Loopfrog: A static analyzer for ANSI-C programs

2009, 2009 IEEE/ACM …

Loopfrog: A Static Analyzer for ANSI-C Programs Daniel Kroening∗ , Natasha Sharygina† , Stefano Tonetta‡ , Aliaksei Tsitovich† and Christoph M. Wintersteiger§ ∗ Computing Laboratory, Oxford University, Oxford, UK † University of Lugano, Switzerland ‡ Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy § Computer Systems Institute, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Abstract—Practical software verification is dominated by two major classes of techniques. The first is model checking, which provides total precision, but suffers from the state space explosion problem. The second is abstract interpretation, which is usually much less demanding, but often returns a high number of false positives. We present L OOPFROG, a static analyzer that combines the best of both worlds: the precision of model checking and the performance of abstract interpretation. In contrast to traditional static analyzers, it also provides ‘leaping’ counterexamples to aid in the diagnosis of errors. I. I NTRODUCTION Loops in programs are the Achilles’ heel of static analysis. A sound analysis of all program paths through loops requires either an explicit unwinding or an over-approximation (of an invariant) of the loop. Unwinding is computationally too expensive for many real programs, and the computation of sufficiently strong invariants is an art. L OOPFROG is an automatic bug-finding tool for ANSIC programs. Unlike traditional program approximation approaches (e.g. abstract interpretation [1]) it does not employ iterative fixpoint computation, instead it uses a summarization algorithm [2] that non-iteratively computes symbolic abstract transformers with respect to a set of abstract domains. Summaries are shorter, loop-free program fragments, which are used to substitute original loops to obtain a conservative abstraction of the program. L OOPFROG computes abstract transformers starting from the inner-most loop. It obtains a loop invariant by checking if the constraints defined by a chosen abstract domain are preserved by the loop. These checks are performed by means of calls to a SAT-based decision procedure, which allows us to check (possibly infinite) sets of states with one query. Thus, unlike other approaches [3], [4], L OOPFROG is not restricted to finiteheight domains. When all the loops are summarized, the resulting overapproximation of the program is handed to a bit-precise model checker [5]. Due to the simplicity of the summarized program, the state space explosion problem of the model checker is avoided. A theoretical treatment of our algorithms has been published before in [2]; in this paper we present their implementation. Supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation under grant no. 200021-111687. Related Work: Polyspace and Astrée are two wellknown static analysis tools that implement traditional abstract interpretation. They are optimized for embedded control software. Both rely on iterative fixpoint computation, and may require many iterations, depending on the complexity of the program. Other tools include Calysto [6] and Saturn [7]; both are more precise and scalable than traditional static analyzers, and, just like L OOPFROG, implement bit-precise reasoning for all ANSI-C constructs. While these tools also make use of loop and function summaries with respect to an abstract domain, they trade soundness for scalability, e.g., by unwinding loops a constant number of times. Another tool for ANSI-C program analysis is CBMC [8] — a bounded model checker that implements bitprecise reasoning without abstraction. It unwinds loops up to a pre-set bound and checks for assertion violations by means of a SAT-based decision procedure. In practice, it often needs to unwind loops up to a very high bound. For nonterminating loops, it may not terminate at all. L OOPFROG is partly based on CBMC’s symbolic execution engine, but does not unwind loops. II. L OOPFROG The theoretical concept of symbolic abstract transformers is implemented and put to use by our tool as outlined in Fig. 1. As input, L OOPFROG receives a model file, extracted from software sources by G OTO -CC1 . This model extractor features full ANSI-C support and simplifies verification of software projects that require complex build systems. It mimics the behaviour of the compiler, and thus ‘compiles’ a model file using the original settings and options. Switching from compilation mode to verification mode is thus achieved by changing a single option in the build system. As suggested by Fig. 1, all other steps are fully automated. The resulting model contains a control flow graph and a symbol table, i.e., it is an intermediate representation of the original program in a single file. For calls to system library functions, abstractions containing assertions (pre-condition checks) and assumptions (post-conditions) are inserted. Note that the model also contains the properties to be checked in the form of assertions (calls to the ASSERT function). 