Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 108 (2005) 111–120
Function and heterogeneity of fish lectins
Spencer Russell, John S. Lumsden *
Fish Pathology Laboratory, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont., Canada N1G 2W1
Lectins are primordial molecules with multiple known functions. They have been known to exist in fish and other animals for
decades and were initially identified as (hem)agglutinins. Demonstration of the importance of vertebrate lectins in innate
immunity is a recent effort and is still largely unrealised for fish. This mini-review will tabulate those fish lectins identified since
the last major review. In addition, particular lectins for which either functional relevance or functional or structural heterogeneity
has been demonstrated are discussed in greater detail.
# 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Review; Fish; Lectin; Skin; Gill; Plasma; Heterogeneity
1. Introduction
The purpose of the present mini-review is to update
the recently described defense-related plasma and
mucosal lectins of cartilaginous and bony fish. We will
focus on evidence for functional relevance and briefly
discuss lectin heterogeneity. Those lectins for which
physiochemical data are known are summarized in
Table 1. Previous reviews should be referred to for fish
lectins not covered by Table 1 (Yano, 1996; Alexander
and Ingram, 1992). Egg lectins, of which there are
numerous examples, are beyond the scope of the
present paper and readers should again refer to the
previously mentioned reviews. The tabulated information summarizes the lectin class, binding affinity and if
known, functional relevance. Table 2 summarizes the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 519 824 4120x54519;
fax: +1 519 824 5930.
E-mail address: (J.S. Lumsden).
putative fish lectins for which there is cDNA sequence
alone. While it may be somewhat premature to include
these without evidence of expression, at least one
provides tantalizing evidence of a fish orthologue of an
important mammalian lectin.
The authors of both previous reviews of fish lectins
comment on the lack of solid evidence for a significant
role of plasma or mucosal lectins in innate defense of
fish (Yano, 1996; Alexander and Ingram, 1992). This
paucity of functional information has not substantially
changed in the intervening period, however there are
important exceptions. Defense lectins (those that
participate in immunity or inflammation) occur on
phagocytes, in plasma or on mucosal surfaces, have
rather broad carbohydrate specificity and the ability to
bind to surfaces of various infectious agents. There are
several relatively well studied lectins that are therefore
accepted to be soluble pattern recognition receptors
and (potentially in most cases) a key component of the
innate immune system. Carbohydrate binding, the
0165-2427/$ – see front matter # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Table 1
Physical, chemical and biological properties of fish defence lectins
Ligand affinity
Biological relevance
Pnuemococcal CPS
Manihar et al. (1991)
A, B, O
Potential defensive activity
Potential defensive activity
Murata et al. (1995)
Murata et al. (1995)
Potential defensive activity
Potential defensive activity
Jensen et al. (1995)
Jensen et al. (1997b)
Rainbow trout (O. mykiss)
Rainbow trout (O. mykiss)
Rainbow trout (O. mykiss)
Rainbow trout (O. mykiss)
Atlantic salmon (S. salar)
Common wolffish
(A. lupus)
Cod (G. morhua)
Halibut (H. hippoglossus)
Atlantic salmon (S. salar)
Atlantic salmon (S. salar)
Glc, GlcNAc, Man,
A. salmonicida LPS
A. salmonicida LPS
A. salmonicida LPS
A. salmonicida LPS
Potential defensive activity
Binds A. salmonicida LPS
Binds A. salmonicida LPS
Binds A. salmonicida LPS
Potential defensive activity
Potential defensive activity
Hoover et al. (1998)
Hoover et al. (1998)
Hoover et al. (1998)
Hoover et al. (1998)
Lund and Olafsen (1998b)
Lund and Olafsen (1998b)
V. anguilarum,
A. salmonicida
Lund and Olafsen (1998b)
Lund and Olafsen (1998b)
Lund and Olafsen (1998a)
Ewart et al. (1999),
Ottinger et al. (1999)
Japanese eel (A. japonica)
Sea Bass (D. labrax)
gill, intestine
Indian major carp
(L. rohita)
Blue gourami
(T. trichopterus)
Rabbit > chicken,
guinea pig
mouse or rat
with leukocyte
