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The MultiCapital Scorecard
Mark W. McElroy and Martin P. Thomas
Thomas & McElroy LLC, Thetford Center, Vermont, USA
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to disclose a new performance accounting method called the
MultiCapital Scorecard, which makes it possible to measure, manage and report Triple Bottom Line
performance relative to organization-specific norms for impacts on multiple capitals.
Design/methodology/approach – The authors set out to expand a pre-existing multiple capital
accounting system known as Context-Based Sustainability. Whereas Context-Based Sustainability
assesses the social and environmental performance of organizations relative to norms for impacts on
non-economic capitals, the MultiCapital Scorecard adds economic performance to the mix.
Findings – The authors find that it is indeed possible to measure and report the social, environmental
and economic performance of an organization in an integrated, context-based way relative to norms for
impacts on multiple capitals. The MultiCapital Scorecard is the result.
Practical implications – The MultiCapital Scorecard is an open-source methodology that any
organization can use. For managers or accountants interested in testing, evaluating or adopting
multiple capital accounting, it provides a practical and systematic solution.
Social implications – The MultiCapital Scorecard is transformational, in that it holds organizations
and commerce writ large accountable to the limits in, and demands for, vital capitals in the world on a
fair and proportionate basis. No other method does this, and yet it must be done if there is to be
sustainability in the conduct of human affairs.
Originality/value – The paper describes the world’s first multiple capital, context-based accounting
system that organizations can use to measure, manage and report their Triple Bottom Line performance
in integrated and quantitative terms. The MultiCapital Scorecard is the authors’ original creation.
Keywords Triple bottom line, Sustainability performance, Context-Based Sustainability,
Integrated measurement and reporting, Multiple capital accounting, Six capitals
Paper type Viewpoint
A capital theory of performance
Along with the rise of multiple capital theory as a rubric for assessing the performance
of organizations has come a growing need for guidance on how to do so (GRI, 2013a;
Eccles and Krzus, 2015). Even the International Integrated Reporting Council’s (IIRC)
⬍IR⬎ Framework for integrated reporting (IIRC, 2013) and the Global Initiative for
Sustainability Ratings’ (GISR) Ratings Standard (GISR, 2013), two new standards that
explicitly call for capital-based measures of organizational performance, are
principles-based and non-prescriptive in this regard. Organizations and their advisors,
instead, have been left to their own devices.
Addressing this need raises some basic questions about the substance of multiple
capital theory and how it can or should be operationalized. What does it mean, for
example, to assess performance in terms of multiple capitals and how might one do so in
a formal or structured way? What exactly is the capital theory of performance and what
are its practice implications? Is it even possible to operationalize the Triple Bottom Line
(Elkington, 1997)?
Sustainability Accounting,
Management and Policy Journal
Vol. 6 No. 3, 2015
pp. 425-438
© Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/SAMPJ-04-2015-0025
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In response to these questions, we have developed a system called the MultiCapital
Scorecard[1], a methodology informed by the view that the performance of
organizations can and should be assessed in terms of what their impacts on vital capitals
are (Elkington, 1997; Porritt, 2005; McElroy et al., 2007; McElroy, 2008; McElroy and
Van Engelen, 2012; Gleeson-White, 2014). This, of course, is not an entirely new idea, as
financial performance has always been looked at in this way; non-financial performance,
however, almost never has and yet the same principles can be applied. In a very real
sense, then, the state-of-the-art for non-financial accounting is only just now catching up
to what financial managers have known all along: that performance is a function of
impacts on capital – albeit economic capital, only, in the case of financial reporting.
With the MultiCapital Scorecard, we simply extend this idea to assessing the social
and environmental performance of a firm as well. And when we do, only the capitals and
the stakeholders involved change. Instead of focusing only on a firm’s impacts on
economic capital for the sake of its shareholders, we assess impacts on all vital capitals
for the sake of all stakeholders. This, we believe, is the fundamental essence of
integrated measurement and reporting, without which there can be no integrated
thinking or management. It is a body of theory and practice that we call multicapitalism
(Thomas & McElroy LLC, 2014; McElroy, 2014a).
