Hum Nat (2010) 21:355–370
DOI 10.1007/s12110-010-9100-6
Watching the Hourglass
Eye Tracking Reveals Men’s Appreciation of the Female Form
Barnaby J. Dixson & Gina M. Grimshaw &
Wayne L. Linklater & Alan F. Dixson
Received: 23 December 2009 / Accepted: 30 April 2010 / Published online: 18 November 2010
# Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2010
Abstract Eye-tracking techniques were used to measure men’s attention to backposed and front-posed images of women varying in waist-to-hip ratio (WHR).
Irrespective of body pose, men rated images with a 0.7 WHR as most attractive. For
back-posed images, initial visual fixations (occurring within 200 milliseconds of
commencement of the eye-tracking session) most frequently involved the midriff.
Numbers of fixations and dwell times throughout each of the five-second viewing
sessions were greatest for the midriff and buttocks. By contrast, visual attention to
front-posed images (first fixations, numbers of fixations, and dwell times) mainly
involved the breasts, with attention shifting more to the midriff of images with a
higher WHR. This report is the first to compare men’s eye-tracking responses to
back-posed and front-posed images of the female body. Results show the importance
of the female midriff and of WHR upon men’s attractiveness judgments, especially
when viewing back-posed images.
Keywords Attractiveness . Waist-to-hip ratio . Eye tracking . Buttocks . Breasts .
Sexual selection
Human sexual attractiveness is often described as unique, complex, and thus
exceedingly difficult to quantify. However, men and women across cultures state that
physical attractiveness is an important trait in a potential partner (Buss 1989).
Morphological traits may be, by their very nature, more accessible to measurement
than some other qualities of sexual attractiveness, such as charm or sense of humor.
Morphology that conveys biological information relating to health and fertility may
be of particular importance when people select their sexual partners (Grammer et al.
B. J. Dixson (*) : W. L. Linklater : A. F. Dixson
School of Biological Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
G. M. Grimshaw
School of Psychology, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand
Hum Nat (2010) 21:355–370
2003). These processes of mate choice may be very ancient and represent the effects
of selection on cognitive processes within ancestral human populations (Buss 2003).
In comparison to nonhuman primates, female humans have much larger stores of
body fat in their breasts, hips, thighs, and buttocks (Dufour and Slather 2002). Body
composition is sexually dimorphic. Men tend to have a more mesomorphic muscular
physique, whereas women have larger stores of body fat (Carter and Heath 1990;
Clarys et al. 1984; Wells 2007). Sexual dimorphism in body composition is reflected
in sex differences in body shape. At puberty, under the actions of estrogens, female
body fat is stored around the hips, thighs, buttocks (gluteal/femoral region), and
breasts (Björntorp 1997). The distribution of body fat can be measured using the
waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), which is calculated by dividing the circumference of the
waist by the distance around the hips including the buttocks. A low WHR is
correlated with earlier onset of menarche in girls (Lassek and Gaulin 2007), and
maintenance of regular menstrual cycles (Van Hooff et al. 2000) and ovulatory
cycles in women (Moran et al. 1999). Women with low WHRs and large breasts
have higher levels of circulating estrogen and progesterone (Jasienska et al. 2004),
and these hormones, in turn, are associated with higher rates of conception (Lipson
and Ellison 1996). In studies conducted in fertility clinics, women with lower WHRs
had the greatest success rates in artificial insemination (Zaadstra et al. 1993) and in
in-vitro fertilization programs (Wass et al. 1997). Women’s WHRs increase as they
age, possibly due to reduction in estrogen production (Kirschner and Samojlik 1991;
Wells 2007).
