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Contrasting Alternatives is a rating scale originally developed for the Views About Science Survey, VASS. VASS addresses scientific inquiry and the structure and validity of scientific theory, as well as learning styles with a focus on reflective thinking, and the relevance and intellectual feasibility of science courses. VASS started as an open-ended questionnaire with the intention to turn it eventually into a closed format so that it becomes feasible to administer to large student populations. Multiple-choice and Likert formats were then considered, and tried, in a later stage. Soon, however, it became evident that such formats were not suitable for VASS. In fact, research then indicated, and it still does, that these formats, and especially the Likert scale, exhibit insuperable validity and reliability problems when used in surveying students' dispositions and learning styles. I then came up with the Contrasting Alternatives rating scale (CArs), tested this survey format and...
The Views About Sciences Survey (VASS) is a survey of student views about science for the purpose of assessing the influence of these views on learning. This paper discusses the survey's design, development, results, and implications for science education. The survey assesses student views along seven dimensions with a novel Contrasting Alternatives Design. It was administered in 23 states to about 8,000 high school and college students enrolled in physics, chemistry, and biology courses. Results indicate that students at all levels holi views about knowing and learning science that often diverge from the views of scientists and educators, student views differ according to discipline and across some demographic strata, and student views are hardly affected by traditional science instruction, but they affect what students learn in the course of such instruction. Contains 72 references.
Research in Science Education, 1974
The Scientific Attitude Inventory (SAI) was developed and field tested 25 years ago. It has been used extensively throughout the world, and it continues to be used. Reports of its use and suggestions for revision provide impetus for revision. The revision retains the original position statements of attitudes assessed and the original attitude statements with changes made only to improve readability and to eliminate gender-biased language. Also, in response to critical analysis, the SAI II uses a five-response Likert Scale. The new version is shorter, 40 items instead of 60 in the original. The SAI II was field tested with 557 students in Grades 6, 9, and 12. The top and bottom 27% of scorers for the total inventory were compared for the subscales. A statistically significant difference was obtained for each t-test comparison. Face validity for the SAI II is claimed on the basis of the original judgments of a panel of judges regarding the attitude position statements which have not been altered. A split-half reliability coefficient of .805 was computed for the entire group of 557 respondents. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient is .781. J Res Sci Teach 34: 327–336, 1997.
Frequent use of open-ended questionnaire plus interview application for nature of science as a requirement for informed decision making has been criticized by many researchers and a need for an easily administrable and scorable instrument has been emphasized. At thesame time, existing instruments were developedwith the students out of advanced students. Therefore, the purpose of this study is development of a nature of science scale for advanced science students. The study was conducted with 224 advanced science students. Both confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis were done to collect evidence for validity of the scores on the instrument and it was found that both of the analyses approved appropriate validity of the scores. Cronbach alphas for subscales were found as from .55 to .77 as acceptable values. The implications and importance of the instrument will be discussed in this article.
Background: Determining individuals’ views of the nature of science is quite important for researchers since it is both a component of scienti c literacy and a fundamental aim of science education. Purpose: This study aims to develop a NOSvs for assessing prospective teachers’views of the nature of science and to analyse their psychometric properties. Sample: A total of 565 prospective teachers participated in the study. Design and methods: The Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) Index and Bartlett’s Sphericity Test were used in this study. Con rmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to determine the construct validity of the scale. Cronbach’s Alpha (α) coe cient was calculated for the reliability of the study. Results: It was consequently found that the KMO was larger than .50. That Bartlett’s Sphericity Test was also statistically signi cant. The items with item-total correlations smaller than .30 were removed from the scale. Cronbach’s α values calculated for each sub-scale were above .70. In consequence of the rst CFA performed, t indices were found to be below the expected level. For this reason, three more items with the least item-total correlations were removed from the scale. Following the CFA, the nal form of the scale included 36 items and ve sub-scales.
Developing a Scale to Measure Students’ Attitudes toward Science, 2019
The aim of this study is to develop a science attitude scale (SAS). For that purpose, the literature review has been done for suggestions for creating scales and a new draft scale developed. The draft scale was analyzed by specialists and a pilot study is done after its approval by experts. The SAS is prepared with 21 items and among these, 11 items are reverse-coded. The SAS consists of Likert-type items. The sample of the study consists of 154 college students studying at the Faculty of Education, Elementary Science Education, and Elementary Education departments. Principal axis factoring with orthogonal rotation (varimax) was used for exploratory factor analysis. Factor eigenvalues were checked with respect to parallel analysis and numbers of the factors were determined with respect to the analysis. Items that did not serve the purpose of the scale were omitted from the SAS. The finalized SAS' Cronbach alpha value is .953. For confirmatory factor analysis data were collected from a different sample which consists of university students who were studying at elementary science education, elementary education, and electric electronic engineering departments. Number of sample is 201. Confirmatory factor analyses run through Amos 24.0 software. It is believed that SAS is a valuable contribution to the science education field since it has unidimensional structure and proved its item discrimination power, and alongside with an excellent internal consistency. SAS also offers opportunity to develop multidimensional science attitude scale. For that purpose, original SAS and English version of it are provided in appendixes.
Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2003
This study has two purposes: (a) methodological—to design and test a new instrument able to reflect changes in attitudes toward science over time, and (b) investigative—to find out the effect of two similar curricular treatments on the attitudes of two classes. Items about the relevance of science to students' lives were developed, pilot-tested, and analyzed using Rasch modeling. We then
Asia Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 2006
Introduction o Summary of the Quality of the Instrument o Reliability o Validity o Target Subjects o NOS Positions o VOSE in Chinese o VOSE in English o
BioLaw Journal, 2024
Clotilde PEREZ 2023 - Comunicação na Agenda do Século XXI, 2023
Foundations of Physics, 2007
Diakrisis, 2022
Les confréries de Corse. Une société idéale en Méditerranée, 2010
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 2001
Faces of the rule of law in Europe, 2024
Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem, 2012
Военная история России: проблемы, поиски, решения. Материалы Международной научной конференции, 2015
Mathematics and Statistics, 2021
“Til va adabiyot: ilmiy va amaliy izlanishlar yo‘lidagi ilk odimlar” respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi materiallari 2022-yil 27-aprel, 2022
'Let my People Know!: Towards a Revolution in the Teaching of the Hebrew Bible' (with Ghil'ad Zuckermann), Jewish Language Contact (Special Issue of the International Journal of the Sociology of Language), edited by G. Zuckermann, (2014), Issue 226, pp. 57 – 82., 2014
Current Narratives, 2010
Environmental Technology & Innovation
BRAIB. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022
Frontiers in Environmental Science
Current Psychology, 2022
Актуальное национально-культурное обозрение (АНКО) (г. Казань). – 2006. – № 1 (10).– С. 34 – 37., 2006
Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 2015