Apart from capital theory, the MultiCapital Scorecard is grounded in an approach to
performance measurement and reporting known as Context-Based Sustainability[2]
(McElroy and Van Engelen, 2012). Context-Based Sustainability was originally
developed as a means of assessing the sustainability performance of organizations,
whereby such performance was defined in non-financial terms only (i.e. social and
environmental performance with financial performance being specifically excluded).
The MultiCapital Scorecard, by contrast, includes all three dimensions of performance
and, in that regard, is a comprehensive Triple Bottom Line measurement and reporting
Importantly, the hallmark of Context-Based Sustainability is that it assesses
performance relative to limits and thresholds in the carrying capacities of capitals
(Fisher, 1906; Boulding, 1949, 1966; Daly, 1977, 1996; Wackernagel and Rees, 1996;
Meadows, 1998; McElroy, 2008, 2013; Rockström et al., 2009; McElroy and Van Engelen,
2012; Raworth, 2012; Steffen et al., 2015). The ontology of multicapitalism, therefore,
consists of:
(1) stocks and flows of vital capitals in the world;
(2) organizations and their impacts on the capitals;
(3) other parties (i.e. stakeholders) whose well-being depends on the capitals; and
(4) norms, standards or thresholds for what organizations’ impacts on the capitals
must be, or not be, to be sufficient, sustainable and duly supportive of
stakeholder well-being (McElroy, 2008; McElroy and Van Engelen, 2012).
What is capital?
For our purposes, we adopt a definition of capital that follows from those of many others
(Boulding, 1949; Costanza and Daly, 1992; Ekins, 1992; Wackernagel and Rees, 1996;
Costanza et al., 1997; Porritt, 2005; McElroy, 2008; Stiglitz et al., 2010; McElroy and Van
Engelen, 2012):
Capital is a stock of anything that yields a flow of valuable goods or services important for
human well-being.
Here, we hasten to add that from our perspective, the sufficiency of vital capitals for
non-human well-being – natural capital, in particular – is itself vitally important for
human well-being. Because of that, we see nothing unduly anthropocentric in our
definition; well-being means survival in an empirically sustainable context, nothing
more. It offers no promise of maintaining current levels of comfort or over-indulgence.
On the extension of the term capital from its original economic context to the broader
one we cite above, Costanza and Daly (1992) had this to say:
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Since “capital” is traditionally defined as produced (manufactured) means of production, the
term “natural capital” needs explanation. It is based on a more functional definition of capital
as “a stock that yields a flow of valuable goods and services into the future”.
While many now hold to the view that there are six broad categories of vital capitals to
consider, we prefer to regard one of them (intellectual capital) as being variously
embedded in the other five. We also take one of the other five (economic capital) and
break it out into two forms (internal and external), which leaves us with six categories
ourselves, two of which are economic. That said, the capital definitions we rely on are as
(1) Natural capital:
• Natural resources: Consist of air, land, water, minerals, flora, fauna,
ecosystems and other natural biophysical resources that humans and
non-humans alike rely on for their well-being.
• Ecosystem services: Consist of services or functions provided by ecosystems
that humans and non-humans alike rely on for their well-being.
(2) Human capital: Consists of knowledge, skills, experience, health, values,
attitudes, motivation and ethical entitlements of individuals (includes their
intellectual capital).
(3) Social and relationship capital: Consists of teams, networks and hierarchies of
individuals working together and their shared knowledge, skills, experience,
health, values, attitudes, motivation and ethical entitlements (including their
shared intellectual capital).
(4) Constructed capital: Consists of material objects, systems or ecosystems created
and/or cultivated by humans, including the functions they perform. It is the
world of human design in which intellectual capital may also be embedded
and/or expressed.
(5) Internal economic capital:
• Financial: Consists of the pool of funds available to an organization, including
debt and equity finance. This description of financial capital focuses on the
sources of funding, (liabilities on the balance sheet) rather than its
application, which usually results in the acquisition of assets, such as land,
buildings, plant and inventories or other forms of capital (e.g. intellectual
• Non-financial: Consists of assets not recognized in internal financial capital.
They may or may not be monetized. An example is the value of brands that
have been developed organically internally, but not recognized in the
financial accounts.