Sexual selection, via mate choice, may have favored the evolution of a low
WHR in women as a signal of sexual maturity, health, and fecundity (Singh
1993). Numerous questionnaire studies have found that, in industrialized societies,
stimulus images of women with low WHRs (0.6–0.7) are most attractive to men (in
China: Dixson, Dixson, Li and Anderson 2007a; Germany: Henss 2000; UK:
Furnham et al. 1997, Poland: Rozmus-Wrzesinska and Pawlowski 2005; New
Zealand and USA: Dixson et al. 2010a). However, there is some cross-cultural
discordance in male preferences for female WHR. Matsigenka men in Peru rate
higher WHRs (0.9) as most attractive in women (Yu and Shepard 1998). Men from
Bakossiland in Cameroon select as most attractive a female WHR of 0.8 (Dixson
2007b), as do Shiwiar men of the Ecuadorian Amazon (Sugiyama 2004). Research
among the Hadza hunter-gatherers of Tanzania has produced some important
findings with regard WHR and female attractiveness. Initial studies, which
employed front-posed female images as stimuli, showed that men preferred a
WHR of 0.9 (Wetsman and Marlowe 1999). However, in a follow-up study that
used stimulus images in profile view so the buttocks were visible, Hadza men
preferred a female WHR of 0.6 (Marlowe et al. 2005). The study by Marlowe et al.
(2005) highlights an important methodological issue in research on female
physique and sexual attractiveness. Studies of male preference for female WHR
most often use stimuli in which images of women are presented in frontal view
only. It is important to consider that WHR is calculated by measuring not only the
circumference of the body at the waist and hips, but also the buttocks. Therefore
men’s attractiveness judgments may be affected by the body pose of the female
stimulus images because they judge the waist region relative to the buttocks and
Hum Nat (2010) 21:355–370
Eye-tracking techniques can provide data on attention to morphological traits
when participants are making attractiveness judgments. Infants look longer at the
faces of attractive adults (Langlois et al. 1987). In adults, eye-tracking research has
shown that men look more often and longer at the faces of attractive women relative
to faces they judge to be less attractive (Fink et al. 2008; Maner et al. 2008) and at
the female body when viewing both erotic and non-erotic heterosexual scenes
(Lykins et al. 2006, 2008; Rupp and Wallen 2007). When viewing clothed full-body
images, men initially fixate on women’s faces, followed by long fixations on the
breasts (Hewig et al. 2008). Similarly, the breasts in particular are the focus of
attention when men are asked to judge the attractiveness of front-posed images of
women wearing dresses, bathing suits, and flesh-colored underwear (Cornelissen et
al. 2009; Suschinsky et al. 2007). In a recent eye-tracking study, in which men
looked at nude full-length images of women that had been altered to show small,
medium, or large breasts, and a WHR of either 0.7 or 0.9, male attention was
directed most often at the breasts. Initial visual fixations, occurring during the first
200 milliseconds of an eye-tracking session, most often involved either the female
midriff or the breasts (Dixson et al. 2009).
These eye-tracking studies have consistently shown that female breasts capture
male attention when the men are asked to make judgments of female physical
attractiveness. However, the few studies conducted to date have presented
participants with frontal images only. Male visual attention may show significant
differences when viewing back-posed female images because the lower body and
buttocks are displayed prominently rather than the breasts. As such, we hypothesize
that the female midriff region will receive greater visual attention from men when
images are presented in back view as compared with frontal views, but that low
WHRs should still be judged as most attractive. To test this, men were presented
with three front-posed images varying in WHR (0.7, 0.8, and 0.9). Back-view
images of the same woman were presented showing the same range of WHRs. We
measured the initial fixation, number of fixations, and dwell times for six body
regions during 5 s eye-tracking sessions. Men also rated the six images for sexual
Thirty heterosexual men of European descent, ranging in age from 25 to 44 years (M=
28.67 years, SD=4.82), 10 of whom were married, were recruited opportunistically from the staff and postgraduate student body at Victoria University.
Participants were given individual verbal orientation before the start of data
collection and allowed some time to familiarize themselves with the room and
the eye-tracking machine. The details of the study were not discussed with
participants beforehand. However, when each participant had completed the
experiments, they were provided with written details of the rationale for the
research. Each participant was told of their right to withdraw from the study
without prejudice. All participants had normal vision or correction by contact
Hum Nat (2010) 21:355–370
lenses. None wore glasses. The project was pre-approved by the Human Ethics
Committee of the School of Psychology at Victoria University.
