ACOG/SMFM Obstetric Care Consensus
Levels of maternal care
This document was developed jointly by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Society
for MaternaleFetal Medicine with the assistance of M. Kathryn Menard, MD, MPH; Sarah Kilpatrick, MD, PhD;
George Saade, MD; Lisa M. Hollier, MD, MPH; Gerald F. Joseph Jr, MD; Wanda Barfield, MD; William Callaghan, MD;
John Jennings, MD; and Jeanne Conry, MD, PhD
The information reflects emerging clinical and scientific advances as of the date issued, is subject to change, and should not be construed as dictating
an exclusive course of treatment or procedure. Variations in practice may be warranted based on the needs of the individual patient, resources, and
limitations unique to the institution or type of practice.
To introduce uniform designations
for levels of maternal care that are
complementary but distinct from
levels of neonatal care and that
address maternal health needs,
thereby reducing maternal morbidity
and mortality in the United States
To develop standardized definitions
and nomenclature for facilities that
provide each level of maternal care
To provide consistent guidelines according to level of maternal care for
use in quality improvement and
health promotion
To foster the development and
equitable geographic distribution of
full-service maternal care facilities
and systems that promote proactive
integration of risk-appropriate antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum services
In the 1970s, studies demonstrated
that timely access to risk-appropriate
neonatal and obstetric care could
reduce perinatal mortality. In 1976,
the March of Dimes and its partners
The authors report no conflict of interest.
This article is being published in the February
2015 issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology (Obstet
Gynecol 2015;125:502-15).
Copyright February 2015 by the American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 409
12th Street, SW, PO Box 96920, Washington,
DC 20090-6920. All rights reserved.
In the 1970s, studies demonstrated that timely access to risk-appropriate neonatal and
obstetric care could reduce perinatal mortality. Since the publication of the Toward
Improving the Outcome of Pregnancy report, more than 3 decades ago, the conceptual
framework of regionalization of care of the woman and the newborn has been gradually
separated with recent focus almost entirely on the newborn. In this current document,
maternal care refers to all aspects of antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum care of
the pregnant woman. The proposed classification system for levels of maternal care
pertains to birth centers, basic care (level I), specialty care (level II), subspecialty care
(level III), and regional perinatal health care centers (level IV). The goal of regionalized
maternal care is for pregnant women at high risk to receive care in facilities that are
prepared to provide the required level of specialized care, thereby reducing maternal
morbidity and mortality in the United States.
first articulated the concept of an integrated system for regionalized perinatal care in a report titled Toward
Improving the Outcome of Pregnancy.1
This report included criteria that stratified maternal and neonatal care into
3 levels of complexity, and recommended referral of high-risk patients
to higher-level centers with the appropriate resources and personnel needed
to address their increased complexity
of care.
After the publication of the March
of Dimes report,1 most states developed coordinated regional systems
for perinatal care. The designated
regional or tertiary care centers provided the highest levels of obstetric
and neonatal care, while serving
smaller facilities’ needs through education
Numerous studies have validated the
concept that improved neonatal outcomes
application of risk-appropriate maternal transport systems.2,3 A comprehensive metaanalysis has shown
increased odds of neonatal mortality
for very low birthweight (very LBW,
also commonly known as VLBW)
infants (<1500 g) born outside of a
level III hospital (38% vs 23%;
adjusted odds ratio, 1.62; 95% confidence interval, 1.44e1.83).4 Data
indicate higher neonatal mortality
for very low birthweight infants
born in hospitals that are staffed by
neonatologists in the absence of a
more complete multidisciplinary team
(level II), compared with those born in
level III centers.5
Since the March of Dimes report1
was published, the conceptual framework of regionalization of care of the
woman and the newborn has changed to
focus almost entirely on the newborn.6,7
The American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the
MARCH 2015 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
ACOG/SMFM Obstetric Care Consensus
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
outline the capabilities of health care
providers in hospitals delivering basic,
specialty, subspecialty, and regional obstetric care in Guidelines for Perinatal
Care, seventh edition.6 With 39% of
hospital births in the United States
occurring at hospitals that deliver less
than 500 newborns each year and an
additional 20% occurring at hospitals
that deliver between 501 newborns and
1000 newborns each year,8 it likely is that
the majority of maternal care in the
United States is provided at basic-care
and specialty-care hospitals. However, a
recent commentary noted the need to
readdress “perinatal levels of care” to
focus specifically on maternal health
conditions that warrant designation as
high risk, and to define specific clinical
and systems criteria to manage such
conditions.9 This document is a call for
an integrated, regionalized framework to
identify when transfer of care may be
necessary to provide risk-appropriate
maternal care.
Although maternal mortality in high
resource countries improved substantially during the 20th century, maternal
mortality rates in the United States
have worsened in the past 14 years.10
Currently, the United States is ranked
60th in the world for maternal mortality.11 According to a Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention study,12 the
leading causes of maternal mortality
are associated with chronic conditions
that affect women of reproductive age,
and common obstetric complications
such as hemorrhage. Moreover, maternal mortality in the United States
represents a small component of the
larger emerging problem of maternal
severe morbidities and near-miss mortality that increased by 75% between
1998e99 and 2008e09.13 National increases in obesity, hypertensive disorders, and diabetes among women of
reproductive age increase the risk of
maternal morbidity and mortality, as
does the increasing cesarean delivery
rate.14,15 Although specific modifications in the clinical management of these
conditions have been instituted (eg, the
use of thromboembolism prophylaxis
and bariatric beds in obstetrics), more
can be done to improve the system of
care for high-risk women at facility and
population levels.
