Act ing for Sust ainabilit y and Healt h
Glenda Verrinder 1 , Rosemary Nicholson 2 and Ron Picket t 3
La Trobe University, Bendigo1, University of Western Sydney2 & Curtin
University of Technology, Perth3
The Sustainability and Health Project aims to improve the understanding of what
‘sustainability of the environment’ and the ‘health of the community’ means for public
health practitioners who want to be active participants in working towards a
sustainable society. We explore the changing role of environmental health practitioners
in this context. To be active participants we need to understand the principles of
sustainability and the processes and protocols to design for sustainability and health.
To design for sustainability and health, first, we need an understanding of the
complexity of and interrelationship between, environmental and social systems.
Second, we need to acknowledge and respect the diversity of viewpoints and differing
interpretations of these systems. Third, we need to understand the principles of the
change process and develop our skills as change agents in order to build community
capacity in working towards sustainability and health. This paper provides a succinct
overview of a number of key principles of change, of change action, and issues in
working with the community as innovators and change agents.
Key words: Environmental H ealth Practitioners; Structural Change; Systems Thinking
T here is increasing evidence linking local
and global ecological integrity to health.
Global ecological integrity is now identified
as a paramount determinant of health. T he
World Health Organization estimates that
poor environmental quality contributes to
25% of all preventable diseases in the world
today (Towards Earth Summit 2002). T here
is an urgent need for us all to respond to
huge global transformations created by
human activity. Some of this activity is
posing risks to the health of humans now,
and even greater risks are predicted for the
future if we do not heed the principles of
sustainable development. In Grootjans et al.
( 2002) , the authors reported on the
Sustainability and Health project. We will
not repeat here either the rationale for, or
the processes of, the project. Rather, we will
focus on key themes in two of the chapters
(Verrinder, Nicholson & Pickett in press) of
the resource book Sustainability and Health:
Working Towards G lobal Integrity (Brown et
al. in press) that has been developed as part
of that project.
Sustainability is described in the resource
book as a form of “short-hand for the longterm changes required to re-establish global
environmental integrity ... and so also the
health of the human population” (Brown et
al. in press, p. 15). T he public health
practice advocated by the authors of the
book is broad and collaborative in nature.
Practitioners at all levels from the local to
the global are urged to listen to multiple
perspectives, acknowledge multiple forms of
evidence and adopt innovative action to
manage the sustainability of the
environment for human health. In this
article we argue the need for action in
defining a parallel path to be incorporated
within the future development of
environmental health practice.
Globally, there has, over recent years,
been a call for change in the way we think
about the health of the environment and of
human health (AtKisson 1999; Brown 2002;
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Glenda Verrinder, Rosemary N icholson and Ron Pickett
McMichael 2001; Suzuki 2002; Wilson
2002). In keeping with this groundswell of
Environmental Health Strategy calls for a
new, much broader, cooperative and
collaborative approach to environmental
health practice (enHealth Council 1999).
T he question of the century is: “How best
can we shift into a culture of permanence,
both for ourselves and for the biosphere that
sustains us?” ( Wilson 2002) . It is not
surprising though that many of us feel
overwhelmed by the fact that despite the
knowledge we have about the importance of
our relationship with the world around us,
we continue to hurtle headlong towards the
destruction of civilisation as we know it. We
know that what we are doing is not
sustainable but feel powerless to do anything
about it.
How do we need to think, what do we
need to know and what skills do we need in
order to act individually and collectively,
locally and globally, now and for the future,
to achieve an environmentally sustainable,
socially equitable, spiritually rich world?
First, we need to understand the complexity
of the environmental systems and the social
systems and the interdependence between
them. T herefore, systems thinking is
required. Second, there are multiple
perspectives on what these systems and their
connections look like, why they exist and
how they are experienced ( Wheeler &
Perraca Bijur 2000). T hese perspectives
include the different ways in which
individuals construct their knowledge.
