Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
October 9 - 15, 2006, Beijing, China
Design and Manufacturing of a Mobile Rescue Robot
S. Ali A. Moosavian1
Hesam Semsarilar2
Arash Kalantari3
Department of Mechanical Engineering
K. N. Toosi Univ. of Technology, Tehran, Iran, P.O. Box 16765-3381
Abstract. This paper presents design and manufacturing
procedure of a tele-operative rescue robot. First, the general task to
be performed by such a robot is defined, and variant kinematic
mechanisms to form the basic structure of the robot will be
discussed. Choosing an appropriate mechanism, geometric
dimensions, and mass properties will be detailed to develop a
dynamics model for the system. Next, the strength of each component
is analyzed to finalize its shape. To complete the design procedure,
Patran/Nastran was used to apply the finite element method for
strength analysis of complicated parts. Also, ADAMS was used to
model the mechanisms, where 3D sketch of each component of the
robot was generated by means of Solidworks, and several sets of
equations governing the dimensions of system were solved using
Matlab. Finally, the components are fabricated and assembled
together with controlling hardware. Two main processors are used
within the control system of the robot. The operator’s PC as the
master processor and the laptop installed on the robot as the slave
processor. The performance of the system was demonstrated in
Rescue robot league of RoboCup 2005 in Osaka (Japan) and
achieved the 2 best design award.
would be to find victims, determine their situation, and then
report back their findings based on a map of the building, [1].
These will immediately be given to human rescue teams
preparing to extract all victims that are found. Further
expectations of rescue robots such as being able to
autonomously negotiate compromised and collapsed structures
and provide structural shoring, find victims and ascertain their
conditions, deliver sustenance and communications to victims,
and emplace sensors (acoustic, thermal, seismic,…) are active
research fields. Nevertheless, the basic capability of rescue
robots should be their maneuverability in destructed areas
which thoroughly depends on their locomotion system and
their dimensions. Various rescue robots have been designed
and manufactured. For instance, an autonomous Urban
Reconnaissance Robot, in the size of 20 Kg, was developed by
a research group from University of Southern California, [2].
PolyBot is an example of modular reconfigurable robots,
which is a rather small and economic prototype, [3]. CEDRA
is also a rescue robot with the ability to adjust its locomotion
system with the terrain on which it performs, [4].
Index Terms – Robotics - Tele-operative – Locomotion Mechanisms.
This paper presents an illustrative description of the
Resquake project at KNTU. Innovative mechanisms and
software-based steps of the design procedure are highlighted
here. First, the most successful projects in terms of their
mechanical structure and locomotion capabilities, regardless of
their autonomy and the sensors mounted on them, are studied
and concluded to develop new special mechanisms to enhance
the maneuverability of a mobile robot while trying to keep its
dimensions relevant to the environment in which it performs.
After selecting suitable mechanisms, dimensions and
parameters of the system are defined. The system dynamics is
discussed and the sequence of stress analysis for each member
of the mechanism is addressed in order to finalize its shape and
to select suitable material for its fabrication. The last phase of
the project was to manufacture the parts and assemble the
system. Electronic devices and control system of the robot is
described in the last section. Resquake is a robot with great
capabilities in climbing obstacles in destructed areas, which
was participated in Rescue robot league of RoboCup 2005 in
Osaka (Japan) and achieved the 2nd best design award.
Mobile robots whether autonomous or tele-operative play
an important role in different fields of human life. Mobile
robots are mainly operated for investigating areas in which
human health is endangered. Police robots, fire fighter robots
and rescue robots are examples of such application. Mobile
robots are also used for assisting human forces for doing
repeated works such as moving heavy boxes within a defined
path in a factory or providing the patients with appropriate
medicine on time in a hospital. Earthquake is a natural
incident, which threatens human life. Aftershocks occurring a
while after the main earthquake cause secondary collapses and
take victims from the search and rescue personnel. In order to
minimize the risks for rescuers, while increasing victim
survival rates, fielding teams of collaborative robots is a good
alternative. The mission for the robots and their operators
1- Associate Professor
2- B.Sc. Student
3- Graduate Student
1-4244-0259-X/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE
There are three major categories of rescue and search
robots in terms of locomotion system, i.e. wheeled, tracked,
and legged robots as shown in Fig. 1. The simplest are wheeled
robots, while tracked robots are used because of their ability to
move on uneven terrains and their inevitable traction. Legged
robots can be the most maneuverable, due to their high degree
of freedom. The number of actuators and sensors is relatively
high which makes their dynamic analysis and modeling more
complicated than the former types. Consequently, stable
control of such systems is more difficult, and eventually more
environment. Whether destructed or not a rescue robot should
have the ability to climb and move down stairways in order to
cover the whole area.
