The Cosmic Mind, Microvita and the Origin of Species

The origin of biological species may be better understood by testing the hypothesis that the Cosmic Mind emanates DNA or RNA-encoded microvita that produce and transmit species-transforming viruses to the cells of living beings making efforts to transcend their present physical or mental capacities or limitations. This hypothesis is based on Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar’s concept of subtle sub-atomic microvita emanated by the Cosmic Mind to create living beings and minds throughout the universe, and to accelerate their physical, intellectual and spiritual progress. – Richard Gauthier, St. George, Utah, USA. January 11, 2022.

The Cosmic Mind, Microvita and the Origin of Species Richard Gauthier Abstract The origin of biological species may be better understood by testing the hypothesis that the Cosmic Mind emanates DNA or RNA-encoded microvita that produce and transmit speciestransforming viruses to the cells of living beings making efforts to transcend their present physical or mental capacities or limitations. This hypothesis is based on Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar’s concept of subtle sub-atomic microvita emanated by the Cosmic Mind to create living beings and minds throughout the universe, and to accelerate their physical, intellectual and spiritual progress. – Richard Gauthier, St. George, Utah, USA. January 11, 2022. Introduction P. R. Sarkar’s introduction of the concept of microvita in his Renaissance Universal discourse (1) on December 30, 1986 created a stir of intellectual excitement among his followers around the world. The crudest form of microvita are subtle sub-atomic entities that travel throughout the universe, piercing through galaxies, unbarred by temperature and pressure, creating living beings and minds throughout the universe, as well as causing diseases. Microvita can evolve into viruses and so can be visible in powerful microscopes. Subtler microvita are not visible but express themselves through their actions, and travel through mental waves. The subtlest microvita can help people’s spiritual progress, and can bring innovative ideas into the range of perception of human beings with highly developed, spiritually-oriented minds. Microvita Research Challenges Upon hearing about microvita, the first question that may comes into the mind of a thoughtful person is “Do microvita really exist?” P. R. Sarkar’s reply in the first discourse on microvita was that research on microvita should be started immediately, “without further delay.” “And I think, by dint of our spiritual sádhaná, rather physico-psycho-spiritual sádhaná, our mind will develop in all its strata, and the power of conception, the power of conceiving, will also develop, and with that developed conceiving power, we’ll know all the secrets of these microvita.” More than thirty-five years have passed since P. R. Sarkar introduced the concept of microvita, but scientific demonstrations of their existence have not been shown to the public. There could be a number of reasons for this state of affairs. 1. Microvita don’t exist. 2. Microvita exist, but suitable scientific experiments haven’t been done yet to demonstrate their existence. 1 3. Microvita exist and suitable scientific experiments have been done that demonstrate their existence, but the results have not yet been reported and so are not known to the scientific community and the public. 4. Microvita exist, suitable experiments have been done to show they exist, and results have been reported to some scientists, but there is a veil of secrecy and suppression of spiritual science knowledge, that keeps the rest of society ignorant of the existence of microvita. The second reason would seem to be the most likely by reasonable people. Yet there have been other correct discoveries and theories that were not immediately published, like Copernicus’s suncentered solar system theory, which went against current religious thought at the time. When the theory was published, it was suppressed by the religious authorities for the same reason. Could there be a similar suppressive climate in the case of microvita? The answer is clearly, yes. Science today is highly biased towards materialism, which describes matter and energy as fundamental, and consciousness as merely a bi-product of material complexity. Any scientific hypothesis that proposes that a Cosmic Mind is responsible for creating and developing life in the universe faces a stiff uphill battle. “Show us the evidence!” say the scientists. And this would be the correct reply, even for un-biased, open-minded scientists. The evidence, if any, should be put forward and openly discussed and criticized objectively. But when most leading scientists are hardcore materialists, it would very difficult to find any evidence for microvita that would be acceptable to them, even in principle. Mainstream science publications would also, at first, reject articles proposing that a Cosmic Mind emanates microvita that create and evolve biological life. Such articles would be considered unscientific, or deluded, or ‘not even wrong’. There are some scientists who are openly theistic in their beliefs and who might be sympathetic to such an idea, but they form a distinctly minority voice in the mainstream scientific community. There is a saying, by Alexander Dumas, that “No force on earth can stop an idea whose time has come.” So the time for the scientific proof of microvita, if they exist, may not have come yet. Microvita and Viruses Still, “nothing, ventured, nothing gained” is also a practical truth. Scientific hypotheses about testing for microvita need to first be conceived and proposed before they can be tested. In this situation, the best way to proceed is to look at P. R. Sarkar’s description of microvita and suggestions for starting microvita research.