Reasoning about the Security Configuration
of SAN Switch Fabrics
William M. Fitzgerald
Simon N. Foley
Dept. of Computer Science
University College Cork
Cork, Ireland
Dept. of Computer Science
University College Cork
Cork, Ireland
Abstract—Management of a switch fabric security configuration, a core component of Storage Area Networks, is complex and
error prone. As a consequence, misconfiguration of and/or a poor
understanding of a switch fabric may unnecessarily expose an
enterprise to known threats. A formal model of a switch security
configuration is presented. This model is reasoned over to help
manage complex switch fabric security configurations.
An integral part of a Storage Area Network (SAN) is its
switch fabric. Intuitively, a SAN switch provides interconnections between SAN client nodes (initiators) and storage array
nodes (targets), primarily to exchange SCSI traffic [1].
A significant challenge in providing security for a SAN is
attaining a degree of confidence that the security configuration
of its switches adequately addresses the (security) threats. A
misconfiguration may result in unapproved access, the denial
of approved access or inadequate mitigation of threats to SAN
nodes. In practice, switch security configuration is more complex than simply providing firewall-like access-control rules.
Rather, switch security configuration must be considered in the
context of other security services required by the switch fabric,
thereby increasing the likelihood of misconfiguration. For example, when generating access-control rules for the enterpriselevel SAN security requirement: “permit switch fabric interaction with trusted remote authentication servers”, a security
configuration is not just defined in terms of a set of packetfilter access-control rules. The security configuration of the
switch fabric must also consider a set of authentication accesscontrol rules that specify, at an application-level, the trusted
remote authentication servers, and, furthermore, whether the
authentication access-control rules defined (perhaps on a single
switch source) are to be distributed across the entire switch
fabric (another set of application-level access-control rules).
This paper considers the problem of reasoning about and
managing complex security configurations of SAN switches.
A formal model for switch security configuration is developed
using Description Logic [2]. This approach builds on previous
research [3]–[5] that demonstrated the effectiveness of using
Description Logic to model and reason about firewall rules.
While there are extensive research results on query [3],
[6], [7] and structural [3], [8], [9] analysis of firewall rules,
the authors are unaware of research published on the similar
analysis of SAN switch rules. Switch security configuration
is typically a more complex proposition than conventional
firewalls and the paper describes how such reasoning can be
done in the proposed model of switch security. For example,
a query such as: “has read-only access to a particular disk
on a specific target storage array within a given zone defined
in the context of a particular VSAN been granted to trusted
initiator client nodes?” may be formalized within the model.
Structural analysis is also considered to detect access-control
rule conflicts.
The contribution of this paper is a formal model for switch
security configuration with which to perform query and structural analysis. In addition, structural analysis definitions that
define inter-shadowing and inter-spurious conflicts between
firewall-based and zone-based switch security configurations
are presented.
The paper is organised as follows. Section II provides an
overview of the switch fabric security configuration challenges. An overview of Description Logic and Semantic Web
Rule Language is presented in Section III. Section IV presents
a Description Logic based model for SAN switch security
configuration. Additional structural analysis definitions are
defined in Section V. Section VI provides some examples that
demonstrate analysis of switch fabric security configurations.
This section provides examples of security configuration
challenges that need to be considered with respect to configuring access-control rules for switch management and for
traffic routed through the switch.
A. Switch Management
Configuring switch management access controls is not simply about opening the relevant management service ports such
as SSH or remote authentication service ports for example
RADIUS. One needs to consider whether management access to the switch is permitted for out-of-band management
(over an Ethernet interface) or in-band management (where
TCP/IP traffic is tunnelled over a Fibre Channel interface).
One may also wish to permit certain SAN initiators (for
example, IP address white-list) and deny others. It may also
be considered prudent to define a set of access-control rules
that explicitly state what privileges a SAN administrator is
authorised for, once authenticated to a switch. For example,
SAN administrators are typically authorised for root privileges
while SAN network operators are not. Similarly, are Authentication, Authorisation & Accounting (AAA) services performed
locally on each switch within the SAN fabric or centrally
through a remote AAA server farm typically hosted on a
separate LAN. If performed remotely, are the access-control
rules correctly providing intended secure SAN-to-LAN AAA
communication? One has also to consider reflecting locally
on each switch, a comparable set of AAA access-control rules
defined on remote AAA servers as a precautionary redundancy
countermeasure should remote AAA communication fail.
