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Competition among cities for residents, tourists, investors and enterprises that create values has been intensifying in the past few years. The success factor encompasses social cohesion of regions, which includes local identity awareness. Winning citizens and integrating them into marketing processes belong to primary tasks, since this has several roles in place marketing. This article attempts to determine factor groups reflecting identification of citizens with their settlements and to define elements determining identification.
The paper discusses the problems referring to place marketing related to the process of territorial identity creation and strengthening. Territorial identity strengthened by the activities carried out within the framework of place marketing constitutes the crucial component of the development process occurring in the contemporary territorial units due to emotional relations of a given community with the place of its existence. The core of the study is focused on the presentation of selected elements constituting place marketing areas which can have a favourable impact on regional identity strengthening. Each of the areas has been supplemented by the list of potential advantages in this particular context. The following factors were listed: brand and image of the place, an effective promotion process, entrepre-neurship enhancement, the organization of events, regional (local) products, Corporate Identity for territorial units, international cooperation, the creativity of self-government authorities or flexible management systems.
The aim of this paper is to determine why and under which condition residents enter into a strong and committed relationship with their place of living. We will present a model which outlines how cities could strengthen the resident-city identification by increasing the perceived place complexity. The model translates the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) approach of the general field of
Shaping a positive image of a particular town/city has become one of the possibilities to achieve the competitive advantage of a place. Strategic management of the place image requires from its managers skilful selection of the key elements of place identity to be utilized in the process of shaping the desired image. The aim of the paper therefore is to analyze the range of perceived distinguishing features of place identity based on Anholt's city brand hexagon classification. It is illustrated by the research conducted on selected towns in Poland among a group of their social and economic leaders. The research method used to prepare the paper was focus group interview. The results presented in the paper indicate that the features mentioned by the respondents represent significant benefits for the residents and most of them cannot be considered unique and strong enough to resist the actions taken by competitive towns. Consequently, in the brand building context, there is a need for creating additional attributes, especially of emotional nature, which would become the base of place brand identity on which links with all towns' stakeholders could be built.
Shaping a positive image of a particular town/city has become one of the possibilities to achieve the competitive advantage of a place. Strategic management of the place image requires from its managers skilful selection of the key elements of place identity to be utilized in the process of shaping the desired image. The aim of the paper therefore is to analyze the range of perceived distinguishing features of place identity based on Anholt's city brand hexagon classification. It is illustrated by the research conducted on selected towns in Poland among a group of their social and economic leaders. The research method used to prepare the paper was focus group interview. The results presented in the paper indicate that the features mentioned by the respondents represent significant benefits for the residents and most of them cannot be considered unique and strong enough to resist the actions taken by competitive towns. Consequently, in the brand building context, there is a need for creating additional attributes, especially of emotional nature, which would become the base of place brand identity on which links with all towns' stakeholders could be built.
Urban marketing is an essential element for the strategies of economic development of cities, in the context of the intensification of competition among urban communities. The creation of identity and the promotion of town image, which are activities of the operative marketing mix, are elements contributing to the creation of a town’s brand and this represents one of the grounds for obtaining the success of the development strategy from the marketing perspective.The management of urban marketing can only hope that the actual image will be created according to the desired and conveyed town identity. The aim of the present work is to evaluate and the present the method employed for the procedures of urban marketing to become efficient instruments of local economic development. The work brings to discussion the success of urban marketing practice which enhances the attractiveness and the value of a town, with a stress on the creation of the identity and the promotion of the image of ur...