(2) The crudest form of microvita are related to viruses, according to P.R. Sarkar: “So these microvita may be broadly divided into three categories – coming within the scope of microscope; not coming within the scope of microscope but coming within the scope of perception as a result of their expression, as a result of their actional vibration; and third one, not coming within the scope of common perception but coming within the scope of a special type of perception which is actually reflection of conception within the periphery of perception. And such perception – the special type of perception – may be felt or realized by persons having highly developed mind, having spiritually-oriented mind. Regarding those who are of cruder order, and that may come within the scope of microscope, people say, “Give it the name virus”. They say, “This disease is 2 of virus creation, of virus origin.” Like this. But virus is a vague term. The better term will be microvita, and not virus.”(1) In 1988, P.R. Sarkar made several remarkable statements about microvita outside of his microvita discourses. Several of these statements about the origin and expression of microvita are summarized below. “When solid matter explodes at the atomic level, billions of microvita that have solidified to form the atom may awaken. Microvita are dormant in the atom and very small. When jadasphota (a type of explosion that may be violent or cause normal wear and tear in a structure) occurs, microvita awaken and take on a different structure. If the environment is changed, microvita change to suit the environment. That is how a tiny microvitum can change and become so large that it can be seen through a microscope.” “Microvita when awakened develop a personality that depends upon the environment. If jadasphota takes place in a solution of Fe2O3 you will get one structure. The structure will be different in different environments. If it is in another structure such as Fe3O4 it will be different. As the environment will affect the structure of microvita, that structure will keep changing as microvita move through different environments.” “When a microvitum has been awakened and enters a cell, a virus adapts to the environment of the cell. You get a virus when a microvitum has entered a cell and developed.” “The RNA and DNA of a particular virus is unique to that virus. Particles of Cosmic Citta (Objective Cosmic Mind), when microvita are emanated from Cosmic Mind, already contain the information for RNA or DNA. This information is there but not seen until microvitum is awakened, and when it is in virus form then we can detect it.”(2) Microvita are emanated from Cosmic Mind, according to P.R. Sarkar, that already contain coded information for RNA and DNA that is used to form physical viruses containing RNA and DNA molecules. Such RNA and DNA could then be used to create the first biological living beings. Later, the Cosmic Mind could emanate different microvita that would produce RNA and DNA that would help a species transform to another species. One of the big mysteries in biological evolution, as seen in the study of fossils of past species, is that the fossils of related species are actually very distinct, and show little or no fossil evidence of evolving gradually from one species to another. The current theory of neo-Darwinism describes random mutations of DNA and natural selection among different species members that determines which species members will survive to form a new species. This process may work for producing variations within a species, but has been unable to reasonably explain the emergence of different families of animals in the time periods available for such random mutation processes to occur. New species often appear in the fossil record during very short time intervals, geologically speaking, that cannot be explained by gradual evolutionary processes. Eldredge and Gould (3) proposed the hypothesis of “punctuated equilibrium” that describes how sometimes a new species emerges very quickly in particular geological eras, and then remain physically unchanged for long 3 periods. While this hypothesis matches fossil records which shows this pattern, it doesn’t provide a mechanism for how punctuated equilibrium occurs. But according to P.R. Sarkar’s above description, during biological evolution of a species, the Cosmic Mind could emanate microvita carrying just the right DNA or RNA information codes (in a non-molecular form) that would later evolve viruses with the corresponding DNA or RNA in molecular form. This virus-carried DNA or RNA is not produced by random mutation of existing DNA or RNA. Its information code was emanated with microvita from the Cosmic Mind and later generated the physical DNA or RNA. This physical DNA (or DNA produced from the RNA by the chemical named reverse transcriptase) would be stitched into the species’ own genetic material. When this new DNA enters the reproductive cells of some of the species members, the offspring of the species members would be members of a new species. Such rapid changes from one species to another due to Cosmic-Mind-evolved DNA and RNA would explain the rapid change from one species to another that is often observed in the fossil record. The above account of the Cosmic Mind emanating microvita containing DNA or RNA codes for the evolution of biological species leaves several questions unanswered, such as “Do species play an active or passive role in their evolution to different species?” and “How does the RNA and DNA needed for species transformation, once emanated by Cosmic Mind, get to the species that are being transformed?” The keys to answering these questions may have been contained in several hints given by P.R. Sarkar in other discourses. The following account is taken from my book Microvita: Cosmic Seeds of Life (2). On May 30, 1987, P. R. Sarkar presented some revolutionary new ideas on the origin of species. The ideas pose a direct challenge to the theory of the origin of species originated by Charles Darwin and accepted almost universally by biologists in a modified form called neo-Darwinism. If proven correct, P. R. Sarkar’s ideas will have a profound effect not only on our understanding of the origin of species, but on the origin of life itself. There are practical implications, as well, for the genetic engineering of new forms of life to alleviate medical, agricultural and environmental problems facing humanity. The discourse is entitled "Four Dimensions of Micro-psychic Longings".