T he five sectors whose collaboration is
routinely listed as essential to sustainability
community, specialists, organisational
strategists, and holistic thinkers (Brown et
al. in press). Since these sectors together
make up the sustainability decision making
system, it is essential that each perspective is
taken into account in planning for any one
issue. It is important when viewed from the
perspective of engaging with community
stakeholders that we understand how
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different people from different cultures see
sustainability at different times and in
different places. Each will have different
opinions about the problems, the causes and
the solutions. We need to recognise and
respect these multiple perspectives. Only
then will we begin to identify the
opportunities to optimise the health status
of members of the global community and the
more localised communities within which
we live. T hird, we need to understand the
dynamics of change. We need to understand
how environmental health practitioners
might create and embrace innovation,
become change facilitators and work with
individuals, groups, organisations and
communities to build community capacity
to work towards ecological sustainability
and health.
The Precaut ionary Principle
T he precautionary principle is one of the
key principles of planning for sustainability
and health. T he principle holds that once
there is reasonable evidence that a practice
might be harmful, then preventive or
ameliorative action should be taken. T here
is no need to wait for absolute proof
(Australian Local Government Association
[ALGA] 1992). T here is ample evidence
that environmental pollution and the
unsustainable use of natural resources for
example, are threatening the integrity of the
natural systems. T he World Health
Organization (WHO 1997, p. 4) cautioned
that “if this continues unabated the trend
will lead to major impacts on health in
developed and developing countries alike”.
On global warming for example, McMichael
et al. (1996) predicted the exacerbation of
existing problems with
displacement and impoverishment if the
current trends with the enhanced
greenhouse effect were to continue.
Precaution is a principle of justice. It arises
from values that support the notion that we
should not have to live with the fear of harm
to our health or environment. Further, as
practitioners working for sustainability, we
Acting for Sustainability and H ealth
have a responsibility to introduce the
concept of precaution to other citizens and
to develop techniques for its inclusion in
research and practice. T his inclusion
promotes change and supports other
principles of sustainability and health. T he
precautionary principle can inform every
environmental health practitioners. It sits
well with the familiar strategies of
environmental management and health
promotion - acting before the damage is
Systems thinking
Implementing the precautionary principle
often means tackling problems one at a
time, but addressing problems in isolation or
on a situation - response basis has its
limitations. For example, potential hazards
such as those associated with the handling
and application of pesticides in agriculture
are frequently addressed individually by
separate government agencies. T here is a
strong argument for a broader approach.
Intersectoral collaboration that includes the
environment, agricultural and health sectors
for example, would work together to
promote ecological integrity, sustainable
agriculture and health. Implementing the
precautionary principle in this context may
mean thinking outside the traditional
T he world is a complex system, which
contains complex subsystems. Change in
one system will affect changes in another.
Decisions made in one will affect decisions
in another. “General systems theory
provides a unifying framework where
explanatory and analytical tools will help
toward good decisions” (Wheeler & Perraca
Bijur 2000, p. 114) . Incorporating the
principles of systems thinking into the
decision making practice for sustainability
involves elements of acquired knowledge,
action and experience, and review and
reflection as a pathway towards learning and
managing the complexities of the system as
a whole. In short, a system is much more
than the sum of its parts. T his notion is
fundamental to our recognising that every
system is characterised by the intimate
connections between these different parts,
their interactions with one another and the
interactions between the system as a whole
and its surrounding physical, social and
economic environments. As systemic
thinkers we therefore have little interest in
“snapshots” of each component part. We
seek instead further to develop our
understanding of the interrelatedness of the
world in which we live in order to enable us
to solve complex problems.
In order to counter our human potential
to destroy civilisation and wreak havoc on
our less powerful partners on the planet, we
need to broaden our perspective and
carefully consider the human-planetary
system and the inter-relationship between
the subsystems. Linking systems thinking to
decision making means to link knowledge
and action in a learning cycle that takes
account of dynamic change and which
builds on its own learning.
Linking t he Precaut ionary Principle
and Syst ems Thinking
T he ecological, or new public health view of
health as “the pattern that connects”
(Kickbusch 1989), is a current example of
systems thinking, and one that is core to
acting on the precautionary principle.
Kickbusch ( 1989, p. 50) described the
systemic nature of contemporary public
health in terms of:
• disease patterns that are linked to
social inequities and ways of life in
industrialised societies;
• health problems that are social and
environmental rather than medical
in nature; and
• health problems and environmental
disruptions that tend to be
cumulative, long term, chronic and
not amenable to curative and
treatment measures.
