Integrating Archaeological Datasets:
the ARIADNE Portal
Paola Ronzino1, Achille Felicetti1, and Sara Di Giorgio2
PIN, Polo Prato, Italy
{paola.ronzino, achille.felicetti}
Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle biblioteche italiane, Roma, Italia
Abstract. One of the emerging needs of the archaeological community is represented by the importance of availing of systems that allow to tackle new research questions, by querying diverse available resources. Usually, archaeological digital data is stored in non-standardised individual databases with a limited
possibility of integration and a high level of fragmentation. The EU-funded project ARIADNE, has developed an e-infrastructure which enables the integration
of archaeological datasets from various different institutions, integrating resource discovery metadata using controlled vocabularies, thesauri, gazetteers
and ontology (CIDOC CRM). This paper presents the ARIADNE infrastructure, describing the activities undertaken by the project to achieve interoperability of archaeological resources at the dataset and item level. Moreover, the architecture of the ARIADNE Infrastructure and the Portal, with the different
ways to search and access the resources are described.
1 Introduction
In the recent years we have assisted to an increasing awareness of the importance of
creating networks of data that allow integrated access to documentation and to digital
archives of archaeological resources. An important condition for the development of
such networked accesses lays in the definition of standards and guidelines that establish a degree of compatibility between the datasets that make these networks up.
Usually, data is stored in non-standardised individual databases with a limited possibility of integration and a high level of fragmentation of data. This is mostly due to
the different needs of the various research communities who store and structure their
data according to the standards that apply to their specific research domain. However,
when the different communities agree to share their data with the wider community
and for a broader purpose, the related problem of data interoperability arises. This is
the challenge that ARIADNE is facing [1, 2]. The EU-funded project has developed
an e-infrastructure that enables the integration of archaeological datasets from various
different institutions. ARIADNE’s main objective is to provide researchers with an
integrated access and to guarantee the semantic interoperability of archaeological
datasets distributed throughout Europe. The main expectation of the project is that
researchers will make use of these resources and benefit from them through the use of
technologies and services made available by the infrastructure itself, and to challenge
new scientific questions. In the following sections we will introduce the consortium
and the content made available into the ARIADNE infrastructure, touching on the
user requirements that influenced the structure of the portal. Moreover, the paper
describes the overall architecture of the infrastructure and the core services, which
make ARIADNE a powerful system for the archaeological research community for
sharing, discovering, accessing and reusing available data.
2 The ARIADNE Research Infrastructure
The ARIADNE infrastructure is supported by a consortium of archaeological institutes and data archives providing content, and by technology developers.
The consortium consists of 23 partners in 16 countries, and a number of associate
partners that ensure an almost complete coverage of the European territory.
Most of the archaeological institutes involved in ARIADNE started to integrate archaeological datasets under a common portal, responding to the need of digital
preservation, open access and networked access. Part of the network (to cite a few)
are the UK’s Archaeological Data Service (ADS) [3], which currently provides access
to over 36,000 unpublished fieldwork reports and over 1000 data digital archives, the
Data archiving and Networked Services (DANS) [4] providing access to over 21,000
reports and 4,000 excavation archives of Dutch archaeology, the Swedish National
Data Service (SND) [5], based at the University of Gothenburg, the CulturaItalia
Portal of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage (MIBACT-ICCU) [6].
Content provided by partners was necessarily created and documented in different
ways, using different languages and encoded by means of different metadata schemas.
This obviously makes data integration a complex process.
2.1 Gathering user requirements
Before starting the ARIADNE infrastructure design, the project carried out various
surveys and interviews to the archaeological research community, to find out the
existing and emerging needs, so that the infrastructure would build on their basis. The
research consisted of an extensive literature review, numerous interviews involving
members of the ARIADNE partners and other stakeholders, two online questionnaire
surveys with participation of more than 600 archaeological researchers and repository
managers [7]. Subsequently, a survey of existing data portal involved 23 ARIADNE
archaeological researchers and data managers, to get further insight for the development of the ARIADNE portal services [8]. The result of the two international online
surveys made clear that archaeological researchers lack appropriate data repositories
and services that allow to find and access relevant data. The 95% of the responses
expressed that the most important need is to have a comprehensive overview of the
available datasets. Most researchers asked for a data portal that offers an overview of
the resources available online, with the possibility to search across resources scattered
in different places, using new mechanism to discover and access data. For space reason we limit the description of analysis result to the top-level needs. The detailed
analysis of the user requirements can be found at [7]. The recommendation and the
user needs collected through the activities presented above, influenced and guided the
technology partners in the design and implementation of the infrastructure architecture, of the portal interface and of the services.