(4) In it, P. R. Sarkar indicates that a group of living beings may metamorphose its physical structures and hormones to bring a desired change in its instinctive, or psycho-physical, longings for physical objects. What this means is that members of a species of animals or plants, as well as human beings, may transform themselves into another genetic variation or even a different species if the group collectively doesn’t like the way its present instinctive longings are expressed. P. R. Sarkar indicates that this change is initiated by the collective self-controlling faculties of the species. P. R. Sarkar does not describe precisely how such a self-induced metamorphosis takes place. But even in a general way, this new explanation for the origin of species clearly opposes the explanation for evolution offered by neo-Darwinism. According to that theory, species evolve due to competitive advantage gained from many small, essentially random modifications in their individual structures caused by genetic mutations, followed by natural selection, over very long periods of time. 4 Here I will outline a more specific hypothesis of the origin of species, that integrates some of the ideas P. R. Sarkar expressed on the subject of microvita in an earlier discourse "Microvitum--The Mysterious Emanation of Cosmic Factor"(1) and in a subsequent lecture, "Neo-Ethics of Multilateral Salvation"(4). Microvita, according to P. R. Sarkar, are tiny, subtle forms of living creatures currently unknown to science. They are, he says, the root cause of life, as opposed to carbon atoms. Billions of microvita (plural of microvitum) can solidify to form a single carbon atom. Certain collective structures of more subtle microvita provide the psychological cause for negative social phenomena such as imperialism. A microvitum is truly an amazing creature. Our hypothesis for the origin of species resembles a hypothesis about species changes caused by viruses from outer space, described in a book The Intelligent Universe by the noted astrophysicist, Fred Hoyle. His provocative book claims that species could not have evolved from random mutations in their DNA. He calculated that the probability of new biologically-active proteins evolving by chance, even over several billion years of Earth’s evolutionary history, is negligible. Hoyle suggests that super-intelligent entities in the universe may be monitoring evolutionary processes on Earth and sending the necessary additional genetic material to create new species. This could be done, he suggests, by viruses which travel to Earth from outer space and transmit genetic information contained in their RNA, designed by the super-intelligent entities, to the appropriate animals and plants. In a nutshell, our more detailed proposed hypothesis for the origin of species accepts that viruses carrying precise genetic information can "infect" a group of animals or plants and cause them to be genetically metamorphosed into a different species. But these viruses come, not from superintelligent entities in outer space, as Hoyle suggests, but rather from the action of the selfcontrolling faculties of the species members themselves. The viruses have the effect of modifying species members’ physical structures to express their instincts differently. These viruses are the creations of microvita. These microvita are originally emanated from the Cosmic Mind, to the chakras of living beings. By organizing vital energy, these microvita create molecular structures such as DNA, RNA or viruses that can modify the expression of instincts or propensities of a group of organisms by modifying the genetic material in their cells. Microvita are emanated from the Cosmic Mind to the chakras of living beings to aid their all-round development. The Self-Controlling Faculties According to P. R. Sarkar, "In each and every physical and psychic structure, there remain selfcontrolling faculties". This is also true of instinctive or psycho-physical longings for physical objects. These instincts may be either inborn or developed. "And in case of collective structures regarding these psycho- physical longings, if it is seen that the collective body of a particular nature of living beings or expressions do not like it, then the controlling faculty creates a sort of change and metamorphosis in the physical structure, and as a result the nature of longing also changes." In the case of individuals, the efforts of the self-controlling faculties to advance are limited by the vital principles of the physical structure. Attempts to surpass these limits result in the decomposition of the physical structure. “But in the case of the collective body or the collective structure there may be a change, and that change may not go against the characteristics of physical structure if there remains a constant endeavor for such a change, rather for such a metamorphosis.” 