HR Project Recruitment Selection

A DISSERTATION REPORT ON “AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF Recruitment And Selection Process At Pragathi consultancy Services (PCS) Submitted to Periyar University in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Under the Guidance of Mr. Santosh Mr.GG Pai Branch Manager Faculty Guide Pragathi Consultancy Service Bangalore. Bangalore By Karthick S (Reg No 05DBIA1049) SSR College of Science , Commerce &MANAGEMENT Study Center:Periyar University BANGALORE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Dissertation Titled “An analytical study of Recruitment & Selection at Pragathi Consulatancy Services.” is based on an Original Project Study conducted by Mr.Karthick S of IV semester MBA Programme under the Guidance of Mr. GG.PAI This dissertation is based on original Research and has not formed basis for the award of any other Degree/Diploma By Periyar University. (GG Pai) Professor and Director-MBA CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Dissertation entitled “An analytical study of Recruitment And Selection Process Undertaken At Pragathi Consultancy Services. Bangalore Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration, Is a bonafide work carried out by Karthick S Reg No 05DBIA1047 Under my supervision and guidance and that no part of this report has been submitted for the award of any other Degree and the work has not been published in any scientific or popular magazines. Mr.Giri Course Co-ordinator, MBA STUDENT DECLARATION I hereby declare that the Project Report or the DISSERTATION entitled “An analytical study of Recruitment And Selection Process Undertaken at Pragathi consultancy Services (PCS) Under the Guidance of Mr. Santosh Avadhani Branch Manager Praghathi consultancy services Bangalore. Mr.GG Pai Faculty Guide SSRC Bangalore Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration, to Periyar University Is the result of my own effort and has not been submitted to any other institution for the award of any degree Place: Bangalore Date: Karthick S SSR College of Science , Commerce &MANAGEMENT Study Center:Periyar University BANGALORE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Dissertation entitled “ An analytical study of Recruitment And Selection Process in Praghathi Consultancy Services ” submitted by Karthick S in fulfillment to requirements for the Degree of Masters of Business Administration is based on the results carried out by her under my guidance and supervision. Bangalore Signature Date: GG Pai Faculty MBA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am pleased to record my gratitude and sincere thanks to my guide Prof. GG Pai faculty guide, SSRC, Bangalore for his sincere guidance and valuable assistance for completing this report. I would like to express my sincere thanks to mr.Giri Course coordinator SSRC, Bangalore-Periyar University for giving this opportunity. I also take this moment to express my gratitude to Mr.BV Raghunath , , HR & Admin Professional ,Bangalore. I am also indebted to my parents and friends for their support for completing this project successfully. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter No. Particulars Page No. Certificate from the Organization Certificate from the College Declaration Acknowledgement 1 Introduction 2 Company Profile 3 Research Methodology 4 Data Analysis 5 Findings From the Study 6 Suggestions and Recommendations 7 cONCLUSION 8 Bibliography 9 Annexure Introduction to HRM Evolution of HRM Earlier references: In western countries HRM had its primitive beginning in 1930s. Not much thought was given on this subject in particular and no written records or documents interesting to note HRM concepts was available, in ancient philosophies of Greek, Indian and Chinese. This is not to suggest that industrial establishment and factories system, as it is known today, existed in ancient Greece, India or china. The philosophy of managing human being, as a concept was found developed in ancient literatures in general and in Indian philosophy in particular. Personnel functions: Till 1930s, it was not felt necessary to have a separate discipline of management called “Personnel management”. In fact, this job was assigned as part of the factory manager. Adam Smith’s concept of factory was that it consists of three resources, land, labour and capital. This factory manager is expected to “procure, Process and peddle” labour as one of the resources. The first time when such a specialist “person” was used; it was to maintain a “buffer” between employer and employee to meet the “legitimate need” of employees. However, it is the employer who decided what is “legitimate need” of employees. In fact, the specialist “person” was more needed to prevent “unionization” of employees. This was the case before 1930-s all over the world. Environmental Influences on HRM: Since 1930s, certain developments took place, which greatly contributed, to the evolution and growth of Human Resources Management (HRM). These developments are given below: Scientific Management Labour Movements Government Regulations. Need for the Study : Shortage of skills. Skills and knowledge people are always on short supply. Alternatively they are too costly to hire from outside. The best alternative is to improve skill and knowledge of existing employees. Technological Obsolescence. Growth of technology takes places very fast. This will render current technology obsolete in the future. There is a great need to upgrade technology. This needs suitable training. Personal Obsolescence. At the time recruitment employees possess a certain of knowledge and skill. As time passes knowledge becomes obsolete, unless it is updated by proper training. This happens because of changes taking place in product technology, production methods, procurement of better machines, setting up of modern production lines, introduction of modern method of supervision and information processing through MIS and EDO.. Organization Obsolescence. Modern management has introduced a number of innovative steps in functions of management like planning, organizing, controlling, coordinating and directing. Organization which is impervious to such changes is bound to fail and become obsolete. Upgrading Ability of Threshold workers. Public policy provides reservation to disadvantaged sections of the society like handicapped, minorities and dependents of deceased workers etc. All these are threshold workers having less than minimum prescribed level of knowledge and skill. They require extensive training to bring them up to the minimum level of performance standard. Coercive training by government. In order to provide better employability chances of unemployed youth, certain governments taken initiative to mobilize resources available at pubic/government and private sectors to outside candidates. One such example is the “Apprentice Training ” conducted by govt. of India. A part of expenditure incurred for this by private sectors are reimbursed by government. Human capital The latest thinking is to treat employees as “human capital”. The expenditure involved is training and developments are now being considered as an investment. Scope of Human Resource Management The Scope of HRM is in deed fast. All major activities in the working life of worker from time of his entry in an organization until he / she leaves, come under the preview of HRM. Specifically, the activities included are Human Resource planning, Job analysis and design, Recruitment, Selection, Orientation and placement, Training and development, Performance appraisal and Job evaluation, employee and executive remuneration and communication, employee welfare, safety and health, industrial relations and the like. HRM is becoming a specialized branch giving rise to a number of specialized areas like : Staffing Welfare and Safety Wages and Salary Administration Training and Development Labour Relations Nature of Human Resource Management Prospects of HRM Industrial Relations Human Resource Management Employee and executive Remuneration Employee hiring Employee Maintenance Employee Motivation Scope of HRM Human Resource Management in PCS : Personnel/Human Resource of an undertaking is its important constituent. Efficiency, Profitability and in fact the very existence of the undertaking will depend on this constituents. Co-operation and dedication in performance on the part of its personnel ends in the accomplishment of its objectives. Therefore human resource is of immense importance since it involves matters such as identifying, placing, evaluating, and developing individuals at work and maintaining effective multilateral communication systems. Human resources along with financial and material resources contribute to production of goods and services in an organization.. In short HRM may be defined as the art of procuring, developing and maintaining competent workforce to achieve the goals of an organization in an effective and efficient manner. Objectives of the HRM are to secure the following: - 1. Industrial peace: This is secured by excellent union management relations, healthy inter-personal relationships, and promoting participative management style and good industrial and labour relations. 