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2014, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
5 pages
1 file
The aim of this work is to use the energy analysis based on the first law of thermodynamics to identify the locations and magnitudes of losses in order to maximise the performance of a 25 MW plant at Saukem Ltd., Porbandar to evaluate the overall plant, boiler, and turbine and subsystem efficiencies. Energy flows in a boiler have been shown in this paper. The boiler efficiency is calculated using indirect method after estimating the various heat losses in the boilers. From results the overall thermal efficiency of the plant by computing the individual efficiency of the boiler (79.4%), steam turbine (33.57%), and generator (98%) appears to be 26.2 %.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2014 The first law of Thermodynamics is used to analyze the energy utilization, but it is unable to account quality aspect of energy. The second law based thermodynamic analysis or exergy analysis assesses the energy on quantity as well as the quality and enables us to identify the magnitude and locations of real energy losses, to improve the existing systems or processes. The present paper deals with exergy analysis performed on an operating 23MW e unit of lignite and Indonesian coal fired cogeneration power plant at Nirma Limited, Bhavnagar. The exergy losses occurred in CFBC boiler combustor, heat recovery system and back pressure turbine have been calculated and distribution of the exergy losses during the real time plant running conditions has been assessed. The First law efficiency and the Second law efficiency of the components have also been calculated. The major exergy losses were found within the heat recovery system of the boiler.
energy sources
The very rapid growth of share of electricity generation from renewable sources is observed recent years. However, even if that share reaches about 50% in 2050, almost 50% of electricity will still be generated based on fossil fuels combustion rather than on nuclear energy. That means, energy generated from coal will still be important for the next decades. The largest sources of energy loses within the steam power plant is the steam cooling system. The energy dissipated to the atmosphere in that system is very difficult to be utilized mainly due to the relatively low temperature, and its direct utilization without additional equipment is rather impossible. The large amount of energy lost to the environment leads to low overall thermal efficiency of the plant, therefore, utilization of this energy should be of primary importance. The paper shows concept of increasing efficiency of cogeneration plant thermal cycle by utilisation of waste heat from flue gas with absorption heat pump, for the purpose of system heat generation. Calculations of combined system of power plant fuelled with biomass fuel with implemented waste heat utilisation system were performed for one heating season and different moisture content in the fuel. Results show, that owing to waste heat utilization instead of conventional heat exchanger, additional electricity generation during the heating season at even 46864 MWh may be achieved which is over 18% more for the moisture content in the biomass fuel at 0.5 kg/kg, the same ambient conditions and heat generation.
The world over, energy resources are getting scarcer and increasingly exorbitant with time. In India bridging the ever-widening gap between energy demand and supply by increasing supply is an expensive option. The share of energy costs in total production costs can, therefore improve profit levels in all the industries. This reduction can be achieved by improving the efficiency of Thermal power plant equipments. Energy analysis plays an important role in identifying energy conservation opportunities in the boilers, while they do not provide the final answer to the problem, they do help to identify potential for energy conservation and induces the companies to concentrate their efforts in this area in a focused manner. India is a developing country and the growth depends on the GDP. If GDP growth is expected to be 7% the power industry should grow at the rate of 9% per annum. The installed power generation capacity of India as on April 2014 is over 2, 45000 MW and 65% power generation takes place by combustion of coal [1]. The demand of power is increasing day by day and as coal is available in the ample quantity with cheaper rate as compared to other fuels, there is no option but to go for thermal power generation in India. The considerable rise in electricity demand throughout the world has resulted in enormous increase in power plant size and size of generating units. The expansion coupled with escalating cost of fuel has imposed an urgency to ensure that the boiler is operated and maintained as per the optimum conditions as possible. At current Indian coal prices, a loss of 1% in boiler efficiency will incur additional fuel cost. As the worst quality of coal is earmark for power generation in India the specific coal consumption and oil consumption also increases. It is of the paramount importance that power plant Engineers are aware of causes of poor efficiency and all the energy management techniques are to be used to improve the boiler efficiency. If the efficiency is improved we can conserve the energy resources of the power plant. Energy efficiency represents a cost-effective approach to raise the profitability, enhancing competitiveness and improving environmental performance. The efficiency of any equipment gives the idea of its performance. Achieving continued high performance and high availability of power plant equipments require the combined efforts of operation and maintenance Engineers [2]. The operation staff should maintain the recommended parameters for high efficiency and which leads to reduction in cost of power generation as the main component of cost per unit is the cost coal /fuel. Energy analysis of boilers helps the designers and operators to find the ways to optimize the performance of boilers for cost benefit of generation cost.