5 “And in a collective body, the collective controlling faculty may create a sort of change in the physical structures if such a change is supported by Macrocosmic conation, otherwise not.” Primordial instincts and self-controlling faculties exist in both living and non-living structures. P. R. Sarkar indicates that only a collective body, i.e. a group of animals or plants can collectively change their structures through collective endeavor, but individual animals or plants cannot. When the change takes place, it occurs in the whole group. As a result, a new species, or a genetic variant of the former species, is created. It appears from P. R. Sarkar’s discourse that for each instinct in an animate and inanimate structure, there is a corresponding self-controlling faculty. That faculty goads or guides the structure, whether human, animal, plant or inanimate object, in its expression of that instinct. In addition to psycho-physical longings or instincts, which are of two types--either inborn or developing later on--there are also micro-psychic longings for psychic pabula, or objects. This is the third dimension of micro-psychic longings. Finally, there is apexed psychology or pinnacled psychology. Here the mental faculties as well as the controlling faculties move upward and are pointed, finally merging into the macrocosm or the supra-cognitive entity. This is the fourth and final dimension of micro-psychic longings. One way to view a species is as a structural category physically objectifying the complete collection of micro-psychic longings possible for that species. In order to significantly change the expression of instinctive longings in a species, some members of that species must be metamorphosed into a new species, or at least a new genetic variety of the old species. The collective controlling faculties monitor the expression of particular longings. When dissatisfaction is continuously and collectively expressed by some members of a species about its instinctive longings, and there is a constant endeavor for change, the collective controlling faculties transform these members into either a new species or a genetic variant of the old species, with a new set of expressions of micro-psychic longings. The physical structure of a species is encoded in the genetic information in the chromosomes of each member of the species. DNA is the double-helix molecule that encodes this structural information precisely, according to the genetic code. So DNA encodes in a molecule the physical base for the expression of the micro-psychic potentialities of a species. To change the instinctive expressions of a group of living beings it is necessary to change the DNA in order to transform a group from one species or genetic variety into another. What are these self-controlling faculties that can cause a group of living beings to metamorphose from one species to another? Clearly they are something beyond the range of current biological understanding. According to Yoga philosophy, in higher animals and plants and in human beings, the first five chakras control the five fundamental physical factors in the body--solid, liquid, luminous, aerial and etherial. They also control the expression of instincts associated with each chakra. These instincts are expressed with the help of secretions from glands associated with the chakras. The sixth chakra in human beings is the controller of almost 450 propensities, according to P. R. Sarkar. The seventh chakra is the seat in the human structure of Supreme Consciousness, the ultimate controller of all the micro-psychic longings of the human being. So it seems that, at least for human beings and for higher animals and plants, the chakras are the self-controlling 6 faculties referred to recently by P. R. Sarkar. If this is so, it means that the chakras, acting collectively, have powers of species transformation that were not previously suspected. It is little wonder that the actual mechanism of the origin of species has remained unknown to biologists until today. Where do microvita come into the process of species transformation? According to P. R. Sarkar, microvita are emanations of the Cosmic Mind that guide the all-round development of living beings. This includes physical and psychic development as well as spiritual development. Living beings will be affected by microvita sent to the chakras to enhance positive and negative propensities, or to reduce them. So the chakras are the controlling faculties of living beings, and microvita are the means used by the macrocosmic conation to help develop these faculties. Furthermore, the microvita that control and direct the vital energy of living beings are, we propose, located at the five lower chakras, which are the nuclei for controlling the five fundamental physical factors within an organism. But the chakras are also self-controlling faculties, they have a degree of autonomy to guide the expression of micro-psychic longings. As self-controlling faculties, the chakras, including the sixth chakra, which controls the mind, would monitor the level of satisfaction of the members of a species in relation to particular instincts. These self-controlling faculties would then initiate the process of creating structural changes necessary to modify instincts and increase the satisfaction of the species members. These structural changes, producing species transformation, must have the support of macrocosmic conation. This ensures that the changes will benefit not only the members of the species, but the collective well-being of all animals and plants affected by the changes. How do the chakras attract the microvita necessary for the structural transformation of a species? And how do the microvita, once attracted, carry out this transformation? To the first question we can propose one possible answer. As mentioned before, there must be a very close connection between the instinctive longings of a species, and the DNA code for its physical structure. Changes in instinctive longings require changes in the cellular DNA. I suggest that the Cosmic Mind responds to these self-controlling faculties and emanates microvita that carry the genetic information that can bring about the desired changes. While this answer is not very satisfactory from a scientific point of view, it opens