, and query restriction. Data perturbation involves either altering the input databases,
or altering query results returned. Query restriction includes schemes that check for possible privacy breaches
by keeping audit trails and controlling overlap of successive aggregate queries. The techniques developed have
focused only on aggregate queries and relational data
Privacy Preserving Data Mining. One data sharing model is the mining-as-a-service model, in which
individual data owners submit the data to a data collector for mining or a data custodian outsources mining
to an untrusted service provider. The main approach
is random perturbation that transforms data by adding
random noise in a principled way [8, 48]. The main
notion of privacy studied in this context is data un-
Our work builds on top of the existing generalization principles and anonymization techniques and aims
to adapt existing solutions for application-oriented
anonymization that provides an optimal view for tar-
alence Class. T is k-anonymous with respect to X1 , ...,
Xd if every tuple is in an equivalence class of size at
least k. A k-anonymization of T is a transformation
or generalization of the data T such that the transformation is k-anonymous. The l-diversity model provides
a natural extension to incorporate a nominal sensitive
attribute S. It requires that each equivalence class also
contains at least l well-represented distinct values for
S. Typical techniques to transform a dataset to satisfy k-anonymity include data generalization, data suppression, and data swapping. Table 1 also illustrates
one possible anonymization with respect to a quasiidentifier set (Age, Gender, Zipcode) using data generalization that satisfies 2-anonymity and 2-diversity.
geted applications.
Privacy Model
Among the many identifiability based privacy principles, k-anonymity [41] and its extension l-diversity [34]
are the two most widely accepted and serve as the basis
for many others, and hence, will be used in our discussions and illustrations. Our work is orthogonal to
these privacy principles. Below we introduce some terminologies and illustrate the basic ideas behind these
In defining anonymization, attributes of a given relational table T , are characterized into three types.
Unique identifiers are attributes that identify individuals. Known identifiers are typically removed entirely
from released micro-data. Quasi-identifier set is a
minimal set of attributes (X1 , ..., Xd ) that can be
joined with external information to re-identify individual records. We assume that a quasi-identifier is recognized based on domain knowledge. Sensitive attributes
are those attributes that an adversary should not be permitted to uniquely associate their values with a unique
Application-Oriented Anonymization
Our key hypothesis is that by considering important application requirements, the data anonymization process
will achieve a better tradeoff between general data utility and application-specific data utility. We first take a
top-down analysis of typical application scenarios and
analyze what requirements and implications they pose
to the anonymization process. We then present our prioritized optimization metric and anonymization techniques that aim to prioritize the anonymization for individual attributes based on how important they are to
Table 1: Illustration of Anonymization: Original Data target applications.
and Anonymized Data
4.1 Anonymization Goals There are different
types of target applications for sharing anonymized
data including: 1) query applications supporting ad-hoc
queries, 2) applications with a specific mining task such
as classification or clustering, and 3) exploratory applications without a specific mining task. We consider two
typical scenarios of these applications on anonymized
medical data and analyze their implications on the
anonymization algorithms.
Original Data
[25 − 28]
[25 − 28]
[25 − 28]
[25 − 28]
Anonymized Data
Scenario 1. Disease-specific public health study. In
this study, researchers select a subpopulation of certain
health condition (e.g. Diagnosis = ”Lymphoma”), and
study their geographic and demographic distribution,
reaction to certain treatment, or survival rate. An
example is to identify geographical patterns for the
health condition that may be associated with features
of the geographic environment.
Table 1 illustrates an original relational table of personal
information. Among the attributes, N ame is considered
as an identifier, (Age, Gender, Zipcode) is considered as
a quasi-identifer set, and Diagnosis is considered as a
sensitive attribute. The k-anonymity model provides an
intuitive requirement for privacy in stipulating that no
individual record should be uniquely identifiable from a
group of k with respect to the quasi-identifier set. The Scenario 2. Demographic / population study. In
set of all tuples in T containing identical values for the this study, researchers may want to study a certain
quasi-identifier set X1 , ..., Xd is referred to as an Equiv- demographic subpopulation (e.g. Gender = M ale and
Age > 50), and perform exploratory analysis or learn
classification models based on demographic information
and clinical symptoms to predict diagnosis.
of the selection attributes should be minimized or
adapted to the selection predicates so that the
discernibility of selection attributes or predicates
are maximized.
The data analysis for the mentioned applications is typically conducted in two steps: 1) subpopulation identification through a selection predicate, and 2) analysis on
the identified subpopulation including mining tasks such
as clustering or classification of the population with respect to certain class labels. Given such a two-step process, we identify two requirements for optimizing the
anonymization for applications: 1) maximize precision
and recall of subpopulation identification, and 2) maximize quality of the analysis.
• Discernibility of feature attributes. For most mining
tasks, the anonymized dataset needs to maintain
as much information about feature attributes as
possible, in order to derive accurate classification
models or achieve high quality clustering. As a
result, the discernibility of feature attributes needs
to be maximized in order to increase data utility.
• Homogeneity of target attributes. For classification tasks, an additional criterion is to produce
homogeneous partitions or equivalence classes of
class labels. The few works specializing on optimizing anonymization for classification applications [21, 50, 17, 31] are mainly focused on this
objective. However, it is important to note that
if the class label is a sensitive attribute, this criterion is conflicting with the goal of l-diversity and
other principles that attempts to achieve a guaranteed level of diversity in sensitive attributes and the
question certainly warrants further investigation to
achieve best tradeoff.
We first categorize the attributes with respect to the
applications on the anonymized data and then explain
how the application requirement and optimization goal
transform to concrete criteria for application-oriented
anonymization. Given an anonymized relational table,
each attribute can be characterized by one of the
following types with respect to the target applications.
• Selection attributes are those attributes used to
identify a subpopulation (e.g. Diagnosis in Scenario 1 and Gender and Age in Scenario 2).
• F eature attributes are those attributes used to
perform analysis such as classifying or clustering
data (e.g. Zipcode in Scenario 1 for geographic
location based analysis).
4.2 Attribute Priorities Based on the above discussion and considering the variety of applications, the
first idea we explored is to represent the application
requirements using a list of attribute and weight pairs
where each attribute is associated with a priority weight
based on how important it is to the target applications.
We envision that these priority weights can be either
explicitly specified by users or implicitly learned by the
system based on a set of sample queries and analysis.
If the target applications can be fully specified by the
users with feature attributes, target attributes, or selection attributes, they can be assigned a higher weight
than other attributes in the quasi-identifer set. For instance, in Scenario 1, the attribute-weight list can be
represented as (Age, 0), (Gender, 0), (Zipcode, 1) where
Zipcode is the feature attribute for the location-based
• T arget attributes are the class label or attributes
for which the classification or prediction are trying
to predict (e.g. Diagnosis in Scenario 2). Target attributes are not applicable for unsupervised
learning tasks such as clustering.
Given the above categorization and the goals in optimizing anonymization for target applications, we derive
a set of generalization criteria for the different types of
attributes in our anonymization model.
• Discernibility of selection attributes or predicates.
If a selection attribute is part of the quasi-identifier
set and is subject to generalization, it may result
in an imprecise query selection. For example, if
the Age attribute is generalized into ranges of
[0 − 40] and [40 above], the selection predicate
Age > 50 in Scenario 2 will result in an imprecise
subpopulation. In order to maximize the precision
of the population identification, the generalization
Alternatively, the attribute priorities can be learned implicitly from sample queries and analysis. For example, statistics can be collected from query loads on attribute frequencies for projection and selection. In many
cases, the attributes in the SELECT clause (projection)
correspond to feature attributes while attributes in the
WHERE clause (selection) correspond to the selection
attributes. The more frequently an attribute is queried,
the more important it is to the application, and the denote attribute priority associated with attribute Xi ,
less it should be generalized. Attributes can be then the metric is defined as follows:
ordered by their frequencies where the weight is a normalized frequency. Another interesting idea is to use a
min-term predicate set derived from query load and use
m 2
weighti ∗
that in the anonymization process similar to the data (4.2)
fragmentation techniques in distributed databases. This
is on our future research agenda.
Consider our example Scenario 1, if given an
anonymized dataset such as in Table 1, the discernibility of equivalent classes along attribute Zipcode will
be penalized more than the other two attributes because
of the importance of geographic location. This metric
corresponds well with our weighted attributed list representation of the application requirements. It provides a
general judgement of the anonymization for exploratory
analysis when there is some knowledge about attribute
importance in applications but not sufficient knowledge
about specific subpopulation or applications.
4.3 Anonymization Metric Before we can devise
algorithms to optimize the solution for the application,
we first need to define the optimization objective or the
cost function. When the query and analysis semantics are known, a suitable metric for the subpopulation
identification process is the P recision of the relevant
subpopulation similar to the precision of relevant documents in Information Retrieval. Note that a generalized
dataset will often produce a larger result set than the
original table does with respect to a set of predicates
consisting of quasi-identifiers. This is similar to the imprecision metric defined in [31]. For analysis tasks, appropriate metrics for specific analysis tasks should be
used as the ultimate optimization goal. This includes
accuracy for classification applications and intra-cluster
similarity and inter-cluster dissimilarity for clustering
applications. The majority metric [25] is a class-aware
metric introduced to optimize a dataset for classification
4.4 Anonymization A large number of algorithms
have been developed for privacy preserving data
anonymization. They can be roughly classified into
top-down and bottom-up approaches and single dimensional and multidimensional approaches. Most of the
techniques take a greedy approach and rely on certain heuristics at each step or iteration for selecting an
attribute for partitioning (top-down) or generalization
(bottom-up). In this study, we adapt the greedy topdown Mondrian multidimensional approach [30] and investigate heuristics for adapting it based on our prioritized optimization metric. It is on our future research
agenda to explore various anonymization approaches
and investigate systematic ways for adapting them towards application-oriented anonymization.
When the query and analysis semantics are not specified, we need a general metric that measures the data
utility. Intuitively, the anonymization process should
generalize the original data as little as is necessary to
satisfy the given privacy principle. There are mainly
three cost metrics that have been used in the literature [38], namely, general loss metric, majority metric,
and discernibility metric. Among the three, the disThe Mondrian algorithm (based on k-anonymity princernibility metric, denoted by CDM , is most commonly
ciple) uses greedy recursive partitioning of the (multiused and is defined based on the size of equivalence
dimensional) quasi-identifer domain space. In order to
classes E:
obtain approximately uniform partition occupancy, it
recursively chooses the split attribute with the largest
normalized range of values, referred to as spread, and
continuous or ordinal attributes) partitions the data
m 2
|E |
the median value of the split attribute. This
process is repeated until no allowable split remains,
meaning that a particular region cannot be further diTo facilitate the application-oriented anonymization, vided without violating the anonymity constraint, or
we devise a prioritized cost metric that allows users constraints imposed by value generalization hierarchies.
to incorporate attribute priorities in order to achieve
more granularity for more important attributes. Given The key of the algorithm is to select the best attribute
a quasi-identifier Xi , let |EX
| denote the size of the for splitting (partitioning) during each iteration. In
mth equivalent class with respect to Xi , let weighti addition to using the spread (range) of the values of
each attribute i, denoted as spreadi , in the original 5
algorithm, our approach explores additional metrics.
We performed a set of preliminary experiments evaluating our approach. The main questions we would like to
answer are: 1) does the prioritized anonymization metric (weighted discernibility metric) correlate with good
data utility from applications point of view? 2) does the
prioritized anonymization scheme provide better data
utility than general approaches?
Attribute priority. Since our main generalization criteria is to maximize the discernibility of important
attributes including selection attributes, feature attributes and class attributes for target applications, we
use the attribute priority weight for attribute i, denoted by weighti , as an important selection criteria.
Attributes with a larger weight will be selected for partitioning so that important attributes will have a more
precise view in the anonymized data.
We implemented a prioritized anonymization algorithm
based on the Mondrian algorithm [30]. It uses a combined heuristic of the spread and attribute priorities
Information gain. When target applications are well (without information gain) and aims to minimize the
specified a priori, another important generalization cri- prioritized cost metric (instead of the general discerniterion for classification applications is to maximize the bility metric). We conducted two sets of experiments for
homogeneity of class attributes within each equivalence exploratory and classification applications respectively.
class. This is reminiscent of decision tree construction
where each path of the decision tree leads to a homogeneous group of class labels [18]. Similarly, information 5.1 Exploratory Applications For exploratory apgain can be used as a scoring metric for selecting the plications, we used the Adults dataset from UC Irvine
best attribute for partitioning in order to produce equiv- Machine Learning Repository configured as in [30]. We
alence classes of homogeneous class labels. The informa- considered a simple application scenario that requires
tion gain for a given attribute i, denoted by inf ogaini , precise information on a single demographic attribute
is computed as the weighted entropy of the resultant (Age and Sex respectively) and hence it is assigned with
partitions based on the split of attribute i:
a higher weight than other attributes in the experiment.
The dataset were anonymized using the Mondrian and
prioritized approach respectively and we compare the
weighted discernibility as well as general discernibility
X |P ′ | X
of the two anonymized datasets.
−p(c|P )logp(c|P ))
(4.3) inf ogaini =
|P |
where P denotes the current partition, P ′ denotes the
set of resultant partitions of the iteration, p(c|P ′ ) is the
fraction of tuples in P ′ with class label c, and Dc is the
domain of the class variable c.
Weighted Discernibility
(wj ∗ metricji )/
Weighted Discernibility
Figure 1: Adult Dataset (Sex-Prioritized)
Oi =
The attribute selection criteria for each iteration selects
the best attribute based on an overall scoring metric
determined by an aggregation of the above metrics. In
this study, we use a linear combination of the individual
metrics, denoted by Oi for attribute i:
Weighted Discernibility
Weighted Discernibility
Figure 2: Adult Dataset (Age-Prioritized)
where metricji ∈ {spreadi , inf ogaini , weighti }, and wj
is the weight of the individual metric j (wj >= 0).
Figure 1 and 2 compare the prioritized approach and
Classification Accuracy (%)
Weighted Discernibility
(c) Classification Accuracy
(b) Weighted Discernibility
(a) Discernibility
Figure 3: Japanese Credit Screening Dataset - Classification
Classification Accuracy (%)
Weighted Discernibility
(a) Discernibility
(b) Weighted Discernibility
(c) Prediction Accuracy
Figure 4: Japanese Credit Screening Dataset - Prediction (A3)
given varying weights (both arbitrary or assuming user
knowledge) to examine their effect on classification
accuracy. For prediction, attributes other than the
class attribute were recoded into ranges using equiwidth3 approach. A target attribute is selected as the
prediction attribute and the rest of the attributes are
anonymized and used to predict the target attribute.
the Mondrian approach in terms of general discernibility and weighted discernibility with respect to different value of k for Sex-prioritized and Age-prioritized
anonymization respectively. We observe that even
though the prioritized approach has a comparable general discernibility with the Mondrian, it achieves a much
improved weighted discernibility in both cases, which is
directly correlated with the user-desired data utility (i.e.
having a more fine-grained view for Age attribute or Sex
attribute for exploratory query or mining purposes).
We assume the users have some domain knowledge of
which attributes will be used as feature attributes for
their classification and we then assigned higher priority
weights for these attributes. In addition, we also
experimented with a set of single-attribute classification
by selecting one feature attribute each time and assigned
weights for the attributes based on their classification
accuracy. The results are similar and we report the first
set of results below.
5.2 Classification Applications For classification
applications, we used the Japanese Credit Screening
dataset, also from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. The dataset consists of 653 instances, 15 attributes and a 2-valued class attribute (A16) that corresponds to a positive/negative (+/-) credit. The missing valued instances were removed and the experiments
were carried out considering only the continuous attributes (A2, A3, A8, A11, A14 and A15). The dataset
was anonymized using the prioritized approach and the
Mondrian approach and the resultant anonymized data
as well as the original data were used for classification
and prediction. The Weka implementation of the simple Naive-Bayes classifier was used for the classification,
with 10 fold cross-validation for classification accuracy
Figure 3(a) and 3(b) compare the prioritized and
Mondrian approach in terms of general discernibility
and weighted discernibility of the anonymized dataset
respectively. Figure 3(c) compares the anonymized
datasets as well as the original dataset in terms of accuracy for the class attribute. Similarly, Figure 4 presents
the results for prediction of attribute A3. We observe
that the prioritized approach performs better than the
Mondrian for both classification and prediction in terms
of accuracy and achieves a comparable accuracy as the
original dataset. In addition, a comparison of the dis-
For classification, the class attribute was recoded as
1.0/0.0. Different feature attributes were selected and
3 Equal
spread ranges for the recoded attributes.
cernibility metrics and the classification accuracy shows
that the weighted discernibility metric corresponds well
to the application-oriented data utility, i.e. the classification accuracy.
Conclusion and Discussions
We presented an application-oriented approach for data
anonymization that takes into account the relative attribute importance for target applications. We derived
a set of generalization criteria for application-oriented
data anonymization and presented a prioritized generalization approach that aims to minimize the prioritized cost metric. Our initial results show that the
prioritized anonymization metric correlates well with
application-oriented data utility and the prioritized approach achieves better data utility than general approaches from application point of view.
There are a few items on our research agenda. First, the
presented anonymization technique uses a special generalization algorithm and a simple weighted heuristic. We
will study different heuristics and generalize the result
to more advanced privacy principles and anonymization
approaches. Second, while it is not always possible for
users to specify the attribute priorities before hand, we
will study how to automatically learn attribute priorities from sample queries and mining tasks and further
devise models and presentations that allow application
requirements to be incorporated. In addition, a more
in-depth and longer-term issue that we will investigate
is the notion of priorities, in particular, the interaction
between what data owners perceive and what the data
users (applications) perceive. Finally, it is important to
note that there are inference implications of releasing
multiple anonymized views where multiple data users
may collude and combine their views to breach data privacy. While there is work beginning investigating the
inference problem [57], the direction certainly warrants
further research.
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Efficient Algorithms for Masking and Finding Quasi-Identifiers ∗
Rajeev Motwani †
A quasi-identifier refers to a subset of attributes that
can uniquely identify most tuples in a table. Incautious
publication of quasi-identifiers will lead to privacy leakage.
In this paper we consider the problems of finding and
masking quasi-identifiers. Both problems are provably hard
with severe time and space requirements. We focus on
designing efficient approximation algorithms for large data
We first propose two natural measures for quantifying
quasi-identifiers: distinct ratio and separation ratio. We
develop efficient algorithms that find small quasi-identifiers
with provable size and separation/distinct ratio guarantees,
with space and time requirements sublinear in the number
of tuples. We also propose efficient algorithms for masking
quasi-identifiers, where we use a random sampling technique to greatly reduce the space and time requirements,
without much sacrifice in the quality of the results. Our algorithms for masking and finding quasi-identifiers naturally
apply to stream databases. Extensive experimental results
on real world data sets confirm efficiency and accuracy of
our algorithms.
A quasi-identifier (also called a semi-key) is a subset
of attributes which uniquely identifies most entities in the
real world or tuples in a table. A well-known example is
that the combination of gender, date of birth, and zipcode
can uniquely determine about 87% of the population in
United States. Quasi-identifiers play an important role in
many aspects of data management, including privacy, data
cleaning, and query optimization.