2. Achieve High Productivity: The underlying objective brings to increase the “quantity or volume” of the product or service for a given input, productivity improvement programme is very significant in a competitive environment. 3. Better quality of working life of employees: This involves both intrinsic and extrinsic factors connected with work. 4. Obtain and sustain competitive advantage through empowerment : continuous improvement and innovative steps being the two essential ingredients to achieve and sustain competitive advantage, today’s industries are “knowledge based” and “skill intensive”. 5. Cordial relationship between the employer and employees. 6. Personnel research functions. 7. Proper orientation and introduction to the new employees. BACKGROUND SCENARIO William James of Harvard University estimated that employees could retain their jobs by working at a mere 20-30 percent of their potential. His research led him to believe that if these same employees were properly motivated, they could work at 80-90% of their capabilities. Behavioral science concepts like motivation and enhanced productivity could well be used for such improvements in employee output. Training could be one of the means used to achieve such improvements through the effective and efficient use of learning resources. Training and development has been considered an integral part of any organization since the industrial revolution era. From training imparted to improve mass production to now training employees on soft skills and attitudinal change, training industry has come a long way today. In fact most training companies are expecting the market to double by the year 2007, which just means that the Indian training industry seems to have come of age. Organization and individual should develop and progress simultaneously for the their survival and attainment of mutual goals. So, every modern management has to develop the organization through human resource development. Employee training is the most important sub-system of human resources development. Training is a specialized function and one of the fundamental operative functions for human resources management. The market is unofficially estimated to be anywhere between Rs 3000 crores and Rs 6000 crores. What is surprising is that the Indian companies. Perception regarding corporate training seems to have undergone a sea-change in the past two years, with most companies realizing it to be an integral part of enhancing productivity of its personnel. While MNC.s with their global standards of training are the harbingers of corporate training culture in India, the bug seems to have bitten most companies aiming at increasing their efficiency. According to Ms Pallavi Jha, Managing Director, Walchand Capital and Dale Carnegi Training India, "The Indian training industry is estimated at approximately Rs 3,000 crores per annum. The NFO study states that over a third of this is in the area of behavior and soft skills development. With the exponential boom in the services sector and the emergence of a full-fledged consumer-driven market, human resources have become the key assets, which organizations cannot ignore. With soft skills training gaining so much momentum, it.s imperative to understand if it serving the right purpose or not. With this background, I plan to research if training indeed is proving to be effective in the behavioral area. The following steps must form the basis of any training activity: Determine the training needs and objectives. Translate them into programs that meet the needs of the selected trainees. Evaluate the results. There are few generalizations about training that can help the practitioner. Training should be seen as a long term investment in human resources using the equation given below: Performance = ability (x) motivation Training can have an impact on both these factors. It can heighten the skills and abilities of the employees and their motivation by increasing their sense of commitment and encouraging them to develop and use new skills. It is a powerful tool that can have a major impact on both employee productivity and morale, if properly used. Introduction Recruitment Recruitment refers to the process of finding possible candidates for a job or function, usually undertaken by recruiters. It also may be undertaken by an employment agency or a member of staff at the business or organization looking for recruits. Advertising is commonly part of the recruiting process, and can occur through several means: through online, newspapers, using newspaper dedicated to job advertisement, through professional publication, using advertisements placed in windows, through a job center, through campus graduate recruitment programs, etc. Suitability for a job is typically assessed by looking for skills, e.g. communication skills, typing skills, computer skills. Evidence for skills required for a job may be provided in the form of qualifications (educational or professional), experience in a job requiring the relevant skills or the testimony of references. Employment agencies may also give computerized tests to assess an individual's "off-hand" knowledge of software packages or typing skills. At a more basic level written tests may be given to assess numeric and literacy. A candidate may also be assessed on the basis of an interview. Sometimes candidates will be requested to provide a résumé (also known as a CV) or to complete an application form to provide this evidence. Recruitment Policy Contents 1 Introduction 2 Objectives 3 Scope 4 Principles   4.1 Awareness and training   4.2 Conflict of Interest   4.3 Identifying vacancies   4.4 Authorisation of positions   4.5 Advertisement   4.6 Selection processes   4.7 Feedback   4.8 Confidentiality   4.9 Offers of employment   4.10 Retention of Records 5 Responsibilities 6 Review 7 Associated Policies and Procedures 8 Definitions     1 Introduction     1.1 The School of Oriental and African Studies (the School) is committed to equality of opportunity in recruitment, selection, promotion and all other areas of employment. 1.2 This Policy is underpinned by Procedures and Good Practice Guidelines which form the basis for its implementation. 1.3 This Policy and associated Procedures aim to attract high calibre staff to the School by ensuring that recruitment and selection processes are effective, systematic, equitable and promote equality of opportunity.      . . . Back to Top   2 Objectives     2.1 To ensure that recruitment and selection exercises meet the School's operational and strategic requirements. 2.2 To ensure that all appointments are made on the basis of suitability for the position by assessment of evidence against the selection criteria for the post. 2.3 To ensure that all candidates are treated equitably and consistently. 2.4 To ensure compliance with the School's Equality and Diversity Policy and employment legislation. 3 Scope   3.1 This Policy applies to the recruitment and selection of all staff to the School. 3.2 Modified recruitment procedures apply to the appointment of Part-time Hourly Paid Staff reflecting the nature of these appointments. 4 Principles     4.1 Awareness and training 4.1.1 Employees involved in the recruitment and selection of staff, are responsible for familiarising themselves with and complying with the provisions of this Policy and associated procedures. 4.1.2 The recruiting manager responsible for the position is required to ensure that any external advisers or recruitment agencies participating in any recruitment exercise are aware of, and comply with, the School's Equality and Diversity Policy, this Recruitment Policy and associated procedures. 4.1.3 Staff involved in the recruitment process and in particular Chairs of Selection Panels, should attend the School's Recruitment and Selection training. Normally, at least one member of each Selection Panel should have undertaken this training. 