B. Traffic Management
With respect to traffic routed through the switch between
initiator clients and target storage arrays, it is not simply about
making for example the iSCSI TCP port 3260 accessible for
all traffic. Furthermore, iSCSI traffic for example does not
necessarily have to communicate on the IANA [10] recommended port of 3260. It may also be a security requirement to
deny certain SAN initiators (for example, IP address or World
Wide Name black-list) access to all storage arrays, only accept
iSCSI traffic from some initiators and require other initiators to
use iSCSI over IPSec. One may also need to consider accesscontrol rules that restrict certain initiators access to a specific
disk or set of disks within a storage array and so forth.
C. Structural Misconfiguration Management
While the SAN access-control rules on an individual basis
may be compliant with the enterprise-level security requirements, the structural relationships between the access-control
rules themselves may introduce a scenario such that the overall configuration is inconsistent. For example, firewall-based
access-control rules in a switch configuration are tested in the
sequence in which they appear in the configuration. That is,
once a packet has been successfully matched against an accesscontrol rule, no further rule tests are carried out for that packet.
Thus, an access-control rule placed out of sequence may
unintentionally cause a misconfiguration. Consider two accesscontrol rules, where one permits iSCSI traffic to a storage array
and the other denies access to all network resources, including
the storage array. Depending on the sequence of these two
access-control rules, a misconfiguration may result.
Misconfiguration may also occur between access-control
rules deployed on multiple inter-operating SAN access controls. For example, an upstream switch may be unintentionally
denying intended storage array iSCSI traffic that is correctly
configured on an another downstream switch.
In practice, managing a SAN switch security configuration
that is aligned with the enterprise-level security requirements is
complex and error-prone. Configuration is largely dependent
on the expert-knowledge of the SAN administrator drawing
upon best practice and standards.
Description Logic (DL) is a decidable portion of first-order
logic [2]. DL concepts represent sets of individuals (instances)
and properties (roles) represent binary relations applied to
individuals. For example, the DL assertion:
Server ⊓ ∃≥1 hosts.Service ⊓
∃≥1 isProtectedBy.ProtectionServer
specifies that a storage array hosts one or more services (for
example iSCSI) and is protected by one or more protection
servers (for example firewalls and/or switches).
The Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) complements
DL, providing the ability to infer additional information but
at the expense of decidability. SWRL rules are horn-clause
like rules written in terms of DL concepts, properties and
individuals. A SWRL rule is composed of an antecedent
(body) part and a consequent (head) part, both of which
consist of positive conjunctions of atoms [11]. For example,
the requirement that servers hosting iSCSI based services
protected by protection servers require those protection servers
to open port 3260, is expressed in the following SWRL rule.
StorageArray(?sa) ∧ hosts(?sa,?iSCSI) ∧
hasPort(?iSCSI, 3260) ∧ isProtectedBy(?sa,?ps)
→ hasOpenPort(?ps,3260)
where 3260 is an atom/constant and ?sa, ?iSCSI, ?ps represent unbound variables in the rule.
A formal model for SAN switch security configuration
is developed using DL [2] and the SWRL [11]. Note that
in presenting the model components, for reasons of space,
complete specifications in particular, disjoint axioms, subproperties or closure axioms are omitted. Similarly for reasons
of space, not all switch access controls modelled, for example port-based, iSCSI-based and remote authentication-based
access controls, are presented. However, a relevant portion of
the model is presented that conveys the challenges identified
within this paper. While the model for the SAN switch security
configuration presented in this paper is Cisco centric [12], [13],
much of the model attributes are implementation neutral.
Concept CiscoM DSRule defines the set of Cisco MDS
access-control rules. This concept is further specialised to
more specific sub-concepts, namely concepts ExecRule and
Conf igRule.