As pointed out in the seminal paper of Sweeney [25],
publishing data with quasi-identifiers leaves open attacks
that combine the data with other publicly available information to identify represented individuals. To avoid
∗ P3DM’08,
April 26, 2008, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
University. Supported in part by
NSF Grant ITR-0331640, and a grant from Media-X.
‡ Stanford University. Supported in part by
Stanford Graduate Fellowship and NSF Grant ITR-0331640.
† Stanford
Ying Xu ‡
such linking attacks via quasi-identifiers, the concept of kanonymity was proposed [25, 24] and many algorithms for
k-anonymity have been developed [23, 2, 4]. In this paper
we consider the problem of masking quasi-identifiers: we
want to publish a subset of attributes (we either publish the
exact value of every tuple on an attribute, or not publish
the attribute at all), so that no quasi-identifier is revealed
in the published data. This can be viewed as a variant of
k-anonymity where the suppression is only allowed at the
attribute level. While this approach is admittedly too restrictive in some applications, there are two reasons we consider
it. First, the traditional tuple-level suppression may distort
the distribution of the original data and the association between attributes, so sometimes it might be desirable to publish fewer attributes with complete and accurate information. Second, as noted in [15], the traditional k-anonymity
algorithms are expensive and do not scale well to large data
sets; by restricting the suppression to a coarser level we are
able to design more efficient algorithms.
We also consider the problem of finding small keys
and quasi-identifiers, which can be used by adversaries to
perform linking attacks. When a table which is not properly
anonymized is published, an adversary would be interested
in finding keys or quasi-identifiers in the table so that once
he collects other persons’ information on those attributes,
he will be able to link the records to real world entities.
Collecting information on each attribute incurs certain cost
to the adversary (for example, he needs to look up yellow
pages to collect the area code of phone numbers, to get
party affiliation information from the voter list, etc), so the
adversary wishes to find a subset of attributes with a small
size or weight that is a key or almost a key to minimize the
attack cost.
Finding quasi-identifiers also has other important applications besides privacy. One application is data cleaning.
Integration of heterogeneous databases sometimes causes
the same real-world entity to be represented by multiple
records in the integrated database due to spelling mistakes,
inconsistent conventions, etc. A critical task in data cleaning is to identify and remove such fuzzy duplicates [3, 6].
We can estimate the ratio of fuzzy duplicates, for example
by checking some samples manually or plotting the distribution of pairwise similarity; now if we can find a quasi-
identifier whose “quasiness” is similar to the fuzzy duplicate ratio, then those tuples which collide on the quasiidentifier are likely to be fuzzy duplicates. Finally, quasiidentifiers are a special case of approximate functional dependency [13, 22], and their automatic discovery is valuable
to query optimization and indexing [9].
In this paper, we study the problems of finding and
masking quasi-identifiers in given tables. Both problems are
provably hard with severe time and space requirements, so
we focus on designing efficient approximation algorithms
for large data sets. First we define measures for quantifying
the “quasiness” of quasi-identifiers. We propose two natural
measures – separation ratio and distinct ratio.
Then we consider the problem of finding the minimum
key. The problem is NP-hard and the best-known approximation algorithm is a greedy algorithm with approximation
ratio O(ln n) (n is the number of tuples); however, even
this greedy algorithm requires multiple scans of the table,
which are expensive for large databases that cannot reside
in main memory and prohibitive for stream databases. To
enable more efficient algorithms, we sacrifice accuracy by
allowing approximate answers (quasi-identifiers). We develop efficient algorithms that find small quasi-identifiers
with provable size and separation/distinct ratio guarantees,
with both space and time complexities sublinear in the number of input tuples.
Finally we present efficient algorithms for masking
quasi-identifiers. We use a random sampling technique to
greatly reduce the space and time requirements, without
sacrificing much in the quality of the results.
Our algorithms for masking and finding minimum quasiidentifiers naturally apply to stream databases: we only
require one pass over the table to get a random sample of the
tuples and the space complexity is sublinear in the number
of input tuples (at the cost of only providing approximate
1.1 Definitions and Overview of Results
A key is a subset of attributes that uniquely identifies
each tuple in a table. A quasi-identifier is a subset of
attributes that can distinguish almost all tuples. We propose
two natural measures for quantifying a quasi-identifier.
Since keys are a special case of functional dependencies,
our measures for quasi-identifiers also conform with the
measures of approximate functional dependencies proposed
in earlier work [13, 22, 11, 8].
An α-separation quasi-identifier is a subset of
attributes which separates at least an α fraction
of all possible tuple pairs.
Table 1. An example table. The first column labels
the tuples for future references and is not part of the
We illustrate the notions with an example (Table 1). The
example table has 3 attributes. The attribute age is a 0.6distinct quasi-identifier because it has 3 distinct values in
a total of 5 tuples; it is a 0.8-separation quasi-identifier
because 8 out of 10 tuple pairs can be separated by age.
{sex, state} is 0.8-distinct and 0.9-separation.
The separation ratio of a quasi-identifier is always larger
than its distinct ratio, but there is no one-to-one mapping.
Let us consider a 0.5-distinct quasi-identifier in a table of
100 tuples. One possible scenario is that projected on the
quasi-identifier there are 50 distinct values and each value
corresponds to 2 tuples, so its separation ratio is 1− 100
0.99; another possible scenario is that for 49 of the 50
distinct values there is only one tuple for each value, and all
the other 51 tuples have the same value, and then this quasiidentifier is 0.75-separation. Indeed, an α-distinct quasiidentifier can be an α′ -separation quasi-identifier where α′
. Both
can be as small as 2α − α2 , or as large as 1 − 2(1−α)
distinct ratio and separation ratio are very natural measures
for quasi-identifiers and have different applications as noted
in the literature on approximate functional dependency. In
this paper we study quasi-identifiers using both measures.
Given a table with n tuples and m attributes, we consider
the following problems. The size of a key (quasi-identifier)
refers to the number of attributes in the key.
Minimum Key Problem: find a key of the minimum size. This problem is provably hard so we
also consider its relaxed version:
(ǫ, δ)-Separation or -Distinct Minimum Key Problem: look for a quasi-identifier with a small size
such that, with probability at least 1 − δ, the output quasi-identifier has separation or distinct ratio
at least 1 − ǫ.
(1) An α-distinct quasi-identifier is a subset of attributes which becomes a key in the table remaining after the removal of at most a 1 − α fraction
of tuples in the original table.
β-Separation or -Distinct Quasi-identifier Masking Problem: delete a minimum number of attributes such that there is no quasi-identifier with
separation or distinct ratio greater than β in the
remaining attributes.
(2) We say that a subset of attributes separates a
pair of tuples x and y if x and y have different
values on at least one attribute in the subset.
In the example of Table 1, {age, state} is a minimum
key, with size 2; the optimal solution to 0.8-distinct quasiidentifier masking problem is {sex, state}; the optimal
solution to 0.8-separation quasi-identifier masking problem
is {age}, {sex} or {state}, all of size 1.
The result data after quasi-identifier masking can be
viewed as an approximation to k-anonymity. For example,
after 0.2-distinct quasi-identifier masking, the result data is
approximately 5-anonymous, in the sense that on average
each tuple is indistinguishable from another 4 tuples. It does
not provide perfect privacy as there may still exist some tuple with a unique value, nevertheless it provides anonymity
for the majority of the tuples. The k-anonymity problem
is NP-hard [17, 2]; further, Lodha and Thomas [15] note
that there is no efficient approximation algorithm known
that scale well for large data sets, and they also aim at preserving privacy for majority. We hope to provide scalable
anonymizing algorithm by relaxing the privacy constraints.
Finally we would like to maximize the utility of published
data, and we measure utility in terms of the number of attributes published (our solution can be generalized to the
case where attributes have different weights and utility is
the weighted sum of published attributes).
We summarize below the contributions of this paper.
1. We propose greedy algorithms for the (ǫ, δ)-separation
and distinct minimum key problems, which find small
quasi-identifiers with provable size and separation
(distinct) ratio guarantees, with space and time requirements sublinear in n. In particular, the space complexity is O(m2 ) for the
√ (ǫ, δ)-separation minimum key
problem, and O(m mn) for (ǫ, δ)-distinct. The algorithms are particularly useful when n ≫ m, which
is typical of database applications where a large table
may consist of millions of tuples, but only a relatively
small number of attributes. We also extend the algorithms to find the approximate minimum β-separation
quasi-identifiers. (Section 2)
2. We present greedy algorithms for β-separation and
β-distinct quasi-identifier masking. The algorithms
are slow on large data sets, and we use a random
sampling technique to greatly reduce the space and
time requirements, without much sacrifice in the utility
of the published data. (Section 3)
3. We have implemented all the above algorithms and
conducted extensive experiments using real data sets.
The experimental results confirm the efficiency and
accuracy of our algorithms. (Section 4)
Finding Minimum Keys
In this section we consider the Minimum Key problem. First we show the problem is NP-hard (Section 2.1)
and the best approximation algorithm is a greedy algorithm which gives O(ln n)-approximate solution (Section
2.2). The greedy algorithm requires multiple scans of the
table, which is expensive for large tables and inhibitive for
stream databases. To enable more efficient algorithms, we
relax the problem by allowing approximate answers, i.e. the
(ǫ, δ)-Separation (Distinct) Minimum Key problem. We develop random sampling based algorithms with approximation guarantees and sublinear space (Section 2.3, 2.4).
2.1 Hardness Result
The Minimum Key problem is NP-Hard, which follows
easily from the NP-hardness of the Minimum Test Collection problem.
Minimum Test Collection: Given a set S of elements and a collection C of subsets of S, a test
collection is a subcollection of C such that for
each pair of distinct elements there is some set
that contains exactly one of the two elements. The
Minimum Test Collection problem is to find a test
collection with the smallest cardinality.
Minimum Test Collection is equivalent to a special case
of the Minimum Key problem where each attribute is
boolean: let S be the set of tuples and C be all the attributes;
each subset in C corresponds to an attribute and contains all
the tuples whose values are true in this attribute, then a test
collection is equivalent to a key in the table. Minimum Test
Collection is known to be NP-hard [7], therefore the Minimum Key problem is also NP-hard.
2.2 A Greedy Approximation Algorithm
The best known approximation algorithm for Minimum
Test Collection is a greedy algorithm with approximation
ratio 1 + 2 ln |S| [18], i.e. it finds a test collection with
size at most 1 + 2 ln |S| times the smallest test collection
size. The algorithm can be extended to the more general
Minimum Key problem, where each attribute can be from
an arbitrary domain, not just boolean.
Before presenting the algorithm, let us consider a naive
greedy algorithm: compute the separation (or distinct) ratio
of each attribute in advance; each time pick the attribute
with the highest separation ratio in the remaining attributes,
until we get a key. The algorithm is fast and easy to
implement, but unfortunately it does not perform well when
the attributes are correlated. For example if there are
many attributes pairwise highly correlated and each has a
high separation ratio, then the optimal solution probably
includes only one of these attributes while the above greedy
algorithm is likely to pick all of them. The approximation
ratio of this algorithm can be arbitrarily bad.
A fix to the naive algorithm is to pick each time the
attribute which separates the largest number of tuple pairs
not yet separated. To prove the approximation ratio of
the algorithm, we reduce Minimum Key to the Minimum
Set Cover problem. The reduction plays an important role
in designing algorithms for finding and masking quasiidentifiers in later sections.
Minimum Set Cover: Given a finite set S (called
the ground set) and a collection C of subsets of
S, a set cover I is a subcollection of C such that
every element in S belongs to at least one member
of I. Minimum Set Cover problem asks for a set
cover with the smallest size.
Given an instance of Minimum Key with n tuples and m
attributes, we reduce it to a set cover instance as follows:
the ground set¡ S¢ consists of all distinct unordered pairs of
tuples (|S| = n2 ); each attribute c in the table is mapped to
a subset containing all pairs of tuples separated by attribute
c. Now a collection of subsets covers S if and only if the
corresponding attributes can separate all pairs of tuples, i.e.,
those attributes form a key, therefore there is a one-to-one
map between minimum set covers and minimum keys.
Consider the example of Table 1. The ground set
of the corresponding set cover instance contains 10 elements where each element is a pair of tuples. The
column age is mapped to a subset cage with 8 pairs:
{(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 5), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (3, 4), (4, 5)}; the
column sex is mapped to a subset csex with 6 pairs, and state
7 pairs. The attribute set {age, sex} is a key; correspondingly the collection {cage , csex } is a set cover.
The Greedy Set Cover Algorithm starts with an empty
collection (of subsets) and adds subsets one by one until every element in S has been covered; each time it chooses the
subset covering the largest number of uncovered elements.
It is well known that this greedy algorithm is a 1 + ln |S|
approximation algorithm for Minimum Set Cover.
L EMMA 2.1. [12] The Greedy Set Cover Algorithm outputs a set cover of size at most 1 + ln |S| times the minimum
set cover size.
The Greedy Minimum Key Algorithm mimics the greedy
set cover algorithm: start with an empty set of attributes and
add attributes one by one until all tuple pairs are separated;
each time chooses an attribute separating the largest number
of tuple pairs not yet separated. The running time of the
algorithm is O(m3 n). It is easy to infer the approximation
ratio of this algorithm from Lemma 2.1:
T HEOREM 2.1. Greedy Minimum Key Algorithm outputs a
key of size at most 1 + 2 ln n times the minimum key size.
for large data sets. In this and next section, we relax the
minimum key problem by allowing quasi-identifiers and
design efficient algorithms with approximate guarantees.
We use the standard (ǫ, δ) formulation: with probability
at least 1 − δ, we allow an “error” of at most ǫ, i.e. we
output a quasi-identifier with separation (distinct) ratio at
least 1 − ǫ. The (ǫ, δ) Minimum Set Cover Problem is
defined similarly and requires the output set cover covering
at least a 1 − ǫ fraction of all elements.
Our algorithms are based on random sampling. We first
randomly sample k elements (tuples), and reduce the input
set cover (key) instance to a smaller set cover (key) instance
containing only the sampled elements (tuples). We then
solve the exact minimum set cover (key) problem in the
smaller instance (which is again a hard problem but has
much smaller size, so we can afford to apply the greedy
algorithms in Section 2.2), and output the solution as an
approximate solution to the original problem. The number
of samples k is carefully chosen so that the error probability
is bounded. We present in detail the algorithm for (ǫ, δ)-set
cover in Section 2.3.1; the (ǫ, δ)-Separation Minimum Key
problem can be solved by reducing to (ǫ, δ) Minimum Set
Cover (Section 2.3); we discuss (ǫ, δ)-Distinct Minimum
Key in Section 2.4.
2.3.1 (ǫ, δ) Minimum Set Cover The key observation
underlying our algorithm is that to check whether a given
collection of subsets is a set cover, we only need to check
some randomly sampled elements if we allow approximate
solutions. If the collection only covers part of S, then it
will fail the check after enough random samples. The idea
is formalized as the following lemma.
L EMMA 2.2. s1 , s2 , . . . , sk are k elements independently
randomly chosen from S. If a subset S ′ satisfies |S ′ | <
α|S|, then P r[si ∈ S ′ , ∀i] < αk .
The proof is straightforward. The probability that a random element of S belongs to S ′ is |S ′ |/|S| < α, therefore
the probability of all k random elements belonging to S ′ is
at most αk .
Now we combine the idea of random sample checking
with the greedy algorithm for the exact set cover. Our
Greedy Approximate Set Cover algorithm is as follows:
1. Choose k elements uniformly at random from S (k is
defined later);
The greedy algorithms are optimal because neither problem is approximable within c ln |S| for some c > 0 [10].
Note that this is the worst case bound and in practice the
algorithms usually find much smaller set covers or keys.
2.3 (ǫ, δ)-Separation Minimum Key
2. Reduce the problem to a smaller set cover instance: the
ground set S̃ consists of the k chosen elements; each
subset in the original problem maps to a subset which
is the intersection of S̃ and the original subset;
The greedy algorithm in the last section is optimal in
terms of approximation ratio, however, it requires multiple
scans (O(m2 ) scans indeed) of the table, which is expensive
3. Apply Greedy Set Cover Algorithm to find an exact set
cover for S̃, and output the solution as an approximate
set cover to S.
Let n be the size of the ground set S, and m be the
number of subsets. We say a collection of subsets is an αset cover if it covers at least an α fraction of the elements.
T HEOREM 2.3. With probability 1−δ, the above algorithm
outputs a (1 − ǫ)-separation quasi-identifier whose size is at
most (1 + ln log 1−ǫ
δ )|I |, where I is the smallest key.
T HEOREM 2.2. With probability 1−δ, the above algorithm
with k = log 1−ǫ
δ outputs a (1 − ǫ)-set cover whose
The proof directly follows Theorem 2.2. The approximation ratio is essentially ln m + O(1). The space requirement
of the above algorithm is mk = O(m2 ), which significantly
improves upon the input size mn.
cardinality is at most (1 + ln log 1−ǫ
the optimal exact set cover.
δ )|I |,
where I ∗ is
Proof. Denote by S̃ the ground set of the reduced instance
(|S̃| = k); by I˜∗ the minimum set cover of S̃ . The greedy
algorithm outputs a subcollection of subsets covering all
˜ By Lemma 2.1, |I|
˜ ≤
k elements of S̃, denoted by I.
(1 + ln |S̃|)|I |. Note that I , the minimum set cover
of the original set S, corresponds to a set cover of S̃, so
˜ ≤ (1 + ln k)|I ∗ |.
|I˜∗ | ≤ |I ∗ |, and hence |I|
We map I back to a subcollection I of the original
problem. We have
˜ ≤ (1 + ln k)|I ∗ | = (1 + ln log 1 2m )|I ∗ |.
|I| = |I|
Now bound the probability that I is not a 1 − ǫ-set cover.
By Lemma 2.2, the probability that a subcollection covering
less than a 1 − ǫ fraction of S covers all k chosen elements
of S̃ is at most
(1 − ǫ)k = (1 − ǫ)
= (1 − ǫ)log1−ǫ
There are 2m possible subcollections; by union bound,
the overall error probability, i.e. the probability that any
subcollection is not a (1−ǫ)-cover of S but is an exact cover
of S̃, is at most δ. Hence, with probability at least 1 − δ, I
is a (1 − ǫ)-set cover for S.
If we take ǫ and δ as constants, the approximation ratio is
essentially ln m+O(1), which is smaller than 1+ln n when
n ≫ m. The space requirement of the above algorithm is
mk = O(m2 ) and running time is O(m4 ).
2.3.2 (ǫ, δ)-Separation Minimum Key The reduction
from Minimum Key to Minimum Set Cover preserves the
separation ratio: an α-separation quasi-identifier separates
at least an α fraction of all pairs of tuples, so its corresponding subcollection is an α-set cover; and vice versa.
Therefore, we can reduce the (ǫ, δ)-Separation Minimum
Key problem to the (ǫ, δ)-Set Cover problem where |S| =
O(n2 ). The complete algorithm is as follows.
1. Randomly choose k = log 1−ǫ
pairs of tuples;
2. Reduce the problem to a set cover instance where
the ground set S̃ is the set of those k pairs and each
attribute maps to a subset of the k pairs separated by
this attribute;
3. Apply Greedy Set Cover Algorithm to find an exact set
cover for S̃, and output the corresponding attributes as
a quasi-identifier to the original table.
2.4 (ǫ, δ)-Distinct Minimum Key
Unfortunately, the reduction to set cover does not necessarily map an α-distinct quasi-identifier to an α-set cover.
