Chapter 14
Artificial Agents Entering Social
Nikolaos Mavridis
Social network sites (SNSs), which have recently become tremendously
popular,1 have so far been exclusively populated by human actors. On the other
hand, at least part of the functionality of such networks relies on software agents
implementing artificial intelligence techniques—for example, in order to implement recommendation systems for friends or other entities. However, such
agents were not playing actor roles within the network. Recently, the monopoly
of human actors within SNSs has been broken; disembodied or even physically
embodied intelligent software agents are just starting to populate SNSs. A huge
range of potentialities exists regarding useful roles for such artificial agents,
which might furthermore have varying degrees of autonomy. In this chapter, I
will start by introducing a concrete example of such an agent: Sarah the FaceBot,
a robotically embodied intelligent artificial agent, which carries out natural language interactions with people, physically present or remote, and which utilizes
and publishes social information on Facebook—even having her own automatically updated page. Then, five areas of open questions that have arisen will be
presented, as well as an exposition of the potentialities for other artificial agents
in SNSs, either in actor or in other roles, which are promising to unleash new
possibilities and beneficially transform social networks.
Sarah the FaceBot
Sarah (Mavridis et al., 2009a; Mavridis, Kazmi, & Toulis, 2009c) is a physical
mobile robot with Face Recognition, natural language dialogue, as well as
navigation/mapping capabilities (Figure 14.1). Furthermore, it is a robot that is
also equipped with an interaction database (keeping information about previous
interaction episodes) as well as a social database (keeping personal info as well as
friendship relations for the people the robot knows). Most importantly, the
Convergent Practices
robot also has a live connection to the Facebook social network site—and utilizes online information toward crafting dialogues with humans, as well as publishing information on its own Facebook page. Sarah has three kinds of human
friends: those that she has met physically, but which are not her friends on Facebook (P), those that she has met physically, and which are also friends with her
on Facebook (PF), and those that she has not (yet) met physically, but which are
friends with her on Facebook (F). Interaction with human friends can happen
over a number of channels: real-time natural language dialogue with physically
present friends, real-time dialogue over chat for friends which are currently
online on Facebook, as well as offline Facebook messaging and posting.
A transcript of a typical interaction with Sarah follows:
R: Hello! My name is Sarah. Welcome to the interactive robots and media
R: Hi! Are you Panos Toulis? (from Face Recognition).
H: Yes (Robot changes its online status to “interacting with Panos Toulis”).
Figure 14.1 Our robot, Sarah the
FaceBot, while interacting
with a human.
Artificial Agents Entering Social Networks
//Query of overall state:
R: Hey, Panos Toulis, are you doing well today?
H: Yes, pretty well.
//General news-based discussion:
R: Let me tell you some interesting news that I’ve heard.
R: The latest windows release will be available to everyone after a surge in
demand crashed the Microsoft website on the 9th of January (item taken
from BBC news online).
R: Have you heard about this?
HR: Yes.
R: That’s great!
//Robot discusses Facebook status of human:
R: I see you are chasing robots in the desert.
//Robot gives news about a mutual friend, acquired through Facebook:
R: Did you know that our friend Shervin Emami has posted a new photo on
Facebook? (information acquired from Facebook minifeed).
H: No.
//Robot sends reminder to human:
R: I am sending you a message about this to check it out.
//Robot remembers past encounter with mutual friend:
R: I saw Shervin yesterday evening and he was doing well. (information
acquired from interaction database).
//Robot gives news about a mutual friend, acquired through Facebook:
R: Did you know that our friend Chandan is “waiting for Sarah to have that
little sweet conversation with me”? (information acquired through Chandan’s Facebook status).
H: Yes, of course.
//Robot connects an online friend with the human:
R: One of our friends, Nikolaos Mavridis, is online—would you like me to
send him a message?
H: Yes (“Nikolaos, Panos says hello” is sent).
//End of interaction:
R: Hey, Panos, it was nice talking to you! I have to go now. See you later!
(Robot continues wandering).
Thus, currently Sarah is capable of producing dialogue turns for:
D1. Recognition/Greeting.
D2. Querying the state of the human.
D3. Relaying customized general news.
D4. Relaying Facebook minifeed-based news about human or common friends.
D5. Relaying previous interaction-based memories about human or common friends.
Convergent Practices
D6. Performing a real-time connection with a third common friend which is
D7. Saying goodbye.