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Glenda Verrinder, Rosemary N icholson and Ron Pickett
T he National Public Health Partnership’s
Planning Framework for Public Health
Partnership (NPHP 2000) is based on just
such an approach. T he framework is
designed to ensure the continued
effectiveness of public health practice, in
the context of complexity and change,
through a process of ongoing review and
redefinition. T he framework is modelled on
a combination of systems thinking,
integrated action and the development of a
common intersectoral and trans-disciplinary
M ultiple perspectives
T he importance of social justice in
promoting health is well established. T he
importance of social justice in planning for
ecologically sustainable environments is still
emerging. T here are a number of value
positions arising from the relationship
between the ecological and the social justice
perspectives. As professionals working for
sustainability and health we need to be
aware of these value positions in that they
will influence action. Ife (2002) provides a
succinct discussion on perspectives of
ecological and social justice and the
relationship between the two. Ife advocates
an integration of these two principles in
order to bring about a sustainable society. He
stresses that the ecological perspective does
not, of itself, imply social justice principles.
A major focus for environmental health
practitioners working for social justice is to
challenge structural disadvantage. Without
social justice principles an ecological
perspective may reinforce structural
disadvantage. On the other hand, Ife argues
that, because of the conventional economic
prescription for many social problems
brought about through economic growth, a
social justice perspective is inadequate
without an accompanying ecological
practitioners working for sustainability may
need to challenge both the feasibility and
desirability of continued growth. T he more
contemporary approach
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principles of governance for sustainability
and health recognises that better health is
not an automatic outcome of economic
growth (WHO 1997) and that there is a
need to apply equal and simultaneous
attention to improvement across all
environmental, social and economic sectors.
T he United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP 1996) reported that
although many countries in the developing
world were experiencing economic growth,
for many of these countries the inequity in
the distribution of the wealth has resulted in
little impact on poverty alleviation. T his
example highlights the importance of the
principle of equitable distribution in
planning and governance for sustainability
and health. Growth is seen as contributing
to the current ecological crisis. Population
growth and economic growth that does not
account for natural resources and the
carrying capacity of the natural systems are
sustainability and health principles.
Cleveland et al. ( 2001) contrast the
conventional, or “neoclassical” westernstyle economics with a more enlightened
“ecological” economics, an approach that
embraces the interdependence of materials,
energy and living organisms. Whereas
conventional environmental and resource
economics are predicated on sustained
economic growth based on the principles of
compensation and substitution, the
ecological paradigm emphasises the
inherent difficulties of substituting for loss
of, for example, biodiversity, or of
compensating future generations for today’s
causes of environmental degradation.
challenge the underlying cause of our
current environmental and social problems,
the dominant economic belief in the virtues
of material progress and society’s
corresponding failure to acknowledge the
finite limits of our natural resources. Unlike
the neoclassical variety, environmental
economics values equity over efficiency and,
Acting for Sustainability and H ealth
as such, focuses on biophysical measures of
human use of natural resources. Further, it
recognises explicitly the inherent value of
traditional, indigenous and local knowledge.
Professional praxis
All professionals come with a set of personal
values which influences how they work. In
order to incorporate the principles of
ecological sustainability and health into our
practice, we must first examine our own
value positions arising from these
perspectives. For practitioners, examining
our values comes through the process of
critical reflection. T he Marxist tradition
uses the word “praxis” as a way of describing
a cycle of doing, learning and critically
reflecting. T hrough this process we achieve
a deeper understanding from which we can
inform practice and build theory. T his in
turn creates further understanding of
practice, society, and social change, and of
our own personal values. Ife (2002, p. 229)
refers to Marx to show how: “it is through
trying to change society that we come to
understand it”.
To gain further insight into the multiple
perspectives influencing action towards
sustainability and health, environmental
health practitioners need to consider:
• the relationship between personal,
community, and global visions for a
sustainable future;
• the co-operative international,
national and local efforts being
made to solve global issues, and
examples of successful strategies for
achieving a more sustainable future;
• the implications of the political,
changes that are needed to assure a
more sustainable future;
• the impacts of current government
policies on environmental health
• the processes of planning, policymaking and action for sustainability
by governments, businesses, nongovernments organisations, and the
public, as reflected in an integrated
decision making framework, such as
the D4P4 protocol presented by
Grootjans et al. (2002).
