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Astrology is in every sense a wholly mystical religious paradigm. It is the sine qua non of all religions that ever was, is or ever will be. Its innumerable mysteries cannot be fathomed by the human intellect. This article investigates the origins of Astrology. Where did the idea for Astrology come from and how did it develop globally?
Continuum eBooks, 2008
"As above, so below, " the basic doctrine of astrology, has served many ends and taken on multiple forms since the historical inception of the art in the Middle East four millennia ago. Today there is a popular notion that it began to decline only late in the seventeenth century, when its tenets were swept away by scientific heroes on horseback who suddenly saw the light of objective truth-but that notion is being revealed as a gross oversimplification, thanks in part to scholarly work such as that exemplified in this massive survey of the subject. Campion's text is ample enough; its two volumes comprise 759 pages, plus 102 pages of footnotes and a 47page bibliography, but with surprisingly few (nine) illustrations, all of them appearing in the first volume. It traces the threads, some broken, others frayed, that make up the continuous chronological cord of astrology's development through history. He provides an accessible, humanistic treatment that explores the relationship of astrology to the histories of religion and magic as well as that of science, although it is science that has often relegated the deep-rooted connections between our lives and the course of the stars to the back burner of intellectual inquiry. Campion's informed treatment of astrology reveals it as the great survivor. It suffered multiple near-deaths, first in republican Rome, then in a twelfth-century conflict with Christianity, and in the seventeenth-century clash with
Arts the Journal of the Sydney University Arts Association, 2012
An alleged science, astrology, and an alleged form of magic, cartomancy, have had an upswing almost as tremendous as that of electronic technology in Germany within the last decades. This seems to be the case also in other European countries as well as in the USA and in Asia. I must ask you to evaluate the situation in Australia for yourselves. Esoteric practices like gazing at crystal balls or belief in chiromancy and in talismans also have increasing numbers of followers, who venture into the public arena. According to an opinion poll, more than 50 per cent of Germans believe that there is something in astrology. It has acquired the reputation of being a respectable science of a special kind. Not only illustrated magazines and television channels propagate it seriously as a reliable instrument of foretelling the future. Even some prominent persons confess their adherence to it without hesitation. One reads about politicians in the USA and in Russia who have been counselled by astrologers. And investors at the stock market, managers, and even physicians, are said to rely on their help. The spread of belief in astrology during the twentieth century is an astonishing phenomenon which demands an explanation. This development and its causes deserve more scholarly attention than they have so far received. It seems that the more our world changes, the greater the attraction of mysterious astrological statements becomes. The more complicated and
Modern History of Asian Religions, 2015
Astrology is best defined as "the practice of relating the heavenly bodies to lives and events on earth, and the tradition that has thus been generated."1 India is home to a living tradition of astrology which extends back in an unbroken lineage for almost two thousand years, has roots which may be traced to the first or second millennia bce, and has deep roots in Indian religion.2 In India astrology is known as jyotiṣa or jyotiḥśāstra ("science of the stars"); this branch of learning includes mathematics, astronomy, divination, and astrology.3 As each branch became more sophisticated, each became a separate area of study, and while astronomers and mathematicians no longer utilize astrology in their area of study, astrologers still use mathematics and astronomy. The term jyotiṣa today is mostly used in connection with some sort of divinatory practice, and covers a range of subsets including jātaka (horoscopy, or astrology of the fate of the individual), praśnaśāstra (interrogational astrology), and muhūrtaśāstra (electing the right moment). Although Hellenistic, Arabic, and Western astrological techniques have been added over the course of the last two millennia, the ritual of consulting an astrologer for advice on love, profession, health, money, etc., or parents seeking guidance from an astrologer when their child is born, has never wavered.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 2010
When citing this paper, please use the full journal title Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Culture and Cosmos, 2009
The practice of, or belief in, astrology is generally considered a central feature of modern New Age culture. Research conducted by Stuart Rose in the 1990s contradicted this assumption. This paper does not argue that astrology is a New Age discipline, but challenges Rose’s methodology and his reasons or arguing that it is not New Age. The paper reports on research relying on two other measures by used Rose to argue that astrology can be New Age but does not have to be New Age.
Trames. Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2012
This paper is based on the assumption that the 'egocentric perspective' of the human mind acted as an efficient psychological factor for evolving the astrological doctrines. We adopt a psychological approach to studying the relation between historicalsocial events and the astrological doctrines in the medieval period. In its focus, this study deals with the two celestial phenomena observed in the Middle East from the beginning of the 14th century to that of the 15th one, where astrological interpretations or the prognostications had political, social and historical effects. The examples have been selected from the primary historical sources. They are Comet 1402 D1 and the unordinary conjunctions between Mars and Saturn. Considering them in various contexts, it is shown how those phenomena were 'the cause of anthropocentric historical events' such as wars, or identified as 'the justifier of social or natural accidents' like epidemics. The explanation of the role astrology played in such events, in particular, and its impact upon societies, in general, must be sought in the psychical effect caused by the astrological ideas on the human mind and its relation with the physical world. We conclude that as the human egocentric mind was a main cause of the formation of astrology, astrology itself penetrated into the consciousness of the human mind and objectively appeared in the physical world, and therefore conducted history in a specific direction. It is shown that this effect was so extended to give birth to the astrological history. In addition, having classified the four ways of interpreting the celestial phenomena in the ancient-medieval period (meteorological/weather prognostication, natural philosophical, meteorological/atmopheric, astrological), we briefly noticed the situation of the astrological dogma in Islam and the methodological distinction between astrology and astronomy by Avicenna in that period.
The various contexts in which astrological knowledge found its way into Ashkenazi Jewish culture are identified, in an attempt to understand how these contexts influenced the study of astrology and shaped the associated modes of literary activity. A number of astrological doctrines gained a permanent place in the rabbinic batei midrash and yeshivot, where they played an important though ancillary function in the traditional curriculum. There were also tendencies to accord astrology a place as a socially approved practice, as documented in liturgical manuscripts and calendar texts. Finally, from the twelfth century on there was an increasing trend of separate literary works devoted to scientific and para-scientific issues. Although these works often appear in a mystical or esoteric guise, astrological concepts were among the most important issues discussed. It remains significant, however, that none of these historical phenomena in medieval Ashkenazi culture generated a systematic study of astrology or produced full expositions of astrology as an independent branch of human knowledge.
Understanding human life, 2022
We begin by showing how astronomy and astrology were closely linked in antiquity—including Assyria, Babylon, Greece, and Egypt—to the point of being indistinguishable from each other. We then describe how these initial ties weakened over time, eventually resulting in two opposing approaches to our relations with celestial phenomena—the first becoming a science, the second a divination art. The final section discusses the present revival of scientific interest in astrology, both to condemn it as a superstition and to apply a new statistical approach to it. In conclusion, it is important to examine the reasons for astrology’s enduring popular appeal.
The Wall of Flames (Baptism of Fire) is of course FAITH. And this is why Virgil says no more after the twentyseventh chapter of Purgatory, not even when he leaves to return to his own niche in the great scheme of things. The human intellect has nothing to say or add to the mystical world of the spiritual ethers. All that the intellect (psyche) can possible do is imagine that something exists beyond its reach. Otherwise, the spiritual ethers are a total 'absolute' mystery to the psyche. This paper can only provide a shadowy sketch of the overall religious (Astrological) paradigm that the human intellect can possibly envisage. Other than personally having a spiritual experience or the ability to acquire an understanding of the Esoteric Science 2 that the spiritual ethers sends forth into the world via every psyche there is no way of fathoming its mystical depths. The sages of antiquity that envisaged this Esoteric Science amalgamated their mythologies to it in order to preserve it for posterity. It is the Esoteric Science (commentary on the MONAD) that edified the ancient sages in the manner in which they would write their literature, create their arts and build their monuments. This paradoxical manner of teaching prevents the lethargic psyche from discerning it and only those that truly want to learn what life is about can envision it. Such studies may not speed up the process of receiving a spiritual vision from the spiritual ethers; however, it is the only venue that will allow those that have received the vision to understand it. This is what all religions on earth are about; teaching the initiate (one who has received the vision) what the vision is about. religious teaching is analogous to a walnut. The walnut is a hard casing to crack 5 to get at the kernel; thus, Astrology is the teachings and the kernel is the mystical aspect of those teachings (the walnut). The outer casing (Astrology) is discarded once the kernel (Eucharist) is obtained 6 .
Astrology is an amalgamation of WORD and IMAGE. It was already a completed system in place long before Göbekli Tepe was built c. 10,000 -11,000 BCE and buried about a millennium later and this will be discussed as the article continues. The twelve images constellating the Zodiac Cycle's constellations are both WORD and IMAGE because each of the graphic images in the overall paradigm is named and behind each of those graphic images is a mythological storyline. If anything Astrology is a mnemonic tool: basically it is what is called in modernity Oral Tradition. Oral tradition was never meant to be a word for word mnemonic tool. Though the modern minstrels of European prominence may think their memories are perfect; however, every time they have been proven wrong from one telling of an epic saga to another by modern recording devices. The anthropologists of Navaho fame (one anthropologist per family of four) have recorded endless versions of the Navaho mythoi and their star lore never a version agreeing from one family to another. This same would take place between any two people belonging to any religious group around the world.
Modernity has no comparable means of doing that other than the individual falling back on his or her mundane religious teachings. In a sense Antediluvian Astrology and 'modernity's religious mythoi
In a very real sense religion to the materialist (egocentric personality) is symbolically equivalent to being extraterrestrial; however, no matter how inane that idea is the materialist prefers it over actually investigating religion to determine its validity. Religion is so far outside ego-consciousness' sphere of thought that it (religion) is nonexistent as far as the materialist is concerned.
Einstein in talking about time and the speed of light said that 'time was relative to the individual experiencing it'. He pointed out that a number of people in the same room could be experiencing time from different perspectives and none of them would be wrong. This is the same way that each individual experiences creation. A materialistic individual (non-religious) sees the world through his or her Egoconsciousness, which is analogous to the individual saying that the Sun is the center of the solar system and Ego-consciousness cannot see beyond that frame of reference because unknowingly that concept mirror images its own mindset. Because the Sun (Ego) is the center of the solar system so too is the egocentric individual seeing the world revolves around him or herself. This is analogous to the solar system revolving around the Sun; whereas, the spiritual individual that sees the Earth (soul) as the center of his creation becomes the temple of God. As it can be seen Einstein postulate is correct insofar as both the materialist (outward view of the world) and the mystic (inward view of the world) are seeing creation from diametrically different perspective. It is only when the Ego humbles itself to have an honest discourse with the soul that the individual can begin to find a spiritual path. This is impossible as long as the Ego believe there is no soul.
The average citizen of the world doesn't believe in religion, and rightly so, because it is of a totally different mindset than the mundane reality of reason and logic; though, reason and logic coupled with a mystical understanding of religion is what created the outer garments (religions) of the primordial paradigm. Without a mystical understanding of the primordial paradigm the average citizen of the world cannot hope to understand religion. Religion is timeless because it never changes. Mythologically, a culture may decide to change the mythoi that cloths the universal religious paradigm; however, the primordial paradigm itself cannot be altered. Both the Age of Enlightenment and Communism did all they could to eradicate religion from their cultures to no avail. This kind of behavior only goes to show how little humanity, as a whole, understands religion. Let's say for argument sake that religion could be wiped from the face of the globe, it would start up all over again, as CG Jung says in his Collective Works. Religion is a psychic and wholly spiritual phenomenon and not something created and/or conceived out of the mundane materialistic reality (ego-consciousness).
To clarify these above statements concerning religion, consider that the written word is what dominates the Patriarchal cultures of the world and the images of the senses are considered Matriarchal because they are subjective and sensual and cannot be defined through the medium of words. This is why in Patriarchal Societies women are summarily dismissed. Sensuality in the outer world, like psychic disturbances, is an embarrassment; hence, the Patriarchal conduct towards women. This is the eternal Royale Battle between the sexes in the mundane world even when the genders are in close marital bliss.
It was discerned by the shaman that the mystical minded individual went through certain primordial (archetypal) stages in his or her psychic behavior, which could neither be defined in WORD nor IMAGE. These internal psychological stages (aspects of the grand pattern) were something that the average egocentric person living in the outer world could not experience psychologically nor understand intellectually no matter how hard he or she tried. The primary problems that faced the shamans in the antediluvian times is that the mystical experience could not be forced upon another and it could not be determine who out of the community would prove to be the next divinely chosen one. This last is a process of symbiosis between God and Man.
It is as if an HONEST DESIRE in the soul, for a better way of life, burst forth in the psyche similar to the Big Bang explosion in the outer world, which was noted as the initial impetus that changed the personality of these people that underwent these mystical experiences. These psychically challenged mystics became the shamans of their times and eventually through time, contemplative thought and working together with other tribal shamans a basic psychological pattern of twelve psychic markers were discerned in the psyche representing the primordial process, from the birth of their personal psychic vision to maturation, that brought forth a new shaman: hence Astrology was born. It is not that all twelve markers could be discerned in each individual because several or more markers could be joined as one; however, over time these groupings of the markers became distinctive and were noted. Each individual was unique; therefore, each individual would experience the spiritual markers differently; nonetheless, the overall pattern outlined in the psyche of each individual was universal.
An example of these markers (Astrological) overtly manifesting in the behavior patterns of an individual would not mean anything per se; however, if this individual suddenly began to display psychic disturbances with a penchant towards taking an interest in his culture's religious teachings then the shaman of the tribe would step in and take charge of the individual. The shaman of the tribe was basically the psychiatrist of the tribe who would observe and talk to the patient brought to him. The shaman would not try to drive the patient's demons from; rather, the shaman would help patient accept his or her vision.
On the exterior the individual suffering such psychological experiences appears to the people of the community to be an individual with personal and/or mental problems and thus was brought to the shaman to be healed; however, few if any out of those brought to the shaman became suitable candidates for mystical experiences of the shamanic quality. Then of course there were those in the community that had these mystical experiences that did not manifest overtly outwards signs of personality disorders and they kept their experiences to themselves in fear of being ostracized. One of the shaman's tasks (a priest's primary function) is to watch out for these silent mystics types emerging in the community; however, that could not be discerned all the time because of population explosion. What were the shamans in the surrounding communities collectively to do about it to aid the suffering mystic? Yes, modernity's masses are given their daily pabulum: unexplained scriptural writings to interpret themselves, a brief synopsis of the religious teachings (catechism), an edict to attend church services at least once weekly, iconic art and symbols to worship, mandates to pray, a sprinkle of sacramental rituals and a procession of liturgical holidays throughout the year; however, to the fledgling neophyte having the primordial mystic experience this pabulum for the masses would not be the humdrum of daily life experienced by the egocentric individual; rather, collectively all of these liturgical teachings would rise to the status of being the divinely inspired Word of God and he or she would begin to understand what was happening to him or her, spiritually, internally.