Apparatus and Materials
A color photograph of a naked woman (Simblet 2001), taken from front and back,
was scanned. WHR was manipulated using Photoshop Version 7.0 by narrowing or
widening the waist to construct three levels of WHR (0.7, 0.8, and 0.9) for the image
in front and in back views. Thus, six images were created. The experiment was
programmed using SR Research Experiment Builder (version 1.4.128 RC) and
conducted on a 3-GHz Pentium D computer. Stimuli were presented on a 21-inch
monitor at a resolution of 1024×768 pixels and with a refresh rate of 60 Hz.
Participants were seated in a comfortable chair in a quiet room facing the monitor at
eye level at a viewing distance of 57 cm, maintained by forehead and chin rests.
They underwent eye-tracking trials in which each image was presented individually,
in random order, on the computer screen for 5 s.
Attractiveness Measurement
At the end of each presentation, participants were instructed to rate the image for
attractiveness using a keyboard with a six-point Likert scale (1=unattractive, 2=
slightly attractive, 3=moderately attractive, 4=attractive, 5=very attractive, and 6=
extremely attractive).
Eye Tracking
Using the EyeLink® 1000 Tower Mount Head Supported System (SR Research Ltd.,
Ontario, Canada), eye position and eye movements were determined by measuring
the corneal reflection and dark pupil with a video-based infrared camera and an
infrared reflective mirror. The eye tracker had a spatial resolution of 0.01° of visual
angle and the signal was sampled and stored at a rate of 1000 Hz. Although viewing
was binocular, recording was monocular, measuring right-eye movements only—a
standard procedure in eye-tracking studies (e.g. Lykins et al. 2008). Calibration and
validation of measurements were performed before each experimental session.
After the data were collected, the front-posed stimulus images were divided into
six anatomical regions for subsequent analysis (Fig. 1): (1) the face and neck, from
the top of the head to the level of the clavicle; (2) the breasts, from the top of the
clavicle to the posterior border of each breast; (3) the midriff, including the waist,
extending from the below the breasts to the widest part of the hips; (4) the pubic
triangle, as defined by the limits of the pubic hair; (5) the thighs, the upper portion of
the leg ending at the knee; and (6) the lower legs and feet. The arms were not
included in the analyses because they received very little visual attention as follows:
visual attention. The back-posed images were also divided into six anatomical
regions, defined as follows: (1) the head and neck, from the top of the head to the
Hum Nat (2010) 21:355–370
Fig. 1 Female images were
divided into six anatomical
regions in order to analyze male
visual attention during eye
tracking. See text for definitions
base of the neck; (2) the back, from the bottom of the neck to the waist; (3)
the midriff, including the waist, extending from the waist to the widest part of
the hips; (4) the buttocks, from the bottom of the waist to below the buttocks;
(5) the thighs, the upper portion of the leg ending at the knee; and (6) the
lower legs and feet.
In each of the six regions, three dependent variables of eye movement were
measured: first fixation, number of fixations, and amount of time spent (dwell time)
examining the area. The first region of the body that was examined, at 200
milliseconds after the start of the test, was defined as the first fixation. The lag time
of 200 milliseconds was allowed in order to give sufficient time for the eye to move
from its initial fixation point in the center of the screen. Each time the eye moved,
the eye-tracker recorded a new fixation. The number and duration of fixations made
on each of the six regions were summed during the analysis.
A 2 (body pose: front, back)×3 (WHR: 0.7, 0.8, 0.9) repeated measures ANOVA
yielded a significant main effect for WHR on attractiveness ratings (F2, 58 =36.01, p<
0.001, ηp2 =0.554). Images with 0.7 WHRs were significantly more attractive than
images with 0.8 WHRs (t=2.90, df=29, p=0.007) and 0.9 WHRs (t=7.02, df=29, p<
0.001). Images with 0.8 WHRs were significantly more attractive than images with
0.9 WHRs (t=6.10, df=29, p<0.001) (Fig. 2). The effect of body pose approached
significance (F1, 29 =4.08, p=0.053, ηp2 =0.123), which reflects a trend toward images
in front view (M=3.71, SD=0.60) being judged as more attractive than images in back
Hum Nat (2010) 21:355–370
Fig. 2 Mean ratings (+SD) for
sexual attractiveness of six
female images varying in WHR
and body pose. ** p<0.01, ***
view (M=3.49, SD=0.74). There was also a significant body pose×WHR interaction
(F2, 58 =7.74, p<0.001, ηp2 =0.211), a result of the front-posed 0.9 WHR image
receiving significantly higher ratings of attractiveness than the back-posed 0.9 WHR
image (t=3.52, df=29, p<0.001).
