I graduated from Anadolu University, Department of Public Administration. I have a master and PhD degree of public administration from Selçuk University. My master thesis is about the relationship between e-government and trust. My doctoral thesis is on state-citizen relationships in Turkey. I am now an associate professor at Department of Management Information Systems at Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Karabuk University.
Address: Konya, Konya, Turkey
Address: Konya, Konya, Turkey
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Papers by Yasin TAŞPINAR
Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi medir o nível de confiança, legitimidade e consciência civil entre os cidadãos turcos, com ênfase nos procedimentos legais. O estudo é uma pesquisa de campo quantitativa e os dados foram coletados através de um método de pesquisa. Os resultados mostram que, foi revelado que existe uma relação significativa entre as características demográficas, perspectivas de vida, expectativas futuras, nível de religiosidade, visão política, nível de confiança social dos indivíduos, e seu nível de confiança nas instituições. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, constatou-se que os níveis de confiança institucional e social dos cidadãos na Turquia são bastante baixos. As instituições de maior confiança são as "Forças Armadas e Presidência".
Public policies, which involve the intentions, decisions, actions and evaluations of public actors and organizations regarding any problem, emerge as a result of a process. While one of the most important factors influencing that process is the context, another one is the capacity of public policy actors to influence the actions and decisions. Integration of globalization and governance into nation-state policies on earth is provided by international organizations among those actors. Information asymmetry, economic capabilities and encouraging advantages make these structures effective against their national counterparts. The effect of international organizations on policy transfers emerges at this point, as well. In short, policy transfer, which refers to the implementation of a policy in a time and context outside of its original and time context, is a spreading form of policy framework that donor organizations frequently call upon. In this context, failures and limited successes are observed as well as successful examples. The main reason for those failures and limited successes - if it is not happening on purpose - is that the transfer source is presented as a panacea, while the differences are not taken into account. It is thought that taking the differences between the recipient and the source into account together with the volunteering and adaptation issues in transfer, will increase the quantity and quality of success stories.
In this study, the concepts of virtuous leadership, person-organization fit and job satisfaction have been examined and a field study has been conducted on teachers working in public schools by investigating the effects of these concepts on each other. The purpose of this study is to determine whether virtuous leadership perceived by a supervisor's subordinates has an effect on subordinates' person-organization fit and job satisfaction. In line with that aim, data was obtained from 145 teachers working at state schools in Şırnak province by random sampling method and using online survey. For that purpose, a questionnaire form consisting of 50 items was prepared, 8 of which were intended to obtain demographic characteristics and 42 were scale expressions. Virtuous leadership scale contains 18, job satisfaction scale 20, and person-organization fit scale contains 4 statements. The virtuous leadership scale consists of expressions translated into our language from Wang and Hackett's (2016) study. The job satisfaction scale is a short form of the questionnaire created by Weiss, Davis, and England (1967). The third scale consisting of expressions about the person-organization fit was adapted from the study of Netemeyer, Boles, McKee, and McMurrian (1997). The data obtained from the questionnaire forms were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). Frequency analysis, ANOVA, t test, Pearson correlation and Regression analysis were applied to the data. According to the findings of the research, it was found that teachers' virtuous leadership perceptions positively predicted person-organization fit and job satisfaction.
The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of abusive supervision and ethical climate on organizational deviation. For this purpose, a field study was conducted in Selçuklu District of Konya Province. The population of the study carried out in January 2021 is civil servants working in public banks in Selçuklu district, and the sample consists of 106 employees determined according to simple random method in 19 branches of 3 public banks. The questionnaire form used in the field research consists of 45 statements, 8 of which are questions about demographic information and 37 of them are scale expressions prepared according to the Likert scale. The 15-statement Abusive Supervision Scale is the scale used in Tepper's (2000) study, which was adapted into Turkish by Ülbeği, Özgen, and Özgen (2014). The 7-statement Ethical Climate Scale is the is the 7 statement version developed by Schwepker Jr. (2001) from the 10 statement questionnaire formed by Qualls and Puto (1989). The 15-statement Organizational Deviation Scale was developed and adapted to Turkish by Demir (2009), using the studies of Hollinger and Clark (1982) and Robinson and Bennett (1995). As a result of the ANOVA and t-test analyses applied to the data obtained, it was concluded that some demographic variables such as age, education and marital status were effective on the participants' perceptions of abusive management, ethical climate and organizational deviation. Another finding obtained through correlation and regression analyses in the study is the indicators that the effect of abusive management on organizational deviation is significant, and that the effect of ethical climate is not significant statistically.
Municipalities are among the important actors in the spatial context of local administration activities. As elected administrators, mayors of local governments have to give priority to issues such as transparency, accountability, efficiency, justice and participation. These priorities increase the consent of the citizens and the legitimacy of the administration and make the areas where local governments operate more liveable. Communication and interaction come to the fore at this point. One of the most effective tools of communication and interaction is social media applications and platforms that deeply affect today's media world. The effective use of social media makes it easier to reach followers and to direct and influence them. In this context, the main purpose of our work is to analyse the social media activities of the Van Edremit Municipality through the municipality's twitter page. In accordance with that aim an analysis has been made using the MAXQDA program and those results have been achieved; statements on issues such as pandemic restrictions, weather notifications and visits come to the fore, in general. The page, where governance practices are also observed to be used to some extent, has been used mostly for one-way communication.
job satisfaction of the research assistants and their intention to leave. Furthermore, there is a relationship between the aforementioned perceptions and intentions. In the same way, the psychological contract perception is effective on job satisfaction and intention to leave. The findings of this research are significant in terms of guiding managers and institutions to consider the psychological contract framework to increase employee satisfaction and reduce the labour turnover rate.
Bu araştırmanın amacı ilgili literatürden farklı olarak psikolojik sözleşme algısının, çalışanların iş tatminleri ve işten ayrılma niyetleri üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Bu bağlamda bir kamu üniversitesindeki 153 araştırma görevlisinin katıldığı bir alan araştırması yürütülmüştür. Verilerin analizinde SPSS (Sosyal Bilimler için İstatistik Paket Programı) programı kullanılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda araştırma görevlilerinin psikolojik sözleşme ve iş tatmini algıları ile işten ayrılma niyetleri üzerinde demografik faktörlerden eğitim ve akademik çalışma alanının etkili olduğu, söz konusu algı ve niyetler arasında ilişki bulunduğu ve psikolojik sözleşme algısının iş tatmini ve işten ayrılma niyeti üzerinde etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarının yöneticiler ve kurumların çalışan tatminini artırarak işgücü devir hızını azaltmak amacıyla psikolojik sözleşme çerçevesini dikkate alması noktasında yol gösterici olması açısından kullanışlı olması beklenmektedir.