The mystical experiences of the shamanic quality are not of the out visual type; whereas, the visionary type would have already closed the mystic circle, which of course the neophyte would know nothing of. The mystic having this spiritual experience would have to learn somehow to assimilate them internally. The average person entering the mystical life does not do so deliberately because he knows of no such spiritual path or process. In fact if he knew of it he or she would not consider it in fear of being ostracized by the secular community. It is better to be seen as incorrigible than to be seen as an idiot. The individual that HONESTLY DESIRES to change his or her life initially does not know how to go about it and suffers greatly internally trying to figure out how to achieve that goal. There are multitudes of people seeking to change their internal psyches but few indeed do anything about it. The average person says, he or she, 'desire deeply (to do this, that or the other)' but this kind of repetitive suffering in an individual's psyche goes on for only short periods of time before the cycle begin all over again. Whereas, he or she that has an HONEST DESIRE eventually couples this DESIRE with an inward CHOICE on how he or she is going to act to assuage the mental suffering. This DESIRE and CHOICE is what generates the mystic experience in the initiate. The would-be mystic has to continuously apply the correct outward action (CHOICE) to the internal HONEST DESIRE. This individual with the HONEST DESIRE to change his character knows almost from the beginning what must be done outwardly but it is the one thing that he or she does not want to do because egoconsciousness would be admitting total and absolute defeat.
illustrating that DESIRE and CHOICE go hand in hand; however, this is merely the culmination (ending) of the commencement (beginning) of the mystical process. Something of the religious nature transpired sometime before the Virgin Birth: DESIRE, took place in the psyche of the mystic. It was most likely a tentative interest in the spiritual teachings of the community, not normally associated to the pabulum for the masses, and it was in the process of assimilating this religious material that brought upon the psychic: mystical crisis. This sincere contemplative study of the community's spiritual practices caused ego-consciousness to acquiesce to the unconscious mind; hence, these are two other signs of the Zodiac earmarked in the mystic experiences: Cancer the Crab (Moon = Unconscious Mind) and Leo
Scorpio the Scorpion (sting of death) is pointing directly at the origin of creation, which infers the divine cause; hence, my hypothesis that the original cause of these mystical and psychological events was the initiate choosing to study his or her community's spiritual traditions (or as Joseph Campbell says, "Follow your Bliss"). Scorpio the Scorpio points to the second death which I believe may well represent the Wall of Flames in the twenty-seventh chapter of Dante Alighieri's La Divina Commedia. The galactic core explosion sends forth a cosmic radiation wave towards the Earth (symbolically the soul) cleansing it leaving nothing of civilization and only a few humans remaining. This is analogous to a young lady going into the convent and/or a young man entering a monastery. Adam and Eve were tossed into the desert. The mystic being overtaken by this divine vision no longer desires to return to the old way of life and he or she has to build a new life experience out of nothing: ex nihilo: creation out of nothing. Unbeknownst to the mystic his or her life mission has already been set into motion, by the Holy Spirit; though, he or she may believe that new life is yet to be determined. The cosmic radiation wave from the galactic core (symbolically the mystical vision that cleanses the soul) is symbolically the Holy Spirit descending upon the twelve apostles (signs of the Zodiac) on Pentecostal Sunday (Acts 1, 2) wiping the psyche clean and reassigning them new raison d'êtres: different tongues.
The twelve disciples of any religion represent the twelve parts of a person personal psychic Mandala circle. When the interior psyche (unconscious mind) is working harmoniously with the exterior Ego then the psyche, for lack of a better phrase, has entered into the Garden of Eden. It is up to the initiate to close that mystic circle to achieve that goal. The twelve disciples represent symbolically the different aspects of creation that the spiritual psyche is enamored by.
Thus the mystic psychological experiences are analogous to the signs of the Zodiac: definite psychological sign posts earmarking half the signs of the Zodiac, which defines the mystical process: "In the beginning: BERESHITH (first word of Genesis)" that is formulated by six Hebrew alphanumeric letters. The six letters of Genesis prefigure the Genesis Formula (10-letters, which in turn prefigures another two alphanumeric letters), which in turn closes the mystic circle of the twelve parts; however, once the circle is closed Astrology is discarded as superfluous, at least for that mystic; though, the whole world may try to fathom its mysteries it will do so in vain. Notice how the tools that built the temple (depicted in the accompany image on the Masonic Apron are just left unattended on the floor: discarded? The tools are superfluous now that the temple is completed. All that matters is the Holy of Holies at the center. The neophyte mystics will certainly need Astrology, before discarding it, to explain to them what is happening internally on a psychological and/or spiritual level. Archeologists and Anthropologists are educated into the frozen mindset that one of the main earmarks of civilization is the written word because it denotes what academia has limited and defined as language. I, personally, would argue this definition as to what a language is. A pictorial 'all at once' image fused with Patriarchal esoteric writing, such as the Zodiac cycle, says far more than a five hundred page volume trying to explain, without esotericism, what that pictorial image is about. Modernity tends to summarily dismiss Astrology as primitive and nothing more than a pagan superstitious religious practice and; yet, by academia's own strict standards as to what civilization is the Zodiac's image and verbal esoteric (mythological) descriptive system of thought far exceeds modernity's barbarous cultures.
What make me, personally, believe that this antediluvian science of Astrology can be retrieved for the modern age is essentially because its entire system of thought is still in its pristine state. All over the world Astrology is known and what is extremely fascinating about it is that each minor culture has its own mythological mythoi based upon Zodiacal star lore: the one language spread throughout the world through many disparate and varied languages (mythologies). When I say that Astrology's Universal Paradigm 8 is in its pristine state I am not speaking of the pseudo-teachings and/or interpretations of modernity. Simply wipe the shelves of the world libraries clean of all subjective interpretations of Astrology and it would simply be a matter of mankind beginning the interpretative process esoterically all over again.
One of the most intriguing accounts of what happened to Antediluvian Astrology is found in the eleventh chapter of Genesis when man began to build a tower c 6,640-4,480 BCE in ancient Babel and the one language was lost in the confusion of many languages. The Esoteric Science (Astrology) is a fusion of the Matriarchal (image) and Patriarchal (word = writing) languages and it is displayed outwardly in quite an obtuse script because the surface texts of the sacred scriptures give only the Patriarchal perspective. Like modern academia the Patriarchal culture summarily dismisses the Matriarchal perspective; thus, when the sacred scriptures says that one language is lost through the confusion of many language the texts is not lying per se it has merely explicitly omitted the relevant data that would have changed the entire interpretation process of how to read the sacred scriptures. Simply saying that one universal language was lost in the confusion of many languages puts forth many inferences and ramifications of thought that are extrapolated out from that insufficient data. From a Patriarchal perspective the spoken word is language and the many languages of so-called biblical lore are the different foreign languages and dialects verbalized around the world; thus, what is being viewed by the initiate is the eternal Royale Battle between WORD and IMAGE. The moment that the Patriarchal culture dismisses the Matriarchal perspective the one true universal language: i.e. Astrology is lost; because, it is the ego and the unconscious mind that builds the tower: i.e. METHOD. Every different religion created from the Astrology's Universal Paradigm is a METHOD. In the very act of trying to preserve the ancient science of the soul humanity loses it. This is because either egoconsciousness or the unconscious mind has become dominant and has broken off from building the tower. Astrology's Universal Paradigm is lost to humanity because each new generation has to learn it all over again. The Esoteric Science cannot be handed down from father to son or mother to daughter. On the spiritual ethers (Orenda) has the authority to teach this science to the one that has been graced with the spiritual vision.
It is going to be quite a conundrum for academia, as a whole, to deal with when it is understood that the ancient wording of the bible literally acquiesces to the notion that Astrology and the many mythologies around the world are all one LANGUAGE: all telling the same story. The evidence of this will be discussed fully in the course of this article at the appropriate time. This article will also explain why confusion brought about the destruction of the one true language: i.e. Astrology, through the auspices of many languages (mythologies). I will say at this time that the answer to this mystery is deeply-rooted in whether the initiate follows the mystical Matriarchal way of thought or the Patriarchal way of thought. The Judeao Christian Scriptures, via the surface texts, for the most part summarily dismisses the Matriarchal (image) way of thought; however, it embraces the Matriarchal esoterically.
The reason that I believe that I am uniquely qualified to pioneer the reintroduction of Astrology's Universal Paradigm back into the world is because of my forty year of researching symbolism and esotericism and the publication of a trilogy of books and a host of papers online based solely on these subjects matters. The image at the beginning of the article is essentially the antediluvian teachings of the Great Goddess. Because humanity lives in a Patriarchal world I will have to reference many works from that mindset; however, what I have to say about Astrology is basically known in the mythologies around the world. This image of the Zodiac is deliberately set in place to imitate Solomon Temple in the round (see Masonic Apron above) and betwixt the two great columns of Boaz (Sun) and Jachin (Moon) is the entrance, which places the initiate in the nave of the temple terminating at the center of the nave where the altar housing the Sanctum Sanctorum: Holy of Holies sit, which intersecting the two transepts.
In the Sistine Chapel Christ, in the fresco paint by Perugino, "The Delivery of the Keys 9 ," is handing Peter the Gold (Sun: Leo -Ego) and Silver (Moon: Cancer -Unconscious Mind) keys. Solomon's Temple in the round is in the background to augment this presentation of the keys to Peter. Notice how both Christ and Peter are standing between two parallel lines in the pavement going off toward the background leading to the temple's entrance. The keys are in both the hands of Christ and Peter and they are in a direct alignment to Solomon's Temple's entrance showing the two columns Boaz and Jachin. Notice that Peter is given the Keys because he is the only one of the twelve that had knelt and humbled himself to receive the keys. The act of Kneeling is symbolic conveying submissiveness.
Both the Antediluvian Astrological system of thought choreographed onto the star studded universe by the Matriarchal cultures and the Logos of the Patriarchal cultures scribing the mythoi of their religions onto parchment via the written word are not the end all and be all of what life is all about. In order for the initiate to experience the Sanctum Sanctorum: Holy of Holies he or she is going to have to get past both these genres of thought in their esoterically amalgamated states. Astrology's Universal Paradigm is fused into the Patriarchal Logos and the Matriarchal images. Neither one of these genres of thought is wrong per se; however, both these esoteric systems of thought (Word and Image fused) point to the Sanctum Sanctorum: Holy of Holies: Garden of Eden. In a very real sense the initiate's goal is to obtain knowledge of what the ancient sages that envisioned these genres of thought perfected in their times. Modern thought has corrupted both these systems of thought altogether by destroying the WORD through numerous translations and/or by denigrating Astrology's IMAGERY as altogether evil; however, each of these genres of thought in their pristine state is inclusive of the other.
I never TRULY understood Astrology as a mythological and symbolic tool until my recent analysis of the archeological site at Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, which is dated as over twelve thousand years old. I certainly do not see Astrology as a prognostication tool for casting individual horoscopes: that's a charlatan's vocation; however, as this article continues Astrology will demonstrate itself to be a psychic and/or cosmic prognosticator as to how ancient literature, artworks and monuments should be interpreted.
There are many patterns in the Zodiac constellations and I will discuss some of them in this article. Above I briefly discussed half of one pattern, which I will complete as I go along; however, there are a number of patterns and all can be envisaged as correct.
I went surfing the Internet and found these Zodiac figures color coded as they appear here. Apparently, the color coding of the images follows the seven basic colors separated from out of the prism or it can be said to be the color scheme of the rainbow. I added the background colors (second zodiacal cycle image) to represent the four basic elements of Astrology: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. All of this has a direct bearing on how to interpret the ancient mysteries.
My major thesis in the analysis of Göbekli Tepe was to analyze it in relationship to the Precession of the Equinoxes. Symbolically and mythologically speaking there is no difference between the yearly Zodiacal Cycle and the grand twenty-six millennium cycle. It is from that perspective that I am coming from in this analysis of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac. Because, in my eyes, there is no reason that everybody that wants to can't return to the Garden of Eden, in this lifetime, if they want to. Individually or collectively humanity does not have to traverse twenty-six millenniums to achieve that goal. It is the spiritual goal of the psyche/soul to get off the Zodiacal Merry-Go-Round in just one lifetime.
Astrology is an archetypal pattern of what should be and the severe consequences of not taking its warnings seriously. This is the pattern of the individual's psyche that could possibly play out psychically and symbolically in the course of a single lifetime; though, it plays out paradigmatically on an archetypal and symbolic level over the span of twenty-six millenniums in REAL TIME. It is possible, and most likely, that when the individual returns to this VEIL OF TEARS: this mortal coil, he or she will hop aboard the Zodiacal Merry-Go-Round symbolically at the precise moment of psychological development or regression that was ongoing at the time of physical death in the last incarnation. This is not reincarnation; rather, it is a continuous never-ending incarnation.
As I went deeply into the analysis of Astrology's symbolism it was quite stunning and very pleasing at the same time to see the history of Western Civilization as a direct byproduct of the Precession of the Equinoxes. The ancient Greek and Roman mythologies were a great help in defining some of the constellations in a clearer light. In addition my knowledge of psychiatry via the works of CG Jung was also a great aid to me in explaining the creation of the universe being that the stellar universe is a projection of the psyche/soul.
In this most recent analysis I found nothing that would contradict my previous forty-years of research into the science of esotericism. If anything this new analysis clarified much of that thought process. Throughout this article I will be using references from different cultures to augment my analysis of Antediluvian Astrology; however, I am also fully aware that my references were not even known at the time that Antediluvian Astrology was being developed; nonetheless, whatever mythological language the Zodiac is clothed in the basic conceptual spiritual paradigm is the same and still in place.
If I am correct in this analysis of the Zodiac's Constellations' symbolism humanity has already entered into the Age of Aquarius or it is definitely on the borderline (cusp). Humanity is on the verge of entering into over four thousand years of a mixture of spirituality and materiality with a tendency of a complete breakdown of religion and civilization before a complete neurosis set in enveloping, for the most part, humanity as a whole; however, this coming neurosis will be preceded by many trials and tribulations. The Earth has or is about to leave the Age of Pisces . All religions around the world, from what I can envisage, will slowly disintegrate and go into a very long Dark Age and then the Precession of the Equinoxes will begin all over again with the inaugural ceremony of the galactic core explosion (c 8,000ce): symbolically, in every sense this is the Dawn of Creation. Every time the galactic core explosion take place it symbolically represents the cleansing and renewal of the soul. These coming Dark Age periods will not prevent the mystic from discovering his or her Garden of Eden. Prophecies are impossible without knowing Astrology's Universal Paradigm.
Göbekli Tepe is what can be classified as the archetypal archeological site: euphemistically the Garden of Eden. Göbekli Tepe is wholly unique for no other archeological site on Earth can be compared to it. The archeological site at Göbekli Tepe is without cultural distinction: meaning that it has no cultural mores per se; for this reason, it cannot be identified as belonging to any religious culture on Earth; nonetheless, all religions on Earth can classify it as the cradle of civilization and the origins of their spiritual heritage and cultural traditions. My reference to the cradle of civilization has nothing to do with the origins of the human race: it is merely a reference to the Dawn of Spiritual Enlightenment from modernity's perspective. Astrology's Universal Paradigm has probably rediscovered millions of times over the course of infinite existence.
Let me try to explain, my thoughts, on this last sentence above. Because the known universe is a projection of the psyche it is created ex nihilo via the psyche. The universe has no dimensions whatsoever; rather, it is an image experienced moment by moment. It is not that Astrology's Universal Paradigm changes moment by moment; rather, it s the psyche's constant search to fulfill its hunger from eternal boredom. The psyche cannot stand still for a moment. This is not changing Astrology's Universal Paradigm; rather, it is reinterpreting its infinite depths continuously/never-ending. Time is not a factor in this process because the 10 x 10 matrix that is a commentary on the MONAD cannot be damaged nor can it age in anyway. The MONAD (God): the law of life cannot wither away for it is the cause of all creation. If that was possible the mind would be capable of aging. Those that are elderly and healthy in their sixties, seventies and eighties and beyond feel that they have the young brain of a sixteen year old: the body ages not the psyche; therefore, when the scientists of our age tells us the universe is fifteen billion years old we can know that in fifteen billion years from now those scientist will also declare the universe is but fifteen billion years old. The Universe is incapable of aging.
Yes, we can point to all organic life on earth aging, mountain disappearing and all kinds of calamities taking place over the ages. Yes, we can point to dying stars and supernovas and the birth of other stars and the fact that galaxies go headlong towards the great empty space beyond the universe. That is what we perceive now; nonetheless, in a thousand years, a billion years or fifteen billion years humanity will see the universe precisely as we see it now. Just as it is impossible for organic life on earth to change into another species (the idiocy of Darwinism) or develop over time into another species never known so to the universe cannot change simply because it was created and developed outside of time. Humanity has lived upon the same psychic platform of existence throughout its existence.
Having written the above I do not want to be misunderstood. Göbekli Tepe, in my opinion, is neither the first temples built on Earth nor evidence of human moving out of the so-called hunter-gatherer way of life into an agrarian society way of life. Humanity has lived throughout all times and climes within one or both of these ways of life from the dawn of time oscillating back and forth between the two. It is this latter concept representing the individual and humanity's penchant for a spiritual and/or material existence that Göbekli Tepe outlines symbolically in its stone circles. I believe this is why the site is laid out generically.