cell surface
A. hydrophila,
V. anguillarum,
Indian major carp
(L. rohita)
Japanese eel
(A. japonica)
Snapper (P. auratus)
Mannose binding
Anguilla anguilla
agglutinin (AAA)
Snapper serum
Carp CRP
Guinea pig,
chicken, rabbit
Man, GlcNAc, glu
E. coli
L-Fucose, D-galactose
Potential defensive activity
Potential defensive activity
Potential defensive activity
Binds V. anguilarum,
A. salmonicida; " phagocytosis
and bactericidal activity
Heterogeneity + increased
in vitro expression
following LPS
Agglutination + other potential
immune activity
Acute phase induction by
metal + structural heterogeneity
Binds A. hydrophila,
V. anguillarum, yeast;
" phagocytosis/killing; confer
immunity against challenge
Agglutination; binds E. coli;
increased O2-production
Recognition of bacterial LPS
Cook et al. (2003)
Acute phase reactant +
activates complement
Potential defensive activity
Potential defensive activity
Component of lectin
complement pathway
(A) Serum
Snakehead murrel
(C. leucopunctatus)
Rainbow trout (O. mykiss)
Rainbow trout (O. mykiss)
Rainbow trout (O. mykiss)
Rainbow trout (O. mykiss)
Common carp (C. carpio)
Common carp (C. carpio)
Lamprey (L. japonicus)
fucose + melibose
GalcNac >
GlcNac > D-mannose
and H + Le antigens
Honda et al. (2000)
Cammarata et al. (2001)
Sinha et al. (2001)
Fock et al. (2000, 2001)
Mitra and Das (2001)
Bianchet et al. (2002)
Cartwright et al. (2004)
Cartwright et al. (2004)
Matsushita et al. (2004)
S. Russell, J.S. Lumsden / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 108 (2005) 111–120
Abbreviations: HAg: haemagglutinin activity; P: pentraxin; G: galectin; C: C-type lectin; F: fucolectin; ND: not determined; CRP: C-reactive protein; SAP: serum amyloid protein; RT-LL: rainbow trout ladder lectin; TCBP2: trout
C-polysacharride binding protein 2; SL-SAP: sulfide linked serum amyloid; ABP: agarose binding protein; Al-ABP: A. lupus agarose binding protein; Gm-PCBP: G. morhua phosphorylcholine binding protein; Hh-PCBP: H. hippoglosss
phosphorylcholine binding protein; Ss-PRP: S. salar phosphorylcholine reactive protein; TCBP2: trout c-polysaccharide binding protein 2; BGL: blue gourami lectin; AAA: Anguilla anguilla agglutinin; AJL: Anguilla japonica lectin; eCL: eel
C-type lectin; DLL: Dicentrarchus labrax lectin; TAAK: pentraxin-like protein; LC1q: lamprey complement component 1q; Glc: glucose; GlcNAc: N-acetyl-glucosamine; Man: mannose; ManNAc: N-acetyl-mannosamine; LPS:
lipopolysaccharide; potential immune activity: similar to molecules with demonstrated function.
Tsutsui et al. (2003, 2005)
Mucus, intestine,
esophagus and gill
(F. rubripes)
Mannose specific
Skin only
specific activity
Japanese eel
(A. japonica)
binding C-type
Japanese eel
(A. japonica)
Japanese eel
(A. japonica)
eCL-1 + eCL-2
First fish mucosal lectin
demonstrated to bind
parasitic metazoans
Tasumi et al. (2002, 2004)
Agglutinates S. dificile,
growth regression of E. coli
Tasumi et al. (2002, 2004)
Binds E. coli K12,
growth regression
of same
dificile, growth
regression of E. coli
Mucous cells of
basal lamaelle
Skin—club cells
" expression following
i.p. E. coli injection
Binds E. coli K12 +
restricts growth
Paroutaud et al. (1987),
Shiomi et al. (1989),
Muramoto et al. (1999)
Mistry et al. (2001)
Activity against marine
bacteria and shellfish larvae
Club cells and
skin mucous
Lactose and
other b-galactoside
Rabbit, horse,
Congerin 1–4
(B) Skin and gill
Conger eel
(C. myriaster)
Lectin type
Ligand affinity
Tissue expression
Bacterial binding
Biological relevance
S. Russell, J.S. Lumsden / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 108 (2005) 111–120
specificity of which is used to determine lectin class, is
facilitated by the carbohydrate recognition domain
(CRD). The CRD is formed by a pattern of invariant
and highly conserved amino acid residues at a
characteristic spacing (Drickamer and Taylor,
1993). Most lectins appear to be constitutively
produced but a few may be induced as part of the
acute phase response to noxious stimuli such as
mannose binding lectin (MBL) and C-reactive protein
(CRP). In fish, C-type lectins, galectins and pentraxins
have been identified from the earliest jawed vertebrate
(sharks) to the more advanced teleost species such as
salmon and carp (Vasta et al., 2004).