up the possibility that the microvita themselves, once emanated from the Cosmic Mind, can be studied to see how they then bring about the desired structural changes in the species members. If microvita can be identified as the immediate causes of structural changes, i.e. if the changes can be explained by the microvita hypothesis and in no other purely physical way, then the possible sources of the microvita can then be examined to determine if it is necessary to invoke a Cosmic Mind as their source. It should be mentioned that the microvita bringing these changes would contain the information in the genetic code. Otherwise, how could they create molecular structures embodying the code? So microvita carrying specific genetic information would be emanated from the Cosmic Mind and directed to the chakra or chakras requiring it. These chakras would then utilize this genetic information to change the DNA of the species members. This brings us to the second question: how is this transformation brought about by the microvita? 7 Viruses and Species Transformation When P. R. Sarkar discussed the crudest type of microvita, which he said can be seen in a very powerful microscope, he said that "virus" is a vague term, and that a better term would be "microvitum". Microvita, he said can both create and destroy bodies and minds. Viruses are known for their ability to cause diseases in animals, plants and human beings. Why is "virus" a vague term? Because viruses must be able to do more than cause diseases. They must have another role to play in life processes--perhaps a more important role, even their main role--that of carrying new genes that transform species, to cells and organisms that require these genes. If viruses are one expression of microvita, then viruses should play a crucial role in the origin of species. What can that role be? According to our developing microvita hypothesis, certain microvita can organize vital energy that then creates complex biological molecules such as proteins and RNA from their chemical building blocks, which are formed by other natural processes. Viruses, which are structures of protein, DNA or RNA and several other substances, could also be evolved from the action of microvita. In the right chemical environment, those microvita would create the molecular viruses. So the essence of a virus is the microvita that create it and reside within in at its microvita nucleus, maintaining the structure of the virus by controlling its vital energy or Pranah. The basic ways viruses assist in both the creation of life and the origin of species may well be the same. Since viruses carry genetic information in the form of DNA or RNA, they could add genetic information to structures where none previously exists. This would permit the creation of living cells from non-living structures. Or viruses could add genetic information to living structures where there is already genetic information in the form of DNA. This could create a new species. Here we will focus on the evolution of new species by the action of microvita and viruses. The main idea is that, by a biologically feasible process, a particular microvita-evolved virus could "infect" animals and plants of a single species and transform them into a new species. How could this happen? According to our hypothesis, the chakras--the collective self-controlling faculties of a species-may change the physical structures of the species, creating a desired change in the instinctive longings. Somehow microvita carrying the necessary genetic information are attracted to the chakras. What do these microvita do? They create viruses, probably retroviruses, whose RNA (enclosed genetic information) corresponds to the change in the DNA that is necessary to metamorphose the species into a new one. A virus is a tiny structure that contains some DNA or RNA and perhaps some associated enzymes, surrounded by a coat of protein molecules. It is known from recent research that certain viruses, called retroviruses, may enter a living cell and by a process called reverse transcription, cause the viral RNA to be transformed into DNA. This DNA is then inserted into the DNA of the infected cell. The DNA produced by the virus is then an integral part if the DNA of the cell. With the AIDS virus, this process is known to occur. After an AIDS virus has acted on a cell, a later infection will stimulate the cell to make copies of the virus. Most of the cells infected by AIDS are killed in this 8 process. This is what reduces a person’s immune response. It is mostly cells of the body’s immune system which are infected by the AIDS virus. But there is no reason why viruses have to kill cells when they reproduce. Many viruses do not. A virus could insert its DNA into a cell’s DNA. The cell would then make copies of the virus, which would infect other cells and change their DNA also. The viruses could then leave all the cells, which would continue to function with modified DNA. The difference between one species and another closely-related species depends only on the difference in their DNA (actually the difference in the microvita within the DNA). Microvita attracted to an organism by the action of its self-controlling faculties could create the RNA needed for a species transformation. These new microvita would remain in the newly created RNA. The RNA would be packaged in a viral coat, also originally a creation of microvita. The viral packaging ensures that the RNA will get the widest possible distribution to target cells and species members, because of the reproductive capability of the virus in a cell and the ability of the virus to spread efficiently among species members. A particular virus could carry RNA that, by using reverse transcription, would modify the DNA of the target cells of species members. When this modified DNA starts functioning in all the affected target cells, a member of the