As pointed out in Section 1.1, an α-distinct quasi-identifier
corresponds to an α′ -separation quasi-identifier, and thus
reduces to an α′ -set cover, where α′ can be as small as
. Therefore reducing this
2α − α2 , or as large as 1 − 2(1−α)
problem directly to set cover gives too loose bound, and a
new algorithm is desired.
Our algorithm for finding distinct quasi-identifiers is
again based on random sampling. We reduce the input
(ǫ, δ)-Distinct Minimum Key instance to a smaller (exact)
Minimum Key instance by randomly choosing k tuples and
keeping all m attributes. The following lemma bounds the
probability that a subset of attributes is an (exact) key in
the sample table, but not an α-distinct quasi-identifier in the
original table.
L EMMA 2.3. Randomly choose k tuples from input table T
to form table T1 . Let p be the probability that an (exact) key
of T1 is not an α-distinct quasi-identifier in T . Then
p < e−
( 1 −1)k(k−1)
Proof: Suppose we have n balls distributed in d = αn distinct bins. Randomly choose k balls without replacement,
and the probability that the k balls are all from different bins
is exactly p. Let x1 , x2 , . . . , xd be the number of balls in the
d bins ( i=1 xi = n, xi > 0), then
all{i1 ,i2 ,...,ik } xi1 xi2 . . . xik
p is maximized when all xi s are equal, i.e. each bin has
balls. Next we compute p for this case. The first ball
can be from any bin; to choose the second ball, we have
n − 1 choices, but it cannot be from the same bin as the first
one, so α1 − 1 of the n − 1 choices are infeasible; similar
arguments hold for the remaining balls. Summing up, the
probability that all k balls are from distinct bins is
1(1 −
(k − 1)( α1 − 1)
2( 1 − 1)
) . . . (1 −
)(1 − α
n − (k − 1)
(k−1)( −1)
2( −1)
+ n−(k−1)
+ n−2
−( α
( 1 −1)k(k−1)
The Greedy (ǫ, δ)-Distinct Minimum Key Algorithm is
as follows:
n ln 2δ tuples and
1. Randomly choose k =
keep all attributes to form table T1 ;
2. Apply Greedy Minimum Key Algorithm to find an
exact key in T1 , and output it as a quasi-identifier to
the original table.
T HEOREM 2.4. With probability 1−δ, the above algorithm
outputs a (1 − ǫ)-distinct quasi-identifier whose size is at
most (1 + 2 ln k)|I ∗ |, where I ∗ is the smallest exact key.
The proof is similar to Theorem 2.2, substituting Lemma
2.2 with Lemma 2.3. k is chosen such that p ≤ 2δm to
guarantee that the overall error probability is less than δ.
The approximation ratio is essentially ln m + ln n + O(1),
which improves the 1 + 2 ln n result
√ for the exact key. The
space requirement is mk = O(m mn), sublinear in the
number of tuples of the original table.
2.5 Minimum β-Separation Quasi-identifier
In previous sections, our goal is to find a small quasiidentifier that is almost a key. Note that ǫ indicates
our “error tolerance”, not our goal. For (ǫ, δ)-Separation
Minimum Key problem, our algorithm is likely to output quasi-identifiers whose separation ratios are far greater
than 1 − ǫ. For example, suppose the minimum key of
a given table consists of 100 attributes, while the minimum 0.9-separation quasi-identifier has 10 attributes, then
our (0.1, 0.01)-separation algorithm may output a quasiidentifier that has say 98 attributes and is 0.999-separation.
However, sometimes we may be interested in finding 0.9separation quasi-identifiers which have much smaller sizes.
For this purpose we consider the Minimum β-Separation
Quasi-identifier Problem: find a quasi-identifier with the
minimum size and separation ratio at least β.
The Minimum β-Separation Quasi-identifier Problem is
at least as hard as Minimum Key since the latter is a special
case where β = 1. So again we consider the approximate
version by relaxing the separation ratio: we require the
algorithm to output a quasi-identifier with separation ratio
at least (1 − ǫ)β with probability at least 1 − δ.
We present the algorithm for approximate β-set cover;
the β-separation quasi-identifier problem can be reduced to
β-set cover as before.
The Greedy Minimum β-Set Cover algorithm works as
follows: first randomly sample k = βǫ
2 ln δ
from the ground set S, and construct a smaller set cover
instance defined on the k chosen elements; run the greedy
algorithm on the smaller set cover instance until get a subcollection covering at least (2 − ǫ)βk/2 elements (start with
an empty subcollection; each time add to the subcollection a
subset covering the largest number of uncovered elements).
T HEOREM 2.5. The Greedy Minimum β-Set Cover algorithm runs in space mk = O(m2 ), and with probability at
least 1 − δ, outputs a (1 − ǫ)β-set cover with size at most
)|I ∗ |, where I ∗ is the minimum β-set cover
(1 + ln (2−ǫ)βk
of S.
The proof can be found in our technical report. This
algorithm also applies to the minimum exact set cover
problem (the special case where β = 1), but the bound
is worse than Theorem 2.2; see our technical report for
detailed comparison.
The minimum β-separation quasi-identifier problem can
be solved by reducing to β-set cover problem and applying
the above greedy algorithm. Unfortunately, we cannot
provide similar algorithms for β-distinct quasi-identifiers;
the main difficulty is that it is hard to give a tight bound
to the distinct ratio of the original table by only looking at
a small sample of tuples. The negative results on distinct
ratio estimation can be found in [5].
3 Masking Quasi-Identifiers
In this section we consider the quasi-identifier masking
problem: when we release a table, we want to publish a
subset of the attributes subject to the privacy constraint that
no β-separation (or β-distinct) quasi-identifier is published;
on the other hand we want to maximize the utility, which
is measured by the number of published attributes. For
each problem, we first present a greedy algorithm which
generates good results but runs slow for large tables, and
then show how to accelerate the algorithms using random
sampling. (The algorithms can be easily extended to the
case where the attributes have weights and the utility is the
sum of attribute weights.)
3.1 Masking β-Separation Quasi-identifiers
As in Section 2.2, we can reduce the problem to a set
cover type problem: let the ground set S be the set of
all pairs of tuples, and let each attribute correspond to
a subset of tuple pairs separated by this attribute, then
the problem of Masking β-Separation Quasi-identifier is
equivalent to finding a maximum number of subsets such
that at most a β fraction of elements in S is covered by
the selected subsets. We refer to this problem as Maximum
Non-Set Cover problem. Unfortunately, the Maximum NonSet Cover problem is NP-hard by a reduction from the
Dense Subgraph problem. (See our technical report for the
hardness proof.)
We propose a greedy heuristic for masking β-separation
quasi-identifiers: start with an empty set of attributes, and
add attributes to the set one by one as long as the separation
ratio is below β; each time pick the attribute separating the
least number of tuple pairs not yet separated.
The algorithm produces a subset of attributes satisfying
the privacy constraint and with good utility in practice,
however it suffers from the same efficiency issue as the
greedy algorithm in Section 2.2: it requires O(m2 ) scans
of the table and is thus slow for large data sets. We again
use random sampling technique to accelerate the algorithm:
the following lemma gives a necessary condition for a βseparation quasi-identifier in the sample table (with high
probability), so only looking at the sample table and pruning
all attribute sets satisfying the necessary condition will
guarantee the privacy constraint. The proof of the lemma
is omit for lack of space.
L EMMA 3.1. Randomly sample k pairs of tuples, then a βseparation quasi-identifier separates at least αβ of the k
pairs, with probability at least 1 − e−(1−α) βk/2 .
The Greedy Approximate β-Separation Masking Algorithm is as follows:
1. Randomly choose k pairs of tuples;
m /δ)
)β. Run the following
2. Let β ′ = (1 − 2 ln(2
greedy algorithm on the selected pairs: start with an
empty set C of attributes, and add attributes to the set
C one by one as long as the number of separated pairs
is below β ′ k; each time pick the attribute separating
the least number of tuple pairs not yet separated;
3. Publish the set of attributes C.
By the nature of the algorithm the published attributes
C do not contain quasi-identifiers with separation greater
than β ′ in the sample pairs; by Lemma 3.1, this ensures that
with probability at least 1 − 2m e−(1−β /β) βk/2 = 1 − δ,
C do not contain any β-separation quasi-identifier in the
original table. Therefore the attributes published by the
above algorithm satisfies the privacy constraint.
T HEOREM 3.1. With probability at least 1 − δ, the above
algorithm outputs an attribute set with separation ratio at
most β.
We may over-prune because the condition in Lemma 3.1
is not a sufficient condition, which means we may lose some
utility. The parameter k in the algorithm offers a tradeoff
between the time/space complexity and the utility. Obviously both the running time and the space increase linearly
with k; on the other hand, the utility (the number of published attributes) also increases with k because the pruning
condition becomes tighter as k increases. Our experiment
results show that the algorithm is able to dramatically reduce the running time and space complexity, without much
sacrifice in the utility (see Section 4).
Masking β-Distinct Quasi-identifiers
For masking β-distinct quasi-identifiers, we can use
a similar greedy heuristic: start with an empty set of
attributes, and each time pick the attribute adding the least
number of distinct values, as long as the distinct ratio is
below β. And similarly we can use a sample table to trade
off utility for efficiency.
1. Randomly choose k tuples and keep all the columns to
form a sample table T1 ;
m /δ)
)β. Run the following
2. Let β ′ = (1 − 2 ln(2
greedy algorithm on T1 : start with an empty set C of
attributes, and add attributes to the set C one by one
as long as the distinct ratio is below β ′ ; each time pick
the attribute adding the least number of distinct values;
3. Publish the set of attributes C.
Lemma 3.2 and Theorem 3.2 state the privacy guarantee
of the above algorithm.
L EMMA 3.2. Randomly sample k tuples from the input
table T into a small table T1 (k ≪ n, where n is the
number of tuples in T ). A β-distinct quasi-identifier of T
is an αβ-distinct quasi-identifier of T1 with probability at
least 1 − e−(1−α) βk/2 .
Proof. By the definition of β-distinct quasi-identifier, the
tuples has at least βn distinct values projected on the quasiidentifier. Take (any) one tuple from each distinct value,
and call those representing tuples “good tuples”. There are
at least βn good tuples in T .
Let k1 be the number of distinct values in T1 projected
on the quasi-identifier, and k ′ be the number of good tuples
in T1 . We have k1 ≥ k ′ because all good tuples are distinct.
(The probability that any good tuple is chosen more than
once is negligible when k ≪ n.) Next we bound the
probability P r[k ′ ≤ αβk]. Since each random tuple has
a probability at least β of being good, and each sample are
chosen independently, we can use Chernoff bound (see [19]
Ch. 4) and get
P r[k ′ ≤ αβk] ≤ e−(1−α)
Since k1 ≥ k ′ , we have
P r[k1 ≤ αβk] ≤ P r[k ′ ≤ αβk] ≤ e−(1−α)
Hence with probability at least 1 − e−(1−α) βk/2 , the quasiidentifier has distinct ratio at least αβ in T1 .
T HEOREM 3.2. With probability at least 1−δ, the attribute
set published by the algorithm has distinct ratio at most β.
4 Experiments
We have implemented all algorithms for finding and
masking quasi-identifiers, and conducted extensive experiments using real data sets. All experiments were run on a
2.4GHz Pentium PC with 1GB memory.
Running time
Utility (# published attributes)
Running Time (seconds)
Sample Size k (*1000)
(a) Masking 0.5-distinct quasi-identifiers
Running Time (seconds)
Running time
Utility (# published attributes)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Sample Size k (*1000)
(b) Masking 0.8-separation quasi-identifiers
Figure 1. Performance of masking quasi-identifier
algorithms with different sample sizes on table
california. Figures (a) and (b) show how the running
time (the left y axis) and the utility (the right y
axis) change with the sample size (the parameter k)
in Greedy Approximate algorithms for masking 0.5distinct and 0.8-separation quasi-identifiers.
has 581012 rows and 54 attributes. We use 14 attributes
of adult including age, education level, marital status; the
number of records in adult is around 30000.
4.2 Masking Quasi-identifiers
The greedy approximate algorithms for masking quasiidentifiers are randomized algorithms that guarantee to satisfy the privacy constraints with probability 1 − δ. We set
δ = 0.01, and the privacy constraint are satisfied in all experiments, which confirms the accuracy of our algorithms.
Figure 1 shows the tradeoff between the running time
and the utility (the number of attributes published), using
the california data set. Both the running time and the
utility decrease as the sample size k decreases; however,
the running time decreases linearly with k while the utility
degrades very slowly. For example, running the greedy
algorithm for masking 0.5-distinct quasi-identifiers on the
entire table (without random sampling) takes 80 minutes
and publishes 34 attributes (the rightmost point in Figure a);
using a sample of 30000 tuples the greedy algorithm takes
only 10 minutes and outputs 32 attributes. Figure b shows
the impact of k on the masking separation quasi-identifier
algorithm. To run the greedy algorithm for masking 0.8separation quasi-identifier on the entire table takes 728
seconds (not shown in the figure); using a sample of 50000
pairs offers the same utility and only takes 30 seconds.
The results show that our random sampling technique can
greatly improve time and space complexity (space is also
linear in k), with only minor sacrifice on the utility.
Data Sets
4.1 Data Sets
One source of data sets is the census microdata “PublicUse Microdata Samples (PUMS)” [1], provided by US
Census Bureau. We gather the 5 percent samples of Census
2000 data from all states and put into a table “census”.
To study the performance of our algorithms on tables with
different sizes, we also extract 1 percent samples of statelevel data and select 4 states with different population sizes
– Idaho, Washington, Texas and California. We extract 41
attributes including age, sex, race, education level, salary
etc. We only use adult records (age ≥ 20) because many
children are indistinguishable even with all 41 attributes.
The table census has 10 million distinct adults, and the
sizes of Idaho, Washington, Texas and California are 8867,
41784, 141130 and 233687 respectively.
We also use two data sets adult and covtype provided by
UCI Machine Learning Repository [21]. The covtype table
3017s 35
4628s 34
Greedy Approximate
2000s 46
Table 2. Algorithms for masking 0.5-distinct
quasi-identifiers. The column “Greedy” represents
the greedy algorithm on the entire table; the column
“Greedy Approximate” represents running greedy algorithm on a random sample of 30000 tuples. We
compare the running time and the utility (the number of published attributes) of the two algorithms on
different data sets. The results of Greedy on census
and covtype are not available because the algorithm
does not terminate in 10 hours; the results of Greedy
Approximate on adult and Idaho are not available because the input tuple number is less than 30000.
Data Sets
2 hours 38
Greedy Approximate
time utility
104s 37
170s 17
Table 3. Algorithms for masking 0.8-separation
quasi-identifiers. The column “Greedy” represents
the greedy algorithm on the entire table, and the
column “Greedy Approximate” represents running
greedy algorithm on a random sample of 50000 pairs
of tuples. We compare the running time and the utility
of the two algorithms on different data sets. The
result of Greedy on census is unavailable because the
algorithm does not terminate in 10 hours.
Table 2 and 3 compare the running time and the utility
(the number of published attributes) of running the greedy
algorithm on the entire table versus on a random sample
(we use a sample of 30000 tuples in Table 2 and a sample
of 50000 pairs of tuples in Table 3). Results on all data
sets confirm that the random sampling technique is able to
reduce the running time dramatically especially for large
tables, with only minor impact on the utility. For the largest
data set census, running the greedy algorithm on the entire
table does not terminate in 10 hours, while with random
sampling it only takes no more than 13 minutes for masking
0.5-distinct quasi-identifier and 3 minutes for masking 0.8separation quasi-identifier.
Approximate Minimum Key Algorithms
Finally we examine the greedy algorithms for finding
minimum key and (ǫ, δ)-separation or -distinct minimum
key in Section 2. Table 4 shows the experimental results
of the Greedy Minimum Key, Greedy (0.1, 0.01)-Distinct
Minimum Key, and Greedy (0.001, 0.01)-Separation Minimum Key algorithms on different data sets.
The Greedy Minimum Key algorithm (applying greedy
algorithm directly on the entire table) works well for small
data sets such as adult, idaho, but becomes unaffordable
as the data size increases. The approximate algorithms for
separation or distinct minimum key are much faster. For the
table California, the greedy minimum key algorithm takes
almost one hour, while the greedy distinct algorithm takes
2.5 minutes, and greedy separation algorithm merely seconds; for the largest table census, the greedy minimum key
algorithm takes more than 10 hours, while the approximate
algorithms take no more than 15 minutes. The space and
time requirements of our approximate minimum key algorithms are sublinear in the number of input tuples, and we
expect the algorithms to scale well on even larger data sets.
We measure the distinct and separation ratios of the
output quasi-identifiers, and find the ratios always within
error ǫ. This confirms the accuracy of our algorithms.
Theorem 2.3 and 2.4 provide the theoretical bounds on
the size of the quasi-identifiers found by our algorithms
(ln m or ln mn times the minimum key size). Those
bounds are worst case bounds, and in practice we usually
get much smaller quasi-identifiers. For example, we find
that the minimum key size of adult is 13 by exhaustive
search, and the greedy algorithm for both distinct and
separation minimum key find quasi-identifiers no larger
than the minimum key. (For other data sets in Table 4,
computing the minimum key exactly takes prohibitively
long time, so we are not able to verify the approximation
ratio of our algorithms.) We also generate synthetic tables
with known minimum key sizes, then apply the greedy
distinct minimum key algorithm (with ǫ = 0.1) on those
tables and are always able to find quasi-identifiers no larger
than the minimum key size. Those experiments show
that in practice our approximate minimum key algorithms
usually perform much better than the theoretical worst case
bounds, and are often able to find quasi-identifiers with high
separation (distinct) ratio and size close to the minimum.
5 Related Work
The implication of quasi-identifiers to privacy is first
formally studied by Sweeney, who also proposed the kanonymity framework as a solution to this problem [25, 24].
Afterwards there is numerous work which studies the complexity of this problem [17, 2], designs and implements
algorithms to achieve k-anonymity [23, 4], or extends
upon the framework [16, 14]. Our algorithm for masking quasi-identifiers can be viewed as an approximation to
k-anonymity where the suppression must be conducted at
the attribute level. Also it is an “on average” k-anonymity
because it does not provide perfect anonymity for every
individual but does so for the majority; a similar idea is
used in [15]. On the other side, our algorithms for finding keys/quasi-identifiers attempt to attack the privacy of
published data from the adversary’s point of view, when the
publish data is not k-anonymized. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing work addressing this problem.
Our algorithms exploit the idea of using random samples
to trade off between accuracy and space complexity, and can
be viewed as streaming algorithms. Streaming algorithms
emerged as a hot research topic in the last decade; see [20]
for a survey of this area.
Keys are special cases of functional dependencies, and
quasi-identifiers are a special case of approximate functional dependency. Our definitions of separation and dis-
Data Sets
key size
35.5s 13
50.4s 14
2032s 29
3307s 29
distinct Greedy (ǫ = 0.1)
key size distinct ratio
78.1s 3
15.2s 8
34.1s 8
120s 14
145s 13
808s 17
separation Greedy (ǫ = 0.001)
key size separation ratio
3.11s 5
27.1s 2
1.07s 3
7.14s 3
13.2s 4
16.3s 4
120s 3
Table 4. Running time and output key sizes of the Greedy Minimum Key, Greedy (0.1, 0.01)-Distinct Minimum
Key, and Greedy (0.001, 0.01)-Separation Minimum Key algorithms. The result of Greedy Minimum Key on
census is not available because the algorithm does not terminate in 10 hours.
tinct ratios for quasi-identifiers are adapted from the measures for quantifying approximations of functional dependencies proposed in [13, 22].
Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper, we designed efficient algorithms for discovering and masking quasi-identifiers in large tables.
We developed efficient algorithms that find small quasiidentifiers with provable size and separation/distinct ratio
guarantees, with space and time complexity sublinear in the
number of input tuples. We also designed efficient algorithms for masking quasi-identifiers in large tables.
All algorithms in the paper can be extended to the
weighted case, where each attribute is associated with a
weight and the size/utility of a set of attributes is defined as
the sum of their weights. The idea of using random samples
to trade off between accuracy and space complexity can
potentially be explored in other problems on large tables.
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On the Lindell-Pinkas Secure Computation of Logarithms:
From Theory to Practice
Raphael S. Ryger∗
Onur Kardes†
Rebecca N. Wright†
Yale University
New Haven, CT USA
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, NJ USA
Rutgers University
Piscataway, NJ USA
Lindell and Pinkas demonstrated that it is feasible
to preserve privacy in data mining by employing a
combination of general-purpose and specialized securemultiparty-computation (SMC) protocol components.
Yet practical obstacles of several sorts have impeded
a fully practical realization of this idea. In this paper, we address the correctness and practicality of one
of their primary contributions, a secure natural logarithm computation, which is a building block crucial
to an SMC approach to privacy-preserving data mining applications including construction of ID3 trees and
Bayesian networks. We first demonstrate a minor error
in the Lindell-Pinkas solution, then provide a correction
along with several optimizations. We explore a modest
trade-off of perfect secrecy for a performance advantage,
a strategy that adds flexibility in the effective application of hybrid SMC to data mining.
1 Introduction
Privacy-preservation objectives in data mining can often be framed ideally as instances of secure multiparty
computation (SMC), wherein multiple parties cooperate
in a computation without thereby learning each other’s
inputs. The characterization of SMC is very encompassing, admitting a great variety of input and output
configurations, so that a general recipe for adding the
SMC input security to arbitrary well-specified multiparty computations would seem to solve many quite
different problems in one fell swoop. Indeed, general
approaches to SMC were proposed for a variety of settings already in the 1980s. Yet the framing of privacy
preservation for particular data-mining tasks as SMC
problems, making them amenable to the general approaches, is usually not useful. For all but the most
∗ Supported
in part by ONR grant N00014-01-1-0795 and by
US-Israel BSF grant 2002065.
† Supported in part by NSF grant 0331584.
P3DM’08, April 26, 2008, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
trivial computations, the general SMC solutions have
been too cumbersome to apply and would be impractical to run. They require the computation to be represented as an algebraic circuit, with all loops unrolled to
as many iterations as would possibly be needed for the
supported inputs, and with all contingent branches of
the logic as conventionally expressed—such as iterations
that happen not to be needed—executed in every run
regardless of the inputs. One may reasonably conclude
that SMC is just a theoretical curiosity, not relevant for
real-world privacy-preserving data mining, where inputs
are not just a few bits but rather entire databases.
Lindell and Pinkas [LP00, LP02] have shown the latter conclusion to be inappropriate. A privacy-preserving
data-mining task, they point out, need not be cast as a
monolithic SMC problem to which to apply an expensive general SMC solution. Instead, the task may be
decomposed into modules requiring SMC, all within a
computational superstructure that may itself admissibly be left public. The modules requiring SMC may,
in part, be implemented with special-purpose protocols with good performance, leaving general SMC as
a fallback (at the module-implementation level) only
where special approaches have not been found. The
key to such construction is that we are able to ensure secure chaining of the secure protocol components.
We prevent information from leaking at the seams between the SMC components by having them produce
not public intermediate outputs but rather individualparty shares of the logical outputs, shares that may
then be fed as inputs to further SMC components. Lindell and Pinkas illustrate this creative, hybrid methodology by designing a two-party SMC version of the
ID3 data-mining algorithm for building a classification
tree, a query-sequencing strategy for predicting an unknown attribute—e.g., loan worthiness—of a new entity whose other attributes—e.g., those characterizing
credit history, assets, and income—are obtainable by
(cost-bearing) query. At each construction step, the
ID3 algorithm enters an episode of information-theoretic
analysis of the database of known-entity attributes. The
privacy concern is introduced, in the Lindell-Pinkas setting, by horizontal partitioning of that database between two parties that must not share their records.
The computation is to go through as if the parties have
pooled their data, yet without them revealing to each
other in their computational cooperation any more regarding their private data than is implied by the ultimate result that is to be made known to them both.
While demonstrating the potential in a modular
SMC approach to prospective appliers of the theory,
Lindell and Pinkas offer SMC researchers and implementors some design suggestions for particular SMC
modules needed in their structuring of the two-party
ID3 computation. Strikingly, they need only three such
SMC modules, all relatively small and clearly useful for
building other protocols, namely, shares-to-shares logarithm and product protocols and a shares-to-publicvalue minindex protocol. Their intriguing recommendation for the secure logarithm protocol, critical to the
accuracy and performance of SMC data mining whenever information-theoretic analysis is involved, is our
focus in this paper.
The present authors have been engaged in a privacypreserving data-mining project [YW06, KRWF05] very
much inspired by Lindell and Pinkas. Our setting is similar: a database is arbitrarily partitioned between two
parties wishing to keep their portions of the data private to the extent that is consistent with achieving their
shared objective of discovering a Bayes-net structure in
their combined data. The information-theoretic considerations and the scoring formula they lead to are very
similar to those in the ID3 algorithm for classificationstrategy building, as is the external flow of control that
invokes scoring on candidate next query attributes given
a set of query attributes that has already been decided
upon. (The details and their differences are not germane to the present discussion.) The adaptation we do
for privacy preservation in our two-party setting is, not
surprisingly, very similar to what Lindell and Pinkas do.
Indeed, we need the same SMC components that they
do and just one more, for computing scalar products of
binary-valued vectors. The latter additional need has
more to do with the difference in setting—we are admitting arbitrary, rather than just horizontal, partitioning
of the data—than with the difference in analytical objective. In fact, our software would not require much adjustment to serve as a privacy-preserving two-party ID3
implementation—in fact, supporting arbitrarily partitioned data, given the incorporated scalar-product component.
Launching our investigation a few years after Lin-
dell and Pinkas’s paper, we have had the advantage of
the availability of the Fairplay system [MNPS04] for actually implementing the Yao-protocol components. We
have created tools to support the entire methodology,
enabling us to take our protocol from a theoretical suggestion all the way to usable software. This exercise has
been illuminating. On one hand, it has produced the
most convincing vindication of which we are aware of
Lindell and Pinkas’ broad thesis regarding the practical
achievability of SMC in data mining while teaching us
much about the software engineering required for complex SMC protocols. On the other hand, as is typical in
implementation work, it has revealed flaws in a number
of areas of the underlying theoretical work, including
our own. In this paper, we present our observations
on the Lindell-Pinkas logarithm proposal. We correct a
mathematical oversight and address a general modularSMC issue that it highlights, the disposition of scaling
factors that creep into intermediate results for technical
We begin in Section 2 with a careful account of the
Lindell-Pinkas proposal for a precision-configurable secure two-party shares-to-shares computation of natural
logarithms. In Section 3, we explain the mathematical oversight in the original proposal and show that the
cost of a straightforward fix by scale-up is surprisingly
low, although leaving us with a greatly inflated scale-up
factor. In Sections 4 and 5, we propose efficient alternatives for doing arbitrary scaling securely. These enable a
significant optimization in the first phase of the LindellPinkas protocol, allowing removal of the table look-up
from the Yao circuit evaluation. We briefly point out
the effectiveness of a simple dodge of most of the problematics of the Lindell-Pinkas protocol in Section 6. We
conclude with a discussion of our implementation of the
revised Lindell-Pinkas protocol and its performance in
Section 7.
The Lindell-Pinkas ln x protocol
The Lindell-Pinkas proposed protocol for securely computing ln x is intended as a component in a larger secure two-party protocol. The parties are presumed not
to know, and must not hereby learn, either the argument or its logarithm. They contribute secret shares
of the argument and obtain secret shares of its logarithm. The proposed design for this protocol module is itself modular, proceeding in two chained phases
involving different technology. The first phase internally determines n and ε such that x = 2n (1 + ε) with
−1/4 ≤ ε < 1/2. Note that, since n is an approximate
base-2 logarithm of x, the first phase gets us most of
the way to the desired logarithm of x. Furthermore,
this phase dominates the performance time of the en-
tire logarithm protocol: in absence of a specialized SMC
protocol for the first phase, Lindell and Pinkas fall back
to dictating it be implemented using Yao’s general approach to secure two-party computation, entailing gateby-gate cryptography-laden evaluation of an obfuscated
Boolean circuit. Yet the main thrust of the LindellPinkas recommendation is in the second phase, which
takes (the secret shares of) ε delivered by phase one
and computes an additive correction to the logarithm
approximation delivered (as secret shares) by phase one.
We will return to the performance-critical considerations in implementing phase one, not addressed by
Lindell and Pinkas. We assume that its Boolean circuitry reconstitutes x from its shares; consults the top
1-bit in its binary representation and the value of the
bit following it to determine n and ε as defined; represents n and ε in a manner to be discussed; and returns
shares of these representations to the respective parties. These values allow an additive decomposition of
the sought natural logarithm of x,
ln x = ln 2n (1 + ε) = n ln 2 + ln(1 + ε)
The purpose is to take advantage of the Taylor expansion of the latter term,
(−1)i−1 εi
ln(1 + ε) =
= ε−
+ ···
to enable, in phase two, correction of the phase-one approximation of the logarithm with configurable precision by choice of the number of series terms to be used—
a parameter k to be agreed upon by the parties. The
computation in the second, refining phase is to proceed
by oblivious polynomial evaluation, a specialized SMC
technology which is inexpensive compared to the Yao
protocol of the first phase.
In this rough mathematical plan, the value ε to
be passed from phase one to phase two is a (generally
non-integer) rational and the terms in the decomposition of the final result in equation (2.1) are (generally
non-integer) reals, whereas the values we will accept
and produce in the two SMC phases are most naturally viewed as integers. We are, then, representing
the rational and the reals as integers through scale-up
and finite-precision approximation. We have considerable latitude in choice of the scale-up factors, particularly considering that the scale-up of a logarithm is
just the logarithm to a different base—just as good for
information-theoretic purposes as long as the base is
used consistently. Still, several considerations inform
our choice of scale-up factors. We want the scale-ups to
preserve enough precision. On the other hand, there is
a performance penalty, here and elsewhere in the larger
computation to which this component is contributing,
especially in Yao-protocol episodes, for processing additional bits. The chosen scale-up must work mathematically within the larger computation. If an adjustment of
the scaling were to be needed for compatibility with the
rest of the computation—other than further scale-up by
an integer factor—it would entail another secure computation. (We return to this issue in §4.) For the LindellPinkas ID3 computation or for our Bayes-net structurediscovery computation, both information-theoretic, no
adjustment would be needed. All the terms added and
subtracted to get scores within the larger computation
would be scaled similarly, and those scaled scores serve
only in comparison with each other.
We assume that the parties have common knowledge of some upper bound N on n, the approximate
base-2 logarithm of the input x, and we have phase one
deliver the rational ε scaled up by 2N . This loses no information, deferring control of the precision of the correction term, ln 2n (1+ε) in some scale-up, to phase two.
Bearing in mind that the slope of the natural-logarithm
function is around 1 in the interval around 1 to which
we are constraining 1 + ε, we aim for a scale-up of the
correction term by at least 2N , and plan to scale up
the main term of the decomposition, n ln 2, to match.
Lindell and Pinkas suggest that the mapping from n to
n ln 2 · 2N be done by table look-up within the Yao protocol of phase one. Any further integer scale-up of the
main term to match the scaling of the correction term
can be done autonomously by the parties, without SMC,
by modular multiplication of their respective shares.
Lindell and Pinkas stipulate that the sharing be
with respect to a finite field F that is large enough
in a sense we discuss in more detail in Section 3.
A non-field ring will do provided that any particular
needed inverses exist. This allows us, e.g., to use
Paillier homomorphic encryption in a Zpq both for
the oblivious polynomial evaluation needed in phase
two of this logarithm component and, subsequently in
the larger computation, for the shares-to-shares secure
multiplication to compute x ln x—without additional
secure Yao computations to convert the sharing from
one modulus to another. The only inverses Lindell and
Pinkas need here are of powers of 2, and these would be
available in Zpq .
The set-up for phase two, then, preserving the
Lindell-Pinkas notation, is that phase one has delivered
to the parties, respectively, shares β1 and β2 such that
β1 +F β2 = n ln 2 · 2N , toward (whatever ultimate scaleup of) the main term of the decomposition (2.1); and
shares α1 and α2 such that α1 +F α2 = ε · 2N , toward
the phase-two computation of (the scale-up of) the
correction term of the decomposition. We continue to
evaluation to follow, we have
phase two.
Replacing ε in formula (2.2) with (α1 +F α2 )/2N , (2.4)
we get
σ(−1)i−1 (α1 + y)i
z2 = Q(y) |y=α2 =
− z1
i 2N i
(−1)i−1 (α1 +F α2 )i
ln(1 + ε) =
where all operations—once the approach to the division
i 2N i
in the summand is sorted out—are in F, so that
In this infinite-series expression, the only operation to
be carried out in the finite ring F is the recombination
of the shares, α1 and α2 , as noted. The objective in
phase two is to compute the series in sufficiently good
approximation through oblivious polynomial evaluation
by the two parties, returning shares of the value to the
parties. So we need to get from the infinite series—
a specification of a limit in R for what appear to be
operations in Q—to a polynomial over the finite ring F
that may be evaluated so as to contribute to the sought
shares. This will entail several steps of transformation.
Step 1. The computation must be finite. We take
only k terms of the series.
Step 2. We deal somehow with the division that
appears in the summand. We need to be sure we end up,
when the transformation is complete, with a polynomial
over F . We can scale up the whole formula to cancel
some or all of the division. The disposition of any
remaining division, as we work toward determining the
coefficients of the polynomial to be evaluated, turns out
to be problematic, largely occasioning this paper. (The
existence of modular inverses in F for the remaining
divisors is not sufficient.) For the moment, let σ be
whatever scale-up factor we decide to use here.
Step 3. We reinterpret the outer summation and
the multiplication, including the binomial exponentiation and the multiplication by σ, as modular addition
and multiplications in F . Note that we cannot even
open the parentheses by formal exponentiation, applying a distributive law, without first reinterpreting the
multiplication as in F. We have no law regarding the
distribution of multiplication in Z over addition in F.
This requires that we assure ourselves that the reinterpretation does not alter the value of the expression.
Lindell and Pinkas ensure this by requiring F to be sufficiently large, and we will review the consideration.
Step 4. We replace the occurrence of ‘α2 ’ in
(2.3)—as truncated, division-resolved, and modularly
reinterpreted—with the variable ‘y’. Knowing α1 , party
1 does the formal exponentiations and collects terms, all
modulo |F |, yielding a polynomial in ‘y’ over F. Party
1 randomly chooses z1 ∈ F and subtracts it from the
constant term of the polynomial. Where Q(y) is the
resulting polynomial and z2 is its value at y = α2 , to be
obtained by party 2 through the oblivious polynomial
z1 +F z2 ≈
σ(−1)i−1 (α1 +F α2 )i
= ln(1 + ε) · σ
i 2N i
—all operations here, except as indicated, back in
R. Thus, the computation of z2 according to (2.4)
by oblivious polynomial evaluation accomplishes the
sharing of ln(1 + ε) · σ as z1 and z2 . The parties
may autonomously modularly multiply β1 and β2 by
lcm(2N , σ)/2N , giving β1′ and β2′ , respectively; and
modularly multiply z1 and z2 by by lcm(2N , σ)/σ,
giving z1′ and z2′ , respectively; and modularly add their
respective results from these scale-ups. Then, per the
decomposition in (2.1),
(β1′ +F z1′ ) +F (β2′ +F z2′ ) = (β1′ +F β2′ ) +F (z1′ +F z2′ )
≈ (n ln 2 + ln(1 + ε)) · lcm(2N , σ) = ln x · lcm(2N , σ)
accomplishing the original goal of securely computing
shares of ln x from shares of x—if with a scale-up that
we hope is innocuous. But this sketch of the protocol
still needs to be fleshed out. We back up now, first
briefly to step 3, and then to step 2, our main focus.
By the time we get to step 3, we should be left with
an expression prescribing finitely many operations in Z,
viewing +F as an operation in Z and viewing division
as a partially-defined operation in Z. Looking ahead to
step 4, we will be replacing the occurrences of ’α2 ’ in
this expression with the variable ’y’ and algebraically
reorganizing it into the polynomial Q(y) (with a change
to the constant term). In this step 3, we change only
the semantics of the expression arrived at, not its syntactic composition. The claim to be made is that the
hybrid expression at hand, involving some modular additions but otherwise non-modular operations, can be
reinterpreted to involve only modular operations without change to the induced expression value—allowing
the expression then to be transformed syntactically with
guarantee of preservation of value, but now with respect
to the new semantics. This tricky claim, made implicitly, bears explicit examination. We can frame the issue
abstractly. Suppose ϕ is an arbitrarily complex numerical expression built recursively of variables and function
symbols (admitting constants as 0-ary function symbols). We have a conventional interpretation of ϕ in
the domain Z. We also have an alternate interpretation
of ϕ in the domain Zm . Furthermore, we have an alternate expression, ϕ′ , obtained from ϕ by transformations
guaranteed to preserve the value of the whole under the
interpretation in Zm for any assignment of values from
Zm to the variables. We intend to compute ϕ′ as interpreted in Zm . Under what circumstances can we be
assured that this computation will yield the same value
as does evaluation of the original expression ϕ according
to the original interpretation in Z? In the case at hand,
ϕ is
evaluation. In our case, the single variable, ’y’, is assigned the value α2 , which may be as large as, but no
larger than, m − 1. The constant α1 is similarly less
than m. We can view these mod-m values, returned by
the Yao protocol in phase one, as being the corresponding signed-mod-m values instead, with +F operating on
them isomorphically. Moreover, α1 +F y then evaluates
into the interval [− 41 2N , 12 2N ), where we can arrange
for the endpoints to be much smaller in absolute value
than ⌊ m
2 ⌋. This allows Lindell and Pinkas to reason
about setting m high enough so that indeed all subexk
pressions of our ϕ will evaluate, in the original interσ(−1)i−1 (α1 +F y)i
into the signed-mod-m domain. Note that if
formal powers of ’α1 ’ and of ’y’ appeared as subexpressions in our original expression ϕ, as they do in our ϕ′ ,
(with some decision as to how to interpret the division),
the polynomial Q(y)+z1 which we actually compute, we
whereas ϕ′ is
would have concern over potential loss of information in
Q(y) + z1
modular reduction impeding the modular reinterpretation; but the power subexpressions appear only after we
to be interpreted in Zm (where m = |F |) and be so
have reinterpreted and transformed ϕ, and are by then
computed, with the value to be assigned to ’y’ in both
of no concern.
cases being α2 .
