15. C. Terhorst, R. Robb, C. Jones, J. L. StrominP. J. Durda, C. Shapiro, P. D. Gottlieb, J. Imwith 1251-labeled T lymphocytes (data not 9. munol.
ger, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74, 4002
120, 53 (1978).
10. J. A. Ledbetter and L. A. Herzenberg, Immu(1977).
We thank J. Distaso and K. LeClair for techninol.
Comparison of the molecular size de- 11. P. J. Durda and P. D. Gottlieb, J. Exp. Med.
cal assistance. The antiserum to ,82m was from
Dr. L. Nadler (Sidney Farber Cancer Institute).
termined for T4 62,000-dalton with that
144, 476 (1976).
Supported by NIH grant AI 15066 and by a
A. Boyum, Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. Suppl.
of the Lyt 1.1 antigens from murine 12. 21,
97 (1968).
travel fellowship (to A;vanA.) from-the Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of
thymocytes shows a striking similarity. 13. U. K. Laemmli, Nature (London) 227, 680
Pure Research (Z.W.O.).
Alloantiserum to Lyt 1.1 precipitated a 14. (1970).
W. M. Bonner and R. A. Laskey, Eur. J. Biochem.
67,000-dalton glycoprotein and an
87,000-dalton glycoprotein that could be
labeled with tritiated sodium borohydride and galactose oxidase but not with
the 1251-labeled lactoperoxidase (9). A
monoclonal xenoantiserum [termed 53- Excitatory and Inhibitory Effects of Serotonin on
7.3 (10)] detected a 70,000-dalton glyco- Sensorimotor Reactivity Measured with Acoustic Startle
protein on 125_-labeled C57B1/6 thymoAbstract. Serotonin infused into the lateral ventricle in rats produced a dose-decytes (10).
Murine Lyt 2 and Lyt 3 antigens were pendent depression of the acoustic startle reflex. When infused onto the spinal cord,
found on cell surface glycoproteins from serotonin produced a dose-dependent increase in startle. Thus the same neurotransthymocytes labeled with 1251_labeled lac- mitter can modulate the same behavior in opposite ways, depending on which part of
toperoxidase (10, 11). Immune precipi- the central nervous system is involved.
tations carried out with alloantiserums to
Serotonin is often considered to be an total of 10 ,ul of fluid was administered to
Lyt 2 and Lyt 3 detected a 35,000-dalton
protein for each marker on C57B 1/6 important behavioral inhibitor (1). How- each animal at the rate of 4 ,ud/min (12).
thymocytes (11). However, in contrast, a ever, there are data that are difficult to The rats were returned immediately to
monoclonal rat antibody (53-6.7) precipi- reconcile with this conclusion (2). The the test chamber and given noise bursts
tated a complex of two subunits of ap- acoustic startle response, a simple reflex every 20 seconds for 20 minutes. Next,
proximately 30,000 and 35,000 daltons behavior, is modified by changes in sero- the rats with cannulated ventricles were
that was resolved under reducing condi- tonin levels. Small amounts of serotonin infused with 10 A.l of 0.5 percent Fast
tions (10). Under nonreducing condi- or serotonin agonists, infused directly in- Green FCF dye. Fifteen minutes later
tions, a 65,000-dalton glycoprotein was to the hippocampus (3) or the ventricles they were perfused, and their brains
found. These molecular sizes are similar (4), depress startle (5), suggesting that were examined to ensure adequate into those determined for T5 (30,000 to serotonin inhibits this behavior. How- fusion of the dye. Animals in which one
ever, markedly increasing the levels of or both ventricles were incompletely in32,000 daltons).
Our results plus the previous function- serotonin in the brain and spinal cord (6, fused (8 percent) or whose catheters
al data indicate that the glycoproteins 7) or administering drugs that mimic showed signs of being clogged (17 perrecognized by the monoclonal antise- serotonin, heightens startle (8), suggest- cent) were not included in the data.
rums to T4 and T5, respectively, are ing that serotonin is excitatory.