Eye Tracking
First Fixation
For the frontal images, the breasts received the highest number of first fixations on
the image with a 0.7 WHR. The midriff received the highest number of first fixations
on the image with a 0.8 WHR. For the 0.9 WHR frontal image, the breasts and
midriff received the majority of men’s first fixations. When men looked at backposed images, the midriff received more first fixations irrespective of WHR
(Table 1).
Number of Fixations
For number of fixations a 2 (body pose)×3 (WHR)×6 (body region)×5 (time:
seconds 1–5) repeated measures ANOVA yielded a significant main effect of time
Hum Nat (2010) 21:355–370
Table 1 Number (and %) of men (N=30) who fixed their eyes first on one of five body regions. Data are
shown for all six female images (3 front, 3 back)
5 (16.6%)
14 (46.6%)
7 (23.3%)
3 (10.0%)
1 (3.3%)
0 (0.0%)
7 (23.3%)
18 (60.0%)
2 (6.6%)
3 (10.0%)
2 (6.6%)
12 (40.0%)
13 (43.3%)
2 (6.6%)
1 (3.3%)
3 (10.0%)
7 (23.3%)
13 (43.3%)
7 (23.3%)
0 (0.0%)
1 (3.3%)
7 (23.3%)
16 (53.3%)
6 (20.0%)
0 (0.0%)
0 (0.0%)
5 (16.6%)
15 (50.0%)
10 (33.3%)
0 (0.0%)
(F4, 116 =49.78, p<0.001, ηp2 =0.632), body region and time (F20, 580 =6.75, p<
0.001, ηp2 =0.189), and a significant three-way interaction between WHR, body
region, and time (F40, 1160 =1.92, p<0.001, ηp2 =0.062). These interactions indicate
that men fixated more often on the midriff of images with 0.8 (M=1.33, SE=0.11)
and 0.9 (M=1.18, SE=0.11) WHRs than with 0.7 WHRs (M=0.67, SE=0.10)
during the first second of eye tracking. There were no interactions between time and
body pose (F4, 116 =0.67, p=0.614, ηp2 =0.023); time and WHR (F8, 232 =1.43, p=
0.183, ηp2 =0.047); body pose, WHR, and time (F8, 232 =0.487, p=0.865, ηp2 =
0.017); or body pose, body region, and time (F20, 580 =1.55, p=0.059, ηp2 =0.051).
The ANOVA also yielded a significant body pose×body region interaction (F5, 145 =
65.49, p<0.001, ηp2 =0.693), and a WHR×body region interaction (F10, 290 =6.25, p<
0.001, ηp2 =0.177). These two-way interactions were qualified by a three-way
interaction between body pose, body region, and WHR (F10, 290 =4.05, p<0.001,
ηp2 =0.123). Men directed more fixations toward the upper body (head, breasts, and
midriff) than the lower body (pubis, thighs, and lower legs) when viewing frontal
images. For back-posed images, the buttocks and midriff received more fixations
(Table 2).
Table 2 Mean numbers of visual fixations ± standard deviations for each of the six body regions over the
five seconds of the eye-tracking experiments. Data are shown for all six female images (3 front, 3 back)
Hum Nat (2010) 21:355–370
As represented in Fig. 3, the interactions between body pose, body region, and
WHR revealed in the ANOVA reflect that men viewing frontal images with 0.7 and
0.8 WHRs looked more often at the breasts than the waist. However, when looking
at frontal images with a 0.9 WHR, men spent as much time looking at the midriff as
the breasts. Similarly, when viewing back-posed images, number of fixations on the
midriff increased as men viewed images with higher WHRs.