We now return to step 2, attending to the division
There are obvious strong sufficient conditions under
in the Taylor-series terms.
which modular reinterpretation preserves value. We do
have to be careful to take into account, in generaliz3 The division problem
ing, that in our instance ε may be negative, and that
our summation expression has sign alternation, so we We have already seen that choices of scaling factor are
need to proceed via a “signed-modular” interpretation, governed by several considerations including preservation of precision, avoidance of division where it cannot
wherein the mod-m integers ⌈ m
2 ⌉ to m − 1 are viewed
as “negative”, i.e., they are isomorphically replaced by be carried out exactly, and compatibility among intermediate results. For preservation of precision, we have
the integers −⌊ m
2 ⌋ to −1. (Choosing the midpoint for
the cutover here is arbitrary, in principle, but appro- been aiming to compute the main and correction terms
priate for our instance.) If (a) for the values we are of (2.1) scaled up by at least 2 . Lindell and Pinkas incontemplating assigning to the variables, the recursive corporate this factor into their σ in preparing the polyevaluation of ϕ under the original interpretation assigns nomial. To dispose of the i factors in the denominavalues to the subexpressions of ϕ that are always inte- tor in (2.4), they increase the scale-up by a factor of
lcm(2, . . . , k). With σ now at 2N lcm(2, . . . , k), the trungers in the interval [−⌊ m
2 ⌋, ⌊ 2 ⌋]; and if (b) the functions
assigned to the function symbols in the signed-modular cated Taylor series we are looking at in step 2 becomes
reinterpretation agree with the functions assigned by
the original interpretation whenever the arguments and
their image under the original function are all in that
signed-mod-m interval; then the signed-modular reinterpretation will agree with the original interpretation
on the whole expression ϕ for the contemplated value
assignments to the variables. Note that we need not
assume that the reinterpretation associates with the
function symbols the signed-modular analogues of the
original functions, although this would ensure (b). Nor
would a stipulation of modular agreement be sufficient,
in general, without condition (a), even if the original
evaluation produces only (overall) values in the signedmod-m domain for value assignments of interest. The
danger is that modular reduction of intermediate values,
if needed, may lose information present in the original
ln(1 + ε) · 2N lcm(2, . . . , k) ≈
(−1)i−1 (lcm(2, . . . , k)/i) (α1 +F α2 )i
2N (i−1)
We know that in step 3 we will be reinterpreting the
operations in this expression—more precisely, in the
expression we intend this expression to suggest—as
operations in F. Clearly, since k is agreed upon before
the computation, the subexpression ’lcm(2, . . . , k)/i’
may be replaced immediately by (a token for) its integer
value. We are still left with a divisor of 2N (i−1) , but
Lindell and Pinkas reason that (α1 +F α2 )i , although
not determined until run time, will be divisible by
2N (i−1) . After all, (α1 +F α2 )i will be (ε · 2N )i , and
the denominator was designed expressly to divide this
to leave εi ·2N . Apparently, all we need to do is allow the
division bar to be reinterpreted in step 3 as the (partially
defined) division operation in Zm , i.e., multiplication by
the modular inverse of the divisor. We can assume that
m is not even, so that powers of 2 have inverses modulo
m. Furthermore, whenever a divides b (in Z) and b < m,
if a has an inverse (a ∈ Z∗m ) then a−1 b in Zm is just the
integer b/a. It would appear that the strong sufficient
conditions for reinterpretation are met.
The trouble is that, although (α1 +F α2 )i = (ε · 2N )i
is an integer smaller than m (given that we will ensure
that m is large enough) and although the expression
‘(ε · 2N )i ’ appears to be formally divisible by the
expression ‘2N (i−1) ’, the integer (ε · 2N )i is not, in
general, divisible by the integer 2N (i−1) . In Q, the
division indeed yields εi 2N , which is just the scale-up
by 2N we engineered it to achieve. That rational scaleup is an integer for i = 1, but will generally not be an
integer for i > 1. (Roughly, εi 2N is an integer if the
lowest-order 1 bit in the binary representation of x is
within N/i digits of its highest-order 1 bit—a condition
that excludes most values of x already for i = 2.) This
undermines the sufficient condition Lindell and Pinkas
hoped to rely on to justify the modular reinterpretation,
our step 3. Without the divisibility in the integers,
there is no reason to believe that reinterpretation of
the division by 2N (i−1) as modular multiplication by
its mod-m inverse (2N (i−1) )−1 would have anything
to do with the approximation we thought we were
computing. The ensuing formal manipulation in step
4 to get to a polynomial to be evaluated obliviously
would be irrelevant.
The immediate brute-force recourse is to increase
the scale-up factor, σ, currently at 2N lcm(2, . . . , k),
to 2N k lcm(2, . . . , k). This leaves our truncated Taylor
series as
ln(1 + ε) · 2N k lcm(2, . . . , k) ≈
(−1)i−1 2N (k−i) (lcm(2, . . . , k)/i) (α1 +F α2 )i
Phase one still feeds phase two shares of ε scaled up
by 2N . For compatibility with the larger scale-up
of the correction term of the decomposition as now
delivered (in shares) by phase two, the parties will
autonomously scale up their shares of the main term
of the decomposition by a further factor of 2N (k−1) .
The natural concern that a scaling factor so much
larger will require F to be much larger, with adverse
performance implications, turns out to be unfounded.
Surprisingly, the guideline given by Lindell and Pinkas
for the size of F—namely, 2N k+2k or more—need not
be increased by much. The original guideline actually
remains sufficient for the step-3 reinterpretation of the
operations to be sound. But now, with the (unshared)
scaled-up correction term alone so much wider, requiring some 2N k bits of representation, we are in danger of
running out of room in the space for the scaled-up main
term if log2 N > 2k. Raising the size requirement for F
to 2N k+2k+log2 N should be sufficient. If we want to provide, in the larger protocol, for computation of x ln x,
scaled up to x(σ ln x), in the same space F, we need to
raise the size requirement for F to 2N k+2k+log2 N +N
Our larger scale-up here does not carry any additional information, of course. The creeping growth in
the computational space does affect performance, but
only minimally. Even in Yao SMC episodes, the larger
space affects only the modular addition to reconstitute
shared inputs at the outset and the modular addition
to share the computed results at the end. The computation proper is affected by the size of the space of the
actual unshared inputs, but not by the size of the space
for modular sharing.
The more significant issue is that we continue to be
saddled with scaling factors that are best not incurred
in building blocks intended for general use. We explore
efficient ways to reverse unwanted scaling. The problem
is tantamount to that of efficiently introducing wanted
arbitrary—i.e., not necessarily integral—scaling. Lindell and Pinkas need such scaling to get from base-2
logarithms to natural logarithms in phase one of the
protocol. A good solution to this problem of secure arbitrary scaling will enable us to do better than (even a
smart implementation of) the table look-up inside the
phase-one Yao protocol that they call for, in addition
to allowing reversal of whatever scale-up is delivered by
the entire logarithm protocol.
Secure non-integer scaling of shared values
Suppose parties 1 and 2 hold secret shares modulo
m, respectively γ1 and γ2 , of a value γ; and suppose
σ = κ + ρ is a scaling factor to be applied to γ, where
κ is a non-negative integer and 0 ≤ ρ < 1. σγ is not,
in general, an integer, but a solution that can provide
the parties shares of an integer approximation of σγ
suffices. κγ may be shared exactly simply by having the
parties autonomously modularly scale up their shares
by κ. That leaves the sharing of (an approximation of)
ργ, the shares to be added modularly to the shares of
κγ to obtain shares of (an approximation of) σγ. The
problem is that approximate multiplication by a noninteger does not distribute over modular addition, even
A bifurcated distributive property does hold, however. If the ordinary sum γ1 + γ2 is < m, the usual
distributive law for multiplication of the sum by ρ holds
approximately for approximate multiplication. If, on
the other hand, the ordinary sum γ1 + γ2 is ≥ m, then
the modular sum is, in ordinary terms, γ1 + γ2 − m,
so that the distribution of the multiplication by ρ over
the modular addition of γ1 and γ2 will need an adjustment of approximately −ρm. This suggests the following protocol to accomplish the scaling by ρ mostly by
autonomous computation by the parties on their own
shares, but with a very minimal recourse to a Yao protocol to select between the two cases just enumerated.
The Yao computation takes ργ1 and ργ2 , each rounded
to the nearest integer, as computed by the respective
parties; and the original shares γ1 and γ2 as well. Party
1 also supplies a secret random input z1 < m. The circuit returns to party 2 either (ργ1 + ργ2 ) +mod m z or
(ργ1 + ργ2 − ρm) +mod m z accordingly as γ1 + γ2 < m
or not. Party 1’s share is m − z1 . The integer approximation of ρm is built into the circuit. The cumulative
approximation error is less than 1.5, and usually less
than 1.
But an unconventional approach can allow us to do
better still.
5 The practical power of imperfect secrecy
In implementing secure protocols, we tend to be induced
by different considerations to choose moduli for sharing
that are vastly larger than the largest value that will be
shared. In the Lindell-Pinkas logarithm proposal, for
instance, if N is 13, as to accommodate ID3 database
record counts of around 8,000, and k is 4, our share
space is of a size greater than 1020 . Prior to our
correction, logarithms are to be returned scaled up by
around 105 , making for a maximum output of around
106 . Thus, the size of the sharing space is larger than
the largest shared value by a factor of 1014 . In such
a configuration, it is a bit misleading to state that the
distributive law is bifurcated. The case of the shares not
jointly exceeding the modulus is very improbable. If we
could assume the nearly certain case of the shares being
excessive—i.e., needing modular reduction—to hold, we
would not need a Yao episode to select between two
versions of the scaling computation. Each party would
scale autonomously and party 1 would subtract ρm to
correct for the excess.
We could abide the very small chance of error in
this assumption. But better would be to guarantee
(approximate) correctness of the autonomous scaling
by contriving to ensure that the shares be excessive.
This turns out to be quite tricky in theory while
straightforward in practice. It entails a small sacrifice
of the information-theoretic perfection of the secrecy in
the sharing, but the sacrifice should be of no practical
Let t be the largest value to be shared, much
smaller than the modulus m. We can ensure that
shares are excessive by restricting the independently set
share to be greater than t. But we can show that if
it is agreed that the independent share will be chosen
uniformly randomly from the interval [t+ 1, m− 1] then,
if it is actually chosen within t of either end of this
interval, information will leak to the other party through
the complementary share given him for certain of the
values from [0, t] that might be shared—to the point
of completely revealing the value to the other party
in the extreme case. If the choice is at least t away
from the ends of the choice interval, perfect secrecy is
maintained. But if we take this to heart and agree
that the independent share must be from the smaller
interval [2t + 1, m − 1 − t] then the same argument
can be made regarding the possibility that the choice
is actually within t of the ends of this smaller interval.
Recursively, to preserve secrecy, we would lop off the
ends of the choice interval until nothing was left.
But as in the “surprise quiz” (or “unexpected
hanging”) paradox, wherein we establish that it is
impossible to give a surprise quiz “some day next week,”
the conclusion here, too, is absurd from a practical
point of view. If the independent share is chosen from
some huge, but undeclared, interval around m/2, huge
by comparison with t but tiny by comparison with m,
there simply is no problem with loss of secrecy. We
can assume that the sharing is excessive, and arbitrary
scaling can be accomplished by the parties completely
We may be able to look at the random choice of the
independent share from an undeclared interval instead
as a non-uniform random choice, the distribution being
almost flat, with the peak probability around m/2
dropping off extremely gradually to 0 as the ends
of [t + 1, m − 1] are approached. As long as the
probabilities are essentially the same in a cell of radius t
around whatever independent share is actually chosen—
and it is exceedingly unlikely that there not exist
a complete such cell around the choice—secrecy is
preserved. But theorizing about the epistemology here
is beyond our scope. The point is that, in practice, it
seems worth considering that we can gain performance
by not requiring Yao episodes when non-integer scaling
is needed.
In the Lindell-Pinkas protocol, for scaling the approximate base-2 logarithms determined in phase one
to corresponding approximate natural logarithms, this
approach is fine. For getting rid of the scale-up delivered in the final result, beyond whatever scale-up is
sufficient for the precision we wish to preserve, we would
need to extend the size of F somewhat before using this
approach, now that our correction has greatly increased
the maximum value that may be delivered as shares by
the oblivious polynomial evaluation. On balance, considering the added expense that would be incurred in
other components of the larger protocol, it is best not
to enlarge F (further) and to reverse the scaling of the
result, if necessary, by the method of the preceding section.
Alternative: Pretty good precision, high
For many purposes, a much simpler secure computation
for logarithms may offer adequate precision. The base
is often not important, as noted, so base 2 may do—as
indeed it would in the ID3 computation. Noting that in
the interval [1, 2] the functions y = log2 x and y = x − 1
agree at the ends of the interval and deviate by only
0.085 in the middle, we have the Yao circuit determine
the floor of the base-2 logarithm and then append to
its binary representation the four bits of the argument
following its top 1-bit. This gives a result within 1/16 of
the desired base-2 logarithm. We used this approach in
our Bayes-net structure computation [YW06, KRWF05]
while sorting out the issues with the much more complex
Lindell-Pinkas proposal. As in the Lindell-Pinkas secure
ID3 computation, the logarithms inform scores that, in
turn, are significant only in how they compare with
other scores, not in their absolute values. As long as
the sense of these score comparisons is not affected,
inaccuracies in the logarithms are tolerable. We bear in
mind also that, in the particular data-mining contexts
we are addressing, the algorithms are based on taking
the database as a predictive sample of a larger space.
In so depending on the database, they are subject to
what may be regarded as sampling error in any case.
From that perspective, even the reversal of sense in
some comparisons of close scores cannot be regarded
as rendering the approach inappropriate.
However, as much simpler as this approach is, the
performance consideration in its favor is considerably
weakened once we remove the conversion from base-2
to scaled-up natural logarithms from the Yao portion of
the Lindell-Pinkas protocol, as we now see we can do.
Implementation and performance
We have evolved an array of tools to aid in developing
hybrid-SMC protocols of the style demonstrated by
Lindell and Pinkas. These will be documented in a
Yale Computer Science Department technical report
and will be made available. Among the resources are
a library of Perl functions offering a level of abstraction
and control we have found useful for specifying the
generation of Boolean circuits; scripts for testing circuits
without the overhead of secure computation; particular
circuit generators, as for the phase-one Yao episode
in the Lindell-Pinkas logarithm protocol and for the
minindex Yao episode needed for the best-score selection
in their larger secure ID3 computation; additional SMC
components not involving circuits; and a library of
Perl functions facilitating the coordination of an entire
hybrid-SMC computation involving two parties across a
We have been developing and experimenting on
NetBSD and Linux operating systems running on Intel
Pentium 4 CPUs at 1.5 to 3.2 GHz. We use the Fairplay
run-time system, written in Java and running over Sun
JRE 1.5, to execute Yao-protocol episodes. The Yao
episode in phase one of the Lindell-Pinkas logarithm
protocol completely dominates the running time of the
entire logarithm computation, making the peformance
of Fairplay itself critical.
We cannot address the performance of multiparty
computations without giving special attention to the
cost of communication. This element is a wildcard,
dependent on link quality and sheer propagation delay across the network distance between the parties.
We have done most of our experimentation with the
communication component trivialized by running both
parties on the same machine or on two machines on
the same LAN. For a reality check, we did some experimenting with one party at Yale University in New
Haven, CT and the other party at Stevens Institute of
Technology in Hoboken, NJ, with a 15 ms round-trip
messaging time between them. There was no significant
difference in performance in Yao computations. Admittedly, this is at a relatively small network distance. But
there is another way to look at this. If network distance
were really making the communication cost prohibitive,
the two parties anxious to accomplish the joint datamining computation securely could arrange to run the
protocol from outposts of theirs housing prepositioned
copies of their respective private data, the outposts securely segregated from each other but at a small network
distance. From this perspective, and recognizing that
the protocols we are considering involve CPU-intensive
cryptographic operations, it is meaningful to assess their
performance with the communication component minimized.
With the parties running on 3.2 GHz CPUs, and
working with a 60-bit modulus, it takes around 5
seconds to run the complete Lindell-Pinkas logarithm
computation. In more detail, to accommodate input
x of up to 17 bits (≤ 131071), with k = 3 terms of
the series to be computed in phase 2 (for an absolute
error within 0.0112), we generate a circuit of 1497 gates
and the computation runs in around 5.0 seconds. With
the same modulus, to accommodate input x of only
up to 13 bits (≤ 8191), allowing k = 4 terms of
the series to be computed in phase 2 (for an absolute
error within 0.0044), we generate a circuit of 1386
gates and the computation runs in around 4.9 seconds.
Accommodating inputs of only up to 10 bits (≤ 1023),
allowing as many k = 5 series terms (for an absolute
error within 0.0018), the gate count comes down to 1314
and the running time comes down to around 4.8 seconds.
Clearly, a 5-second wait for a single result of
a Lindell-Pinkas secure-logarithm computation seems
quite tolerable, but it serves little purpose in itself, of
course. This is a shares-to-shares protocol intended for
incorporation in a larger data-mining protocol that will
ultimately leave the parties with meaningful results. It
is reasonable to ask, in such a larger hybrid-SMC protocol, how badly would a 5-second delay for each logarithm computation—and, presumably, comparable delays for other needed SMC building blocks—bog down
the entire data-mining algorithm?
We can give a rough idea, based on experiment,
of the performance that appears to be possible now
in an entire privacy-preserving data-mining computation based on a hybrid-SMC approach. Without fully
qualifying the tasks, software versions, and hardware
involved, our secure Bayes-net structure-discovery implementation has run against an arbitrarily privately
partitioned database of 100,000 records of six fields in
about 2.5 hours. This involved almost 500 invocations
of the secure logarithm protocol, each involving a Yaoprotocol episode run using the Fairplay system, as well
as other component protocols. The overall time, computing against this many records, was dominated not by
the Yao protocol episodes of the logarithm and minindex components but rather by the scalar-product computations needed to determine securely the numbers of
records matching patterns across the private portions
of the logical database. The scalar-product computations require a number of homomorphic-encryption operations linear in the number of records in the database.
In developing and using these tools over some time,
we note that the room for improvement in performance
as implementations are optimized is large. Improvements that do not affect complexity classes, hence of
lesser interest to theoreticians, are very significant to
practitioners. Improvements in complexity class are
there as well; we gained a log factor in our gate counts in
the logarithm circuits over our initial naive implementation. Meanwhile, it is clear that significant hybrid-SMC
computations are already implementable in a maintainable, modular manner with a development effort that
is not exorbitant. Performance of such computations
is becoming quite reasonable for realistic application in
privacy-preserving data-mining contexts.
We thank Benny Pinkas for helpful discussion of the
design of the original Lindell-Pinkas logarithm protocol.
[KRWF05] Onur Kardes, Raphael S. Ryger, Rebecca N.
Wright, and Joan Feigenbaum. Implementing privacypreserving Bayesian-net discovery for vertically partitioned data. In Proceedings of the ICDM Workshop on
Privacy and Security Aspects of Data Mining, pages
26–34, 2005.
[LP00] Yehuda Lindell and Benny Pinkas. Privacy preserving data mining. In Advances in Cryptology –
CRYPTO ’00, volume 1880 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 36–54. Springer-Verlag, 2000.