1 ANSI-C Sources Model Extractor is invariant? Yes/No su m Verification Engine Abstract Domains po t. in va ria nt s lo op loops aries Loop Summarization m loop-free fragments bo dy Preprocessing Verification Engine L OOPFROG ‘SAFE’ or Leaping Counterexample Figure 1. Architecture of L OOPFROG Preprocessing: The instrumented model is what is passed to the first stage of L OOPFROG. In this preprocessing stage, the model is adjusted in various ways to increase performance and precision. First, irreducible control flow graphs are rewritten according to an algorithm due to Ashcroft and Manna [9]. Like in a compiler, small functions are inlined. This increases the model size, but also improves the precision of subsequent analyses. After this, L OOPFROG runs a field-sensitive pointer analysis. The information obtained through this is used to insert assertions over pointers, and to eliminate pointer variables in the program where possible. On request, L OOPFROG automatically adds assertions to verify the correctness of pointer operations, array bounds, and arithmetic overflows. Loop Summarization: Once the preprocessing is finished, L OOPFROG starts to replace loops in the program with summaries. These are shorter, loop-less program fragments that over-approximate the original program behaviour. To accomplish this soundly [2], all loops are replaced with a loop-less piece of code that ‘havocs’ the program state, i.e., it resets all variables that may be changed by the loop to unknown values. Additionally, a copy of the loop body is kept, such that assertions within the loop are preserved. While this is already enough to prove some simple properties, much higher precision is required for more complex ones. As indicated in Fig. 1, L OOPFROG makes use of predefined abstract domains to achieve this. Every loop body of the model is passed to a set of abstract domains, through each of which a set of potential invariants of the loop is derived (heuristically). In the current version, L OOPFROG comes with a set of abstract domains that are specialized to buffer-related properties, in order to demonstrate the benefits of our approach on buffer-overflow benchmarks. For example, there are constraints that are able to express that an index into a buffer is always within the bounds of the buffer (Table I gives more examples). All potential invariants obtained from abstract domains always constitute an abstract (post-)state of the loop body, which may or may not be correct in the original program. To ascertain that a potential invariant is an actual invariant, L OOPFROG makes use of a verification engine. In the current version, the symbolic execution engine of CBMC [8] is used. This engine allows for bit-precise, symbolic reasoning without abstraction. In our context, it always gives a definite answer, since only loop-less program fragments are passed to it. It is only necessary to construct an intermediate program that assumes the potential invariant to be true, executes the loop body once and then checks if the potential invariant still holds. If the verification engine returns a counter-example, we know that the potential invariant does not hold; in the contrary case, however, it must be a true invariant and it is subsequently added to the loop summary, since even after the program state is havoced, the invariant still holds. L OOPFROG starts this process from the innermost loop, and thus there is never an intermediate program that contains a loop. In case of nested loops, the inner loop is replaced with a summary, before the outer loop is analyzed. Due to this and the relative shortness of the fragments checked, the verification engine always returns an answer quickly. Verification: The result, after all loops have been summarized, is a loop-less abstraction of the input program. This abstract model is then handed to another verification engine. Again, the verification time is much lower than that of the original program, due to the model not containing any loops. As indicated by Fig. 1, the verification engine used to check the assertions in the abstract model, may be different from the one used to check potential invariants. In our case, however, we chose to use the same, i.e., we employ the CBMC symbolic execution engine. We do so for two reasons: 1) it is very efficient and 2) it returns counterexamples in case of Table I E XAMPLE DOMAINS FOR BUFFER - OVERFLOW ANALYSIS . # 1 2 Constraint ZTs Ls < Bs 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 ≤ i ≤ Ls 0≤i 0 ≤ i < Bs 0 ≤ i < Bs − k 0 < offset(p) ≤ Bs valid(p) Meaning String s is zero-terminated Length of s (Ls ) is less than the size of the allocated buffer (Bs ) Bounds on integer variables i (i is non-negative, i is bounded by buffer size, etc.) k is an arbitrary integer constant. Pointer offset bounds Pointer p points to a valid object Table II A C OMPARISON BETWEEN L OOPFROG AND AN INTERVAL DOMAIN : T HE COLUMN LABELLED ‘T OTAL’ INDICATES THE NUMBER OF PROPERTIES IN THE PROGRAM , AND ‘FAILED ’ SHOWS HOW MANY OF THE PROPERTIES WERE REPORTED AS FAILING ; ‘R ATIO ’ IS FAILED /T OTAL . Suite Benchmark bchunk freecell-solver freecell-solver freecell-solver gnupg gnupg