Although there is strong evidence
of more favorable neonatal outcomes with
regionalized perinatal care, evidence of a
beneficial effect on maternal outcome is
limited. Maternal mortality is an uncommon event, and methods for tracking severe morbidity only have been proposed
recently.13 Data indicate that obstetric
complications are significantly more
frequent in hospitals with low delivery
volume,16 and that obstetric providers
with the lowest patient volume have
significantly increased rates of obstetric
complications compared with highvolume providers.17 Hospital clinical volume likely is a proxy measure for institutional and individual experience that may
not be available at hospitals with lower
volumes.18 Also, data indicate that outcomes are better if certain conditions, such
as placenta previa or placenta accreta, are
managed in a high-volume hospital.19,20 It
also has been noted that maternal mortality is inversely related to the population
density of maternalefetal medicine subspecialists at the state level,21 although
other factors, such as the presence of
obstetricianegynecologists, nurses, and
anesthesiologists who have experience in
high-risk maternity care, also may
contribute to this trend. Although these
findings provide support for an association between availability of resources and
favorable maternal outcomes, they do not
prove a direct cause and effect relationship
between levels of care and outcomes.
A number of states have incorporated maternal care criteria into perinatal guidelines. Indiana, Arizona, and
Maryland emphasize the need for stratification of facilities based on levels of
maternal care that are distinct from
neonatal needs, but use inconsistent
definitions and nomenclature: the Indiana Perinatal Networks guideline is
modeled after the March of Dimes
report and uses levels I, II, and III;22 the
Arizona system defines levels I, II, IIE,
and III of maternal care;23 and the
Maryland Perinatal System uses levels I,
II, III, and IV.24 Despite their differences,
an essential component of each of these
guidelines is the concept of an
260 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MARCH 2015
integrated system in which, just as with
neonatal care, level III and level IV
maternal centers serve level I and level
II centers by providing educational resources, consultation services, and
streamlined systems for maternal and
neonatal transport when necessary.
This document has 4 objectives:
(1) introduce uniform designations for
levels of maternal care that are complementary but distinct from levels of
neonatal care and that address maternal
health needs, thereby preventing further
increases in maternal morbidity and
mortality in the United States; (2) develop
standardized definitions and nomenclature for facilities that provide each level of
maternal care, including birth centers; (3)
provide consistent guidelines of service
according to level of maternal care for use
in quality improvement and health promotion; and (4) foster the development
and equitable geographic distribution of
full-service maternal care facilities and
systems that promote proactive integration of risk-appropriate antepartum,
intrapartum, and postpartum services.
This document focuses on maternal care
and does not include an in-depth discussion about high-risk neonatal care
capability based on gestational age or
birthweight. Nevertheless, optimal perinatal care requires synergy in institutional
capabilities for the woman and the fetus
or neonate.
Definitions of levels of maternal
In this document, maternal care refers
to all aspects of antepartum, intrapartum,
and postpartum care of the pregnant
woman. In order to standardize a complete and integrated system of perinatal
regionalization and risk-appropriate
maternal care, a classification system
should be established for levels of
maternal care that pertain to birth centers
(as defined in the Birth Centers section of
this document), basic care (level I), specialty care (level II), subspecialty care
(level III), and regional perinatal health
care centers (level IV) (Tables 1 and 2).
This system is in concert with ACOG and
AAP Guidelines for Perinatal Care, seventh edition.6 Although data on which to
base these distinctions in resources and
ACOG/SMFM Obstetric Care Consensus
Levels of maternal care: definitions, capabilities, and types of health care providersa
Peripartum care of low-risk women with uncomplicated singleton term pregnancies with a vertex presentation who
are expected to have an uncomplicated birth.
Capability and equipment to provide low-risk maternal care and a readiness at all times to initiate emergency
procedures to meet unexpected needs of the woman and newborn within the center, and to facilitate transport
to an acute care setting when necessary.
An established agreement with a receiving hospital with policies and procedures for timely transport.
Data collection, storage, and retrieval.
Ability to initiate quality improvement programs that include efforts to maximize patient safety.
Medical consultation available at all times.
Types of health care
Every birth attended by at least 2 professionals:
Primary maternal care providers. This includes CNMs, CMs, CPMs, and licensed midwives who are legally
recognized to practice within the jurisdiction of the birth center; family physicians; and ob-gyns.
Availability of adequate numbers of qualified professionals with competence in level I care criteria and ability to
stabilize and transfer high-risk women and newborns.
Examples of appropriate
Term, singleton, vertex presentation
patients (not requirements)
Care of uncomplicated pregnancies with the ability to detect, stabilize, and initiate management of unanticipated
maternalefetal or neonatal problems that occur during the antepartum, intrapartum, or postpartum period until
patient can be transferred to a facility at which specialty maternal care is available.
Birth center capabilities plus:
Ability to begin emergency cesarean delivery within a time interval that best incorporates maternal and fetal risks
and benefits with the provision of emergency care.
Available support services, including access to obstetric ultrasonography, laboratory testing, and blood bank
supplies at all times.
Protocols and capabilities for massive transfusion, emergency release of blood products, and management of
multiple component therapy.
Ability to establish formal transfer plans in partnership with a higher-level receiving facility.
Ability to initiate education and quality improvement programs to maximize patient safety, and/or collaborate with
higher-level facilities to do so.
Types of health care
Birthing center providers plus:
Continuous availability of adequate number of RNs with competence in level I care criteria and ability to stabilize
and transfer high-risk women and newborns.
Nursing leadership has expertise in perinatal nursing care.
Obstetric provider with privileges to perform emergency cesarean available to attend all deliveries.
Anesthesia services available to provide labor analgesia and surgical anesthesia.
Examples of appropriate
Any patient appropriate for a birth center, plus capable of managing higher-risk conditions such as:
patients (not requirements) Term twin gestation
Trial of labor after cesarean delivery
Uncomplicated cesarean delivery
Preeclampsia without severe features at term
Level I facility plus care of appropriate high-risk antepartum, intrapartum, or postpartum conditions, both directly
admitted and transferred from another facility.
Level I facility capabilities plus:
Computed tomography scan and ideally magnetic resonance imaging with interpretation available.
Basic ultrasonographic imaging services for maternal and fetal assessment.
Special equipment needed to accommodate the care and services needed for obese women.
ACOG. Levels of maternal care. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015.
MARCH 2015 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
ACOG/SMFM Obstetric Care Consensus
Levels of maternal care: definitions, capabilities, and types of health care providersa (continued)
Types of health care
Level I facility health care providers plus:
Continuous availability of adequate numbers of RNs with competence in level II care criteria and ability to stabilize
and transfer high-risk women and newborns who exceed level II care criteria.