[LP02] Yehuda Lindell and Benny Pinkas. Privacy preserving data mining. Journal of Cryptology, 15(3):177–206,
[MNPS04] Dahlia Malkhi, Noam Nissan, Benny Pinkas, and
Yaron Sella. Fairplay – a secure two-party computation
system. In Proc. of the 13th Symposium on Security,
pages 287–302. Usenix, 2004.
[YW06] Zhiqiang Yang and Rebecca N. Wright. Privacypreserving computation of Bayesian networks on vertically partitioned data. IEEE Transactions on Data
Knowledge Engineering, 18(9), 2006. An earlier version
appeared in KDD 2004.
Constrained k-Anonymity: Privacy with Generalization Boundaries
John Miller*
Alina Campan* $
Traian Marius Truta*
tuple corresponds to one individual entity). Of
particular interest are the cost metrics that quantify the
information loss [2, 5, 19, 27]. Although producing the
optimal solution for the k-anonymity problem w.r.t.
various proposed cost measures has been proved to be
NP-hard [9], there are several polynomial algorithms
that produce good solutions for the k-anonymity
problem for real life datasets [1, 2, 8, 9, 21].
Recent results have shown that k-anonymity fails
to protect the privacy of individuals in all situations
[12, 20, 26]. Several privacy models that extend the kanonymity model have been proposed in the literature
to avoid k-anonymity short-comings: p-sensitive kanonymity [20] with its extension called extended psensitive k-anonymity [3], l-diversity [12], (α, k)anonymity [24], t-closeness [10], (k, e)-anonymity [28],
(c, k)-safety [13], m-confidentiality [25], personalized
privacy [26], etc.
In general, the existing anonymization algorithms
use different quasi-identifiers generalization strategies
in order to obtain a masked microdata that is kanonymous (or satisfies an extension of k-anonymity)
and conserves as much information intrinsic to the
initial microdata as possible. To our knowledge, a
privacy model that considers the specification of the
maximum allowed generalization level for quasiidentifier attributes in the masked microdata does not
exist, nor does a corresponding anonymization
algorithm capable of controlling the generalization
amount. The ability to limit the amount of allowed
generalization could be valuable, and, in fact,
indispensable for real life datasets. For example, for
some specific data analysis tasks, available masked
microdata with the address information generalized
beyond the US state level could be useless. In this case
the only solution would be to ask the owner of the
initial microdata to have the anonymization algorithm
applied repeatedly on that data, perhaps with a
decreased level of anonymity (a smaller k) until the
generalization level requirement (i.e. no address is
generalized further than the US state).
In this paper, we first introduce a new anonymity
model, called constrained k-anonymity, which
preserves the k-anonymity requirement while
specifying quasi-identifiers generalization boundaries
Abstract: In the last few years, due to new privacy
regulations, research in data privacy has flourished. A
large number of privacy models were developed most
of which are based on the k-anonymity property.
Because of several shortcomings of the k-anonymity
model, other privacy models were introduced (ldiversity, p-sensitive k-anonymity, (α, k) – anonymity,
t-closeness, etc.). While differing in their methods and
quality of their results, they all focus first on masking
the data, and then protecting the quality of the data as a
whole. We consider a new approach, where
requirements on the amount of distortion allowed to the
initial data are imposed in order to preserve its
usefulness. Our approach consists of specifying quasiidentifiers generalization boundaries, and achieving kanonymity within the imposed boundaries. We think
that limiting the amount of generalization when
masking microdata is indispensable for real life
datasets and applications. In this paper, the constrained
k-anonymity model and its properties are introduced
and an algorithm for generating constrained kanonymous microdata is presented. Our experiments
have shown that the proposed algorithm is comparable
with existing algorithms used for generating kanonymity with respect to results quality, and that by
algorithms the generalization boundaries are violated.
We also discuss how the constrained k-anonymity
model can be easily extended to other privacy models.
1 Introduction
A huge interest in data privacy has been generated
recently within the public and media [14], as well as in
the legislative body [6] and research community.
Many research efforts have been directed towards
finding methods to anonymize datasets to satisfy the kanonymity property [16, 17]. These methods also
consider minimizing one or more cost metrics between
the initial and released microdata (a dataset where each
P3DM'08, April 26, 2008, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Department of Computer Science, Northern Kentucky University,
U.S.A., {millerj10, campana1, trutat1}
Visiting from Department of Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai
University, Romania
(or limits). Second, we describe an algorithm to
transform a microdata set such that its corresponding
masked microdata will comply with the constrained kanonymity. This algorithm relies on several properties
stated and proved for the proposed privacy model.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
introduces basic data privacy concepts; and
generalization and tuple suppression techniques as a
mean to achieve data privacy. Section 3 presents the
anonymization algorithm to transform microdata to
comply with constrained k-anonymity is described in
Section 4. Section 5 contains comparative quality
results, in terms of information loss, processing time,
for our algorithm and one of the existing kanonymization algorithms. The paper ends with future
work directions and conclusions.
To rigorously and succinctly express the kanonymity property, we use the following concept:
Definition 1 (QI-Cluster): Given a microdata , a QIcluster consists of all the tuples with identical
combination of quasi-identifier attribute values in .
There is no consensus in the literature over the
term used to denote a QI-cluster. This term was not
defined when k-anonymity was introduced [17, 18].
More recent papers use different terminologies such as
equivalence class [24] and QI-group [26].
We define k-anonymity based on the minimum size
of all QI-clusters.
Definition 2 (K-Anonymity Property): The kanonymity property for an
is satisfied if every QIcluster from
contains k or more tuples.
A general method widely used for masking initial
microdata to conform to the k-anonymity model is the
generalization of the quasi-identifier attributes.
Generalization consists in replacing the actual value of
the attribute with a less specific, more general value
that is faithful to the original [18].
Initially, this technique was used for categorical
attributes and employed predefined domain and value
generalization hierarchies [18]. Generalization was
extended for numerical attributes either by using predefined hierarchies [7] or a hierarchy-free model [9].
To each categorical attribute a domain
generalization hierarchy is associated. The values from
different domains of this hierarchy are represented in a
tree called value generalization hierarchy. We
illustrate domain and value generalization hierarchy in
Figure 1 for attributes ZipCode and Sex.
There are several ways to perform generalization.
Generalization that maps all values of a quasi-identifier
categorical attribute from
to a more general domain
in its domain generalization hierarchy is called fulldomain generalization [9, 16]. Generalization can also
map an attribute’s values to different domains in its
domain generalization hierarchy, each value being
replaced by the same generalized value in the entire
dataset [7]. The least restrictive generalization, called
cell level generalization [11], extends Iyengar model
[7] by allowing the same value to be mapped to
different generalized values, in distinct tuples.
2 K-Anonymity, Generalization and Suppression
be the initial microdata and
be the released
(a.k.a. masked) microdata. The attributes characterizing
are classified into the following three categories:
identifier attributes such as Name and SSN that can
be used to identify a record.
key or quasi-identifier attributes such as ZipCode and
Age that may be known by an intruder.
sensitive or confidential attributes such as
PrincipalDiagnosis and Income that are assumed to
be unknown to an intruder.
While the identifier attributes are removed from
the published microdata, the quasi-identifier and
confidential attributes are usually released to the
researchers / analysts. A general assumption is that the
values for the confidential attributes are not available
from any external source. This assumption guarantees
that an intruder cannot use the confidential attributes’
values to increase his/her chances of disclosure, and,
therefore, modifying this type of attributes values is
unnecessary. Unfortunately, an intruder may use record
linkage techniques [23] between quasi-identifier
attributes and external available information to glean
the identity of individuals from the masked microdata.
To avoid this possibility of disclosure, one frequently
used solution is to modify the initial microdata, more
specifically the quasi-identifier attributes values, in
order to enforce the k-anonymity property.
Z2 = {*****}
S1 = {*}
Z1 = {482**, 410**}
Z0 = {48201, 41075,
41076, 41088, 41099}
S0 = {male, female}
Figure 1: Examples of domain and value generalization hierarchies.
male(M) female(F)
Tuple suppression [16, 18] is the only other method
used in this paper for masking the initial microdata. By
eliminating entire tuples we are able to reduce the
amount of generalization required for achieving the kanonymity property in the remaining tuples. Since the
constrained k-anonymity model uses generalization
boundaries, for many initial microdata sets suppression
has to be used in order to generate constrained kanonymous masked microdata.
Figure 2 contains an example of defining maximal
allowed generalization values for a subset of values for
the Location attribute. The MAGVals for the leaf values
“San Diego” and “Lincoln” are “California”, and,
respectively, “Midwest” (the MAGVals are marked by *
characters that delimit them). This means that the quasiidentifier Location’s value “San Diego” may be
generalized to itself or “California”, but not to “West
Coast” or “United States”. Also, “Lincoln” may be
generalized to itself, “Nebraska”, or “Midwest”, but not
to “United States”.
3 Constrained K-Anonymity
In order to specify a generalization boundary, we
introduce the concept of a maximum allowed
generalization value that is associated with each
possible quasi-identifier attribute value from
. This
concept is used to express how far the owner of the data
thinks that the quasi-identifier’s values could be
generalized, such that the resulted masked microdata
would still be useful. Limiting the amount of
generalization for quasi-identifier attribute values is a
necessity for various uses of the data. The data owner is
often aware of the way various researchers are using the
data and, as a consequence, he/she is able to identify
maximum allowed generalization values. For instance,
when the released microdata is used to compute various
statistical measures related to the US states, the data
owner will select the states as maximal allowed
generalization values. The desired protection level
should be achieved with minimal changes to the initial
. However, minimal changes may cause
generalization that surpasses the maximal allowed
generalization values and the masked microdata
would become unusable. More changes are preferred in
this situation if they do not contradict the generalization
At this stage, for simplicity, we use predefined
hierarchies for both categorical and numerical quasiidentifier attributes, when defining maximal allowed
generalization values. Techniques to dynamically build
hierarchies for numerical attributes exist in the literature
[4] and we intend to use them in our future research.
United States
West Coast
San Diego
Los Angeles
Kansas City
Figure 2: Examples of MAGVals.
The second requirement in the MAGVal’s definition
specifies that the hierarchy path between a leaf value v
and MAGVal(v) can contain no node other than
MAGVal(v) that is a maximum allowed generalization
value. This restriction is imposed in order to avoid any
ambiguity about the MAGVals of the leaf values in a
sensitive attribute hierarchy. Note that several MAGVals
may exist on a path between a leaf and the root as a
result of defining MAGVals for other leaves within that
Definition 4. (Maximum Allowed Generalization Set):
Let Q be a quasi-identifier attribute and Q its
predefined value generalization hierarchy. The set of all
MAGVals for attribute Q is called Q’s maximum
allowed generalization set, and it is denoted by
MAGSet(Q) = { MAGVal(v) | ∀v ∈ leaves( Q) } (The
notation leaves( Q) represents all the leaves from the
Q value generalization hierarchy).
Given the hierarchy for the attribute Location
presented in Figure 2, MAGSet(Location) = {California,
Kansas, Midwest}.
Usually, the data owner/user only has
generalization restrictions for some of the quasiidentifiers in a microdata that is to be masked. If for a
particular quasi-identifier attribute Q there are not any
restrictions in respect to its generalization, then no
maximal allowed generalization values are specified for
Q’s value hierarchy; in this case, each leaf value in Q is
considered to have the Q’s root value as its maximal
allowed generalization value.
Definition 3. (Maximum Allowed Generalization
Value): Let Q be a quasi-identifier attribute (categorical
or numerical), and
its predefined value
generalization hierarchy. For every leaf value v ∈ Q,
the maximum allowed generalization value of v,
denoted by MAGVal(v), is the value (leaf or not-leaf) in
Q situated on the path from v to the root, such that:
for any released microdata, the value v is permitted to
be generalized only up to MAGVal(v) and
when several MAGVals exist on the path between v
and the hierarchy root, then the MAGVal(v) is the first
MAGVal that is reached when following the path from
v to the root node.
San Diego
Los Angeles
Kansas City
Figure 3: An initial microdata set
Figure 4: Two masked microdata sets
(Only the quasi-identifier
1 and
2 for the initial microdata
attribute values are shown in the masked microdata sets)
1, satisfies 2-anonymity, but contradicts constrained
2-anonymity w.r.t. Location attribute’s maximal allowed
generalization. On the other hand, the second microdata
2, satisfies constrained 2-anonymity: every QIcluster consists of at least 2 tuples, and none of the
Location initial attribute’s values are generalized
beyond its MAGVal.
Definition 5. (Constraint Violation): We say that the
masked microdata
has a constraint violation if one
quasi-identifier value, v, in
, is generalized in one
tuple in
beyond its specific maximal generalization
value, MAGVal(v).
Definition 6. (Constrained K-Anonymity): The masked
satisfies the constrained k-anonymity
property if it satisfies k-anonymity and it does not have
any constraint violation.
4 GreedyCKA - An Algorithm for Constrained KAnonymization
In this section we assume that the initial microdata set
, the generalization boundaries for its quasi-identifier
attributes, expressed as MAGVals in their corresponding
hierarchies, and the k value (as in k-anonymity) are
given. First, we will describe a method to decide if
can be masked to comply with constrained k-anonymity
using generalization only, and second, we will introduce
an algorithm for achieving constrained k-anonymity.
Our approach to constrained k-anonymization
partially follows an idea found in [1] and [2], which
consists in modeling and solving k-anonymization as a
clustering problem. Basically, the algorithm takes an
initial microdata set
and establishes a “good”
partitioning of it into clusters. The released microdata
is afterwards formed by generalizing the quasiidentifier attributes’ values of all tuples inside each
cluster to the same values (called generalization
information for a cluster). However, it is not always
possible to mask an initial microdata to satisfy
constrained k-anonymity only by generalization.
Sometimes a solution to constrained k-anonymization
has to combine generalization with suppression. In this
case, our algorithm suppresses the minimal set of tuples
We note that a k-anonymous masked microdata
may have multiple constraint violations, but any masked
microdata that satisfies constrained k-anonymity
property will not have any constraint violations; or in
other words, any quasi-identifier value, v, from the
initial microdata will never be generalized beyond its
MAGVal(v) in any constrained k-anonymous masked
Consider the following example. The initial
microdata set
in Figure 3 is characterized by the
following attributes: Name and SSN are identifier
attributes (to be removed from the masked microdata),
Age, Location, Sex, and Race are the quasi-identifier
attributes, and Diagnosis and Income are the sensitive
attributes. The attribute Location values and their
MAGVals are described by Figure 2. The remaining
quasi-identifier attributes do not have any generalization
boundary requirements.
Figure 4 illustrates two possible masked microdata
. In this
1 and
2 for the initial microdata
figure, only quasi-identifier values are shown, the
confidential attribute values will be kept unchanged
from the initial microdata
(Diagnosis and Income
attributes from Figure 3). The first masked microdata,
such that is possible to build a constrained kanonymous masked microdata for the remaining tuples.
The constrained k-anonymization by clustering
problem can be formally stated as follows.
constraint violation.
Proof. Assume that there are two tuples ri and rj within
cl such that MAGVal(vi) ≠ MAGVal(vj), where vi = ri[Q]
and vj = rj[Q], vi, vj ∈ leaves( Q). Let a be a value
within HQ that is the first common ancestor for
MAGVal(vi) and MAGVal(vj). Depending on how
MAGVal(vi) and MAGVal(vj) are located relatively to
one another in the Q’s value generalization hierarchy, a
can be one of them, or a value on a superior tree level.
In any case, a will be different from, and an ancestor for
at least one of MAGVal(vi) or MAGVal(vj). This is a
consequence of the fact that MAGVal(vi) ≠ MAGVal(vj):
a common ancestor of two different nodes x and y in a
tree is a node which is different from at least one of the
nodes x and y. Because of this fact, when cl will be
generalized to gen(cl), gen(cl)[Q] will be a (or
depending on the other tuples in cl, even an ancestor of
a) – therefore at least one of the values vi and vj will be
generalized further than its maximal allowed generalization value, leading to a constraint violation. // q.e.d.
Definition 7. (Constrained K-Anonymization by
Clustering Problem): Given a microdata
, the
constrained k-anonymization by clustering problem
is to find a partition = {cl1, cl2, … , clv, clv+1}
, j=1..v+1, are called clusters
, where clj ⊆
cl j =
clv+1; cl i
cl j = ∅, i, j = 1..v+1, i≠j;
j =1
|clj | ≥ k, j=1..v ; and a cost measure is optimized. The
cluster clv+1 is formed of all the tuples in
that have to
be suppressed in
, and the tuples within every
cluster clj, j=1..v will be generalized (their quasiidentifier attributes) in
to common values.
The generalization information of a cluster, which
is introduced next, represents the minimal covering
“tuple” for that cluster. Since in this paper we use
predefined value generalization hierarchies for both
categorical and numerical attributes, we do not have to
consider a definition that distinguishes between these
two types of attributes [21].
Property 1 restricts the possible solutions of the
constrained anonymization by clustering problem to
those partitions of
for which every cluster to be
generalized doesn’t show any constraint violation w.r.t.
each of the quasi-identifier attributes. The following
definition introduces a masked microdata that will help
us to express when the
can be transformed to satisfy
constrained k-anonymity using generalization only.
Definition 8. (Generalization Information): Let cl =
{r1, r2, …, ru} be a cluster of tuples selected from
= {Q1, Q2, ..., Qs} be the set of quasi-identifier
attributes. The generalization information of cl w.r.t.
quasi-identifier attribute set
is the “tuple” gen(cl),
having the scheme , where for each attribute Qj ∈ ,
gen(cl)[Qj] = the lowest common ancestor in Qj of
{r1[Qj], …, ru[Qj]}.
Definition 9. (Maximum Allowed Microdata): The
maximum allowed microdata for a microdata
is the masked microdata where every quasiidentifier value, v, in
is generalized to MAGVal(v).
Property 2. For a given
, if its maximum allowed
is not k-anonymous, then any masked
microdata obtained from
by applying generalization
only will not satisfy constrained k-anonymity.
For the cluster cl, its generalization information
gen(cl) is the tuple having as value for each quasiidentifier attribute the most specific common
generalized value for all that attribute values from cl’s
tuples. In the corresponding
, each tuple from the
cluster cl will have its quasi-identifier attributes values
replaced by gen(cl).
To decide whether an initial microdata can be
masked to satisfy constrained k-anonymity property
using generalization only, we introduce several
properties. These properties will also allow us, in case
that constrained k-anonymity cannot be achieved using
generalization only, to select the tuples that must be
Proof. Assume that
is not k-anonymous, and there
is a masked microdata
that satisfies constrained kanonymity. This means that every QI-cluster from
has at least k elements and it does not have any
constraint violation. Let cli be a cluster of elements from
that is generalized to a QI-cluster in
(i = 1, ..,
v). Because
satisfies constrained k-anonymity, the
generalization of cli to gen(cli) does not create any
constraint violation. Based on Property 1, for each
quasi-identifier attribute, all entities from cli share the
same MAGVals. As a consequence, by generalizing all
quasi-identifier attributes values to their corresponding
MAGVals (this is the procedure to create the
microdata) all entities from the cluster cli (for all i = 1,
.., v) will be contained within the same QI-cluster. This
Property 1. Let
be a microdata set and cl a cluster
of tuples from . If cl contains two tuples ri and rj such
that MAGVal(ri[Q]) ≠ MAGVal(rj[Q]), where Q is a
quasi-identifier attribute, then the generalization of the
tuples from cl to gen(cl) will create at least one
means that each QI-cluster in
contains one or
more QI-clusters from
and its size will, then, be at
least k. In conclusion,
is k-anonymous, which is a
contradiction with our initial assumption. // q.e.d.