(6) External economic capital:
• Financial: Consists of all financial funds available to parties outside an
• Non-financial: Consists of externally held capitals of a non-financial nature,
which nevertheless have economic value to others.
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As the above classifications sometimes contain overlaps with weak borders between
them, we treat them as guidelines and not strict definitions of hermetically sealed silos.
Avoidance of double counting is best conducted by inspection on a case-by-case basis.
The MultiCapital Scorecard in practice
As noted above, the MultiCapital Scorecard is an evolution of a system previously developed
for the purpose of making literal measures of organizational sustainability – or sustainability
performance – possible (i.e. Context-Based Sustainability). That move, in turn, was at least
partly inspired by a desire to operationalize the Sustainability Context Principle in the Global
Reporting Initiative (GRI), the world’s leading international standard for measuring and
reporting the sustainability performance of organizations. In the latest version of GRI’s
Guidelines, that Principle is explained as follows (GRI, 2013b):
Sustainability context
Principle: The report should present the organization’s performance in the wider context of
Information on performance should be placed in context. The underlying question of
sustainability reporting is how an organization contributes, or aims to contribute in the future,
to the improvement or deterioration of economic, environmental and social conditions,
developments, and trends at the local, regional or global level. Reporting only on trends in
individual performance (or the efficiency of the organization) fails to respond to this
underlying question. Reports should therefore seek to present performance in relation to
broader concepts of sustainability. This involves discussing the performance of the
organization in the context of the limits and demands placed on environmental or social
resources at the sector, local, regional, or global level.
The MultiCapital Scorecard, too, can be seen as an implementation of GRI’s
Sustainability Context Principle, but goes beyond its scope to address financial
performance as well. As such, it is a fully integrated measurement and reporting system
that more than complies with both GRI’s Guidelines and the IIRC’s ⬍IR⬎ Framework
for integrated reporting.
In practice, the MultiCapital Scorecard follows a three-step process:
(1) Scoping and Materiality;
(2) Areas of Impact (AOI) Development; and
(3) Scorecard Implementation.
Each of these steps is explained below.
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Scoping and materiality
In this step, the boundaries of an organization or entity to be assessed using the
MultiCapital Scorecard are defined, as the relevant and material AOIs are to be
considered. AOIs, as constructs, are the fundamental units of interest in the MultiCapital
Scorecard toward which all of our attention is directed. In the MultiCapital Scorecard,
AOIs are defined as the discrete impacts of organizations on vital capitals. The referents
of interest to us are impacts on capitals.
That said, we are only interested in those impacts for which corresponding duties or
obligations to stakeholders exist (Rawls, 1971; McElroy, 2008; McElroy and Van
Engelen, 2012). An organization’s impacts on water resources, for example, are nearly
always of interest because of their importance to others. In other words, the fact that a
resource that an organization is using is being shared with others gives rise to a duty or
obligation to manage its impacts accordingly (i.e. with their interests in mind). The
resource of interest in this example is, of course, water, which is a form of natural capital.
Not all impacts on capitals of importance to the well-being of others, however, are
necessarily material in the eyes of the MultiCapital Scorecard (Thomas & McElroy LLC,
2015a). Materiality only confers to impacts on capitals that are of importance to
stakeholders. In the MultiCapital Scorecard, a stakeholder is anyone to whom a duty or
obligation is owed by an organization to manage its impacts on vital capitals in ways
that can affect their well-being (McElroy, 2008; McElroy and Van Engelen, 2012;
Thomas & McElroy LLC, 2015b). In some cases, such a duty can arise by virtue of the
impacts an organization is already having (e.g. the water case above). In other cases,
stakeholders receive their standing as a consequence of contracts or agreements they
have entered into (e.g. employment agreements, purchase agreements, etc.) or as
bestowed upon them by morality or law. In all cases, material AOIs are
organization-specific and are determined by their managers and directors themselves,
with the input and involvement of others as they see fit (McElroy and Van Engelen,
2012; Eccles and Krzus, 2015).
Materiality determinations in the MultiCapital Scorecard therefore:
• only applies to AOIs; and
• can only result in the designation of AOIs as material in cases where the interests
of bona fide stakeholders are involved to whom corresponding duties or
obligations are owed by an organization to manage its impacts on capitals in some
The fiduciary duties most have to manage their impacts on financial capital, for
example, for the benefit of shareholders is one such duty. Obeying the law and fulfilling
the terms of agreements with employees, customers and suppliers are some others.