Agent s for Change
Despite numerous attempts to reshape
action for sustainability, evidence of action
to halt human-induced environmental harm
and so human health, is relatively scarce.
Environmental health practitioners need to
work with communities (however defined)
to build capacity to optimise the health of
that community. Challenging the norms
when needed, embracing innovation and
becoming change facilitators form part of
that role (Brown et al. 2001; enHealth
Council 1999; Nicholson 2001). In the
words of AtKisson (1999, p. 182): “Change
agents are people who actively and
effectively promote new ideas”. In working
towards ecological sustainability and health
we need to increase our collective capacity
to bring about structural change and to
overcome societal and institutional barriers
to change.
Structural change
Progress towards acting for sustainability has
been slow. T his has been attributed to
fundamental flaws in human nature:
selfishness, greed, intolerance, complacency
and ignorance (Burrows, Mayne & Newbury
1991). T here may be structural causes such
as the dominance of the global economy by
high-income countries and ineffective or
inadequate governance and governing
systems ( Rapport 2001) . Other causes
include: sustenance needs, little connection
to the land, ignorance, resistance to change
and low critical mass (Costanza & Jorgensen
2002, p. 207). Traditional education styles
tend to reinforce the current inequitable and
unsustainable worldview. Our education
system serves to emphasise the separation of
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Glenda Verrinder, Rosemary N icholson and Ron Pickett
compartmentalised learning and individual
Structural change requires that we act
both individually and collectively. We know
that the concept of empowerment is
particularly important in order for
individuals to act positively for their health.
To feel empowered is to feel in control of
one’s life and participating in decision
making about the things that affect us is
critical to this state. To act collectively,
there must be “networks between people
that lead to cooperation and beneficial
outcomes”. Trust is therefore seen as central
(Baum 2002, p. 343), and “social capital” is
a prerequisite that facilitates change within
the community. Barriers at the community
level can be assessed with these prerequisites
in mind.
In order to identify where problems are
occurring, who is affected, and what factors
are contributing to them we can use models
( Predisposing,
Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation) from
the field of health promotion for a situation
analysis before we act. T his provides us with
a causal pathway of factors that contribute
to a particular problem. Understanding this
helps us to plan for and to take action in a
comprehensive, systemic, way. T here are
three levels in the causal pathway: risk
markers, risk factors and contributing
factors. T he contributing factors can be
divided into predisposing, enabling and
reinforcing factors (Green & Kreuter 1999).
If, for example, our problem is that the
total burden of humans and their activities is
overpowering the earth and its lifesupporting capacity, risk markers signal
where the problem is occurring and to
whom, or to what environmental system.
T he risk markers identify the existence and
at times quantify the extent of the risk but
do not necessarily contribute to it. Risk
factors account for why and how the
problem is occurring. So, a risk factor
prevailing within a commercial, community
or governance sector might be that we are
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too anthropocentric to adopt an ecocentric,
or environmental perspective. For example,
acknowledging the impact of land
salinisation that is now a major
environmental and social problem for
Australia. T he third category is the
contributing risk factors. T hese are the
things that contribute to our blinkered
anthropocentrism. Predisposing factors can
include such things as our lack of
knowledge about the extent of salinisation
in Australia and the impact that this is
having on local communities or a belief that
an easy solution can be developed by
humans before it is too late. Enabling
factors might be that we lack the resources
locally to address the problem of
salinisation. T he re-enforcement might be
the dominance of economic rationalism and
our social admiration for conspicuous
consumption, and therefore we maximise
available land for agriculture in order to
turn more profits regardless of the
salinisation risk.
T he key message throughout this paper is
that environmental health practitioners
need, first and foremost, to be innovators
and change agents. We need to develop our
understanding both of how change occurs
and of the nature of resistance to change.
T he diffusion of innovation theory provides
us with an analytical tool for diagnosing a
population with whom we may be working.
It enables practitioners to ensure that
planned activities are well informed by the
ways in which new ideas are taken up (or
not), that is, how change takes place in a
community. Diffusion is defined as “the
process by which an innovation is
communicated through certain channels
over time among members of a social
system”. An innovation is defined as “an
idea, practice or object perceived as new by
an individual” (Rogers 1995, pp. 10-11).