It is worth noting that all of these turns contribute toward real-time information diffusion within the social net; and, apart from these, Sarah’s updated
Facebook page contents as well as messages also diffuse information, but in a
non-real-time manner.2
Sarah was originally created in order to test an interesting hypothesis in the
field of HRI (Human–Computer Interaction), which was formulated in
Mavridis et al. (2009a): “Can reference to shared memories and shared friends in
human–robot dialogue create more meaningful and sustainable relationships?”
Motivation for positing this question was provided by disappointing early
results on long-term human–robot interaction experiments, as exemplified by
Mitsunaga et al. (2006)—although robots seem to be exciting and interesting
to humans at first, upon multiple encounters quite quickly humans lose interest. Thus, the following chain of argument led to the postulated hypothesis:
Let us examine random human encounters, without explicit purpose of
interaction—say, short chat with a colleague or friend. What is their
content? First, there seems to be continuity in these dialogic episodes,
connecting the current with the previous encounters; a common, shared
past is being created, and reference to it is often made in the dialogue.
Second, this common past is not exclusive to the two partners conversing
at the moment; it actually extends to their circle of mutual acquaintances—and thus news and memories regarding shared friends are often
being mentioned. Thus, let us try to create a conversational robot that can
refer to shared memories and shared friends in its dialogues; and examine
whether this will lead to better long-term human–robot relationships.
Upon closer examination, and in AI terminology, in a sense Sarah is a form
of a chatterbot; and there exists a long line of such systems in the literature,
starting with the classic ELIZA (Weizenbaum, 1966). But there are a number
of important differences between FaceBots and classic chatterbots; not only is
Sarah physically embodied, but most importantly her dialogues are driven by a
rich context of previous interactions as well as social information, acquired
physically or online, and which is dynamic and conversational-partner specific.
Two further comments are worth making: first, regarding “shared” entities;
and second, regarding implicit teleology. The primary hypothesis that FaceBots were created for, is concerned with two postulated “shared” entities and
their effect on human–robot relationships: shared past and shared friends.
Artificial Agents Entering Social Networks
Both of these belong to a wider set of shared entities that might prove to be
important: shared interests, shared goals—actually often quite correlated with
shared past and shared friends, at least in certain contexts/for certain subsets.
All of these shared entities can be hypothetically unified under the “intersection” I(A(t),B(t)) of the two actors (human and robot in our case), at a given
time instant t—a time-varying concept. It might well be that the creation,
maintenance, and synergistic co-evolution3 of such an intersection turns out to
be a crucial factor toward long-term human–robot relationships.
Before proceeding to five areas of open questions that have arisen from this
project, a short note on teleology: the casual conversations that Sarah is
attempting to replicate seem not have an explicit purpose from the conversational partner’s point of view. However, their teleology is probably better
localized not at the personal or the dialogic-partners level—but at the social
network level. The establishment of an adequate intersection enabling understanding and co-reference, the flow of local-context relevant information, and
the resulting bonding might well be three main components—ultimately tied
to collective social capital.4
Five Areas of Open Questions
Apart from the original motivation behind the creation of Sarah the FaceBot,
this line of research opened up a number of interesting avenues as well as questions related to artificial agents and social networks:
Q1. Interaction patterns of agent: What will be the interaction patterns of
such agents with physically present or remote humans? For example, what will
be the frequency, duration, and content of such interactions?
In practice, for artificial agents within social networks, this would amount to
logging and analyzing the different types of interaction events that will occur—
synchronous or asynchronous, mutually visible or unidirectionally visible:
viewing a profile or photo, sending a message, chatting, adding a friend, etc. For
agents that also have a physical embodiment, such as Sarah the FaceBot, proxemics, gaze, and other such external measurements might also be utilized.
Q2. Friendship graph of agent: What will be the form and temporal dynamics
of the friendship graph of such agents? (a snapshot of Sarah’s graph can be
found in Figure 14.2). What will the connectivity patterns, tie strengths, as
well as the individual social capital (Coleman, 1988) be?5
One might expect significant differences with human actors in this respect;6
for example, the sustainable social circle size of technologically unassisted
humans is constrained by cognitive limitations—which seem to be somewhat
relaxed in the case of artificial agents. On the other hand, one should also note
that there also exist important limitations of the current state of agents as
Convergent Practices
Figure 14.2 The “touchgraph” depiction of the first-level friends of the robot in
March 2009, before public opening of friendships: 79 first-level friends,
13,989 second-level friends.
compared to humans (for example, in unconstrained natural language dialogic
Q3. Effect of introduction of agents in social network: How will the interaction
and structural patterns of the existing social network be affected by the introduction of such agents? Will connectivity patterns be disrupted? Will the evolutionary dynamics or node distributions change?7 How will collective social
capital (Putnam, 1993) be affected? How about diffusion patterns? Here, we
move from the ego-centric viewpoint of the agent toward the collective viewpoint of the network, which is where human actors belong—and which is ultimately the locus of importance.
