We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to the world, and say ‘hello’ to the archaeological media with the very first issue of our new archaeological journal: The Turkish Journal of Archaeological Sciences. Dünyaya açılmamızı sağlayacak Arkeoloji Bilimleri Dergisi’nin ilk sayısı ile hepinize merhaba diyoruz.

2021 ISSN 2822-2164 ISSN 2822-2164 Editörler / Editors Güneş Duru Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Turkey Mihriban Özbaşaran Istanbul University, Turkey Yardımcı Editörler / Associate Editors Brenna Hassett University College London, United Kingdom Melis Uzdurum Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey Sera Yelözer Istanbul University, Turkey Fatma Kalkan Koç University, Turkey Yazı İşleri Müdürü / Managing Editor Varlık İndere AY RIB AS IM / OFFP RINT Yapım / Production Zero Prodüksiyon Kitap-Yayın-Dağıtım San. Ltd. Şti. Abdullah Sokak, No: 17, Taksim / Beyoğlu 34433 İstanbul - Türkiye Tel: +90 (212) 244 7521 Fax: +90 (212) 244 3209 E.mail: Tasarım / Design Adnan Elmasoğlu Uygulama / Layout Design Hülya Tokmak Kapak Fotoğrafı / Cover Photo Kapadokya volkan külü birikim kesiti /Accumulation of volcanic ash, Cappadocia, G. Duru. Danışma Kurulu / Advisory Board Eşref Abay Ege University, Turkey Murat Akar Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey Benjamin S. Arbuckle University of North Carolina, USA Levent Atıcı University of Nevada, USA Meriç Bakiler Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Turkey Marion Benz Free University of Berlin, Germany Rozalia Christidou CNRS, France Çiler Çilingiroğlu Ege University, Turkey Nüzhet Dalfes Istanbul Technical University (emeritus), Turkey Caroline Douché National Museum of Natural History - Paris, France Yılmaz Selim Erdal Hacettepe University, Turkey Burçin Erdoğu Akdeniz University, Turkey Müge Ergun ANAMED, Turkey Metin Kartal Ankara University, Turkey Nurcan Kayacan Istanbul University, Turkey Moritz Kinzel German Archaeological Institute, Turkey Elif Koparal Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Turkey Susan M. Mentzer University of Tübingen, Germany Natalie Munro University of Connecticut, USA Gökhan Mustafaoğlu Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, Turkey Rana Özbal Koç University, Turkey Mehmet Somel Middle East Technical University, Turkey Mary Stiner University of Arizona, USA Georgia Tsartsidou Ephorate of Palaeoanthropology - Speleology, Greece İçindekiler / Contents 1 2 3 22 42 67 79 95 109 121 Editörlerden Note from the editors Trevor Watkins Can Prehistoric Archaeology be a Scientific Discipline? Moritz Kinzel Documenting Near Eastern Neolithic Architecture: Aspects of 2D and 3D Recording of Built Environments Yılmaz Selim Erdal, Turan Takaoğlu Mortuary Behavior in Chalcolithic Anatolia: A View from Gülpınar Erkan Fidan Yüzey Araştırmalarında Disiplinlerarası Bir Çalışma: Tavşanlı Höyük Mehmet Bilgi Er, Asuman Günal Türkmenoğlu, Emine Hale Göktürk Raw Material Characteristics and Production Technology of Chalcolithic and Iron Age Değirmentepe Pottery (Malatya, Turkey) Tuna Şare Ağtürk, Kimberlee Sue Moran From Beazley to Forensic Labs: Investigating Ancient Fingerprints in Classical Archaeology Selin Gür Gender in the Analysis of Domestic Space: A Theoretical and Methodological Approach Thomas Zimmerman The Hand of Man – Oswald Spengler’s Thoughts on Cultural Morphology and its Benefits for Current Archaeological Debates 0 ³ˆŒ«­ŒÆ͑¸³ÐŒ³ÐÊ 135 Amaç ve Kapsam 136 Aims and Scope 137 Makale Gönderimi ve Yazım Kılavuzu 142 Submission and Style Guideline Editörlerden Dünyaya açılmamızı sağlayacak Arkeoloji Bilimleri Dergisi’nin ilk sayısı ile hepinize merhaba diyoruz. Arkeoloji bir süredir geçmişin yorumlanmasında teknoloji ve doğa bilimleri ile yoğun iş birliği içinde yeni bir anlayışa evrilmekte. Üniversiteler, ilgili kurum ve enstitülerde her yeni gün açılmakta olan “Arkeoloji Bilimleri” bölümleri ve programları, geleneksel anlayışı yavaş yavaş terk ederek değişen yeni bilim iklimine adapte olmaya çalışmaktalar. Arkeoloji disiplininin geçmişi, geçmişte yaşayan insanların yaşam biçimlerini bütüncül bir şekilde anlamaya, hızla gelişen ve yaygınlaşan teknolojilerle her geçen on yılda daha fazla yaklaşıyor. Arkeolojik araştırmalar, sorgulama ve değerlendirme biçimleri, bu yeni bilim üretme biçimine dönüşüyor. Derginin editörleri olarak bizler, bu süreçte, bu dönüşüme katkı sağlayacak bir mecra oluşturmanın önemli olduğu kanısındayız. Amacımız arkeoloji içindeki arkeobotanik, arkeozooloji, alet ve bina teknolojileri, tarihlendirme, mikromorfoloji, biyoarkeoloji, jeokimyasal ve spektroskopik analizler, coğrafi bilgi sistemleri, iklim ve çevre modellemeleri gibi farklı uzmanlık alanlarının çeşitlenerek yaygınlaşmasına katkı sağlamak ve arkeolojide bilimsel yöntem ve analizlerin geliştirilmesi ve uygulanması üzerine çalışan bilim insanlarını bir araya getirmek. Elbette yeni ve özgün metodolojik ve kuramsal yaklaşımlar üzerine yapılan araştırmalara da yer vereceğiz. Destek, katkı ve ilginizi derginin seyri ve gelişimi adına çok önemli görüyoruz. Güneş Duru & Mihriban Özbaşaran | 1 | Note from the editors We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to