Crossfit workouts (edit)

For time: 50 Box jump, 24 inch box 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood Walking Lunge, 50 steps 50 Knees to elbows 50 Push press, 45 pounds 50 Back extensions 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 50 Burpees 50 Double unders GVT 10 KB press 10 Tactical pullups 10 rounds 5 min reps 10 max reps AMRAP DB KB squats x 5 DB KB clean x 7 SDHP x 9 20 mins same weight thruout Run loop 21 KB swings 21 pushups 3 rounds Iron Tamer 300 Snatch x 25ea Thruster x 25 Pushup x 25 Burpe x 25 Situps x 25 Airsquat x 25 Clean/press x 25 ea Swings x 25 Tabata Swings Mtn Climbers High Pull L High Pull R Burpe Thruster L Thruster R AMRAP 5 power cleans 10 pushups 15 box jumps 20 mins Burpes x 5 Snatches x 5ea Swings x 10 10 rounds Force Recon 10 DBKB push press 10 DB KB pushups 4 rounds work on form DAMRAP 20 swings 15 pushups 5ea snatches 5 ea press 25 mins 100 swings 1 mile run 80 squats 60 situps 40 burps 20 pullups Press ladder 3(1,2,3,4,5) Farmers walk DB KB swings 10 rounds 5x5 dead lift 3333 power clean 3333 push press 100 KB swings 25 pushups 50 KB presses 25 pullups KB walk press KB walk rack KB farmer walk 5 rounds 20 swings on the min for 6 mins Lumberjack 2.0 deadlift x 20 run 400M swings x 20 run 400M overhead sqt x 20 run 400M pullup x 20 run 400M box jumps x 20 run 400M DBKB sqt/clean Run 400M For time: 25 Walking lunge steps 20 Pull-ups 50 Box jumps, 20 inch box 20 Double-unders 25 Ring dips 20 Knees to elbows 30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood 30 Sit-ups 20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbbells 25 Back extensions 30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 3 Rope climb ascents 3x5 TkGup 3x5 windmills SOTS press Handstand pistols AMRAM x 2 Pwr/cln & jerk x 5 Pullups x 10 10 mins Snatch x 5ea/7 Sledge hammers 10ea/7 Push press 3x3x3x3 DB KB press x 10 DB KB squat x 10 6 rounds Force Recon DB KB press x 5 Pullup x 5 DB KB squat 5/5 Snatch x 10ea 10 Hanging L raises 50-35-20 reps of: Wall balls Pull-ups Double-unders 3x5 TkGup 3x5 windmills SOTS press Handstand pistols Situp barbell cln 50 10 40 8 30 6 20 4 10 2 Run fisk park Pullup x 5 Pushup x 10 Airsquat x 15 15 rounds Run fisk park 150 wall balls Snatches x 100 Pushups x 75 KB cln/prss x 50 Pullup x 25 SDHP ball pushup 21 6 18 9 15 12 12 15 9 18 6 21 DAMRAP 20 swings 15 pushups 5ea snatches 5 ea press 25 mins Dead lift x 12 Power clean x 9 Thruster x 6 Push press x 3 5 rounds for time Bear Tabata Swings Mtn Climbers High Pull L High Pull R Burpe Thruster L Thruster R GVT 10 KB press 10 Tactical pullups 10 rounds 5 min reps 10 max reps Turkish GU x 5/5 Windmills x 5/5 Snatch practice Helen 400m/800m run 21 KB swings 12 pullups 3 rounds Iron Tamer 300 Snatch x 25ea Thruster x 25 Pushup x 25 Burpe x 25 Situps x 25 Airsquat x 25 Clean/press x 25 ea Swings x 25 Josie Snatch x 21L 21 L ups Snatch x 21R 21 L ups Tabata Swings Mtn Climbers High Pull L High Pull R Burpe Thruster L Thruster R Push press 3,3,3,3 Clean 3,3,3,3 SDHP x 10 Burps x 15 Mtn climber x 20 Swings x 25 3 rounds DBKB swings x 10 Jump pullup x 12 DBKB swings x 15 16KG 10 rnds… 2 min per round AARAM 20 swings 15 pushups 5ea snatch 5ea press 25 mins 9 rnds min Burpes x 5 Snatches x 5ea Swings x 10 10 rounds Dead lift 5x5 7 pullup 7 pushups 7 swings on the minute for 7 minutes Wallball x 21 Thruster x 15 Burpee x 9 5 rounds for time 100 swings 80 air squats 60 snatches 40 burps 20 pullups KB walk press KB walk rack KB farmer walk 5 rounds 20 swings on the min for 6 mins AMRAP Thruster x 5 Hang clean x 7 20 mins SDHP x 10 DBKB squats x 10 DBKB swings x10 15mins Force Recon DBKB cln/press 5/5 Tactical pullups x 5 DBKB squats x 5 KB snatch 5/10 ea L ups 5/10 Power cleans x 5 Pushup x 10 Box jump x 15 20 minutes "Kelly" Five rounds for time of: Run 400 meters 30 Box jump, 24 inch box 30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball M T W TH F For time: 100 ft Walking lunge 50 Push-ups 50 Double-unders 25 Knees to elbows 5 Rope climb, 15 ft 50 Box jump, 24 inch box 25 Overhead squats, 65 pounds 25 L-pull-ups 50 Sit-ups M T W TH F Grace Pwr clean & jerk 30 reps for time 100 situps or 50 hanging L ups all for time Barbara 20 pullups 30 pushups 40 situps 50 airsquats 3-5 rnds rest 3 min between rnds Helen 400m/800m run 21 KB swings 12 pullups 3 rounds Nancy 400m run 15 overhead squats 5 rounds Josie Snatch x 21L 21 L ups Snatch x 21R 21 L ups Type text]