Property 6. Any subset of
that contains one or more
entities from
cannot be masked using
generalization only to achieve constrained k-anonymity.
Proof. We assume that there is an initial microdata
a subset of
, that contains one or more entities from
, and
can be masked using generalization only
to comply with constrained k-anonymity. Let x ∈
be the maximum allowed microdata
. Based on Property 4, if
can be masked to
be constrained k-anonymous, then
is kanonymous, therefore x will belong to a QI-cluster with
size at least k. By construction
is a subset of
, and therefore, the size of each QI-cluster from
is equal to or greater than the size of the
corresponding QI-cluster from
. This means that x
will belong to a QI-cluster with size at least k in the
. This is a contradiction with x ∈
. // q.e.d.
Property 3. If
satisfies k-anonymity then
satisfies the constrained k-anonymity property.
Proof. This follows from the definition of
Property 4. An initial microdata,
, can be masked to
comply with constrained k-anonymity using only
generalization if and only if its corresponding
satisfies k-anonymity.
Proof. “If”: If
satisfies k-anonymity, then based
on Property 3,
is also constrained k-anonymous,
can be masked to
(in the worst case – or
even to a less generalized masked microdata) to comply
with constrained k-anonymity.
“Only If”: If
does not satisfy k-anonymity,
then based on Property 2, any masked microdata
obtained by applying generalization only to
will not
satisfy constrained k-anonymity. // q.e.d.
The Properties 5 and 6 show that
is the
minimal tuple set that must be suppressed from
that the remaining set could be constrained kanonymized. To compute a constrained k-anonymous
masked microdata using minimum suppression and
generalization only we follow an idea found in [1] and
[2], which consists in modeling and solving kanonymization as a clustering problem. First, we
suppress all tuples from the
set. Next, we create all
QI-clusters in the maximum allowed microdata for
. Last, each such cluster will be divided further, if
possible, using the clustering approach from [1, 2], into
several clusters, all with size greater than or equal to k.
This approach uses a greedy technique that tries to
optimize an information loss (IL) measure. The
information loss measure we use in our algorithm
implementation was introduced in [2]. We present it in
Definitions 10 and 11. Note that this IL definition
assumes that value generalization hierarchies are
predefined for all quasi-identifier attributes.
Now we have all the tools required to check
whether an initial microdata
can be masked to
satisfy the constrained k-anonymity property using
generalization only. We follow the next two steps:
. This is done by replacing
each quasi-identifier attribute value with its
corresponding MAGVal.
If all QI-clusters from
have at least k entities
than the
can be masked to satisfy constrained kanonymity.
It is very likely that there are some QI-clusters in
with size less than k. We use the notation
represent all entities from these QI-clusters (for
simplicity we use the same notation to refer to entities
from both
). Unfortunately, the entities
cannot be k-anonymized while preserving the
constraint condition, as shown by the Property 6. For a
with its corresponding
sets the
following two properties hold:
Definition 10. (Cluster Information Loss): Let cl ∈
be a cluster, gen(cl) its generalization information and
= {Q1, Q2, .., Qt} the set of quasi-identifier attributes.
The cluster information loss caused by generalizing cl
tuples to gen(cl) is:
t height ( Λ ( gen ( cl )[ Q ]))
IL ( cl ) = | cl | ⋅
j =1
Property 5.
can be masked using
generalization only to comply with constrained kanonymity.
Proof. By definition of the
set, all QI-clusters from
have size k or more, which means that
satisfies the k-anonymity property. Based
on Property 4 (
is the maximum allowed
microdata for
can be masked
using generalization only to comply with constrained kanonymity. // q.e.d.
|cl| denotes the cluster cl cardinality;
Λ(w), w∈HQj is the subhierarchy of HQj rooted in w;
height(HQj) is the height of the tree hierarchy HQj.
This idea of dividing
into clusters based on
common MAGVals of the quasi-identifiers can be
employed for other privacy models as well, not only for
k-anonymity. For instance, if we use an algorithm that
creates a p-sensitive k-anonymous masked microdata
[20], such as EnhancedPKClustering [22], we just need
to execute that algorithm instead of Greedy_kmember_Clustering, for each QI-cluster from
. The obtained masked microdata will be psensitive k-anonymous and will satisfy the
generalization boundaries. We can define this new
privacy model as constrained p-sensitive k-anonymity.
Using similar modifications in the GreedyCKA
algorithm, we can introduce constrained versions of
other privacy models such as: constrained l-diversity
[12], constrained t-closeness [10], etc. and generate
their corresponding masked microdata sets.
Definition 11. (Total Information Loss): Total
information loss for a partition of the initial microdata
set is the sum of the information loss measure for all
clusters in .
In is worth noting that, for the constrained kanonymization by clustering problem, the cluster of
tuples to be suppressed, clv+1, will have the maximum
possible IL value for a cluster of the same size as clv+1.
The information loss for this cluster will be: IL(clv+1) =
|clv+1|⋅n, where n is the number of quasi-identifier
attributes. When performing experiments to compare
the quality of constrained k-anonymous microdata and
k-anonymous microdata, produced for the same
, the
information loss of the constrained k-anonymous
solution includes the information loss caused by the
suppressed cluster as well, and not only for the
generalized clusters. More than that, for every
suppressed tuple we consider the maximum information
loss that it can cause when it is masked. This way, the
quality of the constrained k-anonymous solutions will
not be biased because of a favored way of computing
information loss for the suppressed tuples.
The two-stage constrained k-anonymization
algorithm called GreedyCKA is depicted in Figure 5.
We present below the pseudocode of the
GreedyCKA Algorithm:
5 Experimental Results
In this section we compare the GreedyCKA and
Greedy_k-member_Clustering [2] algorithms with
respect to: the quality of the results they produce
measured against the information loss measure; the
algorithms’ efficiency as expressed by their running
time; the number of constraint violation that kanonymous masked microdata produced by Greedy_kmember_Clustering have; and the suppression amount
performed by GreedyCKA in order to produce
constrained k-anonymous masked microdata in presence
of different constraint sets.
The two algorithms were implemented in Java; tests
were executed on a dual CPU machine with 3.00 GHz
and 1 GB of RAM, running Windows 2003 Server.
A set of experiments were performed for an
consisting of 10,000 tuples randomly selected from the
Adult dataset from the UC Irvine Machine Learning
Repository [15]. In all the experiments, we considered a
set of eight quasi-identifier attributes: education-num,
workclass, marital-status, occupation, race, sex, age,
and native-country.
Algorithm GreedyCKA is
– initial microdata;
k – as in k-anonymity;
={cl1,cl2,… clv,clv+1} - a solution for
the constrained k-anonymization by
clustering problem for
= ∅;
For each QI-cluster from
, cl,
// By cl we refer to the entities from
// that are clustered together in
’ = Greedy_k-member_Clustering(cl, k); // [2]
∪ ’;
v = | |;
clv+1 =
End GreedyCKA;
QI-clusters in
Initial microdata
Final QI-clusters in
, k=3
Stage 1,
Suppressed tuples
Figure 5: The two-stage process in creating constrained k-anonymous masked microdata
The GreedyCKA and Greedy_k-member_Clustering algorithms were applied to this microdata set, for
different k values, from k=2 to k=10. Two different
generalization constraint sets were successively
considered for every k value. First, only the nativecountry attribute’s values were subject to generalization
constraints, as depicted in Figure 6. Second, both
native-country and age had generalization boundaries;
the value generalization hierarchy and the maximum
allowed generalization values for the age attribute are
illustrated in Figure 7. In Figures 6 and 7, the MAGVals
are depicted as bold and delimited by * characters. Of
without taking into consideration the generalization
boundaries, as it is a “simple”, unconstrained kanonymization algorithm. This is why the masked
microdata it produces will generally contain numerous
constraint violations. On the other side, the kanonymization process of GreedyCKA is conducted in
respect to the specified generalization boundaries; this is
why the masked microdata produced by GreedyCKA is
free of constraint violations.
generalization boundaries have the following heights for
their corresponding value generalization hierarchies:
education-num – 4, workclass – 1, marital-status – 2,
occupation – 1, race – 1, and sex – 1.
However, masking microdata to comply with the
more restrictive constrained k-anonymity model
sometimes comes with a price. As the experiments
show, it is possible to lose more of the intrinsic
microdata information when masking it to satisfy
constrained k-anonymity than when masking it to satisfy
k-anonymity only. Figure 8 presents comparatively the
information loss measure for the masked microdata
Greedy_kmember_Clustering, with the two different constraint
sets and for k values in the range 2-10.
As expected, the information loss value is generally
greater when constraints are considered in the kanonymization process. Exceptions may however occur.
For example, GreedyCKA obtained better results then
Greedy_k-member_Clustering for k = 8, 9 and 10, when
only native_country was constrained. The information
lost is influenced, of course, by the constraint
requirements and by the microdata distribution w.r.t. the
constrained attributes. When more quasi-identifiers have
generalization boundaries or more restrictive generalizetion boundaries, the information lost in the constrained
k-anonymization process will generally increase.
Regarding the running time, we can state that
GreedyCKA will always be more efficient than
Greedy_k-member_Clustering. The explanation for this
fact is that, when generalization boundaries are imposed,
they will cause the initial microdata to be divided in
several subsets (the QI-clusters of
), on which
Greedy_k-member_Clustering will be afterwards
applied. Greedy_k-member_Clustering has an O(n2)
complexity, and applying it on smaller microdata
subsets will reduce the processing time. More
constraints and QI-clusters exist in
, more
significant is the reduction of the processing time for
microdata masking (see Figure 9).
*North_A* South_A *Central_A* *West_E*
*East_A* *North_Af*
South Africa
Figure 6: MAGVals for the quasi-identifier attribute Country.
*20-29* *30-39* *40-49* *50-59*
Figure 7: MAGVals for the quasi-identifier attribute Age.
GreedyCKA, native_country
GreedyCKA, native_country and age
Figure 8: Information Loss (IL) for GreedyCKA and Greedy_k-member_Clustering.
GreedyCKA, native_country
GreedyCKA, native_country and age
k =
Figure 9: Running Time for GreedyCKA and Greedy_k-member_Clustering.
Table 2 shows the number of tuples suppressed by
GreedyCKA, while masking the initial microdata.
All in all, our experiments proved that constrained
k-anonymous masked microdata can be achieved
without sacrificing the data quality to a significant
extent, when compared to a corresponding k-anonymous
unconstrained masked microdata.
While the constrained k-anonymity model responds
to a necessity in real-life applications, the existing kanonymization algorithms are not able to build masked
microdata that comply with it. In this context,
GreedyCKA takes optimal suppression decisions, based
on the proved properties of the new model (Properties 5
and 6), and builds high-quality constrained kanonymous masked microdata.
As pointed out, when Greedy_k-member_Clustering is applied to k-anonymize
, the resulting masked
microdata usually contains numerous constraint
violations. Table 1 reports the number of constraint
violations in the outcome of the Greedy_k-member_
Clustering unconstrained k-anonymization algorithm,
for two maximal generalization requirement sets.
No of constraint violations
No of constraint violations
for 1 constrained attribute – for 2 constrained attributes –
native_country, age
6 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper we defined a new privacy model, called
constrained k-anonymity, which takes into consideration
generalization boundaries imposed by the data owner
for quasi-identifier attributes. Based on the model
properties, an efficient algorithm to generate a masked
microdata to comply with constrained k-anonymity
property was introduced. Our experiments showed that
the proposed algorithm obtains comparable information
algorithm, while the masked microdata sets obtained by
the latter have many constraint violations.
Table 1: Constraint violations in Greedy_kmember_Clustering
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No of suppressed tuples for
1 constrained attribute –
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
No of suppressed tuples for
2 constrained attributes–
5 15 24 28 48 60 81 97 106
native_country, age
Table 2: Number of tuples suppressed by GreedyCKA
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In this paper we used predefined hierarchies for all
quasi-identifier attributes. As future work we plan to
extend this concept further for numerical attributes. We
plan to provide a technique to dynamically determine
for each numerical quasi-identifier value, its maximal
allowed generalization, based on that attribute’s values
in the analyzed microdata and a minimal user input.
We also pointed out that the constraint k-anonymity
property and even our proposed algorithm, GreedyCKA,
can be extended to other privacy models (models such
as constrained l-diversity, constrained (α, k)-anonymity,
constrained p-sensitive k-anonymity, etc. can be easily
defined). Finding specific properties for these enhanced
privacy models, and developing improved algorithms to
generate masked microdata to comply with such models
are subject of future work.
This work was partially supported by the CNCSIS
(Romanian National University Research Council) grant
PNCDI-PN II, IDEI 550/2007.
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Privacy-Preserving Predictive Models for Lung Cancer Survival Analysis
Glenn Fung1 , Shipeng Yu1 , Cary Dehing-Oberije2 , Dirk De Ruysscher2 , Philippe Lambin2 ,
Sriram Krishnan1 , R. Rao Bharat1
CAD and Knowledge Solutionis, Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc., Malvern, PA USA.
MAASTRO clinic, the Netherlands.
Privacy-preserving data mining (PPDM) is a recent emergent research area that deals with the incorporation of privacy preserving concerns to data mining techniques. We
consider a real clinical setting where the data is horizontally
distributed among different institutions. Each one of the
medical institutions involved in this work provides a database containing a subset of patients. There is recent work
that shows the potential of the PPDM approach in medical applications. However, there is few work in developing/implementing PPDM for predictive personalized medicine. In this paper we use real data from several institutions
across Europe to build models for survival prediction for
non-small-cell lung cancer patients while addressing the potential privacy preserving issues that may arise when sharing data across institutions located in different countries.
Our experiments in a real clinical setting show that the privacy preserving approach may result in improved models
while avoiding the burdens of traditional data sharing (legal
and/or anonymization expenses).
Privacy-preserving data mining (PPDM) is a recent
emergent research area that deals with the incorporation of privacy preserving concerns to data mining
techniques. We are particularly interested in a scenario
when the data is horizontally distributed among different institutions. In the medical domain this means
that each medical institution (hospitals, clinics, etc.)
provides a database containing a complete (or almost
complete) subset of item sets (patients). An efficient
PPDM algorithm should be able to process the data
from all the sources and learn data mining/machine
learning models that take into account all the information available without sharing explicitly private
information among the sources. The ultimate goal of a
PPDM model is to perform similarly or identically to
a model learned by having access to all the data at the
same time.
P3DM’08, April 26, 2008, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
There are have been a push for the incorporation of
electronic health records (EHR) in medical institutions
worldwide. There seems to be a consensus that the
availability of EHR will have several significant benefits
for health systems across the world, including: improvement of quality of care by tracking performance on
clinical measures, better and more accurate insurance
reimbursement, computer assisted diagnosis (CAD)
tools, etc. Therefore, there is a constant increase on
the number of hospitals saving huge amounts of data
that can be used to build predictive models to assist
doctors in the medical decision process for treatment,
diagnosis, and prognosis among others.
sharing the data across institutions becomes a difficult
and tedious process that also involves considerable
legal and economic burden on the institutions sharing
the medical data.
In this paper we explore two privacy preserving
techniques applied to learn survival predictive models
for non-small-cell lung cancer patients treated with
(chemo) radiotherapy. We use real data collected from
patients treated on three European institutions in two
different countries (the Netherlands and Belgium) to
build our models. The framework we are describing in
this paper allows to design/learn improved predictive
models that perform better than the individual models
obtained by using local data from only one institution,
without addressing the local and international privacy
preserving concerns that arise when sharing patientrelated data. As far as we know, there is none previous
work related to learning survival models for lung cancer
radiation therapy addressing PP concerns.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in
the next section, we introduced the notation used in
the paper. In section 3 we present an overview of the
related work. In sections 4.1 and 4.3 we present the
overview of the two methods used for our predictive
models: Newton-Lagrangian Support Vector Machines
[5] and Cox Regression [3]. Later in sections 4.2 and
4.4, we present the technical details of the corresponding
privacy preserving (PP) algorithms used. We conclude
the paper describing our application with experimental privacy preserving classifying techniques including crypresults performed in a real clinical setting and the tographically private SVMs [7], wavelet-based distortion
[10]. There is recent work that shows the potential of
the approach [6, 12] in medical settings. However , there
is few work in developing/implementing PPDM for pre2 Notation
We describe our notations now. All vectors will be dictive personalized medicine.
column vectors unless transposed to a row vector by a
prime ′ . For a vector x ∈ Rn the notation xj will signify 4 Privacy-Preserving
either the j-th component or j-th block of components.
The scalar (inner) product of two vectors x and y in In this section we introduce two PP predictive models,
the n-dimensional real space Rn will be denoted by x′ y. namely PP Support Vector Machines and PP Cox
The notation A ∈ Rm×n will signify a real m×n matrix. Regression. We first give an overview of the two
For such a matrix, A′ will denote the transpose of A, techniques in sections 4.1 and 4.3, and then present the
Ai will denote the i-th row or i-th block of rows of A. PP versions in sections 4.2 and 4.4.
A vector of ones in a real space of arbitrary dimension
will be denoted by e. Thus for e ∈ Rm and y ∈ Rm the 4.1 Overview of Support Vector Machines. We
notation e′ y will denote the sum of the components of y. describe in this section the fundamental classification
A vector of zeros in a real space of arbitrary dimension problems that lead to the standard quadratic Support
will be denoted by 0. For A ∈ Rm×n and B ∈ Rk×n , vector machine (SVM) formulation that minimizes a
a kernel K(A, B ′ ) maps Rm×n × Rn×k into Rm×k . In quadratic convex function. We consider the problem
particular, if x and y are column vectors in Rn then, of classifying m points in the n-dimensional real space
K(x′ , y) is a real number, K(x′ , B ′ ) is a row vector in Rn , represented by the m × n matrix A, according to
Rk and K(A, B ′ ) is an m × k matrix. The abbreviation membership of each point Ai in the classes +1 or -1 as
specified by a given m × m diagonal matrix D with ones
“s.t.” stands for “subject to”.
or minus ones along its diagonal. For this problem, the
standard support vector machine with a linear kernel
3 Related Work
As a consequence of the recent advances of network com- AA [13] is given by the following quadratic program
puting, there has been recently great interest in privacy- for some ν > 0:
preserving data mining techniques. An extensive review
νe′ y + 12 w′ w
of PPDM techniques can be found in [14]. Most of the
s.t. D(Aw − eγ) + y ≥ e
available data mining techniques require and assume
y ≥ 0.
that there is complete access to all data at all times.