the world, and say ‘hello’ to the archaeological media with the very first issue of our new archaeological journal: The Turkish Journal of Archaeological Sciences. For the past couple of decades archaeology has been evolving in close cooperation with new technologies and the advances in the natural sciences towards new understandings and interpretations of the past. More and more newly established departments and programs in universities and other relevant institutions focus on “Archaeological Sciences” as they try to adapt to a changing climate, and gradually abandon older traditions. Rapidly developing technological, methodological and analytical advances move us closer to understanding the way of life in past communities in a holistic way. Archaeological research programs, and the many innovative new ways of testing, inquiring and evaluating these all converge into this new way of producing ‘science’. As the founding editors of the TJAS, we think it is important to have a medium that will contribute to this transformation. Our goal is to contribute to the diversification and dissemination of different areas of expertise such as archaeobotany, archaeozoology, tool and building technologies, dating methods, micromorphology, bioarchaeology, geochemical and spectroscopic analyses, geographical information systems, climate and environmental modeling. We aim to bring scholars working on the development and application of scientific methods and analyses together in these volumes. We also seek to include in these pages recent advances in methodological and theoretical approaches. Your support, contributions and engagement with the archaeological science presented here are crucial to the progress and development of the journal. Güneş Duru & Mihriban Özbaşaran | 2 | Submission and Style Guideline Submission Criteria for Articles The content of the manuscripts should meet the aims and scope of the Turkish Journal of Archaeological Sciences (cf. Aims and Scope). Manuscripts may be written in Turkish or English. The translation of articles into English is the responsibility of the author(s). If the author(s) are not fluent in the language in which the article is written, they must ensure that the text is reviewed, ideally by a native speaker, prior to submission. Each manuscript should include a Turkish and an English abstract of up to 200 words and five keywords in both Turkish and English. Citations should not be included in the abstract. If the author(s) are not fluent in the language of the manuscript, a translation of the abstract and the keywords may be provided by the editorial board. Manuscripts, figures, and other files should be sent via wetransfer or e-mail to archaeologicalsciences@ Submission Checklist Each article must contain the following: The manuscript should contain: • Authors (please provide the name-last name and contact details of each author under the main title of the manuscript) • Affiliation (where applicable) • E-mail address • ORCID ID • • • • • • • Title Abstract (in English and Turkish) Keywords Text References Figures (when applicable) Tables (when applicable) Scientific Standards and Ethics • Submitted manuscripts should include original research that has not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. • The manuscripts should meet scientific standards. • Manuscripts should use inclusive language that is free from bias based on sex, race or ethnicity, etc. (e.g., “he or she” or “his/her/their” instead of “he” or “his”) and avoid terms that imply stereotypes (e.g., “humankind” instead of “mankind”). | 142 | Style Guide Manuscript Formatting • Manuscripts should be written in Times New Roman 12-point font, justified and single-spaced. Please submit the manuscript as a word document. • Words in foreign and ancient languages should be italicized. • Titles and subtitles should appear in bold. • Titles and subtitles should not be numbered, italicized, or underlined. • Only the first letter of each word in titles and subtitles should be capitalized. References Cf.: In-Text Citations and References • In-text citations should appear inside parenthesis (Author year, page number). • Footnotes and endnotes should not be used for references. Comments should be included in footnotes rather than endnotes. • The footnotes should be written in Times New Roman 10-point font, justified and single-spaced, and should be continuous at the bottom of each page. Figures and Tables • Please provide a caption list for figures and tables following the references. Provide credits where applicable. Each figure and table should be referenced in the text (Figure 1, or Table 1), but please do not include figures in the text document. • Each figure should be submitted separately as a jpg or tiff file. • Images should be submitted in the dimensions in which they should appear in the published text and their resolution must be over 300 dpi. • Please avoid editing the figures in Photoshop or similar programs but send the raw version of the figures if possible. • Tables and graphs prepared in Excel should be sent as both PDF and Excel documents. Dates and Numbers • Please use BCE/CE and please avoid using dots without