AOI development
Once a material set or portfolio of AOIs has been identified for an organization, each of
the associated AOIs must be further researched and developed in preparation for the
role it will play in measurement and reporting. This has two parts to it. First is the
specification of sustainability norms or goals and second is the development of an
associated data collection protocol.
We define Sustainability Norms (SNs) as standards of performance for what an
organization’s impacts on vital capitals must be in order to be sufficient, sustainable and
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supportive of stakeholder well-being. As indicated above, an SN for water use might be
that an organization’s consumption of water be no more than its fair and proportionate
share. But that is an inadequate specification for measurement and reporting purposes
because it begs the question of how much water would, in fact, be fair and proportionate
as opposed to too much. A more useful specification of an SN for water use would be
expressed in terms of, say, gallons – a not-to-exceed threshold, that is, for how much
water an organization should be allowed to use, if only on a self-imposed basis. Its fair
and proportionate share, in turn, might be determined by reference to its contribution to
gross domestic product (GDP) or some other measure of its socio-economic value added
or claim to entitlement (McElroy, 2008; McElroy and Van Engelen, 2012; Randers, 2012).
Sometimes, the SNs identified by an organization for particular AOIs will not be
achievable anytime soon, in which case the MultiCapital Scorecard allows for the
specification of Trajectory Targets (TTs) as interim goals. This is often the case for
impacts on the climate system by way of greenhouse gas emissions, which science tells
us ought to be zero until such time as the climate system has recovered from
anthropogenic interference[3]. Most organizations and businesses in general, however,
do not have the luxury of making such a change all at once, and so TTs must be defined
in a way that provides a transition pathway, or trajectory, from some current state of
affairs to the target state represented by an SN.
Once SNs and TTs have been defined for individual AOIs, data collection protocols
for each must be developed. A data collection protocol is a system for gathering the data
required to describe an organization’s impacts, which such data can then be used to
populate a MultiCapital Scorecard. In general, a protocol will have people, process and
technology dimensions. The people dimension will identify the parties responsible for
gathering the data; the process dimension will determine when and how the data should
be collected; and the technology dimension will specify the role of technology, if any, in
capturing, computing and reporting the data required.
Once the SNs, TTs and data collection protocols for each AOI have been defined, the
results are recorded as shown in Table I (i.e. for each AOI). The example provided here
consists of greenhouse gas emissions over a five-year period, for which the
corresponding AOI of interest is The Climate System.
As Table I shows, the SN for greenhouse gas emissions is “0” emissions in all years.
To get to that level, though, a steady progression of decreases in emissions is required
over time as specified in science-based models over multiple decades if not longer. The
example included here simply shows the application of such a model to the first five
years of a strategy starting with a baseline year of 2015. Incremental decreases in
allowable emissions are then identified as TTs for the four years that follow. The “GHG
emissions (tonnes)” row then reports actual emissions for a five-year period as of the end
of 2019.
The climate system
Table I.
Performance goals
and scores for a
climate system AOI
Sustainability norm (SN)
Starting point (tonnes)
Trajectory targets (TTs)
GHG emissions (tonnes)
Progression score
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The lower-most “Progression score” row next comes into play as an illustration of how
we score performance against SNs and TTs in the MultiCapital Scorecard. We refer to
these scores as Progression Scores because they tell us how an organization’s actual
impacts on vital capitals compare to the SNs and TTs that we have defined for each AOI.
The indicators we use to do so comprise a seven-point scale or progression scoring
schema as shown below:
• 3 ⫽ Meeting or exceeding the SN.
• 2 ⫽ Meeting or exceeding the year’s TT, but falling short of the SN.
• 1 ⫽ Improving upon the previous year’s performance, but not meeting the
period’s TT, or any period of improving performance while having no such
targets at all (SN or TT).
• 0 ⫽ Maintaining the previous year’s performance, while not meeting the period’s
• ⫺1 ⫽ A one-year regression in performance and not meeting the period’s TT.