first species would metamorphose its physical structure in way needed to alter its instincts in the desired way. If the viral DNA can be inserted into reproductive cells, so the changes become hereditary, then a new species or a genetic variety of the old species would have been created. This then is the proposed mechanism for the origin of species. The general rule for the transformation of species is: Species 1 + Virus (2-1) -> Species 2 Virus (2-1) carries the genetic material, created by microvita, needed to transform species 1 into species 2. This transformation could perhaps be carried out by a single virus. Otherwise, two or more viruses acting in succession on a member of species 1 could produce the required changes. The general rule of transformation of species by viruses remains the same. If more than one virus is necessary to transform a species, then the animals or plants acted upon by the first and later viruses would produce transitional forms between species 1 and 2. It must be emphasized that the virus is just an efficient distribution system for new microvita-created genetic material which actually creates the physical transformation, guided by the microvita in the genetic material. Of course, the metamorphosis in structure required by the collective controlling faculties of a group of animals or plants may not necessitate a completely new species. A smaller genetic variation might bring about a minor change in the expression of an instinct. In cases of animal, plant or human evolution, where transitional organisms have not been observed in the fossil record, a complete metamorphosis from one species to another may have come from a single virus. In this case no intermediate variations would have been created. Such single-virus transformations would explain the observed gaps in the fossil record which contradict Darwinian theory. Viruses responsible for the species transformation may eventually be found in fossils. An earlier and currently discredited, but still somewhat appealing, doctrine of evolutionary theory called Lamarckism, "the inheritance of acquired characteristics", comes into a new light in our 9 present theory of the origin of species. Lamarck was a great 18th century French biologist who developed a theory of evolution before the time of Darwin. According to Lamarckism, characteristics of a non-genetic origin, such as a slight increase in the length of a giraffe’s neck as it stretched for the leaves of tall trees, could be passed to its offspring. They would thus be born with a slightly longer neck. All attempts to prove Lamarckism failed, since a genetic change is required for characteristics to be transmitted to offspring. But with microvita-induced and virus-mediated species transformations, genetic changes take place in the organisms themselves, which are actually transformed physically into a new species. If these genetic changes affect the reproductive cells of the organisms, their offspring will automatically be members of the new species too, having acquired their characteristics by genetic inheritance from the parents. According to our microvita hypothesis, a group of pre-giraffes, finding themselves in a new environment with taller trees, could have been frustrated with their inability to reach their favorite leaves. A prolonged desire to reach the leaves could have caused their collective controlling faculties, their chakras, to attract appropriate microvita. The microvita would create new RNA viruses which would "infect" the pre-giraffes. DNA would be produced in certain target cells in their bodies. This new DNA would encode changes in the pre-giraffe structure, giving them, for example, a longer neck, longer legs and necessary coordinated internal structural changes that regulate their blood pressure. When these changes are incorporated into the reproductive cells, these new characteristics would be passed genetically to their offspring. Many cases of animals and plants, as well as human beings, transforming their physical structures to adapt to new environments, could be explained in the same way. Evidence that supported this hypothesis would includ finding the viruses responsible for such transformations, or establishing similar transformations of species experimentally with viruses today. A complete proof would use both approaches. Conclusions P. R. Sarkar’s proposal that the Cosmic Mind, through the medium of microvita, emanates the DNA and RNA codes needed for species evolution, is likely to create a stir among evolutionary biologists, who are likely at first to balk at this explanation. Still, there are a number of currently unanswered questions in evolutionary biology, such the mechanism of origin of the first living cells, and the sometimes-rapid evolution of one species to another, as indicated in the fossil record, that cannot be readily explained by the standard neo-Darwinian theory of species evolution through random mutations and natural selection. The hypothesis of microvita is still relatively new, and may provide a needed theoretical and practical link between Cosmic Intelligence and the physical world, for answering some of the knotty questions that have stymied evolutionary researchers for the past century. 10 References 1. P.R. Sarkar, “Microvita – the mysterious emanation of cosmic factor”, in Microvitum in a Nutshell , A’nanda M’arga Publications, Kolkata, third edition 1991. 2. Ac. Ratnesh (R. Gauthier), Microvita – Cosmic Seeds of Life, Dharma Verlag, Mainz, Germany, 1988, . 3. Eldredge, Niles and S. J. Gould "Punctuated equilibria: an alternative to phyletic gradualism" In T.J.M. Schopf, ed., Models in Paleobiology. San Francisco: Freeman Cooper. pp. 82-115, 1972. . 4. P. R. Sarkar, "Four dimensions of micro-psychic longings", in Microvitum in a Nutshell, A’nanda M’arga Publications, Kolkata, third edition 1991. Contact: Richard Gauthier richgauthier (at) 11