ExecRule ⊔ ConfigRule
Concept ExecRule defines a set of execution-mode accesscontrol rules that enable temporary switch configuration modifications, debugging and display of system information. Concept Conf igRule defines a set of configuration-mode accesscontrol rules that enable permanent (across reboots) switch
configuration modifications. These two sub-concepts are in
turn further specialised to form a hierarchy of access-control
rules. A fragment of this hierarchy is illustrated in Figure 1.
The double-headed arrow represents a subsumption relation.
DebugRule ClearRule
Fig. 1.
RoleRule RadiusRule
Fragment of Cisco MDS Rule Hierarchy.
A. TCP/IP-based Access Control List
Traditional TCP/IP based traffic plays an important role
within a SAN fabric. For example, configuration management
of a SAN switch or communication with remote AAA servers
are performed over TCP/IP protocols. Modern SAN switches
have the ability to route TCP/IP traffic over traditional Ethernet
or tunnelled over Fibre Channel interfaces. As a consequence,
the SAN fabric is exposed to traditional TCP/IP based threats.
While upstream network access control mechanisms such as
firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems provide protection
against known TCP/IP based threats, it is considered best
practice to adopt a security in depth approach [14], [15].
Therefore, switch Access Control Lists (ACLs) are used to
make decisions about whether or not to permit a packet.
Consider as a running example switch configuration management where management may be performed using the
Fabric Manager (via SNMP) or the Command Line Interface (via SSH or Telnet). These management services are
accessible by all SAN nodes connected to the switch whether
authorised or not. Therefore, it becomes necessary, in addition
to a management service’s own security controls, to restrict
management access to SAN administrator IP addresses only.
Concept IPAccessListRule represents a set of TCP/IP-based
ACL rules. Each access-control rule takes the form of a series
of filter conditions on packet fields that must be met in order
for that access-control rule to be applicable with a consequent
action for the matching packet. A TCP/IP access-control
rule is composed of one or more (∃ restriction) protocols
(property hasP roto), one or more source and destination IP
addresses (properties hasSrcIP and hasDstIP ), one or more
ports (property hasDstP ort), zero or more (∀ restriction)
connection states (property hasState), zero or more ICMP
Types (property hasICM P T ype) and one action.
ConfigRule ⊓
∃≥1 hasProto.Protocol ⊓
∃≥1 hasSrcIP.IPAddress ⊓
However, the reader is referred to [3] where these concepts
are defined within a model of the TCP/IP stack developed as
part of previous research [4].
Concept Action is an enumerated set of actions (individuals) that can be taken against a matching packet.
{permit, deny, log&deny}
For a TCP/IP-based access-control rule to take effect it
must be first assigned a switch interface and then assigned
a direction (inbound or outbound) in which it is to filter packets [12]. Therefore, each access-control rule has a dependency
(dependsOn property) with exactly two other Cisco MDS
rules, namely those defined by concepts InterfaceRule and
IPAccessGroup respectively.
A hierarchy of TCP/IP-based ACLs are defined to represent
categories of access-control rules that may be implemented
by SAN switches. For example, concept M gmtACL is representative of the TCP/IP-based access-control rules that are
applicable to a switch’s management interface.
The following SAN security requirement stating that “a SAN
administrator host having an IP address of is
permitted inbound SSH access to the SAN switch management
interface (mgmt0) with an IP address of” is
characterised by the following three Cisco MDS rules.
ip access-list mgmt-ACL
permit tcp eq port ssh
interface mgmt 0
ip access-group mgmt-ACL in
Individual mACL, an instance of concept M gmtACL,
represents the ‘ip access-list’ access-control rule including its dependency relationship with access-control rules
‘interface’ and ‘ip access-group’.
hasProto(mACL, tcp) ⊓
hasSrcIP(mACL, ip192.168.1.20) ⊓
hasDstIP(mACL, ip192.168.1.1) ⊓
hasPort(mACL, p22) ⊓
hasAction(mACL, permit) ⊓
dependsOn(mACL, mgnt0) ⊓
dependsOn(mACL, mgnt0Inbound)
∃≥1 hasDstIP.IPAddress ⊓
∃≥1 hasDstPort.Port ⊓
where individuals mgnt0 and mgnt0Inbound are instances
of concepts InterfaceRule and IPAccessGroup respectively.
