Research in English and Education (READ), 1(2), 129-136, December 2016
E-ISSN 2528-746X
Suggestopedia Method on Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension
Vebriana Setia Deny*1, Syamsul Bahri, Dian Fajrina1
Kuala University, Banda Aceh
*Corresponding Author:
This research is intended to find out whether Suggestopedia method improved
students’ reading comprehension. This research was conducted at SMPN 8 Banda
Aceh. The sample was taken by random sampling of the students of class VIII-1. The
technique of data collection, the researcher used pre-test, treatment and post-test. The
materials used in the test were narrative texts. The reading comprehension which
tested was main idea, detail information, vocabulary and reference. The researcher
used one group pre-test and post-test design. The tests consisted of 10 multiple choice
questions of narrative texts. The technique of data analysis, the researcher used
statistical formula. The mean score of pre-test was (53.18) and the post-test was
(79.09). The finding showed that the improvement of the mean was 25.91. The critical
value of 0.05 significant level was 2.080 and degree of freedom was 21. T-test 4.197
was higher than t-table (2.080). As a result, Suggestopedia method can improve the
students’ reading comprehension in narrative text particularly at the VIII-1 of SMPN 8
Banda Aceh.
Keyword: Reading comprehension, suggestopedia, improvement
Reading is one of the crucial academic language skills in English besides
speaking, listening and writing skills. It is very important for students in all stages
from Elementary School up to Senior High School to comprehend the reading for
certain purpose. Through reading we can get more information, knowledge,
enjoyment and solving the problem from what we see like symbol and text.
According to Alyousef (2006, p. 64), reading is a process between a reader and a
text which leads to automaticity. In the process, the reader interacts dynamically
with the text to get the meaning. Reading cannot be separated from comprehension
because understanding of what we read is the purpose of reading. According to
Wolly (2011, p. 15), reading comprehension is the process of making meaning from
the text in order to understand of what is described in the text.
Suggestopedia Method on Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension by Vebriana Setia Deny,
Syamsul Bahri, Dian Fajrina
To comprehend the text, a reader must be able to construct the meaning
internally from interacting with the material that is read. As a result, they are
expected not only be able to read the text but also to master reading with
comprehension. However, reading is not as easy as what people think because it is
not only read a sentence and say it out to others but also we have to understand the
content of the reading text and its purpose.
Based on the curriculum 2013 (Depdiknas 2013), English is one of the subjects
that must be taught in school. In curriculum 2013, the second grade students of
Junior High School have to able to comprehend the meaning of short functional
texts, namely; descriptive, recount, and narrative in daily life context. In the basic
competence (KD 3.14), one kind of the texts that the students should be able to
comprehend well and accurately is the narrative text [Permendikbud, 2014). It
clear that the second grade students of junior high school are expected to be able to
comprehend the meaning, purpose and generic structure of the text accurately and
fluently in order to get more knowledge or information.
Based on the researcher’s a simple preliminary study of grade VIII-1 of SMPN 8
Banda Aceh, she found that many students still had difficulties in comprehending
the texts. During the reading activity, the students could not focus on what they
read because the environment of the classroom did not support them to read well.
Moreover, because they felt hard to comprehend the text, many students were
bored to participate in the classroom activity. The students got bored when the
teacher asked them to read a long text, so the students tended to ask the difficult
words to other students or used dictionary. Then, the teacher just explained the
material in front of the class without any interaction between the teacher and the
students and then gave students assignment individually. As the result, they did not
understand the main ideas, detail information, reference and vocabulary of the text.
Hence, it needs an appropriate method to overcome this problem. In this
research, the researcher is interested in using Suggestopedia as a method that can
be used to - overcome students’ reading problem. The effect of applying this method
is the students feel relax in reading because they do not feel under pressure to learn
in the classroom. According to Harmer (2001, p. 89), Suggestopedia is a method
that have a physical surroundings and the classroom atmosphere. The students can
relax, fun, and comfortable in teaching learning process.
The researcher strongly believes that to comprehend a narrative text using
Suggestopedia method is useful for the students’ activity to help them get ideas.