Göbekli Tepe is not speaking on a distinctive local level; rather, it is speaking on a universal archetypal level. Let me further qualify this statement by saying that I am well aware of other archeological sites in the general area of Turkey that have the same general features in stone and artwork found at Göbekli Tepe; however, these other sites show evidence of human habitation and Göbekli Tepe does not convey any evidence of this. What I see these other archeological sites, in Turkey, conveying is what is similarly witnessed in modern times where people of a particular religion set up religious shrines in their homes mimicking those that are in their temples and churches. There is no Earth shattering discovery in those other sites other than that Göbekli Tepe was not inhabited and its complex was deliberately buried as if for the purpose of sending posterity a time-capsule message.
In addition to the above Göbekli Tepe shows evidence of tier building. After one tier is build and then deliberately buried another tier is built on a slightly smaller level in size and dimensions and then deliberately buried and yet another tier is again built up on yet an even small level in size and dimensions and then deliberately buried. From that description one intuits it as a pyramidal structure. Göbekli Tepe's archeological site is not located in Turkey by happenstance. The mythoi of Noah's Ark is said to have landed on a mountain in Turkey and from that location the human race is said to have spread forth upon the Earth. Symbolically, Göbekli Tepe most likely represents, not that it is, the altar that Noah built (Genesis 8:20) after the flood when he and his family went forth from the ark. Noah, the ark and his family are symbols in a mythological story codifying great spiritual cosmic truths, which natural history and spiritual concepts amalgamated into allegorical and mythological storylines explaining symbolically universal psychic truths. Universal spiritual truths are abstract concepts, which have no material substance per se and man needs to clothe these spiritual ideas in mythological garments in order to preserve them.
The great universal flood came during the end of the ICE AGE when glaciers that covered most of the Earth began melting. Yes, the ICE AGE happened in REAL TIME; however, the ICE AGE was symbolically used psychically in real time, for REAL TIME and the universal psyche's archetypal pattern are one and the same. It is the human intellect that confuses matters by thinking REAL TIME, psychological trauma and mythological storylines are different forms of thought; yet, realistically not so much. REAL TIME denotes the psychic symbolic allegorical events played out repetitively via the individual experiences in the passage of time. This is taken as natural history; however, mythologies recorded esoterically in hardcopy (Astrology, books, artworks and monuments) represent the universal generic archetypal psychic patterns that exist in every individual psyche/soul. Mythologies are essentially equivalent to the fixed patterns of the psyche/soul's collective unconscious archetypal images and this is why they are amalgamated to the fixed star-studded universe via the Zodiacal Merry-Go-Round. In every respect the psyche/soul is hardwired to get off that Merry-Go-Round (cyclic existence) in the time oriented material world and then stay fixed at the axis mundi of creation.
The onslaught of the ICE AGE is symbolic of the psyche/soul getting caught up in its addictive and obsessive lifestyles: egocentrism. The end of the ICE AGE is symbolically the individual coming out of his concretized obsessive and/or addictive existence. The initiate is being psychically transformed euphemistically into the 33° Mason so-to-speak; because, glaciers can only thaw at 33° Fahrenheit and above. Right after the ICE AGE up to the present moment the symbolism has changed up somewhat; however, not so much. The melting of the glaciers freed up much of the Earth's land masses. What the ICE AGE represented symbolically to the obsessive and addictive personally the waxing and the waning of the ocean tides have since replaced metaphorically from the esoteric and Patriarchal perspectives. The symbolism of the flood and those that drown in its wake is analogous to those receiving a spiritual vision and not being able to assimilate it. In modernity these people end up in insane asylums: symbolically there is no difference between mental instability and drowning in the flood. Noah's Ark symbolically represents 'METHOD', which allows the psyche to stay above the fray of the flood waters.
To grasp these two genres of thought the initiate needs to understand that the Matriarchal culture represents infinity: 'all at once image' and it sees ego-consciousness or the Patriarchal way of thought as concretized in its dogma and traditions: hence humanity symbolically caught up in an ice age. The Patriarchal culture worships one idea in exclusion to all else in creation and it sees the unconscious mind or the Matriarchal culture as an ocean of fluidity: chaos without order.
Symbolism is the archetypical language of the soul/psyche. Ego-consciousness is literally incapable of understanding the unconscious mind because it can only understand thought line by line, here a little there a little. Ego-consciousness is incapable of taking in the infinitude of what an archetype is expressing, all at once; it needs eternity to work out just one archetype. There is but one supreme archetype (MONAD: i.e. God) and all other archetypes are variations on its theme.
The symbolism of the unconscious mind cannot be conveyed to the uninitiated all at once; hence, it reputation as being esoteric. Ego-consciousness lives and thinks fundamentally in REAL TIME: meaning that it envisaged everything in the outer world exactly as the senses transmogrifies (translates) the paradigm 11 of the unconscious mind: i.e. the outer creation is seen always on a literal level of thought. In other word the infinity of thought is brought down to one word definitions. Even the esoterists sees the world in this manner and has to continuously refocus his thought to envisage the world as it truly is: a projection of the unconscious mind.
The symbolism of the world is the projection of the supreme archetypal image (infinity at a glance: i.e. infinity in a grain of sand) making the outer world symbolically into its objective image and likeness. Having that OBJECTIVE archetype image as the platform of ego-consciousness' existence, similar if not the same as a Chess Board and its pieces before the game commences, the ego find itself in the Garden of Eden so-to-speak because the world is always in a pristine state of existence and from that perspective it will never change; however, there are billions of ego-consciousnesses living in that same pristine archetypal environment every one of them giving their literal and SUBJECTIVE opinions, moving those Chess pieces around the chessboard, as to what they each believes the world (the supreme archetype) is all about; hence, the confusion of tongues talked about in the mythoi of Babel outlined in the eleventh chapter of Genesis.
Trying to understand humanity's origins should be a multi-discipline effort; however, in modernity academic infighting makes that virtually impossible: i.e. see the discussion on the debate between the archeologist and the geologist. What is needed in Academia, around the world, is a CENTRALIZED DEPARTMENT in every institute of higher learning unifying, in the spirit of cooperation, all disciplines under one umbrella similar to how Homeland Security, in the ideal world, unifies the Intelligence Communities for the purposes of interagency cooperation. If the collective oxymoronic Intelligent Agencies in the United States can get their act together I cannot see why Academia can't.
Modernity presently looks back on the so-called history of humanity as if it is in an evolutionary and intellectually progressive state. If man was wholly materialistic these theories may stand up to close scrutiny; however, these theories have absolutely no validity whatsoever. What, inherently, refutes these theories is that the individual human being is a totally spiritual being and his or her whole life is lived psychically. Spiritual and psychic laws would not be subject to evolution or an increase in intellectual prowess.
Archeologists and Anthropologists have pretty well got it wrong about man descending from the ape and crawling into caves and then crawling out of them and all the extrapolations and ramifications that come with that kind of thinking. These hypotheses are the theories of the Naturalists of the days before Darwin's female relatives copied them into manuscript form. Darwin popularized these Naturalist's writings, including his grandfather's writings, not giving any of them credit. Darwin and his female family members simply plagiarized those Naturalists' works. ORIGIN OF SPECIES is the product of the writings of Charles Darwin's grandfather (who died at least a decade before he was born) and other Naturalists of the day. Charles Darwin only lent his name as the sole author because women rarely were published in those days.
In those days Naturalists took the "the educative (paideumatic) influence of an inhabited space upon its population ( Is it not reasonable to assume that since humanity lived in caves during the Ice Age that it was the Ice Age, itself, that drove them into caves? From a spiritual point of view it is not tenable to believe that humanity came from the ocean depths via the amoeba fighting its way up the evolutionary scale crawling into and out of caves to arrive at its present development. What the biologist cannot possibly grasp is that all organic life including man is of the chimera variety. The physicist and biologist views and reduces all matter and life substances in the outer creation of the senses to protons, electrons, neutrons and all sorts of molecular structures but to save his or her own life he or she cannot grasp intellectually that all of matter and life in the outer world is a psychic aberration. This is why man appears spontaneously on the earth, which is symbolic of the soul. Man exists on a purely psychic level. This is why the Earth (soul) is in the center of Antediluvian Astrology: symbolically all creation, which is something Copernicus and Galileo would have given their eyeteeth to have envisaged.
Consider the human body and how everything about it is dualistic: two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, two arms, two legs, five right fingers, five left fingers, five right toes, five left toes, two spheres of the brain, two kidneys, two lungs, upper jaw with sixteen teeth and a lower jaw with sixteen teeth, and a folk tongue. The right side of the body mirror images the left side of the body. The genders sex organs are opposites. There are a few organs not duplicated; however, for the most part the
This contemplative analysis conducted on the human psyche and the human body is to some extent uncanny seeing that I have neither heard this idea voiced nor have I read about it before envisaging it myself. It is not that I am the first to do so; rather, modernity does not seem to have considered these ideas points of comparison for the sake of argument.
Reading and/or viewing the work of Paul A. LaViolette, Ph.D., EARTH UNDER FIRE, in book form and/or the video of the same name, one learns about the dawn of the ICE AGE. A galactic core explosion (Seyfert galaxy), in the past, sent out a cosmic wave, symbolizing its wrath, across the Milky Way Galaxy towards the Earth to cleanse it of man's abusive nature towards God and his creation. Here is where I believe the evidence of the vast majority of civilizations blanketing the globe over twenty-six millenniums were essentially wiped from off the face of the Earth. Not only was a good deal of the Earth kindled into molten fire but a cloud of ash went up from the face of the Earth permeating and poisoning the atmosphere. This cloud of ash would have cooled off the earth ushering in the Ice Age. Humanity would have been extremely lucky to have one percent of its people survive considering the scarcity of food and water I would imagine that to be just about right if modernity statistics are considered (about seven to nine million); however, the population would be even greater by the time the next galactic core explosion is due in about six and a half millenniums.
The cloud of ash that hung above the earth after receiving the cosmic radiation wave from the galactic core would have cooled off the Earth ushering in the ICE AGE. Any proof of preexisting higher civilizations would have been wiped from the face of the earth. I could see here humanity on the whole obtaining an amnesic state of consciousness. The galactic core explosion would have great psychic consequences for those humans that survived it c. 21,600 years ago. Man could not have lived in the sunlight because it did not exist until the ashes had completely fallen back to the Earth. Humanity would have been driven to live out its life, at that time, in his unconscious mind. Synchronistically man would have been driven into deep underground caves for shelter, which would also be analogous to his ego-consciousness being driven into the unconscious mind. Man egoconsciousness would have acquiesced to the unconscious mind through absorption. This would not have been a voluntary or cooperative union by any stretch of the imagination. The ego would have tried everything in its power to prevent this from happening.
Humanity with almost no food, shelter and clothing would have found itself crawling into subterranean caves enlarging them through necessity. I can envisage that many of the cave dwellers obtained their food and clothing off the carcasses of animals frozen in the glaciers that spread across the planet. It certainly would have taken quite a while for most of humanity to regain back its ego-consciousness if at all; however, there are many aboriginal natives around the world that attest to the fact that never happened for them seeing they are still living in both realms of the psyche; however, the aboriginal state of mind that is seen in modernity need not have been the results of the original galactic core radiation wave; rather, it could be and probably is that most of the aboriginal cultures still existing are results of other catastrophes both of the natural and manmade variety exiling peoples to remote locations on earth. I point to the aboriginal natives on the North and South America continents driven into a primitive state of mind and culture through the white man diseases and conquest for gold just in the last five hundred years. The galactic core explosion would have taken place sometime during the Ages of Sagittarius the Archer and Scorpio the Scorpion . It is clearly depicted in the center of the crossing of both these signs' arrows that the galactic core center can be located. Humanity in its efforts towards survival would have lost all knowledge of the higher educational disciplines at least from the ego-consciousness' perspective. Each of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac is paired off into two different directions, which will be further discussed below. Both the Ages of Sagittarius the Archer and Scorpio the Scorpion is one of those pairings. At this time c. 19,600-15,280 BCE Astrology would not have been known; yet, the Ages of Sagittarius the Archer and Scorpio the Scorpion are clearly delineated. Sagittarius the Archer is clearly defined in pictorial form as a hybrid of ANIMAL and MAN. The Centaur's arrow points to this animal/man hybrid being directed by the ego seeing the bow and arrow is a primitive and purposeful invention; however, seeing the arrow is pointing directly at the center of the galactic core the inference here is that humanity's efforts are towards understanding the heavens from a purely spiritual perspective; whereas, Scorpio the Scorpion tail pointing directly at the galactic core center infers that it is doing so on a purely instinctual level rather than with any direct knowledge. Here in the Ages of Sagittarius the Archer and Scorpio the Scorpion it is being inferred that ego-consciousness's attention is being intentionally aimed at the divine aspects of creation by the unconscious mind: it is basically a harmonious effort between ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind.
This galactic core explosion is further memorialized in the first two verses of Genesis and from the very same two signs of the Zodiac Sagittarius the Archer and Scorpio the Scorpion . Here in these verses 'the earth is separated from the heavens and it (Earth) is found without form and void'. This is the main reason that I began my discussion of Antediluvian Astrology with Sagittarius the Archer and Scorpio the Scorpion . The Earth (soul) is without form and void because it (Earth = soul) had literally been cleansed by the galactic core explosion: i.e. spiritual vision. This is all laid out in minute detail in the esotericism of the scriptural texts. I am not going to discuss my writings on the esoteric nature of the Genesis Creation Account these have already been published in a trilogy of books; however, I will periodically reference them as needed.
I recommend highly that my previously published article is read to augment this thesis: ASTROLOGY'S UNIVERSAL PARADIGM: The Egyptian Temple of Khnum at Esneh: A Commentary on the ceiling's Zodiacal Cycle, for it is a major and intricate aspect of this paper. This article was published separately the core theme of the paper from this separate analysis of Astrology. Symbolism is an important aspect of religion less the novice venture to close to the spiritual source before he or she is ready to deal with it. Symbolism is the Knight's shield used in the Battle Royale against the armies of Darkness on the quest for the Holy Grail so-to-speak. Symbolism is usually given a pictorial definition to shield its infinite depths, which is then given a one line or one word definition. At times a novice will receive this infinite knowledge all at once and his or her motivations at the time of receiving it will determine whether he or she is able to deal with it.
In a very real sense the Ages of Sagittarius the Archer and Scorpio the Scorpion depict the female in charge as if she is unmarried and assessing a prospective suitor; whereas, the Ages of Pisces the Fishes and Aries the Ram depicts the antics of a married man, which is in total control and summarily dismisses the female as superfluous. This may seem to be a harsh interpretation until the other signs of the Zodiac are symbolically evaluated. Do not get me wrong Antediluvian Astrology has numerous patterns associated to the constellations of the Zodiac; however, each of those patterns takes in the whole of the zodiacal cycles and it is only in these separate all inclusive patterns that Astrology can be understood.
When the Ages of Libra the Scales and Virgo the Virgin , c. 15,280-10,920 BCE, arrive there is every sense of the mystical marriage of ego-consciousness (male) to the unconscious mind (female). From either the Matriarchal or the Patriarchal perspective this is an untenable position. From a totally materialistic level marriage is not natural. It literally is an abomination to nature; however, from a spiritual point of view it is an absolute necessity if the psyche is to evolve spiritually. If it was not for the urges of the organs for each other as Joseph Campbell, the renowned mythologist, was prone to describing sexual attraction, there would be very few marriages. In olden times it mattered not culturally whether the bride and groom knew each other or not marriages were arranged. Marriage, as ridiculous as that tradition appears to be, is very apropos to the psychic and spiritual condition that the soul finds itself cast into in the world, which would be similar to finding oneself in total absolute chaos. A man trying to understand a woman and vice versa in the quarrels that are ongoing in all marriages is synchronistic to the individual trying to understand his or her own psyche and/or trying to understand one's religion/philosophy on life while at the same time struggling to make a living in the world. These three avenues of thought (marriage, psyche and religion/philosophy) that every human being traverses in life are all extraordinarily difficult to psychically comprehend and that is why they are dominant features in every human being's life. If a human being can grasp any one of these archetypal patterns the chances are that he or she will understand the other two. This is why divorce was an anathema in ancient times. If a man or woman was willing to run away from a marriage than he or she is prone to running away from any other aspect of his or her life he or she could not personally deal with. The Catholic Church would not allow divorce. The word 'divorce' was not in the Church's vocabulary. This is why the Church of England today is a Protestant Church because of Henry the Eight's disagreements with the Roman Catholic Church's stance on divorce: marriage was considered by the Church to be one of the most important part of a person's life. Marriage is a sacrifice to the marital relationship. Marriage is not "you are marrying me" or "I am marrying you"; rather it is "we are marrying each other". This is the same kind of union that has to take place in the psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind must have a fruitful and harmonious discourse. The same process takes place in the search for understanding religion. the Archer and Scorpio the Scorpion was my way of entering into discussing Antediluvian Astrology in this article. Yes, the Earth because of its wobble is in an eternal cyclic Merry-Go-Round called the Precession of the Equinoxes: that's a given; however, in order for Antediluvian Astrology to exist it had to have been conceived somewhere between c. 15,280-10,920 BCE, which takes up the whole of the ages of the Goddess. The exact time or astrological age that Antediluvian Astrology was conceived cannot be pinpointed no matter how much reason and logic are put to it. The reason that this is known is because humanity presently has Astrology in its pristine state not in its developing stages. Humanity can begin to get a sense of Antediluvian Astrology development by looking at the archeological site at Göbekli Tepe, which was built on the cusp of the Age of Leo the Lion c. 10,960 BCE. In the image above representing Göbekli Tepe's Stone Circle -D it is clearly seen that the pattern of the zodiacal circle is of an astrological design showing clearly that Antediluvian Astrology was known in its entirety at that time. This clearly infers that Antediluvian Astrology was developed somewhere in the previous four zodiacal ages c. 19,600-10,960 BCE.
Astrology as we have it in modernity is obviously one of the innumerable mythological versions handed down through the subsequent ages. The images on the T-Shapes stones at Göbekli Tepe shows a very generic version of what is generally known of as Astrology.
After the Zodiacal Ages of Libra the Scales and Virgo the Virgin c. 15,280-10,960 BCE something very astonishing transpired in the psyche of humanity. Humanity had entered the Garden of Eden in the Zodiacal Ages of Leo the Lion and Cancer the Crab . There are several things that support this hypothesis. The thawing of the Ice Age began in the Zodiacal Ages of Libra the Scales and Virgo the Virgin c. 15,280-10,960 BCE. The carcasses frozen and preserved in the glaciers ostensibly supported the survivors of humanity. During that time these survivors had a great deal of time to mediate over their environment and assuredly the oral traditions handed down to them. Of course the population of humanity would have again increased since the galactic core explosion and the thawing of the glaciers would have destroyed through floods many of the developing civilizations (after the galactic core cleansing) that existed in the tropics and other land masses of that era; however, it is in the Zodiacal Ages of the Scales and Virgo the Virgin c. 15,280-10,960 BCE that the Zodiacal Paradigm would have been worked out to perfection because in this time frame ego-consciousness would have had plenty of time to converse with the unconscious mind.
As it can be seen I have stuck to the basic chronology of the geologists in their timeline for the Ice Age and its thawing. I merely inserted the Astrological perspective. I do not agree with Darwinian stupidity. I do not believe the caveman is the result of evolution but rather humanity was forced into the caves due to the galactic core explosion and the Ice Age that resulted from it and I believe that this is a cyclic paradigm, which has taken place millions of time since the dawn of time. This put man's origins back billions of earth time years if not trillions. Now consider what the physicists says when they declare that the universe is c. 15-billion years old: REALLY? We are told that stars have only a finite existence and we are told that most of the stars we see in the heavens have since been for billions of years disintegrated and their remains reconstituted into new stars. Like Darwin evolutionary process, which we have no evidence of; telescopes should at the very least see this evolutionary process in the heavens taking place. Fast forward to REALITY humanity, INFACT, has no idea what the universe truly looks like other than what it looked like fifteen billion years ago: THAT IS A GIVEN, which most people do not think out to its logical conclusion. If the light from the furthest galaxy took 15-billion years to get to earth, what happened in those 15-billion years? If all those stars in the background say conservatively 8-15-billion years are gone can we assume there is nothing there but blank space? NO, I don't think so; however, I will postulate that the universe looks a lot different than the pictures taken of what our universe looked like 15-billion years ago. If the physicists are right and stars go nova and explode after so many billions of years, why isn't the background of the heavens in a blazing light 360° in all directions of nova exploding stars? I think there is something very wrong with the physicists world view: they should get their act together before opening their mouths. I can clue the physicists into this much: KNOW that the universe cannot exist in real time unless there is at the very least one human being living on a planet somewhere in the universe: THAT'S A GIVEN. The human psyche and the star studded universe are synonymous: one cannot exist without the other.
There is little doubt in my mind that during the Zodiacal Ages of Libra the Scales and Virgo the Virgin c. 15,280-10,960 BCE the various shaman of the time band together to psychically paint this envisaged Zodiacal Psychic Paradigm onto the star studded universe: at this time the new science Astrology was merely an oral tradition. When the Zodiacal Ages of Leo the Lion and Cancer the Crab came about the practical implementation of teaching this Zodiacal Psychic Paradigm (oral tradition) to others to spread around the world began.
I am not saying that Gobekli Tepe was the first Mystery School of the ancients because Virgo points to the Eleusinian mysteries and though the Eleusinian mysteries did not exist in those time it took the place of what did similar to how Catholicism took over pagan temples; however, Gobekli Tepe certainly was one of the first Mystery Schools during the time that the Zodiacal Ages of Leo the Lion and Cancer the Crab loomed on the horizon.
I am discussing the symbolism of Astrology in this article because, I believe, Göbekli Tepe's archeological site has a great deal to tell humanity about the Precession of the Equinoxes in relationship to the entire Zodiac Cyclic pattern. In a very real sense this discussion on the Precession of the Equinoxes is a prerequisite for continuing the discussion of Göbekli Tepe. The symbolism of each of the Zodiacal Ages will be discuss as to what, I believe, each represent in the human psyche and how it is codified into the mythological records. This will allow the reader to understand how the ancient envisaged the Precession of the Equinoxes as one grand unified spiritual pattern in antiquity's Mystery Schools. In this way the reader will understand why Göbekli Tepe was built and then deliberately buried and what its ultimate purpose was. The Precession of the Equinoxes take about twenty-six millenniums to run its course and this cyclic pattern is, I believe, a permanent archetypal pattern fixed in the psyche/soul (God's missive to the soul/psyche) and projected by the individual, and by extension the race as a whole, onto the canvas of the star-studded universe. To understand Göbekli Tepe this archetypal pattern has to be somewhat understood; though, built and then deliberately buried Göbekli Tepe took only two of the twelve Zodiacal Ages; however, the entire pattern of the constellations of the Zodiac have to be understood in order to see its place and purpose in the great Zodiacal Cycle. The yearly cycle of the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac inherent in modernity calendar year is a miniature version of the Precession of the Equinoxes; nonetheless, for all intent and purpose they outline the same mythoi. This Zodiacal Cyclic pattern should be seen similar, if not the same, as the universal pattern condensed version of the Christian mythoi programmed and choreographed into the Catholic Church's 365¼-day liturgical year representing the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. The soul does not have to traverse twenty-six millenniums to benefit by studying and learning from this psychic pattern projected onto the star-star studded universe.
The question is often asked how God gives the individual the mandate to publish His message to the world. Why build these megalithic sites, create artworks and literature in all times and climes? In what manner is God conveying His mandate that an individual become a prophet in order to create these great feats in monument, art and literature? In a sense I gave the answer above when I mentioned that the individual, and by extension humanity as a whole, projects the archetypal pattern of the psyche/soul unto the star-studded universe. That, in and of itself by itself, is all the authority the individual needs to create monuments, art and literature in his endeavor to edify his fellowman to the spiritual pattern of the psyche/soul. That is the individual's sole authority because he is already, inherently, projecting that message into the world; albeit, on an involuntary and esoteric level. In creating monument, art and literature the would-be prophet has only the authority to publish the word of God esoterically and not explicitly (overtly) because that is how the individual receives the message of God.
The manner in which the prophets wrote the sacred scriptures, created their artworks and built their megalithic monuments was by knowing through a one on one relationship with God the supreme archetypal pattern that governs the soul/psyche. The soul in turn projected that supreme archetypal image outward from the unconscious mind into the created manifested world of the senses; hence when ego-consciousness looks outwardly into the stellar universe its envisages a confusion of wandering luminaries and twinkling lights on the canvas of the starstudded universe. It is upon that milieu that that antiquity's wise men (astrologers = esoterists) individually and collectively fixed their spiritual translation (Astrology) of the supreme archetype of the psyche/soul; thus, in the sacred literature, artworks and megalithic monuments of the world humanity has incontrovertible evidence of ego-consciousness' cooperation with the unconscious mind, which in itself exudes the third option: i.e. the Eucharist (Transcendent Function in Jungian Analytical Psychology). This is the evidence of the God-Man Christ found in different mythoi throughout the world. The old astrological astute adage that "the signs impel they do not compel" is apropos here. Coming out of the Age of Pisces the Fishes there is a sense of what the Age of Sagittarius the Archer is going to be all about since they are both are ruled by Jupiter/Zeus; however, Christianity has shown us how Christ is the God-Man taught by the Holy Spirit; whereas, Sagittarius the Archer is the centaur (Chiron): taught by Apollo the Sun (ego-consciousness) and Diana the Moon (unconscious mind), is Christ's extreme opposite: being a mixture of animal and man. This understanding of the two signs ruled by Jupiter/Zeus gives a prelude (sneak-peak = the astrologer's prognosticator) as to what will happen in the Ages of Aquarius the Angelic Man and Capricorn the Goat , which are both ruled by Saturn/Cronus. The prognostication as to the forty-three hundred years or more ahead of humanity is not pretty at all based upon what can be divined from the mythoi of the Ages of Aquarius the Angelic Man and Capricorn the Goat . Here is where the mythoi of Saturn/Cronus take over for he will eat all his children: bar none: meaning the Mystery Schools of antiquity will go the way of the Do-Do Bird seeing that Demeter: founder of the Eleusinian Mysteries was one of the children of Cronus. This means, at least for me, that the Ages of Aquarius the Angelic Man and Capricorn the Goat represents in its entirety the age of pure unadulterated atheism. Nearly everybody will be prophesying; hence, Aquarius the Angelic Man with one foot in the water and one foot on earth pouring the pitcher of water back on the ground as if the water is not worth savoring. Only those that scamper into high and secure places (wealth, power, politics and fame) will escape the wrath that is to come; hence, Capricorn the Goat that feeds the gods. It is as if modernity is already feeling the wrath of Saturn/Cronus. In the aftermath of the Ages of Aquarius the Angelic Man and Capricorn the Goat whoever remains will find themselves foraging in the Dark Wood (civilization in utter ruins) of the world forced to live by his or her own wits in the Age of Sagittarius the Archer before the final and dreadful day the creator visits the Earth once more. It is in pairing the constellations of the Zodiac and color coding the signs that the reader should begin to see the cross pattern that exudes from the Zodiacal Cycle. Excepting Aquarius the Angelic Man AIR, Capricorn the Goat EARTH, Cancer the Crab WATER and Leo the Lion FIRE the other eight element signs are in a Zodiacal dance with each other. Each of the other eight element signs is paired to two of its opposite element signs; thus, a FIRE sign is paired with two WATER signs, an EARTH sign is paired with two AIR signs, an AIR sign is paired with two EARTH signs and a WATER sign is paired with two FIRE signs. It is merely a matter of Mercury switching partners with Venus and Jupiter switching partners with Mars. It is as if these minor eight constellations of the Zodiac were working off their own hierarchal base, if there is such a thing in Astrology.
The Ages of Libra the Scales and Virgo the Virgin cannot be divorce from each other; hence the segue from the discussion to lay out this above prerequisite chart before continuing to explain this Zodiacal Cyclic dance. It is literally as if the Zodiac is split in half. The Ages of Libra the Scales and Virgo the Virgin coming immediately after the nightmarish Age of Scorpio the Scorpion did not release man from the ICE AGE; however, the choice was present to chose between the LIGHT of materialism or the DARKNESS of spirituality, which is solely dependent upon the initiate's perspective. It is within the Age of Virgo the Virgin that there are clear indications of the unconscious mind being interacted with Hades/Pluto the god that ruled the underworld "long the province of Gaia, the wife of Uranus". It is here in both the Ages of Libra the Scales and Virgo the Virgin that the Mystery Schools of antiquity were inaugurated; however, note how the Ages of Gemini the Twins and Taurus the Bull compliment the Ages of Libra the Scales and Virgo the Virgin ; whereas, in the Ages of Libra the Scales and Virgo the Virgin the Mystery Schools were worked out while the ice age was still spread over all the earth. The Ages of Gemini the Twins and Taurus the Bull were one of the first to implement Mystery Schools: i.e. Religions into the cultures of civilization. I am not saying here that the Egyptian culture was first though there is some indication of that. No matter where the numerous first megalithic sites began they would have had to begin their building in the Ages Gemini the Twins and Taurus the Bull . The Ages of Libra the Scales and Virgo the Virgin were the ages of the Goddess.
Göbekli Tepe was build and buried during the Ages of Leo the Lion and Cancer the Crab and it is during this time period that the Mystery Schools were thought via the missive that God had left in the psyche/soul for the individual, and by extension humanity as a whole, to intuit it; however, it had to be during the Ages of Libra the Scales and Virgo the Virgin that it was spiritually realized what the pattern in the Zodiacal Cycle's Dance was saying, Oral tradition would not suffice to hand down by word of mouth the complexities codified to the Esoteric Science. There had to be hard-copies made for future generations to learn from. The reader should remember that at the end of the Age of Virgo the Virgin it was already c. 6,500 years from the galactic core explosion. Humanity had crawl out of the caves once the sun shined on the world again. Being the descendents of those that went out of their minds during the cataclysmic times they still lived in caves, the milieu of the aboriginal mind, in the Age of Scorpio the Scorpion where the real world and the spirit world were interchangeablerealistically speaking there was no difference between the two worlds. This psychic battle to release the ego from the archetypal restrains of the unconscious mind was a long and arduous Battle Royale that took place over several millenniums in the Age of Scorpio the Scorpion . In the process of these psyche conflicts many esoteric secrets were learned about the psyche and it was this that the ancients initiates of the Goddess sought to preserve in the Ages of Libra the Scales and Virgo the Virgin (remember the Mystery Schools of Antiquity).
For the most part when the Ages of Leo the Lion and Cancer the Crab arrived ego-consciousness was separated from the unconscious mind but not so much as to become blatantly egocentric. Humanity was still governed by the Goddess (unconscious mind); though, the dangers of the adversary, the ego, were known. The fact that Göbekli Tepe was built in the Age of Leo the Lion is demonstrable evidence that humanity regained its ego-consciousness. In fact I would not go so far as to say that it was ego-consciousness that built Göbekli Tepe.
It was not the ego that built Göbekli Tepe it was the Love for God that built it. What literally demonstrates that ORENDA is involved is the fact that Göbekli Tepe was deliberately buried in the Age of Cancer the Crab . It a very real sense it is the ego governed by the consciousness of Orenda that built Göbekli Tepe; because, solid down to earth thinking is needed to conceptualize the literature, artworks and megalithic monuments that that will concretize the archetypal paradigm of the psyche into manifest creation. What are crabs best known for? In their season crabs will swarms from out of the tides of the ocean onto stable shores to bury their young very much like the New Moon pulls the blanket of DARKNESS over its surface. When considering the symbolism of the crab burying its young in relationship to the building and burying of Göbekli Tepe it is easily envisaged that the ancient considered the Esoteric Science their child, which like the Easter egg is buried. The symbolism exuding from the Age of Cancer the Crab , in relationship to the archeological site at Göbekli Tepe, is somewhat remarkable because it implies that there is cosmic life in that which was buried that will eventually force itself upon the world if not revealed by the initiate. All of the symbolism coming out of the mythoi of crab has to be taken into account. For children will always break out of their force and cloistered environment and scamper, like their parents, back into the ocean tides. Considering that this is a yearly ongoing eternal cycle the Age of Cancer the Crab implies the eternity and everlasting nature of existence: implying that the Precession of the Equinoxes is an eternal and everlasting force in nature.
Consider that Göbekli Tepe being buried is analogous to the Esoteric Science being imbued into the texts of the sacred scriptures of the world. This is analogous to ego-consciousness (Leo = Sun) and the unconscious mind (Cancer = Moon) agreeing that the burying of Göbekli Tepe is an analogous the unconscious mind being buried. Notice how synchronistically the archeological site of Göbekli Tepe was discovered. The land was plowed for millennia just as the bible is plowed with human thought for millennia and finally one day the farmer decides he is sick and tired of this rock formation being in the middle of his field and he does something to remove it and eureka the entire Göbekli Tepe complex is discovered. This is the same manner that Esoteric Science is discovered in the bible. Notice when the total eclipse of the moon takes place the moon is hidden behind (beneath) the earth. This is why I, personally, find Göbekli Tepe extremely interesting because its symbolism fits the analogy of the Sun and the Moon (Leo and Cancer).
As I sit here writing this I am absolutely dumbstruck as to the auspicious nature of this 'revelation' regarding the true nature of the Zodiacal Merry-Go-Round. Why now when it can hardly do modernity any good? Who is there to believe this report? It is as if, this interpretation, it was not meant for anybody other than me. I am sure that it was known by other zodiacal ages at least back to the Age of Libra the Scales ; however, as I look out over the wrathful abyss of the next nine thousand years I wonder if humanity could not ask for a bit more time to learn this divine science and to fully understand the consequences of the catastrophic events yet to be unleashed upon the surface of the Earth and its psyche.
Astrology if viewed properly literally goes out of its way to explain, to one and all, that it is the archetypal pattern of the psyche: egoconsciousness and the unconscious mind. In the beginning of this article I placed an image of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac. Here, in this accompanied image on the Cerebral Lobes (a similar image), I have gone a step further to augment that discussion on the twelve zodiacal signs. It dawn on me that the Sun governed the constellation of Leo the Lion, which is masculine = patriarchal and symbolically represents ego-consciousness 13 and the constellation of Cancer the Crab is governed by the Moon, which is feminine = matriarchal, which symbolically represent the unconscious mind 14 . It is as if the Sun and Moon had switched places very much like the Moon when it totally eclipses the Sun.
I have previously demonstrated in my published writings that the Sun signs were developed out of the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX: Prima Materia (Perennial Matrix). This matrix is a commentary on the MONAD, which is intuited directly from out of the psyche/soul. All of antiquity's knowledge was derived directly from studying and analyzing this matrix. That may sound incredibly naïve; however, after forty years of researches into the mysteries of the Esoteric Science it would have been incredibly naïve, for me, not to have made that statement. Let me augment this statement by saying that of course the living archetypes that literally receive their base patterns from the matrix is considered also in working out exactly why Astrology is the universal paradigm. The Unconscious Mind would point to the matrix as Astrology's Universal Paradigm; whereas, ego-consciousness points to the twelve signs of the Zodiac and their thirty-six decans as being the origin of Astrology's Universal Paradigm. Both are right for ego-consciousness has created a commentary on the matrix. In doing so it is the matrix itself that gives the sages authority to place that zodiacal understanding on the canvas of the star studded universe; however, notice how Astrology being imbued into the star studded universe is completely lost (buried) in the milieu of the universe of stars; wherefore, the novice knowing nothing of Astrology would neither know of its existence nor of its placement amongst the stars. This is precisely the psychological problem that the novice confronts when told of the Esoteric Science buried beneath the texts of the sacred scriptures of the world. 15 ) into the ball point pen. Thought (ego), like the pen that guides the word across the page, is a stabilizing process that enables ideas to be concretized and amalgamated into words; whereas, ideas, symbolically, have the fluidity of ink. If the ball point pen (like the quill and bottle of ink) was not symbolic of the ego and the unconscious mind it would never have been allowed to manifest into the world. Notice that the ink is contained in the bottle similar to how the ink is encapsulated in the ball point pen. This is precisely how the unconscious mind is hidden from the outer egocentric world. When writing words on paper it is not generally thought of as the process of concretizing thought (ego) and ideas (unconscious mind) into hardcopy; nonetheless, the world eternally remains the blank sheet of paper so-to-speak where each individual creates the world into his own image and likeness.
Though the ancient codified Astrology to all the mythologies of the world on an alphanumeric level using a highly sophisticated mathematical and grammatical system of thought the average initiated does not need to know those specialized discipline per se. With a basic knowledge of Astrology the individual only needs to know the traditions and dogma of his religious belief system to see the astrological pattern exuding out from all aspects of creation.
Astrology is neither a product of ego-consciousness nor the unconscious mind; rather, it is a hybrid of both these aspects of the psyche/soul working harmoniously with each other and it is this mystical nature about it that makes it the Universal Language. Neither the mathematical sciences nor the grammatical arts can be considered the one Universal Language because the complexities of the mathematical sciences are only understood by a select few (consider the world's innumeracy problem) and the grammatical arts are indigenous only to the local regions in which each of its variations (numerous written and spoken languages) were developed.
To the outer world this may well appear to be a serendipitous journey; however, unless the work had previously been accomplished no answers, that make any sense, will be forthcoming.
I have previously gone over Astrology and the Brain in Part 1 of this paper; however, here I want to reiterate some of that discussion because of its overall importance to understanding their relationship. The pattern of the brain's cerebral lobes is consistent with how projecting, out of the psyche, the manifested universe work.
It is as if the Sun (Leo the Lion) and the Moon (Cancer the Crab) had switched places or this is denoting that these two constellations were harmoniously cooperating with each other. This would mean that left FRONTAL LOBE governed the right PARIETAL, TEMPORAL and OCCIPITAL LOBES and vice versa. The right FRONTAL LOBE governed the left PARIETAL, TEMPORAL AND OCCIPITAL LOBES. Of course I am not a brain surgeon; thus, I have no idea of what I am talking about other than the symbolism that is displayed before me in the science of Astrology. It is said that the right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body. Are brain surgeons so knowledgeable of all parts of the brain's functions that they can declare unequivocally that they are certain that the left FRONTAL LOBE doesn't govern the right side of the brain and vice versa for the right FRONTAL LOBE?
given examples of how they were paired in mythology. If, therefore, the Age of Libra the Scales and Virgo the Virgin are paired then why is not the left PARIETAL LOBE (spatial awareness) considered as two parts rather than one? And of course this would extrapolate out to the left TEMPORAL LOBE (retention of visual memories, processing sensory input) being also two parts seeing they are represented astrologically as Sagittarius the Archer and Scorpio the Scorpion. These four ages: Virgo , Libra , Scorpio and Sagittarius are all on the left hemisphere of the brain. The Ages of Gemini the Twins and Taurus the Bull have been shown to be paired, which would represent the Parietal Lobe(s) on the right hemisphere of the brain. Similarly the Ages of Aries the Ram and Pisces the Fishes would signify the Temporal Lobe(s) on the right side of the brain. The In 1990 Frank Lynn Meshberger, MD intuited that Michelangelo codified, on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, an image of the brain into the fresco scene where God is creating Adam into his own image. I agree with this assessment simply because the evidence of Astrology verifies Dr. Meshberger conclusions.
Göbekli Tepe is a very beautiful megalithic site depicting the supreme spiritual concept sought after by the individual and humanity collectively in all times and climes, all over the world from the dawn of time. I am always in awe at how the ancient sages were able to convey/transmit this same paradigmatic spiritual principle in different times and climes using different methods of artistic expression to communicate to posterity their most cherish and sacred teachings.
Base upon forty years of research I can attest that there are no two megalithic sites and/or mythological writings anywhere in the world that are exact duplicates of each other. Replication of concepts, for the purposes of mass production, is an assembly line feature brought about by the 'so-called' Industrial and Scientific Revolutions.
It would appear by the enormous amount of evidence around the world that it was an esoteric mandate not to plagiarize another's work in spiritual matters. Copying another work makes an individual a follower not a pioneer. The people that built Göbekli Tepe used stone to express themselves, the writers of the Torah expressed themselves in the very same manner using the Hebrew Coder, Chartres Cathedral was built with stone and glass, the Sistine Chapel was frescoed with paint on wet plaster, Saint Peter's was built with Marble and the American Indians built Serpent Mound in Adams County, Ohio with raised up dirt mounds. All of these ancient cultures were transmitting the very same spiritual idea to posterity. There is a core mathematical system that is used by all ancient Mystery Schools; however, each used those same mathematical laws and ideas differently producing a multiplicity of ideas on the same theme producing variations on the one religious theme.
Everything; thus far, revealed by the archeologists at Göbekli Tepe can be interpreted as the site having been deliberately buried not for the edification of the indigenous peoples that built it to come back to at some later date; rather, it was built and buried for the future archeologists that would uncover it. It was build and then buried to keep it in a pristine condition. Throughout human history man has been uncovering the antiquities of their times and modern archeologists are always of the mindset, though they know better, that they are the first to conceive of such advanced ideas as investigating the pass by digging up the remains of the ancients. In essence archeology it is nothing more than grave robbery no matter how it is dressed up and articulated to the world. This penchant for grave robbery happens to be an internal instinct of man being eternally curious of his past and I believe that the ancient sages knew this and played on it.
All megalithic sites around the world are the ancient sages playing the modern archeologist like a fine fiddle. How many more of these ancient megalithic sites does man have to dig up before he realizes that he is the student and not the teacher? Like the adolescence in primary school academia, as a whole, has to be dragged kicking and screaming into the understanding of truth: CONCERNING the REALITIES of the WORLD he or she lives in.
The above picture of Göbekli Tepe Stone Circle -D (a) is one of the several circles 16 excavated at Göbekli Tepe. Stone Circle -D depicts the same archetypal motif and esoteric symbolism as found in the first four chapters of Genesis, which is also frescoed on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and this esoteric science is found in enumerable sites and artworks around the world. Here in this article I propose to do a comparative analysis of Göbekli Tepe and the fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and some other materials in order to demonstrate that they are all paradigmatically representations of the Lost Paradiso, the land of Nirvana, the Lost Shangri-La, the Garden of Eden, the city of Atlantis and Orenda and the myriad of other names not presently known of that spiritual paradigm that depicts this mystical psychic state of being.
Conceptually, I see the archeological site at Göbekli Tepe as a representation of the core rudimentary elements of esotericism on a totally abstract level. Yes, spiritual roots go deeper than what Göbekli Tepe has laid out (there is a baser level of esotericism than what is depicted here); however, this is the fundamental paradigm of esotericism just before it is clothed esoterically into a mythological format. The mythoi of any religion on earth can literally be amalgamated to these core rudimentary elements of esotericism. From what I, personally, witnessed in my life's researches is that all religions are dressed in these core rudimentary elements of esotericism. These core rudimentary elements of esotericism are fundamentally what make all religions on earth essentially the same religion. I could never have conceived it possible, because of what I have learned from all my previous researches that antiquity's sages would go through the trouble of building and then burying such a site. Göbekli Tepe depicts the generic skeletal structure of esotericism so-to-speak. It would be as if an archeological dig dug up the constituent components of the alphabet, which are the rudimentary elements of writing or digging up a site that revealed numerical digits which are the roots of all mathematics. Think of what is 'primitively' outlined at Göbekli Tepe as the base archetypal pattern that is the core root of the psyche/soul before it is manifested and molded into a materialistic format: before it becomes manifest creation.
This basic generic format of the esoteric science laid out at Göbekli Tepe is rooted into every single megalithic monument, artwork and sacred literature around the world. Without these generic constituent components imbedded into the local religion mythoi it would not be a valid religion. Absent these generic elements being abstractly known and/or in use all that would remain are the pseudo religions that are presently blanketing the globe; paradoxically, the archeologists two thousand years hence will find these same core rudimentary elements of esotericism in the religions they dig up. What makes a religion esoteric or pseudo is its current knowledge and use of esotericism.
What makes Göbekli Tepe unique from all other archeological digs excavated around the world is the fact that it was built and then deliberately buried in a pristine condition. There is absolutely no evidence of it ever having been used as a site for daily living and/or the domestication of animals. Being that it has taken the present archeologists eighteen years to dig out four stone circles, with the knowledge that there are about another twenty circle buried, it would take nigh onto another seventy-five or more years to excavate the rest of the dig. Needless to say that is more time than I have and/or am willing to give it. This is Déjà vu all over again. The last time it took a lifetime to release the discovery from an archeological dig was when the Nag Hammadi Library (1945) and the Dead Sea Scrolls (1947) were discovered. They both ended in academic scandals that still reverberate around the world and will so for centuries to come. I can only hope that Professor Klaus Schmidt, the director of the Göbekli Tepe site, get a great deal more help in his excavation efforts to move the process on in a more timely fashion. I do understand that much of it will be left for posterity; however, it is obvious that Professor Klaus Schmidt is well aware that not much more is going to be revealed no matter how much Is dug up at Göbekli Tepe. There are few smaller sites uncovered but I don't believe much more than we have will come in the next few decades.
The main problem concerning discussing this spiritual abstract state of being is that few people actually know of its existence in the mundane materialistic culture; however, that is changing. In Christianity it is called Christ consciousness. We read about this mystical state of spiritual consciousness as if it was a mythical legendary place buried by the mist of time rather than it being an actual description of a 'real' psychic state of being. Analytical Psychology founded by Carl G. Jung It never ceases to amaze me how archeologists can come upon a megalithic site such as Göbekli Tepe and instantly stereotype it as being created by primitive people: meaning the savage and unintelligent. What is it in the mind of the archeologist that gives him or her authority to rush to such a judgment? What in the world are the archeologists afraid of? They think, 'all knowledge coming from antiquity comes from a primitive and savage mind'. Such stereotyping of archeological sites instantly writes the page so-to-speak by past analysis of other archeological sites. It is as if the archeologist looks into a computer for 'parroting phrases' that accounts for every single idea that comes to mind at an archeological dig; rather, than letting the megalithic site speak for itself. I was particularly annoyed when reading Joe Plegge's work 18 where he goes into a long litany of how an apprentice artist is used by the master artist and pasting that knowledge off as being how the people at Göbekli Tepe built their spiritual complex. Apprentices may have been taught at the site at a later date concerning the rudiments of esotericism but no apprentice was used to build Göbekli Tepe. If anything it was solely a community of experts that built and buried it for there was no room for error.
If the ancients were so primitive why are modern archeologists rebuilding what they created, spending millions (billions) of dollars around the world doing it? All over the world we see basically this same insane obsession with archeologists and their financial supporters. Yes, I get the tourism that will come later, the papers and books that will be written, the careers that will be made and a host of other commercial ventures that will come out of it all; however, why beat the drum and/or sing the mantra that all of antiquity was of a primitive unintelligent mind?
Modernity is the collective mindset of the present age. It is no different than the psyche of Stalin, Marx and Lenin that loathe the very idea of religion. The so-called Industrial and Scientific Revolutions are no different archetypally; whether, in a state of Communism or in a Plutocracy. Modernity is taught that Plutocracy (a.k.a. Democracy for the aristocracy) and Communism (both 'unwittingly in partnership' killing the idea of God) are diametrically opposite concepts when actually they are one and the same using different methods of obtaining their goals. Communism is not a bad idea, in and of itself, for in the beginning of Christianity Communism was the spiritual government of the day (see the book of ACTS in the New Testament). Christianity as a community was born not on a consensus (democracy); rather, Christianity was born on the individual's surrender of his or her will to God (monastic and/or convent communities): life was a continuous blissful existence in this new found Garden of Eden. The individual could leave the community at any time. Euphemistically that person would be spiritually dead, by leaving (as seen with Adam and Eve). The Communism of the twentieth century: the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) was born on a forced constriction coupled with the murder of tens of millions, which is diametrically opposite to that of Christian communism. Likewise Plutocracy (euphemistically Democracy for the aristocracy) forced the peoples of the so-called Free World into the Industrial and Scientific Revolutions calling it progress and freedom when in reality it is nothing more than forced slavery: minimum wage with endless debt to keep the masses hungry and at bay.
Thus, twentieth century Communism and Plutocracy are considered in modernity as the peak of humanity's intellectual endeavors; on the other hand, religion is considered primitive and only for the mind of those escaping reality. The aboriginal natives that live out the mythoi of their religions live out a very rich and fruitful life; however, modernity's concepts of Communism and Plutocracy are regressing at an incredible rate. Communism in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) collapsed completely into many warring states and now the so-called free world is on the verge of economic and ecological disaster proving that neither social experiment (Communism and Plutocracy) works.
From my, personal, perspective there is nothing more intelligent than religion if you understand what religion is all about. Forcing people to do what they do not want to do, as vocations in life, is getting the bare minimum of labor out of them and this is why Communism fell so quickly; whereas, holding out the false carrot of HOPE (similar to the greyhound chasing the non-existing rabbit around the race track) pumps out a great deal more energy before the poor soul burns out somewhere in his or her late forties or early fifties and then it is merely a slide into retirement if he or she is allowed to do so. Of course Plutocracy has to keep up the façade and keep calling religion the sanctuary of the ignorant for Plutocracy does not want to admit that it is failing and continuously deteriorating at an amazing rate of speed that threatens to destroy the planet at any given moment. The aristocracy (rich and powerful: i.e. Plutocracy) learned nothing from the past especially France's Bastille Day.
Religion is not spirituality by any stretch of the imagination. Spirituality is analogously very much like sex: if you have not experienced it you cannot possibly imagine and/or understand what it is all about. Love is an obsession and very much like an addiction. The majority of the human race that have not experienced either an obsession and/or an addition would never understand what these concepts are all about; however, most if not all human beings, whether they are honest with themselves or not, are in the grips of an obsession and/or an addiction.
The problem with the human race is that people have an abundance of evidence around them, concerning altered states of consciousness, at all time three hundred and sixty-five and quarter days a year. Basically, people are incapable of change. They do the same things by rote continuously on a day to day basis. For the most part an alcoholic is not considered by the majority of the race as having an obsessive and/or additive personality; rather, he is considered evil or lazy or anything is considered but the problem at hand. In reality that alcoholic or any person with an obsession and/or an addiction cannot do other than what they are doing because an archetype has their psyche in a very firm grip.
People experience spirituality everyday everywhere in the world not knowing that what they are experiencing is joy; however, for the most part, these oases in the wilderness of the world are merely temporary Gardens of Edens. When the children are grown up and gone from the house the mother loses her raison d'être or the employee that goes to work not because he or she has to but because he or she loves what they are doing. They have exited or entered into a state of bliss and this in a sense is a spirituality of sorts; however, let the job end and the state of bliss goes with it.
Religion is an organized institutional mythology, traditions and theology, which is structured not to guide the congregation. Per se; rather, it was created to guide the individual to the Garden of Bliss. That is an extraordinary thing to do: guide someone into otherworldly and/or ethereal knowledge. Actually, it is impossible for one human being to teach another about spirituality or any materialist science for that matter. How does one person learn to traverse a great gulf between ignorance and knowledge? It is up to the individual to learn it. All knowledge comes not from the so-called guru or the so-called teacher it comes from the desire of the heart to learn. If people do not teach themselves individually they are not going to learn it no matter the topic. This is why Joseph Campbell the great mythologist instructed his students to FOLLOW YOUR BLISS. In other words live your life the way you want to live it. Read what you want to read. Study what you want to study. Let your vocation be what you want to do. Do not be constrained by particular thoughts, words and deeds dictated by the Stalinist or the Plutocrat. Yes, the individual living in society has to learn its cultural mores; however, beyond that the individual hobbies and or interest should be what he or she wants.
Basically, there are two types of organized religions. FIRST: there are the sacred scriptures written by the ancient spiritual sages that have pass away long ago and have left behind their mysterious writings as they have also left behind their artworks and megalithic monuments around the world. Does anyone actually believe that it is coincidental that the ancient's writings, their artworks and their megalithic monuments are still mysterious to modernity? SECOND: there are the hierarchal authorities (priesthood and academia) around the world that have taken over the curatorship of the writings of the ancient sages and/or their megalithic monuments. The FIRST: of course is the symbolic mythos of the culture, which has esoterically contained within them the spiritual teachings of all ages. The SECOND: is the terse and cursory examination of these writings and/or monuments by the priesthood and/or the academic scholars that have no real interest in learning their true purpose. If they had any real interest in these spiritual works they would have deciphered them long ago.
Spirituality (state of bliss: Orenda) is experienced by those that truly want to know about God. They freely turn their will and their lives over to God and in achieving that state of consciousness they reenter the Garden of Eden. It is not an easy thing to do, to freely turn one's will and life over to God, especially when it not generally known that it is actually possible to do so while living here on earth.
I will begin my analysis with Stone Circle -D at Göbekli Tepe and several elements within its fold. The first thing that is noticeable is that the circle is actually oval and the two T-Shape stones in the center of the site which are not equidistant from the oval rim; however, these two central T-Shape stones in the center of Stone Circle -D brings up visions of the Vesica Piscis. The oval rim: the rock-wall of this enclosed space is very much like Bernini's colonnades in Saint Peter's square encompassing the two fountains and the obelisk. What I find, additionally, unique in this circle of stone from the other three circles of stones so far excavated at Göbekli Tepe is that Stone Circle -D does not have the two central stones in the exact center of the oval circle they are somewhat offset from the center. Yet, when the other three Stone Circle -A, B & C are studied these two central stones are found in the center. It is as if Stone Circle -D is inferring a double-elliptic.
What I mean by double-elliptic, so there is no misunderstanding, is that we know that the Earth is in an elliptical orbit around the Sun: that's a given through Johannes Kepler's discovery of the laws of planetary motion. Insofar as that elliptical orbit is recognized then it is also a given that the twelve Zodiacal Constellations also has to be in synch with the Earth's elliptical orbit around the Sun especially since Astrology is merely a mythology forged in the crucible of the mathematical and grammatical sciences: Seven Liberal Arts, which symbolically hail from the Sun and the Moon. What Stone Circle -D is additionally implying by setting the two central stones off center from the center of its oval circle is that besides the Earth's elliptical orbit around the Sun, astronomically the Earth in its journey through its course around the Sun by passing each of the constellations of the Zodiac is forging a dual elliptical orbit. This definition of a dual elliptical orbit would only tweak Johannes Kepler's laws of planetary motion. I am sure that this idea will be rigorously tested before being accepted.
Below I use several diagrams from out of Joe Plegge's work and I used them for several reasons. One is to chide him for his inattentiveness to detail. We all have this fault; however, Joe Plegge set forth a theory concerning the Solstice and Equinoxes at the location of Stone Circle -D and at the same time he submits several diagrams that are somewhat inaccurate to say the least to augment his thesis: maybe he is not a good artist. Joe Plegge off-centers the two central stones in his diagrams on the wrong side of the center of the oval circle; however, as can be seen with the two photographs of Stone Circle -D 'a & b' accompanying this article the true location of these T-Shape Stones are recorded and documented correctly. The main reason that I show Joe Plegge's diagrams is to point out the Solstices and Equinoxes and the second diagram shows the four stone circles; however, in both these diagrams Joe Plegge omits to put in the 'Tilted Stone' accounting for the twelfth stone in the rock wall, which would designate the twelfth constellation of the Zodiac. It is mistakes like this, if not caught and noted, often become the gospel according to -whomever.
The twelve large standing T-Shape stones incremented around Stone Circle-D obviously represent the Zodiac constellations. The smaller rocks used to build the walled oval circle would, I believe, symbolize the numerous stars in the galaxy. The empty space in the enclosure would represent the immediate solar system in which our Sun and Moon resides and this is what the two very large T-Shape stones in the center of Stone Circle-D represent.
Basically, the old adage, "you are the temple of God" is outlined here. For the Sun and the Moon represent Egoconsciousness and the Unconscious Mind respectively: this is why these stones are in the form depicting human shapes. The enclosed space encapsulated by the Zodiac's twelve constellations is symbolically the psyche of the individual. Spirituality is always and internally a private matter: a one on one relationship with God. Spirituality is neither fellowship nor group therapy. That enclosed space in Stone Circle-D symbolically represents the individual's sanctum Sanctorum (Holy of Holies). This is only achieved when Ego-consciousness (Sun) and the Unconscious Mind (Moon) cooperate with each other.
Essentially, the individual when looking out at the galactic universe sees the psyche/soul symbolically in its pristine state of existence. The universe is merely a projection of the psyche/soul. Since everyone lives within their own psyche/soul it matters little that the universe is recognized as a projection of the pristine psyche/soul. The world is still as tangible as if there was a real material existence out there in the abyss. Such knowledge reveals a great deal to a contemplative individual. It is this kind of an idea that demonstrates that Göbekli Tepe is as pristine as the universe itself.
When the dreamer awakes from the vortex he has been experiencing all night in his or her sleep instantly the ego amalgamate an interpretation to that vortex, which is read out in some kind of a symbolical and archetypal (mythological) storyline. The dreamer actually never has a visual experience while he is asleep no matter what R.E.M (rapid eye movement) infers. This sleeping and awaking is similar if not the same as putting a symbolic mythological Zodiac onto the canvas of the star studded universe.
However, there is still the matter of explaining the double-elliptic that the Earth emits in its course around the Sun. Could the ancient builders of this site have made a mistake? I don't think so because Stone Circles -A, B & C set the paradigm. In each of these stone circles the two T-Shape stones are in the center of their circles. C.G. Jung informs us that it is only when ego-consciousness (Sun) cooperates with the unconscious mind (Moon) that the Transcendent Function is invoked in the psyche/soul. What this means is that neither ego-consciousness (Sun) nor the unconscious mind (Moon) gets what they wants; whereas, there is a compromise and a third option that comes forth. This is what I believe the dual elliptical orbit of Earth around the sun is displaying. The Earth by itself around the Sun would display an elliptical orbit: that is a given; however, seeing that the Earth has to drag the Moon around with it, it is that drag from the moon that causes the Earth's dual elliptical orbit through its course around the Sun; thus, we see that both the Sun and the Moon cooperate in creating this dual-elliptic phenomenon. Symbolically the Moon is continuously chasing (falling) the earth at the same rate of speed that the earth flees from it creating a continuous never-ending circular orbit; whereas, the Earth elliptical orbit around the Sun forces the compromise of a dual-elliptical phenomenon. One of the major keys to understanding esotericism is that both the Sun (ego-consciousness) and the Moon (unconscious mind) have to cooperate with each other.
The Earth's dual-elliptical journey through the constellations of the Zodiac may very well be the reason for the Precession of the Equinoxes. That problem has never fully been solved: as to why it occurs. Why is it that a single constellation of the Zodiac is dominant in the heavens at any given time? Could the answer simply be because the Earth is closest to it at the time causing it to be dominance? In the accompanied image the Earth is in the center of the Zodiacal constellation. This has to be conceptually wrong because when the Sun crosses the Earth's Terminator (a never-ending process) different constellations would show up on the horizon in different locations around the world. How else could the ancients have so precisely codified the Zodiacal mythological pattern onto the canvas of the star-studded universe if they did not know the beginnings and ends of that circuit? Otherwise, how is it that every point on earth is considered the Axis Mundi (Center of the World)? I was particularly fascinated by Paul A. LaViolette's, work: EARTH UNDER FIRE: Humanity's Survival of the Ice Age 19 . What interested me about LaViolette's work was his discovery that the only zodiacal constellations with arrows (Sagittarius and Scorpio ) pointed precisely at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Our modern scientists only discovered that this past century and even then their calculations were off from the ancient precision records. How did the ancients discover it and codify it into the mythoi of the Zodiac for all times to come? The arrow of Sagittarius and the tail of Scorpio (depicted as an arrow: i.e. stinger) crisscross and in the exact center of the cross is the Sanctum Sanctorum: Holy of Holies (galactic core): the cross Christ was crucified on. That can only be achieved through every place on Earth being the Axis Mundi; whereby, the heavens can be continuously monitored otherwise it would be at best a haphazard process. In order for the ancients to amalgamate the psychic matrix of the psyche/soul to the mythoi of Astrology then ego-consciousness (Sun) and the unconscious mind (Moon) had to cooperate with each other.
Have you ever wondered what sign of the Zodiac the Earth and its solar system was in? Actually, the Earth and the solar system are not in any of the twelve constellations. On a totally mythical and symbolic level it is the twelve constellations that mystically close ranks exuding the Earth and its solar system. I will get into that in more detail later on in this article.
One of the most interest things about Göbekli Tepe is the archeologists going around in awe over the incredible artwork that is displayed on the T-Shape stones in Stone Circle-D representing the twelve signs of the Zodiac. It is extremely important for the reader to understand what that artwork is depicting in order to get the message that the ancients are conveying. I draw the reader's attention to the animals protruding from the T-Shape stones wedged into the walled circle of smaller size stones. Here it can be seen that the spirit animals are escaping the imprisonment of a T-Shape stone column. In one of the above images there are two animals on a column at different stages of escaping. When looking at all the T-Shape stones and seeing they are basically the same shape it can be imagined the amount of work that went into depicting the animals escaping from a solid block of stone and yet the T-Shape stone remain the same shape as all the other T-Shape stones. This means that a great deal of planning when into creating each and every one of these T-Shape stones on an individual level. The excess stone materials had to be chiseled away from the top to the bottom of every T-Shape stone in order to form the sculptured animal figure in the round and in the bas-reliefs while maintaining the same contours as all the other T-Shape stones. Not all the upright stones are T-Shaped nor are they of the same size. In fact the rock wall encircling the enclosure is actually used in some cases to prop up a number of these upright stone columns as if to give them the appearance of being the same height as the others T-Shape stones in the stone circle. What is somewhat surprising about some of these T-Shape stones is that the animals protruding from its encasement, sculptures in the round, are at times larger than the crossbar in the T-Shape of the stone, which indicates that not just portions of the T-Shape stone were chiseled away from one massive stone but that the entire T-Shape stone was chiseled and shaped from out of a much larger block of stone. Evidence of contour impressions and broken T-Shape stones found on the site around the quarry would prove out this hypothesis; however, it should not be implied from this that all the blocks of stone were removed from the quarry in T-Shape forms, though that may be the general consensus, seeing that the animals, sculptures in the round, indicate that compete block, not in T-Shapes, were harvested from the quarry to accommodate for this additional nuance in the Göbekli Tepe site. What is additionally interesting about animals, sculptures in the round, is that many of the animal figures, sculptures in the round, were found in the filling that buried the Göbekli Tepe site; rather, than being attached to the T-Shape stones indicating that these animals had symbolically completely escaped from their concretized environment.
In addition other T-Shape stones have a human form on them, which indicate that the human being is imprisoned and basically concretized into that T-Shape stone. Here in the accompanied photo the human hands and arms can be seen with a belt going around the body and the human form is wearing a loin cloth. Notice again the artistry being displayed. The entire solid rock was worked and the excess materials chiseled away maintaining the same depth into the T-Shape stone throughout its façade. I see here in Göbekli Tepe the great expanse between what is believed to be primitive and what is believed to be civilized evaporating completely. I do not see any difference in the way people lived in these different times and climatic eras other then they chose to live off the land naturally as the aboriginal peoples do or to advanced technologically and live out life in that milieu. Otherwise the psychological and emotional problems the human race is prone to in both cultures are essentially the same. In fact the ancients show a great deal more intelligence than modernity especially ecologically.