Figure 1 shows that serotonin caused a
Excitatory or inhibitory effects of neu- rapid decrease in startle amplitude when
the human homologs of the Lyt 1 and
Lyt 2,3 antigens. Isolation and further rochemicals on behavior may depend on infused into the lateral ventricle and a
characterization of these cell surface the location and nature of the receptors rapid increase when infused onto the spimarkers will be important in determining involved. We now report that serotonin nal cord. As shown in Fig. 2, both of
the precise role of T4 and T5 in the func- depresses acoustic startle when infused these effects were directly related to the
tions of the cells that express them. In- into the forebrain (intraventricularly), amount of serotonin infused. An overall
formation obtained in such studies would but heightens this response when infused analysis of variance with doses common
to both placements (saline and 12.5, 50,
also aid in our understanding of the dif- onto the spinal cord (intrathecally).
Male albino rats (300 to 400 g) were and 200 ,ug of serotonin) revealed a sigferentiative pathways of human T lymanesthetized with chloral hydrate and nificant dose x placement interaction,
Cox TERHORST, ANDRE VAN AGTHOVEN implanted with cannulas into the lateral F (3, 12) = 7.14, P < .01. Subsequent
ELLIS REINHERZ, STUART SCHLOSSMAN ventricles or with catheters into the spi- analyses indicated a dose-related depresnal cord (9). Twenty-four hours later, an sion of startle when serotonin was inSidney Farber Cancer Institute,
injection of the monoamine oxidase in- fused into the lateral ventricle, linear F
Harvard Medical School,
hibitor pargyline (25 mg/kg) was given (1, 12) = 20.04, P < .001, and a dose-reBoston, Massachusetts 02115
(10). One hour later, the rats were placed lated excitation of startle when serotonin
in a startle apparatus and subjected to was infused onto the spinal cord, linearF
References and Notes
noise bursts every 20 seconds for 15 min- (1, 12) = 17.35, P < .001 (13).
1. E. Reinherz and S. Schlossman, Cell, in press.
2. E. L. Reinherz, P. C. Kung, G. Goldstein, S. F. utes (11). The animals were then infused
Infusion of serotonin into the two
Schlossman, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 76,
with various doses of serotonin dis- areas also had opposite effects on other
4061 (1979).
, J. Immunol., in press.
solved in saline (pH 7.4). The animals types of motor activity. Doses (- 3.12
4. R. L. Evans, H. Lazarus, A. Penta, S. F.
Schlossman,J. Immunol. 120, 1423 (1978); E. L. with cannulated lateral ventricles re- ,ug) that depressed startle when given inReinherz and S. F. Schlossman, ibid. 122, 1335 ceived saline or 0.78, 3.12, 12.5, 50, or traventricularly produced catalepsy (14).
5. H. Cantor and E. A. Boyse, Cold Spring Harbor 200 ,ug of serotonin. The spinal animals
In contrast, -doses that increased startle
Symp. Quant. Biol. 51, 23 (1977).
received saline or 12.5, 25, 50, 100, or when given intrathecally produced trem6. C. G. Gahmberg and L. C. Anderson, Ann. N. Y.
Acad. Sci. 312, 240 (1978).
200 ,ug of serotonin. (Doses are based on or of the hind quarters, indicative of a lo7. P. Cresswell, T. Springer, J. L. Strominger, M.
the salt weight of serotonin creatinine calized serotonin "syndrome" (9, 15).
J. Turner, H. M. Grey, R. T. Kubo, Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 71, 2123 (1974).
Recent single-unit recording studies
sulfate.) There were three rats in each of
8. J. Michaelson, L. Flaherty, E. Vitetta, M. D.
the experimental and control groups. A indicate that there are different types of
Poulik, J. Exp. Med. 145, 1066 (1977).
0036-8075/80/0725-0521$00.50/0 Copyright © 1980 AAAS
SCIENCE, VOL. 209, 25 JULY 1980
serotonin receptors in the rat central nervous system (16, 17). One type is found
in certain forebrain structures. Here
serotonin depresses neuronal firing when
applied microiontophoretically. Another
type is found in the brainstem and spinal
cord. Here serotonin facilitates the excitatory inputs of other neurotransmitters. Classical- serotonin antagonists attenuate the facilitatory effects of serotonin in the brainstem and spinal cord
but fail to alter the inhibitory effects in
the forebrain. These data predict that a
serotonin antagonist would attenuate the
excitatory effects of intrathecally administered serotonin on startle but would not
block the inhibitory effects of intraventricularly administered serotonin.
