Non Conventional Conventional Energy Res

Cogeneration is the use of single input of fuel to simultaneously produce useful electricity and heat from the same source. In the production of electricity, heat is normally wasted from the electricity generation process can be reused, a large amount of fuel will be saved. Therefore, cogeneration conserves more energy both thermal and electrical. countries are now switching into energy sector development based mainly on biomass, coal, and gas. With the new power sector structure and emerging market, industries can receive maximum benefit from the application of cogeneration. There is always a ready market fo is a very competitive power source. The use of Synchronous or Induction generators for steam turbine cogeneration has been briefly discussed in this paper.

International Journal off R Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.3, No. March 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 Non-Con onventional Energy Resourc rce P.A.Gadge1 Mithileshh S Sarodkar2,Vivek Ninave3,Anshul Somkuwar4, Cha handan Patil5 1 Head of Depa epartment of Mechanical Engineering,V.M.I.T. Nagpur 2,, 3, 4, 5 Undergraduate Student, nt,Department of Mechanical Enginering,V.M.I.T,NAGP GPUR Abstract: Cogeneration is the usee of o single input of fuel to simultaneously produce usef seful electricity and heat from the same source. In the produ duction of electricity, heat is normally wasted as exhau haust. If the wasted heat from the electricity generation process pro can be reused, a large amount of fuel will ill be saved. Therefore, cogeneration conserves more energy rgy both thermal and electrical. Considering the diminish ishing oil reserves, most countries are now switching into en energy sector development based mainly on biomass,, ccoal, and gas. With the new power sector structure and eme merging market, industries can receive maximum benef efit from the application of cogeneration. There is always a ready r market for excess industrial power from cogene eneration systems, which is a very competitive power source. e. The use of Synchronous or Inductio ction generators for steam turbine cogeneration has been bee briefly discussed in this paper. KEYWORDS: Cogeneration, Energy rgy Sector Development, Thermal Energy, Electrical Energy. En both power and heat needs, s, iit has other advantages as well in the form of signif nificant cost savings for the plant and reduction in em missions of pollutants 1. INTRODUCTION Co-generation is the concept off producing two forms of energy from one fuel. One ne of the forms of energy must always be heat and the th other may be electricity or mechanical energy. In a conventional due to reduced fuel consumption. con Even at power plant, fuel is burnt in a boi boiler to generate conservative estimates, the potential of power high-pressure steam. This steam is used to drive a generation from co-generatio tion in India is more than turbine, which in turn drives an alter lternator through a 20,000 MW. Since India iss the t largest producer of steam turbine to produce electri tric power. The sugar in the world, biogases es-based cogeneration is exhaust steam is generally conde densed to water, being promoted. The poten tential for cogeneration which goes back to the boiler. thus lies in facilities with joint joi requirement of heat and electricity, primarily ssugar and rice mills, distilleries, petrochemicall sector s and industries such as fertilizers, steel, ch chemical, cement, pulp and paper, and aluminum. Fig 1. This shows Output obtained ed in Traditional way and Cogeneration ion.. As the low-pressure steam has a large lar quantum of heat, which is lost in the process of condensing, c the efficiency of conventional power er plants is only around 35%. In a cogeneration pl plant, very high efficiency levels, in the range of 75% 75%–90%, can be reached. This is so, because the low-pressure exhaust steam coming out of the he turbine is not condensed, but used for heating ing purposes in factories or houses. Since co-gener neration can meet F FUEL F RESOURCES 2. INVESTIGATION OF The source of energy fuell is a critical element in the development of the cogen eneration project. Biomass: It is an environmen entally friendly organic matter, which is availablee on o a renewable basis through natural processes.. Biomass B fuel reduces carbon dioxide and stabil bilizes greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosph phere. Biomass fuels are agricultural crops and wast astes, wood and wood waste, and energy crops. Biogas B is a colorless, odorless, inflammable gas, s, produced by organic waste and biomass decompo position (fermentation). Biogas can be produced from rom animal, human and plant (crop) wastes, weeds, s, grasses, vines, leaves, aquatic plants and crop residu idues, etc. Coal: It is a combustible, sed edimentary, organic rock (composed primarily of carbon, ca hydrogen and oxygen) formed from vegeta etation, which has been consolidated between otherr ro rock strata to form coal seams, and altered by the he combined effects of 415 International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.3, March 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 microbial action, pressure and heat over a considerable time period. Coal is the world’s most abundantly found fuel, which is typically inexpensive. Cleaner coal grades are used as a fuel to minimize emission of pollutants that can harm human health. Clean Coal Technologies (CCTs) has been developed to improve pollution control, higher thermal efficiency, lower fuel cost and greater fuel efficiency. Coal is cleaned before burning by removal of ash, mixing with limestone to remove sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and other traces of minerals. Natural gas: It is a fuel, which is obtained from oil wells. Natural gas is a hydrocarbon (a compound of hydrogen and carbon) formed by the decomposition of vast numbers of microscopic plants and animals millions of years ago. Broken down by heat and the pressure of overlying rock, these organisms were transformed into oil and gas and stored in cavities beneath the surface of the earth. Many gas-fired cogeneration plants have developed due to the greater availability of natural gas, which has led to significant reduction in installation cost and better environmental performance as compared to other technologies. Need for cogeneration The major source of loss in the conversion process is the heat rejected to the surrounding water or air due to inherent constraints of different thermodynamic cycles employed in the power generation. In a cogeneration plant, very high efficiency levels, in the range of 75%–90%, can be reached. A number of environmentally positive consequences flow from this fact: Power tends to be generated close to the power consumer, reducing transmission losses, stray current, and the need for distribution equipment significantly. Cogeneration plants tend to be built smaller, and owned and operated by smaller and more localized companies than simple cycle power plants. As a general rule, they are also built closer to populated areas, which causes them to be held to higher environmental standards. Fig 2. This shows Energy Efficiency Comparisons. 