WebTicket: Account Management Using Printable Tokens
Passwords are the most common authentication scheme for
web services. However, it is difficult for people to memorize random sequences of characters, as suggested by best
practices in computer security. Additionally, passwords, on
their own, do not provide security against phishing. In this
paper, we introduce WebTicket, a low cost, easy-to-use and
reliable web account management system that uses
“tickets”, which are tokens that display a two-dimensional
barcode. Users can log into accounts by presenting the
barcodes to web cameras connected to computers. Through
two user studies consisting of 49 participants in total, we
suggest that WebTicket can provide reliable authentication
and phishing resilience.
Author Keywords
Password, User Authentication, and Usable Security
ACM Classification Keywords
Passwords are the most commonly used form of
authentication for web services today. A fundamental
assumption here is that users can memorize secure
passwords. If users have only a few passwords, it is
possible to memorize them. However, as the number of
passwords increases, users have difficulty in remembering
passwords due to the large number and possible
interference among them [4].
The cost of forgetting passwords is not a trivial matter
either. It has been reported that, for the NYTimes online,
100,000 readers forget their passwords each week.
Furthermore, 15% of new readers were actually old readers
signing up again because of a forgotten password [12]. As
another example, a recent Gartner report investigated the
cost of forgotten passwords at a large beverage company.
This investigation found that 30% of help desk calls were
Submitted to CHI2011
related to passwords, with an average cost of $17.23 USD
per call, resulting in an annual impact of more than
$900,000 USD [10]. A Google search for “forgot my
password” returns 11 million hits, providing further support
that forgetting passwords is a very common problem.
(a) Front
(b) Back
Figure 1 An example of a paper-based WebTicket. On its front
side, it has a two-dimensional barcode that includes a login
script. On its backside, it has a favicon, user-editable text, a
user-chosen border, and instructions. Instructions were added
after the first user study to prevent custom phishing attacks.
People cope with the burden of managing passwords in
many ways, but these coping strategies often lead to new
security risks. For example, to improve memorability of
passwords, users are likely to choose simple, easy-toremember passwords [4,26]. However these simple
passwords are highly vulnerable to dictionary attacks,
where an attacker cracks a password based on a list of
frequently used passwords [15,17]. Analysis of 32 million
passwords exposed in a security breach at RockYou.com
showed that the top 20% most common password could
compromise over 5% of the accounts. [31]
Another strategy is to reuse the same or a slightly modified
password. Gaw and Felten found that undergraduate
students used 3.31 unique passwords for 7.86 accounts on
average [11]. Hayashi et al. also reported that users had
11.4 online account and reused passwords among the
accounts. [33] These findings illustrated that people
commonly reused passwords. Reusing passwords reduces
the number of passwords that users must memorize.
However, if one account using a shared password is
cracked, other accounts are potentially compromised.
In this paper, we introduce WebTicket, a web account
management system that lets users manage their accounts
without having to memorize passwords. Users can print a
ticket (see Figure 1), or store a ticket in their mobile phones
(see Figure 4). WebTicket generates a strong password and
embeds a login script – including a URL of a web site, a
user ID, and the password – in a 2D barcode on a ticket.
Users can show the barcode to a webcam on their
computers to log into an account. The information in the
barcode is encrypted using a key stored in the user's
computer. Therefore, an attacker must have access to both
the user's computer and the ticket to log into an account.
In this way, WebTicket transforms knowledge-based
authentication into token-based authentication at a
relatively low monetary and operational cost. WebTicket
also protects users from phishing, as users do not know
their own passwords. Thus, even if they are led to phishing
web sites, they cannot type their passwords.
We note that WebTicket is not intended to replace all
passwords. WebTicket works well in managing
infrequently used or secure passwords where users are more
likely to forget passwords, while passwords work well for
frequently used accounts where users are less likely to
forget passwords.
In this paper, we present the design and implementation of
both a printed version and a mobile phone version of
WebTicket. We also present the results of two user studies
consisting of 49 participants total, which suggest that
WebTicket can provide easy and reliable user
authentication while also being resilient against phishing.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. First we
position WebTicket within the literature. Second, we
introduce WebTicket's design goals. Third, we describe in
more details how WebTicket works. Fourth, we explain our
user study and its results. Fifth, we discuss alternative
designs and limitations of WebTicket. Finally, we discuss
implications and future work.
We have organized related work into two categories: usable
security and tangible interfaces.
Usable security
User authentication systems depend on three types of
mechanisms: what you know, what you have and what you
are. In the case of what you know, an authentication system
and a user share a secret, e.g., a password, at enrollment.
Then, at authentication, the system authenticates the user by
verifying whether the user knows the secret shared between
the system and the user. In the case of what you have, a
system authenticates a user based on whether the user has a
physical object, such as a credit card, which is given to the
user at enrollment. In the case of what you are, an
authentication system records some aspect of a user's
physiology or behavior at enrollment, then, authenticates
the user based on whether this property matches or not.