Therefore, the researcher is interested to conduct this study under the title “Using
Suggestopedia Method to Improve Reading Comprehension”. Therefore, based on
the explanation above, one research questions were prepared for this study: Does
Suggestopedia method improve students’ reading comprehension of narrative text ?
2.1 Reading Comprehension
Reading is one of the skills in English that students should master beside
speaking, writing, and listening. Reading is very important in our life because it can
give more information and knowledge from written text. Reading is as a way to
draw information from a text and a form an interpretation of that information
(Grabe&Stoller, 2013). A reader can begin by looking at the printed word,
understand the meaning and interpret the information by using her knowledge.
Research in English and Education (READ), 1(2), 129-136, December 2016
Reading comprehension is the ability to understand information in a written text
and interpret it appropriately (Grabe&Stoller, 2013). A reader has to understand
what the researcher tells in a text. When she reads a text, she needs prior
knowledge and critical thinking to interpret information of the written text.
Main idea is the most crucial part in a reading text. It is the author’s idea about
the topic. It is usually a complete sentence that include the gist of every ideas from
the paragraph. Sometimes the main idea is stated in a sentence in the text. That
sentence is usually the first—and sometimes the last—sentence in a paragraph.
Here, a reader needs to predict the main idea and has to understand what the
author writes.
Detail is a specific information that support the main idea in a text. It can be fact,
opinion, and evidence around the main idea. Detail information is very important
for a reader to comprehend the whole text. They are usually stated directly in the
text. It helps a reader to find more information in understanding a text or
Reference is words used to replace other word or phrase. Reference is a very
crucial part when a reader follows ideas through the text. It is not enough just to
understand the words in a text but have to be able to identify words that connect
ideas and the ideas that these words connect.
Vocabulary is very important for reading comprehension. Without mastering
vocabulary, a reader cannot understand the whole text. To know the information
written in a text, students have to know the meaning of the words. Vocabulary
addresses not only single lexical items—words with specific meaning(s)—but also
includes lexical phrases.
2.2 Suggestopedia Method
Suggestopedia is a method of language teaching developed by Georgi Lezanov,
the Bulgarian psychologist and educator in 1970. Lezanov believes that in the
learning process the students use an unconscious mind by giving positive
suggestion to make the students relax and concentrate. Using music rhythm is used
in the teaching learning process (Harmer, 2001, p.90). This method applies the
influence of suggestion of human behavior. It was supported by Rodríguez (2011),
Suggestopedia is a method deals with concentration and relaxation to get a
maximum understand of the material that given by the teachers (p. 12).
Giving motivation for students is one of the characteristics of Suggestopedia
method to make students relaxed and comfortable during read a text. In the
Suggestopedia method, Students’ feeling have an important place.Venkanna &
Glorry, (2015, p. 130) added that the effect of physical surrounding and pleasant
atmosphere of the classroom can make the students relaxed, confident and
comfortable in reading the text because they do not feel under pressure to learn in
the classroom. The purpose of this method is to make the students relax and enjoy
during the learning process. Music in the learning process background helps to
make students focus and concentrate to the material.
Thus, it can be concluded that Suggestopedia is a good method for students to
improve their comprehension during the reading activity in the classroom with
relaxed and comfortable situation in the learning process. Lezanov (2005, p. 89-96)
justified that there are three procedures of Suggestopedia method. The purpose of
this stage is to help students to relax, enjoy and move into a positive frame of mind.
Suggestopedia Method on Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension by Vebriana Setia Deny,
Syamsul Bahri, Dian Fajrina
In addition, the teacher arranges the students’ seats in a comfortable way and gives
the students information about the objectives of the learning.
Lezanov divided this session into two parts namely, active concert and passive
concert. Active concert involves the active presentation of the material to be learnt.
Here, the teacher uses some classical music or instrument and he or she reads the
text in the harmony with the musical phrases. Passive concert invites the students
to relax, close their books and listen to classical music by reading a text very quietly.
The practice stage is given on the day after the passive session. According to
Kharismawati (2014), in the practice stage, the teacher does not something
stressful for students.
