2014, Pobeg iz Alkatraza / Escape from Alkatraz
The degree titled Escape from Alkatraz (Pobeg iz Alkatraza) is divided into two parts. First, the chapters relating to the practical part, a description of art projects (art pieces) shown on a degree exhibition named Escape from Alkatraz; the second is a dissertation which applies on the subject of the degree. Emphasis of the main subject is collected in subtitles of the second part: Rog Factory (Rog), The Canon of the White Cube (Kanon bele kocke), The Chamber of Aesthetics (Hram estetike), Site-, Are We Living In the White Cube? (Ali živimo v beli kocki?), Tabula Rasa, A Room Or Modernism Derivative? (Soba ali derivat modernizma?), Mimicry (Mimikrija), Parasites (Paraziti), A Model of the White Cube (Model bele kocke), Western Triumph? (Zahodni triumf?), Panopticon (Panoptikon), The Walls of Alcatraz (Zidovi Alkatraza), Nomads (Nomadi), Baumax, Placed inside the Walls (Postavljeni znotraj zidov), Prisoners (Zaporniki), Exhibition – Mandatory Station (Razstava – obvezna postaja), Stations of Music (Postaje glasbe), Audience – Spectators – Listeners – Visitors – Participants (Publika – Gledalci – Poslušalci – Obiskovalci – Udeleženci), Impro, Diving (Potapljanje), The Eye and the Body (Oko in Telo), Subjectively – Collectively – Objectively (Subjektivno – Kolektivno – Objektivno), Décor or Transforming the Function of the Place (Dekor ali spreminjanje funkcije prostora), Medium – End (Medij – Cilj), On the Line (Na liniji), Merzbau, Justifies the Means (Opravičuje sredstva), The Walls of Painting (Zidovi slike), The Struggle for Painting (Boj za sliko), The Space of Painting (Prostor slike), Expanded Media (Razširjeni mediji), Paintings on the Exhibition (Slike na razstavi), Autonomy? (Avtonomija?). I’ve collaged my text with fragments of conversations I made with my co-workers of the projects described in degree. Together they create dialogue or polilogue which is branched and open-ended. Escape from Alcatraz represents one of the possible approaches towards this subject matter. In the core of the text there are several conclusions, thus the degree Escape from Alcatraz doesn’t have the formal ending.