Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy, 2012, 1, 14-22
Real World Renewable Hydrogen Transport
R. Gazey1,2, Dallia Ali1,* and Daniel Aklil2
Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland
Pure Energy Centre, Shetland, Scotland
Abstract: Hydrogen represents an excellent energy storage option as it can act as both a short and longterm energy
store. As the UK Government is strategically moving the UK towards a low carbon economy, hydrogen can play an
important role as a solution to make use of grid constrained ‘green’ energy in transport.
In the transport sector, green hydrogen produced from renewable sources offers one of the best opportunities to reduce
green house gas emissions and significantly reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Use of zero carbon or ‘green’ hydrogen
derived from renewable sources in Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) is expected to lead to a 90% 95% reduction in
welltowheel emissions by 2020 when compared to existing internal combustion engines [1].
Described within this paper is a real-world case study that utilises grid constrained renewable energy (instead of
discarding it) as a source of clean energy to produce ‘green’ hydrogen for use in a transport application. A model that
simulates hydrogen demand from transport has been developed. A Simulink model of hydrogen production, storage and
cascade refuelling operations has also been presented. The modelling of a real world application of hydrogen transport
technology demonstrates how an electrolyser could be sized to provide the daily hydrogen fuel demand for a real-world
commercial hydrogen transport application.
Keywords: Hydrogen, renewables, zero carbon fuel, energy storage.
Hydrogen is considered an energy vector rather
than an energy source. When hydrogen is generated
from zero carbon energy sources it can provide storage
for provision of zero carbon on-demand electricity as
well as long-term option for decarbonising road
transport. Currently there are relatively few hydrogen
vehicles in operation. It has been estimated that
cumulative worldwide shipments of fuel cell vehicles
from 1997-2009 were of the order of 1,000 vehicles [2].
However recent market analysis concludes that a precommercialisation period began in 2010 and is
predicted to continue through to 2014. During this
period, it is expected that up-to 10,000 hydrogen FCEV
will be deployed [3]. From 2015, forecasts suggest
57,000 FCEVs will be sold annually with sales volume
progressively increasing to 390,000 vehicles by 2020.
In order to build real-world experience in
anticipation of the eventual roll-out of hydrogen
vehicles a number of trials are taking place worldwide
of fuel cell passenger cars and buses. There is limited
trial activity with hydrogen-fuelled commercial vehicles,
despite it being widely acknowledged that ‘return-tobase’ commercial fleets potentially offer the most
promising market for the early adoption of alternativelyfuelled vehicles. A good example of such hydrogen
*Address corresponding to this author at the Robert Gordon University,
Aberdeen, Scotland; E-mail: d.ali@rgu.ac.uk
E-ISSN: 1929-6002/12
transport project leading to early FC vehicles
commercialisation that combines both renewable
energy and hydrogen energy storage technologies for
the transport sector is the Scottish hydrogen bus
project [4].
A recent automotive council’s low carbon
commercial vehicle and off-highway roadmap
examined the suitability of current and emerging
technologies including hydrogen to the decarbonisation
of the non-passenger vehicle fleet. The study
concluded that Internal Combustion Engine (ICE)
vehicles fuelled by sustainable gaseous or liquid fuels
will remain the most appropriate for heavy duty use [5].
One example of a ‘green’ gaseous fuel for use in an
ICE is Hydrogen (H2) produced from renewable energy.
H2ICE vehicles have an advantage over FCEV in that
they do not require as high a purity of hydrogen as is
currently needed for operation of Proton Exchange
Membrane fuel cells (PEMFC). A significant barrier to
the wide spread adoption of hydrogen fuelled vehicles
is access to refuelling infrastructure. Described within
this paper is a real world case study of a hydrogen
refuelling station along with a model developed to
simulate its suitability for use in refuelling a delivery
vehicle application.
The hydrogen demand in this case study is based
on the characteristics of the converted petrol-hydrogen
bi-fuelled Ford Transit supplied as a technology
© 2012 Lifescience Global
Real World Renewable Hydrogen Transport
Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy, 2012 Vol. 1, No. 1
Table 1: Manufacturer’s Vehicle Details
Model year
Petrol / compressed hydrogen (350bar)
Fuel capacity
Petrol: 80litre.
