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The essence of this essay is to compare and contrast child and adult socialization. According to the Oxford Dictionary (1924:789) it says, "Socialization is a principle that individual liberty should be completely subordinated to the interests of the community with the deductions that can be drawn from it. The child's first exposure to the world occurs within the family, which is the primary agent of socialization some essential developments occur through close interaction with a small number of people, none of whom the child has selected within the family. The child learns to think and speak, internalize norms, beliefs and values, develop a capacity for intimate and relationships and form some basic attitudes.
Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education, 2012
Parents play an important role in their children's education before and after they start school. Prior to the start of formal schooling, parents prepare their children for school through a combination of parenting cognitions, styles, and practices. After children start school, parents' interactions and relations with their children's schools become important. The combination of parents' cognitions, styles, and practicescollectively calledsocialization processes-fosters children's interest in learning and appropriation of academic skills. This entry reviews the complexity of parents' socialization processes relevant for children's educational outcomes. Although the focus in this entry is parents' socialization processes and the effects on children, there is a bidirectional relation between parents' socialization patterns and children's characteristics and behaviors. That is, children's interests and behaviors predict parents' views and practices, which in turn predict children's behaviors and development.
Soziologie - Sociology in the German-Speaking World
Education and socialization both refer to processes of intra-and intergenerational transmission of knowledge and practices.I nl ine with Parsons, Germanspeakings ociologyt ends to think of education-as as econdary mode of socialization-in terms of an institutionalarrangement that imparts universal competence and knowledge.C onsequently, educational research in German-speakingc ountries concentrates on the analysis of educational school systems. Socialization research, by contrast,tends to focus on all thoseprocesses that are embedded in the relationships that make up the lifeworld. These relationships are also constitutive of education, which builds on socialization. This review of the German-speakingr esearch in the sociologyofe ducation and the sociologyofs ocialization follows this division.What becomes apparent is thats ocialization research is fundamental for ad eep understanding of the social constitution of education and the construction of social inequality.
Socialization is an interactive communication process that involves both individual development and personal influences, namely the personal reception and interpretation of all social messages, but also the dynamics and content of social influences. Thus, socialization is a complex process that is based on the theory of social learning, learning which a fundamental mechanism of assimilation of social experience is. Although retaining certain autonomy, man and society form an indissoluble unity, and society is generated by the relationship between its members. The socialization term is expressed in the literature by social learning, culture, etc. All these terms have the meaning of a process through which the little child is humanized by acquiring human behaviors. In order for the socialization process to prove its efficiency, it must develop the individual's ability to self-educate, to manage himself to discern between good and evil, to know how to choose between the moral attitudes that are assessed by society negatively and those which allow for adequate social cohabitation.
EDULEARN19 Proceedings, 2019
In the broadest terms, socialization is defined as the process with which people acquire attitudes, values, and norms of a particular culture, as well as learn behaviours that are considered appropriate at the individual and social level. School as an institution has a very important influence on the adoption of social and cultural patterns of the child’s behaviour. It is the place of adoption, selection, formation, and imitation of attitudes, values, and norms that the child/young person will bring to his or her society and culture in the future. If new generations do not adopt his way of life, society as such ceases to exist. Each school represents a very specific social environment regardless of the common national curricula and the legal basis on which the functioning of the school as an institution rests. A school in which a positive culture prevails, together with encouraging atmosphere that promotes positive values, tolerance, understanding, partnership, cooperation, equality...
● Socialization: Concept, Nature and Process ● Agencies of Socialization - Family, School, Community, Peer Group ● Social groups – Primary Groups and Secondary Groups; their characteristics and educational implications ● Concept of Social Control; Role of education in social control
Agama Islam di Indonesia merupakan salah satu agama terbesar di dunia. Agama Islam masuk ke Nusantara melalui jalan damai sesuai dengan misi Islam sebagai agama rahmatan li al-alamin. Ada lima teori masuknya Islam ke Nusantara, terutama jika dilihat dari aspek tempat asal pembawanya, yaitu teori Arab, teori Cina, teori Persia, teori India dan teori Turki. Adapun strategi penyebaran Islam di Nusantara dilakukan melalui jalur perdagangan, dakwah, perkawinan, pendidikan dan islamisasi kultural. Tokoh yang merupakan sentral penyebaran Islam di Nusantara ialah para ulama dan raja atau sultan. Di tanah Jawa, ulama penyebar Islam tergabung dalam wadah Wali Songo.
International Journal of English Language Education, 2013
Transactions in GIS, 2013
Social sciences, 2024
Global Jurist Advances, 2005
Journal of Medical Systems, 2021
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 2018
Annals of Phytomedicine: An International Journal, 2021
International Urogynecology Journal, 2008