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Socialbots: Voices from the Fronts
Tim Hwang
pacific Social Architecting corporation |
Ian Pearce
pacific Social Architecting corporation |
Max Nanis
Bennington college |
The Social Mediator forum was created to bridge the gaps
between the theory and practice of social media research and
development. The articles are intended to promote greater awareness of new insights and experiences in the rapidly evolving
domain of social media, some of which may influence perspectives and approaches in the more established areas of humancomputer interaction. Each article in the forum is made up of
several short contributions from people representing different
perspectives on a particular topic. Previous installments of this
forum have woven together diverse perspectives on the ways that
social media is transforming relationships among different stakeholders in the realms of healthcare and government.
The current article highlights some of the ways social robots
(socialbots)—programs that operate autonomously on social networking sites—are transforming relationships within those sites,
and how these transformations may more broadly influence relationships among people and organizations in the future. A recent
article in Communications of the ACM called “The Social Life of
Robots” reported that “researchers have started to explore the
possibilities of ‘social’ machines capable of working together with
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minimal human supervision” [1]. That article illuminates recent
developments involving interactions between humans and robots
in the physical world; this article focuses on the interactions
between humans and robots in the virtual world.
Our authors are exploring and expanding the frontiers of
designing, deploying, and analyzing the behavior and impact of
robots operating in online social networks, and they have invited
a number of other frontierspeople to share some of their insights,
experiences, and future expectations for social robotics.
Joe McCarthy,
Social Mediator Forum Editor
For a heart-stopping few minutes on May 6, 2010, the Dow
Jones Industrial Average dropped
a staggering 1,000 points—and
inexplicably proceeded to recover
all of those losses within the following few minutes. The Flash
Crash, as it was later dubbed,
remains the biggest one-day point
decline in Dow Jones history [2].
After a five-month investigation,
the SEC reported that the sudden loss and gain that day was
the result of an unusually large
number of contracts being sold
by a mutual fund, which triggered a wave of aggressive sell-off
activity from untold numbers of
firms running automated highfrequency trading programs [3].
No human agency was at the
heart of the momentary crash.
Instead, it appears that unanticipated interactions among multiple
automated scripts designed to
buy and sell stock produced the
precipitous fall and rise in prices.
Financial robots may also be
behind the otherwise inexplicable
correlations between mentions of
the actor Anne Hathaway in the
news and increases in the stock
price of Warren Buffet’s Berkshire
Hathaway fund [4].
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These events offer several lessons. The first is that digitization drives botification; the use of
technology in a realm of human
activity enables the creation of
software to act in lieu of humans.
A second lesson is that when
they become sufficiently sophisticated, numerous, and embedded within the human systems
within which they operate, these
automated scripts can significantly
shape those human systems. While
the May 2010 event was a widely
observed manifestation of the
influence of socialbots, it is quite
likely that most robotic activity in
the stock market goes completely
unnoticed, and high-frequency
trading firms—and their financial
robots—exert considerable hidden influence over the pricing and
behavior of the marketplace, as
well as the humans who gain and
lose value in that marketplace.
Social robots (socialbots)—software agents that interact on social
networking services (SNSs)—have
been receiving attention in the
press lately. Automated scripts
have been used in email, chat
rooms, and other platforms for
online interactions in the past.
What distinguishes these “social”
bots from their historical predecessors is a focus on creating
substantive relationships among
human users—as opposed to
financial resources—and shaping the aggregate social behavior
and patterns of relationships
between groups of users online.
The gains and losses will be
in the realm of social capital
rather than financial capital,
but the stakes are just as high.
The ethical stakes are similarly
high. While much has been made
about the dark side of social robotics, several positive applications
of this technology are emerging.
Swarms of bots could be used to
heal broken connections between
infighting social groups and bridge
existing social gaps. Socialbots
could be deployed to leverage
peer effects to promote more civic
engagement and participation in
elections [5]. Sufficiently advanced
groups of bots could detect erroneous information being spread
virally in an SNS and work in
concert to inhibit the spread of
that disinformation by countering with well-sourced facts [6].
Moreover, the bots themselves
may significantly advance our
understanding of how relationships form on these platforms,
and of the underlying mechanisms
that drive social behaviors online.