This may not be true for example, in an uncentralized
As depicted in Figure 1, w is the normal to the bounding
distributed medical setting where for each data source
or institution, there are local procedures in place to enforce privacy and security of the data. If this is the
x′ w − γ = +1
case, there is a need to use efficient data mining and (4.2)
x′ w − γ = −1,
machine learning techniques that can use data across
institutions while complying with the non-disclosure na- and γ determines their location relative to the origin.
ture of the available data. There are two main kinds of The first plane above bounds the class +1 points and
data partitioning when dealing with distributed setting the second plane bounds the class -1 points when the
where PPDM is needed: a) the data is partitioned verti- two classes are strictly linearly separable, that is when
cally, this means that all institutions have some subset the slack variable y = 0. The linear separating surface
of features (predictors, variables) for all the available is the plane
patients. When this is the case, several techniques have
been proposed to address the issue including: adding
random perturbations to the data [2, 4]. The other popular PPDM setting occurs when the data is partitioned
horizontally among institutions, that means that different entities hold the same input features for different
groups of individuals. This case have been addressed in
[16, 15] by privacy-preserving SVMs and induction tree
classifiers. There are several other recently proposed
x′ w = γ,
midway between the bounding planes (4.2). If the
classes are linearly inseparable then the two planes
bound the two classes with a “soft margin” determined
by a nonnegative slack variable y, that is:
x′ w − γ + yi ≥ +1, for x′ = Ai and Dii = +1,
x′ w − γ − yi ≤ −1, for x′ = Ai and Dii = −1.
The 1-norm of the slack variable y is minimized with
weight ν in (4.1). The quadratic term in (4.1), which is
twice the reciprocal of the square of the 2-norm distance
kwk between the two bounding planes of (4.2) in the ndimensional space of w ∈ Rn for a fixed γ, maximizes
that distance, often called the “margin”. Figure 1 depicts the points represented by A, the bounding planes
, and the separating plane (4.3)
(4.2) with margin kwk
which separates A+, the points represented by rows of A
with Dii = +1, from A−, the points represented by rows
of A with Dii = −1. For this paper we used Newton′
xw =γ+1
x x x
A- x x x
x x
x x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x
x′ w = γ − 1
duced kernel K(A, B ′ ) : Rm×n → Rm×m̃ , where
B ∈ Rm̃×n is a completely random matrix with
fewer rows than the number of available features,
(m̃ < n) .
2. Each entity makes public only a common
randomly generated linear transformation
of the data given by the matrix product of its
privately held matrix of data rows multiplied by
the transpose of a common random matrix B for
linear kernels, and a similar kernel function for
nonlinear kernels. In our experimental setting,
we assumed that all the available patient data
is normalized between 0 and 1 and therefore the
elements of B were generated according to a normal
distribution with mean zero, variance one and
standard deviation one.
Next, we formally introduce the PPSVM algorithm
2 as presented in [11]
Algorithm 4.1. Nonlinear PPSVM Algorithm
Separating Surface: x′ w = γ
Figure 1:
The bounding planes (4.2) with margin kwk
and the plane (4.3) separating A+, the points represented
by rows of A with Dii = +1, from A−, the points
represented by rows of A with Dii = −1.
(I) All q entities agree on the same random matrix
B ∈ Rm̄×n with m̄ < n for security reasons as
justified in the explanation immediately following
this algorithm. All entities make public the class
matrix D (labels) where Dll = ±, l = 1, . . . , m for
the each of the data matrices Ai , i = 1, . . . , q that
they all hold.
(II) Each entity generates its own privately held random
matrix B·j ∈ Rm̄×nj , j = 1, . . . . . . , p, where nj is
the number of input features held by entity j.
Lagrangian SVM (NSVM), an algorithm based on an (III) Each entity j makes public its nonlinear kernel
essentially equivalent formulations of this classification
K(Aj , B ′ ). This does not reveal Aj but allows the
problem [5]. In this formulation, the square of 2-norm of
public computation of the full nonlinear kernel:
the slack variable y is minimized with weight ν2 instead
of the 1-norm of y as in (4.1). In addition the distance
K(A1 , B ′ )
between the planes (4.2) is measured in the (n + 1) A2
K(A2 , B ′ )
dimensional space of (w, γ) ∈ Rn+1 , that is k(w,γ)k
K(A, B ′ ) = K . , B ′ =
Measuring the margin in this (n + 1)-dimensional space
instead of R induces strong convexity and has little or
no effect in general on the problem.
(IV) A publicly calculated linear classifier K(x′ , B ′ )u −
γ = 0 is computed by any linear hyperplane based
4.2 Privacy Preserving SVMs. For our privacy
classification or regression method method such as
preserving application we chose to use a technique on
the ones presented in sections 4.1 and 4.3.
random kernel mappings recently proposed by Mangasarian and Wild on [11]. The algorithm is based on (V) For each new x ∈ Rn , obtained by an entity, that
entity privately computes K(x′ , B ′ ) and classifies
two simple basic ideas:
the given x according to the sign of K(x′ , B ′ )u − γ.
1. The use of reduced kernel mappings [9, 8],
Note that algorithm 4.1 works for any kernel with
where the kernel centers are randomly chosen.
associative property:
Instead of using the complete kernel function
K(A, A ) : R
→ R
as it is usually done
K(C, F )
in kernel methods they propose the use of a reK(D, F )
Which is, in particular, the case of the linear kernel
K(A, B ′ ) = AB ′ and that we will use for the rest of the
As stated in [11], it is important to note than in the
the above algorithm no entity j reveals its data nor its
components of a new testing data point. When m̄ < n,
there is an infinite number of matrices Ai ∈ Rmi×n in
the solution set of the equation Ai B ′ = Pi , when B and
Pi are given. This claim can be justified by the wellknown properties of under-determined systems of linear equations. Furthermore, the following proposition
which is originally stated and proved in [11] is aimed to
formally support the claim presented above:
Now given any two observations xi and xj , from the
definition of hazard function we can get
h(ti )
= exp[w′ (xi − xj )],
h(tj )
which is independent of time t. The baseline hazard
α(t) also does not affect the hazard ratio. This is why
the Cox model is a proportional-hazards model.
And Cox has showed in [3] that even though the
baseline hazard is unspecified, the Cox model can still be
estimated by the method of partial likelihood. It is also
possible to extract an estimate of the baseline hazard
after having fit the model.
Proposition 4.2. (infinite solutions of Ai B ′ = Pi
if m̄ < n) Given the matrix product Pi′ = AiB ′ ∈
Rmi ×m̄ , where Ai ∈ Rmi ×n is unknown and B is a
known matrix in Rm̄×n with m̄ < n, there are an infinite
number of solutions, including:
4.4 Privacy Preserving Cox Regression. The
main idea of the privacy preserving SVM is to perform
a random mapping of the original predictive variables
into a new space, and then perform standard SVM on
the new space. Since in the Cox regression the interacmi
tion between the parameter of the models and the data
is linear, we can also apply the same idea presented in
(n − m̄)!m̄!
section 4.2 for the privacy preserving Cox regression.
mi ×n
possible solutions Ai ∈ R
to the equation Ai B = Given the random matrix B and assuming that we are
Pi . Furthermore, the
infinite number of matrices in using a linear kernel, equation 4.6 is slightly changed to:
log h(t) = α(t) + w′ xB ′ ,
matrices also satisfy (4.7)
the affine hull of these
Ai B ′ = Pi .
Again it is important to note, that to our knowledge,
4.3 Overview of Cox Regression. Cox regression,
or the Cox propositional-hazards model, is one of the
most popular algorithms for survival analysis [3]. Apart
from baing a classification algorithm which directly deal
with binary or multi-class outcomes, Cox regression
defines a semi-parametric model to directly relate the
predictive variables with the real outcome which is in
general the survival time (e.g., in years).
Let T represent survival time. The so-called hazard function is a representation of the distribution of
survival times, which assesses the instantaneous risk of
demise at time t, conditional on survival to that time:
h(t) = lim
Pr[(t ≤ T < t + ∆t)|T ≥ t]
The Cox regression model assumes a linear model for the
log-hazard, or as a multiplicative model for the hazard:
log h(t) = α(t) + w′ x,
where x denote the covariates for each observation, and
the baseline hazard α(t) is unspecified. This model is
semi-parametric because while the baseline hazard can
take any form, the covariates enter the model linearly.
this is the first time that privacy preserving techniques
are applied for survival analysis methods.
Application: 2-Year Survival Prediction for
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients
Radiotherapy, combined with chemotherapy, is treatment of choice for a large group of non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC) patients. The treatment is not restricted to patients with mediastinal lymph node metastasis, but is also indicated for patients who are inoperable because of their physical condition. In addition,
the marginal role of radiotherapy and chemotherapy for
the survival of NSCLC patients has been changed into
one of significant importance. Improved radiotherapy
treatment techniques allow an increase of the radiation
dose, while at the same time more effective chemoradiation schemes are being applied. These developments
have lead to an improved outcome in terms of survival.
Although the introduction of FDG-PET scans has enabled more accurate detection of positive lymph nodes
and distant metastases, leading to stage migration, the
TNM staging system is still highly inaccurate for the
prediction of survival outcome for this group of patients
[1]. In summary, an increasing number of patients is
being treated successfully with (chemo) radiation, but
an accurate estimation of the survival probability for an
individual patient, taking into account patient, tumor
as well as treatment characteristics and offering the possibility for treatment decision-making, is currently not
At present, generally accepted prognostic factors
for inoperable patients are performance status, weight
loss, presence of comorbidity, use of chemotherapy in
addition to radiotherapy, radiation dose and tumor size.
For other factors such as gender and age the literature
shows inconsistent results, making it impossible to draw
definitive conclusions. In these studies CT-scans were
used as the major staging tool. However, the increasing
use of FDG-PET scans offers the possibility to identify
and use new prognostic factors. In a recent study it was
shown that number of involved nodal areas quantified
by PET-CT was an important prognostic factor [1].
We performed this retrospective study to develop and
validate several prediction models for 2-year survival of
NSCLC patients, treated with (chemo) radiotherapy,
taking into account all known prognostic factors. To
the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of
prediction models for NSCLC patients treated with
at the other two centers, the Gent hospital and the
Leuven hospital, were also collected for this study.
There are respectively 112 and 40 patients from the
Gent and Leuven hospitals, and the same set of clinical
variables as the MAASTRO patients were measured.
5.2 Radiotherapy Treatment Variables. No elective nodal irradiation was performed and irradiation was
delivered 5 days per week. Radiotherapy planning was
performed with a Focus (CMS) system, taking into account lung density and according to ICRU 50 guidelines. There were four different radiotherapy treatment
regimes applied for these patients in this retrospective
study, therefore to account for the different treatment
time and number of fractions per day, the equivalent
dose in 2 Gy fractions, corrected for overall treatment
time (EQD2,T), was used as a measure for the intensity of chest radiotherapy 5.8. Adjustment for dose per
fraction and time factors were made as follows:
(5.8) EQD2, T = D
− γ max(0, T − Tk ),
where D is the total radiation dose, d is dose per
fraction, β = 10 Gy, T is overall treatment time, Tk
is the accelerated repopulation kick-off time which is
5.1 Patient Population. Between May 2002 and
28 days, and γ is the loss in dose per day due to
January 2007, a total number of 455 inoperable NSCLC
repopulation which is 0.66 Gy/day.
patients, stage I-IIIB, were referred to MAASTRO clinic
to be treated with curative intent. Clinical data of all
5.3 Experimental Setup. In this paper we focus on
these patients were collected retrospectively by review2-year survival prediction for these NSCLC patients,
ing the clinical charts. If PET was not used as a stagwhich is the most interesting prediction from clinical
ing tool, patients were excluded from the study. This
perspective. The survival status was evaluated in
resulted in the inclusion of 399 patients. The primary
December 2007. The following 6 clinical predictors
gross tumor volume (GTVprimary ) and nodal gross tuare used to build the prediction models: gender (two
mor volume (GTVnodal ) were calculated, as delineated
groups: male/female), WHO performance status (three
by the treating radiation oncologist, using a commercial
groups: 0/1/ ≥ 2), lung function prior to treatment
radiotherapy treatment planning system (Computerized
(forced expiratory volume, in the range of 17 ∼ 139),
Medical Systems, Inc, CMS). The sum of GTVprimary
number of positive lymph node stations (five groups:
and GTVnodal resulted in the GTV. For patients treated
0/1/2/3/ ≥ 4), natural logarithm of GTV (in the range
with sequential chemotherapy these volumes were calof −0.17 ∼ 6.94), and the equivalent dose corrected by
culated using the post-chemotherapy imaging informatime (EQD2,T) from (5.8). The mean values across
tion. The creation of the volumes was based on PET
patients are used to impute the missing entries if some
and CT information only; bronchoscopic findings were
of these predictors are missing for certain patients. To
not taken into account. The number of positive lymph
account for the very different number of patients from
node stations was assessed by the nuclear medicine spethe three sites, a subset of MAASTRO patients were
cialist using either an integrated FDG-PET-CT scan or
selected for the following study. In the following we
a CT-scan combined with FDG-PET-scan. T-stage and
use the names “MAASTRO”, “Gent” and “Leuven” to
N-stage were assessed using pre-treatment CT, PET and
denote the data from the three different centers.
mediastinoscopy when applicable. For patients treated
For the SVM methods, since they can only deal
with sequential chemotherapy stage as well as number
with binary outcome, we only use the patients with 2of positive lymph node stations was assessed using preyear follow-up and create an outcome for them with +1
chemotherapy imaging information.
meaning they survived 2 years, and −1 meaning they
Additionally, a smaller number of patients treated
didn’t survive 2 years. This setting leads to 70, 37 and
Performance Comparison for PP−SVM
AUC with errorbars
AUC with errorbars
Performance Comparison for PP−SVM
Figure 2: AUC comparison for privacy preserving SVMs with 40% (left) and 60% (right) training patients. The error bars
are calculated based on 100 times of random splits of the data.
PP−SVM versus non−PP−SVM
PP−SVM Performance in AUC
PP−SVM with Different Mapping Dimensions
PP−SVM versus non−PP−SVM
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
Percentage of Training Patients
0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85
Non−PP−SVM Performance in AUC
Mappping Dimensions
Figure 3: AUC comparison between PP-SVMs and non PP-SVMs (which explicitly use all the training data from different
centers, and thus upper-bound the predictive performance of PP-SVMs). We compare the two with different percentages
of training patients (left), in a scatter plot (middle), and with different dimensions m̄ for PP-SVMs (right) for a 40% split.
23 patients for the MAASTRO, Gent and Leuven sets,
respectively. For the Cox regression methods, we can
potentially use all the patients with the exact number of
survived years, and do right censoring for those patients
who are still alive. Under this setting we end up with 80,
85 and 40 patients for MAASTRO, Gent and Leuven,
Under the privacy preserving setting, we are interested in assessing the predictive performance of a model
combining the patient data from the three centers together, compared to the models trained based on each of
these centers. The data combination needs to be done
in a way that sensitive information is not uncovered.
Therefore for our experiments we trained the following
4 models under each configuration:
models using only the MAASTRO, Gent and Leuven training patients repectively.
For each of the configurations, we vary the percentage of
training patients in each of the centers, and report the
Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) for the test patients.
Note that the testing was performed using all the test
patients from all centers.
In Figure 2 we show the results for privacy preserving
SVM models, with 2 example training percentages (40%
and 60%). The other percentages yield similar results.
The error bars are over 100 runs with random split of
training/test patients for each center, and each time a
• PP model: Apply the privacy preserving tech- random B matrix of dimensionality 5 × 6 is used for the
niques we have introduced and train a model using PP-SVM models. As can be seen, the PP-SVM models
achieve the best performance compared to other singlecombined data from the three centers.
center based models. This is mainly because PP-SVM
• MAASTRO, Gent and Leuven models: Train models are able to use more data in model training, at
Performance Comparison for PP−CoxReg
Performance Comparison for PP−CoxReg
AUC with errorbars
AUC with errorbars
Figure 4: AUC comparison for privacy preserving Cox regression models with 40% (left) and 60% (right) training patients.
The error bars are calculated based on 100 times of random splits of the data.
PP−CoxReg versus non−PP−CoxReg
PP−CoxReg versus non−PP−CoxReg
PP−CoxReg with Different Mapping Dimensions
PP−CoxReg Performance in AUC
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
Percentage of Training Patients
Non−PP−CoxReg Performance in AUC
Mappping Dimensions
Figure 5: AUC comparison between PP-CoxReg and non PP-CoxReg (which explicitly use all the training data from
different centers, and thus upper-bound the predictive performance of PP-CoxReg). We compare the two with different
percentages of training patients (left), in a scatter plot (middle), and with different dimensions m̄ for PP-CoxReg (right)
in a 40% split.
the same time without violating the privacy regulations.
When we increase the training percentages, all models
will improve (compare Figure 2 right to left), and the
single-center based models have a higher improvement.
However the PP-SVM models still perform the best.
It is easy to realize that PP-SVM will end up with
a performance loss compared to a non PP-SVM model,
which explicitly combines all the training patients from
different centers and does not preserve privacy. This
is because in PP-SVMs a random matrix B projects
each patient into a lower dimensional space (for privacy
preserving purpose), and thus leads to information loss.
To empirically evaluate how much performance loss the
PP-SVMs have, we show a more extensive comparison
in Figure 3. On the left we show the comparison with
different percentages of the training/test splits, and as
can be seen the gaps between PP-SVMs and non PPSVMs are not very big. This indicates PP-SVMs can
achieve similar predictive performance while satisfying
the privacy preserving requirement. The scatter plot in
the middle is another way to visualize these results. On
the right we vary the mapping dimensions m̄ for the B
matrix we used in PP models, and as expected, bigger
m̄ yield better predictive performance. Therefore, in
practice we normally choose m̄ = n − 1 to maximize
the performance of the PP models (which still perfectly
satisfies the privacy preserving requirements). From
this comparison we see that there is a big error bar for
different B matrices, and one interesting future work is
to identify the best B matrix for PP models.
In Figure 4 we also empirically evaluate the results
for privacy preserving Cox regression models, also with
the 2 example training percentages (40% and 60%).
They have the same trend as we have seen in Figure 2, but it is interesting that with a higher percentage of training data (e.g., 60% on the right), PPCoxReg performs the same as the model trained using
only MAASTRO training patients. This indicates PP-
CoxReg model is more sensitive to the different characteristics of the data from different centers. In practice,
we need to carefully investigate the different data distributions to estimate the benefits of combining them.
We also empirically compare the PP Cox regression models with non PP-CoxReg models in Figure 5.
As can be seen, the gaps between PP-CoxReg and non
PP-CoxReg models are even smaller than those between PP-SVM and non PP-SVM models, meaning PPCoxReg models are more accurate toward the non privacy preserving solutions. In practice we still need to
choose m̄ = n − 1 to maximize the PP-CoxReg performance, and to choose the best B matrix if possible.
Discussion and Conclusions
We have applied a simple recently proposed PP technique in a real clinical setting where data is shared
across three European institutions in order to build
more accurate predictive models than the ones obtained
using only data from one institute. We have extended
the previously proposed PP algorithm (originally suggested for SVM) to cox regression. As far as we know
this is the first work that addresses privacy preserving
concerns for survival models. The work presented here
is based on preliminary results and we are already working on designing improved algorithms to address several
concerns that arise when performing our experiments.
One of the concerns that arise (as shown in section 6)
is how to address the impact of the variability of the
matrix B on the performance of the predictive models.
For that, we are currently experimenting with formulations in which the B matrix is intended not only to
“de-identify” the data but also to optimally improve
model performance. Another relevant concern that we
are looking into is, how to weight the importance of data
from different institutions, assuming that the reliability
of the data or the labels varies among institutions.
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