To test this hypothesis, ten rats were
fitted with intrathecal catheters and ten
with intraventricular cannulas. On the
next day, all the rats were injected with
pargyline (25 mg/kg) and 1 hour later
were given noise bursts every 20 seconds
for 15 minutes. Half of each group was
then injected intraperitoneally with sa-
line, and half with the serotonin antagonist cinanserin (10 mg/kg). The rats were
immediately given another 15-minute series of noise bursts. Finally, the animals
were infused with 100 Ag of serotonin intrathecally or 12.5 ,ug intraventricularly
and then subjected to noise bursts for the
next 20 minutes. Consistent with predictions based on single-unit studies, cinanserin significantly attenuated the excitatory effect of intrathecally given
serotonin (55 versus 257 percent,
P < .05) but did not block the depressant effect of intraventricularly given
serotonin (-88 versus -72 percent),
even though a lower amount of serotonin
was administered intraventricularly.
Our data indicate that a simple reflex
behavior can be modulated in opposite
directions by the same neurotransmitter,
depending on where the neurotransmitter acts in the central nervous system.
The inhibitory effects are probably mediated by structures that surround the lateral ventricles or cerebral aqueduct,
since radioactive serotonin infused into
Intrathecal serwrotonin
ov 30
Fig. 1. Mean amplitude of
startle over 2-minute periods
before and after infusion (time
0) of 200 Ag of serotonin into
the lateral ventricle (A),or onto the spinal cord (B).
X 1010
Time after infusion (minutes)
Fig. 2. Mean change in startle,
computed as the mean amplitude of startle during the 20minute period after infusion
minus the mean amplitude of
startle during the 15-minute
period before infusion, for
each dose of serotonin infused
(A) onto the spinal cord or (B)
into the lateral ventricle (±
standard error).
Intraventricular serotonin
0 12.5 25
Serotonin (mg)
the lateral ventricles seems to reach sites
in these areas only and is not distributed
throughout the cerebrospinal fluid space,
probably because it is actively taken up
from cerebrospinal fluid by serotonin terminals before it can diffuse very far (18).
The excitatory effects are probably mediated by a facilitation of the lower motor neuron's response to the excitatory
volley initiated by the startle stimulusserotonin has been shown to facilitate
lower motor neuron responsivity to afferent stimulation (17).
The finding that forebrain and spinal
serotonin affect startle in opposite ways
has a number of implications. First, it
can no longer be assumed that a neurochemical modulates a behavior in a
simple, unidirectional fashion. There
may be a critical balance between the inhibitory and excitatory effects of serotonin and other neurotransmitters on behavior. Procedures that change absolute
levels of serotonin throughout the central nervous system may not actually
change this balance, and hence fail to alter behavior markedly (7).
Second, these data indicate that the
spinal cord is a possible target organ for
mediating the effects of drugs on behavior. Generally, it is assumed that when a
drug alters behavior it does so by affecting the brain, but our data suggest
that some of the effects seen after systemic administration of a drug may be
mediated partially or even entirely in the
spinal cord. This finding is particularly
important in view of the fact that the spinal cord is the final common pathway for
most behaviors measured in psychopharmacological studies (avoidance conditioning, bar pressing, locomotor activity, and stereotyped behavior).
Third, serotonin may exercise reciprocal control over behaviors other than the
startle reflex. For example, it has repeatedly been implicated in the control of
mood (19). However, reported correlations between levels of serotonin metabolites in cerebrospinal fluid and psychiatric symptomatology may be more reflective of spinal serotonin metabolites
associated with motor activity than with
mood, since much of the fluid obtained in
these studies was of spinal or lower
brainstem origin (20).
Finally, the wide shifts in mood seen
in bipolar depressive illness may reflect
an imbalance within the serotonin system from one extreme to the other. It
would be of considerable interest, therefore, to determine how drugs, like lithium or tricyclic antidepressants, which
are relatively successful clinically and
which alter serotonin transmission, afSCIENCE, VOL. 209
fect the balance between inhibitory and
excitatory effects of serotonin on behavior. The present model might be useful
for testing such interactions.