Hydrogen: three tanks (2x74litre, 1x39litre) totally 4.5kg at 350bar
(Low pressure alarm/warning occurs at 20 bar)
2.3 litre displacement capacity with spark ignition
Engine Cylinders
Straight 4
Engine Power
104kW (petrol);
75kW (estimated, hydrogen)
Belt-driven with intercooler provides additional combustion air when running on hydrogen gas
Vehicle range
Urban - 82 miles;
Motorway - 135 miles (estimated)
demonstrator [6]. The case study hydrogen vehicle
utilises 350 bar on-board hydrogen storage tanks that
are similar to many other demonstration vehicles [7, 8]
making the findings particularly relevant. The case
study vehicle details are given in Table 1 [6]:
The total on-board hydrogen capacity is 4.52kg H2
at 350bar and 15°C. Due to the low pressure safety
alarm the transient on-board capacity is considered as
4.2kg H2. This is based on the “low pressure” alarm
occurring at 20bar with the expectation that the vehicle
will be switched to petrol operation at this point. 20bar
equates to 6% (20/350) of the full capacity of 350bar,
therefore 6% of 4.52kg of H2 is found to be 4.2kg H2.
The vehicles range has been reported to be
between 80 – 85 miles (130 – 160km) on one re-fill. It
is assumed that the vehicle will start its journey with a
full tank at 350bar and stop at the “low pressure” alarm
of 20 bars. Hydrogen consumption can therefore be
considered as 19-20 miles/kg (given the range 80–85
miles/4.2kg), or 31-38km/kg (130–160km/4.2kg).
The vehicle is operated up to a maximum of 6 days
a week (Monday to Saturday inclusive) covering close
to the maximum range reported by the vehicle
manufacturer every day. Therefore, it is reasonable to
consider that the vehicle will require a full refill of
hydrogen each day.
As the vehicle can only consume a maximum of
4.2kg due to the presence of the ‘low pressure’ alarm
safety feature, the weekly demand for hydrogen can be
calculated as 4.2 x 6 = 25.2kg. Whilst there is no
demand for hydrogen on the 7 day (Sunday), it is
possible for the refuelling
replenishing in this time.
‘Green’ Biogas is produced at Comhairle nan Eilean
Siar (CnES)’s Integrated Waste Management Facility
(IWMF) from the anaerobic digestion of municipal
organic waste. The rate of production varies depending
on the composition and quantities of organic waste fed
into the anaerobic digester.
The biogas is fed to a 240kWe gas engine
producing electricity and heat which are partially reused to supply the IWMF’s energy demands. Excess
electricity (where allowed) is exported to the electricity
distribution network or used to provide power for
hydrogen production and storage. The variable biogas
production rate results in the gas engine operating
periodically for between six and ten hours per day.
When the biogas engine is operating, the Hebridean
Hydrogen Seed (H2SEED) facility [9] uses the excess
electricity to power a 5.33Nm /hr or 0.46kg/hr alkaline
electrolyser at Standard Temperature and Pressure to
generate hydrogen for typically 10 hours per day.
A mass transfer model has been developed to
simulate the storage and refuelling performance of the
hydrogen system. The model allows the pressure,
volume and stored hydrogen mass to be simulated in
order to identify if it is possible for a known hydrogen
demand to be met from a renewable hydrogen source.
Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy, 2012 Vol. 1, No. 1
Modelling Storage
Gazey et al.
different pressures and temperatures can be easily
calculated to high degree of accuracy.
The ideal gas relationship shown in equation 1 is
used to describe the behaviour of real gases at
pressures up to approximately 1450 psig (100 bars) at
normal ambient temperatures [10]. However at higher
pressures the results become increasingly inaccurate.
Where P is pressure, is the amount of mass in a
given volume (m/V), R is the specific gas constant for
hydrogen of 4124.18 Nm/kg K, and T is temperature in
P = RT
This resulting deviation from the ideal gas law is
always in the form of compression as the gas occupies
less space than the ideal gas law predicts. To correct
this in the model developed, a compressibility factor Z
is utilized.
Compressibility factors (or “Z factors”) are derived
from data obtained through experimentation and
depend on temperature, pressure and the nature of the
gas. The Z factor is then used as a multiplier to adjust
the ideal gas law to fit actual gas behaviour as follows:
P = Z RT
The National Institute for Standards and Technology
(NIST) developed a mathematical method for
calculating compressibility factors using a virial
equation based on Pressure and Temperature.