In mammals, the best characterized soluble defense
lectins are the collagenous lectins. A clearer picture of
the functional significance of MBL and ficolin (FCN)
to mammals is appearing (reviewed by Turner and
Hamvas, 2000; Holmskov et al., 2003; Gadjeva et al.,
2004; Fujita et al., 2004a; Lynch et al., 2004; Atkinson
et al., 2004). MBL and FCN have been identified from
both vertebrates and invertebrates (Vasta et al., 1999;
Lu et al., 2002; Janeway and Medzhitov, 2002). MBL
are calcium-dependant proteins that form multimeric
structures with subunits composed of an N-terminal
cysteine-rich domain, a collagen-like domain and a Cterminal CRD (Lu et al., 2002). Ficolins are calcium
independant lectins that have a similar multimeric
structure and domain organization but possess a
fibrinogen-like lectin domain instead of a CRD
(Matsushita et al., 2004). During infections, both
MBL and ficolin enhance pathogen clearance by
opsonizing microbes, activating complement through
the lectin complement pathway (LCP) and triggering
phagocytosis via receptors on phagocytic cells.
In human MBL genes, single nucleotide polymorphisms within the promoter region and exon one,
give rise to premature lectin degradation, decreased
serum levels, and reduced opsonic abilities (Sumiya
et al., 1991; Naito et al., 1999; Summerfield, 2003)
resulting in increased susceptibility to bacterial, viral,
fungal and protozoal infections (Garred et al., 1997;
Hibberd et al., 1999; Luty et al., 1998; Summerfield,
2003; Larsen et al., 2004). Mice with defective MBLA genes are more susceptible to experimental
infections while wild type mice develop more severe
inflammation (Takahashi et al., 2002).
Consequently, a greater understanding of the
importance of MBLs, the lectin pathway of comple-
Table 2
Putative fish lectins for which mRNA sequence has been identified
mRNA tissue
Biological relevance
Atlantic salmon
(S. salar)
Rainbow trout
(O. mykiss)
Rainbow trout
(O. mykiss)
Carp (C. carpio)
Carp (C. carpio)
Zebrafish (D. rerio)
Potential defensive activity
Jensen et al. (1997a)
Potential defensive activity
Jensen et al. (1997a)
Major acute phase reactant
Jensen et al. (1997a)
Clone TO-260
Clone TO-438
" expression after i.p. turpentine injection
" expression after i.p. turpentine injection
Possible component of complement system
Fujiki et al. (2001)
Fujiki et al. (2001)
Vitved et al. (2003)
Carp (C. carpio)
Possible component of complement system
Vitved et al. (2003)
Goldfish (C. auratus)
Possible component of complement system
Vitved et al. (2003)
Rainbow trout
(O. mykiss)
" expression following i.p. E. coli injection
Inagawa et al. (2001)
Rainbow trout
(O. mykiss)
Rainbow trout
(O. mykiss)
Rainbow trout
(O. mykiss)
Rainbow trout
(O. mykiss)
Rainbow trout
(O. mykiss)
Chinook salmon
(O. tshawytscha)
Chinook salmon
(O. tshawytscha)
Chinook salmon
(O. tshawytscha)
Chinook salmon
(O. tshawytscha)
Chinook salmon
(O. tshawytscha)
Carp (C. carpio)
Carp (C. carpio)
C-type 2-1
Spleen > gill >
intestine > liver
Spleen > gill >
intestine > liver
Spleen > gill >
intestine > liver
Spleen, head kidney,
thymus peritoneal
exudate, ovary, gills
" expression after i.p. V. aguillarum bacterin injection
Bayne et al. (2001)
C-type 2-2
" expression after i.p. V. aguillarum bacterin injection
Bayne et al. (2001)
protein 1
" expression after i.p. V. aguillarum bacterin injection
Bayne et al. (2001)
" expression after i.p. V. aguillarum bacterin injection
Bayne et al. (2001)
" expression after i.p. V. aguillarum bacterin injection
Bayne et al. (2001)
Liver, kidney, spleen
" expression after poly IC injection
Alonso and Leong (2002)
Liver, kidney, spleen
" expression after poly IC injection
Alonso and Leong (2002)
Liver, kidney, spleen
" expression after poly IC injection
Alonso and Leong (2002)
Liver, kidney, spleen
" expression after poly IC injection
Alonso and Leong (2002)
Liver, kidney, spleen
" expression after poly IC injection
Alonso and Leong (2002)
C-type l
C-type 2
Head kidney
Head kidney
" expression after E. coli LPS and con A stimulation
" expression after E. coli LPS and con A stimulation
Savan and Sakai (2002)
Savan and Sakai (2002)
S. Russell, J.S. Lumsden / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 108 (2005) 111–120