Diffusion of innovation occurs within a
population group initially as clarity to a few,
followed by a gradual uptake by the
remainder of the group. Five general factors
that influence the speed and success with
Acting for Sustainability and H ealth
which new ideas are taken up have been
identified. T he factors are the characteristics
of the adopters, the rate of adoption, the
nature of the social system, the
characteristics of the innovation and the
characteristics of the change agents (Rogers
1995). Alan AtKisson has used the theory
extensively and devotes a chapter to it in
Believing Cassandra: An Optimists Look at a
Pessimists World (1999). T here are nine
classifications of adopters,
Innovators, Change Agents, Transformers,
Mainstreamers, Laggards, Reactionaries,
Curmudgeons, Iconoclasts and Spiritual
Recluses (AtKisson 1999). T he innovators
are the progenitor of new ideas. T hey may
be considered “fringe” or eccentric or
unpredictable by the rest of the community
and so may not be trusted. T he change
agents are the “ideas brokers” for the
innovator. T he transformers or early
adopters in the mainstream are open to new
ideas and want to promote change. T he
mainstreamers can be persuaded that the
innovation is a good idea and will change
when they see the majority changing. T he
unwilling laggards, who constitute about the
same number as the mainstreamers, are the
sceptics who need to be convinced of the
benefits before they adopt the change. T he
reactionaries have a vested interest in
keeping things as they are. T he iconoclasts
highlight problems but do not generate
ideas, and are often the silent partners of the
innovator. T he spiritual recluses might
proffer the philosophical underpinning and
influence the atmosphere for change. T he
curmudgeons, however, see change efforts as
useless. AtKisson (1999) suggests that we
each play all of those roles in different
In theory, the success or otherwise of
innovation depends on how it is seen by the
various groups, or stakeholders, within the
affected population, on whether the
innovation is seen as compatible with the
established culture, for example, or the
perceived relative advantage of the
innovation to them. T he simplicity and
flexibility of a particular innovation
together with its reversibility and the
perceived risk of the adoption will impact on
the extent to which it is taken up by the
community. Finally, the observability of the
results will influence whether or not others
take up the change (Rogers 1995). T hese are
some of the essential issues we need to
consider in working with communities as
agents for change. T he important thing for
the environmental health practitioner is to
develop a clear understanding of community
and what is likely to influence its response
before planning for action and also while the
action is underway.
Practitioner roles in change
In “walking the talk” there are a number of
roles that practitioners, whether employed
at the international, national, state or local
level, might take on in working towards
change for sustainability and health. T he
role of practitioners who work within
ecological and social justice perspectives
will be necessarily broad. It might include
everything from decision making, planning
and the use of appropriate technologies to
consciousness raising, social animation,
advocating, teaching and researching.
Practitioners might need to develop new
skills in areas such as communication,
negotiation and conflict management.
Ife (2002, pp. 226-8) provides a critique of
the “cookbook approach” to working in
communities. We commend this critique to
environmental health practitioners working
in any setting. T he cookbook approach
suggests the process of working in a
community is well ordered and linear. T he
reality, as is well known to all
environmental health practitioners who
have ever worked at the community level, is
very different. To some extent each
approach needs to be different. T he culture,
resource availability, and the reason for the
community’s very existence need to be
considered. Communities change over time.
No two communities are the same, no two
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settings are the same, and of course no two
practitioners are the same. We all bring to
our work our own accumulated lived and
professional experiences and our own
personal values and worldviews. At the same
time we have to learn to work within the
context of the values and worldviews of
others, and to respect and draw on their
knowledge and experience in order to
strengthen our collaborative action towards
ecological sustainability for health.
T he practitioners of environmental health
are recognised by enHealth ( 1999) as
representing a multidisciplinary group of
professionals. T he individual environmental
health practitioner or professional groups
within environmental health practice
cannot afford to work in isolation from other
professions, from the different government
agencies, or indeed from the communities
whose health and wellbeing is at stake. In
working towards sustainability we must work
collaboratively with other stakeholders.
T his means opening up channels of
communication. It means breaking down
traditional professional and cultural barriers
to communication and collaboration. But
most important it means respecting and
valuing the different knowledge constructs
that together provide a holistic and systemic
view of an increasingly complex array of new
and emerging 21st century issues of public
health and ecological sustainability. T he
task is also to increase awareness that the
total burden of humans and their activities is
overpowering the earth and its lifesupporting capacity and thus has an
immediate and long-term impact on the
health of humans.