• ⫺2 ⫽ A two-year regression in performance and not meeting the period’s TT.
• ⫺3 ⫽ A three-or-more year regression in performance while not meeting the
period’s TT, or any period of worsening performance while having no such
targets at all (SN or TT).
As the example in Table I shows, the hypothetical case that we present here features
scores of no better than “2” in any given year, since at no time were actual greenhouse
gas emissions “0” tonnes or less. Short of that, the best an organization can do is score a
“2”, which is defined as “Meeting or exceeding the year’s Trajectory Target, but falling
short of the Sustainability Norm”.
Scorecard implementation
Once SNs, TTs, data collection protocols and progression scores have been obtained for
each AOI, it is time to integrate and report them in a MultiCapital Scorecard of the sort
shown in Figure 1. For demonstration purposes, we include a fully configured scorecard
for a fictitious organization (Company ABC) in the year 2019.
The Scorecard shown in Figure 1 illustrates a case in which Company ABC has
identified nine AOIs for which duties and obligations to manage its impacts on vital
capitals exist. The nine AOIs, in turn, have been arranged in terms of the three “Bottom
Lines” they correspond to. In Figure 2, we show the basis for making these associations
(Elkington, 1997; McElroy and Van Engelen, 2012; Thomas & McElroy LLC, 2015a,
To further explain the calculations shown in Figure 1, we direct the reader’s attention
to the “The Climate System” row at the bottom of the Scorecard. It picks up where we left
off in our discussion above of how the SN and TTs were developed for that AOI (Table I).
Starting with the “Progression Score” column, Company ABC more than met its TT in
2019 by reducing its emissions to a level that fell below allowable limits. It thereby
earned a score of “2” for that year as defined in the progression scoring schema set forth
Next, we see that a “Weight” of 5 has been assigned to the Climate System AOI,
which was taken from a scale of 1 to 5, according to which 1 is a low priority and 5
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Figure 1.
An annual
2019 – Company ABC
Living Wage (H)
Workplace Safety (H,S,C)
Innovative Capacity
Equity (IE:F)
Borrowings (IE:F)
Competitive Practices
(EE:F & EE:NF)
Water Supplies (N)
Solid Wastes (N)
The Climate System (N)
Capitals Legend:
C = Constructed Capital*
EE:F = External Economic: Financial
83% Capital*
EE:NF = External Economic: NonFin. Capital* H = Human Capital*
IE:F = Internal Economic: Financial Capital*
N = Natural Capital
S = Social & RelaƟonship Capital*
*Usually includes Intellectual
Capital of some kind
Vital Capitals
Internal Economic
Financial &
Social &
Natural Resources &
Ecosystem Services
External Economic
Figure 2.
Vital capitals and
their respective
bottom lines
Financial &
S i l
BoƩom Line
BoƩom Line
BoƩom Line
is a high priority. This is a decision that would have been made during the
construction of Company ABC’s Scorecard, if not beforehand, as the overall mix of
its AOIs was coming into view. In our example, we also started with a budget of 25
total “Weighting Points” which were then allocated to all of the AOIs in such a way
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as to neither exceed the budget nor assign any more than a value of “5” to any one of
Next, we compute the “Weighted Score” for each AOI, which for the Climate
System was 10 (Progression Score of 2, multiplied by a Weight of 5). After that, we
compute the maximum possible “Fully Sustainable Score” for each AOI, which for
the Climate System is 15 (best possible Progression Score of 3, multiplied by a
Weight of 5), and then, we compare the Weighted Score with the Fully Sustainable
Score to determine the size of the gap between them, if any. In the case of the Climate
System, there is a gap of 5 points. In terms of its actual performance relative to the
SN for impacts on the Climate System, Company ABC earned a score of 67 percent
(10 out of 15 possible points).
Beyond providing scores for each AOI in the ways described above, the MCS also
calculates performance scores by “Bottom Line” and for organizations as a whole.
For Bottom Line calculations, we simply total up all Weighted and Fully Sustainable
Scores in each case, separately, and then express them as the quotient of the one over
the other (Weighted Score Total/Fully Sustainable Score Total). That gives us
quantitative performance scores for each Bottom Line (McElroy, 2008; McElroy and
Van Engelen, 2012; Thomas & McElroy LLC, 2015b). We then do the same thing for
the entire portfolio and out of that comes an overall score for the organization as a
whole (83 percent in the case of the example shown in Figure 1).