4.1.4 The School is committed to promoting equality of opportunity and in this respect, employees involved in the recruitment and selection are required to maintain a positive approach towards equality of opportunity. Staff are encouraged to attend Equality and Diversity training offered as part of the 4.2 Conflict of interest 4.2.1 If an employee involved in recruitment processes has a close personal or familial relationship with a candidate, the employee should declare this to the Human Resources Department as soon as they are aware of the candidate's application. In such situations, it would normally be appropriate for the member of staff to have no further involvement in the selection process. 4.2.2 If a candidate has named a member of staff involved in the selection process as a referee, the candidate will be asked to provide details of alternative referees, where practical. 4.3 Identifying vacancies 4.3.1 Recruiting managers are required to fully evaluate the need for new, changed or replacement posts prior to seeking authorisation for the position. 4.3.2 Managers should consider if the duties of the post can be eliminated or reallocated to existing post-holders taking into account of workload. 4.3.3 Managers should seek to identify how the position will contribute to Faculty plans, administrative department plans or School's business plans and strategic objectives, as appropriate to the level of the post. 4.4 Authorisation of positions 4.4.1 Recruiting managers are responsible for ensuring all vacancies are approved by the appropriate authority in the School. 4.4.2 Resources Committee must authorise all School-funded new or changed positions of six months duration or above. 4.4.3 Replacement School-funded positions can be authorised by the Dean of Faculty, Director of Finance and Administration or Head of IFCELS. 4.4.4 All externally funded positions must be authorised by the Research Manager. 4.4.5 Further information can be found in the document ‘ 4.5 Advertisement 4.5.1 To promote equality of opportunity, all vacancies of six months or more must be advertised. Permanent posts and fixed-term positions of over one year's duration must be advertised externally. 4.5.2 In the following circumstances, vacancies will not be advertised: Where positions may provide suitable alternative employment for existing staff whose post has been identified for redundancy, (including the ending of fixed term contracts or following a restructuring exercise) or staff requiring redeployment for medical reasons or for reasons of disability. Named researchers on externally funded grants where one of the factors in the award of the grant was the strength of the research team or the individual's experience/expertise as a researcher. Temporary positions covering absence for maternity, adoption, unpaid leave etc. If the permanent post-holder decides not to return to his/her post following his/her leave, then the post will normally be advertised. Where the post has already been unsuccessfully advertised and the recruiting manager can demonstrate that further advertising is unlikely to be effective. Where an employee's duties have changed to a degree which necessitates re-grading of the position in line with School re-grading procedures. In such cases, advertisement would be inappropriate as the post is held by an existing member of staff and his/her non-appointment would create a redundancy. If the successful candidate requires a work permit to work in the UK , the post must be advertised to meet work permit criteria in line with Home Office regulations. 4.5.3 As a minimum, all posts are advertised on the School's vacancy website and in the University of London Job Opportunities bulletin. 4.5.4 All academic, research, other-related and academic-related vacancies will also be advertised in the website 4.5.5 When selecting the most effective methods for publicising vacancies, managers should consider any under-represented groups and how best to target them. Managers should consider placing advertisements in publications aimed at under-represented groups. 4.5.6 Posts will be normally advertised with a minimum of two weeks between the publication of the advertisement and the closing date. Academic posts will normally be advertised for four weeks between the advertisement and closing date. 4.5.7 All advertisements will include a statement that the School aims to be an equal opportunities employer.   4.6 Selection processes 4.6.1 All recruitment processes will be based on agreed job descriptions and person specifications. Person specifications should only consist of the necessary skills, qualifications, experience and competencies required to carry out the duties of the post. 4.6.2 Applicants must be selected against the criteria listed in the person specification and no other criteria. The reasons for selection decisions relating to the person specification criteria must be recorded. 4.6.3 At least two members of the selection panel must be involved in the shortlisting process. 4.6.4 Interviewing must be undertaken by a minimum of two individuals to mitigate against the possibility of prejudice or stereotyping. 4.6.5 If the interviews for a vacancy take place over more than one day/session, the same panel must interview all candidates . 4.6.6 Interview panels should normally include members of both genders and wherever practicable, include individuals of different ethnicities. 4.6.7 Any selection tests (e.g. in-tray exercises, typing tests) must relate to the role and the results of tests assessed against selection criteria. 4.6.8 Candidates for academic positions (and certain non-academic positions) will be required to give a presentation and they will be assessed in relation to the content, style and time management of their presentation and their response to questions. At least one member of the interview panel should attend the presentations and record feedback which should be given to the interview panel for consideration when making the selection decision. 4.6.9 Interview questions must relate to the selection criteria outlined in the person specification. 4.6.10 Selection decisions, including decisions not to appoint applicants, should be made by majority decision of the interview panel. 4.7 Feedback 4.7.1 The School will give feedback to any candidate who requests it within three months of the selection decision made at shortlisting or interview stage. Candidates are required to request and receive their feedback in writing. Internal candidates will normally also receive feedback in person. 4.8 Confidentiality 4.8.1 All applications will be treated as highly confidential by the School. 4.8.2 In accordance with the School's Data Protection Policy and legal requirements, candidates have the right to request any documentation relating to their application (e.g. interview and shortlisting records and notes, references). 4.8.3 Any data relating to recruitment and selection processes may be legally disclosed in the event of tribunal proceedings against the School and staff involved in the recruitment process must apply due diligence at all times. 4.9 Offers of employment 4.9.1 All offers of employment will be subject to eligibility to work in the UK (including a successful work permit application if applicable). 4.9.2 Offers of employment for academic, research, academic related, other-related and clerical staff will also be subject to the receipt of satisfactory references and qualification checks. 4.9.3 The Human Resources Department must make all formal written offers of employment to salaried staff as a means of promoting internal comparability. 4.9.4 When academic staff starting salaries are determined, consideration should be given to the individual's skills, qualifications and experience and in line with any internal comparators identified by the Dean and Head of Department. Starting salaries for academic positions of over one year's duration must be approved by the Pro-Director, Director of Human Resources and at least one other representative senior member of staff. The justification for each academic starting salary should be recorded on the individual's personnel file. 4.9.5 Following recommendations from the Head of Department and a relevant senior member of staff where appropriate , the Director of Human Resources (or nominee from the Human Resources Department) should approve starting salaries for non-academic School-funded positions. 4.9.6 The Research Manager should authorise externally-funded starting salaries to ensure that salary levels meet any grant or funding requirements. 4.9.7 Starting salaries will be regularly reviewed for equality purposes. 4.10 Retention of records 4.10.1 When the recruitment process has been completed, recruiting managers should ensure that all information relating to the selection process is returned to the Human Resources. 4.10.2 The Human Resources Department will retain recruitment records for one year in case of requests for feedback or litigation. 