Globally we have some major tasks ahead
of us if we are to control population size,
develop a new economic paradigm, reduce
consumption, lessen the economic gap
between rich and poor, develop sustainable
agricultural practices, control pollution,
apply new technology for renewable energy
resources and conserve natural resources.
We cannot hope to achieve any of these
goals without changing the way we currently
live, and practice our professions.
T his leaves every environmental health
practitioner in the role of change agent,
wherever and in whatever role they may be
working. T he strategies presented here are
but a few of those available once that role is
adopted. Change needs to occur at every
level from the international to the local.
T he Australian Charter of Environmental
Health Rights and Responsibilities calls
upon all of us to contribute to that change as
representatives of government, business and
industry or as community members. T he
National Environmental Health Strategy
emphasises the need to develop a new
environmental health practice based on the
principles of the new public health and
ecological sustainability (enHealth Council
1999). We may feel overpowered by the
enormity of the problems that face us. We
may feel there is little we can do, but as
environmental health practitioners we have
a responsibility to develop a key role in
influencing change. As Paul Kelly (1992)
reminds us, “from little things big things
grow” (Kelly & Carmody 1992).
Thanks to Dr Adrian Verrinder and Professor Valerie Brown for their helpful comments.
Sustainability and Health Project: Advancing the Adoption of the Principles of Sustainable
Development into Public Health Teaching and Research Programs is a PHERP Innovations
Project. The Project Management Team members are Emeritus Professor Valerie A. Brown,
University of Western Sydney and Australian National University; Dr John Grootjans, Griffith
University; Associate Professor Jan Ritchie, University of New South Wales; Dr Mardie
Townsend, Deakin University and Ms Glenda Verrinder, La Trobe University, Bendigo.
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Acting for Sustainability and H ealth
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United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 1996, Human Development Report 1996, Oxford
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E nviro nme nta l H e a lth
Vo l . 3
No. 3 2003
Glenda Verrinder, Rosemary N icholson and Ron Pickett
Wheeler, K.A. & Perraca Bijur, A. 2000, Education for a Sustainable Future: A Paradigm of Hope for the
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Correspondence to:
Glenda Verrinder
Department of Public Health
La Trobe University, Bendigo
PO Box 199
Bendigo, Victoria, 3550
New food safety regulations being developed for the seafood industry by Food Standards
Australia New Zealand will help to maintain Australia‚s reputation as a producer of highquality, safe seafood.
Food-borne illnesses are generally on the rise around the world. T he revised seafood
safety laws, designed to address critical points in the production and processing of the food,
will provide consumers with added measures of safety against these illnesses.
FSANZ‚s General Manager Food Safety, Greg Roche, said a new national seafood standard
would draw on the best of existing State by State approaches and industry initiatives aimed
at producing national uniformity for the sector.
"We are working with the seafood industry and the jurisdictions to design regulations
which will achieve our safety goals while not imposing an undue compliance burden on
the industry" Mr Roche said.
"T he new seafood standard will be based on international risk management principles
which will enable Australia to provide levels of seafood safety equal to the best in the
"T he standard will be mandatory in all states and territories and will apply to the
harvesting, processing, handling and storage of seafood, including aquaculture production.
It will also apply to imported seafood."
Mr Roche said FSANZ had established a Standards Development Committee to assist it
in its work, with representatives >from consumer groups, peak seafood industry
associations and from Commonwealth and state agencies that have an interest in the new
He believed that the involvement of industry and the jurisdictions in the planning stages
of the seafood standard would result in a smooth transition to the new standard, which is
likely to pass into law in mid-2004 and become effective a year later.
"T he next milestone in the process will be the release of a Draft Assessment in December,
including a draft standard, and a second opportunity for interested parties to comment on
the proposed regulations." Mr Roche said.
"T he new national seafood standard will be an important step in enhancing Australia‚s
growing reputation as a source of seafood that is safe and healthy."
Media cont act : Arrangement s for int er viewing Mr Roche can be made t hrough
Dr Michael Dack on 02 6271 2239 or 0401 144 440 (mob).
E nviro nme nta l H e a lth
Vo l . 3
No. 3 2003