International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 2011
For the sustainable usage of fossil fuels; thermodynamic analysis allows for improvements not necessarily attainable via energy methods, like increased efficiency, reduced fuel use and reduced environmental emissions. The first law is widely used in engineering practice and is the basis of the heat-balance method of analysis that is commonly used in energy systems performance analysis. However, the second law involves the reversibility or irreversibility of processes and is a very important aspect in the exergy method of energy systems analysis. From this point of view, in this study, thermodynamic analysis of an actual diesel engine based cogeneration plant with a total capacity of 11.52 MW electrical powers, 9 t/h of steam and 140 t/h of hot water is carried out by analyzing the components of the system separately. Both the performance characteristics of the internal combustion engine unit and the supporting components in the plant are evaluated. The present study provides important information regarding exergetic performance of the entire plant and its components through exergy destructions and exergy efficiencies. Identifying the main sites of exergy destruction shows the direction for potential improvements. The exergetic performance results show that the diesel engine is the major component contributing most to the plant's total inefficiency, due to its inherent nature. The results show that 39.86% of the exergy entering the plant is converted to electrical power. The net steam production of the plant constitutes 8% of the total exergy input and the hot water production of the plant constitutes only 1.26% of the total exergy input. The remaining 50.88% of the exergy input is lost.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2014 In this paper an energy and exergy analysis of cogeneration power plant is presented. Most of the power plants are designed by an energetic performance criteria based on first law of thermodynamics only it gives an amount of energy inlet and outlet but it does not specify the quantity of energy losses in an environment. Real use of energy can justified by second law of thermodynamics which gives quality and quantity of energy at inlet and outlet. In this study an energy and exergy analysis of different components of coal based power plant is carried out and found out that and energy and exergy efficiency of boiler is 84.38% and 58.50% respectively.
Energy Conversion and Management, 1991
Al~rat't-This work describes the refinery gas turbine cogeneration plant, which is applied in the Arab Gulf area. The measurements have been used to calculate a number of important thermodynamic performance parameters for this plant. These parameters include the steam efficiency, electrical efficiency, net heat rate (NHR), power to heat ratio (PHR), and fuel saving rate (FSR). At full load, the steam and electrical efficiencies are 53.3 and 28%, respectively, the NHR is equal to 1.33, the PHR is equal to 0.525, and FSR is 0.614. When the plant is operated at part load, all values of thermodynamic parameters are decreased except NHR, which increases to 1.514. The break-even analysis method is presented for the economic analysis. By this method, the total annual cost (TAC) and total annual revenue (TAR) are plotted against the operation hours in a year. The point at which the TAC line crosses the TAR line is called the break-even point in hours of operation. In cases where output is constant (at full load) over the time period considered, the break-even point is 2442 h. When the cogeneration plant runs at different loads, the break-even point is 2926 h. The break-even analysis is used to understand the effects of the variations in fixed and variable costs on the break-even point in hours.
The first law of thermodynamics is a useful tool for thermodynamics processes analysis. The exergy analysis of a conventional steam power plant was done. This analysis is based on first and second law of thermodynamics. In the present paper, a conventional steam power plant was investigated using a thermoeconomic analysis. Having done this analysis the inefficient components of a steam power plant cycle was identified. In this analysis, it was assumed that the cycle components are adiabatic and the potential and kinetic terms of exergy were negligible. The exergy analysis combined with the economical aspects. These aspects include capital investment cost, fuel cost and operating and maintenance cost for evaluation of final cost of product. According to this calculation exergy destruction cost of each component in the cycle and their role were evaluated. Based on these results the effect of the component efficiency on the final cost of the product and performance revealed. Effect of main steam temperature, reheated temperature, condenser pressure and number of the feed water heaters on cycle performance and final electrical power cost were also determined.
— Energy analysis helps designers to find ways to improve the performance of a system in a many way. Most of the conventional energy losses optimization method are iterative in nature and require the interpretation of the designer at each iteration. Typical steady state plant operation conditions were determined based on available trending data and the resulting condition of the operation hours. The energy losses from individual components in the plant is calculated based on these operating conditions to determine the true system losses. In this, first law of thermodynamics analysis was performed to evaluate efficiencies and various energy losses. In addition, variation in the percentage of carbon in coal content increases the overall efficiency of plant that shows the economic optimization of plant.
SIMEC 2017, 2017
In this study, energy analysis for a 210 MW steam power plant is carried out. The plant works on reheat, regenerative Rankine cycle and is situated in Karachi, Pakistan. Primary objective of the analysis is to examine power plant components separately and to identify the sites having largest energy losses. 'Energy loss (MW)' and 'percentage energy loss to fuel energy input' have been calculated for three major components of the plant, i.e., condenser, boiler and turbine. It was found that the major energy loss is from condenser equivalent to 44% of total fuel energy input.
Despite of growth of renewable energy stations installations like wind, solar, Tidal power, the energy for the world depends heavily on fossil fuels for electricity generation. It is also expected to continue the dependence on fossil fuels for next few decades. Therefore, given the continued reliance on the fossil fuels for some time, it is important to note these plants must reduce their environmental impact by operating fossil fuels more efficiently. Two types of analysis namely, energy and exergy analysis can be developed for the system. Energy analysis based on first law of thermodynamics cannot be applied as it cannot justify the real useful energy loss because it does not differentiate between the quality and quantity of energy within the system. Whereas, exergy analysis will characterize the work potential of a system based on the second law of thermodynamics and the maximum work that can be obtained from the system when its state is brought to the reference or dead state (standard atmospheric conditions).This technical paper presents the results of exergy and energy analysis carried out on 62 MW coal-based thermal power plant to evaluate the performance. The performance of the plant was estimated by a component-wise modeling followed by a system simulation. A parametric study is conducted for the thermal plant under various operating conditions, including different operating condenser pressures, temperatures and flow rates of cooling water across the condenser etc, in order to determine which parameter that maximizes plant performance. Energy loss distribution to find out the amount and source of irreversibilities generated in boiler and turbine in a plant so that any process in the system having largest energy destruction can be identified and that helps the designer to re design the system components.
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