4. COGENERATION TECHNOLOGIES A typical cogeneration system consists of an engine, steam turbine, or combustion turbine that drives an electrical generator. A waste heat exchanger recovers waste heat from the engine and/or exhaust gas to produce hot water or steam. Cogeneration produces a given amount of electric power and process heat with 10% to 30% less fuel than it takes to produce the electricity and process heat separately.Topping cycle plants produce electricity first, and then the exhaust is used for heating. Bottoming cycle plants, which are rare, produce heat for an industrial process first, and then electricity is produced using a waste heat recovery boiler. Bottoming cycle plants are only used when the industrial process requires very high temperatures, such as furnaces for glass and metal manufacturing. 2. TYPES OF COGENERATION CYCLES Topping Cycle In the topping cycle, natural gas is burned in a gas reciprocating engine or gas turbine that drives an electric generator to produce electric power. Fig 3. This shows the working process of Topping Cycle. Waste heat, obtained from the engine's jacket water and/or the exhaust gases, is transferred via heat exchangers or waste-heat boilers to replace heat 416 International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.3, March 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 normally supplied from conventionally fired gas equipment. Bottoming Cycle With the bottoming cycle, high-temperature exhaust heat from a high-temperature process furnace is converted to steam in waste-heat boilers to run a steam turbine driving an electric generator. Electric power production is dependent upon the amount of waste heat available. Fig 4. This shows the working process of Bottoming Cycle. Combined Cycle Practical for 5,000 kW or greater installations, this process uses a gas turbine topping cycle process and uses steam produced in a waste-heat recovery boiler to power an auxiliary steam turbine-driven electric generator similar to the bottoming cycle. Fig 4.This shows Actual working of Combined Cycle 5. SCHEMATIC OF COGENERATION PLANT Fig 3. This shows the working process of Combined Cycle. Fig 5. This shows the layout of a cogeneration plant. Generation of electricity and heat in the form of hot water is shown in the figure. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE: Routine maintenance is a key element in optimizing the production and life of cogeneration generating facilities. When integrated with ongoing unit operations and a program of inspection and upgrades, routine maintenance maximizes safely, reliability, availability, efficiency and environmental protection. While once a relatively straightforward job of restoring damaged or broken components, maintenance has evolved into a 417 International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.3, March 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 sophisticated systematic programme of condition assessment, predictive techniques, corrective steps, preventive activities, and ongoing observation and evaluation of plant operations. An effective operation and maintenance (O&M) organization and management can significantly influence the profitability of the cogeneration plant. The O&M team at the plant site must aggressively drive the plant to its economic and technical limits of high availability, reliability, output and efficiency while maintaining cost control. In certain situation, the owners themselves form a team to operate the cogeneration plant. ADVANTAGES OF COGENERATION: • Cogeneration technology provides greater conversion efficiencies than traditional generation methods as it harnesses heat that would otherwise be wasted. • It can result in up to more than a doubling of thermal efficiency or higher heat values (HHV). • Carbon dioxide emissions can be substantially reduced. • The heat by-product is available for use without the need for the further burning of a primary fuel. • Cogeneration systems predominantly use natural gas, a fuel source that emits less than half the greenhouse gas, per unit of energy produced than the cleanest available thermal power station. • By improving efficiency, cogeneration systems can reduce fuel costs associated with providing heat and electricity to a facility. • Cogeneration systems are located at the point of energy use. They provide highquality and reliable power and heat locally to the energy user, and they also help reduce congestion on the electric grid by removing or reducing load. In this way, cogeneration systems effectively assist or support the electric grid, providing enhanced reliability in electricity transmission and distribution. • Because of its improved efficiency in fuel conversion, cogeneration reduces the amount of fuel burned for a given energy output and reduces the corresponding emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases. • Because cogeneration requires less fuel for a given energy output, the use of cogeneration reduces the demand on our limited natural resources—including coal, natural gas, and oil—and improves our nation's energy security. • In separate production of electricity some energy must be rejected as waste heat, but in cogeneration this thermal energy is put to good use. • Since co-generation can meet both power and heat needs, it has other advantages as well in the form of significant cost savings for the plant and reduction in emissions of pollutants due to reduced fuel consumption. • Even at conservative estimates, the potential of power generation from cogeneration in India is more than 20,000 MW 6. CONCLUSION In the present scenario in the power industry, the nature and degree of application varies in the case of generation, transmission and distribution. New technologies in generation are driven by the need to optimize power generation and manage the high value assets in the plant, in the most efficient manner. In time an increasing proportion of new power will come from a range of small-embedded generators, including cogeneration. The traditional electricity system as we know it may well evolve beyond recognition as global and national pressures gain momentum to reduce emissions and a more holistic approach is taken to evaluating power generation, supply, and the provision of energy services to end users. Cogeneration solutions simply reduce waste, with only 10%-15% losses, compared with the 55% or more losses using traditional generation methods and it is clear that cogeneration uses fuel more efficiently. REFERENCES: 1) Technical Report: Available Cogeneration Technologies in Europe 2) Cogeneration Project Development Guide 3) Non Conventional energy resources by B.H. Khan 4) Power station practice by B.R.Gupta 5) 6) 7) 8) Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (August 2003) by Althouse, Turnquist, and Bracciano, Goodheart- Wilcox Publisher. 9) Fusion as an energy source-a guide from institute of physics. 10) CogenerationWikipedia. The free encyclopedia 11), 418