Q4. Relation of agents with multimedia content of SNSs: How will the image or
video content of SNSs be altered through such agents? For example, what is
their potential in posting photos and videos, and/or recognizing faces, objects,
places, and events in posted photos and videos, on the basis of their own
observations or other pre-tagged photos?
Artificial Agents Entering Social Networks
Given that human actors do not live in a symbolic/language-only world,
and they populate SNSs with multimedia content, it is important for artificial
agents to be able to handle and/or contribute such content. On the other
hand, again given the different domains and activities on which the current
state of agents is more capable as compared to humans, and vice versa, this
also creates an opportunity for overall benefit.
Q5. Social engineering potential of such agents for SNSs: How will such agents
be designed/positioned in order to affect connectivity patterns, diffusion patterns, social capital, and other such important parameters at will? How will
one exploit the different capabilities of artificial agents for such a purpose?8
From a practical point of view, this is the most important question—and
we will return to some aspects of this in the last section of this chapter.
Currently, some very early answers to aspects of Q1 and Q2 for the case of
Sarah have been reported in Mavridis et al. (2009c), together with an extensive discussion of the synergies between SNSs, interactive robotics, and face
recognition. Furthermore, the use of live photos in conjunction with online
photos toward better face recognition, as well as algorithms utilizing social
context toward better and/or faster recognition through such agents, is discussed and algorithms are given in Mavridis, Kazmi, Toulis, & Ben-AbdelKader
(2009b). Also, simple algorithms for empirically estimating the social graph
given only photos containing co-occurring faces are presented.
Of course, this is just a very early stage regarding the questions and avenues
listed above—and much more work remains to be done in order to reach a
more mature stage. Also, one can pose the above questions (Q1–Q5) not only
in their predictive form (“What will be?”), but also in their potential form
(“What could be?”), their normative form (“What should/would one want to
be?”), and their engineering form (“How should we act in order to reach
. . .?”). Thus, we can, for example, ask not only: how will social capital change
with the introduction of artificial agents? But also: how could it change? As
well as: how would one want it to change? And also: what action plan should
be followed so that the introduction of artificial agents within social networks
changes social capital toward the desired direction?
The Physical vs. Online and Symbolic vs.
Sensory Realms
Expanding upon Q4, another interesting observation regarding embodied artificial agents in actor roles arises: such artificial actors, as human actors do,
belong to an actual social network, a subset of which is re-represented within
Facebook. Also, as mentioned before, they have three categories of friends:
physical only (P), physical who are on Facebook (PF ), and Facebook only (F ).
Convergent Practices
Their perceived identity thus depends on different primary sources for each of
the three categories of friends (physical presentation vs. online); and the effect
of differences and misalignments across these can thus be studied.
Yet one more observation is concerned with the relationship of the linguistic/symbolic with the sensory realms for such agents. Both realms are accessible physically as well as online; although different projections/selections of the
two realms exist in the two. For example, consider photos; these belong to
the sensory realm—and the robot has access to snapshots from its own camera
(physically), as well as to Facebook-posted photos (online). For example, consider the friendship relationship between two individuals; say, George and
Jack. This linguistic/symbolic information might be available through the
online friendship graph on Facebook, or might be acquired by direct/indirect
questioning, through the robot’s dialogue system. On the other hand, this linguistic/symbolic piece of information is not uncorrelated to the sensory realm;
as a simple statistical analysis can show (see Mavridis et al., 2009b), we expect
that “The face of X appears in photos together with the face of Y” (a sensoryrealm relation) is a strong predictor for “X is a friend of Y” (a linguistic/
symbolic-realm relation). In essence, this is yet one more instance of symbol
grounding (Harnad, 1990)—which is normally performed by human actors,
and which in this case could potentially be transferred over to the artificial
actors (Mavridis, 2007). Thus, a quartet of vertices arises: sensory/physical
(capturing a photo through the robot’s camera), linguistic-symbolic/physical
(hearing that X is a friend of Y), linguistic-symbolic/online (reading that X is a
friend of Y from Facebook), sensory/online (seeing a photo on Facebook), and
the bidirectional connections among these vertices are to be resolved by the
actors involved.
Now, having seen a brief introduction to FaceBots as an example of a robotically embodied artificial agent in an actor role within the Facebook SNS, let us
move on toward a wider perspective: a basic taxonomy and an exposition of
the potentialities for other artificial agents in SNSs (either as an actor or in
other roles) will be presented, followed by a discussion of their possible effects
toward beneficially transforming human social networks.