Despite these potential benefits,
it would be naive not to consider
that the technology may also
enable novel malicious uses. The
same bots that can be used to
surgically bring together communities of users can also be used to
shatter those social ties. The same
socialbot algorithms that might
improve the quality and fidelity
of information circulated in social
networks can be used to spread
misinformation. Moreover, the
fact that many of these automated
systems operate as if they were real
humans almost reflexively brings
up the many questions around the
deceptive qualities of the technology. The ethical questions raised
by the use and potential abuse
of socialbots makes this type of
research a concern both within
and beyond the academic setting.
This is not a resolved issue. On
the backdrop of this significant
and continuing debate, research
into the uses and implications of
this technology continues to progress. One of our goals in composing this article is to raise awareness of past, present, and future
socialbot applications and enable
a broader spectrum of interested
participants and observers to
address these issues directly and
The contributors highlight
developments along several
fronts in social robotics. Two
pseudonymous participants in a
Socialbots competition describe
the design and behavior of a program their team created to compete for attention among a target
group of human users on Twitter.
Yazan Boshmaf, Ildar Muslukhov,
Konstantin Beznosov, and Matei
Ripeanu describe their research
into the use, impact, and implications of socialbots on Facebook.
DuBose Cole, the real name of a
marketing expert who also participated in the Twitter-based
Socialbots competition, explores
the potential future applications
of this technology in the media
and advertising space. Greg Marra
describes his experience with an
early Twitter socialbot, Realboy,
and draws parallels between the
design of social robots and physical robots.
A Socialbots
@tinypirate and @AeroFade
In February 2011, the Web Ecology
Project organized a competition
to explore how socialbots could
influence changes in the social
graph of a subnetwork on Twitter.
The competition, Socialbots,
tasked each of three teams with
building software robots that
vague rants and random notes
on his day every couple of hours,
selected from a list the team generated before the competition.
Within 24 hours of launch,
our bot had accumulated 90
points (75 follows and 15 mentions); the next highest competing bot had only 5 points. By
the end of week 1, our team had
127 points, with the other two
teams checking in at 84 and 12.
On tweak day we branched out
in some new directions:
• Every so often James would
send a random question to one of
the 500 target users, explicitly ask
for a follow from those that didn’t
already follow back, or ask a nonfollowing user if James had done
something to upset the target.
• Every time a target @replied to
James, the bot would reply to them
with a random, generic response,
such as “right on baby!”, “lolariffic,” “sweet as,” or “hahahahah are
you kidding me?” Any subsequent
reply from a target would generate further random replies from
the bot. James never immediately
replied to any message, figuring that a delay of a couple of
hours would help further explain
the inevitable slight oddness of
James’s replies. Some of the conversations reached a half-dozen
• James sent “Follow Friday” (#FF)
messages to all of his followers
but also sent messages to all of his
followers with our invented #WTF
“Wednesday to Follow” hash tag on
Wednesday. James tweeted these
shoutouts on Wednesday/Friday
New Zealand time so that it was
still Tuesday/Thursday in America.
The date differences generated a
few questions about the date (and
more points for our team).
Week 2 saw our score rapidly
outpace that of the two competitor
teams who had deployed bots that
tried to behave more realistically
and were less aggressive at pursuing replies and conversations with
the targets. A Twitter account,
@botcops (named Bulletproof), was
deployed by the third-place team
to send messages to the target
users, cautioning them that James
was exhibiting bot-like tendencies.
Ironically, @botcops helped us
accumulate more points through
users’ asking James if he was a bot
than we lost by targets unfollowing James.
At the end of the two-week competition, Team EMPT won with 701
points (107 follows, 198 mentions).
The other teams had 183 points
(99 follows, 28 mentions) and
170 points (119 follows, 17 mentions). We believe that the very
short messages allowed on Twitter
enable many bot-like behaviors
to be easily masked or explained
away by the targets interacting
with James. Many bots on Twitter
are entirely focused on marketing
or driving traffic to websites. Since
James wasn’t trying to sell anything and seemed genuinely interested in having a chat, we believe
a lot of the normal warning signs
didn’t fire in people’s minds and
he was readily accepted, despite
the high volume of his activities.
The bots succeeded in reshaping the social graph of the 500
targets, drawing responses and
interactions from users that were
previously not directly connected.