Nursing leadership and staff have formal training and experience in the provision of perinatal nursing care and
should coordinate with respective neonatal care services.
Ob-gyn available at all times.
Director of obstetric service is a board-certified ob-gyn with special interest and experience in obstetric care.
MFM available for consultation onsite, by phone, or by telemedicine, as needed.
Anesthesia services available at all times to provide labor analgesia and surgical anesthesia.
Board-certified anesthesiologist with special training or experience in obstetric anesthesia available for consultation.
Medical and surgical consultants available to stabilize obstetric patients who have been admitted to the facility or
transferred from other facilities.
Examples of appropriate
Any patient appropriate for level I care, plus higher-risk conditions such as:
patients (not requirements) Severe preeclampsia
Placenta previa with no prior uterine surgery
Level II facility plus care of more complex maternal medical conditions, obstetric complications, and fetal conditions
Level II facility capabilities plus:
Advanced imaging services available at all times.
Ability to assist level I and level II centers with quality improvement and safety programs.
Provide perinatal system leadership if acting as a regional center in areas where level IV facilities are not available
(refer to level IV).
Medical and surgical ICUs accept pregnant women and have critical care providers onsite to actively collaborate
with MFMs at all times.
Appropriate equipment and personnel available onsite to ventilate and monitor women in labor and delivery until
they can be safely transferred to the ICU.
Types of health care
Level II health care providers plus:
Continuous availability of adequate numbers of nursing leaders and RNs with competence in level III care criteria and
ability to transfer and stabilize high-risk women and newborns who exceed level III care criteria, and with special
training and experience in the management of women with complex maternal illnesses and obstetric complications.
Ob-gyn available onsite at all times.
MFM with inpatient privileges available at all times, either onsite, by phone, or by telemedicine.
Director of MFM service is a board-certified MFM.
Director of obstetric service is a board-certified ob-gyn with special interest and experience in obstetric care.
Anesthesia services available at all times onsite.
Board-certified anesthesiologist with special training or experience in obstetric anesthesia in charge of obstetric
anesthesia services.
Full complement of subspecialists available for inpatient consultations.
Examples of appropriate
Any patient appropriate for level II care, plus higher-risk conditions such as:
patients (not requirements) Suspected placenta accreta or placenta previa with prior uterine surgery
Suspected placenta percreta
Adult respiratory syndrome
Expectant management of early severe preeclampsia at less than 34 weeks of gestation
Level III facility plus onsite medical and surgical care of the most complex maternal conditions and critically ill
pregnant women and fetuses throughout antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum care
Level III facility capabilities plus:
Onsite ICU care for obstetric patients.
Onsite medical and surgical care of complex maternal conditions with the availability of critical care unit or ICU beds.
Perinatal system leadership, including facilitation of maternal referral and transport, outreach education for facilities and health care providers in the region, and analysis and evaluation of regional data, including perinatal
complications and outcomes and quality improvement.
ACOG. Levels of maternal care. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015.
262 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MARCH 2015
ACOG/SMFM Obstetric Care Consensus
Levels of maternal care: definitions, capabilities, and types of health care providersa (continued)
Types of health care
Level III health care providers plus:
MFM care team with expertise to assume responsibility for pregnant women and women in the postpartum period
who are in critical condition or have complex medical conditions. This includes comanagement of ICU-admitted
obstetric patients. MFM team member with full privileges is available at all times for onsite consultation and
management. The team is led by a board-certified MFM with expertise in critical care obstetrics.
Physician and nursing leaders with expertise in maternal critical care.
Continuous availability of adequate numbers of RNs who have experience in the care of women with complex
medical illnesses and obstetric complications; this includes competence in level IV care criteria.
Director of obstetric service is a board-certified MFM, or board-certified ob-gyn with expertise in critical care obstetrics.
Anesthesia services are available at all times onsite.
Board-certified anesthesiologist with special training or experience in obstetric anesthesia in charge of obstetric
anesthesia services.
Adult medical and surgical specialty and subspecialty consultants available onsite at all times to collaborate with
an MFM care team.
Examples of appropriate
Any patient appropriate for level III care, plus higher-risk conditions such as:
patients (not requirements) Severe maternal cardiac conditions
Severe pulmonary hypertension or liver failure
Pregnant women requiring neurosurgery or cardiac surgery
Pregnant women in unstable condition and in need of an organ transplant
CMs, certified midwives; CNMs, certified nurseemidwives; CPMs, certified professional midwives; ICU, intensive care unit; MFM, maternalefetal medicine subspecialists; ob-gyns, obstetrician
egynecologists; RNs, registered nurses.
These guidelines are limited to maternal needs. Consideration of perinatal needs and the appropriate level of care should occur following existing guidelines. In fact, levels of maternal care and
levels of neonatal care may not match within facilities. Additionally, these are guidelines, and local issues will affect systems of implementation for regionalized maternal care, perinatal care, or
Data adapted from American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Fetus and Newborn.7
ACOG. Levels of maternal care. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015.
capacity for maternal care are limited, the
definitions were created from the characteristics of successful regionalized
perinatal systems in a number of states
(Background section). In this context,
regionalized perinatal systems represent a
combination of maternal and neonatal services. Establishing clear, uniform
maternal centers that are integrated
with emergency response systems will
help ensure that the appropriate
personnel, physical space, equipment,
and technology are available to achieve
optimal outcomes, as well as to facilitate
subsequent data collection regarding
risk-appropriate care. Trauma is not integrated into the levels of maternal care
because trauma levels are already established. Pregnant women should
receive the same level of trauma care as
nonpregnant patients. This document
addresses the care provided at birth centers and hospitals, but home birth is not
Once levels of maternal care are
established, analysis of data collected
from all facilities and regional systems
will inform future updates to the levels
of maternal care. Consistent with the
levels of neonatal care published by the
AAP,7 each level reflects required minimal capabilities, physical facilities, and
medical and support personnel. Note
that each higher level of care includes
and builds on the capabilities of the
lower levels. As with the AAP-defined
levels of neonatal care, the system will
be modified as analysis is completed.