Password managers. Much past work has examined how
to reduce memory workload to make account management
for what you know authentication easier. The most
straightforward approach is to develop a system that stores
all user IDs and passwords. All major web browsers support
password managers that can store user IDs and passwords
when users log into their web accounts. Once user IDs and
passwords are stored, the password managers fill them in
when users visit the same web site again. This allows users
to manage their accounts without memorizing passwords.
However, if attackers have access to a user's web browser,
they can access the user's accounts without any
authentication. Similarly, if users’ computers crash, they
will lose access to their accounts. Finally, password
managers neither prevent people from reusing passwords,
nor guarantee that users create strong passwords.
An alternative to custom software for managing passwords
is to simply write down passwords. WebTicket is better
than this existing practice in that it guarantees strong
passwords, tickets are keyed to specific computers only,
and WebTicket helps users avoid phishing attacks.
Master password approach. Some systems try to decrease
the number of passwords that users have to memorize by
generating account specific passwords from master
passwords. PwdHash generates account specific passwords
using limited number of passwords and domain names [25].
PassPet uses one master password and user-chosen site
names to generate passwords [30]. In these schemes, users
must memorize only a limited number of passwords;
however, because the additional information (i.e., domain
names and user-chosen name for web sites) is easy to guess
or obtain, the security of the generated passwords depends
on the user-chosen master passwords. Thus, attackers could
launch online attacks on insecure web sites, which do not
restrict number of trials, to obtain master passwords, then,
compromise secure and important accounts.
Mnemonic passwords. Another approach to reduce
memory workload is to make each password easier to
memorize. Mnemonic passwords are seemingly random
sequence of letters generated from a phrase, typically by
taking the first letter of each word. For instance,
``Ilts@7S!'' can be generated from a phrase “I love to ski at
Seven Springs!” Because users can rely on meaningful
phrases, mnemonic password are easy to memorize for
users and relatively difficult to guess for attackers [29].
However, because users are likely to choose specific
phrases as sources of mnemonic passwords, attackers can
guess mnemonic passwords more easily than random
passwords [17]. Furthermore, even using mnemonic
passwords, users can forget which password is for which
account, due to scaling issues and interference effects.
Graphical passwords. Another solution to making each
password easy to memorize is to use graphical passwords
instead of textual passwords [5,28,13]. Graphical passwords
are based on the observations that people are better at
memorizing (or recognizing) graphics than at memorizing
text [18,24]. However, these graphical password
authentication schemes have challenges in actual
deployment because of uncertainty about their security and
scalability [6,8,9].
Tokens. Other authentication systems depend on what you
have. eToken is a USB device which can be used as a
“physical key” to log into users' accounts [1]. A one-time
password token is a device with an LCD, which shows
numbers based on the current time and a key stored in the
token. To authenticate, users can type the number shown on
the device, with a server-side application checking whether
that number was actually generated by that device. RSA
secureID, a variant of the one-time password token,
depends on both what you have and what you know. In
addition to a number shown on the RSA secureID, users
have to type their personal identification number to be
authenticated [3]. However, there are challenges in scaling
these kinds of approaches across all accounts a person has,
since these tokens require server-side support, and it would
be impractical to carry a custom token for each web site. As
such, these tokens tend to be used only for accounts with
very high security requirements.
WebTicket is designed with to support people in accessing
infrequently used accounts as well as accounts with
stringent password requirements. WebTicket is also
intended to help novice users who are uncomfortable with
computers or have a hard time remembering not only their
passwords, but also what website to go to. In this sense,
WebTicket can be thought of as a tangible web bookmark.
Towards this end, we defined the following design goals.
Be Reliable for Logins. WebTicket should support logging
into accounts reliably even after a long period of inactivity.
Be Easy to Understand. Users often have difficulties in
understanding security systems because of a lack of
awareness and knowledge about computer security [27].
We wanted WebTicket to offer users a simple mental model
of how it works and how to use it, which should help
improve security in practice.
Finally, there are systems that use barcodes for
authentication. Phoolproof Phishing is a mobile phonebased user authentication scheme designed to prevent
phishing attacks, key loggers, and other kinds of malware.
Users select what site to login to on their mobile phone,
which opens the web site on a local computer. The mobile
phone also checks the site’s certificate to verify that the
opened site is the correct site, at which point users can login
normally. While WebTicket does not offer as strong mutual
authentication, it does not require server-side changes, and
also facilitates logins by helping to enter usernames and
passwords. Seeing-Is-Believing is a pairing protocol for cell
phones [20]. The protocol pairs two devices by conveying a
hash value, i.e., a number, using a 2D barcode. In contrast,
in WebTicket, a 2D barcode on a ticket conveys richer
information, such as a URL, a user ID and a password for
user authentication.