The MultiCapital Scorecard and leading standards
Regarding international standards for measurement and reporting, there are three of
them to be considered in light of the functionality of the MultiCapital Scorecard:
(1) the GRI G4 Guidelines for sustainability reporting (GRI, 2013b);
(2) the IIRC International ⬍IR⬎ Framework for integrated reporting (IIRC, 2013);
(3) the GISR Sustainability Ratings Standard for rating the sustainability
performance of listed companies (GISR, 2013).
How, one might ask, does the MultiCapital Scorecard stack up against them?
Insofar as the MultiCapital Scorecard is explicitly capital-based, only the IIRC and
GISR standards are similarly framed. That said, the IIRC Framework does not mandate
reporting relative to impacts on vital capitals and, instead, defers to the reporting
organization to make that decision itself. The GISR standard, however, is much less
indifferent, although still not complete. It remains to be seen, then, just how strict its
makers will be in requiring performance assessments to be expressed in capital-based
terms using capital- and context-based metrics (McElroy, 2008; McElroy and Van
Engelen, 2012; Thomas & McElroy LLC, 2015b). For its part, the MultiCapital Scorecard
is unequivocal on the subject: performance reporting must be capital-based in all cases.
Absent references to vital capitals, performance disclosures lack foundation (McElroy,
Regarding the requirement that measurement and reporting be “context-based”
(i.e. that performance be expressed relative to contextually relevant SNs, standards
or thresholds), only the GRI and GISR standards have taken this position. Both, that
is, explicitly call for consideration of Sustainability Context as a matter of principle
in measurement and reporting. The IIRC, however, has not. Here again, the
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MultiCapital Scorecard is unequivocal on the subject: performance reporting must
be context-based in all cases. Without context, performance disclosures lack
meaning (McElroy, 2014b).
With respect to integration (i.e. that financial and non-financial reporting be
combined in some way), only the IIRC standard addresses integrated reporting as
such. And while the MultiCapital Scorecard, too, is an integrated measurement and
reporting system, it differs from the IIRC standard in that the standard is primarily
aimed at providers of financial capital as its audience. Its materiality criteria,
therefore, give priority to impacts on non-financial capitals only insofar as they
might affect the financial value of a firm. A company’s ecologically unsustainable
greenhouse gas emissions, for example, might be regarded as immaterial under the
IIRC standard, as in most cases they are perfectly legal and do not yet have an
impact on a firm’s finances. The MultiCapital Scorecard, by contrast, requires
disclosure in such cases, as the impacts involved exceed contextually relevant
ecological thresholds and put human well-being at risk. The MultiCapital Scorecard,
as well, provides an integrative process (i.e. the three-step process described above),
which the IIRC standard lacks.
Summary and conclusions
It should be clear from the discussion above, we hope, that the MultiCapital
Scorecard inhabits a space of its own, both as a methodology and a doctrine. As a
methodology, it is the first and still only capital- and context-based integrated
measurement and reporting system extant. As a doctrine, it relies on a sustainability
interpretation of performance (multicapitalism), whereby performance is assessed
relative to impacts on vital capitals and with reference to organization-specific
norms that function as standards of performance. This is done by determining
whether or not impacts, if generalized and continued indefinitely, would put either
the sufficiency of vital capitals or the well-being of those who depend on them (i.e.
stakeholders) at risk (Kant, 1785; Rawls, 1971). Thus, it explicitly addresses the
questions of “Are we sustainable?” and “How much is enough?” for individual firms.
And because the MultiCapital Scorecard is in fact a stakeholder-based multiple
capital integrated measurement and reporting system, not a shareholder-based
financial-capital-centric one, we can also say that there now appear to be two faces of
integrated reporting (McElroy, 2015). The first is the one advocated by the IIRC,
which is a shareholder-centric approach that prioritizes impacts on financial
performance and downplays sustainability considerations. The second is a more
stakeholder-focused one and relies on Context-Based Sustainability as a means of
defining organization-specific performance norms, as exemplified by the
MultiCapital Scorecard. It is the second one, then, that places impacts on all vital
capitals on behalf of all stakeholders on a level playing field, and thereby reports
performance in a more thorough and robust form. This was the original vision of
integrated reporting, and it is the vision we have tried to adhere to in our design of
the MultiCapital Scorecard (Institute of Directors in Southern Africa and the King
Committee, 2009; McElroy, 2014c).