Dwell Times
For dwell times, a 2 (body pose)×3 (WHR)×6 (body region)×5 (time: seconds 1–5)
repeated measures ANOVA yielded a significant main effect of time (F4, 116 =13.14,
p<0.001, ηp2 =0.312), time and WHR (F8, 232 =2.16, p=0.032, ηp2 =0.069), and time
and body region (F20, 580 =1.67, p=0.033, ηp2 =0.055). There was also a trend toward
a three-way interaction between time, body region, and WHR (F40, 1160 =1.37, p=
0.064, ηp2 =0.045). These interactions reflect that men looked longer at the midriff in
images with WHRs of 0.8 (M=349.90, SE=30.17) and 0.9 (M=337.68, SE=36.34)
than 0.7 (M=186.27, SE=33.70) during the first second of eye tracking. There were
Fig. 3 Mean numbers of
fixations (+SD) made on the
head, breasts, and midriff of
front-posed images (upper
histograms) and the head, buttocks, and midriff of back-posed
images (lower histograms).
Symbols indicate the level of
statistical significance from
paired t-tests between the different body regions. * p<0.05,
** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
Hum Nat (2010) 21:355–370
no significant interactions between time and body pose (F4, 116 =0.648, p=0.630, ηp2 =
0.022), or three-way interactions between body pose, WHR, and time (F8, 232 =1.44,
p=0.182, ηp2 =0.047) or body pose, body region, and time (F20,580 =0.672, p=0.855,
ηp2 =0.023).
For dwell times the ANOVA also yielded a significant body pose×body region
interaction (F5, 145 =56.75, p<0.001, ηp2 =0.662), and a WHR×body region
interaction (F10,290 =4.36, p<0.001, ηp2 =0.131). These two-way interactions were
qualified by a three-way interaction between body pose, body region, and WHR
(F10, 290 =2.48, p=0.007, ηp2 =0.079). When viewing frontal images, men’s visual
attention was directed more to the upper body (head, breasts, and midriff) than the
lower body (pubis, thighs, and lower legs). When looking at back-posed images,
men’s attention was most often toward the midriff and buttocks (Table 3).
As can be seen in Fig. 4, the interactions between body pose, body region, and
WHR revealed in the ANOVA reflect that when men were looking at frontal images
with 0.7 and 0.8 WHRs, they look at the breasts significantly longer than the head
and midriff. However, when front-posed images with 0.9 WHRs were examined,
men spent as much time looking at the breasts as the midriff. When looking at backposed images, men looked at the buttocks and midriff longer than the head,
irrespective of WHR.
This study quantified eye movements of men during attractiveness judgments of
front- and back-posed images of women varying in waist-to-hip ratio (WHR).
Images with 0.7 WHRs were rated as most attractive, irrespective of body pose. The
initial fixation, occurring 200 milliseconds from the start of the eye-tracking
experiment, most frequently involved the breasts for frontal images with a 0.7 WHR
and the midriff for 0.8 WHR, whereas for 0.9 WHR the first fixations fell most often
on the breasts and midriff. For images in back view, the midriff received the most
first fixations for all WHRs. Over the full 5 s of the eye-tracking trials, men paid
more attention to the midriff of images with 0.9 WHRs than images with 0.7 or 0.8
Previous eye-tracking studies, which have employed different methods to
quantify attention on female WHRs, did not reveal a relationship between eye
movements toward the midriff and judgments of female attractiveness. Suschinsky et
al. (2007) showed men three images (simultaneously) of the same clothed woman,
computer-morphed to differ in WHR, and asked them to select the image they found
most attractive. Although men looked at the image with the lowest WHR more often
and for longer than images with higher WHRs, and selected it as most attractive,
relatively little attention was given to the midriff region. Cornelissen et al. (2009)
presented men and women with images of individual women wearing flesh-colored
vests and briefs and asked one group of participants to rate them for WHR, a second
group to rate them for total body fat, and a third group to rate them for attractiveness.
Eye movements when making attractiveness judgments were correlated with
judgments of total body fat but not WHR, suggesting that the WHR region is not
of importance when assessing female physical attractiveness. Finally, Dixson et al.