Offer Strong Passwords. Users tend to choose easily
guessable passwords or reuse passwords to improve
memorability [4,29]. To maximize the security provided by
passwords, WebTicket should use a randomly generated
strong password for each account.
Tangible Interfaces
Support Incremental Buy-in. Rather than forcing people
to switch completely to a new system, we wanted to lower
the switching costs, letting people use WebTicket for some
accounts but not requiring it for all accounts.
Tangible interfaces are computer systems that let people
manipulate physical objects to interact with computers [14].
In this paper, we used tangible objects, i.e., tickets, to help
users to manage their online accounts.
We also defined the following three design goals to
facilitate adoption of WebTicket.
Be Compatible with Existing Web Sites. Virtually all web
sites today use password-based authentication. We want
WebTicket to be compatible with the majority of web sites
to avoid server side modifications.
Be Easy to Deploy. Some account management systems
entail additional costs, in terms of initial purchase costs,
setup, and maintenance, which can be barriers to
widespread deployment. Hence, we wanted these costs for
WebTicket to be low.
There are many tangible interfaces that make use of paper
(e.g., [19,21]). Palette is a presentation tool that allows
presenters to access digital presentations quickly using
physical cards with unique barcodes printed on them [23].
The Designer's Outpost, which consists of Post-it notes and
a large workspace augmented by a computer, enable users
to design web sites utilizing the advantages of both paper
and electronic media [16]. Collaborage is an augmented
board where users can put paper tags with 2D identification
codes, which connect the paper tags and information on
computer to utilizing both ease of paper usage and richness
of the information [22].
WebTicket is an interactive system consisting of a webbrowser extension, tokens (either printed or on a mobile
device), a webcam, and a computer. When creating an
account using our system, a user can print a paper-based
token (ticket) with a 2D barcode containing a login script.
This login script includes the URL of a web site, a user ID,
and an encrypted password. To log into an account, a user
can show the ticket to a webcam attached to their computer.
WebTicket scans the 2D barcode, opens the website in a
browser, and logs into the account, obviating the need for
users to enter in user names and passwords.
These projects demonstrated that users could manage
complicated information well using tangible objects, e.g.,
paper, with augmentation by computers.
In this section, we provide more detail on installation,
account creation, tickets, and the login process (See Figures
1 to 3), along with our design rationale. Towards the end of
the paper, we discuss alternative approaches.
Installing WebTicket
The backend portion of WebTicket is currently
implemented as a Firefox extension, and is available
through a small icon in the browser. On installation,
WebTicket generates a random number that is used as a key
to encrypt information on tickets paired with that computer.
Users can print a backup of the key as a special kind of
WebTicket if desired, which allows users to copy the key to
other computers.
After generating the key, WebTicket prompts users to
choose a border from a large set of borders, which is printed
on tickets (see the border of the card in Figure 1b) and
displayed on the WebTicket reader dialog (Figure 3). This
border is based on Dynamic Security Skins [7]. Because the
border is a secret shared between a user and the WebTicket
system, an attacker will have a harder time creating a fake
phishing dialog that pretends to be WebTicket. Note that
even if an attacker obtains the data on a ticket using a fake
reader dialog, the attacker cannot access an account without
the encryption key stored in the computer.
Account Creation
When signing up for web services, users create web
accounts and tickets using the WebTicket wizard (Figure
2). The account creation process consists of (1) signing up,
(2) recording, and (3) printing. In the signing up step, a
user is asked to sign up for the web service, e.g.,
amazon.com. WebTicket automatically fills password fields
with a randomly generated strong password consisting of
upper case, lower case, numbers, and at least one symbol.
In the recording step, the wizard asks the user to log into
the web service. When the wizard detects that the user is
typing in their user ID, the wizard fills in the password field
with the password generated in the previous step. Then,
when the user clicks the login button, the wizard records the
login process of the web site, i.e., the URL of the login
form, the user ID, the password, and names of relevant
HTML objects. We currently focus on web sites where
users can log into their account in a single step, e.g., typing
a user ID and a password, and click login button.
Technically, WebTicket could support more complicated
login processes, such as those that have intermediate steps
like showing a picture, as long as the process requires same
input every time, though we do not currently support this.
In the printing step, the user can edit what text appears on
the backside of the ticket, thus personalizing a ticket with a
name or short memo, and then print the ticket.
WebTicket also supports creating tickets for existing
accounts. Here, users create tickets using existing
passwords, or change the passwords to ones which
WebTicket generates.
The Ticket
In WebTicket, users rely on tickets (Figure 1) to log into
their accounts. Its size is 53mm×85mm. Each ticket is
associated with a web account. On the front side of a ticket
is a QR Code that contains a login script. QR Codes are 2D
barcodes standardized by Denso [2]. We choose QR Codes
because they can be easily decoded by a webcam. However,
any barcode that can store enough data can be used.