The Space of Potentialities for Artificial Agents
The space of potentialities for artificial agents within social networks is quite
vast, and a number of basic degrees of freedom/dimensions (D) will be introduced here.
D1. One first obvious choice is concerned with the Appearance of the Agent
to the human actors of the network; one possibility for the agent is to have an
active Actor role within the SNS, with a profile, a friendship network, and
Artificial Agents Entering Social Networks
interactions—such as the case of Sarah—and either for it to be declared as an
artificial entity or to posit itself as a human actor. Another is for it not to
appear as a human actor, but as a distinct entity (for example, an installable
Facebook application) or as part of the architecture of the SNS itself (as is the
case of the friend recommendation system of Facebook). Yet another, quite
interesting, possibility is for its existence to be unknown to the human actors;
where the agent can be acting by effectively modulating what might appear as
random events; for example, the order of presentation of items within a list,
pushing forward and thus emphasizing some items in order to increase their
availability in the human’s mind.
D2. One other degree of freedom is concerned with the Physicality of the
agent. One can have, for example, a physically embodied agent; a virtual character with a cartoon-like body; or a totally disembodied entity. Of course, this
degree does not only cover form, but also movement and body dynamics of
the agent.
D3. Yet one other interesting dimension is Autonomy; the artificial agent
might be completely autonomous, or exhibiting adjustable autonomy through
human assistance at specific times or in certain levels of abstraction. Such a
configuration sometimes combines the best of both worlds (artificial and
human), and enables successful application of agents to areas where their
current state of the art would not allow them to be applied alone. Some recent
examples of adjustable and sliding autonomy in the agents and robotics literature are Schurr, Marecki, Tambe, Lewis, and Kasinadhuni (2005) and Sellner,
Heger, Hiatt, Simmons, and Singh (2006)—and analogous guiding principles
can be followed in creating effective man–machine hybrid agents participating
in SNSs.
D4. In the case of an agent in an actor role, another important dimension is
that of the apparent perceived Identity of the agent; the profile information,
linguistic style, dialogue system, posted pictures, friendship circles, as well as
interaction behaviors of the agent, all contribute to this. As noted, the agent is
performing his or her identity in two stages: the physical and the online stage.
Simple software tools for crafting artificial actor identities have not yet
appeared; although one would envision that with appropriate machine learning
techniques, information mined from the profiles, dialogues, and the other
traces of the actor’s performed identity would enable the creation of congruent identities for artificial actors, parametrized by a set of simple user choices.
For example, one could envision the possibility of learning simplistic mappings
from regional-socio-economic background (part of profile information) to linguistic style (mined from dialogues), for a limited dialogic range, and vice
versa, and thus using these mappings in order to minimize authoring time
when crafting the identities of new artificial actors.
Convergent Practices
D5. Finally, and quite importantly, there is the question of the overall
Purpose of the agent. This will be considered in more detail in the next section.
Possible Purposes for Artificial Agents
Let us start with an observation: moving on from actor-role to non-actor-role
agents, one of the crucial differences is concerned with their scope of visibility; usually, an actor-role agent can only have direct access to the resources
opened to him or her via the adjusted security settings of the other agents that
have chosen to connect on the network. In contrast, an overt non-actor agent,
for example a Facebook application, often gets wider access to all data of the
actors that have installed it; and even more so, an overt- or covert-non-actor
agent that is part of the SNS itself, for example the friend recommendation
system of Facebook, can have omniscient access to all actors within the SNS as
well as their interactions. After this comment regarding the difference in scope
of visibility between actor- and non-actor-role agents, let us move back to
some possible choices for the purpose of artificial agents within social
The purpose of the example agent presented above, Sarah the FaceBot
robot, is to create sustainable relationships with humans—which could be
translated into a metric containing components related to frequency and duration of interaction over a longer period, human satisfaction, as well as number
of friends, for example. Another possible purpose for actor-role agents is
teaching/education, specialist assistance, as well as multiple forms of persuasion (Fogg, 2002).
Also, artificial agents in actor roles can be quite beneficial for setting up
experiments in order to test scientific hypothesis related to social networks—
for example, questions regarding diffusion—as they are, in a sense, limited but
perfectly reliable puppets. As long as their divergence from human behavior is
not detrimental for the purpose of the experiment, they can be used to create
predictable responses and gather measurements within the social network: for
example, when studying diffusion, agents can act as pre-programmed filters or
targeted redistribution nodes; or when acquiring friendship request acceptance
prediction models, agents can be set up with the desired apparent identities and
initial messaging response patterns, and gather results regarding the acceptance
of their requests by various actors. The interchange between human actor and
artificial actor for social network research is quite parallel to human/robot
interchange when bi-directionally informing Human–Robot Interaction (HRI)
by Human–Human Interaction studies and vice versa, for example (Mutlu et
al., 2009); and as long as the nature of the experiment can benefit from the
“limited but perfectly reliable puppet” constraint.