2.3 Narrative Text
Narrative text is a kind of the text that has function or purpose to entertain the
reader. Setiyaningsih (2003, p. 3) points out that narrative text has function to
interest the readers with actual experience in different ways. Moreover, In the
organizational structure may be built some episode of the story based on the
characters, setting, problem, goal and resolution. It means that narrative text is a
text that tells the story to amuse the reader which consist of some characters, plot,
setting and action which have problematic problems like fable, legend, folktale and
so on
The research design in this study is experimental quantitative research. For
research design, in this study the researcher used one group pre-test-post-test
design. The scheme of one-group pretest-posttest desig. This research was
conducted at SMPN 8 Banda Aceh. The population of this research is the eighth
grade students’ of SMPN 8 Banda Aceh. There are six classes of the eighth grade
students. The number of research population is 132 students. The sample of this
study was VIII-1 at SMPN 8 Banda Aceh. To select the sample for this study, the
researcher used simple random sampling which assumes that this technique gives
everyone the same chance to be a sample.
The researcher used instrument for this study in form of test. In this study, the
researcher provided two types of the test namely; pre-test and post-test. Pre-test
was given for the students before implementing the Suggestopedia method.
Meanwhile, post-test was given after the treatment of the Suggestopedia method.
The test used in pre-test and post-test of reading test was designed and adopted
from English book of Junior High School. The test used narrative texts taken from:
English in focus kelas VIII.
In this research, the researcher gave an objective test consisting of multiple
choice items. There were 10 questions in multiple choice (a, b, c, and d). The
questions were about main idea, detail information, reference, and vocabulary in
the narrative text. The researcher limited this research only in teaching simple
short narrative text. To analyze the collected data, the researcher used statistical
formula as Ary et al. (2010, p. 108). The components of the formula namely; mean
score, standard deviation and hypothesis testing.
Research in English and Education (READ), 1(2), 129-136, December 2016
4.1 Findings
Pre-test given to the students before the researcher applied Suggestopedia
method in teaching narrative text to know they basic comprehension of reading.
The researcher given the pre-test in the first meeting to measure the students’
ability in reading comprehension.The researcher presented the chart to illustrate
the frequency of the students’ pre-test.
Figure 4.1 The Students’ Pre-Test Score
Figure 1. The Students’ Pre-Test Score.
From the figure above, there were two students got 20 scores, four students got
30 students, five students got 50 score, four students got 60, six students got 70 and
one student got 80. It is clearly that from the figure above the highest score was 80
which only one student could achieve. The lowest score was 20, there were two
students. It was true that the students still have difficulty in comprehending
narrative text before implementing Suggestopedia method.
Post-test was a final test given for the students after the researcher applying
Suggestopedia method. In this session, the researcher asked the students to read
three narrative texts followed by 10 questions. The data of students’ achievement in
the post-test is displayed below.
Figure 2. The Students’ Post-Test Score.
Suggestopedia Method on Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension by Vebriana Setia Deny,
Syamsul Bahri, Dian Fajrina
From the figure above, it can be seen that the highest score was 100 which was
achieved by 4 students. While the lowest score was 60 which was achieved by 6
students. As a result, the score of post-test was higher than pre-test.
4.2 Discussion
After collecting the data and processing all data taken from pre-test and posttest, it is necessary to discuss the result of the research. Referring to the treatments,
the researcher would like to explain more clearly about the process of the
implementation of Suggestopedia method. It has three times of treatment
conducted by the researcher.
In the first treatment, the researcher opened the learning process with greeting,
praying, check the students attendance, and told to students the purpose of
learning. The researcher asked the students to arrange the chairs in semicircle (UShape). After the students sit in the U-Shape, the researcher gave them the
instruction to relax with given the positive suggestion in first meeting. It is very
important for teacher make students relax to eliminate stressful, tired and
improved motivation in teaching learning process. After that, the researcher
showed them the picture related to the story “The Fox and The Grapes”. The
researcher asked the students about the picture that the researcher showed them.
For example: “what do you see in the picture?” could you mention what the fox
do?.etc. The students answer the question enthusiastically. After activating the
students prior knowledge, the researcher gave the text about “The Fox and The
Grapes” for students. The researcher turned on the music instrument (Baroque
music) in the class. Music instrument is a part of implementing Suggestopedia
method. Giving music while in teaching reading comprehension could made the
students more relax and enjoy.