The password in this script is encrypted using a key stored
on a user's computer, which prevents simple theft or
camera-based attacks. The backside of a ticket has a favicon
of the web site associated with this ticket, user-editable text
(e.g., the user's name), the user-chosen border, and
instructions about the login process. We added these
instructions after the first user study because some
participants had difficulty in finding the WebTicket icon on
the Firefox toolbar. These instructions also include steps to
help avoid WebTicket phishing attacks.
Figure 2 WebTicket wizard. Users can open the wizard from
create ticket tab in WebTicket’s reader dialog (Figure 2), then,
create an account and a ticket using this wizard.
One challenge in generating passwords is that different web
sites have different password policies. We analyzed the 100
most frequently visited web sites listed by Alexa. Of these,
52 web sites had a sign-up mechanism. Ten of these 52 web
sites did not allow free sign up (e.g., Comcast). Of the
remaining 42 sites, 78.6 % of the web sites were compatible
with our password generation algorithm. Other web sites
had password policies not compatible with our algorithm
(e.g., do not allow symbols). In these cases, users can type
letters in password fields to satisfy the policies. WebTicket
then randomizes the order of letters to make the passwords
stronger. In this way, users can handle web sites with
password policies not compatible with WebTicket.
If a ticket is lost, stolen, or damaged, users can revoke a
ticket and print a new ticket. Because a ticket is tied to a
combination of a URL, a user ID and a password, users can
revoke a ticket by changing the old password to a new one
using password reset mechanisms provided by the web site,
typically involving answering a secret question. Users can
then print a new ticket that contains the new password using
a WebTicket wizard designed for existing accounts.
Because tickets are physical objects, we can describe tickets
as being analogous to physical keys. We chose this
description to help users to foster a better mental model of
how they should treat their tickets. Furthermore, because a
ticket is associated with one account, users can manage
them differently. For instance, users can keep tickets for
their bank accounts securely at their home, while carrying
around tickets for e-commerce web sites.
Logging in Using WebTicket
When a user wants to log into her accounts, she has to first
click on the WebTicket icon in Firefox's toolbar to launch
WebTicket's reader dialog (Figure 3).
The border of the dialog is identical to the border the user
selected on installation. The dialog shows a real-time image
captured by the computer’s webcam. After launching the
dialog, the user should check whether the border on the
ticket matches the border on the dialog, to avoid custom
phishing attacks on WebTicket. Since an attacker does not
know which border the user has chosen, the attacker will
have a difficult time guessing which border should be
shown on fake dialogs [7]. If the user sees that the borders
match, then, the user can proceed and scan the QR Code on
her ticket. The WebTicket application then decrypts and
executes the login script to log into the account.
smart phone, which will display a QR code. Because the
paper-based and mobile-phone version of WebTicket use
the same QR code, they can be used simultaneously.
We conducted a user study consisting of two sessions to
compare WebTicket with passwords in terms of their
usability using a within-subject design. In the password
condition, participants created accounts and logged into the
accounts using passwords. In the WebTicket condition, they
did the same using the paper-based version of WebTicket.
At this point, we had not implemented mobile phone-based
WebTicket. We used three mock e-commerce web sites (for
a practice and the two conditions), which were different in
content and color but identical in terms of registration and
login forms. The login form, shown on their home pages,
required participants’ email addresses and passwords to log
into their accounts. We designed these web sites based on
an analysis of 27 existing e-commerce sites.
We recruited 20 participants using an existing university
recruitment site. Their ages ranged from 21 to 57 with a
mean age of 31.9 (σ=11.5). Nine participants were males
and 11 were female. They consisted of 11 university
students, nine university staffs and two domestic residents.
None of the students were computer science majors. We
paid $10 USD for their participation and an additional $3
USD for each successful login in the second session.
Figure 3 WebTicket’s reader dialog. Users scan their tickets
by showing their ticket to a webcam. The user-chosen border
is shown around the dialog. The color of the green part in the
dialog also changes along with the border.
(a) List View
(b) Information
(c) QR Code
Figure 4 Screenshots of smart phone-based WebTicket. All the
tickets in a cell-phone are listed in (a) ListVeiw. When user
chooses one of them, (b) information is displayed. (c) QR code
is displayed when the show barcode button is clicked.
WebTicket on Mobile Phones
In the first user study, some participants expressed concerns
about carrying tickets. We also realized that there were
potential problems with managing large number of tickets.
To address these concerns, we implemented WebTicket for
Android smart phones. Instead of printing tickets, users can
use their mobile phones to scan a QR code shown on a
computer’s display to import the data in printing step. To
log into an account, a user can select an account on their
In the initial session, firstly, we asked participants to create
an account and log into the account using WebTicket as a
practice at our instruction. After that, as the actual study,
we asked participants to create two accounts, one using
WebTicket and one using standard passwords (randomized
in order). In both conditions, they started from a blank page
opened in Firefox, with WebTicket wizard opened in the
WebTicket condition. For the password condition, we asked
them not to use their existing passwords. These were
intended to improve the internal validity of this study.