∀≥0 hasState.State ⊓
∀≥0 hasICMPType.ICMPType ⊓
∃=1 hasAction.Action ⊓
B. Role-based Access Control
∃=2 dependsOn.CiscoMDSRule
For reasons of space, concepts P rotocol, IP Address,
P ort, State and ICM P T ype are not defined in this paper.
The previous section discussed the importance of restricting
access to management services of a switch to SAN administrators only. Adopting the principle of least privilege is
considered best practice. Therefore, one may also want to
restrict the set of privileges in terms of access-control rule
permissions that each SAN administrator is authorised for.
Concept RoleRule represents the set of roles (individuals)
such that each access-control rule is composed of a single
rule order index (property hasOrder), a privilege (property
canExecute) with respect to one of five Cisco MDS rule
categories, a single action (individuals permit or deny)
applicable to that privilege, one or more users that a role is
intended for (property isRoleOf) and zero or more VSANs
for which that role isAppliedT o. Note, VSANs are discussed
in Section IV-C and are analogous to Virtual Local Area
Networks (VLANs).
ConfigRule ⊓
∃=1 hasOrder.Integer ⊓
∃=1 canExecute.(ConfigRule ⊔ ExecRule ⊔
DebugRule ⊔ ShowRule ⊔ ClearRule) ⊓
∃=1 hasAction.Action ⊓
∃≥1 isRoleOf.User ⊓
∀≥0 isAppliedTo.VSANDB
Concept Role is further specialised to provide a hierarchy
of roles. For example, a role for a SAN operator (concept
OpRole) and a SAN administrator (concept AdminRole).
OpRole, AdminRole
Role-based access control is important to minimise unnecessary threats with respect to unauthorised modification of
switch configuration as a consequence of a compromised SAN
administrator account with root privileges or the (un)intended
execution of commands by a SAN administrator not intended
to have such privileges. For example, the following Cisco
MDS access-control rules may be (un)intentionally misused by
user Eve such that user Alice who is logged into the switch
is forcibly logged out or has her password changed, thus a
Denial of Service ensues. As a consequence, it is important to
avoid role-based access control misconfiguration.
clear user Alice
username Alice password y0u’v3B33nH4ck3d
The following SAN security requirement: “User Eve, a restricted SAN administrator, is authorised for Exec accesscontrol rules with the exception of the ‘clear’ access-control
rules” is encoded as the following set of concept AdminRole
hasAction(exec1, permit) ⊓
isRoleOf(exec1, eve)
role name adminrole rule 1 permit exec
role name adminrole rule 2 deny exec feature clear
username eve role adminrole
Note due to page constraints, the username access-control
rule that explicitly assigns user Eve to the administrator role
is not presented. However the inverse property of isRoleOf is
property hasRole that has concept User as its domain and
concept Role as its range.
C. VSAN-based Access Control
A Virtual Storage Area Network (VSAN) is a logical partition of a physical SAN and provides a basis for traffic
isolation between nodes that are physically connected within
the same SAN [12]. VSANs, with advantages of redundancy
and reduced hardware costs aside, play an important part in
provisioning network access control. SAN nodes may only be
a connected to a single VSAN thereby ensuring that traffic
communicated within a VSAN is isolated from traffic in other
VSANs. Note, each VSAN has its own dedicated routing and
configuration management services.
From a security perspective, VSANs within an enterprise
maybe used to define a virtual SAN fabric for each of its
departments. For example, a separate VSAN for the Research,
Sales and Human Resources departments. Consider the following SAN security requirement that states: “Nodes within
each department should have access to data stored on their
respective storage arrays where access to data from other
departments is prohibited” as a running example. Without
defining separate VSANs, all nodes connected to the same
physical SAN fabric have the potential to communicate with
nodes across departments (also noted in Section IV-A). Therefore, a SAN administrator should define relevant VSANs to
ensure proper departmental demarcation.