The goal of regionalized maternal care
is for pregnant women at high risk
to receive care in facilities that are prepared to provide the required level of
specialized care. Each facility should
have a clear understanding of its capability to handle increasingly complex
levels of maternal care, and should have
a well-defined threshold for transferring
women to health care facilities that
offer a higher level of care. These
proposed categories of maternal care are
meant to facilitate this process. These
guidelines also are intended to foster the
development of equitably distributed
resources throughout the country.
These are guidelines, not mandates, and
geographic and local issues will affect
systems of implementation for regionalized perinatal care. In fact, levels of
maternal and neonatal care may not
match within facilities. However, a
pregnant woman should be cared for at
the facility that best meets her needs
as well as her neonate’s needs. Because
all facilities cannot maintain the breadth
of resources available at subspecialty
centers, interfacility transport of pregnant women or women in the postpartum period is an essential component
of a regionalized perinatal health care
system. To ensure optimal care of all
pregnant women, all birth centers, hospitals, and higher-level facilities should
collaborate to develop and maintain
maternal and neonatal transport plans
MARCH 2015 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Levels of maternal care by services
Level of maternal care
Required service
Birth centers
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Adequate numbers of
qualified professionals
with competence in
level I care criteria
Continuously available RNs
with competence in level I
care criteria
Nursing leadership has
expertise in perinatal
nursing care
Continuously available RNs
with competence in level II
care criteria
Nursing leadership has formal
training and experience in
perinatal nursing care and
coordinates with respective
neonatal care services
Continuously available nursing
leaders and RNs with competence
in level III care criteria and have
special training and experience
in the management of women
with complex maternal illnesses
and obstetric complications
Continuously available RNs with
competence in level IV care criteria
Nursing leadership has expertise in
maternal intensive and critical care
Minimum primary
delivery provider
to be available
CNMs, CMs, CPMs, and
licensed midwives
Obstetric provider with
privileges to perform
emergency cesarean
Ob-gyns or MFMs
Ob-gyns or MFMs
Ob-gyns or MFMs
Available for emergency
cesarean delivery
Ob-gyn available at all times
Ob-gyn onsite at all times
Ob-gyn onsite at all times
Available for consultation onsite,
by phone, or by telemedicine,
as needed
Available at all times onsite,
by phone, or by telemedicine
with inpatient privileges
Available at all times for onsite
consultation and management
Director of obstetric
Board-certified ob-gyn with
experience and interest
in obstetrics
Board-certified ob-gyn with
experience and interest
in obstetrics
Board-certified MFM or
board-certified ob-gyn with
expertise in critical care obstetrics
Anesthesia services available
at all times
Board-certified anesthesiologist
with special training or experience
in obstetrics, available for
Anesthesia services available
at all times
Board-certified anesthesiologist
with special training or experience
in obstetrics is in charge of
obstetric anesthesia services
Anesthesia services available at all times
Board-certified anesthesiologist with
special training or experience in
obstetrics is in charge of obstetric
anesthesia services
Full complement of subspecialists
available for inpatient consultation,
including critical care, general
surgery, infectious disease,
hematology, cardiology, nephrology,
neurology, and neonatology
Adult medical and surgical specialty
and subspecialty consultants available
onsite at all times, including those
indicated in level III and advanced
neurosurgery, transplant, or
cardiac surgery
Obstetrics surgeon
Anesthesia services
Established agreement
with a receiving hospital
for timely transport,
including determination
of conditions necessitating
consultation and referral
ACOG. Levels of maternal care. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015.
Medical and surgical consultants
Established agreement
available to stabilize
with a higher-level
receiving hospital
for timely transport,
including determination
of conditions necessitating
consultation and referral
ACOG/SMFM Obstetric Care Consensus
264 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MARCH 2015
ACOG/SMFM Obstetric Care Consensus
and cooperative agreements capable
of managing the health care needs
of women who develop complications;
receiving hospitals should openly
accept transfers. The appropriate care
level for patients should be driven by
their medical need for that care and
not limited by financial constraint.
Because of the importance of accurate
data for the assessment of outcomes,
all facilities should have requirements
for data collection, storage, and
An important goal of regionalized
maternal care is for higher-level facilities to provide training for quality
improvement initiatives, educational
support, and severe morbidity and
mortality case review for lower-level
hospitals. In those regions that do
not have a facility that qualifies as a
level IV center, any level III facilities in
the region should provide the educational and consultation function (Table 3 and Appendix).
ACOG. Levels of maternal care. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015.
Collaborates actively with the MFM care
team in the management of all pregnant
women and women in the postpartum
period who are in critical condition or
have complex medical conditions
Comanages ICU-admitted obstetric
patients with MFM team
Appropriate equipment and personnel
available onsite to ventilate and
monitor women in labor and delivery
until safely transferred to ICU
Accepts pregnant women
CMs, certified midwives; CNMs, certified nurseemidwives; CPMs, certified professional midwives; ICU, intensive care unit; MFMs, maternalefetal medicine specialists; ob-gyns, obstetricianegynecologists; RNs, registered nurses.
Level IV
Level I
Birth centers
Required service
Level of maternal care
Levels of maternal care by services (continued)
Level II
Level III
Birth centers
In 1995, the American Association of
Birth Centers (
defined birth centers as “a homelike
facility existing within a healthcare
system with a program of care
designed in the wellness model of
pregnancy and birth. Birth centers
provide family-centered care for
healthy women before, during and
after normal pregnancy, labor and
birth.” This common definition is
used in this document and includes
birth centers regardless of their location. Birth centers provide peripartum
care to low-risk women with uncomplicated singleton term pregnancies
with a vertex presentation who are
expected to have an uncomplicated
birth. Cesarean delivery or operative
vaginal delivery are not offered at birth
In a freestanding birth center, every
birth should be attended by at least 2
professionals. The primary maternity
care provider that attends each birth
is educated and licensed to provide
birthing services. Primary maternity
care providers include certified
nurseemidwives (CNMs), certified
midwives, certified professional midwives, and licensed midwives who are legally recognized to practice within the
jurisdiction of the birth center;
family physicians; and obstetriciane
gynecologists. In addition, there should
be adequate numbers of qualified professionals available who have completed
orientation and demonstrated competence in the care of obstetric patients
(women and fetuses) consistent with
level I care criteria and are able to stabilize
and transfer high-risk women and newborns. Medical consultation should be
available at all times. These facilities
should be ready to initiate emergency
procedures (including cardiopulmonary
and newborn resuscitation and stabilization) at all times,7 to meet unexpected
needs of the woman and newborn
within the center, and to facilitate transport to an acute care setting when necessary. To ensure optimal care of all women,
a birth center should have a clear understanding of its capability to provide
maternal and neonatal care and the
threshold at which it should transfer
women to a facility with a higher level of
care. A birth center should have an
established agreement with a receiving
hospital and have policies and procedures in place for timely transport.