After creating the accounts, we asked the participants to log
into the accounts starting from a blank page. In the
password condition, the participants opened a web site
associated with their account using a bookmark. Then, the
participant typed their email addresses and passwords in a
login form to log into their accounts. In the WebTicket
condition, the login process involved more steps. We
prepared nine extra tickets for the e-commerce web sites.
Then, a participant’s ticket was shuffled in with the nine
extra tickets to emulate the situation where they managed
10 accounts using WebTicket. In addition, we asked each
participant to put the stack of 10 tickets in a place where
she kept other cards, e.g. a wallet in a bag. We asked
participants to start the login process from this status.
Therefore, a typical login process involved taking out a
wallet from a bag, taking out the stack of tickets from a
wallet, searching a ticket for specified web account from
the stack, launching the WebTicket reader dialog, and
scanning the ticket. In both conditions, we regarded a login
process as successful if participants could log into their
accounts within two minutes. At the end of the initial
session, we asked participants to complete a survey. We
also asked them to keep their tickets for one week and bring
them back to the follow-up session.
One week later, in the follow-up session, we asked the
participants to log into their accounts using passwords and
tickets. We also asked them to complete another suvery.
We conducted this study in an isolated room. An
experimenter sat next to a participant and gave instructions.
The same experimenter supervised all participants. We used
a Macbook Pro laptop (MB766LL/A) with a built-in
camera, and a Canon iP4200 printer. The resolution of the
built-in camera was 640×480. We placed the printer and a
pair of scissors next to the laptop. We videotaped the whole
user study using two camcorders for analysis.
Account Creation
Table 1 shows account creation times and their
breakdowns. In total, creating an account in the WebTicket
condition took 71.1 seconds longer than that of the
password condition. In the WebTicket condition, it took
less time for participants to complete registration than in the
password condition. This was because in the WebTicket
condition, the wizard generated passwords on behalf of the
participants, while they had to come up with passwords by
themselves in the password condition.
Table 1 Breakdowns of the account creation times. Numbers
denote means and numbers in parentheses denote standard
deviations. Asterisks “*” denote that the differences were
statistically significant (p < 0.05 in Mann-Whitney U test).
(1) Go To a registration page
(2) Complete registration
(3) Record login process
(4) Edit text on a backside
(5) Print a ticket
(6) Cut and fold a ticket
20.0 (17.1)
*73.0 (33.8)
*93.0 (45.8)
15.9 (8.9)
*50.0 (18.7)
34.4 (21.3)
4.8 (2.8)
19.7 (0.7)
39.3 (11.2)
*164.1 (38.3)
Login Process
Table 2 shows the overall success rates. On the first day, all
participants succeeded in both conditions. However, one
week after, five participants could not log into their
accounts in the password condition, while all participants
brought back their tickets and logged into their accounts in
the WebTicket condition. Additionally, among those who
succeeded in the password condition, it took an average of
1.93 login attempts before successfully logging in. This
result indicated that participants were likely to forget their
passwords, while they could keep a ticket for one week.
Table 3 shows means and standard deviations of the login
times of participants who successfully logged in. On the
first day, the mean time for the password condition was
shorter than the WebTicket condition (p < 0.05 using
Mann-Whitney U test). However, one week later, the login
time for the password condition increased while that of the
WebTicket condition did not, leading to there being no
statistically significant difference in the mean login times
between the two conditions.
Table 2 Success rates of logins. One week later five
participants could not log into their accounts using passwords.
Asterisk stands for the difference was statistically significant,
p < 0.05 in χ 2 test.
On the first day
100% (20/20)
100% (20/20)
One week later
75%* (15/20)
100%* (20/20)
Table 3 Login time. On the first day login using WebTicket
took longer than that using passwords. However, one week
later, there was no statistically significant difference between
the two conditions. Asterisks stand for the differences were
statistically significant, p < 0.05 in Mann Whitney U test.
On the first day
*24.9 (12.4)
*35.8 (13.2)
One week later
44.6 (30.7)
30.5 (12.2)
In the WebTicket condition, some participants had
difficulty in finding which icon they had to click to launch
WebTicket reader dialog. We also observed that some
participants opened the home pages and typed their email
addresses before launching WebTicket’s reader dialog. This
process was unnecessary because WebTicket automatically
complete the process when QR code was scanned. These
observations indicated that people were not clear about
WebTicket’s login process. Thus, we added the instruction
on the backside of tickets after the first user study to show
the login process clearly (see Figure 1).