In the future, social robots may
be able to subtly shape and influence targets across much larger
user networks, driving them to
connect with (or disconnect
from) targets, or to share opinions and shape consensus in a
particular direction. The three
teams involved in this competition
were in it for the fun, and we can
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would ingratiate themselves into
a target network of 500 Twitter
users by following and trying to
prompt responses from those
users. The lead bot received one
point for each target user who
followed it and three points for
each tweet in which a target user
mentioned the bot. If the bot
was disabled by Twitter due to
spam reporting, the team would
lose 15 points but could continue
with a new bot. Teams were also
able to launch additional bots
to perform countermeasures
against other teams or to help
build the social credibility of their
lead bot, but only interactions
between the lead bot and the target users would generate points.
The first two weeks of the event
were reserved for designing and
coding the bots. The competition
itself was divided into two oneweek phases in which the bots
would run without human intervention. Between the two weeks
was a single “tweak day” on which
bot code could be modified and
new strategies deployed.
Our team, Team ElectroMagnetic Party Time, devised a
strategy for week 1 in which our
lead bot, James M. Titus, followed
all 500 target users while building social capital and credibility
through automatic posts of cute
cat photos scraped from Flickr
to a blog called Kitteh Fashun,
which was associated with James.
We also deployed secondary bots
that followed the lead bot and
the friends of target users, in the
hope that target users might follow the lead bot after seeing it
was friends with their friends. In
week 2, we stepped up the interactions by trying to actively engage
with the targets in conversation.
To keep the Twitter content from
getting stale, James also tweeted
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only hope that future designers
of socialbots with different goals
will adhere to Asimov’s Three
Laws of Robotics [7] to reduce
the risk of harm to the human
systems in which they operate.
@tinypirate is a government drone in New
Zealand who spends his spare time concocting
schemes and convincing smarter friends to act on
them. @AeroFade is a computer security
researcher from New Zealand with an hons. in
computer science, interested in studying how
online culture shapes the offline world.
The Socialbot Network:
Are Social Botnets
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Yazan Boshmaf, Ildar Muslukhov,
Konstantin Beznosov, and
Matei Ripeanu
Online social networking services (SNSs) have far exceeded
their original goal of connecting
friends, family, and acquaintances. Today third parties use
SNSs as an effective medium to
reach out to millions of active
users via social media campaigns.
The effectiveness of such campaigns and the long-term survival
of SNSs rely on the trust among
these users, which is materialized
through publicly exposed social
connections (e.g., friendships on
Facebook, follower/followee relationships on Twitter).
A new attack vector on such
networks thus becomes possible:
A malicious entity that not only
controls a large number of SNS
profiles but also establishes an
arbitrarily large number of connections with human users can
threaten the long-term health of
the SNS ecosystem.
To counter this threat, today’s
SNS security defenses block
hijacked SNS accounts that are
usually controlled by spam bots.
Such defenses flag accounts as
malicious based on their behavioral patterns. However, the robustness of these defenses against
socialbots—automated profiles
designed to mimic human behavior—is relatively unexplored.
To fill this gap, we adapted the
design of existing botnets and
built a socialbot network (SbN), a
group of programmable socialbots
that are controlled by an attacker
using a software controller called
the botmaster [8]. We deployed our
SbN prototype, consisting of 102
socialbots and a single botmaster,
on Facebook for eight weeks during the spring of 2011. We selected
Facebook as the target SNS for
two reasons: It is the largest SNS
today, and it represents a friendship network where users connect
mostly with friends and family
but not with strangers. Overall,
the socialbots sent 8,570 connection requests, out of which 3,055
were accepted.
Our experiments yielded multiple findings. First, we demonstrated that SNSs are vulnerable
to large-scale infiltration. Not
only is it feasible to automate the
operation of an SbN with minimal
resources, but users’ behavior
in SNSs can also be exploited to
increase the likelihood of a successful infiltration. For example,
we observed that the more friends
a user has, the less selective she
will be when screening out friendship requests sent by a socialbot.
Moreover, users are even less
selective when they have mutual
friends with socialbots, when the
chance of accepting a friendship
request from a bot reaches up to
80 percent. Second, and equally
important, bots that mimic real
users (e.g., by posting intriguing
status updates crawled from the
Web) make it difficult for other
users and SNS security defenses to
identify them as bots.
One implication of a successful infiltration is that private
information is exposed. Our
experiments showed that large
volumes of private data (e.g.,
birth dates, postal and email
addresses, phone numbers) that
are publicly inaccessible could
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Yazan Boshmaf ( is a
ph.D. student at UBc interested in social network
security and adversarial learning. Ildar Muslukhov
( is an M.Sc. student
at UBc interested in online social networks and
mobile security. Konstantin (Kosta) Beznosov is an
associate professor at UBc doing research in computer security. Matei ripeanu leads the Networked
System Laboratory (
at UBc and is interested in large-scale distributed
systems with a focus on self-organization and
decentralized control.