In order to compromise between the two contradictory
aspects of providing a small robot with maneuverability of a
larger locomotion system, an exceptional mechanism has been
developed. This mechanism, which includes a base with two
expandable tracks (arms), enables the robot to resize
depending on the situation that encounters. Accordingly, these
tracks should have a minimum length to prevent loosing its
balance and having a steady movement without extra
vibrations, Fig. 3. However, such lengthy tracks will need a
wide area for turning, which is rarely reachable in a destructed
environment, and a compromise between these two aspects is
also required.
Fig. 3. Minimum length for tracks of the robot
A. Expandable tracks (Arms)
Fig. 1. Three major categories of rescue and search robots
Wheeled robots could be considered as the lowest-priced
system to implement for searching flat areas, while developing
the autonomy of such systems is easier due to its simple
dynamics. Of course wheeled robots are capable of climbing
up obstacles depending on the diameter of the wheels while a
relatively small tracked robot has the same capability. The
sketch shown in Fig. 2 compares the two systems encountering
the same obstacle to climb.
Weeled platform
tracked platform
Fig. 2. Two types of locomotion encountering the same obstacle
As well as the type of locomotion, the size of a mobile rescue
robot is also an important issue. In a destructed indoor field
there may exist some obstacles that can not be passed by any
system such as when the walls or the ceiling collapses. At this
situation, the robot should search for a bypass or a way
between the obstacles rather than climbing over them, which
definitely depends on its size. A relatively small robot can
easily pass a narrow aisle and continue its search. It should be
noted that stair way is an inseparable part of an indoor
The kinematic structure shown in fig. 1 (top right) enables the
robot to expand its tracks when it needs to bypass obstacles.
Like wise, when the robot is going through narrow passages
and needs to be rather small, the front tracks can be closed.
This was the original idea, developed to overcome the
This concept is improved to a system with two pairs of arms at
both sides of the vehicle, That would reduce the length of the
robot with closed arms while the expanded length remains
relevant. Another advantage would be the symmetry of the
plan, which enables the robot to approach in both directions.
This arrangement remains operative in turning in a confined
So far, the length of the robot with closed arms has become
shorter than its width. The next improvement is to make the
arms collinear where the main tracks are located at each side,.
The last improvement is adding another joint to each arm in
order to use an extra area between the arms when they are
closed. The tracks on each side of the robot are also separated
into three parallel planes, which provides more efficient
traction. Top view of the designed locomotion system is shown
in Fig. 4 . However, it should be noted that adding four
independent joints to the system would increase the complexity
of its dynamic model as well as the number of actuators and
the total price of the system. Therefore, a planetary gear chain
is substituted to simply transmit the power of the main joint of
each arm to its second joint. In this case, the rotation of the
two parts for each arm will not be independent. Thus, two
desirable positions of the arms are considered, and the gear
ratio is obtained such that the arms move based on a path
between two main positions, Fig. 5.
It should be noted that while the main part of the arm rotates
π/2 rad, the second part should rotate more than π rad. The
gear chain with such performance should be a planetary
gearbox. The main part of the first arm play the role of the arm
in the planetary chain, which is directly powered by a motor.
The sun gear should be attached to the body of the robot and
the planet gear should be a attached to the second part of the
arm. A pair of medium gears are placed between the sun and
the planet so that the diameter of gears does not exceed a
reasonable length (the diameter of the main wheels of the
tracks), Fig. 6. Another advantage of this mechanism is that the
distance between the centers of the two joints of the arm will
remain constant during its rotaion. This enables us to fill the
gap between the main track and the arm's with another track,
Fig. 4. This track can also be used to transmit power from the
main part of the tracks to the latest part of the arm.
B. Tracks
The traction of the locomotion system strongly depends on the
friction between the track peaces and the surface on which the
robot moves. That is why the material and the shape of the
track pieces are of great importance. On the other hand, the
tracks should also bear a reasonable tension. Thus, the tracks
are designed to be assembled using two components. A basis
of chain-sprocket provides the system with sufficient tensile
strength and tooth shaped pieces made of latex filled the gap
between the chain and surface to create required friction.
Figure 8 shows how latex pieces are attached to the chains.
Arm’s motor
Robot’s Arm
Fig. 7. Final structure designed
for the
to the
main body
Medium tracks
Fig. 4. Final mechanism chosen for the tracks
Fig. 8. Latex pieces fixed on the chain
C. Suspension system
Two major advantages are obtained by including a suspension
- Increasing the flexibility and stability of the system on
bumpy surfaces;
- Damping any shock to the system caused by collisions.