Table 4 Participants’ perceptions about account creation
processes and login processes. The numbers denotes means
and the numbers in parentheses denotes standard deviations.
One stands for very difficult or very long, and five stands for
very easy or very short. Asterisks stand for the differences
were statistically significant (p<0.05 in Mann-Whitney U test).
Account Creation
2.1 (0.86)
2.5 (0.94)
3.1 (0.51)
2.9 (0.64)
2.4* (1.1)
2.3* (1.1)
3.1* (0.9)
3.2* (0.7)
At the end of the second session, in a post-survey, we asked
participants’ perceptions of the login process using 5-point
Likert scales. We asked whether the login processes using
passwords and WebTicket were easy or difficult, and short
or long (Table 4). In terms of ease of the login, participants
perceived the login process using passwords rather difficult
(2.4), and perceived one using WebTicket as neither easy
nor difficult (3.1). The difference between the results in the
password condition and the WebTicket condition was
significant (p<0.05 using Mann-Whitney U test). In terms
of length of the process, participants perceived the login
process using passwords long (2.3), and one using
WebTicket neither short nor long (3.2). The difference was
significant (p<0.01 using Mann-Whitney U test). These
results indicated that, although the actual login time using
WebTicket was not shorter than the process using
passwords, participants perceived that WebTicket was
shorter and easier than using passwords.
We conducted the second user study to investigate two
issues. First, we wanted to evaluate WebTicket including
the mobile phone version with higher ecological validity.
Second, we wanted to examine the phishing resilience of
WebTicket. The study had two sessions: an initial session
and a follow-up session one week later. The initial session
was similar to the first study, with an extra condition for
mobile phone WebTicket. However, the second session was
quite different. We asked participants to handle emails,
including a phishing email, asking them to complete some
tasks in a role-playing scenario.
We recruited 35 participants using an existing university
recruitment web site. Twenty-nine participants completed
the study. None of them participated in the first user study.
Their ages ranged from 19 to 57 with a mean age of 30.1
(σ=11.1). Sixteen participants were males and 13 were
female. They consisted of 19 university students, two
university staffs and eight domestic residents. None of the
students were computer science majors. We paid $10 USD
for their participation and also paid additional $2 USD for
each successful login in the follow-up session. In the initial
session, we did not yet tell that they could get the bonus for
successful logins. Thus, the bonus did not affect the
participants’ choice of passwords, while the bonus gave the
participants an incentive to login in the follow-up session.
In the initial session, we explained WebTicket to
participants. Then, we asked the participants to create two
accounts as a warm-up task, using both the paper-based and
mobile phone versions of WebTicket. We then had
participants create three accounts in three different mock ecommerce web sites, using password, paper-based
(randomized order). A change from the first study was that
participants could choose any passwords in the password
condition. Additionally, in the two WebTicket conditions,
WebTicket wizard was not opened initially. Thus, the
participants had to open it by themselves.
The web sites were same in the first user study except that
we added more fields in their registration forms, such as a
credit card number field, to make them fit our phishing
evaluation. We provided a persona of a university staff,
whose identity the participants used to create these
accounts. After creating the accounts, we asked the
participants to log into their accounts one by one. We also
increased the number of dummy tickets to 20 to evaluate
scalability of WebTicket. At the end of the initial session,
we gave participants their tickets and asked them to bring
them back to the follow-up session.
In the follow-up session, we evaluated the phishing
resilience of the three authentication systems following the
procedure used in Egelman et al.’s study [32] as much as
possible. We asked participants to handle five emails from a
professor. Three of them asked to purchase products using
the accounts created in the first session. The other two
emails were distracters. When purchasing products, the
participants received three confirmation emails and one
phishing email. The phishing email was same as one used
in Egelman et al.’s study, although we modified shop
names and URLs to make it fit with our study. The phishing
email said that an order would be delayed and that, unless
the participants clicked a link in the email to approve the
delay, the order would be canceled. When the participants
clicked the link, they went to a simulated phishing web site.
In terms of phishing, we divided participants into five
conditions. Participants in the first condition received a
phishing email against their accounts using a password.
Participants in the next two conditions received a phishing
email against their accounts using paper-based WebTicket.
Participants in the last two conditions received a phishing
email against their accounts using mobile-phone-based
We used two different kinds of phishing attacks on
WebTicket (both paper and mobile phone). The first was a
standard phishing attack that tried to trick people into using
their username and password to log into a fake site. We call
this general phishing. The second kind was a new attack
that specifically targeted WebTicket itself, tricking people
into giving up their QR codes by using a fake dialog
(Figure 5). We define this phishing as WT phishing. In the
current WebTicket design, the QR code by itself does not
allow attackers to access users’ accounts because the
information embedded in QR code is encrypted. However,
we thought that the investigation of WT phishing could
contribute to the evaluation of alternative designs (e.g., not
using encryption).