çalışanlarının performansının sürekli gelişimini hedeflenen ortak amaçlarla birleştirmeyi ve bu amaçlara ulaşmak için gerekli planlama-ölçme-yönlendirme-kontrol işlevlerini, yönetimin diğer işlevleri ile koordineli olarak yürütmeyi öngören bir yönetim biçimidir. Performans yönetimi verimliliğe, etkinliğe ve ekonomik(tutumlu) olmaya odaklanmış örgüt yönetimi anlayışı olup, tüm bunlara ulaşabilmek için ölçülebilir amaçlar koymayı ve bu amaçlara ilişkin olarak da çıktıları sürekli ölçmeyi gerekli kılmaktadır. Bunun birlikte kamu ve özel sektörde performans yönetiminin temel felsefesi aynı olsa da, uygulamada ortaya çıkan kültürel ve
politik nedenlerden dolayı farklılıklar göstermektedir. Bu faklılıkların en önemlisi kamu örgütleri için önceliğin kamu yararı olmasıdır.
Bu çalışma, küreselleşme süreci ile birlikte gündeme gelen ve özellikle de özel sektörde çok geniş uygulama alanı bulan performans yönetiminin kamu yönetiminde uygulanan şekli olan kamu performans yönetimi konusunda uygulayıcı durumda olan memurların kamu performans yönetiminin getirdiği ilkeler, ölçütler ve uygulamaya ilişkin görüşlerini ortaya koyup değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen veriler değerlendirildiğinde kamu performans yönetiminin ortaya koyduğu kavram, ilke ve ölçütler konusunda araştırmaya katılan memurların ve yöneticilerin genel olarak olumlu düşünceler içerisinde oldukları görülmüştür.
Evaluation on the subject: whether fulfilment of public services, which are performed by the public institutions and organizations, is effective and productive or not, has become an important element of the present-day understanding of administration. Public performance management appears to be the greatest instrument for the public institutions and
organizations. Public performance management is a form of management, which is targeted to combine the continuous improvement of the performance of employees with the common purposes and to carry out planning-assessment-guidance-control
functions in coordination with other functions of administration. Performance management is an organisational management mentality, which is focused on productivity, efficiency, and economy (thriftiness), and it requires determination of
measureable objectives to achieve those targets and also continuously measurement of the outcomes, which are related to those objectives. In addition, although the basic philosophy of performance management is the same for the public and the private sector, some differences occur because of the cultural and political reasons emerging in the implementation stage. Most important
one among these differences is priority of public interest for public organizations.
Public performance management consists of several stages. The first stage is the performance planning stage. The second stage of the public performance management process is implementation stage. At this stage, production resources are activated
according to the goals and criteria of the institution. The third stage of the process of public performance management is performance evaluation. At this stage, it is determine whether the incomes and resources are used in accordance with the
performance principles and mentality by the institution. The last and fourth stage of the public performance management process is performance improvement stage. Information obtained through performance measurement and evaluation is used as an indicator and incentive for higher performance. Performance, which should be managed in public institutions and organizations, is collected at three points. The first is institutional performance, the second is unit performance and the third is individual
performance. Fluent coordination of these three performances will provide the success of performance management. Public performance measures can be collected under two categories: measures for the institution (productivity, efficiency and economy) and measures for the target audience (transparency, legality and accountability). Fluent implementation of these measures will ensure the success of performance management.
This study aims to put forward views of the civil servants, who are in the executer position for public form of performance management that came up with the process of globalization and found wide area of implementation in the private sector, about the principles, measures and implementation brought up by public performance management. When the results obtained in this context are examined it is seen that: although the positive and negative evaluations of the civil servants about the sufficiency of the traditional way of administration have proximate levels, their managers surely see the traditional way of administration insufficient As the employment time of civil servants increases, it is seen that they give more importance to citizen satisfaction. It is seen that participants see quality more important than efficiency about services. It is also seen that some employees see compliance with the legislation more important for success of the institution. This leads us to see that: thought to some extent, the traditional administration approach maintains its importance for civil servants.
Transparency measure, legality measure and accountability measure, which are the measures for the target audience, have emerged to be adopted by the participants. Similarly, the measures for the organization (effectiveness, efficiency and thriftiness)
are also adopted by the civil servants. This situation shows that, civil servants have a positive view for the subject that, public agencies and institutions should be transparent in their actions and operations. As the result of the study, it has been seen that civil servants and their managers, who have participated in the field study, have positive thoughts about the concepts, principles and measures put forward by public performance management.
Bilgi toplumuna geçişle birlikte dünyanın her yerinde başta özel sektör olmak üzere tüm devletler, hükümetler ve bireyler yaptıkları işlemlerde etkinliği ve verimliliği artırıcı yeni fırsatlarla karşı karşıya kalmışlardır. Bu fırsatlar ülkelere kamu
yönetimlerini yeniden yapılandırmanın yolunu açmışlardır. Sürekli değişim ve yeniliğin yaşandığı bu çağda değişimin ve gelişmenin öncüsü olan bir liderlik anlayışı konusu da kamu yönetiminde ön plana çıkmıştır. Liderlik hem işletme yönetimi hem de kamu yönetimi alanında önemli bir yer teşkil
etmekte ve bu konuda çok sayıda araştırma bulunmaktadır. Buna rağmen liderlik, kamu yönetiminde en az anlaşılabilen konulardan birisidir. Bu çalışmada liderlik yaklaşımları, kamu yönetimi açısından liderliğin önemi ve liderliğe ilişkin sorunlar
ele alınmakta, liderlikle ilgili daha önce ulusal alanda yapılmış çalışmaların bulgularına yer verilmektedir. Çalışmada ayrıca yöneticilerin liderlik algılarının ve
çalışanların liderden beklentilerin ortaya konması amacıyla kamu çalışanlarına uygulanan bir anketin sonuçlarına yer verilecektir. Bu anket sonuçları üzerinden Türk kamu yönetimi açısından tespitler yapılamaya çalışılacaktır.
The century we live in is assumed to be one; in which not only the field of information and technology, but also the traditional public administration approach has faced a rapid change and development. Recently, the classical administration understanding have become away from satisfying the individual expectations, due to that change. As a result of becoming an information society, the private sector and also the states, governments and the individuals all over the world have had new opportunities for
efficiency in their routine works. Those opportunities have led the way to restructuring in public administration of many countries. In this age, when constant change and innovation is faced, a leadership approach that is the pioneer of change
and development have come to the fore.