5 Responsibilities     Authority Responsible for: Staffing Committee Approving the School's Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedures. Resources Committee Authorising new or changed School-funded positions of six months duration or more. Deans, Head of Finance and Administration, Head of IFCELs Authorising replacement School-funded positions Research Manager Authorising all external grant-funded positions. Deans, Heads of Department/Heads of Service Area Ensuring compliance with this Policy and associated procedures in their area. Recruiting managers Ensuring that recruitment processes are carried out in line with this Policy and associated procedures. Staff involved in the recruitment process Familiarising themselves with this Policy and associated procedures and ensuring their involvement in any recruitment processes complies with this Policy. Human Resources Department Providing professional advice on recruitment and selection matters. Ongoing improvements to the recruitment process and supporting policies and advisory documentation .Providing an administrative service for recruitment processes. Staff Development Unit Providing training on this Policy and equality issues.     6 Review 6.1 Regular reports and statistics on recruitment and selection will be made to the School's Equality Committee. 6.2 To ensure compliance with this Policy and the School's Equality and Diversity Policy, a member of the Human Resources Department or School's Diversity Advisor may be invited to or elect to attend any stage of the recruitment process. 6.3 This policy and the effectiveness of its operation should be reviewed regularly. 7 Associated Policies and Procedures     7.1 Equality and Diversity Policy 7.2 Recruitment and Selection Procedures and associated Best Practice Guidelines 7.3 Guidelines for the appointment of new Part-time Hourly Paid Staff 7.4 Guidelines and Procedure on eligibility to work in the UK 7.5 Staff Reference Policy 7.6 Staffing costs: authorisation levels 8 Definitions Recruiting Manager : The person responsible for the recruitment process within the recruiting department. This will normally be the Dean of Faculty/Head of Service Area/Independent Centre or their delegate. Under-represented groups: Where there have been no or few members of one group (ethnic minority group or sex) in a particular type of work for the last year. Positive action provisions in equality legislation allow employers to give special encouragement to such underrepresented groups in certain circumstances. Close personal or familial relationship : A close friendship or family relationship between two individuals that could amount to a conflict of interest or lead to undue influence or a lack of objectivity in the recruitment process. Shared academic interests or working relationships should not constitute a close personal or familial relationship. However, anyone who has or has had a relationship of this nature, should declare this to the Chair of the Interview Selection Panel and/or Human Resources Department as appropriate. Recruitment Plan -TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity.......................................................... 1 II. Dissemination of Equal Employment Opportunity Policy.............................................. 2 III. Responsibility for Implementation of Equal Employment Opportunity Program............. 3 IV. Identification of Areas of Concern and Resolution....................................................... 5 V. Establishment of Goals................................................................................................ 6 VI. Development and Execution of Proactive Activities...................................................... 7 VII. Monitoring Implementation of Equal Employment Opportunity Program....................... 9 VIII. Design and Implementation of Internal Audit and Reporting Systems .......................... 10 IX Compliance with Sex Discrimination Guidelines......................................................... 12 X. Guidelines on Discrimination Because of Religion or National Origin .......................... 14 XI Workforce Analysis by Department .......................................................................... 15 XII. Analysis of Major Job Groups.................................................................................. 49 Page 3 Commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) It has been, and will continue to be, the policy of The University of Texas System Administration (U. T. System Administration) to be an equal opportunity employer. U. T. System Administration’s official EEO policy statement is included on page 15. In keeping with this policy, U. T. System Administration will continue to recruit, hire, train, and promote into all job levels the most qualified persons without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin or sexual orientation. Similarly, U. T. System Administration will continue to administer all other personnel matters (such as compensation, benefits, transfers, layoffs, system administration training, education, and social and recreational programs) in accordance with University policy. See Policy I.150 "Equal Employment Opportunity." U. T. System Administration strives to base employment decisions on objective standards to enhance equal employment opportunity. Page 4 Dissemination of Equal Employment Opportunity Policy U. T. System Administration shall take appropriate steps to internally and externally disseminate its Equal Employment Opportunity Policy. INTERNAL DISSEMINATION U. T. System Administration will continue to make its Equal Employment Opportunity Policy known internally by: 1. Ensuring that the Chancellor's annual reaffirmation of policy is communicated to all employees by means of an executive memorandum. 2. Including information concerning U. T. System Administration's equal employment opportunity policy in the Regents’ Rules and Regulations and in the U. T. System Administration Office of Human Resources System Policy Memoranda. 3. Disseminating the policy during new employee orientation sessions. 4. Posting required Federal and State Law Posters within the U. T. System Administration facilities. 5. Including the logo "Equal Opportunity Employer" in all internal recruitment announcements, job listings, position advertisements, and memorandums. 6. Publishing the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy in the U. T. System Administration Classified Pay Plan. EXTERNAL DISSEMINATION U. T. System Administration will continue to disseminate its policy externally by: 1. Including U. T. System Administration’s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy on the application for employment forms and other materials provided to prospective employees. 2. Including the logo "Equal Opportunity Employer" in all external recruitment announcements, job listings, and position advertisements. 3. Informing all recruiting sources in writing of U. T. System Administration's EEO Policy. Page 5 Responsibility for Implementation of Equal Employment Opportunity Program Responsibility for implementation of U. T. System Administration's policy on Equal Employment Opportunity Program rests with the Chancellor. The Chancellor delegates the responsibility of coordinating U. T. System Administration's compliance to the Director of the Office of Human Resources who has the full support of executive management. General responsibility for implementation of the policy rests with U. T. System Administration officials, as well as its employees. 1. Duties of the Office of Human Resources The duties of the Office of Human Resources include, but are not limited to: a. Reviews policies and procedures, and recommends changes as necessary to ensure nondiscriminatory effect or intent. b. Develops policy statements and internal and external communication techniques. c. Assists department supervisors in the identification and resolution of areas of concern. d. Ensures compliance with federal, state, and local laws of nondiscrimination in all hiring and recruitment strategies. e. Designs and implements audit and reporting systems that measure the effectiveness of U. T. System Administration’s EEO programs through statistics and demographics. f. Serves as liaison between U. T. System Administration and local, federal, and state compliance and enforcement agencies. g. Serves as liaison between U. T. System Administration and minority and women's organizations, and community action groups concerned with employment opportunities of minorities and women. h. Informs management of the latest developments in the area of equal opportunity. i. Analyzes employment practices and procedures and reviews documents related to the employment processes, in order to ensure consistency with U. T. System Administration's Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines. j. Maintains and analyzes applicant flow data to ensure equal access to employment opportunities. k. Prepares all required government reports related to equal employment opportunity. Page 6 l. Accommodates individuals seeking information on U. T. System Administration's policies and procedures on equal employment opportunity. m. Serves as respondent to allegations of employment discrimination brought against U. T. System Administration. 