Figure 5. Fake reader dialog implemented by Flash. Users
must click allow, then, close to enable a web camera. At the
bottom, there was an instruction asking to do so.
In WT phishing, the fake dialog was implemented by Flash;
hence it had to show the Flash privacy setting dialog asking
for access to a web camera. If users choose allow and click
close, the fake dialog worked the same way as in
WebTicket. We decided not to show any border around the
dialog since attackers would not know which border to use,
and since users are not good at noticing that something is
missing [7]. Moreover, we added an instruction asking
users to choose allow and click close to help users to be
phished (Figure 5).
Account Creation and Login
Table 5 shows account creation times and login times. As
described in the previous section, participants had to launch
the WebTicket wizard first in the WebTicket conditions.
Additionally, in the password condition, we allowed
participants to use any passwords, including reusing
existing passwords. Although account creation time
increased as a result of modification of registration forms,
the results were in line with those of the first user study.
In the second session, we asked participants to handle five
emails. Three of the emails asked the participants to log
into their accounts that they created in the first session, and
purchase products. Table 6 shows the success rates of the
logins. Although we allowed participants to choose any
passwords, there were still statistically significant
differences between the success rates of passwords
condition and that of the two WebTicket conditions.
Table 5 Account creation times and login times. The results
complied with the results in the first user study. Differences in
account creation times between the password condition and
the two WebTicket conditions were statistically significant (p <
0.05, using Mann-Whitney U test).
Paper-based WebTicket
Mobile-phone WebTicket
Account Creation
*113.8 (47.1)
*192.3 (61.7)
*165.1 (75.6)
27.0 (14.6)
30.3 (10.8)
32.5 (12.3)
Table 6 Success rates of the logins. Asterisk stands for the
difference was statistically significant, p < 0.05 in χ 2 test.
Paper-based WebTicket
Mobile-phone WebTicket
On the first day
100% (29/29)
100% (29/29)
100% (29/29)
One week later
*90% (26/29)
*100% (29/29)
*100% (29/29)
In the second session, we also investigated phishing
resilience of passwords and WebTicket. We found that
some participants opened the phishing email and close it
right away without reading its content to save their time.
Thus, we analyzed only the participants who actually read
the phishing emails. Moreover, because there was no
statistically significant differences between paper-based
WebTicket and mobile-phone WebTicket, we combined
these two conditions in the following analyses.
All participants who read the phishing emails clicked the
links in the emails. Table 7 shows the number of
participants who typed their email addresses and passwords,
or scanned their tickets in the phishing web site.
Table 7 The ratios of phished participants out of those who
read the phishing emails. The differences between general
phishing against password and other two conditions were
statistically significant (p < 0.05 using χ 2 test).
General Phishing
100%* (6/6)
0%* (0/6)
In the WT phishing, seven participants out of ten did not
scan their tickets. According to our post-survey, five
participants noticed that the fake dialog’s border did not
match with the border on their tickets. Two other
participants did not notice the difference. They simply
clicked close on the privacy setting dialog without reading
anything, and found that the web camera was not working.
Then, they closed the fake dialog and opened the legitimate
reader dialog to scan their tickets to make it work. This
illustrates that dynamic security skins could help our
participants detect the fake dialog.
On the other hand, three participants scanned their tickets
using the fake dialog. Interestingly, one of the three initially
closed the fake dialog and logged into his account using the
legitimate dialog. However, because he was not sure what
to do next to approve the delay, he clicked the link in the
phishing email again, followed the instruction on the fake
dialog carefully, and scanned his ticket using the fake
dialog. He noticed that the fake dialog’s border was
different; however, he did not relate it to a phishing attack.
This finding suggests that it may be better for WebTicket to
detect phishing by comparing the contents of the web page
shown before users launch the WebTicket dialog and that of
the web page specified by a ticket. When WebTicket detects a phishing attack, it can show a warning along with
educational material to educate users about phishing scams.
Phishing Resilience
As shown in Table 7, all the participants who read the
general phishing emails against their accounts in the
password condition were phished. In contrast, using
WebTicket, none of the participants were phished by
general phishing emails. This result is not too surprising,
though, since participants do not know their own passwords
with WebTicket, and so cannot fall for a large class of
phishing attacks.
WT Phishing
30%* (3/10)
Our results indicate that participants were not slower than
passwords when logging in with WebTicket. Participants
also perceived the login process with WebTicket as easier
and shorter than with passwords. These results are very
encouraging considering that the passwords generated by
WebTicket are more secure than user-chosen passwords.
Note that we do not intend to replace all passwords with
WebTicket. Instead, we want users to choose authentication
schemes according to their needs. For frequently used web
sites, standard passwords may make more sense because
these passwords are less likely to be forgotten and fast to
enter in. In contrast, for occasionally used web sites,
WebTicket will make more sense because WebTicket can
provide a reliable way to login. Additionally, because
WebTicket does not require server side modifications, users
who have difficulty in memorizing passwords, such as
memory impaired or novice users, could choose WebTicket
for a site, while others use passwords for the same site.