The fact that the human form is found encased into the T-Shape stone is symbolic to the human being concretizing itself into an obsessive and/or an addictive lifestyle. Modernity may intellectually know of this problem; however, it is not known on a collective level. It is only known in the medical field, and self-help programs and some criminalists may recognize it; however, it is universally known that most people will not nor cannot change. On the whole nothing is actually being done about these problems on a cultural level. The people that built Göbekli Tepe conveyed in their megalithic monuments that they not only knew about the universal emotional and psychological problems that humanity is collectively prone to but they had found a mystical way to deal with those problems. This is something that modernity has not come near to obtaining for its peoples.
Also found on the site of Göbekli Tepe is what has been name 'Totem Poles' that have animals and or human figure on them as if to point out that the human being is transforming into an animal or vice versa a human. This is consistent with my own understanding of spirituality. If a human being is obsessive or addicted to the materialistic way of life his goal should be to return to nature, which animals symbolize. This is consistent with the American Indian mythoi of having a spirit guide. On the other hand if you are of nature and change up for the materialistic way of life then you have sinned against the Holy Spirit. I have actually witnessed this latter happening to a number of recovered alcoholics. After a number of years they pick up the alcohol again believing they are cured (knowing internally this is not possible) and after a while they try as they may to get back into the Alcoholics Anonymous Program finding it impossible to regain any degree of sobriety. It is as if once an individual has turned his back on that which healed him or her then how could that same spiritual method help that individual again? It is as if that individual has cursed himself and has become a living witness to the sin against the Holy Spirit. In order to become active two of the four cherubs have to become positive or negative forces guiding the active Sybil or the active Prophet, which were previously concretized statutes. This positive and negative force is most likely where Catholicism get the idea that on each Christian shoulders is a devil and an angel: who are you going to listen to? In the accompanied image of the Delphic Oracle it can be seen that she is quite active.
It can be seen that the spiritual traditions 12-thousand years ago in Göbekli Tepe have not wane in any discernible degree whatsoever. It is quite interesting that the Sybils Oracles displayed in the Sistine Chapel are called pagan and the Prophets are considered modern when it should be the other way around; however, that is all relative depending upon which perspective is being considered (this is a core secret in the ancient Mystery Schools and the principle method by which the sacred scriptures should be read). The Sybils represent the Zodiac constellations; whereas, the Prophets represent the calendar months. The Zodiac constellations represent spirituality and the calendar months represent materialistic living; however, note how in the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel the Prophets and the Sybils are working harmoniously with each other as is depicted in the stone circle at Göbekli Tepe.
This nuance, that comes out of the mixture of the Zodiac signs and the Calendar months, is somewhat misleading and ambiguous seeing it is more than suggesting that an individual can obtain Orenda in both the Spiritual and the Materialistic way of life as long as one stays true to the rules of the particular paradigm he or she is living in. This is totally a false idea. The reason it is is because never in the history of mankind has there ever lived a human being satisfied by the materialistic way of life. A human being can never be satisfied with what he has obtained in a materialistic lifestyle. If a human being is absolutely content with what he or she has than he or she has crossed over to Orenda. Nonetheless, this nuance that comes out of the mixture of the Zodiac signs and the Calendar months actually represents how a human being should live in the world. In the New Testament it says, 11And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me that they may be one, as we are... 15I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. 16They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world (John 17:11, 15-16).
Figure 17
15Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but are of the world. 17And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17).
I quote these New Testament verses to point out that this is not an archaic thought process. It is literally the foundation of what human existence should be all about. If an individual wants 'peace on earth and good will towards all men" he or she has to begin internally with him or herself.
The two central T-Shape stones each set into their own niche at Göbekli Tepe, in the center of the stone circle, are quite intriguing because the New Testament also carries the nuances that are found in these standing stones into its pages. In the New Testament Christ could not really commence his ministry until John the Baptist was out of the picture and that happened when he was imprisoned by King Herod. Then Salome danced for King Herod asking in return for the head of John the Baptist. Unless the reader does a contemplative study of the Christian mythoi nothing can be truly learn from the mundane surface texts.
My understanding of this aspect of the Christian mythoi is that King Herod is the Sun (ego-consciousness) who is bedding His brother Philip's (Uranus -supreme God in Roman antiquity) wife, who symbolizes the Earth (Gaia = soul). From the union of Uranus and Gaia comes all creation: i.e. God/Man creation. Salome symbolizes the Moon (Anima/Animus and the unconscious mind). Once the terminologies are clarified it is not a difficult myth to interpret.
Ego-consciousness (King Herod) was dictating to the soul (Gaia) how to live out life in the material world. John the Baptist, who was King Herod alter-ego chide him for his misconduct because realistically he was living an egocentric life. In symbolic terminology King Herod cut off his own head so-to-speak when he cut off the Head of John the Baptist. Essentially, John the Baptist's head was already cut off on a symbolic level because he had cut himself off from mainstream society. It is the dance (dialogue) between ego-consciousness (Sun) and the Moon (Anima/Animus and unconscious mind) that cut off the head of John the Baptist. Now Christ can go full force into his ministry. Christ in Catholicism represents the Eucharist and in Analytical Psychology it (third option = Eucharist) is known as the Transcendent Function. Christ represents what comes from the dance (contemplative intercourse) between ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind: i.e. the sacred scriptures.
In Göbekli Tepe the two central T-Shape stones in Stone Circle-D are each without a head and yet the human form carved into each of these T-Shape stones is depicted fully dressed in native garments. For me this is axiomatically saying the same thing as the mythoi of the John the Baptist story. The soul has turned its will and life over to the archetypal universe, Jesus Christ says in the New Testament, "Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done". The beheaded T-Shape stone was not an act of vandalism. These two T-Shape Stones in the center of Stone Circle-D were deliberately placed there artistically as the beheaded psyche/soul. These T-Shape stones were not accidently found in the center of Stone Circle-D for there were platform like niches founded on the site for these two oversize T-Shape stones to stand up in (see: GÖBEKLI TEPE: Stone Circle-D (b) image).
In Stone Circle-D (b) image these two platforms are clearly seen before the site was completely excavated; yet, in the opening image of this article Stone Circle-D (a) these platforms with their niches have been completely removed or covered up again. Why would the photographer of this archeological dig do this? Would not two markedly different images of the Stone Circle-D create confusion? According to Professor Schmidt (site director) "while some of the pillars were set directly into the local bedrock others were set into concrete-or terrazzo-like floor(s) 20 ". I can only assume, and I dislike immensely assuming anything, that these two very large T-Shape Stones in Stone Circle-D were initially place in both the "bedrock" and a "concrete-or terrazzo-like floor(s)" and the image depicted in GÖBEKLI TEPE: Stone Circle-D (a) demonstrates the site manager's decision to remove the "terrazzo-like floor". I have deliberately belabored this issue because I want the reader to understand that the smallest of nuances can reveal a great deal of information. For instance on one of the two "concrete-or terrazzolike floor(s)" in Stone Circle -D (the one on the right upon entering the circle) there are images of a number of ducks (do do birds?) along the front side. Would this not be an inference of water? And if so would it not infer that the T-Shape stone set into it represented symbolically the Moon, which is a Water sign? This would make one think that the two T-Shape stones at the entrance of this Stone Circle -D 'temple' represented Leo (Sun = Boaz) and Cancer (Moon = Jachin) found at the entrance of all Masonic Temples. This may well be the case seeing that the T-Shape stone on the right upon entering Stone Circle -D is smaller and propped up by the smaller rocks. Notice how Boaz is represented by the orbit of the Earth's Sun and Jachin represents the constellations of the Zodiac (Moon). Here lies a great secret. There were three trees in the Garden of Eden: Good (Life), Evil and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Boaz represents Good and Jachin represents Evil and betwixt these two is the entrance to the Garden of Eden via the Pineal Gland: the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This is the tree that Yahweh did not want Adam to have any part of. The tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is not discernible by the corporeal senses. This is why only Eve was allowed to talk to the serpent. Those that have no spiritual discernment cannot see the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
All twelve T-Shape Stones set into the rock-wall in Stone Circle-D are firmly fixed in place as if each of these twelve constellations of the Zodiac is being noted as a fixed star-cluster in a fixed orbit within a star-studded universe otherwise why not build a solid wall representing the Zodiacal belt rather than an innumerable amount of stones.
The answer that there were more small rocks available does not quite answer the question when a convenient quarry is just a short distance away and a solid wall could have been formed from the same materials as the T-Shape stones. The small rocks representing the walled circle have everything to do with esthetics and symbolism at the site. This brings us back to the "concrete or terrazzo-like floor(s)" that the oversize T-Shape stones were initially set in. Removing those two "concreter terrazzo-like floor(s)" from the Stone Circle-D site gives the impression that the T-Shape stones were merely set into the bedrock to give them stability for a longer duration; whereas, the two "concrete-or terrazzo-like floor(s)" points to these two T-Shape Stones: i.e. the Sun and the Moon as being in permanently fixed orbits (see the above argument for a dual-elliptic). The dual-elliptic cannot be postulated in the Göbekli Tepe site if these "concrete-or terrazzo-like floor(s) were not present illustrating its fixed orbit. Being that each of these oversize T-Shape stones depicts human forms, without the "concrete or terrazzo-like floor(s)" to permanently fix them in place observers at Göbekli Tepe could very well get the impression that these humans beings had free will and they could roam about at will; however, these headless (absent ego) human beings have given up their will and their lives over to a higher power making them individually the Light of the World. They each are the servant of the Sun God or the Moon God. As the fourth day of creation in the first chapter of Genesis says, 'the two great luminaries were "made" to bring light to the earth (psyche/soul)'.
Finding animals in bas-reliefs and sculptures in the round doing all they can to escape the T-Shape stones fixed into the rock-wall, is evidence enough that these are the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The Zodiac has always been known to be the Circle of Animals symbolically the Cycle of Nature. Ask yourself the question, why are these zodiacal animals depicted at Göbekli Tepe in T-Shape column desperately trying to escape the confines of the zodiacal cycle? For me, the answer is quite simple. These animals representing different human psyche are trying to get off the Zodiacal Merry-Go-Round. The whole key to religion is to get beyond religion. Once the temple is built the tools are discarded. In Buddha there is the story of the Little Ferry Boat, which is Buddhism itself. Once the monk reaches the land of Nirvana Buddhism is no longer needed (the Ferry Boat is discarded) just as the Christian has to go beyond the Catholic Church. The Mason has to throw his tools aside once the temple is built. The whole purpose of becoming a 33° Mason is to leave the Masonic Order. Any Mason that stays in the order clinging to political power after reaching the so-called goal of a 33° Mason is nothing more than a neophyte because he has no conceptual idea of what a 33° Mason is. Freemasonry is not for political power it is for spiritual freedom. When a member of the Masonic Order gets to the 33° he needs no accolades to tell him so, he would just leave the institution of Freemasonry because he has become free of the solidity of materialism. Thirty three (33°) is the point of thawing out of the block of ice that is freezing at 32° and below. The concrete statue is symbolically the same as being 32° and below because the individual represented in the statute represents fixed and permanent ideas in the mind of the individual retaining them.
Nature is a cyclic phenomenon; whereas, the human intellect has fixed-limited perimeters (instincts). This is why human intelligence is always symbolically depicted as a square. Round pegs cannot fit into square holes and vice versa. Human thought is limited; whereas, nature's cycles are infinite. Yes, this goes back to the "concrete-or terrazzo-like floor(s)" being square or rectangle. The individual has set him or herself squarely in the center of a "concrete-or terrazzo-like floor(s)", which symbolizes a fixed mode of thought that is most likely the bare rudimentary religious belief system that enable the people at Göbekli Tepe to build the site. What I, personally, see here at Göbekli Tepe site is a generic belief system. It is as if a religious belief system was stripped of its mythological garments and brought down to its bare rudimentary parts. Actually, this is the whole goal of any religious belief system. A Catholic has to go beyond Catholicism, a Hindu has to go beyond Hinduism and a Buddhist has to go beyond Buddhism, etc., etc. I found in the Judeao Christian Scriptures that if the bare rudiments of the religious belief system are understood [take away the frills and trills] then initially every single word does not have to be broken down alphanumerically in its indigenous language. The entire mythoi of a religious system are based solely upon the elements of the psyche/soul, which in turn is projected out into creating the world forming the galactic universe in imitation of the pristine psychic forces governing the soul. If these rudimentary concepts are understood then all would become clear. If these rudimentary concepts are not understood than the individual continue on enduring the suffering in life of his or her own choosing. The individual may find fault that it was not he or she that chose an obsession and/or an addiction; however, I beg to differ. The old adage that one should 'beware of Greeks bearing gifts' should be taken very seriously for the adversary comes in many guises chief amongst them is the gifts of the Magi (astrologers). Are not these the same three temptations of Christ redistributed into different symbolic motifs? Is not Gold (money) the way we fashion are individual world. Frankincense is the religion of choice and Myrrh is the drug of choice. An innumerable amount of obsessions and addictions come from this trinity of evil. I would suggest that the Astrologers (Magi = three wisemen) were testing the new born savior (as was Satan (adversary) in the desert) to see if he indeed was the long sought after Messiah. There is no doubt in my mind that the mythoi of the Magi are the foundations of the mythoi of the three temptations of Christ in the desert with Satan. Satan is merely the adversary he is not necessarily evil. I believe these Magi are what Andrew Collins would call the Watchers. The Watchers were testing the founders of the new religion to see if they could be tempted.
Joe Plegge discovered at Stone Circle-D the alignment of the Solstices and Equinoxes, which I find to be essential to recognizing an ancient Mystery School. In the accompanied above image of Joe Plegge I have added the Tilted Stone (in red), which is absent in this diagram. I have no idea whatsoever why the Tilted Stone is omitted from this diagram though I have seen it on other diagrams and it can be seen in the pictures I have accompanying this article. I use this diagram because it shows Joe Plegge's discoveries. I have included the Tilted Stone here so that its nuance is not forgotten. The Tilted Stone is the only stone out of the four Stone Circles at Göbekli Tepe not numbered. The Tilted Stone is the twelfth in the series of stone around the rock walled circle, which infers the Zodiac/Calendar year. It should be mentioned that Joe Plegge has a number of YOUTUBE animation videos on the four Stone Circles -A, B, C and D on the Internet (Gobekli Tepe Stone Circle D Walkthrough) that actually includes the Tilted Stone in Stone Circle -D; however, his representation of the stone wall in each of the circles has a great deal to be desired. Overall, overlooking his few errors, Joe Plegge has given us a good visual representation of the Göbekli Tepe archeological site.
There are many books, internet sites and idealized videos that are simply misleading. Maybe they are not deliberately misleading; however, the numerous authors' 'rush to publish", at breakneck speed, their idealize conceptions of the Göbekli Tepe site there is too much inattentiveness to detail. Interpretation has everything to do with details being exact. To extrapolation idealized conceptions onto what is clearly not present at the archeological site is the height of hubris. Look at, what I call, "Göbekli Tepe's Stone Circled -C (Idealized Version)". Notice that there is a third wall not noted in Joe Plegge artistic sketches. The wall is there and so Joe is wrong; however, look at the T-Shape stones in the second circle from the center. There are ten T-Shape stones in that second circle in the 'idealized version' when there should be only six; however, such inclusions and/or omissions destroy the interpretive process. This is what the prophets wrote in both the Old and New Testaments. Were there empty niches in the outer stone wall of Stone Circle -C that appeared as if they could have had additional T-Shape stones in them? I have seen photographs that would indicate that this may possibly be the case. If that is the case then those nuances should have been written about and not concretized conceptually onto an idealized version of Stone Circle -C. Look at this problem this way. For a thousand or more years, before the Göbekli Tepe site was deliberately buried, those niches were there without T-Shape stone in them. What could the ancient scribes have been teaching neophytes about those empty niches? The absence of evidence is just as important as the presents of it. There are niches but no T-Shape stones, what does that mean? Normally, such questions would not be asked about an archeological site because megalithic sites have been scavenged for millenniums; however, Göbekli Tepe has been in a pristine state for at least ten thousand years. No one could have removed materials from the site in all that time because it was buried. The most that the indigenous people have done over the years is to break off the top of some of the T-Shape stone because the protruding stones interfered with farming production. I will get back to Stone Circle -C in a while.
Here I will interject, my agreement, with John Anthony West and Dr. Robert Schoch research that the Sphinx was built in this same time period. Initially Dr. Schoch postulated a conservative date of 7,000BC; whereas, John Anthony West hypothesized the ten thousand five hundred year theory based upon the Procession of the Equinoxes. Since that time Dr. Schoch has revised his theories based in part on the dating of the Göbekli Tepe archeological site and agrees with John Anthony West. My agreement though it is based in part on all that research I am more convinced by the fact that the body of the Sphinx was buried very similar if not the same as the megalithic site at Göbekli Tepe. The leonine body of the Sphinx was deliberately buried and I find this alone singularly intriguing in addition to it relating to the science of Esotericism. Just as the Esoteric Science is hidden beneath the surface of the sacred scriptures it is found that Göbekli Tepe and the Sphinx body were deliberately buried. This cannot be coincidental. What is just as fascinating about burying the body of the Sphinx is that the ancient Egyptian repaired the body to its original size and form; whereas, the head of the Sphinx has obviously been re-carved a number of times to apparently adjust to the political atmosphere of the times; however, the ancient did not necessary repair the head of the leonine head in its original form. In fact ten thousand five hundred years ago there were no distinctive civilizations per se; therefore, there was no reason not to carve the head of the lion onto its body. We know that the ancient Egyptians were great artists. Nothing was beyond their ken. Why would the ancient Egyptians not fuse new quarry slabs of granite onto the eroded leonine head of the Sphinx (ostensibly a yardang) and then re-carve the lion's head to its body? It has been shown through photograph evidence of the Sphinx's Temple that this marrying new granite to old was a common practice. Consider what the ancient Egyptian's message could have been to posterity by not repairing the head of the Sphinx back to its original glory. By working from the remaining ruins of the original yardang different images were carved onto the Sphinx body as the centuries rolled by; however, all of this is mere theories postulated over the centuries. Beneath the sacred scriptures (Body of Christ) is the origin of the Esoteric Science (Blood of Christ); however the surface text has been translated into myriad of other languages completely obliterating the original indigenous languages, which reduces the importance of the sacred scripture paling it to insignificance as if to say that man has become small-minded: i.e. his brain has shrunk. How is this latter example any different from the re-portraying the head of the leonine body of the Sphinx into different images other than the original? The bible was the product of a very mystical catholic (universal) religion. This is why the first Christians were called Catholic (universalists); however, in modernity Catholicism is nothing more than a pseudo-Protestant sect, at least in the United States, displaying iconic images without understanding seeing that the icons' symbolic meanings have been forgotten by the mist of time. In a very real sense that is re-sculpturing the face of Christianity from a purely mystical religion to an entirely fundamental mundane materialistic belief system; therefore, it is my premise that re-carving of the head of the Sphinx into images of different pharaohs was to display the human psyche's proclivity to sink intellectually to its lowest possible level.
The Pharaonic Civilization could not be older than sixty-five hundred years ago. My dating goes back to the beginning of the Age of Gemini the Twins denoting the commencement of the Pyramid Age. The carving of the leonine body and the head of the Sphinx ten thousand five hundred years ago was instituting the basic paradigm of spirituality. Who in the orthodox realm of thought would believe that civilization was conceived and not the product of serendipity and/or the results of spontaneity?
There are actually four stone circles almost completely excavated at Göbekli Tepe. Robert Schoch in his book makes quite an appropriate remark in reference to these four circles: "Did each circle refer to a different topic or branch of ancient knowledge?" Robert Schoch deserves kudos for that remark because I believe he was Spot On. It may well have been fortuitous for Dr. Klaus Schmidt the German archeologist to have begun digging in this particular location of the Göbekli Tepe site. I can speculate as to what Stone Circles -A & B represent but Stone Circle -C is, at least for me, is quite transparent. Stone Circle -C is a prelude to forming Stone Circle -D. I will speculate as to what Stone Circles -A & B could possible represent; however, I do want the reader to realize that this is a tentative interpretation, for after all there are twenty other circles yet to be fully excavated. Circles -A & B I will discuss last and I am only doing so because of their close proximity to the other two Stone Circles -C & D.
There is evidence, in the outer rock-wall of the two circles at Stone Circle -C, that there were ten niches for a possible placement of ten T-Shape stones; however, only six T-Shaped stone were actually found in that outer rock-wall's circle. For possibly fifteen hundred years, more or less, four empty niches existed onsite and were never filled in with T-Shape stones. What could the Mystery School instructors have been discussing about those four empty niches in all that time? Then the entire Gobekli Tepe site was deliberately buried. There are only two patterns that I know of, in the entire world -there may be others, that fits with this scenario and that is the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH and the Golden Ratio. The word Bereshith has six letters; however, when studied it can be extrapolated upon to complete what I have come to call The Genesis Formula. Four of the letters in the Genesis Formula are esoterically hidden through abstractions, which somewhat mirror images the problem laid out in Stone Circle -C at Gobekli Tepe. This ten letter alphanumeric pattern codified to the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH depicts generically the mindset of the materialistic individual. For the most part this six letter word BERESHITH is, to a minor degree, how the individual understands the outer world via ego-consciousness; whereas, the four alphanumeric letters that are hidden esoterically represent symbolically and esoterically the individual's inadequate grasp of the unconscious mind. Of course the pattern in the outer rock wall of Stone Circle -C wouldn't even be discussed if there was not the second and inner circle to the site; yet, to be discussed. The outer rock walled circle can be said to have twelve and not ten theoretical T-Shape stones (two at the entrance). Seven of the hypothetical twelve T-Shape stones would represent the word Bereshith and five would represent the empty niches in the empyrean portion of the Genesis Formula. The other two T-Shape stones would symbolically be represented by the two T-Shape stones in the center of Stone Circle C, which represent the Sun and the Moon. If we were, for the sake of argument, to wipe out the inner circle, for a moment, accept for the two standing T-Shape Stones in the center of the inner circle we could see how the outer rock wall circle of ten T-Shape stones is divided into two parts seven and five representing the Sun and the Moon respectively.
Apparently, the goal is to amalgamate the visible T-Shape stones to the invisible/conceptual T-Shapes stone and this is what the inner circle of Stone Circle C represents. In entering the central circle at Stone Circle -C it is clearly seen that there are eleven T-Shape stones placed into its rock wall, not ten; but, eleven. Where did the other T-Shape stone come from? The previous circle had theoretically 12-stone, this inner circle has 13-stones and Stone Circle -D will be seen to have 14 + 1 = 15 stones: i.e. La Inferno, La Purgatorio and La Paradiso respectively.
The extra T-Shape Stone morphs out from the first word of Genesis: Bereshith. The first letter/word of Genesis is BETH (2), which is inundated and surrounding in the white area of the text by the Hebrew letter PEI. PEI is the seventeenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Being it is the eleventh letter of the Genesis Formula it represents the eleventh sign of the Zodiac: Aquarius the angelic man or God/Man (apotheosis).
The story of Joseph and his brothers in Egypt, laid out in its entirety in the last third of the book of Genesis, is a fascinating one in relationship to this discussion. Joseph was the eleventh son (Aquarius ) and at the age of seventeen he is imprisoned. It can be seen how Joseph and the letter PEI are symbolically the same. Joseph's ten brothers come to Egypt without Benjamin the twelfth son (Pisces ) of Jacob. It is only when Benjamin comes to Egypt that the Mystic Cycle is closed. Now, look at the ministry of Christ. It is only at the LAST SUPPER. (The first supper is, euphemistically, always the last; however, that another nuance altogether). Judas Iscariot does not actually betray Christ until the LAST SUPPER breaking the Mystic Circle. This is singularly why I believe esoterically the entire ministry of Christ is completed in a nanosecond. The scribes of the New Testament merely stretched that nanosecond into thirty-three years of Christ's mythological life and ministry.
Before I began studying the archeological dig at Göbekli Tepe I would not have thought it possible that the diffusion process was the single most influential process that spread religion around the world. I am not easily convinced of conceptual ideas such as this because I had independently, during my research on Dante Alighieri's La Divina Commedia, contemplatively intuited a universal mathematical matrix, which is a commentary on the MONAD that is the foundation of all religions on earth. Later I would find this very same 10 x 10 matrix all over the world hidden esoterically in the artwork of many cultures. It was because of this singular contemplative discovery that held me back from believing that the diffusion process had any real significance whatsoever; however, Göbekli Tepe changed my understanding of all that. One can look at the rudimentary elements of Göbekli Tepe and see what Simeon saw when he held the Christ Child in his hands and what Anna the prophetess beheld as she gave thanks to the Lord.
"25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him. 26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ. 27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law, 28 Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, 29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: 30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, 31 Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; 32 A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel. 33 And Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him. 34 And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; 35 (Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. 36 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity; 37 And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day. 38
There is no doubt, in my mind, that these biblical verses are an allegorical and mythological account of what the two T-Shape stones in the center of each of the four circles represent at Göbekli Tepe. Simeon represents the Sun (ego-consciousness) and Anna the Moon (unconscious mind). It is my interpretation that the unconscious mind represents the immediate solar system and in ancient times that is inclusive of the first seven planet: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Uranus orbit is 84.02 years, which is inclusive of all seven planets; thus, the orbit of Uranus represents the widowhood of Anna. Simeon being a man of the Lord represents the Sun (Yahweh = ego-consciousness). The letter PEI is the invisible (esoteric) letter that surrounds the letter BETH (2) (in the white area of the page), which represent Simeon (symbolically the number two being it was the name of the second son of Jacob). This interplay between PEI and BETH, the first letter(s) of Genesis is the Sine qua non ("[a condition] without which it could not be," or "but for..." or "without which [there is] nothing") of the entire Old and New Testaments. Unless the Christ Child is received there is no bible.
In order to understand PEI and BETH as the first letter(s) of Genesis it has to be known that a study of the three letters that make up the spelling of the word BETH shows the Sun (Yahweh) in the center of a Dyson Sphere: meaning that egoconsciousness lives within its own bubble so-to-speak similar if not the same symbolically as an astronaut's helmet 21 . Whereas, PEI has the Gematria value of eighty-one (9 x 9), which represents the Kamea of the Moon: meaning that the sacred space within Uranus' orbit represents the domain of the Moon just as ego-consciousness is the Sun's domain. In order for PEI and BETH to symbolically represent the Stone Circles at Göbekli Tepe BETH (Simeon) has to enter the temple of the Moon; thus, we see that both Simeon and Anna were both cooperating with each other. This makes me wonder if on an allegorical level Simeon was meant to represent Anna's long dead husband come back to the religious life? It would seem that the seven years from her virginity could represent the Sun's (Simeon) rule over the seven ancient planets after all they are called the Sun signs codified into the workaday week; whereas, the Zodiac is actually the Moon Signs. It is the amalgamation of the Zodiac and the Calendar year that brings about the desired spiritual result: the God/Man Jesus Christ.
Göbekli Tepe is only displaying the raw dynamic of religion, which I see codified esoterically in all a religion around the world. The only difference between the rudimentary teachings of Göbekli Tepe and all the major religions around the world is that all these religions are allegorically clothe in the mythology of their own regions of the world. It is as if Göbekli Tepe was the chief Mystery School in antiquity after the last ice age. When I look back twelve thousand years in relationship to the Precession of the Equinoxes I see Göbekli Tepe megalithic site being built in the midst of Leo , which is ruled by the Sun. Professor Robert Schoch in his new book FORGOTTEN CIVILIZATIONS: The Role of Solar Outbursts in Our Past and Future clearly points out that at this time there was a great deal of solar activity, which ended the last ice age. When ego-consciousness (sun) enters the stage of apotheosis (Angelic Man) the concretized ego-consciousness no longer exists.
Astrology is the 'basic' foundational tenet of esotericism in all the Mystery Schools around the world. In and of itself Astrology is merely a mathematical and symbolic tool. It is not a fortune telling tool as modernity would have it. It is a prognosticating art only insofar as mathematics is a prognosticating science. I have not and never will believe in Astrology as a fortune telling tool. For example I do not need a horoscope chart to see that an addict will most likely die in his or her addiction. People will overcome obsessions (example fall out of love/lust); but, rarely will they be freed of their addictions. It takes a great deal of trauma and suffering to end an addiction and most people will not go through that wall of pain. It would be equivalent to an alcoholic or drug addict going coldturkey. The agony that the addict would endure during the process of ridding him or herself of an addiction would be an unbelievable agonizing pain; yet, many addictive personalities' returns to their addiction of choice after being freed of it. The only time that I have actually seen a person freed of an addiction is through a spiritual driven program such as Alcoholics' Anonymous.
Note the symbolism we are discussing here. The only requirement for membership in the Alcoholics' Anonymous program is a DESIRE TO STOP DRINKING. The sixth house of the Zodiac is Virgo . The first decan of Virgo is Coma, which is translated as DESIRE. The constellation of Virgo is just before Leo and Virgo is an Earth sign: meaning it is solid and fixed like the ice glaciers that existed fifteen thousand years ago. That DESIRE would have brought about the thawing of the ice, which is symbolically concretized humanity caught up in his own addictions. Alcohol and drugs are not the only addictions humanity is prone to. They are the main ones that flaunt themselves in the face of humanity on a daily basis. One of the chief tenets of Astrology is that "the Zodiac cannot move unless VIRGO moves first". Now the secret behind that statement eluded me for a dozen years. I could not figure out why the Zodiac had to first have Virgo move before it could begin its journey through the universe. Then I began to see the word DESIRE being used by a number of spiritual disciplines. mystical marriage of the Sun (ego-consciousness) and the Moon (unconscious mind). The fact that Göbekli Tepe was built and buried in two Astrological Ages and those ages coincide with Leo (Sun) and Cancer (Moon) is indicated to the ancients sending us a message that this an example of ego-consciousness cooperating with the unconscious mind. What the ancients are basically saying by building Göbekli Tepe in the Age of Leo is that; yes, it takes an ego to produce this esoteric system of thought out of the psyche/soul; however, it takes the unconscious mind to allow it. The fact that the Age of Cancer (Moon) buried what the Age of Leo (Sun) had produced indicates the ego is not taking credit per se for the psychic system is eternally esoteric. It belongs to no one and yet it belongs to everyone.
After this golden age of the Mystical Marriage of the Sun and the Moon comes the Age of Gemini , which is the age of the communicators (the dawn of the Pharaonic Civilization) of that esoteric knowledge.
Closing the mystic circle brings about the Pentecostal experience of the Holy Spirit outlined in the second chapters of Acts in the New Testament. The Holy Spirit gifted the apostles with the one universal language so that all nations of the world could understand them. The eleventh chapter of Genesis speaks of this one language (Astrology) that was lost and now has been found. It is difficult to understand why it would take a sincere religious researcher to put these two biblical events side by side as representing the same idea.
Jerusalem represents the world of the fundamentalist (literalist), which has no idea what spirituality is about. The New Jerusalem that Saint John speaks of in Revelations is the New Garden of Eden. The one language of the world that was given to the apostles on Pentecostal Sunday was Astrology, which is the foundation of all archetypal symbolism. When it is said that the apostles when out to speak to the people of Jerusalem it is symbolically saying they went out to learn and teach the gospel to the whole world. If you think about it for a minute you'll realize that there are hundreds of different languages in the vernacular around the world not counting the different dialects that have spun off of each of them. It is ridiculous to assume that the Holy Spirit would only give twelve languages to the twelve apostles when there were hundreds of other languages and dialects to consider.
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Final version available in Intercultural Pragmatics 21(3): 379-402, 2024
Nesir: Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi , 2023
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