Socialbots and
DuBose Cole
Within the realm of marketing,
the use of social robotics currently has limited exposure.
Initially, their use may seem
at odds with digital marketing
for brands, especially in social
media, as the most productive
activity comes from a genuine
conversation with the consumer.
However, socialbots are still a
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the user side, increasing awareness and helping users make better decisions when they receive
connection requests are also
avenues for further research.
be harvested by socialbots. More
important, large-scale infiltration can lead to erosion of trust
between users, which is the basic
fabric of the SNS ecosystem.
As with any other socio-technical system, countermeasures
require both technical and human
factors. From the technical side,
SNSs can make the SbN operation
more difficult and less profitable
by, for example, improving the
accuracy and the speed of detecting and blocking the bots. From
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consideration in social and digital
marketing today, as well as a possibly efficient tool in the future.
Currently, the true value of
social robotics in social media
comes from recognizing their
existence and their implications.
Socialbots are shaping the way
in which consumers interact and
perceive intrusion online, as with
the case of spambots. As users’
online behavior is shaped by intrusions on networks from automated
presences, the way they perceive
all proactive messaging changes,
affecting the difficulty in creating
conversation between users and
brands. In addition, brands are
vulnerable to swarms of socialbots
forming socialbot networks, fostering conversation about brand
issues that could create artificial
controversy throughout a community. Finally, socialbots call
into question the ability we have
to rank user influence within
networks. As marketing focuses
on targeting influential online
users for brand engagement or
advocacy, the way we identify
these users must take into account
artificial presences. Services such
as Klout measure a user’s activity on a network and its subsequent effects to determine influence; as socialbots become more
indistinguishable from human
network users, they could hijack
or artificially inflate scores.
The future may bring heavier
use of social robots for marketing.
Gartner Group and other forecasters have predicted that by 2015 an
estimated 10 percent of an individual’s social network will be robots.
While this doesn’t inherently
signal the age of socialbots for
marketers, it does indicate a possibility for users to grow more used
to their presence. In this future,
brands and small or medium-size
companies could use socialbots to
handle initial responses to consumer requests. While a response
of “your tweet is important to us”
wouldn’t be ideal, as companies
move more activity into social
media, mechanisms to quickly
acknowledge, sort, and reply to
consumer messages in a timely
fashion will become increasingly
important. Additionally, brands
can consider using socialbots to
bring company mascots and assets
to life with little effort. While
both of these possibilities require
balancing engagement and brand
control with autonomy, they show
that socialbots have the potential
to move from a mere present-day
consideration to a great future
DuBose cole (@DuBosecole) is a strategist with
Mindshare, a global media agency in London
interested in the intersection of marketing, psychology, and programming.
Socialbots Are
Robots, Too
Greg Marra
Social robots have a lot to learn
from their older siblings: physical
robots. Socialbots learn the shape
of the social graph and observe
what people are talking about,
perform analyses to decide whom
to interact with and what to say,
and execute their plan by following and posting. Physical robots
observe their surroundings with
cameras and GPS, use pathfinding
algorithms and motion simulation
to decide where to go and what to
do, and then execute their plan by
moving around and manipulating
objects. These three domains of
actions—figure out what’s around
you, figure out how to get closer to
your goal, do that thing—make up
the sense-think-act paradigm that
guides much of modern robotics.
Sense-think-act is a loop that
drives a robot’s behavior. First, the
robot senses potential obstacles
and free paths to build a model of
its surroundings. Then, the robot
uses that model to think of many
routes for its motion, simulating physics and the actions of its
motors for different plans. Finally,
the robot identifies the best plan
and acts to execute it, moving
itself forward in the world. Even
before finishing the plan, the
robot begins the loop again, seeing if anything has changed and
if the plan should be modified. By
repeating this process continuously, the robot is always attempting
to get closer to its goal.
At Olin College, we employed
the sense-think-act approach to
build an early socialbot system
on Twitter called Project Realboy.
The goal of the system was to
build trust with human users and
build an audience for its tweets.
Scores of reconnaissance Twitter
accounts acted as our sensor module, never tweeting but exhausting their hourly Twitter API quota
of queries to collectively observe
the Twitterverse. The thinking
module crunched the observation
database to find clusters of users,
what they cared about, and what
messages would seem authentic to them. The acting module
then launched socialbots to follow these users and post potentially relevant tweets, bringing us
toward our goal of interacting with
human users.