These transfer plans should include risk
identification; determination of conditions necessitating consultation; referral
and transfer; and a reliable, accurate, and
comprehensive communication system
between participating facilities and
transport teams. All facilities should
have quality improvement programs
that include efforts to maximize patient
Birth center facility licenses currently are
available in more than 80% of states in the
United States and state requirements for
accreditation for birth centers vary. Three
national agencies (Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care [www.], The JointCommission [www.], and The Commission for the Accreditation of Birth
Centers [www.birthcenteraccreditation.
org/]) provide accreditation of birth centers. The Commission for the Accreditation of Birth Centers is the only accrediting
agency that chooses to use the national
MARCH 2015 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
ACOG/SMFM Obstetric Care Consensus
American Association of Birth Centers
Standards for Birth Centers in its accreditation process.
Level I facilities (basic care)
Level I facilities (basic care) provide
care to women who are low risk and
are expected to have an uncomplicated
birth (Table 1). Level I facilities have
the capability to perform routine intrapartum and postpartum care that is
anticipated to be uncomplicated.6 As
in birth centers, maternity care providers, midwives, family physicians, or
obstetricianegynecologists should be
available to attend all births. Adequate
numbers of registered nurses (RNs) are
available who have completed orientation, demonstrated competence in the
care of obstetric patients (women and
fetuses) consistent with level I care
criteria, and are able to stabilize and
transfer high-risk women and newborns. Nursing leadership should have
expertise in perinatal nursing care.
An obstetric provider with privileges to
perform an emergency cesarean delivery
should be available to attend deliveries.
Anesthesia services should be available
to provide labor analgesia and surgical
anesthesia. Level I facilities have the
capability to begin an emergency cesarean delivery within a time interval that
best incorporates maternal and fetal
risks and benefits with the provision
of emergency care.6,25 Support services
include access to obstetric ultrasonography, laboratory testing, and blood
bank supplies at all times. All hospitals
with obstetric services should have protocols and capabilities in place for
massive transfusion, emergency release
of blood products (before full compatibility testing is complete), and for
management of multiple component
therapy. These facilities and health
care providers can appropriately
detect, stabilize, and initiate management of unanticipated maternal, fetal,
or neonatal problems that occur during
the antepartum, intrapartum, or postpartum period until the patient can
be transferred to a facility at which specialty maternal care is available. To
ensure optimal care of all pregnant
women, formal transfer plans should
be established in partnership with a
higher-level receiving facility. These
plans should include risk identification;
determination of conditions necessitating consultation; referral and transfer;
and a reliable, accurate, and comprehensive communication system between
participating hospitals and transport
teams.6 All facilities should have education and quality improvement programs
to maximize patient safety, provide such
programs through collaboration with
facilities with higher levels of care that
receive transfers, or both. Examples of
women who need at least level I care
include women with term twin gestation; women attempting trial of labor
after cesarean delivery; women expecting
an uncomplicated cesarean delivery; and
women with preeclampsia without severe features at term.
Level II facilities (specialty care)
Level II facilities (specialty care) provide
care to appropriate high-risk pregnant
women, both admitted and transferred
to the facility. In addition to the capabilities of a level I (basic care) facility,
level II facilities should have the infrastructure for continuous availability of
adequate numbers of RNs who have
demonstrated competence in the care of
obstetric patients (women and fetuses).
Orientation and demonstrated competence should be consistent with level II
care criteria and include stabilization
and transfer of high-risk women and
newborns who exceed level II care
criteria. The nursing leaders and staff at
a level II facility should have formal
training and experience in the provision
of perinatal nursing care and should
coordinate with respective neonatal
care services. Although midwives and
family physicians may practice in level II
facilities, an attending obstetriciane
gynecologist should be available at all
times. A board-certified obstetriciane
gynecologist with special interest and
experience in obstetric care should be
the director of obstetric services. Access
to a maternalefetal medicine subspecialist for consultation should be available onsite, by phone, or by telemedicine
as needed. Anesthesia services should
be available at all times to provide
266 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MARCH 2015
labor analgesia and surgical anesthesia.
A board-certified anesthesiologist with
special training or experience in obstetric anesthesia should be available for
consultation. Support services include
level I capabilities plus computed tomography scan and, ideally, magnetic
resonance imaging with interpretation
available; basic ultrasonographic imaging services for maternal and fetal
assessment; and special equipment
needed to accommodate the care and
services needed for obese women.6
Medical and surgical consultants
should be available to stabilize obstetric
patients who have been admitted to the
facility or transferred from other facilities. Examples of women who need at
least level II care include women with
severe preeclampsia and women with
placenta previa with no prior uterine
Level III facilities (subspecialty care)
Level III facilities (subspecialty care)
provide all level I (basic care) and level II
(specialty care) services, and have subspecialists available onsite, by phone, or
by telemedicine to assist in providing
care for more complex maternal and
fetal conditions. Level III facilities will
function as the regional perinatal health
care centers for some areas of the United
States if there are no level IV facilities
available. In these areas, the level III facilities will be responsible for the leadership, facilitation of transport and
referral, educational outreach, and data
collection and analysis outlined in the
Regionalization section discussed later in
this document.