Finally, there is nothing in the design of the MultiCapital Scorecard that calls for
the monetization of impacts on capitals other than for financial capital itself.
Instead, we call for the identification of capital limits and thresholds in their own
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terms (e.g. gallons of water, tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions, product safety
levels, conformance to ethical standards, etc.). Whether or not the use of natural
capital is occurring at a sustainable rate, for example, may not necessarily be
reflected in the price we put on it and instead will have everything to do with
biophysical limits. The same is true for the other capitals and their own stocks and
flows. Indeed, all capitals are limited and should be measured in terms of their
carrying capacities, as should standards of performance be expressed for what an
organization’s impacts on them must be to be sufficient, sustainable and duly
supportive of stakeholder well-being. It is the sustainability of impacts upon the
carrying capacities of vital capitals that lies at the heart of organizational
performance, and the sooner we come to terms with that in our mainstream
accounting methods, the better off we will be.
1. The MultiCapital Scorecard is an open-source methodology developed by Thomas & McElroy
LLC (www.multicapitalscorecard). Although the methodology is open-source, the name itself
is trademarked and should only be used with attribution and never in a commercial form
without permission from Thomas & McElroy LLC. End-user applications of the method are
otherwise encouraged without restriction.
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About the authors
Mark W. McElroy is an accomplished innovator, consultant, author and educator in the
theory and practice of Corporate Sustainability Management. He is the Founder and
Executive Director of the Center for Sustainable Organizations. He is particularly well known
for his development of Context-Based Sustainability (CBS), an approach to sustainability
measurement, management and reporting in which performance is seen as a function of what
an organization’s impacts are and/or ought to be on vital capitals. Dr McElroy is also a
long-time veteran of management consulting, having spent much of his career at Price
Waterhouse, KPMG Peat Marwick – where as a partner he led a national practice – and IBM
Consulting. More recently, he created and led Deloitte Consulting’s Center for Sustainability
Performance in Boston, MA, a think-tank dedicated to the study of sustainability
measurement, management and reporting. Dr McElroy earned his PhD in Economics and
Business from the University of Groningen in The Netherlands in 2008, and currently teaches
sustainability theory and practice in the MBA in Managing for Sustainability program at
Marlboro College in Vermont. He is the Board Chair Emeritus at the Donella Meadows
Institute, also in Vermont, where he continues to serve on the Advisory Board. Dr McElroy is
a co-founding principal of Thomas & McElroy LLC. Mark W. McElroy is the corresponding
author and can be contacted at:
Martin P. Thomas came to sustainability thinking after completing his MSc in Consulting &
Coaching for Change, chairing The Change Leaders (tCL) and 34 years in Unilever. He headed
Unilever’s global strategic planning activities and then had responsibility for several mergers,
Downloaded by Doctor Mark McElroy At 18:40 27 August 2015 (PT)
acquisitions, disposals and international ventures in various countries at different times. His work
was international, mainly at subsidiary executive board level, conducted in four languages and
living consecutively on four continents. Since 1999, he has been consulting as call4change and has
taken on interim management assignments in various organizations. Thomas’ publications
include chapters on “Scenarios in Venezuela”, in “Business Planning for Turbulent Times”
(Earthscan 2008) written by members of the Oxford Futures Forum and on “Performance that
Lasts” in “New Eyes” published by The Change Leaders (2013). His focus on measuring
organizational performance toward sustainable futures started in 2007 when he decided to
complement the activities of tCL colleagues in New Angles by operationalizing the “triple bottom
line” concepts. While presenting to The Centre for Social & Environmental Accounting Research
at St Andrews, Martin linked up with Mark McElroy. Since 2011, they have been extending
Context-Based Sustainability principles and practices to include financials. Thomas is a
co-founding principal of Thomas & McElroy LLC.
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