Table 3 Mean dwell times ± standard deviations for each of the six body regions over the 5 s of the eye-tracking experiments. Data are shown for all six female images (3 front,
3 back)
Hum Nat (2010) 21:355–370
Hum Nat (2010) 21:355–370
Fig. 4 Mean dwell times (+SD)
made on the head, breasts, and
midriff of front-posed images
(upper histograms) and the head,
buttocks, and midriff of back
posed images (lower histograms). Symbols indicate the
level of statistical significance
from paired t-tests between the
different body regions. * p<
0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
(2009) showed that although WHR was the primary determinant of male
attractiveness ratings when judging full-length nude images, the midriff was not
the main focus of their attention when they made attractiveness judgments. These
studies indicate that there is discordance between male attention for traits that define
female body shape and their subjective attractiveness ratings.
Attractiveness judgments involve complex processes in which a constellation of
traits likely influences perceptions of physical beauty. The results of the current
study suggest that in the case of female attractiveness and WHR, the midriff is, in
fact, an important region that appears to be judged in relation to surrounding
features, such as the breasts and buttocks. In keeping with previous eye-tracking
studies, the breasts were shown to capture the most male attention, particularly when
the WHR is judged as more attractive. When the WHR is higher, male attention
returns more frequently and remains for longer on the midriff than when looking at
images with narrower waists. This suggests that men actively attend to those regions
where female fat accumulation is greatest and achieve an appreciation of the
“hourglass shape.” This process may occur very rapidly since men began to analyze
the midriff within the first 200 ms of viewing. After this initial fixation the midriff is
only a more salient feature of attentional capture, relative to the head and breasts, if
the WHR is higher. Singh (1993) hypothesized that female WHR represents a “first-
Hum Nat (2010) 21:355–370
pass filter” in male judgments of female attractiveness. Under this hypothesis, the
WHR region is judged prior to other traits because it represents an unambiguous
signal of female gender, health, fertility, and attractiveness (Singh 1993). The
findings of the current study provide further support for Singh’s hypothesis since
men ultimately rated images with a low WHR of 0.7 as most attractive. Interestingly,
when the WHR is rated more attractive, men are less reliant on the waist area to
guide their behavioral and subjective judgments of female physical attractiveness
than when viewing images with less-attractive WHRs.
It is important to note that eye movements are not implicit measures of
perceived attractiveness. They are an index of attention, and visual attention
depends very much on the motivation of the individual. For example, stimuli that
are associated with fear and reward have been shown to capture attention
(Castellanos et al. 2009; De Martino et al. 2009; Raymond and O’Brien 2009). In
such circumstances attentional capture may be an active or endogenous process by
which participants control how they allocate attention in order to achieve a goal
(Ruz and Lupiáñez 2002). Alternatively, attention may be passive or exogenous,
whereby participants allocate their attention to stimuli without intention (Ruz and
Lupiáñez 2002). There is some evidence that physical attractiveness actively
captures attention. Shimojo et al. (2003) found that when the more attractive face
was being identified among pairs of faces, participants’ gazes were initially shared
evenly between faces. However, as the experiment progressed, gazes were biased
toward the face ultimately judged to be more attractive. Maner et al. (2007) found
that attentional bias toward attractive female faces occurred within the first second
of a visual cueing experiment and that participants showed reluctance to disengage
from more-attractive faces. However, the conclusion that attractiveness is the
primary motivation for such attentional capture may not be entirely accurate since
novel, unique, attractive and unattractive traits have been shown to capture
attention in eye-tracking studies (Sütterlin et al. 2008). In the current study, it is
possible that the greater attention given to the midriff of the image depicting a 0.9
WHR was due to the use of computer-generated stimuli that resulted in a physical
appearance that was visually novel. Thus, attentional capture of the midriff for lessattractive images may be an exogenous passive response to a novel or unique trait
rather than an endogenous mechanism whereby participants are processing the
features that make up an attractive female physique.