2. Duties of Department Supervisors a. Identifies areas of concern and underutilization as it applies to compliance with policies and procedures, in order to establish departmental goals and objectives to ensure that equal employment opportunity exists. b. Performs periodic audits of training programs and hiring and promotion patterns in order to attain departmental goals and objectives. c. Conducts regular discussions with supervisors and employees to be certain that U. T. System Administration's policies and procedures are being followed. d. Reviews qualifications of all employees under their supervision to ensure that women and minorities are given full opportunities for promotions, transfers, and training. e. Ensures that supervisors foster an supportive environment related to recruitment, promotions, transfers and training. f. Encourages minority and female employees to participate in all educational, training, recreational, and social activities sponsored by U. T. System Administration. g. Includes qualified women and minorities in committees, job assignments, and other activities that might serve to enhance individual potential or professional development. Page 7 Identification of Areas of Concern and Resolution In an effort to assist in the identification and resolution of areas of concern, the Office of Human Resources' on-going audit process includes an analysis and review of the following personnel matters. 1. Analysis of the workforce by ethnicity and gender. 2. Analysis of applicant flow by ethnicity and gender. 3. Review of the hiring and selection processes including job descriptions, job titles, worker specifications, application for employment forms, pre-employment forms, test administration and validity, interview procedures, referral procedures, final selection process, and similar factors. 4. Review of transfer and promotion practices. 5. Review of training programs. 6. Review and update, as required, Federal, and State law posters to include review of policy statements. 7. Equal Employment Opportunity program evaluation system. 8. Participate as a member on the U. T. System Administration Compliance Committee. Page 8 Establishment of Goals Our goal will be to ensure objectivity, consistency, uniformity and job relatedness through design and implementation of appropriate personnel policy and procedural systems that affect the equal employment opportunities of the U. T. System Administration employees and applicants for employment. Development and Execution of Proactive Activities It is the responsibility of U. T. System Administration to identify proactive activities that will assist in the development of an Equal Employment Opportunity program. U. T. System Administration seeks to establish a long-range EEO program that will include expanded recruitment efforts and retention of women and minorities in its workforce, and to eliminate impediments to the attainment of U. T. System Administration's EEO goals. 1. Selection Process a. U. T. System Administration reviews job descriptions in order to ensure that they accurately reflect position functions and are consistent for the same position from one location to another. b. U. T. System Administration has validated job specifications for each job title in each department using only job performance criteria. These specifications are non-discriminatory with respect to race, color, religion, gender and national origin. c. These validated job specifications are available to all supervisors involved in the recruiting, screening, selection, and promotion process. Copies of job descriptions for job openings are available to all recruiting sources. d. U. T. System Administration provides training in hiring procedures to employees involved in the recruiting, screening, and selection of employees to ensure equal employment opportunity. When a vacancy occurs, the hiring supervisor receives training materials to ensure that these processes remain non-discriminatory. e. U. T. System Administration hiring officials are given the responsibility to assure compliance and enforcement of Equal Employment Opportunity through Human Resources Policy and Procedures Memoranda: Equal Employment Opportunity I.150 and Hiring, Promotion and Transfer Procedures I.010. f. U. T. System Administration reviews the requirements of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures. 2. Recruitment a. U. T. System Administration announces its vacancies nationally and locally with minority and women's organizations, including, but limited to, the Urban League, NAACP, Local Minority Chambers of Commerce, libraries, National Veterans Outreach Programs, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Texas Rehabilitation Commission, Texas Commission for Human Rights, and Texas Workforce Commission. Page 10 b. Senior-level administration job vacancies are disseminated through The University of Texas Job Network (UTJOBNET). The purpose of UTJOBNET is to inform employees of upward mobility opportunities in particular senior-level administrative positions. In addition, the UTJOBNET maximizes recruitment and retention efforts that foster opportunities for qualified minorities and women. c. U. T. System Administration encourages component institutions with student enrollments to support minorities and provide opportunities that support minority graduation. An increase in the graduation rates of African American and Hispanic students enhances employment opportunities for such candidates within U. T. System Administration and component institutions. d. U. T. System Administration programs which improve employment opportunities for minorities and women are encouraged. e. U. T. System Administration participates in local and surrounding area “job fairs.” f. U. T. System Administration maintains a World Wide Web job site. 3. Promotions a. Promotional opportunities are posted or announced. b. Formal employee evaluation programs are provided. c. "Employee evaluations" are based on job related criteria. 4. Welfare a. U. T. System Administration’s facilities and social and recreation activities are open to all employees. All employees are encouraged to participate in U. T. System Administration sponsored activities. Page 11 Monitoring Implementation of Equal Employment Opportunity Program U. T. System Administration has developed an on-going internal audit and reporting system to monitor decisions on employment and personnel action, which includes but is not limited to, recruitment, promotion, and transfer in order to ensure adherence to the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy. An assessment of separations from employment will also be conducted to assist with future retention of women and minority employees. The following tools have been devised to assist in the assessment of U. T. System Administration's attainment of established goals. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE (EOC) FORM Hiring officials are required to complete and sign an Equal Opportunity Compliance (EOC) Form prior to making a job offer, and for change in status involving promotions and transfers. This document is reviewed by the Office of Human Resources for compliance to ensure fair hiring and selection processes and good faith efforts are being made in recruitment. YEAR-END EEO A year-end EEO report shall be compiled by the Office of Human Resources. Included in the summary are applicant activity data, referral information, new hires, promotion, transfer, reclassification, and separation information by race and gender. All reports and documentation required in recruitment, hiring and selection processes, promotions, transfers, reclassifications, and separations will be maintained in accordance with U. T. System Administration's records retention plan. EXIT INTERVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE This document is administered to separating employees by the Office of Human Resources. Exit interviews provide the opportunity to address concerns that may exist in the areas of equal opportunity, fair treatment, and/or employee retention within U. T. System Administration. Page 12 Design and Implementation of Internal Audit and Reporting Systems It is the responsibility of the Office of Human Resources to implement and monitor an auditing and reporting system that provides for the following: 1. Maintain accurate up-to-date records on all referrals, applicants, hires, promotions, transfers, and separations by race and gender to be certain that all employees are treated on a fair and equitable basis. a. Data on applicants who apply for vacancies is collected through the administration of the voluntary Applicant Data Flow form. This voluntary form captures the applicant's race, gender, veteran status and date of birth. An analysis by such factors is conducted in order to evaluate the effectiveness of current recruiting efforts. All information voluntarily provided is kept confidential. b. Annual analysis by race and gender within each department for each EEO-6 category is conducted in order to evaluate the effectiveness of current recruiting efforts to determine if stated goals and good faith efforts are being met. c. Annual analysis by race and gender within each department for each EEO-6 category is conducted in order to review internal promotion and monitor upward mobility opportunities. d. Annual analysis by name, race, gender, job title, and reason for separation within each department for each EEO-6 category is conducted in order to identify possible areas of concern and need for remedial action. e. All separating employees are requested to complete an exit interview questionnaire administered by the Office of Human Resources. The exit interviews provide the opportunity to address areas of concerns that may exist in the areas of equal opportunity, fair treatment, and employee retention within U. T. System Administration. 2. Review all selection, promotional, and training procedures to ensure that they are nondiscriminatory. a. Hiring Officials are required to complete and sign an Equal Opportunity Compliance (EOC) Form prior to making a job offer, and for change in status involving promotions and transfers. This document is reviewed by the Office of Human Resources for compliance to ensure fair and equitable hiring and selection processes and that good faith efforts are being made in recruitment. 3. Inform executive management of the effectiveness of the EEO Policy and recommendations for improvements, if necessary. Page 13 a. A year-end EEO report shall be compiled by the Office of Human Resources. Included in the summary are applicant activity data, referral information, new hire, promotion, transfer, reclassification, and separation information by race and gender. Page 14 Compliance with Sex Discrimination Guidelines It has and continues to be the policy of U. T. System Administration not to discriminate on the basis of sex. To this end, we continue to do the following: 1. Recruitment and Advertisement a. U. T. System Administration actively recruits both men and women for all jobs, unless sex is a bona fide occupational qualification. Referral sources are informed that U. T. System Administration has no specific sex preference and seeks only qualified applicants without regard to race, color, gender, religion, or national origin. b. U. T. System Administration actively recruits both men and women for all jobs, unless sex is a bona fide occupational qualification. Advertisements for employment in newspapers and other media do not express a gender preference. No advertisements will be placed in columns headed "Male" or "Female." All advertisements are followed by "Equal Opportunity Employer." 2. Job Policies and Practices a. Monitor written personnel policies and procedures to assure that there shall be no discrimination against applicants for employment or employees on the basis of gender. b. Employees and applicants for employment of both sexes shall have an equal opportunity to any available job that he or she is qualified to perform. Gender is currently not a bona fide occupational qualification for any job within U. T. System Administration. c. When terms and conditions of employment are the same, no distinction is made between the sexes in regard to opportunity, wages, hours, benefits, or other conditions of employment. In the area of employer contributions for insurance, pensions, and other fringe benefits, contributions shall be the same for both sexes. d. Marital status has no basis between the treatment of male and female as it relates to employment or separation from employment. Also, U. T. System Administration does not deny employment to women with young children, nor does it terminate employees of one sex in a particular job classification upon reaching a certain age. e. U. T. System Administration provides appropriate and comparable physical facilities for both female and male employees. f. U. T. System Administration follows federal and state guidelines relative to employment. g. No difference is made between women and men as to retirement age for a particular job. Page 15 h. Both women and men are eligible for all training programs and benefits offered by U. T. System Administration. U. T. System Administration encourages women to participate in management training programs both internal and external of U. T. System Administration. 3. Seniority System a. Gender shall not be a factor in the determination of service benefits. 4. Discriminatory Wages a. No distinction shall be made between male and female in establishment of wage schedules. b. No restrictions shall be made on one gender regarding certain job classifications. Proactive steps shall be taken to make jobs available to all qualified employees in all classifications without regard to gender. Page 16 Guidelines on Discrimination Because of Religion or National Origin 1. Equal Employment Policy U. T. System Administration does the following to ensure that all applicants for employment and employees are not discriminated against because of religion or national origin: a. Reviews employment practices to determine whether members of various religious and/or ethnic groups are given equal employment opportunities. b. To ensure non-discrimination based on religion or national origin, U. T. System Administration is involved in the following outreach and recruitment activities: 1. U. T. System Administration communicates its obligation to provide equal employment opportunity without regard to religion or national origin to all employees and applicants for employment. 2. Internal procedures exist at U. T. System Administration to implement equal employment opportunity without regard to religion or national origin. 3. U. T. System Administration informs all employees and applicants for employment of its commitment to equal employment opportunity without regard to religion or national origin. 4. Recruitment sources are used to provide equal employment opportunity without regard to religion or national origin. 2. Accommodations to Religious Observations and Practice U. T. System Administration accommodates the religious observances and practices of employees except where such accommodation causes undue hardship on the conduct of U. T. System Administration’s business. The extent of our obligation is determined by considering business necessity, financial costs and expenses, and resulting human resources problems. 3. Non-discrimination In implementing its EEO policy regarding non-discrimination because of religion or national origin, U. T. System Administration does not discriminate against any qualified employee or applicant for employment because of religion or national origin. Workforce Analysis by Department Employee Group Insurance Medical and Dental Applications Center Office for Community Relations Office of Academic Affairs Office of Business Affairs Office of Business Affairs – H.U.B. Development Office of Business and Administrative Services Office of Development and External Relations Office of Estates and Trusts Office of Facilities Planning and Construction Office of Federal Relations Office of Finance Office of General Counsel Office of Governmental Relations Office of Health Affairs Office of Human Resources Office of Information Resources Office of Information Technology Office of Public Affairs Office of Special Services Office of the Board of Regents Office of the Chancellor Office of the Controller Real Estate Office System Audit Office System Police System Compliance Office System Airplane Operation U.T. TeleCampus University Lands – Accounting Office University Lands – West Texas Operations Workers/ Compensation Insurance Division The following workforce analysis display, within each department for each job group, the total number of incumbents, the total number of make and female incumbents, and the total number of male and female incumbents by ethnicity. Analysis of Major Job Groups We have supplied an analysis of all major job groups at U. T. System Administration. Those jobs having similar content, and opportunities have been grouped into five job categories: 01 Executive/Administrative/Managerial 03 Professional 04 Clerical/Secretarial 05 Technical/Paraprofessional 06 Skilled Crafts 07 Service/Maintenance The following reflects the analysis of the major job groups by job title, ethnicity and gender. Company Profile: Pragathi Consultancy Services At PCS, we energetically strive to deliver the best employment options for great companies and the associates we place within them. We serve best and respected companies by sending them the highest-quality individuals for temporary, temp-to-hire and full-time positions. Companies make Pragathi their first choice for full-time, direct hire, temp-to-hire and temporary employment agencies because we're at the forefront of the ever-changing staffing industry. We meet our clients' needs - precisely, quickly and cost-effectively - with the finest talent. Young and very experienced - that's probably the best way to describe us !   