2.3 The ARIADNE Catalogue
The first step towards data interoperability consisted in a preliminary analysis of the
available archives, in order to identify formats, standards, and services in use by the
content providers [9]. Key elements, common to all archives, were identified and
encoded using existing international standards and terminological tools, and referring
to the “what, where, when” paradigm. The descriptions of content have been encoded
using the ARIADNE Catalogue Data Model (ACDM) [9], developed by ARIADNE
with the aim to produce a detailed representation of the archaeological information of
the legacy archives made available by the consortium.
The ACDM was built on the DCAT vocabulary [10] and was extended with classes
and properties needed to better describe the ARIADNE archaeological resources.
The main classes, which reflect the ARIADNE assets, are: DataResources (including
the resources that are the containers of the data, like databases and collections), LanguageResources (such as vocabularies and metadata schemas) and Service (owned by
the ARIADNE partners and offered to the project for integration).
The ARIADNE Catalogue aggregates metadata describing datasets, metadata schemas, vocabularies, which were harvested either manually or trough the Open Archives
Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). The metadata and object
repository aggregator (MORe), was customized to meet the ARIADNE content needs
and used to aggregate metadata from multiple sources and in multiple formats. The
Catalogue, and the detailed information it contains, represents the core of the entire
integration process. The Catalogue lays at the base of the portal, and provides the
necessary support for retrieval, analysis and resource discovery facilities.
2.3 Datasets integration
The highest level of integration started at the conceptual level, by identifying key
elements, common to each archive. The "what, where, when" paradigm was used to
identify objects, places and time periods, which are fundamental elements in the archaeological domain.
2.3.1 The WHAT
The “what” represents the subjects of the various datasets. These are described using
terms derived from the Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) [11] of the Getty Research Institute, which was adopted as the spine for the whole framework of terms in
ARIADNE. Each of the terminological resources used by ARIADNE content providers was mapped to the AAT concepts to demonstrate the semantic and conceptual
similarity between the different archives. The mapping activities were facilitated by a
mapping tool developed to establish correspondences between concepts coming from
different vocabularies [12].
2.3.2 The WHERE
The “where” represents the spatial entities. Most of the archaeological archives had
already standardized spatial information. To enable browsing the archives, ARIADNE
recommended content providers to provide geographic information in the WGS84
format. When the only information available was the name of a place, the spatial
coordinates were retrieved through the GeoNames gazetteer.
Geographic information about historic names were retrieved from Pleiades [13],
through a collaboration between ARIADNE and the Pelagios project.
2.3.3 The WHEN
The “when” represents temporal entities. When the dates were expressed in numeric
format, the temporal integration was easy to manage. When, instead, the periods were
indicated as names, for example Bronze Age, this caused a lot of ambiguities because
these were not referred to absolute dates. Beside converting each period in absolute
time spans, the collaboration with the PeriodO project [14], allowed to manage collections of periods as intersections of documented events on specific geographical areas
providing unique identifiers for each of those periods as Linked Open Data.
2.4 Item-level Integration
The possibility to answer a research question by using relevant information from
several available heterogeneous sources, is one of the emerging needs of the archaeological community. To address the complexity of archaeological data integration,
ARIADNE developed a global, extensible schema as a formal ontology to allow for
integration without loss of meaning. The CIDOC CRM ontology [15] was chosen as
the backbone of the ARIADNE Reference Model, which includes a suite of extensions developed to address the complexity of archaeological data integration.
CIDOC CRM (ISO21127) is a formal ontology created to facilitate the integration,
mediation and interchange of heterogeneous cultural heritage information. It contains
the basic relationships needed to describe what happened in the past, as for example
people and things meeting in space-time, parts and wholes, use, influence and reference.
Fig.1 The ARIADNE Reference Model
The ARIADNE RM, presented in Figure 1 includes the following extensions:
• CRMinf [16]: is a formal ontology intended to be used as a global schema
for integrating metadata about argumentation and inference making in descriptive and empirical sciences.
• CRMsci [17]: is a formal ontology intended to be used as a global schema
for integrating metadata about scientific observation, measurements and processed data in descriptive and empirical sciences.