Designation of level III should be
based on the demonstrated experience
and capability of the facility to provide
comprehensive management of severe
maternal and fetal complications. An
obstetricianegynecologist is available
onsite at all times and a maternalefetal
medicine subspecialist is available at
all times, either onsite, by phone, or
by telemedicine, and should have inpatient privileges. The director of the
maternalefetal medicine service should
be a board-certified maternalefetal
medicine subspecialist. A board-certified
obstetricianegynecologist with special
ACOG/SMFM Obstetric Care Consensus
Summary and recommendations for levels of maternal care
Grade of
Summary and recommendations
In order to standardize a complete and integrated system of perinatal regionalization and risk-appropriate maternal
care, a classification system should be established for levels of maternal care that pertain to birth centers (as defined
in the Birth Centers section of this document), basic care (level I), specialty care (level II), subspecialty care (level III),
and regional perinatal health care centers (level IV).
Strong recommendation,
low quality evidence
Introduce uniform designations for levels of maternal care that are complementary but distinct from levels of
neonatal care.
Strong recommendation,
low quality evidence
Establishing clear, uniform criteria for designation of maternal centers that are integrated with emergency response
systems will help ensure that the appropriate personnel, physical space, equipment, and technology are available to
achieve optimal outcomes, as well as to facilitate subsequent data collection regarding risk-appropriate care.
Strong recommendation,
low quality evidence
Each facility should have a clear understanding of its capability to handle increasingly complex levels of maternal
care, and should have a well-defined threshold for transferring women to health care facilities that offer a higher
level of care. To ensure optimal care of all pregnant women, all birth centers, hospitals, and higher-level facilities
should collaborate to develop and maintain maternal and neonatal transport plans and cooperative agreements
capable of managing the health care needs of women who develop complications; receiving hospitals should
openly accept transfers.
Strong recommendation,
low quality evidence
Higher-level facilities should provide training for quality improvement initiatives, educational support, and severe
morbidity and mortality case review for lower-level hospitals. In those regions that do not have a facility that qualifies
as a level IV center, any level III facilities in the region should provide the educational and consultation function.
Strong recommendation,
low quality evidence
Facilities and regional systems should develop methods to track severe maternal morbidity and mortality to assess the
efficacy of utilizing maternal levels of care.
Strong recommendation,
low quality evidence
Analysis of data collected from all facilities and regional systems will inform future updates to the levels of
maternal care.
Strong recommendation,
low quality evidence
Follow-up interdisciplinary work groups are needed to further explore the implementation needs to adopt the
proposed classification system for levels of maternal care in all facilities that provide maternal care.
Strong recommendation,
low quality evidence
ACOG. Levels of maternal care. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015.
interest and experience in obstetric care
should direct obstetric services. Anesthesia services should be available at
all times onsite. A board-certified anesthesiologist with special training or
experience in obstetric anesthesia
should be in charge of obstetric anesthesia services. A full complement of
subspecialists, including subspecialists
in critical care, general surgery, infectious disease, hematology, cardiology,
nephrology, neurology, and neonatology
should be available for inpatient consultations. An onsite intensive care unit
(ICU) should accept pregnant women
and have critical care providers onsite to
actively collaborate with maternalefetal
specialists at all times. Equipment and
personnel with expertise must be available
onsite to ventilate and monitor women in
the labor and delivery unit until they can
be safely transferred to the ICU.
Level III facilities have nursing
leaders and adequate numbers of RNs
who have completed orientation and
demonstrated competence in the care of
obstetric patients (women and fetuses)
consistent with level III care criteria,
including transfer of high-risk women
and newborns who exceed level III care
criteria, and who have special training
and experience in the management of
women with complex maternal illnesses
and obstetric complications. These
nursing personnel continuously are
available. Level III facilities should be
able to provide imaging services
including basic interventional radiology,
maternal echocardiography, computed
imaging, and nuclear medicine imaging
with interpretation should be available at
all times. Level III facilities should have
the ability to perform detailed obstetric
ultrasonography and fetal assessment,
including Doppler studies. These facilities also should provide evaluation of
new technologies and therapies. Examples of women who need at least level III
care include those women with extreme
risk of massive hemorrhage at delivery,
such as those with suspected placenta
accreta or placenta previa with prior
uterine surgery; women with suspected
placenta percreta; women with adult
respiratory distress syndrome; and
women with rapidly evolving disease,
such as planned expectant management
of severe preeclampsia at less than 34
weeks of gestation.
MARCH 2015 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
ACOG/SMFM Obstetric Care Consensus
Level IV facilities (regional perinatal
health care centers)
Level IV facilities (regional perinatal
health care centers) include the capabilities of level I, level II, and level III facilities with additional capabilities
and considerable experience in the care
of the most complex and critically ill
pregnant women throughout antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum
care. Although level III and level IV may
seem to overlap, a level IV facility is
distinct from a level III facility in the
approach to the care of pregnant women
and women in the postpartum period
with complex and critical illnesses. In
addition to having ICU care onsite for
obstetric patients, a level IV facility
must have evidence of a maternalefetal
medicine care team that has the expertise
to assume responsibility for pregnant
women and women in the postpartum
period who are in critical condition or
have complex medical conditions. The
maternalefetal medicine team collaborates actively in the comanagement of all
obstetric patients who require critical
care and ICU services. This includes
comanagement of ICU-admitted obstetric patients. A maternalefetal medicine team member with full privileges is
available at all times for onsite consultation and management. The team
should be led by a board-certified
maternalefetal medicine subspecialist
with expertise in critical care obstetrics.
The maternalefetal medicine team must
have expertise in critical care at the
physician level, nursing level, and ancillary services level. A key principle of
caring for critically ill pregnant and
peripartum women is the facility’s
recognition of the need for seamless
communication between maternalefetal
medicine subspecialists and other subspecialists in the planning and facilitation of care for women with the most
high-risk complications of pregnancy.
There should be institutional support for
the routine involvement of a maternale
fetal medicine care team with the critical
care units and specialists. There also
should be a commitment to having
physician and nursing leaders with
and critical care, as well as adequate
numbers of available RNs in level IV
facilities who have experience in the
care of women with complex medical
illnesses and obstetric complications;
this includes completed orientation,
demonstrated competence in the care of
obstetric patients (women and fetuses)
consistent with level IV care criteria.