inn inn ncompress texinfo wu-ftpd wu-ftpd wu-ftpd wu-ftpd bchunk make-gnome-freecell-board make-microsoft-freecell-board pi-make-microsoft-freecell-board make-dns-cert mk-tdata encode ninpaths compress makedoc ckconfig ftpcount ftpshut ftpwho Total 96 145 61 65 19 6 42 56 204 83 1 61 63 61 L OOPFROG Failed Ratio 8 40 30 30 5 0 11 19 38 46 1 7 13 7 Interval Domain Failed Ratio 0.08 0.28 0.49 0.46 0.26 0.00 0.26 0.34 0.19 0.55 1.00 0.11 0.21 0.11 34 140 58 58 19 6 38 42 167 83 1 47 63 47 0.35 0.97 0.95 0.89 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.75 0.82 1.00 1.00 0.77 1.00 0.77 assertion violations. Those counterexamples do not contain any information about the program states visited in loops and are therefore called leaping counterexamples. III. E XPECTED BENEFITS Through the G OTO -CC model extractor, L OOPFROG allows users to quickly switch from a compilation setting to a verification setting. Compared to other static analyzers, the ‘verification overhead’ is kept minimal. Traditional static analyzers are often impractical due to their high false positive rates, while model checking is often too demanding in terms of runtime. L OOPFROG provides a solution to those problems by combining the two techniques into one scalable, sound and precise analysis. The abstract domains employed to achieve the precision are usually simple and may be implemented with few lines of code.2 On top of this, L OOPFROG also provides leaping counterexamples if it finds a bug – a definite advantage over many other static analyzers based on traditional techniques, and an invaluable aid in understanding why a bug is reported. IV. E VALUATION AND AVAILABILITY L OOPFROG was previously evaluated on a wide range of benchmarks ranging from regression tests to independently composed benchmarks suites [10] and large-scale opensource software like GNUPG, INN, and WU - FTPD. It was shown that it outperforms many other static analysis tools in terms of performance and false positive rate [2]. To highlight the applicability of L OOPFROG to largescale software and to demonstrate its main advantage, we present a new comparative evaluation against a simple interval domain, which tracks the bounds of buffer index variables, an often employed static analysis. For this experiment, L OOPFROG was configured to use only two abstract domains, which capture the fact that an index is within the buffer bounds (#4 and #5 in Table I). As apparent from Table II, the performance of L OOPFROG in this experiment is far superior to that of the simple static analysis. We analyze a single benchmark in detail, in order to explain the data delivered by the tool: The ncompress program (version 4.2.4) contains about 2.2K lines of code (which translates to 963 instructions in the model file) and 12 loops. During preprocessing, L OOPFROG detected 204 potential buffer overflows and inserted an assertion for each of them in the model. Loop summarization took 14.4 seconds. During this time, 67 invariant candidates were created and 17 of them were confirmed as true invariants. The overall analysis took 668 seconds.3 Finally, 166 assertions hold and 38 are reported as failing (while producing leaping counterexamples for each violation). To evaluate scalability, we applied other verification techniques to this example. CBMC [8] tries to unwind all the loops, but fails, reaching the 2GB memory limit. The same behaviour is observed using SATABS [4], where the underlying model checker (SMV) hits the memory limit. L OOPFROG, extensive experimental data, and all our benchmark and test files are available on-line for experimentation by other researchers.4 R EFERENCES [1] P. Cousot and R. Cousot, “Abstract interpretation: A unified lattice model for static analysis of programs by construction or approximation of fixpoints,” in POPL. ACM, 1977. [2] D. Kroening, N. Sharygina, S. Tonetta, A. Tsitovich, and C. M. Wintersteiger, “Loop summarization using abstract transformers,” in ATVA, ser. LNCS 5311. Springer, 2008. [3] T. W. Reps, S. Sagiv, and G. Yorsh, “Symbolic Implementation of the Best Transformer,” in VMCAI, ser. LNCS. Springer, 2004, pp. 252–266. [4] E. M. Clarke, D. Kroening, N. Sharygina, and K. Yorav, “SATABS: SAT-based predicate abstraction for ANSI-C,” in TACAS’05, 2005, pp. 570–574. [5] E. M. Clarke, O. Grumberg, and D. A. Peled, Model Checking. MIT Press, 2000. [6] D. Babić and A. J. Hu, “Calysto: Scalable and Precise Extended Static Checking,” in ICSE. ACM, 2008. [7] A. Aiken, S. Bugrara, I. Dillig, T. Dillig, B. Hackett, and P. Hawkins, “An overview of the Saturn project,” in PASTE. ACM, 2007. [8] E. Clarke, D. Kroening, and F. Lerda, “A tool for checking ANSI-C programs,” in TACAS, ser. LNCS 2988. Springer, 2004. [9] E. Ashcroft and Z. Manna, “The translation of ’go to’ programs to ’while’ programs,” in Classics in software engineering. Yourdon Press, 1979. [10] K. Ku, T. E. Hart, M. Chechik, and D. Lie, “A buffer overflow benchmark for software model checkers,” in ASE ’07. ACM Press, 2007, pp. 389–392. 3 On 2 Future versions of L OOPFROG will support custom domains. an Intel Xeon 3.0GHz, 4GB RAM. 4