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2015, The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism
5 pages
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Welcoming over 50 million visitors per year and holding the title of the most-visited city in the United States, Orlando is best known as the theme-park capital of the world, hosting familiar household names such as the Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Studios and Sea World. From theme parks and resorts to a diverse selection of attractions, meeting facilities, shopping, golf, fine-dining and nightlife, the “City Beautiful” has transformed itself into a tourist mecca of entertainment and leisure.
Considered a modern-day marketing marvel, The Walt Disney Company has a long established and loyal consumer base. Beginning as Disney Brothers Studio in 1923, the Walt Disney Company has diversified into 5 business components -Media Networks, Parks and Resorts, Studio Entertainment, Consumer Products, and Interactive. With a constant emphasis on creating timeless family entertainment, founder Walt Disney passed on to the company the commitment to maintaining the fantasy in which Disney and its theme parks have come to be known. To further expand on these ideals of brand management this paper first reviews the history and current status of the amusement park industry in the form of a situation analysis. It then specifically reviews Disney and identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats via a SWOT analysis. Lastly, it investigates Disney's positioning within the theme park industry with respect to brand personality. Results indicate that Disney maintains a strong and unique position within the industry.
Even as revenue management practices spread from the travel sector to other industries, the US theme park industry practiced static pricing. Highly visible demand-based pricing introduced by Disney and Universal highlights the relative lack of research on theme park pricing. We surveyed the research and gathered pricing information from 70 different US theme park websites in 2012 and 2016 and found that US theme parks in our sample added online ticket sales, discounts for advance sales and differential daily pricing during that period. We also report the proportion of US theme parks offering queue products and meal plans as ticket add-ons. Characteristics of theme parks may prevent true dynamic pricing, but the US theme park industry has begun moving away from its traditional static pricing model towards demand-based pricing.
Selected Bibliography – Themed and Immersive Spaces, In A Reader in Themed and Immersive Spaces. ETC (Carnegie Mellon University), 2016. Full text available at:
Theme parks have become a global phenomenon, spreading rapidly from their origin in the American amusement park to Europe, the Pacific Rim and beyond. Major transnational leisure corporations such as Walt Disney and Warner Brothers have played a leading role in these developments. Despite considerable success in their home markets, recent problems with transplanting theme parks in Europe have underlined the importance of cultural factors in theme park management. The problems of developing theme parks transnationally are illustrated through an analysis of Disneyland Paris. The problems which Disney encountered in opening their new European park are examined in terms of locational, cultural, managerial and financial terms. It is argued that a basic lack of understanding of European consumer markets was a key cause of these problems.
Canadian Historical Review, 94, 1, March 2013, p. 1-27, 2013
"At the conquest of New France, the British had already built a long tradition of purchasing Aboriginal land. This policy, made official in the Royal Proclamation of 1763, was implemented in an extensive portion of the Canadian territory, but not in the Saint Lawrence Valley, heart of the former French empire in America, and what is now the province of Quebec. The British, followed by the Canadian government, adopted a policy of unilateral land appropriation in that area, dispossessing the Aboriginals without reliance on a treaty system. This particularity of the Indian land policy in Quebec has given rise to divergent interpretations that rest on the same implicit premise that a structuring legal framework existed, which, when reconstituted, gives meaning to history, either by legitimizing the unilateral dispossession process or by stigmatizing it. This article attempts to locate the process of dispossessing Aboriginal land outside the normative framework imposed by the law. The objective is not to identify a standard to explain why the British did not conclude treaties, but rather to follow a process of legal standardization, in which colonial practice is inscribed, through trial and error, detours, shifts in meaning, and improvisations into a legitimizing framework. Au moment de la conquête de la Nouvelle-France, les Britanniques avaient déjà une longue tradition d’achat de terres autochtones. Cette politique, officialisée par la Proclamation royale de 1763, fut appliquée sur une très grande portion du territoire canadien, mais pas dans la vallée du Saint-Laurent, cœur de l’ancien empire français en Amérique, ni dans l’actuelle province de Québec. Les Britanniques et le gouvernement canadien à leur suite ont adopté une politique d’appropriation territoriale unilatérale dans cette région, dépossédant les Autochtones sans s’appuyer sur quelque système de traités. Cette particularité de la politique relative aux terres indiennes au Québec a donné naissance à des interprétations divergentes qui reposent sur la même prémisse implicite voulant qu’un cadre juridique structurant ait existé, lequel, lorsque reconstitué, donne sens au passé, soit en légitimant le processus de dépossession unilatérale, soit en le stigmatisant. Cet article tente de situer le processus de dépossession des terres autochtones en dehors du cadre normatif imposé par le droit. Il n’entend pas mettre à jour une norme expliquant pourquoi les Britanniques n’ont pas conclu de traités, mais plutôt suivre un processus de normalisation juridique dans lequel la pratique coloniale est inscrite à coup d’essais et d’erreurs, de détours, de redéfinitions et d’improvisations dans un cadre théorique qui lui donne une légitimité."""
Annotation of information in corpora is an important aspect of text mining. It bridges between the information hidden in natural language texts and the semantic search queries for the information desired by users. Due to the complex nature of the information needed for text mining, it is essential to design comprehensive annotation schemes to encode and organise the unstructured information contained in text into certain structured forms that can be processed by computers. In the EU BOOTStrep Project 1 , which aims to pull together existing biological databases and various terminological repositories and implement a text analysis system to populate a Bio-Lexicon and a Bio-Ontology to support text mining, an annotation scheme has been under construction for encoding multilayer information pertaining to text mining applications. In particular, it is aimed at supporting the interoperability among a set of text annotator tools. In practice, this annotation scheme is built into a type system of a software architecture, named the Unstructured Information Management System (UIMA), which provides a software architecture for the integration and interoperation of NLP annotation tools. Although this scheme is targeted at the biological domain and hence contains some biology-specific semantic elements, the major part of the annotation scheme covers generic language annotation, such as part-of-speech, syntactic parse, co-reference resolution, etc. Therefore, our scheme can easily be ported to other domains or generic language analysis tasks. Coupled with UIMA, this scheme provides a practical means of capturing information from texts for various purposes, such as text mining, NLP, corpus linguistics, etc. 1 The BOOTStrep Project (ref. 028099) is funded by the EC 6th Framework Programme. For further details, see the project website:
There is growing evidence that face-to-face interaction is declining in many countries, exacerbating the phenomenon of social isolation. On the other hand, social interaction through online networking sites is steeply rising. To analyze these societal dynamics, we have built an evolutionary game model in which agents can choose between three strategies of social participation: 1) interaction via both online social networks and face-to-face encounters; 2) interaction by exclusive means of face-to-face encounters; 3) opting out from both forms of participation in pursuit of social isolation. We illustrate the dynamics of interaction among these three types of agent that the model predicts, in light of the empirical evidence provided by previous literature. We then assess their welfare implications. We show that when online interaction is less gratifying than offline encounters, the dynamics of agents' rational choices of interaction will lead to the extinction of the sub-population of online networks users, thereby making Facebook and similar platforms disappear in the long run. Furthermore, we show that the higher the propensity for discrimination of those who interact via online social networks and via face-to-face encounters (i.e., their preference for the interaction with agents of their same type), the greater the probability will be that they all will end up choosing social isolation in the long run, making society fall into a " social poverty trap " .
Los elementos del currículo en el contexto del enfoque formativo de la evaluación fue coordinado por la dirección General de desarrollo curricular (dGdc) que pertenece a la Subsecretaría de educación básica de la Secretaría de educación Pública. PriMera edición, 2013 d. r. © Secretaría de educación Pública, 2013, argentina 28, centro, 06020, cuauhtémoc, México, df iSbn: en trámite Hecho en México Material Gratuito/Prohibida su venta reviSión técnico-PedaGóGica noemí García García y rosa María nicolás Mora (coordinadoras) verónica florencia antonio andrés, María Guadalupe fuentes cardona, isabel Gómez caravantes, María elena Hernández castellanos, esperanza issa González, Guadalupe Gabriela romero Maya, Mauricio rosales ávalos, José ausencio Sánchez Gutiérrez, María teresa Sandoval Sevilla, María esther tapia álvarez, María eréndira tinoco ramírez, Martha estela tortolero villaseñor y Miriam Zamora díaz barriga. coordinación General Competencias para el aprendizaje permanente Competencias para el manejo de la información Competencias para el manejo de situaciones Competencias para la convivencia Competencias para la vida en sociedad
—Public speaking has become one of the essential skills in the modern society. But public speaking lecture focuses on practice with no theoretical framework to guide it. Memetics has proven to be a very effective tool in duplicating and disseminating language. This article attempts to identify teaching strategies from the perspective of memetics.
This paper describes an empirical study of fun, usability, and learning in educational software. Twenty five children aged 7 and 8 from an English primary school participated. The study involved three software products that were designed to prepare children for government initiated science tests. Pre and post tests were used to measure the learning effect, and observations and survey methods were used to assess usability and fun.
Core Concepts In Pharmacology Value Pack includes Prentice Hall Real Nursing Skills Intermediate T
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