The director of obstetric services is
a board-certified maternalefetal medicine subspecialist or a board-certified
obstetricianegynecologist with expertise in critical care obstetrics. As in level
III facilities, anesthesia services are
available onsite at all times. A boardcertified anesthesiologist with special
training or experience in obstetric anesthesia should be in charge of obstetric
anesthesia services. Level IV facilities
should include the capability for onsite
medical and surgical care of complex
maternal conditions (eg, congenital
maternal cardiac lesions, vascular injuries, neurosurgical emergencies, and
transplants) with the availability of critical (or intensive) care unit beds. There
should be adult medical and surgical
specialty and subspecialty consultants (a
minimum of those listed in level III)
available onsite at all times to collaborate
with the maternalefetal medicine care
team. The designation of level IV also
may pertain only to a particular specialty
in that advanced neurosurgery, transplant, and cardiovascular capabilities
may not all be available in the same
regional facility. Examples of women
who would need level IV care (at least at
the time of delivery) include pregnant
women with severe maternal cardiac
conditions, severe pulmonary hypertension, or liver failure; pregnant
women in need of neurosurgery or cardiac surgery; or pregnant women in
unstable condition and in need of an
organ transplant.
Regional centers, which include any level
III facility that functions in this capacity
and all level IV facilities, should coordinate regional perinatal health
care services; provide outreach education to facilities and health care providers in their region; and provide
analysis and evaluation of regional data,
268 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MARCH 2015
including perinatal complications and
outcomes, as part of collaboration with
lower-level care facilities in the region.
Community outreach and data analysis
and evaluation will require additional
resources in personnel and equipment
within these facilities.
Although specific supporting data
are not currently available in maternal
health, it is believed that concentrating
the care of women with the most
complex pregnancies at designated
regional perinatal health care centers
will allow these centers to maintain the
expertise needed to achieve optimal
outcomes. Regionalization of maternal
health care services requires that there
be available and coordinated specialized services, professional continuing
education to maintain competency,
facilitation of opportunities for transport and back-transport, and collection
of data on long-term outcomes to
evaluate the effectiveness of delivery of
perinatal health care services and the
safety and efficacy of new therapies.
Because the health statuses of women
and fetuses may differ, referral should
be organized to meet the needs of
both. In some cases with specific care
needs, optimal coordination of care
will not be delineated by geographic
area, but rather by availability of specific expertise (eg, transplant services
or fetal surgery).
Measurement and evaluation of
regionalized maternal care
Implicit in the effort to establish levels
of maternal care is the goal to provide
the best possible maternal outcomes, as
well as ongoing quality improvement.
If levels of maternal care improve care,
then ensuring that appropriate transfer
of women occurs should be associated
with a decrease in preventable maternal
severe morbidities and mortality. There
also should be a shift toward less severe
morbidity in lower-level care facilities.
Therefore, facilities and regional systems
should develop methods to track severe
maternal morbidity and mortality to
assess the efficacy of utilizing maternal
levels of care.
Operational definitions are needed
to compare data and outcomes
between levels of maternal care. However, waiting for the precise measure
before establishing tiered levels of care
invites unnecessary delay. Therefore,
two constructs to implement with the
utilization of levels of maternal care are
proposed: (1) identify women at extreme
risk of morbidity and (2) identify severe
morbidity outcomes that may improve
with appropriate use of maternal levels
of care. Some women at extreme risk
of severe morbidities, such as stroke,
cardiopulmonary failure, or massive
hemorrhage, can be identified during the
antepartum period and should give
birth in the appropriate level hospital.
Examples of such women include those
with suspected placenta accreta or
placenta percreta; prior cesarean birth
and current anterior previa; severe heart
disease such as complex cardiac malformations and pulmonary hypertension,
coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathy; severe preeclampsia with uncontrollable hypertension; and preterm
HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated
liver enzymes, low platelet count).
Outcome morbidities that may improve with appropriate use of levels of
maternal care include stroke, returns to
the operating room, massive transfusions, severe maternal morbidity, and
potential ICU admissions. The incidence
of these outcomes could decrease or be
shifted from lower-level to higher-level
hospitals. For example, known placenta
accreta has the potential for massive
blood loss and need for advanced surgical services, which are best available at
facilities with a high designated level
of care. Expectant management of
severe early preeclampsia, septic shock,
and pulmonary hypertension are other
examples of conditions that require
considerable resources likely best available at facilities with a high designated
level of care. Although the development
of comprehensive lists of what conditions comprise extreme morbidity
risks and what outcomes ought to
be measured currently is an evolving
process, prospective measurement with
continuous monitoring and evaluation
of any regionalized maternal care system
is critical to improvement in care processes and outcomes.
ACOG/SMFM Obstetric Care Consensus
Determination and implementation of
levels of maternal care
Many barriers to the implementation
of levels of maternal care may need to
be overcome. The development of the
classification system is the first step;
the next step, is the implementation of
this concept in all facilities that provide
maternal care. The questions of whether
to have state-level or national-level
accrediting bodies establish and set
these proposed levels of maternal care, as
well as how to provide the financing
needed to run them, are unanswered.
Follow-up interdisciplinary work groups
are needed to further explore the implementation needs to adopt the proposed classification system for levels
of maternal care in all facilities that
provide maternal care.
The determination of the appropriate
level of care to be provided by a given
facility should be guided by local and
state health care regulations, national
accreditation and professional organization guidelines, and identified regional
perinatal health care service needs.6 State
and regional authorities should work
together with the multiple institutions
within a region to determine the appropriate coordinated system of care.
This document has been endorsed by the
following organizations:
American Association of Birth Centers
American College of Nurse-Midwives
Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and
Neonatal Nurses
Commission for the Accreditation of Birth
The American Academy of Pediatrics leadership,
the American Society of Anesthesiologists
leadership, and the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology leadership have
reviewed the opinion and are supportive of the
Levels of Maternal Care.
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6. Guidelines for perinatal care, 7th ed. Elk
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Gynecologists; 2012.
7. Levels of neonatal care. American Academy
of Pediatrics Committee on Fetus and Newborn.
Pediatrics 2012;130:587-97.