A VSAN rule (individual) is defined to have a unique
identifier (property hasID), operate over one or more interfaces (property hasIface), have an optional human readable
name (property hasN ame) and a decision whether or not that
VSAN is currently activated (property isActivated).
hasOrder(exec2, 2) ⊓
canExecute(exec2, clear) ⊓
hasAction(exec2, deny) ⊓
isRoleOf(exec2, eve)
ConfigRule ⊓
∀=1 hasName.String ⊓
∃=1 hasID.Integer ⊓
∃≥1 hasIface.Interface ⊓
∃=1 isActivated.Boolean
hasOrder(exec1, 1) ⊓
canExecute(exec1, exec) ⊓
Individuals exec1 and exec2 are representative of the
following low-level Cisco MDS rule-set.
Further explanation of concept Interface is required. A SAN
switch has many kinds of interfaces for example Fibre Channel
interfaces (individuals of concept FCIface) and iSCSI interfaces (individuals of concept ISCSIIface. Such interfaces have
a slot value and an interface value.
FCIface, FVIface,
Interface ⊓
∃≥1 hasSlotValue.Integer ⊓
∃≥1 hasIfaceValue.Integer
Consider the Research department VSAN as a running
example, where the following security requirement states: “External research partner nodes, internal research department
nodes, the shared research storage array and the backup
storage array should be isolated from other SAN traffic by
defining a dedicated Research VSAN”.
The following Cisco MDS rule-set defines a Research
VSAN called ‘rSAN’ with an ID of 2 and operates over switch
interfaces iscsi 1/1, iscsi 2/1, fc 1/3 and fc 1/4
with which to connect external and internal iSCSI initiator
nodes and, research and backup storage array fibre channel
target nodes respectively.
iscsi 1/1
iscsi 2/1
fc 1/3
fc 1/4
These low-level Cisco MDS access-control rules are encoded within the following DL assertions.
hasName(rVSAN, “rSAN”) ⊓
hasID(rVSAN, 2) ⊓
hasIface(rVSAN, iscsi1-1) ⊓
hasIface(rVSAN, iscsi2-1) ⊓
hasIface(rVSAN, fc1-3) ⊓
hasIface(rVSAN, fc1-4) ⊓
Concept ZoneRule represents the set of access-control zone
rules (individuals) that have a name (property hasN ame),
isAssignedT o a VSAN and have one or more hasM ember
relationships with individuals of concept M ember.
⊑ ConfigRule ⊓
∃=1 hasName.String ⊓
∃=1 isAssignedTo.VSANRule ⊓
∃≥1 hasMember.Member
Concept M ember represents individuals (SAN nodes) that
are members of one or more zones along the isMemberOf
property. There are a number of disjunction axioms that define
necessary conditions for concept membership. For example,
an individual that is a member of a particular zone may be
referred to by its pWWN (property hasPWWN). Members
may have zero or more ports. An explanation of property
hasLU N ID will be discussed in Section IV-D2. Note, only
the relevant fragment of this definition is provided due to page
isActivated(rVSAN, true)
where the following holds for individuals iscsi1/1,
iscsi2/1, fc1/3 and fc1/4:
hasSlotValue(iscsi1-1, 1) ⊓
hasIfaceValue(iscsi1-1, 1)
hasSlotValue(iscsi2-1, 2) ⊓
hasIfaceValue(iscsi2-1, 1)
hasSlotValue(fc1-3, 1) ⊓
ConfigRule ⊓
∃≥1 isMemberOf.Zone ⊓
(∃≥1 hasIPAddress.IPAddress ⊔
∃≥1 hasFWWN.FWWN ⊔
(∃≥1 hasPWWN.PWWN ⊓
∀≥0 hasLUNID.String)) ⊓
hasIfaceValue(fc1-3, 3)
hasSlotValue(fc1-4, 1) ⊓
hasIfaceValue(fc1-4, 4)
D. Zone-based Access Control
Zone-based Access Control (or Zoning) provides a basis
for fined-grained demarcation of nodes within a VSAN [12],
[16]. A zone consists of members (initiator and target nodes).
Members of a zone can access each other, while members
across different zones cannot. Zones are defined within a
VSAN. Zone membership is based on either IP addresses
or World-Wide Names (WWNs) of the nodes connected to
a switch fabric [12]. For example, a node may be referred to
by its pWWN, that is, its port World Wide Name (analogous
to a Ethernet MAC address).
Note, while VSANs and Zones provide traffic isolation they
are different to one another. For example, VSANs provide
routing, naming and zone protocols. These protocols are not
available on a per-zone basis [12].
While a VSAN provides a logical demarcation of nodes
it hosts from nodes hosted within other VSANs, it may be
a further security requirement to restrict nodes within the
same VSAN from communicating with each other. Consider
as running example the following SAN security requirement:
“External research partner nodes are permitted access to the
research storage array while internal Research department
nodes are permitted to access both the research and backup
storage arrays”.
The following is an example implementation of the SAN security requirement described above, where individual exZone
and individual inZone are representative of external and
internal zone access-control rules that permit external research
partners (initiators InitA and InitB) access to the research
storage array (target individual resSA), and an internal research department initiator (individual InitC) access to both
the research storage array and the backup storage array (target
individual bakSA).
hasName(exZone, “ExZone”) ⊓
isAssignedTo(exZone, rVSAN) ⊓
hasMember(exZone, initA) ⊓
hasMember(exZone, initB) ⊓
hasMember(exZone, resSA)
hasName(inZone, “InZone”) ⊓
isAssignedTo(inZone, rVSAN) ⊓
hasMember(inZone, initC) ⊓
hasMember(inZone, resSA) ⊓
hasMember(inZone, bakSA)
where the following also holds:
hasPWWN(initA, pwwn00:11:22:ab)
hasPWWN(initB, pwwn00:11:22:cd)
hasPWWN(initC, pwwn11:22:33:cd)
hasFWWN(resSA, fwwn22:33:44:ef)
hasFWWN(bakSA, fwwn33:44:55:gh)
The following is the corresponding Cisco MDS rule-set.
1) Read-Only Zones: Within a SAN, VSAN or zone, initiators by default have read/write access to their permitted target
storage arrays. Switches, for example the Cisco MDS series,
have the ability to restrict read/write access to a storage array
at a switch-level by explicitly defining read-only zones. Note,
while modern storage arrays provide their own access-controls
with respect to read/write access, it is considered best practice
to adopt a security in depth approach [15].
Concept ZoneRule is therefore extended to include details
(isReadOnly property) about read/write access within a zone.
ConfigRule ⊓
∃=1 isReadOnly.Boolean
The SAN security requirement outlined in Section IV-D
may be further refined such that: “External research partner
nodes are permitted read-only access to the research storage
array . . .”. This will require the following Cisco MDS rule in
addition to the previously defined external zone rule-set.
2) Lun-Zoning: A storage array is composed of a number
of disks or LUNs. By default any initiator node within the
same zone as the target storage array has access to all of
its LUNs. LUN-Zoning is an access control mechanism that
restricts access to a storage array on a per-LUN basis [12].
Note, while modern storage arrays provide their own accesscontrols with respect to LUN access (LUN Masking [16]), it
is best practice to consider a security in depth approach [15].
The SAN security requirement outlined in Section IV-D1
may be further refined such that: “External research partner
nodes are permitted read-only access to specific LUNs within
the research storage array . . .”.
Consider the following scenario. External research partners
identified as initA and initB both require read access to
a specific LUN (LUN identifier 0X63) where both partners
collaborate with respect to the data stored on this LUN. However, external research partner initB requires read access
to another LUN (LUN identifier 0X64) such that external
research partner initA has no collaboration. The following
low-level Cisco MDS rules uphold these requirements.
vsan 2 member pwwn 00:11:22:ab lun 0X63
vsan 2 member pwwn 00:11:22:cd lun 0X63
vsan 2 member pwwn 00:11:22:cd lun 0X64
vsan 2 member fwwn 22:33:44:ef
attribute read-only
Individual exZone defined in Section IV-D1 remains the
same. However, the individuals of concept M ember are
encoded with additional knowledge that ensures external initiators initA and initB are permitted read-only access to their
respective LUNs (hasLU N ID property relationship) within
the research storage array (resSA).