dots (i.e., BCE instead of BC or B.C.). • Please use a dot for numbers and dates with 5 or more digits (i.e., 10.500 BCE). • Please avoid using dots for numbers and dates with 4 or less digits (i.e., 8700 BCE). • Please spell out whole numbers from 0 to 10 (e.g., “the floor was renewed eight times” instead of “the floor was renewed 8 times”). Punctuation • Please prefer em dashes (—) for parenthetical sentences: “Children were buried with various items, the adolescents—individuals between the ages of 12-19—had the most variety in terms of grave goods.” • Please prefer an en dash (-) between page numbers, years, and places: 1989-2006; İstanbul-Kütahya. | 143 | Abbreviations • Commonly used abbreviations: Approximately: approx. Figure: Fig. Confer: cf. Id est: i.e., Circa: ca. Exempli gratia: e.g., Calibrated: cal. Special Fonts • If a special font must be used in the text (e.g., Greek or Arabic alphabet or hieroglyphs), the text in the special font and the original manuscript should be sent in separate PDF files. In-Text Citations and References • Each article should contain a list of references in a section titled “References” at the end of the text. Please ensure that all papers cited in the text are listed in the bibliography. • Citations in the text may be made directly, e.g., ‘as shown by Esin (1995) ...’ or in parenthesis, e.g., ‘research suggests ... (Esin 1995)’. • References within the same parenthesis should be arranged chronologically and separated with a “;”, e.g., ‘... (Dinçol and Kantman 1969; Esin 1995; Özbal et al. 2004).’ • In references to the studies by the same author from different years, please use the last name of the author once, followed by the years of the cited studies, each separated by a “,”, e.g., ‘... (Peterson 2002, 2010). • More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ placed after the year of publication. • When dealing with multiple papers from the same author, single authored ones should be written before the studies with multiple authors. • When dealing with papers where the first author is the same, followed by different second (or third, and so on) authors, the papers should be listed alphabetically based on the last name of the second author. • When dealing with multiple single-authored papers of the same author, the papers should be listed chronologically. • Please provide the doi numbers of journal articles. Below, you may find examples for in-text citations and references. Single-authored journal articles, book chapters, and books In-text: Last name and publication year (Esin 1995). If the page number is indicated: Last name and publication year, page number (Esin 1995, 140). | 144 | Journal article: Bickle, P. 2020. Thinking Gender Differently: New Approaches to Identity Difference in the Central European Neolithic. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 30(2), 201-218. https://doi. org/10.1017/S0959774319000453 Book chapter: Esin, U. 1995. Aşıklı Höyük ve Radyo-Aktif Karbon Ölçümleri. A. Erkanal, H. Erkanal, H. Hüryılmaz, A. T. Ökse (Eds.), İ. Metin Akyurt - Bahattin Devam Anı Kitabı. Eski Yakın Doğu Kültürleri Üzerine İncelemeler, İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, 135-146. Book: Peterson, J. 2002. Sexual Revolutions: Gender and Labor at the Dawn of Agriculture. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. Journal articles, book chapters, and books with two authors In-text: Last names of both authors and publication year (Dinçol and Kantman 1969, 56). Journal article: Pearson, J., Meskell, L. 2015. Isotopes and Images: Fleshing out Bodies at Çatalhöyük. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 22, 461-482. Book chapter: Özkaya, V., San, O. 2007. Körtik Tepe: Bulgular Işığında Kültürel Doku Üzerine İlk Gözlemler. M. Özdoğan, N. Başgelen (Ed.), Türkiye’de Neolitik Dönem. Yeni Kazılar, Yeni Bulgular, İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, 21-36. Book: Dinçol, A. M., Kantman, S. 1969. Analitik Arkeoloji, Denemeler. Anadolu Araştırmaları III, Özel sayı, İstanbul: Edebiyat Fakültesi Basımevi. Journal articles and book chapters with three or more authors In-text: Last name of the first author followed by “et al.” and the publication year (Özbal et al. 2004). Journal article: Özbal, R., Gerritsen, F., Diebold, B., Healey, E., Aydın, N., Loyet, M., Nardulli, F., Reese, D., Ekstrom, H., Sholts, S., Mekel-Bobrov, N., Lahn, B. 2004. Tell Kurdu Excavations 2001. Anatolica 30, 37-107. Book chapter: Pearson, J., Meskell, L., Nakamura, C., Larsen, C. S. 2015. Reconciling the Body: Signifying Flesh, Maturity, and Age at Çatalhöyük. I. Hodder, A. Marciniak (Eds.), Assembling Çatalhöyük, Leeds: Maney Publishing, 75-86. | 145 | Edited books In-text: Last name(s) of the author(s) and publication year (Akkermans and Schwartz 2003). Akkermans, P. M. M. G., Schwartz, G. M. 2003. (Eds.) The Archaeology of Syria. From Complex Hunter-Gatherers to Early Urban Societies (c. 16.000-300 BC). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Web source: Last name, Initial of the first name. Title of the web page. Title of the website. Institution (where applicable), publication date. Access date. URL. | 146 |