Tsoi et al. (2004)
Tsoi et al. (2004)
Tsoi et al. (2004)
Tsoi et al. (2004)
" expression after cohabitation exposure to A. salmonicida
" expression after cohabitation exposure to A. salmonicida
" expression after cohabitation exposure to A. salmonicida
Spleen and liver
lectin 2
C-type lectin
C-type 2-1
C-type 2-1
lectin 2
Atlantic halibut
(H. hippoglossus)
Atlantic halibut
(H. hippoglossus)
Atlantic salmon
(S. salar)
Atlantic salmon
(S. salar)
Atlantic salmon
(S. salar)
Atlantic salmon
(S. salar)
Abbreviations: SAP: serum amyloid protein; SAA: serum amyloid A; TCBP1: trout C-polysacharride binding protein 1; P: pentraxin; G: galectin; C: C-type lectin; F: fucolectin; I:
intelectin; MBL: mannan-binding lectin; ND: not determined; Ca-CTL: carp c-type lectin; Con A: concanavalin A.
Park et al. (2005)
" expression after i.p. V. anguillarum and A. salmonicida
" expression after i.p. V. anguillarum and A. salmonicida
" expression after cohabitation exposure to A. salmonicida
Carp (C. carpio)
Head kidney, intestine,
liver + gill
Liver, spleen and
Liver, spleen and
Kidney, spleen
and liver
Kidney, spleen
and liver
Spleen and liver
Park et al. (2005)
Savan et al. (2004)
" expression after E. coli LPS stimulation
S. Russell, J.S. Lumsden / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 108 (2005) 111–120
ment and the pattern recognition receptor/pathogen
associated molecular pattern paradigm have refocused efforts to investigate the role of other
vertebrate lectins. MBL and other collectins in
vertebrates, particularly humans and mice, provide
the ‘proof of principle’ that identification and
functional characterization of fish plasma and mucosal
lectins will reveal useful information regarding innate
defense systems and perhaps strain or species
variation in resistance/susceptibility. For further
information on collagenous lectins refer to Lillie
et al. (this issue).
2. Function
Several of the lectins summarized in Table 1
deserve further discussion given that there is experimental evidence demonstrating functional relevance
or its potential. To illustrate, the largely as yet
unrealised, importance of lectins to innate immunity
in fish, the lamprey orthologue of mammalian C1q has
recently been identified as a GlcNAc-binding lectin
that interacts with a serine protease of the mannose
binding lectin serine protease (MASP) family to
cleave lamprey complement component 3 (C3)
(Matsushita et al., 2004). The lectins covered in this
section of the review are the mannan-binding lectin of
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), and the structurally
similar ladderlectin of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus
mykiss), the N-acetyl-galactosamine-binding lectin
(BGL) of the blue gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus), a pentraxin-like lectin of the snapper (Pagrus
auratus) and finally, the skin lectins (AJL-1 & 2) of the
Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica).
A mannan-binding lectin in the plasma of the
Atlantic salmon was shown to bind to both Vibrio
anguillarum and Aeromonas salmonicida in a calcium-dependant manner (Ewart et al., 1999) and to
increase phagocytosis and killing following incubation with A. salmonicida (Ottinger et al., 1999). This
lectin has high homology to the ladderlectin of
rainbow trout (Jensen et al., 1997b; Hoover et al.,
1998) that binds to Sepharose-based column matrices
but also to A. salmonicida (Hoover et al., 1998). Using
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of A. salmonicida these
same authors identified three additional plasma lectins
S. Russell, J.S. Lumsden / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 108 (2005) 111–120
that also bound and were eluted with carbohydrates
(Hoover et al., 1998).
Blue gourami lectin was found to agglutinate
strains of Aeromonas hydrophila and at very low
concentrations (<1 ng/ml), promoted phagocytosis of
the same bacteria. It was also identified by immunohistochemistry to be associated with the cell surface of
macrophages. Pre-incubation of A. hydrophila with
graded BGL concentrations produced a dose-related
increase in survival of blue gourami after i.m. injection
of the complex (Fock et al., 2000, 2001).