Department ofPsychiatry,
Yale University School ofMedicine
and Connecticut Mental Health Center,
New Haven 06508
References and Notes
1. J. B. Meyerson and M. Eliasson, Handbook of
Psychopharmacology, vol. 8, Drugs, Neurotransmitters, and Behavior (Plenum, New York,
1977); L. S. Seiden and L. A. Dykstra, Psychopharmacology: A Biochemical and Behavioral
Approach (Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York,
1977); M. H. Sheard and M. Davis, Eur. J. Pharmacol. 40, 295 (1976).
2. S. Barasi and M. H. T. Roberts, J. Physiol.
(London) 236, 11(1976); J. Maj, W. Palider, L.
Baran, J. Neural Transm. 38, 131 (1976); N. R.
Myslinski and E. G. Anderson, J. Pharmacol.
Exp. Ther. 204, 19 (1978); B. L. Jacobs, Life Sci.
19, 77 (1976); D. G. Grahame-Smith, Br. J.
Pharmacol. 43, 856 (1971).
3. M. A. Geyer, Psychopharmacol. Commun. 1,
675 (1975).
4. M. A. Geyer, A. J. D. Warbritton, D. B. Menkes, J. A. Zook, A. J. Mandel, Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 3, 293 (1975).
5. M. Davis and M. H. Sheard, Eur. J. Pharmacol.
35, 261 (1976); Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 2,
827 (1974); M. Davis and J. K. Walters, ibid. 6,
427 (1977).
6. L. D. Fechter, Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 2,
161 (1974).
7. M. Davis, Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev., in press.
, D. I. Astrachan, P. M. Gendelman,
D. S. Gendelman, Psychopharmacology, in
9. Cannulas were made from 23-gauge hypodermic
needles turned down in a metal lathe to a hub 8
mm long and 4 mm wide, and were threaded inside to accept inner or infusion cannulas. Inner
and infusion cannulas were made from 30-gauge
hypodermic needles turned down and threaded
to fit into the outer cannulas so that their tips
protruded 1.5 mm beyond the outer tips. The
cannulas were implanted 1.4 mm lateral to the
lambda and 4 mm below the top of the skull in
rats anesthetized with chloral hydrate, and were
secured with skull screws and dental cement. Intrathecal catheters were made from PE 10 polyethylene tubing, as described by T. L. Yaksh
and P. R. Wilson [J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 208,
446 (1979)].
10. In intact animals, excitatory motor effects
caused by serotonin or its precursors occur only
in the presence of a monoamine oxidase inhibitor. Therefore the rats were first treated with a
moderate dose of pargyline, which preliminary
studies indicated does not alter baseline startle
levels. In order to equate conditions for both lateral ventricle and spinal placements, pargyline
was given to all animals. After completing the
dose-response curves, we found, however, that
higher amounts of serotonin (200 to 400 ,ug)
heightened the startle response when given intrathecally without pargyline pretreatment.
Since Geyer et al. (4) already showed that serotonin given alone intraventricularly depresses
startle, pretreatment with a monoamine oxidase
inhibitor is not required to demonstrate forebrain versus spinal effects of serotonin on
11. The apparatus used to measure startle is described by G. T. Weiss and M. Davis [Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 4, 713 (1976)]. Briefly, five
separate stabiimeters were used to record the
amplitude of the startle response. Each stabilimeter consisted of an 8 by 15 by 15 cm Plexiglas and wire mesh cage suspended between
compression springs within a steel frame. Cage
movement caused displacement of an accelerometer; the resultant voltage was proportional
to the velocity of displacement. Startle amplitude was defined as the maximum accelerometer
voltage during the first 200 msec after the stimulus and was measured with a sample-and-hold
circuit. The stabilimeters were housed in a dimly
lit, ventilated, sound-attenuated chamber 1.1 m
SCIENCE, VOL. 209, 25 JULY 1980
from a high-frequency speaker. The startle stimulus was a 90-msec, 115-dB burst of white noise
with a rise-decay time of 5 msec. Background
white noise, provided by a white noise generator, was 46 dB. Sound level measurements
were made in the cages with a General Radio
model 1551-C sound level meter (A scale).
M. Davis and R. D'Aquila, Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 4, 469 (1976).
B. J. Weiner, Statistical Principles in Experimental Design (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1962),
pp. 70-77.
Catalepsy was measured as described by P.