Applying this mathematical method [11], a Simulink
model has been developed providing correction factors
with an accuracy of 0.01%.
Using equation 3 and the variable values listed in
Table 2 [11], the compressibility factor for hydrogen at
Z(P,T ) =
= 1+
bi p ci
i=1i 100
Where, P: is pressure in Mega-Pascal (MPa) and T:
is temperature in Kelvin (K)
Where: The mass of diatomic hydrogen and the
molar gas constant given in Table 2 are from the recent
publications of this information [12, 13]. The molar
mass is given to aid in conversions from molar to mass
The hydrogen produced from the electrolyser
passes directly to a low-pressure (LP) buffer storage at
up to 12bar prior to compression to the high pressure
(HP) storage at up to 420 bar pressure. The LP buffer
storage consists of two manifold cylinder pack (MCP)
modules providing a nominal storage volume
(geometric capacity) of 9,600 litres. At 15°C and 12bar
the LP storage holds approximately 9.46kg of hydrogen
calculated using equation 2 and 3. However, the
transient (or usable) capacity of the LP storage is
dependent on the operating set points of the hydrogen
compression system. With an upper set point of 12bar
and lower set point of 9bar the transient capacity
provided is 2.35kg. This value is also calculated by
using equations 2 and 3. The transient capacity defines
the quantity of hydrogen that can be transferred from
the LP buffer storage to the HP storage prior to
replenishing the buffer by operating the electrolyser.
The high pressure storage consists of a
fifteen composite cylinders each with a
geometric capacity of 82 Litres, providing
nominal volume of 1,230 litres. At 15°C and
total of
a total
420 bar
Table 2: Table of Constants Required to Calculate Z
– 0.06136111
– 0.001150707
0.9588528 10
– 0.1109040 10
0.1264403 10
Molar Mass: M = 2.01588g/mol.
Universal Gas Constant: R=8.314472 J/(mol K).
Real World Renewable Hydrogen Transport
Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy, 2012 Vol. 1, No. 1
Figure1: Overview of the hydrogen system for transport application.
pressure the HP storage holds approximately 34.1kg of
hydrogen using equations 2 and 3.
stationary hydrogen storage tank, known as
bank 3, is then connected to the vehicle
refuelling tank allowing the pressure to equalise
between the two pressure vessels for the final
time (P4) to achieve the desired ‘full’ 350 bar of
The refuelling station is capable of dispensing the
stored hydrogen at up to 350bar in the vehicle vessels.
The hydrogen system for transport application is
shown in Figure 1.
Modelling Refuelling
The hydrogen refilling system uses a cascade fill
design. In a cascade refuelling operation hydrogen held
in the stationary store is transferred into the vehicle fuel
tank in three stages. The three stage cascade
refuelling operation is conducted in three discrete steps
as follows and as shown in Figure 2 (extracted from the
developed Simulink model code):
The first stage of a refuelling operation involves
connecting a stationary 420 bar hydrogen
storage tank, known as bank-1 (P1), to the
automotive storage tank (V-tank) and allowing
the pressure to equalise between the two
pressure vessels to give (P2).
The first stage (bank-1) is disconnected from the
vehicle storage tank and the second stationary
420 bar hydrogen storage tank, known as bank 2
(P3), is then connected to the vehicle tank (VTank) allowing the pressure to equalise between
the two pressure vessels once more.
The second stage (bank 2) is disconnected from
the vehicle storage tank and the third 420 bar
Cascade Refuelling Stage 1
Using the ideal gas laws, gas constants and
correction Z factors given by equations 1 to 3, the first
stage of hydrogen refuelling can be expressed by
equations 3 to 11 as follows:
Cascade refuelling Stage-1 Inputs
Pressure of stationary cascade
storage bank-1
Volume of stationary
storage bank-1
Temperature of stationary cascade hydrogen
storage bank-1
Universal Gas Constant: R=8.314472 J/(mol K)
(V1) + (volume of automotive application (VTank))
Molar Mass (2.01588g/mol)
Cascade refuelling Stage-1, Z values are calculated
in the Simulink model using equations 2 and 3.
Figure 2: Simulink model code extract showing the three stage overview and stage one model.
Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy, 2012 Vol. 1, No. 1
correction factor for stationary
hydrogen storage bank-1
Z1 RT1
P2V2 = Z 2 n2 RT2 n2 =
Z 2 RT2
During the first stage of refuelling the number of
moles of gas molecules present before (n1) and after
(n2) the refuelling operation will be the same.
n = n1 = n2
= 2 2
Z1 RT1 Z 2 RT2
When the empty vehicles hydrogen storage tank (Vtank) is connected to the full bank-1 hydrogen storage
tank (V1), the final cascade refuelling pressure (P2) at
the end of stage 1 must be calculated by solving the
above equation for P2 as follows:
P2 =
P1V1Z 2 RT2
Z1 RT2V2
of the number of moles of gas molecules present (n)
and the molar mass (M) of Hydrogen.
m = n.M
At the end of cascade refuelling operation stage 1,
the mathematical model provides:
P1V1 = Z1n1 RT n1 =
Gazey et al.
At the end of stage-1 we consider the end
pressures, volumes and densities of hydrogen gas
have reached equilibrium after hydrogen gas
equalisation and the refuelling operation stage has
completed. This means we can consider T1 = T2 and
the above equation can be simplified to the following
expression for P2:
Final equalisation pressure and
pressure of automotive tank (P2)
Mass of hydrogen transferred to automotive
storage tank (Kg)
Number of moles of hydrogen (ntank) transferred
to automotive storage tank (required for
calculating stage 2 refuelling operation)
Cascade Refuelling Stage-2
The stage two cascade refuelling model utilises the
same equations set in stage 1, however the calculation
methodology is slightly different due to the fact that the
automotive hydrogen tank now contains a quantity of
Passed to stage-2 cascade model from stage-1
model is the number of moles of hydrogen contained
within the hydrogen storage vessel in the automotive
application (ntank).
The first equation in the stage-2 model (equation
12) calculates the molar quantity of hydrogen (n3)
contained within the stage-2 hydrogen storage bank-2.
The automotive tank already contains hydrogen at the
start of stage-2 refuelling therefore ntank n3 in this
can be found as follows:
case. Therefore
P3V3 = Z 3n3 RT3 n3 =
Z 3 RT3
P2 = 1 1 2
Using the values of P2 and Z2 and only the
automotive tank volume (V-Tank) as V2 in equation 5, it
is then possible to calculate the number of hydrogen
ntank =
The mass (m) of the hydrogen contained within the
automotive tank (V-Tank) is then found as the product
V3 =
volume of stationary storage bank-2
T3 =
temperature of storage bank-2
P3 =
pressure of storage bank-2
The total molar quantity of hydrogen now present
when the automotive tank is attached to the hydrogen
storage bank-2 can be expressed as n4:
n4 = ntank +
Z 3 RT3
Real World Renewable Hydrogen Transport
Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy, 2012 Vol. 1, No. 1
The total molar mass n4 is therefore contained
within the volume of the automotive tank (V-tank) and
hydrogen storage bank-2 (V3). Consequently the
equalisation pressure (P4) of the total molar quantity of
hydrogen n4 can now be calculated using the following
Z n RT
P4 = 4 4 4
(Vtank + V3 )
With the equalisation pressure now known, along
with the volume of the automotive tank (V-Tank), the
corresponding molar quantity (n5) and mass (m) of
hydrogen contained within the automotive tank can be
At the end of cascade refuelling operation stage 2,
the model provides:
Final equalisation pressure and
pressure of automotive tank (P4)
Mass of hydrogen transferred to automotive
storage tank (Kg)
Number of moles of hydrogen (ntank) transferred
to automotive storage tank (required for
calculating stage 3 refuelling operation)
Cascade Refuelling Stage-3
The model for the final refuelling stage is similar to
the stage 2 model with the molar quantity of stage 2
passed to stage 3, and the stationary value of
hydrogen bank-3 used.
bottom two rows of Table 3 indicate that the vehicle will
be refuelled successfully. It can be seen that by using
the cascade refuelling method that 38% of the
refuelling occurs in the first stage, 26% in the second
stage and 36% in the final stage.
The operating scenario described in the bulleted list
below has been developed from the available hydrogen
production and storage infrastructure available on the
project site as described in Figure 1. The operational
hours available to run the electrolyser is also based on
the renewable energy available from the bio-gas plant
to produce ‘green’ hydrogen.