Fig. 5. The path for motion of the arms
Planet Gear
Medium Gears
Sun Gear
The suspension system was designed by separating the two
sides from the main body and then attaching them by a
revolute joint.. A pair of linear springs limits the angle of
rotation and makes the system remain at a single position when
no extra forces are applied. It should be mentioned that using
dampers was not needed, because the friction of the plain
bearings used as the so-called joints was enough to limit any
extra shaking of the springs.
Robot’s Arm
Fig. 6. Planetary gear-chain
Helical gears are chosen for the planetary gears due to their
small backlash and also higher strength of gear tooth
comparing with spur gears, [5-6]. The angular velocity of the
arm should be less than 2-4 rpm while the motor's output
velocity is normally around 3000 rpm. Hence the transfer ratio
between the arm motor and the link should be around 1000.
Therefore, a combination of a 3 stage planetary gearbox ,
(constructed right at the motor shaft where the angular velocity
is relatively high) with a ratio of 3:1 at each stage, and a
wormgear set with ratio of 30:1 (gear is attached to the arm's
link) provides the desirable ratio within a compact space, Fig.
7. As shown in Fig. 7, the tracks at each side of the robot are
powered by a DC motor.
Finishing the design of locomotion mechanisms, now it is time
to determine the dimentions. Some of the components for
building the mechanisms are available as standard parts, so we
should select other dimensions to match their counterparts.
Besides, the overall size of the robot and the formulas on the
gear chains must be considered in our calculations. Since there
are numerous equations governing these factors, an optimised
solution is not reachable by manual calculations. Thus, Matlab
is used to extract desired values from a set of equations.
A. Locomotion system
There are some important points in robot motion:
1- Convenient control over the robot’s motion by the
2- Stability of the robot while maneuvering;
3- Reducing the risk of collisions.
Using the expressions for the kinetic and potential energy, and
applying Lagrange’s equations for a constrained or
unconstrained mobile robotic system, the dynamics model can
be obtained as presented in [7-8]. Here, avoiding a
cumbersome analysis, in order to determine the torques needed
to actuate the locomotion system and arms, it is reasonable to
choose the input torques such that they suffice the highest
torques assumed to be applicable on the system. Thus,
considering a simplified model as shown in Fig. 15, the
minimum torque required for climbing a surface with slope of
35˚ is calculated. To this end, Newton's 2nd law can be written
for the motion direction:
= ma x
Finally, the appropriate speed, by operating the robot within a
variety of situations was obtained around 18~20 cm/s.
B. Arms
The rotational speed of arms is chosen in range of 3~5 rpm.
The exact speed will be specified after evaluating the power of
actuators. In order to obtain the appropriate torque applied on
the arms, we should consider the most critical case that the
system may encounter, which is assumed as shown in Fig. 10,
and the motor torque is determined such that the robot bears its
own weight.
Fig. 10. Arms bearing the weight of the robot over a hole
The torque of the arm’s motors is calculated by considering the
free body diagram of the gear chain within each arm, Fig.6.
Solving the moment equation yields:
T =
where W=30 kg, la = 106 mm, l1 = 44 mm, l2 = 43 mm, l3 =
40.5 mm, and dG4 = 39 mm.
W .l a
.(l1 + l 3 − l 2 ) + 0.25W (l1 + l 2 + l 3 )
8d G 4
By replacing appropriate values, the required torque on each
arm is obtained as:
Fig. 9. Free body diagram of the robot over a 35o slop
Since the final speed of robot is to be rather small and
constant, we could assume the linear acceleration and thus the
rotational acceleration of the wheels to be zero:
ax ≈ 0
Ft − mg sin θ = 0 ⇒ Ft = mg sin θ
So, an estimation of the robot’s mass is considered as
m=30 kg. This estimation should be made conservatively
because the whole calculations should be repeated if the robot
appeared to be heavier when it was completely designed:
T= 26.5 N.m
Simulating a model of the arms using ADAMS, the same result
is abstained, which confirms the above approximations. By
specifying the speed and power needed we can choose the
Assuming the power losses due to friction in chains and other
components to be less than 50% of the maximum power,
7.5 Nm output torque would be sufficient for each side.
Specifications of the selected motors are listed in Table I.
Table I
Specifications of motors
⇒ Ft = 163.25 N
Writing the moment equation with respect to the center of one
of the wheels, the desired torque is determined as follows:
= Iα
α ≈ 0 ⇒ T t = Ft .r = 9.5N .m
10 N.m
24 V
1.92 A
1.5 N.m
120 Rpm
1.5 A
Arms motor
As mentioned in section 1.3, the locomotion system consists of
two separate sides connected to the main body while a motor
independently actuates the track at each side. Consequently,
the desired torque of each motor is obtained by dividing the
T t by 2:
Tmotor ≈ 5 N.m
Arm’s motor is coupled to the arm of the planetary gear-set
with a 1:30 worm gear set, resulting in output torque of 30
N.m (considering losses) and maximum speed of 4 rpm.