. . . ⊓ hasLUNID(initA, 0X63)
. . . ⊓ hasLUNID(initB, 0X63) ⊓
hasLUNID(initB, 0X64)
Structural Analysis examines the relationship that rules have
with one another within a security configuration or across multiple inter-dependent security configurations [3], [8], [9]. This
paper extends the existing work on firewall structural analysis
techniques and considers inter-configuration conflicts that may
occur between a firewall and a zone security configuration.
For ease of exposition, the relevant properties are described
using a basic discrete math notation. These properties have
been implemented in SWRL to perform structural analysis and
an example is provided in Section VI.
zone name ExZone attribute read-only
Individual exZone, representative of the external zone security requirement is updated to include detail that defines the
external zone as read-only. Note ‘. . . ’ refers to the original
individual assertion.
. . . ⊓ isReadOnly(exZone, true)
A. SAN Rule Composition
In the context of inter-configuration conflicts between a
firewall and a zone configuration, a SAN access-control rule
is defined as a tuple.
Rule ≡ Condition × Action
Given r : Rule, rule r is a tuple (r1 ,r2 ) where r1 ∈ Condition
and r2 ∈ Action. For simplicity, and when no ambiguity
arises, r.Condition is a syntactic sugar for r1 and so forth.
Filter Conditions. The set of filter conditions (Condition) that
describes the common filter conditions between firewall and
zone access-control rules is defined as an 2-tuple.
Condition ≡ SrcIP × DstIP
The source and destination IP addresses (SrcIP and DstIP)
are defined as an inclusive interval, where an interval is a
subset of all possible IP addresses for source and destination
IP addresses.
[0, 232 -1]
Given r:Rule, then r.Condition1
SrcIP and
r.Condition2 ∈ DstIP . For simplicity, and when
no ambiguity arises, r.SrcIP is a syntactic sugar for
r.Condition1 and so forth. For example, r.SrcIP is used
to access the attribute value of set SrcIP , instead of
r.Condition1 (or r11 ).
Action. The set of target actions are:
Action ≡ {permit, deny, log&deny}
rzone .Condition ⊂cond sfw .Condition ∧
rzone .Action = permit ∧ sfw .Action = permit)
Note, zone rules are not defined over IP address ranges and
therefore do not cause spurious conflicts with firewall rules.
A. Structural Analysis
Firewall centric structural analysis techniques, for example [3], [8], [9], are also applicable to firewall-based SAN
access-control rules. The following SWRL rule extends these
works and detects inter-shadowing conflicts between firewall
access-control rules (SWRL variable ?fwr) and zone accesscontrol rules (SWRL variable ?zr). Relevant filter conditions
of each firewall access-control rule (lines 2-5) and each zone
access control rule (lines 8-12) are then examined against the
subsumption relation (lines 14-17) defined in Section V-B.
hasSrcIPStart(?fwr,?sIPS)∧hasIPValue(?sIPS,?sIPSV)∧ (2)
B. Subsumption Filter Conditions
The filter conditions of rule s (s.Condition) subsumes
those of rule r (r.Condition), if every filter condition
field of r, for example r.SrcIP , is equal to or is a subset of the corresponding filter condition fields of rule s,
for example s.SrcIP . Consider rules r, s:Rule with identical filter conditions except for their source IP address
ranges; r.SrcIP = {} and s.SrcIP =
{, . . . ,}, then r.Condition is
subsumed by s.Condition if r.SrcIP ⊆ s.SrcIP holds. Formally, given rules r, s : Rule, then r.Condition is subsumed
(⊆cond ) by s.Condition if and only if r.Condition ⊆cond
s.Condition holds across each of the corresponding filter
condition fields.
r.Condition ⊆cond s.Condition
Inter-Spurious Conflict. Given rules rzone , sf w :Rule, rule sf w
is spurious to rule rzone , if the filter conditions of rzone is a
subset of the corresponding filter conditions of rule sf w , where
sf w is allowing more than what rule rzone is intending.