Pragathi helps companies in searching, selecting and managing the ever-valuable human assets. Formed in 2005, PCS enjoys an enviable reputation for delivering efficient, effective and professional solutions to meet our IT and ITES clients’ diverse recruitment needs. We guide the candidates too about the best opportunities in the marketplace, and constantly advise them in their career progression.     Pragathi Consulting brings valuable experience to benchmark, revise, implement and preach the best practices of recruiting to our clients. We will conduct business and HR process reviews to assess what works and what doesn't within the client's unique corporate environment. Pragathi Consulting will implement methods to decrease the joining time, reduce the cost-per-hire, and propose tailored solutions to streamline your recruitment process. Our services give you the opportunity to focus your expertise where it counts - on your unique business endeavors. Our goal is to ensure that our clients succeed in meeting their hiring goals with cost-effectiveness in mind. Our recruitment performance consulting services are designed to help take your company to the next level of recruitment capability. Our recruitment consultants are all senior level recruiters with years of IT and software experience in recruiting, screening, and hiring techniques that produce lasting results in IT sector. Adopt a "Do what it takes to get the job done” Clients: Skilled, experienced, high-quality professionals are always at a premium and the competition to acquire such individuals will always be fierce, especially in these booming times. At Pragathi, we believe that by fostering a positive, professional and attractive culture, we are able to attract these candidates on behalf of our clients. Relationships are at the core of our business. To successfully match candidates to clients, we believe we have to look at more than a resume. We prefer for our consultants to meet with clients at their offices. This allows us to gain an insight into a client's working culture, as well as taking a detailed brief about their company and the position they wish to fill. Our candidates are our product and we want our product to be the best. We attract prospective applicants through advertising, and intensive searching and selection through job portals, and our in-house databases, and will invite only those we judge to be of suitable quality to interact with one of our consultants for private interviews. At this point, our consultants will add a comprehensive report to the candidate's application. We use self developed enterprise recruitment software, enabling us to conduct a comprehensive search of our candidate database for the criteria specified by our clients. We also have the latest skills testing software to validate the candidate's proficiency and experience on all the major software technologies. We can assist in managerial aptitude and psychometric tests too. Only candidates who complete our rigorous selection process will be entered into our records and considered for a specific role or other appropriate appointments. We don't add everyone we meet to our books. For additional information, prior to interviews, clients are provided with our consultant's initial interview reports. Interviews usually take place at the client's offices, but if required, we are happy for our clients to make use of our offices. HR Team: PCS also had on Excellent HR and Development team of 50+ man power Strength across the world. About HR Team: Well Trained Staff of Four Professionals, and 2 of Business unit HR Professional, and anather Two for Training and HR operations. Organization Chart of PCS Manager- TTTechnical Resource Quality HR & Admin Business one Testing Dot net Java Finance CEO HR Organization Chart Corporate Manager- HR Documents Documents Recruitment Recruitment Recruitment Staffing 2 Staffing 1 Assi.Mgr-Contract Staffing Assi.Mgr-Documentation Assi Mgr-Recruitment Organization Chart of Technical Team VP- Operations Support 4 Support 1 Intigrated QC Java Team Dot net Team Testing Team TSR Group Support 3 Support 2 Grade Structure The grade structure is subject to change depending on the changes in the policy Grade Technical Group Support Group * A Trainee Trainee/Management Trainee B Engineer/Developer/Designer/Analyst/Writers/Editors.. Executive/System Administrator/Associate C Sr. Engineer/Developer/Designer/Analyst/Writers/Editors Sr. Executive/ Administrator /Associate D Team Leader - E Asst. Manager Asst. Manager F Technical Manager/Technical Architect Manager/Branch Manager/Regional Manager G Sr. Technical Manager/Chief Architect Sr. Manager/National Sales Manager H Vice President Operations I Managing Director *Support: Accounts, HR, System Admin, Quality, Tech Support, Marketing Experience Level : A 0-1 B >1- 3 C >3-5 D >5-7 E >7-10 F > 10 yrs, based on the expertise and managerial capabilities, technical competencies.. G H Registered Corporate office Pragathi Consultancy Services, #331,1st floor, 8th Cross Aavalahalli Extn, BDA Layout Girinagar Bangalore - 560085. INDIA Research and Methodology Statement of Problem: Human resource has gained a wide acceptance in the industry. The objective of the study was to access employee satisfaction. This has led to the need for more experienced and skillful employee where to be trained to meet the organization requirement. People in an organization are the most productive resource and also the most expensive organization spends on this resource in order to extract the best contribution out of them. A small judgment error in rectifying a non retainable employee could lead to decal losses in terms of time and money spend on his training and job socialization as also initial losses in terms of job held up due to vacancy in position and other related job being postponed in today’s fast pace corporate world, time management being important, such errors are not called for therefore more stress is laid on efficient, effective and potential worker for the organization corporate world today recruits people directly and prudently rather simply hire and fire people. The mobilization of money, the construction of factory building, the purchase and installation of machines and procurement of materials are the initial measures taken by a management in the establishment of a company. The recruitment and selection of people to man and machines and auxiliary services form a part of these initial measures. Without people to man and plant, the collection of physical resources by itself will not serve only purpose. The hiring of men and women required is more important than the marshalling of physical resources in the establishment of the company and the attainment of its objectives. Note that the hiring of people is confirmed to the initial stages in the formation of an enterprise. The employment is continuous one and it ends only when the enterprise eases to exist. More important, an enterprise grows and diversifies, and so there is great need for men and women. Recruitment and selection, therefore becomes a specialized function and is disclosed by the personnel department. In act, employments are one of the foremost functions of the human resource development. Therefore, it is necessary to know about the employment function i.e., recruitment, selection, interviews, placing and orientation of personnel’s. HR is the major inputs for any organization to achieve its objectives. Therefore it’s important for any organization to spend time and money till the right personnel