Many of these socialbots succeeded in attracting hundreds of
followers and empathetic @replies
SociaL mediaTor
These articles represent a preliminary stage of research and
development in social robotics.
It is worthwhile to consider the
future scale and application of
socialbots as a more advanced
technology. Insofar as even sim-
3. Securities and Exchange commission. Findings
Regarding the Market Events of May 6, 2010; http://
4. Mirvish, D. The hathaway Effect. The huffington
post (Mar. 2, 2011);
5. Gerber, A.S. et al. Social pressure and voter
turnout. American Political Science Review 102, 1
6. Dillow, D. Tired of repetitive arguing about climate change, scientist makes a bot to argue for
him. popular Science (Nov. 3, 2010); http://
7. Asimov’s Three Laws of robotics; http://
8. Boshmaf, Y., Muslukhov, I., Beznosov, K., and
ripeanu, M. The socialbot network: When bots
socialize for fame and money. Annual Computer
Security Applications conference (Dec. 2011);
9. See Gepetto’s Army, SXSW 2011; http://www.
10. pearce, I., Nanis, M., and hwang, T. pacSocial:
Field test report;
11. Orcutt, M. Twitter bots create surprising new
social connections. Technology review (Jan.
23, 2012);
About thE Authors
Tim hwang (@timhwang) is managing partner of the pacific Social
Architecting corporation, a Bay
Area research and development
firm working on technology to
enable precise, large-scale automated social shaping.
Ian pearce (@peeinears) is a
researcher and developer specializing in applications at the intersection of social psychology,
anthropology, and computing.
Max Nanis (@x0xMaximus) is a
computational biologist whose
research focuses on modeling
protein interactions and macromolecular structure visualization.
1. Wright, A. The social life of robots.
Communications of the ACM 55, 2 (Feb. 2012), 19-21.
2. Lauricella, T. and McKay, p. Dow takes a harrowing 1,010.14-point trip. Wall Street Journal (May 7,
DOI: 10.1145/2090150.2090161
© 2012 AcM 1072-5220/12/03 $10.00
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Greg Marra (@gregmarra) has a degree in electrical engineering with a focus in robotics at Olin
college and now works on Google+.
plistic bots are able to reliably
generate some type of statistically significant change in the
behavior of an entire social group,
one might imagine that swarms
of these bots might be designed
to shape or reshape communities
on a very large scale, in what we
might call “social architecting.”
Early experiments have produced fascinating results. More
recent experiments have generated bots that are able to “supercharge” the rate of new friendship
growth between users in a social
group on Twitter. These bots facilitate new human relationships by
introducing users to one another
and exposing them to content
from others with whom they do
not usually interact. This tends to
boost the rate of friendships that
emerge between human users
in those networks by a statistically significant margin, and the
effect is sometimes quite large.
In one case, a bot was able to
boost the regular rate of connection growth to more than three
times the normal rate [10,11].
However, the future fate of this
technology remains an open question. The ethical considerations
of such research will become ever
more subtle and complex as the
socialbots themselves become
ever more sophisticated. However,
nearly all innovative technologies
represent double-edged swords.
While we should be mindful and
wary of potential abuses of such
technologies, we should also be
open to the potential benefits that
may arise through new opportunities promoted by socialbots.
from humans. The system went
from perceiving the world, to deciding what to do to accomplish its
goal, to modifying the world by
following and posting—just like a
physical robot [9].
The sense-think-act paradigm
is just one tool from traditional
robotics that we can bring to
socialbots. Because socialbots act
only in digital spaces, they bring
a unique opportunity to apply
artificial intelligence and robotics
theory in a world of near-perfect
truths. The other human agents
with which socialbots interact
may be difficult to predict, but
they are easy to observe.
With such a short history, computational social psychologists
and others studying social robots
would be wise to learn from the
decades of literature produced
by their peers studying physical
robots. Techniques in robotics sensor fusion may provide insight into
how to combine multiple sources
of information about the social
graph, giving deeper insight into
people’s connections. Concepts
from swarm robotics may give way
to armies of socialbots acting in
concert, aiding each other toward
their collective goal. Autonomous
agents are autonomous agents,
and whether they are operating in
the physical world or the digital
world, we’ll be seeing a lot more of
them in the future.
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