The aim of such analysis is a minimal weight design, to reduce
on-board energy consumption. The results lead us to redesign
critical parts such that undesired deformation and stresses are
prevented. There are two methods available:
1. Classic methods;
2. Numerical methods.
Using classic methods, the stresses in all gears and bearings
can be calculated and properly designed. Using this method is
not applicable to some parts, e.g. the motor base structure or
the gear-set basis, where equations became really complex and
unsolvable. In such cases, the finite element method using
Patran/Nastran is applied.
For instance, the part shown in fig. 11, is considered as the arm
for the planetary gear-set, considering the following roles
defined for it:
- This part acts as the arm of the planetary gearbox.
- It must stand all the force and moments applied to
robot’s arm, which are transferred to this part via
Gear 4 of planetary system.
- It should form the cover of planetary gearbox.
By applying the loads and constrains and assuming that this
part is made of aluminum the result of analysis was obtained as
shown in fig. 11. According to this analysis, the maximum
pitting stress is 78 Mpa. By ignoring the effect of pitting stress,
the maximum stress is 35 Mpa which comparing to the yield
strength of aluminum is acceptable.
The hardware of the control system consists various devices:
An operator desktop PC (A P4 2.4 MHz with 256
Mgb sdRam)
An on-board Laptop (HP Model: nc4000 with 12.1”
LCD,Wireless LAN 802.11 a/b/g, 512 MB Ram,
CPU: 1.6 Mobile)
Micro controllers (mostly ATMega 128 with 53 I/Os,
8 A/D, 2 serial ports, Machine frequency of 16 MHz,
128 KB of program memory and 4 KB Ram),
Sensors: (pyrometer, potentiometer and cameras),
electronic circuits (for Interface, power and drivers),
9 lithium-polymer on-board batteries.
As shown in Fig. 13, the operator’s desktop PC is used as the
master processor and the laptop installed on robot as the slave
processor. The robot is remotely operated using either
keyboard or joysticks, by taking advantage of the wireless
connection between the computers via LAN-Cards.
Operator’s PC
Sensor data
Wireless LAN
Wireless LAN
Following a complete stress analysis of all different parts, and
redesigning of those required, the last step is to fabricate the
designed parts and assemble those together with the available
standard elements to achieve the robot as shown in Fig. 12.
Camera 1
Fig. 11. Results of FEM analysis for the arm
Camera 2
Power circuit
Fig. 13. Correlation of the main parts
Fig. 12. Resquake on a sample wooden step field
Next, a brief review of the control system and performance
characteristics of the robot will be discussed.
The data acquired by sensors and video streams captured from
the two cameras are collected in the laptop, and then sent to
the operator’s PC. Operator commands received by the laptop
are transmitted to the actuators through a micro processor
(ATMEGA128L AVR). Angular positioning sensor
(potentiometer) of each arm is also connected to the micro
processor where its data is processed in order to set the arms at
the desirable position. Power circuits consisted of
LM2576HV-ADJ switching regulators; distribute the voltage
proportionally to driver circuits and other electrical devices. It
should be mentioned that powered by the battery cells with a
full charge (4.2 volts, 10 A.H.), the whole system operates
more than 4 hours.
Resquake works as a tele-operative mobile robot with the
following capabilities:
1. Surmounting uneven terrains with a relatively high
stability as shown in Fig. 12;
2. Climbing stairs and slopes up to 35o as shown in
Fig. 14;
3. Searching unreachable environments within a
maximum distance of 50 meters from the operator
4. Broadcasting thermal and visual data from the area;
5. High reliability of hardware and electronic devices.
Other specifications of the robot are listed in Table II.
Fig. 14. Resquake climbing up the stairs
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Table II
Main specifications of Resquake
Overall weight
25 Kg
Length with expanded arms
80 cm
Length with closed arms
41 cm
Minimum height
26 cm
40 cm
Maximum velocity
19 cm/sec
Arms maximum angular velocity
4 rpm
Number of ball bearings
Number of plain bearings
Total number of parts
This paper presented an illustrative description of the
Resquake project at KNTU. Innovative mechanisms and
software-based steps of the design procedure were highlighted
here. First, a new special mechanism was developed to
enhance the maneuverability of a mobile robot while trying to
keep its dimensions relevant to the environment in which it
performs. After selecting suitable mechanisms, dimensions and
parameters of the system were defined. The system dynamics
and the sequence of stress analysis for different parts were
addressed. Electronic devices and control system of the robot
was briefly described in the last section. The outcome is
Resquake, which is a mobile robot with great capabilities in
climbing obstacles in destructed areas, and was participated in
Rescue robot league of RoboCup 2005 in Osaka (Japan) where
achieved the 2nd best design award.
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