Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age

2013, Texts in Computer Science

Joseph Migga Kizza ETHICAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES THE INFORMATION AGE Second Edition With 8 Illustrations Springer CONTENTS 1 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION Vll PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION xiii INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL AND ETHICAL COMPUTING 1.1 Historical Development of Computing and Information Technology 1 1.1.1 Before 1900 A.D 1.1.2 After 1900 A.D 1 3 1.1.3 The Development of the Microprocessor 6 1.1.4 Historical Development of Computer Software and the Personal Computer (PC) 1.2 1.3 1.4 7 Development of the Internet Development of the World Wide Web The Emergence of Social and 8 10 Ethical Problems in Computing 11 1.4.1 The Emergence of Computer Crimes 11 1.4.2 The Present Status: An Uneasy Cyberspace 13 CONTENTS 1.5 ••• £ The Case for Computer Ethics Education 14 1.5.1 What Is Computer Ethics? 14 1.5.2 15 Why You Should Study Computer Ethics 1.6 References 17 1.7 Exercises 17 MORALITY AND THE LAW 2.1 Introduction 20 2.2 Morality 21 2.2.1 j Moral Theories 2.2.2| Moral Decision Making 21 22 2.2.3J Moral Codes 2.2.41 Moral Standard 2.2.3 Guilt and Conscience Law 23 26 26 28 2.3.1 The Natural Law 29 2.3.2 Conventional Law 2.3.3 The Purpose of Law 30 30 2.4 2.3.4 ThePenalCode Morality and the Law 31 31 2.5 2.6 References Further Reading 34 35 2.7 Exercises 35 2.3 ETHICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND VALUE 3.1 Traditional Definition of Ethics 3.2 Ethical Theories 38 39 3.2.1 Consequentialism 39 3.2.2 Deontology 40 3.2.3 Human Nature 41 3.2.4 Relativism 41 CONTENTS • • • Zj. 3.2.5 Hedonism 3.2.6 Emotivism 41 42 3.3 Functional Definition of Ethics 43 3.4 Codes of Ethics 3.4.1 Objectives of Codes of Ethics 45 57 3.5 Reflection on Computer Ethics 3.5.1 New Wine in an Old Bottle 57 57 3.6 3.7 3.8 Technology and Value References Further Reading 60 62 62 3.9 Exercises 63 ETHICS AND THE PROFESSIONS 4.1 Introduction 66 4.2 Evolution of Professions 4.2.1 Origins of Professions 66 66 4.2.2 Requirements of a Professional 67 4.2.3 Pillars of Professionalism 69 The Making of an Ethical ProfessionalEducation and Licensing 74 4.3.1 Formal Education 75 4.3.2 Licensing Authorities 4.3.3 Professional Codes of Conduct Professional Decision Making and Ethics 76 77 81 4.4.1 Professional Dilemmas in Decision Making 82 4.4.2 Making and Evaluating Ethical Arguments 4.4.3 Guilt and Making Ethical Decisions 84 86 Professionalism and Ethical Responsibilities 4.5.1 Whistle-Blowing 4.5.2 Harassment and Discrimination 88 88 92 4.5.3 Ethical and Moral Implications 93 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 References 4.7 Further reading 4.8 Exercises 94 95 95 CONTENTS xvm • •• ••• C 3 £ O ANONYMITY, SECURITY, PRIVACY, AND CIVIL LIBERTIES 5.1 Introduction 100 5.2 Anonymity 100 5.2.1 Anonymity and the Internet 101 5.3 Security 5.3.1 Physical Security 5.3.2 Information Security 101 102 104 5.4 Privacy 108 5.4.1 Definition 108 5.4.2 Value of Privacy 109 5.4.3 Information Gathering, Databases, and Privacy 110 5.4.4 Privacy Violations and Legal Implications 112 5.5 5.4.5 Privacy Protection and Civil Liberties Ethical and Social Issues 5.5.1 Ethics and Privacy 116 119 119 5.5.2 120 5.6 References 121 5.7 Further Reading 122 5.8 Exercises 122 Ethics and Security INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY 6.1 Computer Products and Services 126 6.2 Foundations of Intellectual Property Rights 129 6.3 6.4 6.2.1 Copyrights 130 6.2.2 Patents 6.2.3 Trade Secrets 133 135 6.2.4 Trademarks 6.2.5 Personal Identity 137 140 Ownership 6.3.1 The Politics of Ownership 142 142 6.3.2 The Psychology of Ownership 143 Infringement 144 CONTENTS 6.5 / 144 145 6.4.3 Trademark Infringement 145 6.4.4 The First Sale Doctrine 146 6.4.5 The Fair Use Doctrine 146 Protection of Ownership Rights 6.5.1 Domain of Protection 147 147 6.5.2 Source and Types of Protection 6.5.3 Duration of Protection 148 148 6.5.4 Strategies of Protection 148 The Legal Protection of Computer Software 149 6.6.1 Protection under Copyright Laws 150 6.6.2 Protection under Patent Laws 151 6.6.3 Protection under Trademarks 6.6.4 Protection under Trade Secrets 152 152 6.7 References 153 6.8 6.9 Further Reading Exercise 154 154 6.6 ••• 6.4.1 Copyright Infringement 6.4.2 Patent Infringement SOCIAL CONTEXT OF COMPUTING 7.1 7.2 7.3 Introduction The Digital Divide 158 159 7.2.1 Access 159 7.2.2 Technology 167 7.2.3 Humanware (Human Capacity) 170 7.2.4 Infrastructure 171 7.2.5 Enabling Environments 171 I C T in the Workplace 7.3.1 The Electronic Office 7.3.2 Office on Wheels and Wings 173 173 174 7.3.3 The Virtual Workplace 7.3.4 The Home Worker: A Growing 175 Concept of Telecommuters 176 7.3.5 Employee Social and Ethical Issues 182 CONTENTS 10.6 Further Reading 279 10.7 Exercises 280 CYBERSPACE AND CYBERETH1CS 11.1 Introduction 284 11.2 Cyberspace Safeguards 11.2.1 Detecting Computer Attacks 11.2.2 System Survivability 285 285 289 11.3 Intellectual Property Rights in Cyberspace 290 11.3.1 Copyrights 294 11.3.2 Patents 295 11.3.3 Trade Secrets 11.3.4 Trademarks 11.3.5 Personal Identity 296 297 298 11.4 Regulating and Censoring Cyberspace 11.5 The Social Value of Cyberspace 299 303 11.6 Privacy in Cyberspace 304 11.6.1 Privacy Protection 306 11.7 Cyberspace Security 11.7.1 Insecurity in the Basic Internet Infrastructure 11.7.2 Server Security 11.7.3 Security During Transmission 306 306 307 308 11.8 Global Cyber Ethics 311 11.9 Cyberspace Lingua Franca 311 11.10 Global Cyber Culture 314 11.11 Cyberethics and Social Realities 11.12 in Cybercommunities References 315 318 11.13 11.14 Further Reading Exercises 319 320 THE DIGITAL MILLENNIUM COPYRIGHT ACT 323 CONTENTS ••• I THE FEDERAL FALSE CLAIMS ACT 337 PROJECTS 363 INDEX 367 CONTENTS XX11 10.6 Further Reading 279 10.7 Exercises 280 CYBERSPACE AND CYBERETH1CS J\ 11.1 Introduction 284 11.2 Cyberspace Safeguards 11.2.1 Detecting Computer Attacks 11.2.2 System Survivability 285 285 289 11.3 Intellectual Property Rights in Cyberspace 290 11.3.1 Copyrights 11.3.2 Patents 294 295 11.3.3 Trade Secrets 296 11.3.4 Trademarks 11.3.5 Personal Identity 11.4 Regulating and Censoring Cyberspace 11.5 The Social Value of Cyberspace 297 298 299 303 11.6 Privacy in Cyberspace 11.6.1 Privacy Protection 304 306 11.7 Cyberspace Security 306 11.7.1 Insecurity in the Basic Internet Infrastructure 11.7.2 Server Security 306 307 11.7.3 Security During Transmission 11.8 Global Cyber Ethics 308 311 11.9 Cyberspace Lingua Franca 311 11.10 Global Cyber Culture 314 11.11 Cyberethics and Social Realities in Cybercommunities 315 11.12 11.13 References Further Reading 318 319 11.14 Exercises 320 THE DIGITAL MILLENNIUM COPYRIGHT ACT 323 CONTENTS View XX111 THE FEDERAL FALSE CLAIMS ACT 337 PROJECTS 363 INDEX 367 publication