Towards Effective Place Brand Management
Culture and tourism have been used extensively in a variety of initiatives that concern urban regeneration, by using particular promotional strategies and tactics in the context of city marketing. The contribution of culture and tourism must be related to the conformance and implementation of urban policy actions, the focus on the satisfaction of the needs and demands of the potential target markets, the enforcement and promotion of the urban cultural identity and image, the contribution of citizens to achieving a better quality of life, and the construction of a city's competitive advantage in order to attract tourists, inhabitants and investors. This paper investigates the cultural and tourist policy dimension in city marketing, using as a study area the Olympic Municipality of Nea Ionia in the Prefecture of Magnesia in Greece. The data are derived from the INTERREG IIIC CultMark (Cultural Heritage, Local Identity and Place Marketing for Sustainable Development) project that was in operation in five European places locations
Marxism in Literary or Art in our 21 St centuries is built around a debate of methodology and application when a critic is requested to evaluate a literary text or genre. Though disparities of thoughts in the point of views of some scholars such as: Georg Lukacs, Karl Korsch, Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser etc. have been involved in scientific debates whether Marxism as a sociological approach finds a better reliable application in literature. Marxism as a political ideology of Karl Marx was not designed for literary study, literature in terms of form, politics, ideology, and consciousness, numbers of research skills are required for a critic in almost literary components. While the question of methodology and application in literary analysis is still unsettled in the areas of literary studies so, it appears very difficult and ambiguous to some literary students and English teachers in our local universities in Bukavu (DRC) when prior involving in literary evaluation. Furthermore,...
Pirate or privateer? In practice, identical, but in terms of legal and social standing, the designations were considered worlds away in the contested waters of the North Atlantic. How did sanctioned privateering transition over time to being considered lawless pirating?
Sinds 2007 voert Bureau Frontlijn in Rotterdam het Programma Praktijkbegeleiding uit. Dit bureau heeft tot taak om nieuwe methoden en aanpakken van stedelijk beleid in Rotterdam te ontwikkelen en, indien werkzaam, over te dragen aan reguliere diensten van het Rotterdams stadsbestuur. In het Programma Praktijkbegeleiding worden zogenoemde achterstandsgezinnen op pragmatische wijze begeleid in de verbetering van hun thuissituatie. Hierbij speelt het wegnemen van risicofactoren in de opvoed-en opgroeisituatie een grote rol. Met behulp van stagiaires worden gezinnen op zes leefvelden terzijde gestaan, te weten: wonen, werk & inkomen, gezondheid & hulpverlening, scholing, sociale participatie en veiligheid. De bedoeling van deze studie is niet alleen om dit Rotterdamse project te evalueren, maar ook om een-in Nederland-nieuwe evaluatiemethode uit te proberen. Het betreft de Theory of Change (ToC) methode, die ontwikkeld is door Carol Weiss (1995). Weiss concludeert dat de ToC een goed instrument kan zijn om meer kennis over effectieve sociale interventies te genereren. ToC biedt een mogelijkheid om niet alleen goede interventies te verrichten, maar (belangrijker) om inzicht te krijgen in hoe, wanneer en waarom effectieve sociale interventies worden uitgevoerd. De ToC methode behelst het in kaart brengen van activiteiten, doelen, middelen, assumpties en indicatoren van een sociaal initiatief en het achterhalen welke effecten men daarmee beoogt te bereiken op de korte, middellange en lange termijn. Daarvoor zijn diverse documenten van Bureau Frontlijn bestudeerd en gesprekken met medewerkers (leiding, werkbegeleiders en stagiaires) gevoerd. Op basis hiervan is een Theory of Change model voor het Programma Praktijkbegeleiding gemaakt. Dit model is vervolgens het uitgangspunt geweest voor het uitvoeren van een effectmeting bij die gezinnen die een half jaar uit begeleiding zijn. Het model en de uitkomsten van deze effectmeting vormden de basis voor verdere verbetering van de handelwijze van Bureau Frontlijn in het sociale domein. De onderwerpen die in de effectmeting naar voren zijn gekomen, waren: • De ervaringen van de moeder en het gezin met het Programma Praktijkbegeleiding; • De situatie in het gezin op de zes leefvelden; • Een evaluatie van de eigen situatie en de nazorgfase. De onderzoekers concluderen dat de meeste acute problemen door het Programma Praktijkbegeleiding na de interventieperiode zijn weggenomen, zoals fysieke problemen met de woning, de administratie op orde, aanvragen schuldsanering,
Interface: a journal for and about social movements , 2021
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Love, Justice, and Autonomy: Philosophical Perspectives, 2021
Enhancing Thermal Comfort in buildings, 2021
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Kultur- und Medientheorie, 2004
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