Our second user study also provided interesting example
about the importance of feedback in phishing prevention.
We observed that one participant went back to the phishing
web site after WebTicket prevented the phishing attack.
Similarly, the two participants who just clicked close button
without noticing the different border did not understand that
there were phishing attacks. This implies that unless a
system provides feedback to users when it prevents
phishing, users could repeat the same thing again. As a
result the users could be phished eventually.
In our study, we investigated one possible point in the
design space. However, there are cases where different
design choices may make more sense.
One major design decision was whether to have one ticket
for each account, or just have one ticket for multiple
accounts. If we had opted for the latter, the passwords
would need to be stored on the computer itself, and the
ticket would simply be the key to access those passwords.
The advantage of this approach is that users do not need to
carry many tickets. The disadvantages are in synchronizing
account information when new accounts are created (if
there are multiple computers), and having a slightly more
complex mental model.
We have also considered a hybrid approach, having one
ticket per important account, and one ticket for all
“unimportant” accounts. In this case, the ticket for
unimportant accounts might use something like PwdHash
[25]. In this design, synchronization does not matter
because passwords are generated dynamically. However,
this design has challenges dealing with site-specific
requirements about passwords without a big database of
site-specific password requirements. For instance, some
web sites only allow alphabetic and numeric characters for
passwords, while others require at least one special
Another important design choice is whether we should
encrypt the information embedded on a ticket. Without
encryption, users can log into their accounts from any
computer including foreign computers as long as
WebTicket is installed. However, past work has found that
users mostly access their accounts from their own
computers at work or home [33]. As such, we felt that
allowing access on foreign computers was a corner case,
and allowing it would expose users to a large number of
vulnerabilities, including theft of tickets as well as cameras
taking pictures of the QR codes.
In this section, we discuss some limitations of WebTicket
and our studies. One constraint is that WebTicket requires
webcams, and either printers (for the paper-based version)
or smart phones (for the mobile-phone version). Although
we feel that this is an acceptable tradeoff, given that these
devices are becoming common, this limitation could hinder
WebTicket’s adoption.
In the paper-based WebTicket, the durability of tickets is a
limitation. Because the ticket is paper, it can become worn
out, washed, or crumpled making the QR code illegible.
Although, users can address this problem by creating a new
ticket, creating backups of existing tickets (by
photocopying them), or laminating tickets, these approach
incur additional monetary and operational costs.
Scalability is also a limitation of the paper-based
WebTicket. Our user study implies that people can find a
ticket among 10 to 20 tickets, which cover a large portion
of users [11,33], with reasonable speed. However, people
may not be willing to carry that many tickets (as noted by
our participants). As a result, people must keep some of
their tickets at secure places, e.g., home or office. Although
people access their accounts mostly from their home or
office [33], further investigation is needed to see if and how
usability is impacted by being able to access some of the
accounts only from certain places.
One potential weakness with paper-based tickets is that
people might leave them near their computers, in which
case these tickets are only slightly better than a post-it note
with passwords on them (since people can’t use the ticket
on other computers). However, depending on one’s threat
model, this may not be a huge security risk, especially if
one has good physical security that restricts access to
Although data shows that people use their own computers
most of the time to login [33], there may be cases where
users want to access their accounts from a foreign
computer. WebTicket does not work well for this use case.
One possible solution is to store the master key in a user’s
mobile phones and decrypt QR codes on tickets using a
mobile phone’s camera. Then, users can access their
accounts using user IDs and passwords shown on the
mobile phones’ display. However, in this case, there is no
phishing protection.
Our user studies also have some limitations. One is
ecological validity. Since our system is novel, we designed
our first user study focusing on internal validity. In the
second user study, we put some more weight on ecological
validity; however, it was still limited. To evaluate
WebTicket with higher ecological validity, we made
WebTicket publicly available and are collecting data from
actual users. We need further analysis to evaluate
WebTicket in the wild. However, we do note that, given the
widespread usage of passwords and users’ familiarity with
passwords, WebTicket fared quite well in terms of
balancing its usability and security.
We introduced WebTicket, a novel web account
management system using tickets. WebTicket transforms
authentication using a webcam, a printer and paper, or
mobile phones. WebTicket works with existing web sites
without having to modify existing servers.
Through two user studies consisting of 49 participants, we
found that participants perceived the account creation
process using WebTicket as not worse than the account
creation process using password, and that the login process
using WebTicket was easier and shorter than the login
process using passwords. WebTicket also provided reliable
authentication after one week. Moreover, WebTicket
provided good phishing protection. Although there are
limitations, we believe that WebTicket works quite well
among good portion of accounts and users.
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