r.SrcIP ⊆ s.SrcIP ∧
r.DstIP ⊆ s.DstIP
hasSrcIPEnd(?fwr,?sIPE)∧hasIPValue(?sIPE,?sIPEV)∧ (3)
hasMember(?zr,?m1) ∧ hasMember(?zr,?m2)∧
C. Inter SAN Rule conflicts
Inter-Shadowed Conflict. Given rules rzone , sf w :Rule, rule
rzone (zone access-control rule) is shadowed by rule sf w
(firewall access-control rule), if the filter conditions of rzone
are a subset of or equal to the corresponding filter conditions
of rule sf w , where sf w is denying what rule rzone is intending
to permit.
→ isInterShadowedBy(?zr,?fwr)
rzone .Condition ⊆cond sfw .Condition ∧
Zone members may also be identified by their WWNs.
Firewall access-control rules do not consider WWN’s. As
a consequence, a relationship (hasWWNIPMapping) between
each zone member’s WWN and its corresponding IP address
must be asserted or inferred (for example using SWRL).
rzone .Action = permit ∧
B. Query Analysis
(sfw .Action = deny ∨ sfw .Action = log&deny)
Query Analysis provides a way to ask hypothetical ‘whatif’ questions of a security configuration [3]. A switch can be
analysed to check whether or not the answers to queries made
of its configuration are consistent with the enterprise-level
Note, zone rules only have an permit action and therefore
do not cause a shadowing conflict with firewall rules.
security requirements. For example the following SQWRL
query asks: “What role or roles are users authorised for?”
User(?user) ∧ RoleRule(?role) ∧ isRoleOf(?role, ?user)
→ sqwrl:select(?user, ?role)
The following SQWRL query asks what initiators (members) have been assigned read-only access to what disks
(identified by LUN ID’s) within a given zone defined in the
context of a particular VSAN?
Member(?mem) ∧ ZoneRule(?zone) ∧ VSANRule(?vsan)∧
hasName(?zone,?zname) ∧ hasName(?vsan,?vname)∧
isReadOnly(?zone, true) ∧ hasLUNID(?mem,?lunid)∧
isAssignedTo(?zone,?vsan) ∧ hasMember(?zone,?mem)
→ sqwrl:select(?mem, ?lunid,?zname,?vname)∧
sqwrl:columnNames(“Initiator”, “Disk”, “Zone”, “VSAN”)
While there is extensive research on synthesis [17], [18],
query [6], [7] and structural [8], [9] analysis, these firewallcentric works do not consider switch security configuration.
This paper builds on previous firewall centric research [3]–[5]
to model and reason about SAN switch security configurations.
This paper considered the problem of reasoning about
and managing complex switch security configurations. A formal model for switch security configuration was presented.
Structural analysis definitions that define inter-shadowing and
inter-spurious conflicts between firewall-based and zone-based
switch security configurations where presented.
Future work will explore additional structural analysis techniques that involve other switch security mechanisms. For
example, role-based access-control rules are order dependent.
Depending on the sequence of these rules, a misconfiguration
may result. An exploration of possible conflicts between individually consistent VSAN configurations due to Inter-VSAN
Routing [12] will be also be investigated.
Future work will adopt the threat-based approach in [4]
to structure knowledge about switch security configurations
in terms of threats with which to construct a catalogue of
best practice countermeasures. One may then, in conjunction
to structural and query analysis described in this paper, automatically generate suitable switch security configurations
(countermeasures) that mitigate known SAN threats.
This threat-based approach will also facilitate the construction of a best practice catalogue of candidate queries.
Thus, providing inexperienced security administrators with
the ability ask expert questions about the effectiveness of
an existing switch security configuration. These candidate
queries could be based on testing for best practice compliance.
For example, to test if a switch security configuration is
SNAI [19] compliant, the security administrator can draw upon
a catalogue of SNAI candidate compliance queries.
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This research has been supported by Science Foundation
Ireland grant 08/SRC/11403.
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