• CRMgeo [18]: is a spatiotemporal model that provides a link between the
standards of the geospatial and the Cultural Heritage community in particular
between GeoSPARQL and CIDOC CRM.
• CRMdig [19]: is an ontology to encode metadata about the steps and methods of production (provenance) of digitization products and digital representations such as 2D, 3D or animated models created by various technologies.
• CRMba [20]: the Buildings Archaeology is an ontology developed for investigating historic and prehistoric buildings, the relations between building
components, functional spaces, topological relations and construction phases
through time and space.
• CRMarchaeo [21]: the Excavation Model is an ontology to encode metadata
about the archaeological excavation process.
With the definition of the ARIADNE RM, and the creation of an integrated
knowledge base, the aggregation of several existing archaeological databases were
transformed by mapping their individual schemas to the ARIADNE RM. The mapping process was supported by the X3ML Mapping Framework, a tool that ensures
the integrity of the initial data and preserving the original meaning [22].
An advanced level of the interoperability was achieved with the integration of individual records of legacy archaeological archives. This item-level integration experiment had the aim to reach the deepest integration of archaeological data. Preparatory
activities towards this goal included mappings with specific tools which allowed
individual partners to track complex correspondences between the entities contained
in their databases and the conceptual classes provided by the CIDOC CRM and its
extension. Conceptual mappings for each partner’s archives enabled the creation of
semantic representations for individual items in RDF, to form a complex graph of
relationships to be queried, integrated with semantic technologies and published in
Linked Open Data format. ARIADNE chose as a use case the numismatics field, to
demonstrate the item-level integration process of archaeological datasets. Five datasets were selected. Four of them were mapped to the ARIADNE RM and transformed to RDF using the X3ML framework, while the fifth was already in CIDOC
CRM RDF form, and therefore, compatible with the ARIADNE RM. As a common
thesaurus for the aggregated knowledge base, the, and the AAT thesauri
were adopted. The mapping and transformation workflow is presented in Figure 2.
The main goal of the integration of the diverse coin datasets was to create a system
enabling users to specify queries that will be evaluated on the common aggregated
repository and will be able to combine results coming from the different datasets. The
ARIADNE portal provides a main access point to integrated repository and an intuitive user interface will guide the user to formulate the query, browse the results and
refine the search with facet view.
Fig.2 Mapping and transformation workflow
3 The Integrated Infrastructure and the ARIADNE Portal
The ARIADNE Portal represents the highest level of the infrastructure. It is the access
point of the whole infrastructure, where users can browse, query and analyse available
data and use the services to activate all the features provided by the system.
The integration platform designed and implemented by ARIADNE appears as a complex modular system, with advanced interfaces and features and an architecture able
to interact with distributed archives, in a transparent way. The system is able to query
and extract integrated information concerning legacy archives, to present them to
users by means of advanced services and tools to visualize, analyse and possibly use
them as part of subsequent queries. The search and browse operations are driven by
the Catalogue, which, in addition to detailed descriptions, contains data related to
digital provenance. Catalogue information is used to address queries to the appropriate archives, which contain the information the user is interested in. A complex network of services will provide users with advanced features for using data in new
ways, such as advanced visualisation, definition of use cases and scenarios potentially
different from the ones in which the same data were created. Advanced interfaces for
querying the item-level semantic network are also provided, so as to obtain relevant
information about objects, places, events, people and types according to semantic
criteria and to retrieved and display them in a user-friendly and meaningful way.
Figure 3: The ARIADNE Architecture
4 Conclusions
The ARIADNE portal was developed to create a unique global access point to provides researchers, repository managers, and the wider interested public, open access
to integrated archaeological information. ARIADNE, in its scope, represents a substantial innovation for archaeology, as it provides a common platform where dispersed data resources can be homogenously described, discovered and accessed. It is
also a crucial step towards the ambitious goal of offering archaeologists integrated
data, tools and computing resources for web-based research and data reuse, which
will pave the floor to the creation of new knowledge. The main ambition of
ARIADNE is to achieve a wider engagement of the archaeological research community in sharing and reusing data through the ARIADNE portal.
The present work has been supported by the ARIADNE project, funded by the European Commission (grant 313193) under the FP7 INFRA-2012-1.1.3 call. The authors
opinions do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission.
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