Not only leadership is an important field of both management and public administration, but also it is one of the most inadequate understood topics despite so many researches existing in that field. In this study, leadership will be tried to define
and leadership approaches will be discussed. In the study, importance of leadership in terms of public administration and challenges about leadership will be dealt and findings of former studies will be examined. Results of a survey, which was conducted
for determining leadership perceptions of public administrators and expectations of public employees, will take place in the study as well. We will try to make determinations for Turkey through the results of the survey.
kazanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı ise kamu çalışanlarının güven iklimi ve etik iklim algıları
arasındaki ilişkinin sınanmasıdır. Çalışmada güven iklimi ve etik iklim algısını belirleyen faktörlerin etkisi belirlenmeye çalışılmaktadır. Bu amaçla, Konya ilinde
faaliyet gösteren kamu bankalarında bir alan çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Anket çalışmasıyla elde edilen veriler SPSS yazılımı ile analiz edilmiş, ulaşılan bulgular üzerinden çeşitli tespitler yapılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamındaki değerlendirmelerin, kamu kurumlarının güven ve etik bağlamındaki durumlarına ışık tutması beklenmektedir.
The main issues of our this work are trust climate, which has an effect on employees' organizational commitment and eagerness to work; and ethical climate, which is considered to be effective on this factor. Not only in social relations, but also in working life, trust is of great importance. Ethical climate is shaped through the perception about to what extent ethical principles and standards are complied within
a certain environment. Ethical principles and standards are more of an issue at the point of organisational identity formation. The main aim of this study is to test the relationship between public employees' trust climate and ethical climate perceptions. It will be also tried to put forward the effect of the factors, which determine trust climate and ethical climate perception. A field study was conducted over the public banks operating in Konya. The data collected through the questionnaire was analyzed using SPSS software and some observations
were made through the findings obtained. The evaluations in the scope of the study are expected to shed light over the situations of public institutions in terms of trust and ethics.
qualification of the health services. Some communication problems can occur when the expectations of the patients may not be satisfied, because of the reasons such as much workload of health staff and long working
terms. In this study, the relation between communication problems of patients and health staff and demographical characters of the patients (age, educational level, marital status) has been studied to be determined. In the search, the patients and their relatives buying health service from the hospitals in Karabük city centre are included. As a
result; it has been determined, that patients having low educational level, married, having social security for workers, aged between 16-25 face communication problems less, when compared with the other groups.
Books by Yasin TAŞPINAR
Transparency, accountability and participation are important principles and tools of democratic gover¬nance. The party that has a relatively broader information and the ability to understand and use it, as a basis for policies and practices, has an advantageous position. The will to deliberately give up this cognitive and technical advantage is expressed as transparency. Accountability, on the other hand, means that the party, who is in the position of managing on behalf of its stakeholders, has an open attitude towards the mana¬ging action and accepts the responsibility for the negative outcomes associated with it. In fact, participati¬on, which constitutes the essence of the democratic ideal, is the capacity of rational stakeholders to hold the administration accountable and to influence its decisions, policy actions and inactions, due to having knowledge. As it can be understood from the aforementioned framework, the concepts of transparency, accountability and participation form an intersecting community of clusters. Local governments, operate in a narrow area and close to their stakeholders who expect local joint services from them, in a way to be affected by all three concepts. In this study, the services of Konya Metropolitan Municipality as an example of local government are examined in the context of the principles of transparency, accountability and parti¬cipation. For this purpose, the strategic plans, internal control action plans, performance programs and an¬nual reports of the institution were evaluated using content analysis method. The conclusion reached in the light of the documents is that Konya Metropolitan Municipality has adopted the principles of transparency, accountability and participation; its performance in applying these principles to its processes and activities creates a positive image. It has been observed that the highest performance of the institution among the three principles is related to transparency. Although it has a successful outlook in general, it was thought that the performance of accountability and participation, respectively, was relatively low.
In this study, based on the basic behavioral codes of bureaucracy and bureaucracy models, the relations between politics and bureaucracy in Turkey between 1960 and 1980 were examined. The political and social landscape of the period in question was depicted, and then the attitudes of politics and bureaucracy towards each other were discussed.
Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi medir o nível de confiança, legitimidade e consciência civil entre os cidadãos turcos, com ênfase nos procedimentos legais. O estudo é uma pesquisa de campo quantitativa e os dados foram coletados através de um método de pesquisa. Os resultados mostram que, foi revelado que existe uma relação significativa entre as características demográficas, perspectivas de vida, expectativas futuras, nível de religiosidade, visão política, nível de confiança social dos indivíduos, e seu nível de confiança nas instituições. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, constatou-se que os níveis de confiança institucional e social dos cidadãos na Turquia são bastante baixos. As instituições de maior confiança são as "Forças Armadas e Presidência".
Public policies, which involve the intentions, decisions, actions and evaluations of public actors and organizations regarding any problem, emerge as a result of a process. While one of the most important factors influencing that process is the context, another one is the capacity of public policy actors to influence the actions and decisions. Integration of globalization and governance into nation-state policies on earth is provided by international organizations among those actors. Information asymmetry, economic capabilities and encouraging advantages make these structures effective against their national counterparts. The effect of international organizations on policy transfers emerges at this point, as well. In short, policy transfer, which refers to the implementation of a policy in a time and context outside of its original and time context, is a spreading form of policy framework that donor organizations frequently call upon. In this context, failures and limited successes are observed as well as successful examples. The main reason for those failures and limited successes - if it is not happening on purpose - is that the transfer source is presented as a panacea, while the differences are not taken into account. It is thought that taking the differences between the recipient and the source into account together with the volunteering and adaptation issues in transfer, will increase the quantity and quality of success stories.
In this study, the concepts of virtuous leadership, person-organization fit and job satisfaction have been examined and a field study has been conducted on teachers working in public schools by investigating the effects of these concepts on each other. The purpose of this study is to determine whether virtuous leadership perceived by a supervisor's subordinates has an effect on subordinates' person-organization fit and job satisfaction. In line with that aim, data was obtained from 145 teachers working at state schools in Şırnak province by random sampling method and using online survey. For that purpose, a questionnaire form consisting of 50 items was prepared, 8 of which were intended to obtain demographic characteristics and 42 were scale expressions. Virtuous leadership scale contains 18, job satisfaction scale 20, and person-organization fit scale contains 4 statements. The virtuous leadership scale consists of expressions translated into our language from Wang and Hackett's (2016) study. The job satisfaction scale is a short form of the questionnaire created by Weiss, Davis, and England (1967). The third scale consisting of expressions about the person-organization fit was adapted from the study of Netemeyer, Boles, McKee, and McMurrian (1997). The data obtained from the questionnaire forms were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). Frequency analysis, ANOVA, t test, Pearson correlation and Regression analysis were applied to the data. According to the findings of the research, it was found that teachers' virtuous leadership perceptions positively predicted person-organization fit and job satisfaction.