The pentraxins, C-reactive protein (CRP) and CRP
homologues and serum amyloid protein (SAP), have
been identified in numerous species of fish and all
classes of vertebrates (Gewurz et al., 1995) and are
characterized by the ability to bind to C-polysaccharide of S. pneumonia (CPR) or to microbial polysaccharides and various matrix components such as
heparan (SAP) (Gewurz et al., 1995). In mammals,
they are acute phase reactants (Pepys, 1979; Gewurz
et al., 1995) that interact with complement thereby
activating the classical pathway, and with macrophages acting as opsonins (Mold et al., 2001). Limited
functional data are available for fish homologues.
Teleost CRP homologues are moderate acute phase
reactants (3–10 induction in a variety of models)
(Winkelhake et al., 1983). Recently, a pentraxin-like
protein isolated from snapper activated complementmediated lysis of ligand-coated sRBC and was
minimally induced (2) by i.p. injection of LPS.
Interaction with the classical complement pathway
was suggested by abrogation of RBC lysis by heat and
removal of cations (Cook et al., 2003).
The skin lectins of the Japanese eel are produced in
the skin, are found within the mucus layer and have
been found to agglutinate bacteria. AJL-1 (Tasumi
et al., 2004) and -2 (Tasumi et al., 2002) agglutinate
Streptococcus difficile and Escherichia coli, respectively, and AJL-2 also inhibits growth of E. coli. One
of these skin lections (AJL-1) did not agglutinate four
species of gram-negative fish pathogens including
Vibrio anguillarum and Aeromonas hydrophila
(Tasumi et al., 2002, 2004). While these results
indicate that these lectins participate in innate
immunity, their relevance to disease resistance in
production settings remains to be demonstrated.
Further research directed at determining the
relevance of these molecules to defense against
infectious disease is required. Quantification, in
conjunction with individual variability and correlation
to resistance/susceptibility to infection, is an indirect
method to indicate relevance. Further in vitro
experimentation is required to delineate the range
of function of these molecules including effector
function following carbohydrate binding (e.g. LCP
activation). Abrogation of carbohydrate interaction by
the addition of the target sugar(s) has been used in in
vitro models (Tasumi et al., 2004), but not with in vivo
models to date.
3. Heterogeneity
Serum and mucus defense lectins possessing
multiple structural and functional isoforms
(Tables 1 and 2) have been recently described from
various fish species. Although the actual mechanisms
by which multiple isoforms are produced are still
unclear, there are a number of different factors that are
known to generate heterogeneity. Single nucleotide
polymorphisms within gene sequences can lead to
allelic variation and since some fish are tetraploid (e.g.
carp), a large number of potential phenotypes could be
produced (Allendorf and Throgaard, 1984; Ohno,
1993). Structurally and functionally distinct protein
isoforms can be encoded by multiple gene families
and differentially expressed in multiple tissues or by
alternative pre-mRNA splicing of various sequences
from a single gene (Bell, 1998). Post-translational
modifications or the unequal cleavage of the C-termini
of mature polypeptides may also give rise to protein
isoforms with variable downstream functions (Young
et al., 1996).
In fish, lectin heterogeneity is best demonstrated by
the two eel fucolectins. The Japanese eel fucolectin
(Honda et al., 2000) exists as at least seven isoforms
expressed in the liver, gill and intestine. Northern blots
and immunohistochemistry revealed that these lectins
were of hepatic origin and were also constituents of
gill mucus. A broad range of functionally active
lectins with variable specificity for a number of
oligosaccharide targets greatly expands the repertoire
of patterns recognized on pathogen surfaces (Bianchet
et al., 2002). Primary eel hepatocyte cultures exposed
to LPS produced an increase in fucolectin expression,
suggesting these lectins may be not only an integral
S. Russell, J.S. Lumsden / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 108 (2005) 111–120
part of eels innate immune system by preventing
microbial colonization on gill surfaces, but also an
acute phase reactant. The Anguilla anguilla agglutinin
(AAA), a fucolectin from the serum of the European
eel, has both a novel CRD sequence motif and a novel
lectin fold (Bianchet et al., 2002) which recognizes
polysaccharides (L-fucose and D-galactose) and
fucosylated terminals of H and Lewis (a) blood
groups (Baldus et al., 1996). Modelling of this lectin
complexed to L-fucose revealed interactions of
additional residues (structural determinants) surrounding the binding pocket and provided evidence
for both the Japanese and European eel possessing
fucolectin isoforms that could potentially be specific
to various pathogens (Bianchet et al., 2002; Vasta
et al., 2004). Moreover, similar to mammalian
collectins, the native AAA was shown to possess
three-fold cyclic symmetry with spacing and orientation similar to molecular patterns of polysaccharides
that appear on the surface of microbial pathogens
(Bianchet et al., 2002; Vasta et al., 2004).