Worms and K. G. Lloyd [Pharmacological
Methods in Toxicology (Raven, London, 1979)].
B. L. Jacobs (2). However, the increase in
startle cannot be explained by an artifact caused
by the serotonin syndrome and mistaken for
startle since measuring cage movement in the
absence of a startle stimulus revealed that the
amount of drug-induced movement recorded in
this way was far below that recorded in the
presence of the noise bursts.
16. G. K. Aghajanian and H. J. Haigler, Proceedings, Fifth International Congress of Pharmacology (Basel Press, Switzerland, 1972); R.
B. McCall and G. K. Aghajanian, Brain Res.
169, 11(1979).
17. R. S. Neuman and S. R. White, Brain Res., in
18. K. Fuxe, T. Hokfelt, M. Ritzen, U. Ungerstedt,
Histochemie 16, 186 (1968).
19. T. N. Chase and D. L. Murphy, Annu. Rev.,
Pharmacol. 13, 181 (1973); D. L. Murphy, I.
Campbell, J. L. Costa, Psychopharmacology: A
Generation of Progress (Raven, New York,
20. E. Garelis, S. N. Young, S. Lal, T. L. Sourkes,
Brain Res. 79, 1 (1974).
21. This research was supported by NSF grant
BMS-78-04170, NIMH grants MH-25642 and
MH-18949, research scientist development
award MH-00004 to M.D., and by the state of
8 February 1980
Female Mate Choice in a Neotropical Frog
Abstract. Female Physalaemus pustulosus choose their mates and are more likely
to choose larger males. There is a significant negative correlation between the size of
the male and the fundamental frequency of one of the components of its advertisement call. Playback experiments demonstrate that females are capable of choosing
larger males by distinguishing among differences in spectral components of the advertisement call.
Darwin (I) proposed that sexual selec- manent identification. Numbered pieces
tion has two principal components: com- of surveyors' flagging were stitched to
petition among males (intrasexual selec- the middorsal surface, allowing undistion) and choice by females (intersexual turbed identification during behavioral
selection). The role of male-male com- observations.
petition has been demonstrated (2); howBreeding in P. pustulosus occurs
ever, the importance of choice by fe- throughout the year, but is concentrated
males, especially choice based on male during the wet season (April to Decemtraits, has been disputed since Darwin ber). As with most anurans that have a
first proposed the theory (3). Studies prolonged breeding season, the sex ratio
have shown that mate choice by females at the breeding site was skewed toward
is based at least in part on resources con- males (9). Males advertised from calling
trolled by males (4), and on male position sites, and the females approached and
on a lek (5), or rank in a social hierarchy initiated amplexus. Usually, a female
(6). Attempts to show that females in was present in the pool only on the night
natural populations prefer certain male she mated. The females seemed to
morphological or behavioral character- choose their mates freely, although on
istics have been frustrated by difficulties several occasions noncalling males interin separating the effect of these charac- cepted females that were en route to callteristics from that of the other factors in- ing males. The males often fought each
fluencing mate choice (7). Only laborato- other, but in over 500 hours of observary studies of Drosophila have adequately tions during 1978 and 1000 hours in 1979,
demonstrated female choice based on I never saw an unmated male displace a
male traits (8). I report that female male in amplexus. Males constructed
choice of larger males influences male foam nests during amplexus by beating
mating success in a neotropical frog, and the jelly matrix of the egg mass with their
that this choice is based on one male hind legs as they fertilized the eggs (10).
phenotypic characteristic, the funda- Nest building usually occurred 1 to 4
mental frequency of an advertisement hours after the beginning of amplexus.
call component, which is correlated with The males were not territorial and did
size and probably age.
not defend resources. There was no relaThe breeding behavior of Phys- tion between a male's calling site and the
alaemus pustulosus (Leptodactylidae) site used for oviposition or his ability to
was monitored in a small cement pool on attract mates.
Barro Colorado Island, Panama, for 12
In 1978, I marked 185 males and obweeks from June to August 1978. Indi- served 103 matings. As Fig. 1 shows, the
viduals were captured, measured (snout larger males were more likely to acquire
to vent), and given a toe clip for per- mates. However, only some of the males
0036-8075/80/0725-0523$00.50/0 Copyright © 1980 AAAS