The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of abusive supervision and ethical climate on organizational deviation. For this purpose, a field study was conducted in Selçuklu District of Konya Province. The population of the study carried out in January 2021 is civil servants working in public banks in Selçuklu district, and the sample consists of 106 employees determined according to simple random method in 19 branches of 3 public banks. The questionnaire form used in the field research consists of 45 statements, 8 of which are questions about demographic information and 37 of them are scale expressions prepared according to the Likert scale. The 15-statement Abusive Supervision Scale is the scale used in Tepper's (2000) study, which was adapted into Turkish by Ülbeği, Özgen, and Özgen (2014). The 7-statement Ethical Climate Scale is the is the 7 statement version developed by Schwepker Jr. (2001) from the 10 statement questionnaire formed by Qualls and Puto (1989). The 15-statement Organizational Deviation Scale was developed and adapted to Turkish by Demir (2009), using the studies of Hollinger and Clark (1982) and Robinson and Bennett (1995). As a result of the ANOVA and t-test analyses applied to the data obtained, it was concluded that some demographic variables such as age, education and marital status were effective on the participants' perceptions of abusive management, ethical climate and organizational deviation. Another finding obtained through correlation and regression analyses in the study is the indicators that the effect of abusive management on organizational deviation is significant, and that the effect of ethical climate is not significant statistically.
Municipalities are among the important actors in the spatial context of local administration activities. As elected administrators, mayors of local governments have to give priority to issues such as transparency, accountability, efficiency, justice and participation. These priorities increase the consent of the citizens and the legitimacy of the administration and make the areas where local governments operate more liveable. Communication and interaction come to the fore at this point. One of the most effective tools of communication and interaction is social media applications and platforms that deeply affect today's media world. The effective use of social media makes it easier to reach followers and to direct and influence them. In this context, the main purpose of our work is to analyse the social media activities of the Van Edremit Municipality through the municipality's twitter page. In accordance with that aim an analysis has been made using the MAXQDA program and those results have been achieved; statements on issues such as pandemic restrictions, weather notifications and visits come to the fore, in general. The page, where governance practices are also observed to be used to some extent, has been used mostly for one-way communication.
job satisfaction of the research assistants and their intention to leave. Furthermore, there is a relationship between the aforementioned perceptions and intentions. In the same way, the psychological contract perception is effective on job satisfaction and intention to leave. The findings of this research are significant in terms of guiding managers and institutions to consider the psychological contract framework to increase employee satisfaction and reduce the labour turnover rate.
Bu araştırmanın amacı ilgili literatürden farklı olarak psikolojik sözleşme algısının, çalışanların iş tatminleri ve işten ayrılma niyetleri üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Bu bağlamda bir kamu üniversitesindeki 153 araştırma görevlisinin katıldığı bir alan araştırması yürütülmüştür. Verilerin analizinde SPSS (Sosyal Bilimler için İstatistik Paket Programı) programı kullanılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda araştırma görevlilerinin psikolojik sözleşme ve iş tatmini algıları ile işten ayrılma niyetleri üzerinde demografik faktörlerden eğitim ve akademik çalışma alanının etkili olduğu, söz konusu algı ve niyetler arasında ilişki bulunduğu ve psikolojik sözleşme algısının iş tatmini ve işten ayrılma niyeti üzerinde etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarının yöneticiler ve kurumların çalışan tatminini artırarak işgücü devir hızını azaltmak amacıyla psikolojik sözleşme çerçevesini dikkate alması noktasında yol gösterici olması açısından kullanışlı olması beklenmektedir.
çalışanlarının performansının sürekli gelişimini hedeflenen ortak amaçlarla birleştirmeyi ve bu amaçlara ulaşmak için gerekli planlama-ölçme-yönlendirme-kontrol işlevlerini, yönetimin diğer işlevleri ile koordineli olarak yürütmeyi öngören bir yönetim biçimidir. Performans yönetimi verimliliğe, etkinliğe ve ekonomik(tutumlu) olmaya odaklanmış örgüt yönetimi anlayışı olup, tüm bunlara ulaşabilmek için ölçülebilir amaçlar koymayı ve bu amaçlara ilişkin olarak da çıktıları sürekli ölçmeyi gerekli kılmaktadır. Bunun birlikte kamu ve özel sektörde performans yönetiminin temel felsefesi aynı olsa da, uygulamada ortaya çıkan kültürel ve
politik nedenlerden dolayı farklılıklar göstermektedir. Bu faklılıkların en önemlisi kamu örgütleri için önceliğin kamu yararı olmasıdır.
Bu çalışma, küreselleşme süreci ile birlikte gündeme gelen ve özellikle de özel sektörde çok geniş uygulama alanı bulan performans yönetiminin kamu yönetiminde uygulanan şekli olan kamu performans yönetimi konusunda uygulayıcı durumda olan memurların kamu performans yönetiminin getirdiği ilkeler, ölçütler ve uygulamaya ilişkin görüşlerini ortaya koyup değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen veriler değerlendirildiğinde kamu performans yönetiminin ortaya koyduğu kavram, ilke ve ölçütler konusunda araştırmaya katılan memurların ve yöneticilerin genel olarak olumlu düşünceler içerisinde oldukları görülmüştür.
Evaluation on the subject: whether fulfilment of public services, which are performed by the public institutions and organizations, is effective and productive or not, has become an important element of the present-day understanding of administration. Public performance management appears to be the greatest instrument for the public institutions and
organizations. Public performance management is a form of management, which is targeted to combine the continuous improvement of the performance of employees with the common purposes and to carry out planning-assessment-guidance-control
functions in coordination with other functions of administration. Performance management is an organisational management mentality, which is focused on productivity, efficiency, and economy (thriftiness), and it requires determination of
measureable objectives to achieve those targets and also continuously measurement of the outcomes, which are related to those objectives. In addition, although the basic philosophy of performance management is the same for the public and the private sector, some differences occur because of the cultural and political reasons emerging in the implementation stage. Most important
one among these differences is priority of public interest for public organizations.