Artificial Agents Entering Social Networks
Another possible purpose for actor-role agents is to intervene within the
information flow of the network—toward a number of potential goals: respreading news, monitoring for possible mutations, even counter-spreading
information, or creating parallel flows and adjusting existing two-step flow of
communication nets and influencers (Katz & Lazarsfeld, 1955). Another possible goal is the active acquisition of information: actor-role agents could
potentially activate their own connections on demand, in order to seek, ask
for, and relay back missing information.
One further possible purpose is restructuring the connectivity of the
network, through suitable overt or covert recommendations; this might take
place towards a variety of goals, for example related to useful matchmaking of
actors toward personal or professional goals, which could be beneficial to the
network or a sub-network as a whole—perhaps in terms of social capital. For
example, an agent might try to actively detect and manipulate structural holes.
Due to the benefits of a possible wider scope of visibility and non-interactivity
in this case, non-actor agents are more suitable for this purpose.
Another primary role for non-actor agents is supervising/policing the
network in order to detect possible criminal or otherwise harmful/illegal
activity. Currently, there exist, for example, automated- or human-assisted
picture censorship services within SNSs; but there exist many more areas that
could potentially benefit from the appropriate form of supervision, given of
course appropriate privacy and freedom concerns.
Finally, let us close this brief exposition of some possible purposes for
agents within social networks with a relevant comment: when arbitrating
visibility/action scope across a number of agents, often hierarchical structures
are quite beneficial, sometimes augmented with hierarchy-breaking patches. A
recent example of a hierarchical multi-agent cognitive architecture is, for
example, EM-1 (Singh, 2006), where the idea of higher-order agents having
access to the internals of lower-order agents and acting as “mental critics” is
central.9 One could thus envision similar hierarchies of visibility and action
scope within hybrid multi-human/artificial agent systems operating on SNSs.
In this chapter we have discussed the entry of Artificial Agents, in embodied or
disembodied forms, within human social networks. We started by introducing
a concrete example of such an agent: Sarah the FaceBot, a robotically embodied intelligent artificial agent, which carries out natural language interactions
with people, physically present or remote, and which utilizes and publishes
social information on Facebook—and which publishes on her own automatically updated page. Then, there was a brief presentation of five areas of open
Convergent Practices
questions that have arisen, a short discussion on relevant aspects of the quartet
created by the physical/online and symbolic/sensory realms, and an exposition
of the potentialities and purposes for such agents; either in actor or in other
roles. In conclusion, artificial agents, which are currently increasingly populating social networks, are promising to significantly change these networked
publics in a beneficial manner, and unleash numerous new possibilities.
1. Before the introduction and wider spread of SNSs, the primary means of online
self-presentation were homepages, which while changeable, were not dynamic
(Papacharissi, 2002).
2. Currently, and mainly due to speech recognition constraints, Sarah is mainly diffusing information acquired through online news, Facebook minifeed and status,
and interactions; but there is not much direct acquisition of information from the
human, except from a basic state query and “did you know x” queries. This is an
active direction for extensions.
3. This co-evolution often indirectly relies on input from personal evolution and
interaction with other entities inside or outside the shared circle of friends; such
interactions might lead to the growth of the personal non-shared component of
each actor, which in turn leads to novel input for co-shaping the intersection.
4. For an interesting and somewhat complementary evolutionary view, including a
theory postulating the transformation of primate grooming into gossip, see Dunbar
5. For a concise introduction to the basic social network analysis (SNA) terms used
here, one could look at the opening chapters of Marlow (2005).
6. Ultimately, after a number of layers, reducing to some of the differences between
atoms and bits, in sense of Negreponte (1995), or at least to the differences
between biological atoms and the current state of agents comprised by bits.
7. For example, the well-established power law distributions arising from the model
of Barabasi (2002), depend on preferential attachment processes—which, for the
sake of experimentation at least, artificial agents might not chose to follow—and
linear growth of the net.
8. For example, the much larger interaction memory as well as social info storage of
such agents, or the possibility of having distributed embodiments spanning large
geographical distances, are two basic differences.
9. Such models are arguably quite reminiscent to implementations of the structures
of a platonic republic, at least in some respects.
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