8. American Hospital Association. AHA guide to
the health care field, 2015 ed. Chicago, IL: AHA;
9. Hankins GD, Clark SL, Pacheco LD,
O’Keeffe D, D’Alton M, Saade GR. Maternal
mortality, near misses, and severe morbidity:
lowering rates through designated levels of
maternity care. Obstet Gynecol 2012;120:
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levels and causes of maternal mortality during
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12. Berg CJ, Callaghan WM, Syverson C,
Henderson Z. Pregnancy-related mortality in the
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13. Callaghan WM, Creanga AA, Kuklina EV.
Severe maternal morbidity among delivery and
postpartum hospitalizations in the United States.
Obstet Gynecol 2012;120:1029-36.
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1999e2010. Centers for Disease Control and
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2013;62(suppl 3):120-8.
16. Kyser KL, Lu X, Santillan DA, et al. The association between hospital obstetrical volume
and maternal postpartum complications. Am J
Obstet Gynecol 2012;207:42.e1-7.
17. Janakiraman V, Lazar J, Joynt KE, Jha AK.
Hospital volume, provider volume, and
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complications after childbirth in U.S. hospitals.
Obstet Gynecol 2011;118:521-7.
18. Eller AG, Bennett MA, Sharshiner M,
Masheter C, Soisson AP, Dodson M, et al.
Maternal morbidity in cases of placenta accreta
managed by a multidisciplinary care team
compared with standard obstetric care. Obstet
Gynecol 2011;117:331-7.
19. Wright JD, Herzog TJ, Shah M, Bonanno C,
Lewin SN, Cleary K, et al. Regionalization of care
for obstetric hemorrhage and its effect on
maternal mortality. Obstet Gynecol 2010;115:
20. Olive EC, Roberts CL, Algert CS, Morris JM.
Placenta praevia: maternal morbidity and place
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21. Sullivan SA, Hill EG, Newman RB,
Menard MK. Maternal-fetal medicine specialist
density is inversely associated with maternal
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22. Indiana Perinatal Network. Indiana perinatal
hospital standards. Indianapolis, IN: IPN 2012.
Available at:
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23. Arizona Perinatal Regional System Inc.
270 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MARCH 2015
perinatal and freestanding neonatal care centers in Arizona, 3rd ed. Casa Grande, AZ:
APRS; 2012.
24. Maryland Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene. The Maryland perinatal system standards: recommendations of the Perinatal Clinical
Advisory Committee. Baltimore, MD: DHMH;
2014. Available at: http://phpa.dhmh.maryland.
Standards_2013.pdf. Accessed Oct. 24, 2014.
25. Vaginal birth after previous cesarean
delivery. ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 115.
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol 2010;116:
ACOG/SMFM Obstetric Care Consensus
Society for MaternaleFetal Medicine grading system: grading of recommendations assessment, development,
and evaluation (GRADE) recommendations
Obstetric Care Consensus documents will use Society for MaternaleFetal Medicine grading approach:
Recommendations are classified as either strong (grade 1) or weak (grade 2), and quality of evidence is classified as high (grade A), moderate
(grade B), and low (grade C).a Thus, recommendations can be 1 of following 6 possibilities: 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C
Grade of
Clarity of risk
recommendation and benefit
Quality of supporting
Benefits clearly outweigh
1A. Strong
recommendation, risk and burdens,
or vice versa.
Consistent evidence from
well-performed randomized
controlled trials or overwhelming
evidence of some other form.
Further research is unlikely to
change confidence in estimate
of benefit and risk.
Strong recommendations, can apply
to most patients in most circumstances
without reservation. Clinicians should
follow a strong recommendation unless
a clear and compelling rationale for an
alternative approach is present.
Benefits clearly outweigh
1B. Strong
recommendation, risk and burdens,
moderate-quality or vice versa.
Evidence from randomized controlled
trials with important limitations
(inconsistent results, methodological
flaws, indirect or imprecise), or very
strong evidence of some other research
design. Further research (if performed)
is likely to have impact on confidence
in estimate of benefit and risk and may
change estimate.
Strong recommendation, and applies to
most patients. Clinicians should follow
strong recommendation unless clear
and compelling rationale for alternative
approach is present.
Benefits appear to outweigh
1C. Strong
recommendation, risk and burdens,
or vice versa.
Evidence from observational studies,
unsystematic clinical experience, or
from randomized controlled trials with
serious flaws. Any estimate of effect
is uncertain.
Strong recommendation, and applies to
most patients. Some of evidence base
supporting recommendation is, however,
of low quality.
Benefits closely balanced
2A. Weak
recommendation, with risks and burdens.
Consistent evidence from well-performed
randomized controlled trials or overwhelming
evidence of some other form. Further
research is unlikely to change confidence
in estimate of benefit and risk.
Weak recommendation, best action
may differ depending on circumstances
or patients or societal values.
2B. Weak
Benefits closely balanced
with risks and burdens;
some uncertainty in
estimates of benefits,
risks, and burdens.
Evidence from randomized controlled trials
with important limitations (inconsistent results,
methodological flaws, indirect or imprecise),
or very strong evidence of some other research
design. Further research (if performed) is likely
to have effect on confidence in estimate of
benefit and risk and may change estimate.
Weak recommendation, alternative
approaches likely to be better for
some patients under some
2C. Weak
Uncertainty in estimates
of benefits, risks, and
burdens; benefits may
be closely balanced with
risks and burdens.
Evidence from observational studies,
unsystematic clinical experience, or from
randomized controlled trials with serious
flaws. Any estimate of effect is uncertain.
Very weak recommendation, other
alternatives may be equally reasonable.
Best practice
Recommendation in which either: (i) there is enormous amount of indirect evidence that clearly justifies strong recommendation
(direct evidence would be challenging, and inefficient use of time and resources, to bring together and carefully summarize), or
(ii) recommendation to contrary would be unethical.
Modified from grading guide. In: UpToDate, Basow, DS (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA, 2013. Available at: Retrieved October 9, 2013.
Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Vist GE, Kunz R, Falck-Ytter Y, Alonso-Coello P, et al. GRADE: an emerging consensus on rating quality of evidence and strength of recommendations. GRADE Working
Group. BMJ 2008;336:924-6.
ACOG. Levels of maternal care. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015.
MARCH 2015 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology