Istanbul Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg.
38 (2), 97106, 2012
Araştırma Makalesi
J. Fac. Vet. Med. Istanbul Univ.
38 (2), 97106, 2012
Research Article
A Study on Ovine Muscle Development #
Berjan DEMİRTAŞ *, Mukaddes ÖZCAN
'Istanbul University Vocational School, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 34320 Avcılar, İstanbul
Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Physiology, 34320 Avcılar, İstanbul
^Corresponding Author: Berjan DEMİRTAŞ Istanbul University Vocational School, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
34320 Avcılar, İstanbul
Geliş Tarihi / Received: 08.06.2011
The ontogeny of ovine muscle was studied. 23 single fetuses aged between 48 and 125 days of gestation (dg) were
collected from abattoirs. The weight and crownrump length of fetuses were measured and gestational age was
estimated. Semitendinosus muscle (ST) or hind limbs (for smallest fetuses) were dissected and stained for alkalistable
ATPase and slow myosin heavy chain (MHC) antibody and also examined under the electron microscope (EM). Based
on histochemical, immunohistochemical and electron microscopy study, qualitative findings were obtained. The
results suggested that some secondary fibres early express slow MHC. These small, slow expressing secondary fibres
adjacent to the large, slow expressing primary fibres began to occur at 52 dg and these increased in size at around day
69 and then migrated around 87 dg to act as a scaffold for the next generation of secondary (tertiary) fibres. We
conclude that some of the large, central, slow expressing (also less intensely stained with alkaliATPase) fibres at near
term sheep fetus might be secondary fibres.
Key Words: Muscle, sheep, ontogeny, myogenesis
Koyunda kas ontojenisi üzerine çalışıldı. Gebelik yaşları (gy) 48 ile 125 arasında değişen 23 adet tekiz fötus
mezbahadan toplandı. Fötusların ağırlıkları ve başkuyruk mesafeleri ölçülerek gebelik yaşları tahmin edildi.
Semitendinosus kası (ST) veya çok küçük olan fötuslardan tüm arka bacak disekte edilerek alkali adenozin trifosfataz
(ATPaz) ve yavaşmiyozin ağır zincir (MHC) antikoru ile boyandı. Ayrıca, kesitler elektron mikroskopta (EM)
incelendi. Histokimyasal, immunohistokimyasal ve E M çalışmalarına dayanarak kalitatif bulgular elde edildi.
Sonuçlar, bazı sekonder liflerin çok erken dönemde yavaş MHC ekspresyonu yaptıklarını gösterdi. Büyük, yavaş
MHC eksprese eden primer liflerin çevresinde oluşan bu küçük, yavaş MHC ekspresyonu yapan sekonder lifler 52.
günde oluşmaya başlar; yaklaşık 69. günde çapları iyice artar ve yaklaşık 87. günde göç ederek ikinci generasyon
sekonder liflerin (tersiyer) oluşumu için çerçeve görevi görürler. Gelişmiş geç dönem koyun fötusunda görülen büyük,
merkezi ve yavaş MHC eksprese eden (alkali ATPaz ile düşük yoğunlukta da boyanan) liflerin bir kısmının aslında
sekonder lifler olabileceği sonucuna varıldı.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Kas, koyun, ontojeni, miyogenez
This study is a part of PhD thesis of the first author.
Berjan Demirtas, Mukaddes Ozcan
Muscle fibre number is a major determinant
of muscle mass. Muscle fibre hyperplasia
occurs during the fetal period and is completed
by birth in many agricultural animals such as
sheep (Ashmore et al., 1972), cattle (Russell
and Oteruelo, 1981) and pigs (Karunaratne et
al., 2005; Rehfeldt, 2005; Stickland and
Goldspink, 1973).
Muscle fibres form
by fusion of
mononucleated myoblasts into multinucleated
myofibres. In small animals, muscle fibre
generation is biphasic. Thus, prenatally muscle
fibres develop as two distinct populations.
Fibres which form during the initial stages of
myoblast fusion are primary fibres which
provide a structural framework for the
subsequent formation of secondary myofibres
(Novakofski et al., 2004). Secondary myofib
res are created by fusion of two mononucleated
myoblasts in the vicinity of the endplate of
primary myofibres (Wilson et al. 1992).
In large animals, biphasic development of
myogenesis in sheep (Ashmore et al., 1972),
pig (Ashmore et al., 1973, Swatland and
Cassens, 1973) and cattle (Russell and
Oteruelo, 1981) has been observed. Data from
the sheep presented by Maier et al. (1992) and
Wilson et al. (1992) support the idea that there
may be qualitative difference
in the
mechanisms of muscle formation between small
and large animals including sheep having at
least three generations of myotubes.
There are more conflicting ideas between
scientists who examined the early myogenesis
in sheep. Sheep is a precocial mammal and the
prenatal development of muscle tissue in the
lamb is completed by 5 days prior to birth
(Ashmore et al., 1972). Ashmore et al. (1972)
examined the prenatal development of muscle
fibres histochemically, using ATPase alkali
staining in the fetal lamb from 50145 days of
gestation. They observed biphasic develop¬
ment of muscle fibres and suggested that all
fibres destined to be primary fibres were
formed during the initial stages of fusion and
were followed by the development of secondary
fibres. They observed that primary fibres
formed in a short duration relatively to the
secondary fibres and served as a structural
framework around which secondary fibres
developed. At no time after 50 days of gestation
were new primary fibres observed to form,
whereas secondary fibres begin to form around
60 days of gestation at first rapidly then slower
up to 140 days of gestation. Therefore, primary
fibres are large and uniform in their size
whereas secondary generation of myofibres are
not uniform in size having a wide variation in
diameter (Ashmore et al., 1972; Wilson et al.,
Wilson et al. (1992) examined the gene¬
ration of myotubes in fetal tibials cranialis
muscle between 32 and 76 days of gestation.
Using EM they observed that primary myotubes
were first seen on embryonic day 32 (E32) and
reached their maximum number by embryonic
day 38. Secondary fibres began immediately
after completion of primary myotube formation
which is around E38. The majority of
secondary fibres could be recognised by their
smaller size, less rounded profile and
protruding folds into primary motubes.
However, a more difficult problem in
classification arises from immunehistoche
mical observations. In mammalian muscle all
primary fibres express initially slow MHC but
secondary fibres express fast MHC isoforms
(Novakofski et al., 2004; Wigmore and Dung
lison, 1998). Primary myotubes identified in
this manner continued to increase in number at
least 76 days whereas in EM they reached their
maximum number by E38. Thus, there is some
confusion regarding primary fibre formation
E M and immunohistochemical
methods. Whether later formed slow MHC
positive fibres could be identified as primary or
secondary should be made clear. Maier et al.
(1992) examined developing sheep tibialis
cranialis muscle immunohistochemically from
E76 to postnatal day 20 (PN20) and from adult
animals. They observed that large, central,
expressing slow MHC fibres increased in
number between E76 and E100. It was also
observed that peripheral fibres stained
positively with anti slow MHC antibody after
A Study on Ovine Muscle Development
E110 and postnatal periods as a result of
smaller peripheral fibre transformation.
The aim of this study is to highlight some
conflicting ideas on muscle development of
sheep fetus and clarify the relationship between
primary and secondary fibre population with
fibre type profile.
central and slow fibres were also counted. For
all analyses a Kontron image analysis system
(KS300, Zeiss, UK) was used.
A l l procedures were carried out with local
ethics approval of Royal Veterinary College
and in accordance with the regulations of UK
Home Office Animals (Scientific Procedures)
Act, 1986.
Materials and Methods
In this study, 23 single fetuses aged between
48 and 125 dg were collected from abattoirs in
London, UK. The weight and crownrump
length of fetuses were measured and gestational
age was estimated using the illustrated growth
curve given by Evans and Sack (1973). ST or
hind limbs (for smallest fetuses) were collected.
Midbelly slices of ST muscle were rapidly
frozen in liquid nitrogen. Adjacent parts of each
muscle were fixed in Karnovsky fixative (4%
parafolmaldehyde, 5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1
sodium cacodylate buffer; pH 7.4) for further
electron microscopic study. Blocks were rinsed
in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer, post fixed for 1
hour in 1% osmium tetroxide in cacodylate
buffer, dehydrated in increasing concentrations
of ethanol (30100%), rinsed in propylene oxide
and embedded in resin (epoksi resin kit
medium; TAAB). Resinembedded sections
were cut using a microtome (Reichert, UK).
Semithin sections (1.5 um) were stained with
0.1% toluidine blue solutions and then thin
transverse sections (90 nm) were placed on
copper grids and stained with uranyl acetate and
lead citrate. Samples were examined by EM.
10 um frozen sections were cut from the
frozen tissue and stained for alkalistable
ATPase at pH 10.4 (Guth and Samaha, 1970)
and slow MHC antibody. For immunohistoche
mistry, sections were incubated with primary
antislow MHC (NCLMHCs; Novocastra, UK)
antibody in 1% goat serum for 2 hours at room
temperature. The sections were washed in 3
changes of PBS with 0.1% Tween 20. The
secondary antibody (B7264; Sigma) was
applied in PBS for 1 hour at room temperature.
Primary fibre numbers were counted in 60
day old fetus. In this specimen, large, slow
fibres with central vacuoles were counted as
primary. For 125 day old fetus, all the large,
Serial sections were either incubated with
slow MHC antibody or stained for myosin
ATPase (Figure 1). The antibody staining was
consistent with the ATPase staining. Figure 1a
demonstrates alkalistable myosin ATPase
activity. The intensity of myosin ATPase
reaction of primary fibres is significantly lower
than that of secondary fibres at 94 dg. Figure 1b
shows that these primary fibres react strongly
with slowMHC antibody.
The pattern and progression of muscle
development is detailed in a number of figures
(Figures 27) based on histochemical, immune
histochemical and electron microscopy studies.
At embryonic day 48 primary myofibres
already exist in clusters. Primay fibres are large
and there are vacuoles in their center. They
express slow MHC (Figure 2ai and 2aii).
At embryonic day 52 the large primary
myofibres become surrounded by smaller
secondary fibres some of which express slow
MHC (Figure 2bi and 2 bii).
At embryonic 56 secondary myofibres are
closed to the vicinity of primary fibres so as to
form clusters as seen in E M picture (Figure 4).
Small secondary fibres express slow MHC
(Figure 2 cii).
At embryonic day 60 the number of second
dary fibres increases (Figure 2 di). The small
slow expressing secondary fibres can be seen in
Figure 2 dii. They are still small in size. They
are closed to the vicinity of primary fibres to
form clusters as seen in EM picture (Figure 5).
At embryonic day 69 secondary fibres
expressing slow MHC has increased in
diameter (Figure 3eii) and still are around the
primary fibres as seen in EM picture (Figure 6).
Berjan Demirtaş, Mukaddes Özcan
Figure 1. a. ATPase alkali staining in 94 day old sheep
b. Slow MHCantibody staining in the same section (*40 objektive).
Şekil 1. a. 94 günlük koyun fötusunda ATPaz alkali boyama
b. Aynı kesitte yavaş MHCantikor ile boyama (*40 objektif).
At embryonic day 87 the large, expressing
slow MHC secondary myofibres moved out
under the basement membrane and have started
to support smaller secondary fibres (tertiary).
A l l large, slow fibres are separated as seen in
Figure 3 f i i . The new small secondary fibres
(tertiary) probably express only fast MHC. The
increased number of newly formed secondary
fibres (tertiary) makes all myofibres more
closely apposed (Figure 3 fi).
At embryonic day 112 all the myofibres
appear to have formed. The fascicles look more
compact (Figure 3 gi) and all the fibres are
getting to the same size. A l l large, central and
slow MHC fibres look separated from each
other (Figure 3 gii).
At Embryonic 125 the large, central and
slow MHC expressing fibres stain less intensely
with ATPase (Figure 7).
The total number of primary fibres assessed
at 60 dg was 13647 whereas the number of
apparent primaries (large, central, slow) at 125
dg was about 28000.
Based on these figures the qualitative
findings from the ontogeny study are depicted
in Figure 8.
Our ontogeny study showed that primary
fibres which are large, slow and uniform in size
already existed at 48 dg (Figure 2ai, 2aii).
Primary fibres that are large, central, slow
MHC expressing fibres form till the first
trimester of gestation (Ashmore et al., 1972;
Wilson et al., 1992).
Small secondary fibres begin to occur
around 52 dg around the large, slow primary
fibres (Figure 2bi, 2bii). Our ontogeny study
showed that some secondary fibres may express
slow MHC at the onset of their formation
(Figure 2bii). In mammalian muscle all primary
fibres express initially slow MHC and
secondary fibres express fast MHC isoforms
(Cho et al., 1993; Condon et al., 1990; Nova
kofski et al., 2004; Pin and Merrifield, 1993;
Vivarelli et al., 1988; Wigmore and Dunglison,
1998). However, there is some evidence that
secondary fibres can express different MHC
(Pin et al., 2002). Embriyonic myoblasts form
primary fibres all of which are initially slow
and produce only slow fibres (Cho et al., 1993;
Pin and Merrifield, 1993; Vivarelli et al., 1988),
whereas fetal myoblasts form secondary fibres
(Stockdale, 1992).
A Study on Ovine Muscle Development
Figure 2. Semitendinosus muscle from 48 dg, 52 dg, 56 dg, 60 dg fetus
i) toulidine blue staining in resin embedded section (ai, bi, ci: *20 objektive; di: *40 objektive)
ii) slow MHC antibody staining in frozen section (aii, bii, cii, dii: *40 objektive)
dg: days of gestation; F48: from 48 dg fetus; F52: from 52 dg fetus; F56: from 56 dg fetus; F60: from 60 dg fetus.