Studies on the inducibility of CRP from serum of
the Indian major carp (Labeo rohita) following
exposure to various metal pollutants (Sinha et al.,
2001) demonstrated a shift in expression from the
normal form of CRP to several structurally different,
inducible (up to five-fold) isoforms. These isoforms
differed from each other with respect to molecular
charge, mass and shape, as well as carbohydrate and
amino acid composition. Sequencing of these variants
is required to gain insight into the molecular
mechanisms that produce the various isoforms and
the precise signals that trigger differential expression
during inflammation.
Molecular cloning and characterization of the
Atlantic salmon mannan-binding lectin from kidney
revealed four similar cDNA sequences with minor
sequence variations and the presence of multiple genes
(Richards et al., 2003). It is the only known C-type
teleost serum lectin that has been shown to bind and
opsonize bacteria (A. salmonicida) (Ottinger et al.,
1999; Stratton et al., 2004). Isolation of functional
isoforms of this lectin is required to clarify whether
sequence variations confer differences in carbohydrate
binding, complement activation, multimeric assembly
and the ability to bind different types of pathogenic
bacteria. Similarly, the full cDNA sequence of a MBL
homologue identified from carp (Vitved et al., 2003,
Table 2) shows considerable sequence diversity within
a single individual and therefore the presence of
multiple protein isoforms in plasma is likely.
It is well established that genes encoding the
molecules of acquired immunity, i.e. immunoglobulins, recombinant activating gene, T-cell receptor and
major histocompatibility complex (MHC) appeared
within the jawed vertebrates (sharks) and progressively evolved in vertebrates. There is increasing
evidence however, to suggest that diversity of fish
immunity has also evolved within the innate immune
system (Fujita et al., 2004b). For example, like the
various isoforms of the eel fucolectins (Honda et al.,
2000; Bianchet et al., 2002), the multiple forms of
complement component 3 (C3) (Sunyer et al., 1996,
1997, 1998), C4 (Nakao et al., 2003) and C5 (Kato
et al., 2003) possess differences in their binding target
specificity. The presence of diverse structural and
functional innate immune molecules, from either
multiple or single genes, would provide the organism
with an arsenal of proteins to prevent invasion and
multiplication of a range of microbes. Moreover, it is
becoming increasingly clear that for ectotherms such
as fish, low temperatures are non-permissive for an
effective adaptive immune response and they are
therefore more reliant on innate immune mechanisms
(Bly et al., 1997; Gerwick et al., 2000). For instance,
MHC receptor expression is down-regulated in carp at
low water temperatures (Rodrigues et al., 1998)
suggesting an increased dependence on innate
immune proteins including acute phase reactants
(Dixon and Stet, 2001). Evidence for multiple forms
of other components of the innate teleost humoral
proteins have been implicated in resistance to
microbial challenge (Arason, 1996; Ellis, 2001). For
example, transferrin, which sequesters free iron from
plasma and limits bacterial multiplication, exhibits a
high degree of genetic polymorphism, with the ‘C’transferrin allele being associated with increased
resistance to bacterial kidney disease in coho salmon
(O. tshawytsha) (Suzumoto et al., 1977).
4. Conclusions and future research
The repertoire of known fish lectins will undoubtably expand as the initial steps of identification,
isolation and physiochemical characterization of
S. Russell, J.S. Lumsden / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 108 (2005) 111–120
individual lectins continues. Identification of functional properties, particularly those involving downstream effects (LCP activation for example), and more
critically, demonstration of their importance in
clinically relevant disease is still largely unattained.
The lack of particular lectins or isoforms, presence of
lectin gene mutations and lectin dysfunction are likely
causes of species and/or strain susceptibility/resistance to infectious disease. The basis for lectin
heterogeneity and its contribution to functional
diversity of innate immunity requires further effort.
Future research should concentrate on a few commercially important fish species with developing gene
sequence information and should use relatively wellcharacterized infectious agents.
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