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2009, pertanika journal of science and technology
6 pages
1 file
An investigation, on the roots of Piper nigrum and the aerial parts of Piper betle, has yielded several alkaloids. The dried root sample of Piper nigrum was extracted using various solvents in increasing polarity. The dried aerial part of Piper betle was extracted using the Soxhlet extraction method. The alkaloids isolated were pellitorine(1), (E)-1-[3',4'- (Methylenedioxy)cinnamoyl]piperidine(2), piperine(3), piperolactam D(4), cepharadione A(5), and 2,4-tetradecadienoic acid isobutyl amide(6). These compounds were isolated using chromatographic methods, while the elucidation of the structures was carried out using MS, IR and NMR techniques. The extracts of Piper nigrum and Piper betle were also tested for cytotoxicity activities. This is the first report on (E)-1-[3',4'-(Methylenedioxy)cinnamoyl] piperidine(2) from Piper nigrum as a natural product.
African Journal of Biological Sciences, 2024
Medicinal plants contain varieties of bioactive compounds such as alkaloids, terpenoids, tannins, flavonoids, steroids that possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-diabetic functional properties and also protects from many chronic diseases. In the present study the Piper nigrum seeds were screened for qualitative phytochemical analysis. P. nigrum seed powder was extracted with distilled water and ethanol. The solvent free extracts were then subjected for phytochemical screening. The study confirms that P. nigrum possesses a number of important phytochemical constituents with therapeutic activities.
Natural Product Research, 2005
Natural Product Research, 2011
Piper nigrum L. is a traditional medicine widely used in India for illnesses such as constipation, diarrhoea, earache, gangrene, heart disease, hernia, hoarseness, indigestion, insect bites, insomnia, joint pain, liver problems, lung disease, oral abscesses, sunburn, tooth decay and toothaches. In this study, six bioactive compounds, namely piperine (1), pellitorine (2), guineensine (3), pipnoohine (4), trichostachine (5) and piperonal were quantified in different extracts of P. nigrum L. and compared with those of P. longum L. and P. chaba Hunter. To evaluate the quality of P. nigrum, a simple, accurate and precise HPLC-PDA method was developed for the simultaneous determination of the above-mentioned six compounds. The separation was achieved by Phenomenex Luna RP C 18 column (150 Â 4.6 mm, 5 mm, Phenomenex Inc, CA, USA) with a binary gradient solvent system of water-acetonitrile, at a flow rate of 1.0 mL min À1 and detected at 210, 232, 262 and 343 nm. All six calibration curves showed good linearity (R 2 4 0.9966). The method was reproducible with intra-and inter-day variations of less than 2% and 5%, respectively. The results demonstrated that this method is simple, reliable and suitable for the quality control of these plants.
Phytochemistry, 1998
Key Word Index*P[ khasiana^P[ manii^P[ pedicellosum^P[ thomsoni^Piperaceae^2!"2\3! dimethoxyphenyl#propanoylpyrrole^03!benzoð0\2Łdioxol!4!yl!tetradecan!1!ol^1!acetoxy!0\2! dimethoxy!4!"1!propenyl#benzene^1\5!dimethoxy!3!"1!propenyl#phenol^amides^~avones^lig! nans^b!sitosteryl palmitate^"¦#!asarinin^X!ray structure Abstract*Thirty eight compounds of di}erent types have been isolated from twelve Piper species[ The ether extract of the leaves of P[ aduncum yielded eleven compounds\ out of which 1\5!dimethoxy!3!"1!pro! penyl#phenol was isolated for the _rst time from the genus Piper and 1!acetoxy!0\2!dimethoxy!4!"1!pro! penyl#benzene is a new compound[ The petrol extract of the stems and leaves of P[ attenuatum furnished a novel long chain alcohol\ 03!benzoð0\2Łdioxol!4!yl!tetradecan!1!ol[ From P[ betle\ b!sitosteryl palmitate was isolated for the _rst time from the genus Piper[ A novel amide\ 2!"2\3!dimethoxyphenyl#propanoyl pyrrole has been obtained from P[ brachystachyum[ Nerolidol was isolated for the _rst time from P[ falconeri[ From the methanol extract of the stems and leaves of P[ khasiana\ piperlonguminine\ piperine\ apigenin dimethyl ether and b!sitosterol were obtained[ Retrofractamide A was obtained for the _rst time from P[ lon`um^the structure of "¦#!asarinin\ isolated from P[ lon`um\ was con_rmed by X!ray crystallographic studies[ Retrofractamide A\ apigenin dimethyl ether\ tetratriacontanol and tectochrysin were isolated from P[ manii[ P[ pedicellosum furnished b!sitosterol\ pellitorine\ piperlonguminine\ cepharadione A and furacridone\ the last compound being isolated for the _rst time from the genus Piper[ Þ 0887
Archaeology in Jordan, 2024
Preliminary report on the 2023 campaign by the "Mediaeval Petra" archaeological mission of the University of Florence at the site of al-Wu'ayra
al-Qanṭara: Revista de Estudios árabes, 2024
Open Access: This article discusses the polemics of Wāṣil of Damascus at the Byzantine court in a hitherto unstudied Aljamiado manuscript copied by Moriscos, or Muslims converted to Christianity in Early Modern Iberia. This debate, which unfolded in the first centuries of the expansion of Islam, has so far been studied on the basis of a single Arabic manuscript. The present contribution adds to the discussion the Aljamiado materials and a number of relevant Arabic sources. It reassesses the character of Wāṣil, his involvement in Byzantine politics and iconoclastic controversies, and his identification with the early theologian Wāṣil b. ʿAṭāʾ (d. 2nd/8th c.). The historical data in Ibn ʿAsākir’s Taʾrīḫ (6th/12th c.) and the role of Wāṣil as the true hero of the story also justify the need for a detailed and extensive analysis of the Muslim readings of the text. The unique Morisco account will be discussed alongside the new evidence, paying attention to the uses of this narrative and its adaptation in the passage from East to West. The practices of retelling tie with the examination of how the original triumphalist story and the key issues of the early Eastern Muslim-Christian debates acquired meaning in the face of the expansion of Iberian Christian society that ended with the expulsion of the Jews and, ultimately, the Moriscos. Taken together, the evidence attests to the preservation of this polemics over the centuries in Muslim circles and its dissemination sometimes in contexts far removed from the original, such as the Muslim West.
Kniha byla vydána roku 1995 ve Stuttgartu / The book was published in 1991 in Stuttgart.
A descriptive and basic introduction to Lonergan's theological anthropology, in draft. Suggestions welcome.
ls 1972 der erste Bericht des "Club of Rome" vorgestellt wurde, ging es nicht nur darum, vor einer sich anbahnenden Katastrophe größten Ausmaßes zu warnen. Es handelte sich auch um eine Demonstration der wissenschaftlichen Fähigkeit, alle verfügbaren Daten der Welt für eine Prognose im globalen Maßstab hochrechnen zu können. Im Zentrum des Berichts stand eine Computersimulation, mit der sich die Entwicklung der Menschheit für die nächsten Jahrzehnte vorhersagen lassen sollte, in ökonomischer, demografischer und ökologischer Hinsicht.
Yo, yo, yo y ellos, 2019
Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 2010
International Journal of Robotic Research, 2008
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, 2024
Israel Affairs, 2016
IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 2014
Journal of Agricultural Studies
Medical Mycology
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2010
Legacies of Slavery and Contemporary Resistance, 2023
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2013