are found. Field of study: This project work was carried out at Saptha Business Solution Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore. Research samples: IT industry plays a very important role in the economy. The sample was therefore chosen as it portrays the needs of the researchers. Research provides an insight into any study top basically evaluate and judge the data or to find the solution to any given problem a simple is representative of a group or population that identifies itself as part of it. The sample chosen for this report is Saptha Business Solution Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore. Objectives of the study: Recruitment and Selection are one of major HRM function that helps manager to keep the skilled members in the organization. Data Collection: The data collected contains primary data and secondary data. The primary data has been collected mainly by interviewing and also observation and audit. Secondary data has been obtained from published journals, company broachers, books, internet, etc. Limitations of the Study: As the project is prepared for academic purpose only, it suffers from the limitations of time and money, due to which analytical study into all the strategies adopted by the organization was not possible. The study was completed with in short span of time that was available. The report also suffers from the limitations of exhaustiveness as far as the information is concerned. All this study is limited to Saptha Business Solution Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore only. Data analysis 1 NUMBER OF RESPONDENT ACCORDING TO GENDER GENDER NUMBER OF RESPONDENT PERCENTAGE MALE 26 52 FEMALE 24 48 TOTAL 50 100 Feed Back The above chart shows that 52% of respondents are male and remaining 48% respondents are female 2 ARE SATISFIED WITH MANAGEMENT POLICIES MANAGEMENT NUMBER OF PERCENTAGE POLICIES RESPONDENT   YES 50 100% NO 0 0 TOTAL 50 100% The above chart shows that 100% respondents are satisfied with the management policies. 3 ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH MEDICAL FACILITIES BY THE COMPANY ? MEDICAL NUMBER OF PERCENTAGE FACILITIES RESPONDENT   YES 50 100% NO 0 0 TOTAL 50 100% The above chart shows that 100% respondents are satisfied with the medical facilities given by the company 4 NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE EMPLOYEES IN ORGANISATION RELATIONSHIP NUMBER OF PERCENTAGE   RESPONDENT   EXCELLENT 49 98% GOOD 1 2% AVERAGE 0 0 TOTAL 50 100% The above chart shows 98% of the respondent had excellent employees in the organization 5 TYPES OF INCENTIVES PREFERRED INCENTIVES NUMBER OF PERCENTAGE   RESPONDENT   MONETARY 25 50% NON MONETARY 0 0% BOTH 25 50% TOTAL 50 100% The above chart shows that 50% of respondents prefer monetary type of Incentives and another 5% of respondents prefer both the types of incentive i.e, monetary and non-monetary 6 DOES AN ORGANISATION GIVE EMPHASIS TO CAREER PLANNING PLANNING NUMBER OF PERCENTAGE   RESPONDENT   YES 48 96% NO 2 4% TOTAL 50 100% The above chart shows 96% of respondents feel the organizational is for career planning 7 DO YOU FEEL THAT YOUR ORGANISATION IS WELL PREPARED TO MEET TODAY'S CHALLENGES CHALLENGES NUMBER OF PERCENTAGE   RESPONDENT   YES 50 100% NO 0 0% TOTAL 50 100% The above chart shows all the respondents agree that their organization is well prepared to meet today's challenges 8 DO YOU HAVE FAITH IN COMPANY'S POLICIES? POLICIES NUMBER OF PERCENTAGE   RESPONDENT   YES 50 100% NO 0 0% TOTAL 50 100% THE ABOVE CHART SHOWS ALL THE RESPONDENTS HAVE FAITH IN THEIR COMPANY'S POLICIES Are you happy with the Recruitment process? Recruitment No. of Respondents Percentage Yes 68 90.7 No 7 9.3 Total 75 100 Feed Back: How do you feel about interview panel? Recruitment No. of Respondents Percentage Excellent 30 40 Good 33 44 Satisfactory 10 13.3 Poor 2 2.7 Total 75 100 Feed Back: Did the Pragathi meet your expectations? Recruitment No. of Respondents Percentage Yes 70 93.3 No -- -- Cant Tell 5 6.7 Total 75 100 Feed Back: Are you happy with the salary what you offered from the company? Recruitment No. of Respondents Percentage Yes 24 32 No 51 68 Total 75 100 Feed Back: Did Pragathi Managing fulfill the commitments which are given to you at the time of interview? Recruitment No. of Respondents Percentage Yes 42 56 No 13 17.3 Cant Tell 20 26.7 Total 75 100 Feed Back: How do you come to know about openings in PCS? BG Checks No. of Respondents Percentage Friends 5 6.7 Internet 23 30.7 News Papers 40 53.3 Others 7 9.3 Total 75 100 Feed Back: Do you want to refer more friends to PCS? BG Checks No. of Respondents Percentage Yes 58 77.3 No 8 10.7 Not Replied 9 12 Total 75 100 Feed Back: Did you have the right Designations? BG Checks No. of Respondents Percentage Yes 34 45.3 No 27 36 Not Replied 14 18.7 Total 75 100 Feed Back: What should be the company’s main source of BG Check? BG Checks No. of Respondents Percentage Employment Bureau 4 5.3 Direct Verification 17 22.7 Third Party Verification 39 52 Placement agency 13 17.3 Others 2 2.7 Total 75 100 Feed Back: What should be the best recruitment sources according to your preference? Recruitment No. of Respondents Percentage Internal Recruitment 63 84 External Recruitment 4 5.3 Both 8 10.7 Total 75 100 Feed Back: Did you fully know about the company policies before joined in this company? Recruitment No. of Respondents Percentage Yes 10 13.3 No 65 86.7 Total 75 100 Feed Back: Did you under gone any Written Test during Recruitment? Recruitment No. of Respondents Percentage Yes 75 100 No 0 -- Total 75 100 Feed Back: How do you think about Recruitment and selection procedure in your company? Recruitment No. of Respondents Percentage Satisfactory 70 93.3 Unsatisfactory 5 6.7 Total 75 100 Feed Back: Questionnaires Are you happy with the Recruitment process? Yes No How do you feel about interview panel? Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Did the Saptha meet your expectations? Yes No Are you happy with the salary what you offered from the company? Yes No Did Saptha Managing commitment which is given to you at the time of interview? Yes No How do you come to know about openings in Saptha? Friends Internet News Paper Others Do you want to refer more friends to Saptha? Yes No Did you have the right Designations? Yes No What should be the company’s main source of recruitment? Employment Bureau News Paper ads Direct Recruitment Placement agency Others What should be the best recruitment sources according to your preference? Internal Recruitment External Recruitment Both Did you fully know about the company policies before joined in this company? Yes No Did you under gone any Written Test during recruitment? Yes No How do you think about Recruitment and selection procedure in your company? Satisfactory Unsatisfactory What are your Guidelines to Saptha Recruitments? How about HR Feed back in Saptha? Findings from the study The data collected and analyzed and general observation has proven that M/S Pragathi Consultancy Services. Has done remarkable job in its Human resource development. The main findings are as follows: Each and every employee is well prepared to meet today’s challenges. The organization gives encouragement in career planning for every employee. There are employees in all experience level in the organization. The internal department of core competencies and continuous process improvements has made Saptha Business Solution Pvt. Ltd. One of the most exciting SAP companies to work for. The management showing their full efforts for the growth of Saptha Business Solution Pvt. Ltd. The company is having skilled employees who can give prime solutions to the clients more effectively. The management is showing there individual attention to each and every employees for their betterment and to groom there skills. Suggestions Create awareness about customer’s requirements among the employees by maintaining high level of motivation and focus. Increase the competence levels among the employees by giving suitable Training and Development Program. Identify the competencies and behavior pattern to be developed in each individual by obtaining there feedback and requirements. Provide training to the employees so that they get better knowledge, skills and attitude. Convert Saptha Business Solution Pvt. Ltd. into a ‘learning and development organization’ to make it a “GLOBAL PLAYER AND LEADER”. Bibliography Primary Source Principles of Management - By R.N.Gupta. Business Management By Reddy and Appanaiah Personal Management and Industrial Relations -By Dr.T.N.Bhagoliwali Secondary source Mr.BV Raghunath – (HRD Professional) Recruitment & Selection Periyar University R.No-05DBIA1049 MBA-Human Resource Management Page 72 of 72