Public performance management consists of several stages. The first stage is the performance planning stage. The second stage of the public performance management process is implementation stage. At this stage, production resources are activated
according to the goals and criteria of the institution. The third stage of the process of public performance management is performance evaluation. At this stage, it is determine whether the incomes and resources are used in accordance with the
performance principles and mentality by the institution. The last and fourth stage of the public performance management process is performance improvement stage. Information obtained through performance measurement and evaluation is used as an indicator and incentive for higher performance. Performance, which should be managed in public institutions and organizations, is collected at three points. The first is institutional performance, the second is unit performance and the third is individual
performance. Fluent coordination of these three performances will provide the success of performance management. Public performance measures can be collected under two categories: measures for the institution (productivity, efficiency and economy) and measures for the target audience (transparency, legality and accountability). Fluent implementation of these measures will ensure the success of performance management.
This study aims to put forward views of the civil servants, who are in the executer position for public form of performance management that came up with the process of globalization and found wide area of implementation in the private sector, about the principles, measures and implementation brought up by public performance management. When the results obtained in this context are examined it is seen that: although the positive and negative evaluations of the civil servants about the sufficiency of the traditional way of administration have proximate levels, their managers surely see the traditional way of administration insufficient As the employment time of civil servants increases, it is seen that they give more importance to citizen satisfaction. It is seen that participants see quality more important than efficiency about services. It is also seen that some employees see compliance with the legislation more important for success of the institution. This leads us to see that: thought to some extent, the traditional administration approach maintains its importance for civil servants.
Transparency measure, legality measure and accountability measure, which are the measures for the target audience, have emerged to be adopted by the participants. Similarly, the measures for the organization (effectiveness, efficiency and thriftiness)
are also adopted by the civil servants. This situation shows that, civil servants have a positive view for the subject that, public agencies and institutions should be transparent in their actions and operations. As the result of the study, it has been seen that civil servants and their managers, who have participated in the field study, have positive thoughts about the concepts, principles and measures put forward by public performance management.
Bilgi toplumuna geçişle birlikte dünyanın her yerinde başta özel sektör olmak üzere tüm devletler, hükümetler ve bireyler yaptıkları işlemlerde etkinliği ve verimliliği artırıcı yeni fırsatlarla karşı karşıya kalmışlardır. Bu fırsatlar ülkelere kamu
yönetimlerini yeniden yapılandırmanın yolunu açmışlardır. Sürekli değişim ve yeniliğin yaşandığı bu çağda değişimin ve gelişmenin öncüsü olan bir liderlik anlayışı konusu da kamu yönetiminde ön plana çıkmıştır. Liderlik hem işletme yönetimi hem de kamu yönetimi alanında önemli bir yer teşkil
etmekte ve bu konuda çok sayıda araştırma bulunmaktadır. Buna rağmen liderlik, kamu yönetiminde en az anlaşılabilen konulardan birisidir. Bu çalışmada liderlik yaklaşımları, kamu yönetimi açısından liderliğin önemi ve liderliğe ilişkin sorunlar
ele alınmakta, liderlikle ilgili daha önce ulusal alanda yapılmış çalışmaların bulgularına yer verilmektedir. Çalışmada ayrıca yöneticilerin liderlik algılarının ve
çalışanların liderden beklentilerin ortaya konması amacıyla kamu çalışanlarına uygulanan bir anketin sonuçlarına yer verilecektir. Bu anket sonuçları üzerinden Türk kamu yönetimi açısından tespitler yapılamaya çalışılacaktır.
The century we live in is assumed to be one; in which not only the field of information and technology, but also the traditional public administration approach has faced a rapid change and development. Recently, the classical administration understanding have become away from satisfying the individual expectations, due to that change. As a result of becoming an information society, the private sector and also the states, governments and the individuals all over the world have had new opportunities for
efficiency in their routine works. Those opportunities have led the way to restructuring in public administration of many countries. In this age, when constant change and innovation is faced, a leadership approach that is the pioneer of change
and development have come to the fore.
Not only leadership is an important field of both management and public administration, but also it is one of the most inadequate understood topics despite so many researches existing in that field. In this study, leadership will be tried to define
and leadership approaches will be discussed. In the study, importance of leadership in terms of public administration and challenges about leadership will be dealt and findings of former studies will be examined. Results of a survey, which was conducted
for determining leadership perceptions of public administrators and expectations of public employees, will take place in the study as well. We will try to make determinations for Turkey through the results of the survey.
kazanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı ise kamu çalışanlarının güven iklimi ve etik iklim algıları
arasındaki ilişkinin sınanmasıdır. Çalışmada güven iklimi ve etik iklim algısını belirleyen faktörlerin etkisi belirlenmeye çalışılmaktadır. Bu amaçla, Konya ilinde
faaliyet gösteren kamu bankalarında bir alan çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Anket çalışmasıyla elde edilen veriler SPSS yazılımı ile analiz edilmiş, ulaşılan bulgular üzerinden çeşitli tespitler yapılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamındaki değerlendirmelerin, kamu kurumlarının güven ve etik bağlamındaki durumlarına ışık tutması beklenmektedir.
The main issues of our this work are trust climate, which has an effect on employees' organizational commitment and eagerness to work; and ethical climate, which is considered to be effective on this factor. Not only in social relations, but also in working life, trust is of great importance. Ethical climate is shaped through the perception about to what extent ethical principles and standards are complied within
a certain environment. Ethical principles and standards are more of an issue at the point of organisational identity formation. The main aim of this study is to test the relationship between public employees' trust climate and ethical climate perceptions. It will be also tried to put forward the effect of the factors, which determine trust climate and ethical climate perception. A field study was conducted over the public banks operating in Konya. The data collected through the questionnaire was analyzed using SPSS software and some observations
were made through the findings obtained. The evaluations in the scope of the study are expected to shed light over the situations of public institutions in terms of trust and ethics.
qualification of the health services. Some communication problems can occur when the expectations of the patients may not be satisfied, because of the reasons such as much workload of health staff and long working
terms. In this study, the relation between communication problems of patients and health staff and demographical characters of the patients (age, educational level, marital status) has been studied to be determined. In the search, the patients and their relatives buying health service from the hospitals in Karabük city centre are included. As a
result; it has been determined, that patients having low educational level, married, having social security for workers, aged between 16-25 face communication problems less, when compared with the other groups.
Transparency, accountability and participation are important principles and tools of democratic gover¬nance. The party that has a relatively broader information and the ability to understand and use it, as a basis for policies and practices, has an advantageous position. The will to deliberately give up this cognitive and technical advantage is expressed as transparency. Accountability, on the other hand, means that the party, who is in the position of managing on behalf of its stakeholders, has an open attitude towards the mana¬ging action and accepts the responsibility for the negative outcomes associated with it. In fact, participati¬on, which constitutes the essence of the democratic ideal, is the capacity of rational stakeholders to hold the administration accountable and to influence its decisions, policy actions and inactions, due to having knowledge. As it can be understood from the aforementioned framework, the concepts of transparency, accountability and participation form an intersecting community of clusters. Local governments, operate in a narrow area and close to their stakeholders who expect local joint services from them, in a way to be affected by all three concepts. In this study, the services of Konya Metropolitan Municipality as an example of local government are examined in the context of the principles of transparency, accountability and parti¬cipation. For this purpose, the strategic plans, internal control action plans, performance programs and an¬nual reports of the institution were evaluated using content analysis method. The conclusion reached in the light of the documents is that Konya Metropolitan Municipality has adopted the principles of transparency, accountability and participation; its performance in applying these principles to its processes and activities creates a positive image. It has been observed that the highest performance of the institution among the three principles is related to transparency. Although it has a successful outlook in general, it was thought that the performance of accountability and participation, respectively, was relatively low.
In this study, based on the basic behavioral codes of bureaucracy and bureaucracy models, the relations between politics and bureaucracy in Turkey between 1960 and 1980 were examined. The political and social landscape of the period in question was depicted, and then the attitudes of politics and bureaucracy towards each other were discussed.
This chapter was prepared in order to examine the approach of nationalism, as deep as possible.
İlk devletlerin ortaya çıkışı ile birlikte filozoflarının, düşünürlerin, devlet adamlarının, günümüz modern dünyasındaki akademik ve siyasi çevre başta olmak üzere hukuk, ekonomi, sosyoloji ve yönetim gibi birçok disiplinin ve bunların temsilcilerinin devleti, farklı kavramlar üzerinden tanımlamaya çalıştıkları görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda devletin ortaya çıkışındaki meşruiyet kaynakları, devletin manası, nitelikleri ve egemenlik alanları noktasındaki sınırları, farklı din, kültür ve ideolojik çerçevede ele alınmıştır. İslam ve Türk toplumları açısından bakıldığında ise, Kur’an ve Sünnet referans alınarak; İslam ve Türk İslam devlet adamları ve düşünürlerinin siyasetname gibi eserleri ile devlet adamlarına yazılan öğütler şeklindeki kitaplarda da bu konuya ayrı bir önem verildiği görülmektedir. Ancak belirtmek gerekir ki, din, ideoloji ve kültür farklılıkları, eski Mezopotamya, Antik Yunan başta olmak üzere Batı, İslam ve Türk toplumlarında devletin kökeni, manası, nitelikleri, devlet vatandaş ilişkisinde devletin ve vatandaşların konumlandırılması ve bunlara yüklenen roller farklıdır. Bu alanda çok sayıda eser mevcuttur. Ancak bugünün batı toplumları ile Türk İslam devletlerini, devlet-vatandaş ilişkileri noktasında bir bütün içeresinde ele alan çalışmaların sayısı çok yeterli değildir. Devletin vatandaş karşısında nasıl konumlandırdığını tarihi süreç içerisinde irdeleyen bu çalışmanın temel hedefi, alana bilimsel katkı sağlamaktır.
Bu kitaptaki emeğimiz, sadece mevcut olan çalışmaları bir araya getirip toplamak ve söyletmek olmuştur. Bu bir araya toplama ve söyletme sürecinde bizim dışımızda emekleri ve hakları bulunan pek çok kişiyi anmak ise bizim için bir borçtur. İnsanlığın bilgi dağarcığı yanında çok küçük kalan, ancak tekil bir insanın ömründe önemli bir orana tekabül edebilen birkaç yılın emeğini üzerinde taşıyan bu çalışmada, değerli hocalarım ve çalışma arkadaşlarım ile yakınlarımın hakkı büyüktür. Bu haklar çerçevesinde kitabın içeriğinin oluşması, gözden geçirilmesi ve genişletilmesi aşamalarında her türlü bilimsel katkıyı bizden esirgemeyen meslektaşlarımıza teşekkürü bir borç biliriz. Yaklaşık dört yıllık bir emek ürünü olan bu çalışma sürecinde kendileri ile vakit geçirmemiz gerekirken birçok etkinliklerinden feragat edip, bize moral desteği veren ailelerimize sabırları ve gösterdikleri olgunluktan dolayı sonsuz teşekkür ederiz. Son olarak kitabın tasnif ve dizgi işlerini yapan ve kitabın basımını üstlenen Atlas Kitabevi ve Nobel Akademi sahipleri ve çalışanlarına teşekkür ederiz.
In the first part of the study a short literature review will be given about the issues of psychological capital and the factors to influence the level of social capital in a working environment. In the second part brief information will be shared on job satisfaction. The third part will be about the field study conducted in the Public Hospital of Karaman Province. The data derived through the questionnaire forms and uploaded to SPSS software will be analysed and the findings will be discussed. The study is expected to contribute to the studies on the public institutions in Turkey, in terms of both literature and findings.
In this study, the ideological positions of the citizens; the political parties, which present their political preferences; and the local governments identified with a political party, will be discussed. The level of the effect of citizens’ political preferences on their satisfaction with and perception of local governments and local services is important for the legitimacy and effectiveness of the local governments. Because the reality and the perception towards it emerge as two phenomena to be considered separately. In particular, when the issue is about services, that difference becomes increasingly important. Because it is relative how well a service is provided and the satisfaction with a service field it is shaped by the perceptions. It is thought that consideration of the individuals’ political preferences, which affect their perceptions, will be effective in increasing the satisfaction level with the services.
The aim of this study is to analyze whether there is a relationship between the political preferences of citizens and their perception that local services. If so, the degree of such a relationship will give an idea on the requirement for taking those factors into consideration.
Bu çalışmanın temel amacı vatandaşların yerel hizmet kalitesi ve memnuniyetine yönelik algıları ile bunlara etki eden faktörleri ortaya koymaktır. Bu hedef doğrultusunda Konya ili Akşehir ilçesinde yaşayan vatandaşların dahil edildiği bir alan çalışması yürütülmüştür. Araştıranın örneklemi 1624 katılımcıdan oluşmaktadır. Katılımcıların yerel hizmetlerden memnuniyetlerine ilişkin ifadelere verdikleri yanıtlardan oluşan veri seti, SPSS (Sosyal Bilimler İstatistik Paket Programı) kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Analizler neticesinde elde edilen bulgular yorumlanarak çalışmanın sonuç bölümünde özetlenmiştir.
Bu çalışmanın amacı da tarihsel süreç içerisinde Türkiye’de siyaset ve bürokrasi ilişkilerinin nasıl bir seyir izlediği, karşılıklı tutum ve davranışların hangi kapsamda olduğu noktasında değerlendirmeler yapmaktır. Bu hedef doğrultusunda konu, mümkün olduğunca geniş bir literatür incelemesi ışığında ana hatlarıyla ele alınacaktır. Kavramsal çerçevenin paylaşılmasının ardından, Osmanlı Devleti’nin son döneminden yakın döneme uzayan bir düzlemde belirgin durumlar incelenecektir. Dönemler itibariyle değişen karşılıklı ilişkiler tarihsel ve analitik bir bakış açısıyla irdelenecek, yüksek derecede geniş kapsamlı olan konu ana hatlarıyla özetlenmeye çalışılacaktır.
Bu çalışma bahsi geçen diğer çalışmalarda değinilen değişkenleri de içerecek şekilde belediye başkanının yönetim tarzı ve belediye çalışanlarına yönelik algıya bağlı olarak zihinlerinde oluşan belediye yönetimi imajı ile yerel hizmet kalitesi ve memnuniyeti düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi analiz etmeye yöneliktir. Bu amaçla çalışmanın evrenini teşkil eden Konya ilinin Akşehir ilçesinde bir alan çalışması yürütülmüştür. Çalışmaya ilçede ikamet eden 1624 kişi yüz yüze anket yöntemine uygun olarak katılım göstermiş, bahsedilen konularda katılımcıların fikirleri alınıştır. Alan çalışması sırasında örneklem üzerinden elde edilen veriler SPSS (Sosyal Bilimler İstatistik Paket Programı) vasıtasıyla analiz edilerek ortaya çıkan bulgular çalışmanın amaçları bağlamında yorumlanmıştır.
In this regard, not only the citizens' trust in their government or public institutions, but also the trust of public employees in citizens is an important factor to be discussed for a trust environment to emerge. Being aware of that; in this study, trust of public institutions is discussed through the literature about the issue and analysed through the field study
conducted over public employees working in three districts of Konya. As a result of the field study it was determined that the participants trust in others was related to the religious belief of them rather than their ethnic origin. The participants trust in the media and political parties was considerably low, when compared with the District Governorships, Army Forces, Governorate of Konya, Presidency, Prime Ministry and Police Department. Additionally some
significant correlations were determined between overall trust in citizens and the perceived altruism (p=0,573; r<0.01), benevolence (p=0,566; r<0.01), honesty (p=0,297; r<0.01), integrity(p=0,270; r<0.01) of them.
Regarding that point, it is discussed to what extent public institutions are perceived as trustworthy by the citizens, in this study. Along with the trust in public institutions, several factors thought to affect the level of that trust to public institutions constitute another focus of the study. The literature on trust and the trust in public institutions specifically is dealt in the study. In the application part of the study, the scale prepared in the light of past theoretical and practical studies, was used to analyze citizens' trust in public administration.
Using the data derived through the field study conducted over the citizens living in Derebucak, Hüyük and Doğanhisar Districts of Konya; some results were found about the citizens’ trust in public institutions. The citizens were found to consider the behaviour of the public employees and their previous experiences for trusting or distrusting the public
institutions. Additionally some significant and positive correlations were observed between citizens’ trust in public institutions and the factors, thought to affect that trust.
On the other hand, leaders have an important position as much as any other organizations. Distinctively from many of other organizations, the leader -in other words, the mayor- is known and pursued by the people, whom they provide services for. Many of the services provided by the organization attributed to the leader and he/she is seen primarily responsible for the services. In this regard, managerial behaviours and management styles of the leaders are affective on the citizen’s view about the local services.
In this study, management styles of the mayors and satisfaction of the citizens with the local services will be observed. In accordance with this aim, some results will be tried to be derived through the questionnaires conducted Selçuklu Sub-Provincial Municipality of Konya Metropolitan Municipality. In the context of this study data derived from 249 questionnaire forms were analysed using spss software. The statistical findings stated, by analysing the data using different statistical methods, are expected to help determining citizen perception about local governments in Turkey.
Then, ethical climate involves the acceptance of ethical standards, within a social or organizational environment. Presence and level of ethical climate in an organization is admitted to be an effective factor on the organizational commitment of the individuals and the organizational cooperation. On the other hand, ethical climate perception of the individuals is also related to their ethical value judgements. Perceptions of the individuals, who can be idealistic or relativistic about ethics, towards the organizations can also differentiate according to their ethic positions.
The main topic of this study is to test the relationship between the ethic positions and ethical perceptions of the employees, working in public institutions. There are similar studies conducted over private organizations. Distinctively, in this study, it will be tried to make some observations about public institutions in turkey through the findings of the field study to be conducted in Konya.
trust in the institution, and the concepts of trust propensity and trust in government, which are thought to be effective on the trust of the public employees in their institutions.
The data to be used in the field study part will be derived through a questionnaire to be conducted in public institutions. Questionnaire will be composed of two parts. The first part will include demographical information about the participants, and the second part will include questions about trust climate, trust propensity and trust in government, which are prepared according to 5 point Likert Scale. The data to be achieved through the questionnaire will be evaluated using SPSS programme.
The study and the data to be obtained through the sample are expected to shed light on trust climate, which is an important factor in the operating processes of the public institutions in Turkey and Afroeurasia geography, and be helpful for the administrative actions.
Among these problems, trust issue makes it harder to adopt and widespread e-government
implementations. In this sense, trust is a key concept for the governments and public agencies providing information and services through e-government. There are many factors affecting trust in e-government. The subject of this study is the effect of -among the other factors- trust propensity and trust in technology on trust in e-government implementations.
In the study e-government concept, importance of trust in e-government implementations, trust propensity and trust in technology concept will be discussed briefly, and some dimensions of the issue will be put forward through the literature. In the field study part, the results of the questionnaire study made in Konya will be evaluated. In this concept, divergently from other studies, the aim of this study
is to discuss trust dimension of e-government and try to put forward trust in e-government and effect of the factors; trust propensity and trust in technology on this trust, using the sample of Konya.
İşçi sağlığı ve iş güvenliğine ilişkin yaklaşımlar zaman içerisinde değişim göstermiş; çalışanlar, işletmeler ve kamu yönetiminin konuya dönük tutumları da benzer şekilde değişime uğramıştır. İşçi sağlığı ve iş güvenliği kapsamındaki kayıplar, bu amaçla yapılan yatırımlar ve bu kapsamdaki kamu harcamaları giderek artmakta, bu durum konunun tarafların her üçü için de önem kazanmasına neden olmaktadır. Diğer yandan işçi sağlığı ve güvenliğinin uygulama boyutunda etkililik ve etkinliğin sağlanabilmesi için çalışanların konuya ilişkin algıları da büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bu nedenle bu çalışmanın amacı; işçi sağlığı ve iş güvenliğine dönük yatırımlar ve bu kapsamdaki kayıp ve harcamaları ele almak ve Konya ilinde demir çelik alanında faaliyet gösteren işletmelerde çalışanların işçi sağlığı ve iş güvenliğine ilişkin algılarını araştırmaktır.
The interactions between state, bureaucracy, civil society and citizens determine the quality of political systems. Sometimes the state, sometimes the continuity of the administrative apparatus functioning according to a certain set of rules and sometimes singular or plural citizens, forms the focus of the system being applied. Among those four main elements, bureaucracy reflects the will of the state, while civil society reflects that of the citizens. Therefore, it seems possible to reduce the whole of those relations to the level of state-citizen relationships. However, regardless of the level of interactions studied, not only the power of the state but also the satisfaction of its citizens will depend on the establishment and operation of an efficient system. In this context, the way the state is perceived by the citizens and that of the citizens by the state, reflects both on the administration’s implementationson the social order, and on the belief of the citizens in the system. The starting point of this work is forming an opinion about that perception through efficient state principles. In the study,firstly the concepts of state, bureaucracy and citizen were examined; and then the state-citizen relations in various countries, including Turkey were dealt through a historical perspective. In this context, the events and the phenomena examined were evaluated in terms of cause and effect relations in order to make contemporary inferences. The third part of the study wasreservedfor the explanation of effective state principles that form the basis of the questionnaires used in field study in the last section. In the last part of the study, the data, which was obtained through two separate questions forms prepared in the thought of the findings of the field study being compatible with the universe of Turkey,was analysed. One of the forms was applied to a sample group of 2003 participants and the second form was applied to 515 public employees. The obtained data were analysed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) and the findings were evaluated in the light of the literature. It is hoped to provide information to decision-makers and practitioners in the field of public policy, and to contribute to the creation of a survey compatible with the sample of Turkey.
Keywords: State, Bureaucracy, Citizen, State-Citizen Relationships, The Case of Turkey.
Devlet, bürokrasi, sivil toplum ve vatandaşlar arasındaki etkileşimler, siyasal sistemlerin niteliğini belirlemektedir. Kimi zaman devlet, kimi zaman belirli bir kurallar bütününe göre işleyen idari aygıtın devamlılığı, kimi zaman da tekil ya da çoğul vatandaşlar, uygulanan sistemin odağına oturtulmaktadır. Bu dört temel unsurdan bürokrasi daha çok devletin, sivil toplum ise vatandaşların iradesini yansıtmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu ilişkiler bütününü devlet-vatandaş ilişkileri düzeyine indirgemek de mümkün görünmektedir. Ne var ki incelenen etkileşimler hangi düzeyde olursa olsunhem devletin gücü hem de vatandaşların memnuniyeti etkin bir sistemin kurulup işletilmesine bağlı olacaktır. Bu bağlamda, devletin vatandaşlar tarafından, vatandaşların da devlet tarafından algılanış biçimi, hem idarenin toplumsal düzene dair uygulamalarına hem de vatandaşların sisteme olan inancına yansımaktadır. Bu çalışmanın çıkış noktasını da etkin devlet ilkeleri üzerinden söz konusu bu algılara ilişkin fikir edinilmesi oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada öncelikle devlet, bürokrasi ve vatandaş kavramları incelenmiş ardından başta Türkiye olmak üzere çeşitli ülkelerdeki devlet-vatandaş ilişkileri tarihsel bir açısıyla ele alınmıştır. Bu kapsamda incelenen olay ve olgular, genel olarak günümüze ilişkin çıkarımlarda bulunmak üzere neden-sonuç ilişkileri bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın üçüncü bölümü ise, son bölümde bulgularına yer verilen alan çalışmasında kullanılan soru formlarının temelini oluşturan etkin devlet ilkelerinin açıklanmasına ayrılmıştır. Çalışmanın son bölümünde,yürütülen alan çalışması bulgularının Türkiye evreni ile uyumlu olması düşüncesiyle hazırlanan iki ayrı soru formundan elde edilen veriler analiz edilmiştir. Formlardan biri 2003 katılımcıdan oluşan bir örneklem grubuna, ikinci form ise 515 kamu çalışanına uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS (Sosyal Bilimler İstatistik Paket Programı) vasıtasıyla analiz edilmiş, bulgular literatür ışığında değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın kamu politikaları konusunda karar verici ve uygulayıcılara bilgi sağlaması, Türkiye örneğine uygun bir anket oluşturulmasına katkı sağlaması umulmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Devlet, Bürokrasi, Vatandaş, Devlet-Vatandaş İlişkileri, Türkiye Örneği
Power is information in Information Society, which emerged after the pre-agricultural, agricultural and industrial societies and it is impossible to limit information between nation state borders unlike other means of production. Information is fluid and fast. It gets increasingly important to obtain, retain and serve information.Transition to information society and wide spreading of communication technologies has made governments electronic. With e-government, stakeholders have been able to access the information and services more easily, and the services have developed qualitatively and quantitatively. However, e-government not only has many advantages but also a set of problems and challenges.Among these challenges, trust issue makes e-government?s being adopted and wide spreading more difficult, and it becomes one of the key concepts for the governments and public organizations offering information and services through e-government. Generally, interpersonal trust, organizational trust and trust in technology influence trust in e-government. Yet, surely, there is a set of factors affecting these general titles and trust in e-government.One of the aims of this study is to put forward the e-government concept, the emerging process and basic implementations, advantages, problems and challenges of e-government. Another aim of the study is;-unlike the generalized studies among e-government field- to discuss the trust dimension in e-government implementations and to try to exhibit trust in e-government and the factors influencing this trust, through the case of Konya.