Şekil 2. Fötusun 48, 52, 56, 60. günlerinde semitendinosus kasından alınan kesitler
i) Rezin blok kesitlerinde toluidinmavisi ile boyama (ai, bi, ci: X20 objektif; di: X40 objektif)
ii) Dondurulmuş kesitlerde yavaş MHC antikor ile boyama (aii, bii, cii, dii: X40 objektif)
dg: gebelik günü; F48: 48 günlük fötus; F52: 52 günlük fötus; F56:56 günlük fötus; F60: 60 günlük fötus.
Furthermore, some authors have shown that
single clones derived from fetal mouse or
human cells can produce a mixture of fast and
slow fibres in culture (Cho et al., 1993; Robson
and Hughes, 1997). In another study it has been
observed that embryonic rat myoblasts form
slow expressing primary fibers whereas fetal
myoblasts form both slow and fast expressing
secondary fibres in culture (Torgan and
Daniels, 2001). Interestingly, Maier et al.
(1992) found that slow expressing large, central
myofibres increased in number till 100 dg. Our
Berjan Demirtaş, Mukaddes Özcan
results are similar to these observations. Since
completion of primary fibre formation and
beginning of secondary fibre formation is
around 60 dg (Ashmore et al., 1972) primary
fibre number was counted at 60 dg and 125 dg.
The total number of primary fibres assessed at
60 days was 13647 whereas the number of
apparent primaries (all the large, central and
slow fibres) at 125 dg was about 28000. Our
qualitative study showed that some small, slow
expressing secondary fibres adjacent to the
large, central, slow expressing primary fibres
began to occur at 52 dg; these increased in size
to around day 69 and then migrated around 87
dg to act as a scaffold for the next generation of
secondary fibres (tertiary) (Figure 8). In sheep
tibialis cranialis muscle there appears to be the
third generation of developing muscle, tertiary
myofibres. A small population of secondary
fibres move away from primaries and then
support the formation of third generation of
myofibres (Maier et al., 1992; Wilson et al.,
1992). Some authors also claim that the pig
may show some tertiary myofibre formation
(Lefaucher et al., 1995).
Figure 3. Semitendinosus muscle from 69 dg, 87 dg, 112 dg fetus
i) toulidine blue staining in resin embedded section (ei, fi, gi: *20 objektive)
ii) slow MHC antibody staining in frozen section (eii: *40; fii, gii, 20 objektive)
dg: days of gestation; F69: from 69 dg fetus; F87: from 87 dg fetus; F112: from 112 dg fetus.
Şekil 3. Fötusun 69, 87, 112. günlerinde semitendinosus kasından alınan kesitler
i) Rezin blok kesitlerinde toluidinmavisi ile boyama (ei, fi, gi: X20 objektif)
ii) Dondurulmuş kesitlerde yavaş MHC antikor ile boyama (eii: X40; fii, gii: X20 objektif)
dg: gebelik günü; F69: 69 günlük fötus; F87: 87 günlük fötus; F112: 112 günlük fötus.
A Study on Ovine Muscle Development
Figure 4. EM section of semitendinosus muscle from 56 dg fetus.
Şekil 4.
EM'de 56 günlük fötal semitendinosus kas kesiti.
Figure 5. EM section of semitendinosus muscle from 60 dg fetus.
Şekil 5.
EM'de 60 günlük fötal semitendinosus kas kesiti.
Berjan Demirtaş, Mukaddes Özcan
Figure 6. EM section of semitendinosus muscle from 69 dg fetus.
Şekil 6.
EM'de 69 günlük fötal semitendinosus kas kesiti.
Figure 7.
ATPase alkali staining of fetal semitendinosus muscle from 125 dg (*20 objektive).
Şekil 7.
125 günlük fötal semitendinosus kasında ATPaz alkali boyama (*20 objektif).
In the highlights of these observations the
large, central and slow myosin expressing cells
at near term (125 dg) originate from both
primaries and secondaries. We cannot
expressing secondary fibers in late gestation
from real primaries by ATPase (Figure 7) or
slow myosin heavy chain antibody staining.
Since some secondaries at this stage look like
primaries (slow, large, central), we called them
as apparent primaries in Figure 8.
We therefore conclude that some of the
large, central, slow MHC expressing fibres at
near term sheep fetus are probably secondary
fibres. Some secondary fibres may express
slow MHC at the onset of their formation.
A Study on Ovine Muscle Development
=Primary fibre
Q £
=Secondary fibre
Sometimes the secondaries forming on the apparent primaries are called tertiary fibres
Figure 8. Process of myogenesis in sheep.
Şekil 8. Koyunda miyogenez tasviri.
=Apparent primary fibre
(from secondary fibre)
Berjan Demirtas, Mukaddes Ozcan
The authors are grateful to VBS
Department, Royal Veterinary College for
providing animals and laboratory equipments
and to Prof. Dr. N.C. Stickland for his support
during the experiments.
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