The use of computer-morphing to experimentally manipulate WHR may indeed
be problematic as such techniques also alter the body mass index (BMI; Tovée and
Cornelissen 2001). BMI is calculated as weight in kilograms divided by (height in
meters)2. In a series of cross-cultural studies, differences in women’s BMI were
found to exert a greater influence than WHR on male ratings of female attractiveness
in Japan (Swami et al. 2006), Malaysia (Swami and Tovée 2005), and Zululand in
South Africa (Tovée et al. 2006). These authors question the validity of the WHR
hypothesis based on the findings in these studies. However, WHR and BMI are
positively correlated, and as such it is very difficult to test the individual contribution
made by each of these traits to men’s judgments of female attractiveness. A recently
developed procedure called micrograft surgery may provide such an opportunity; in
this procedure, adipose tissue is harvested from the waist and used to reshape the
buttocks of female patients, which reduces WHR without altering BMI (Singh and
Hum Nat (2010) 21:355–370
Randall 2007). It has been shown that men in a wide variety of cultures select
postoperative images of these women as most attractive (Dixson, Li and Dixson
2010b, Dixson, Sagata et al. 2010c; Singh et al. 2010). Recently, Platek and Singh
(2010) used fMRI scanning to measure men’s neurological responses to images of
women who had undergone micrograft surgery. They found that the right and left
orbital frontal cortex showed activation and that such activation was significantly
greater when viewing postoperative, as compared with preoperative, images. This
research shows that responses to WHR are measurable at a central level in an area of
the brain that is concerned with reward.
The application of eye-tracking technology in studies of sexual selection and
the evolution of human physical attractiveness is relatively new. The current
study confirms the importance of female WHR in male judgments of
attractiveness and provides preliminary evidence that men’s behavioral responses
are mediated, in part, by WHR. The use of images that varied in body pose was
an important addition to previous eye-tracking studies because it enabled
analyses of attention to the WHR region when features known to capture
attention (i.e., the face and breasts) were not visible. Eye tracking may provide a
key behavioral link in evolutionary studies of sexual selection and morphology.
However, uncovering to what extent attractiveness judgments, attentional capture,
and morphology are interrelated is a complex challenge for researchers. Future
research may seek to uncover whether an attractiveness judgment actively relates
to morphology through the use of paired stimuli presented for comparison. A
further question involves how women might respond to images that vary in
WHR, perhaps as a consequence of intrasexual mate competition. What is clear
from this research is that the combination of psychological methods and
evolutionary biology may yield significant advances in our knowledge of what
constitutes physical attractiveness.
Acknowledgments We thank the Linklater lab group for providing helpful feedback on an earlier draft
of the manuscript. We also thank five anonymous reviewers for helpful and detailed comments on the
manuscript. B. J. Dixson was funded by an Education New Zealand International Doctoral Scholarship.
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Barnaby J. Dixson earned his undergraduate degree in anthropology from the University of Santa Cruz,
California, in 2004 and completed his PhD in sociobiology and behavioral ecology at Victoria University
of Wellington, New Zealand, in 2010. His research focuses on human physique and attractiveness from
cross-cultural perspectives as well as behavioral eye-tracking studies.
Gina M. Grismshaw is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychology at Victoria University. She earned
her PhD from Waterloo University in Canada. Her research employs behavioral eye-tracking methods and
EEG to examine how emotional context influences our processing of emotional faces, images, words, and
Hum Nat (2010) 21:355–370
Wayne L. Linklater is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Biological Sciences at Victoria University of
Wellington. He earned his postgraduate degrees from the University of Canterbury (MSc) and Massey
University (PhD) in New Zealand. His research has focused on the behavioral ecology of large mammals
(e.g., wild horses and rhinoceros) but increasingly has included humans as his interests have diverged into
human-wildlife relationships and the ecology of urban landscapes. Current research projects include
aspects of wildlife management and biodiversity conservation in Wellington (NZ) and East Bay, San
Francisco (USA), and Bayesian approaches to improving animal translocation success in Africa.
Alan F. Dixson is a Professor in the School of Biological Sciences at Victoria University of Wellington,
New Zealand. His research focuses on reproductive biology, sexual behavior, and evolution in nonhuman
primates and human beings. His books include Primate Sexuality (1998) and Sexual Selection and the
Origins of Human Mating Systems (2009), both published by Oxford University Press.
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