A simulation has been undertaken to identify if the
vehicles daily hydrogen demand can be met by the
existing hydrogen infrastructure and operational
configuration. The results are shown in the last three
rows of Table 3 along with Figures 3 to 5. Based on
how the hydrogen infrastructure is set up on site, the
maximum daily transferable hydrogen quantity required
to refuel the vehicle has been found possible to
achieve from a 12 bar 5.33Nm electrolyser with the
hydrogen production and compression operating as
Operate electrolyser for 10 hours per day from
available renewable energy
Compress 2.03kg during the 10 hours per day of
electrolyser production
Compress 2.17kg during the following 12.8 hours
Total transfer of 4.2kg of hydrogen into cascade
refuelling station is achieved in time 22.8 hours
Low pressure buffer pressure level at end of a
4.2Kg daily transfer becomes 9.2 bar
The last three rows shown in Table 3 are the results
of the simulation completed on the cascade refuelling
of the vehicle described in Table 1. The first two rows
of values from Table 3 are used as inputs into the
cascade refuelling model to perform simulation on the
cascade refuelling operation. Results shown in the
A Typical 7 day simulated profile of production,
compression and demand are shown in Figures 3, 4
and 5. These have been simulated using equations 2 to
14 along with the information shown in Figure 1, Table
Table 3: Cascade Filling Simulation Results
Geometric Capacity (L)
Starting pressure (Bar)
Pressure after refuel (Bar)
Mass Transferred (kg)
% of fill
Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy, 2012 Vol. 1, No. 1
Gazey et al.
Figure 3: Hydrogen mass transfer between LP and HP storage systems.
Figure 4: Hydrogen production and compression profile for 10hrs per day production.
1 and 2. Starting condition of simulation is always
assumed as full LP buffer tanks (9.62kg of H2) and a
HP storage condition after first refuelling (29.9kg H2).
from 7.1Kg to 9.5kg results from the generation of new
green hydrogen from surplus renewable energy from
the bio gas engine.
In Figure 3, the modelling shows the HP hydrogen
storage mass oscillating between 34.1kg and 29.9kg.
The sudden drop in HP storage mass is attributed to
the refuelling operation occurring once per day
(Monday to Saturday). As the HP storage level
increases, the LP storage level falls. The slow rise from
29.9kg to 34.1kg results from hydrogen being
transferred from the LP buffer to the HP storage by the
compressor. The slow increase in the LP buffer vessel
In Figure 4 the modelling shows Hydrogen mass
transfer from the LP to the HP storage. The rate of
transfer is given by the hydrogen compressor detailed
in Figure 1. The hydrogen production rate (restricted by
available renewable energy) is also shown.
Figure 5 shows the modelling results for the HP
storage pressure profile during the refuelling and
replenishing periods using equations 2 and 3. This
Real World Renewable Hydrogen Transport
Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy, 2012 Vol. 1, No. 1
Figure 5: HP pressure cycle profile for 1 week of operation.
pressure cycling range of 350 to 420 bar shows that
the refuelling operation can always achieve 350bar into
the vehicle, and be replenished to 420 bar from the
electrolyser and LP buffer tank.
Figures 3 and 5 together show that the vehicle will
always be able to refuel to its full pressure of 350 bar,
and full mass of 4.2kg. This means that the modestly
sized 5.3Nm /h, 12 bar electrolyser powered from the
available onsite renewable energy is capable of
meeting the hydrogen fuel demands of the delivery
vehicle with green hydrogen.
This paper has shown that a relatively small
electrolyser of 5.33Nm /h can meet the demands of a
high duty cycle commercial delivery vehicle. This is
achieved by configuring the electrolyser to produce
hydrogen for 10 hours per day when ‘green’ energy is
available. The paper has proposed an infrastructure
simulation for successfully fuelling a commercial
vehicle activity. Simulation of the cascade refuelling
configuration also showed that the vehicle can achieve
a 100% fill with the configuration of cascade pressure
vessels given in Table 3.
The authors would like to thank those who have
made the work described within this paper presentation
possible. This research is funded by the Robert Gordon
Environmental Technology Partnership (ETP) and the
Pure Energy Centre.
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To enable more accurate simulation of more
variable forms of renewable energy such as wind and
solar power the implementation of an electrolysis
production model can be added to the model.
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Received on 16-08-2012
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6000/1929-6002.2012.01.01.2
Gazey et al.
Mohr PJ, Taylor BN, Newell DB. Rev Mod Phys 2008; 80:
Accepted on 12-09-2012
Published on 10-10-2012