The researcher asked the students to listen and pay attention while the
researcher read the story “The Fox and The Grapes” followed by Baroque music and
the different teacher’s intonation. Intonation is an important thing because the
students can memorize the story that researcher read. It was related with Lezanov’s
theory to make students relaxed and fun in learning process including interaction
between students and teacher, physical activities, intonation and music to
memorize the material by using Suggestopedia method. After reading process, the
researcher asked the students to answer 10 questions about main idea, detail
information, vocabulary and reference related to the story. The researcher as a
facilitator controlled and helped them when facing difficulties. After the students
answered the questions that gave by researcher, she collected students’ papers and
switch to another students. Then, the researcher discussed with students about the
answer and told them the correct answer.
In the second treatment, the researcher taught the story about “A Wolf in Sheep
Clothing”. The researcher used the same method (Suggestopedia) in this meeting to
teach reading. The researcher gave the reading text to student about “A Wolf in
Sheep Clothing”. For this story, the researcher given 10 questions related to the text.
It was main idea, detail information, vocabulary and reference. Because the
students already knew about the Suggestopedia method, the learning process is
more effective than the previous meeting.
In the third meeting, the researcher introduced the story entitled “Collin Thinks
Big”. The researcher gave the text about “Collin Thinks Big” to students. In this
Research in English and Education (READ), 1(2), 129-136, December 2016
meeting, the method applied was similar to the previous meeting. The researcher
gave the some questions related to the text.
Furthermore, there is a significant improvement that relates to the KKM (70).
Before the treatment was given by the researcher, the average score of students in
pre-test was 53.18, the lowest score was 20 and the highest scores was 80.
However, after the researcher gave treatment by using Suggestopedia method to
improve the students’ reading comprehension in narrative text, the average score
was 79.09, the lowest score was 60 and the highest score was 100. As a result, there
was a significant result between pre-test and post-test
t- score
= 4.197
= 0.05
df (degree of freedom) = n-1
= 22-1 = 21
From the calculation above, the researcher found that the t-score was 4.197 and
the critical value of t-score for 21 degree of freedom on the level significant 0.05 is
2.080. It is clear that t score> t table,(ts = 4.197 >tt= 2.080). It signified that alternative
hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It can be
interpreted that there is significant difference between students’ score pre-test and
post-test of VIII-1 at SMPN 8 Banda Aceh. The difference can be seen in the mean
score of post-test is higher than the pre-test after the students are taught using
Suggestopedia method. It can be concluded, there was an improvement for
students’ reading comprehension in narrative text after they were taught using
Suggestopedia method.
The purpose of this research was to know whether or not the Suggestopedia
method has significant improvement in teaching reading comprehension for the
students at VIII-1 SMPN 8 Banda Aceh. The improvement can be seen from the
result of mean score of pre-test and post-test. In this research the result of means
score of pre-test (53.18) and mean score of post-test (79.09). It means that the
means score of post-test is higher than the pre-test. It can be indicated that there
was significant difference between pre-test and post-test. Moreover, the researcher
found that t-test score of the students was 4.197 while the t-table was 2.080. It was
seen very clearly that t-test (4.197) was bigger than t-table (2.080). It means that
Ha (Alternative Hypothesis) stating that Suggestopedia method can improve
students’ reading comprehension at VIII-1 SMPN 8 Banda Aceh was accepted.
Based on the conclusion, the researcher would like to present some suggestions
to the teachers and other researchers. These suggestions could give good impact to
the student so that they got improvement in reading comprehension. The
researcher suggest for the teacher can be used this method as an alternative
method in teaching reading skill. In the Suggestopedia method, the teachers should
be more creative do design the classroom atmosphere to make the student attract
in reading text. For the researcher, to conduct a similar study, but they should
investigate this problem in different grades for example; in the second or third
grade and in the different types of genre.
Suggestopedia Method on Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension by Vebriana Setia Deny,
Syamsul Bahri, Dian Fajrina
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