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Autism is a developmental disability that usually shows up before age 3. People with autism may have major problems with both speech and nonverbal communication. They may also find it very hard to interact socially. For these reasons, speech therapy is a central part of treatment for autism. Speech therapy can address a wide range of communication problems for people with autism. Autism can affect speech, language development, and social communication in many ways. Speech problems. A person with autism may: Not talk at all; Utter grunts, cries, shrieks, or throaty, harsh sounds; Hum or talk in a musical way; Babble with wordlike sounds; Use foreign-sounding "words" or robotic-like speech; Parrot or often repeat what another person says; Use the right phrases and sentences, but with an unexpressive tone of voice. About one out of three people with autism has trouble producing speech sounds to effectively communicate with others. The person's language, if present, is simply too hard to understand.
Revista CEFAC
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects socio-communicative and behavioral abilities. In the language aspect, there is a greater impairment at the pragmatic level and in non-verbal aspects. The objective of this study was to characterize the severity of Autism Spectrum Disorder in an adolescent, pre-and post-speech-language therapy, and describe the process of speech-language intervention using Picture Exchange Communication System allied to the principles of behavioral analysis applied to language. The Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist with the parents was applied. Then, a therapeutic program of 14 sessions of 50 minutes was developed, one per week, and then the questionnaire was reapplied. In the course of the therapeutic process, it was possible to observe an increase in the number of figure exchanges independently, an increase in the number of vocalizations with communicative intention or functional speech, longer time of visual contact and soc...
CoDAS, 2013
To assess any changes in the Functional Communicative Profile (FCP) and in the Social Cognitive Performance (SCP) of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, based on two short periods of intervention. The study was conducted with 21 children with Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnoses, randomly allocated into two groups, who received the same short-term intervention types (6 weeks with the mother and 6 weeks with the support of an educational software program). The intervention process was conducted by speech-language pathologists who were part of a graduate program in this area. Samples of 15-minute interaction sessions between the child and speech-language pathologist were used to assess the changes in the FCP and the SCP. The statistic analysis pointed out differences only in Group 1 for the variables "percentage of communicative space used" and "use of the mediating object". With the intervention sessions structured over 12 weeks, it was possible to observe a fe...
A Comprehensive Book on Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2011
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 2008
It is clear that children with autism benefit from intensive, early intervention that focuses on increasing the frequency, form, and function of communicative acts. Intervention methods that draw from a range of philosophies and make use of varying degrees of adult direction have been shown to be effective in increasing language and communicative behaviors, although direct comparisons among methods, controlled studies with random assignment to treatments, and long-term outcome studies are, as yet, lacking. Available evidence shows that highly structured behavioral methods have important positive consequences for these children, particularly in eliciting first words. However, the limitation of these methods in maintenance and generalization of skills suggests that many children with autism will need to have these methods supplemented with less adult-directed activities to increase communicative initiation and to carry over learned skills to new settings and communication partners. A review of programs aimed at language development in high functioning children with ASD points out the importance of thinking beyond words and sentences to the social functions of communication and language use when developing interventions. Although a range of adult-mediated programs are reviewed here, providing opportunities for mediated peer interactions with trained peers in natural settings appears to be especially important in maximizing the effects of this intervention. Communication deficits are one of the core symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). People with ASD can be slow to begin talking, or may not learn to talk at all; others may learn to produce words and sentences but have difficulty using them effectively to accomplish social interactive goals. Milestones in language and communication play major roles at almost every point in development for diagnosing and understanding autism. Most parents of autistic children first begin to be concerned about their child's development because of early delays or regressions in the development of speech [1]. Functional language use by school age has been shown to be related to better long-term outcomes in autism [2], [3]. Fluency and flexibility of expressive language are key components of the distinction between "high-functioning" and "low functioning" autism in school age or adolescence [4]. A history of language delay can be particularly crucial in differentiating autism from other psychiatric disorders in highfunctioning adults[5]. Because of the centrality of communicative deficits in the expression of ASD, the amelioration of communication problems in children with this syndrome is one of the most important areas of educational service. The present discussion of intervention for communication disorders in ASD will be divided into two broad sections; one will discuss the development of early,
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition that consists predominantly of an apparent early delay in communication and social skills. Among the multiple identified etiologies, genetics play a key role. The implementation of early interventional therapy for children with ASD is starting to show promising results. A few medical databases were used to collect multiple published types of research, which were thoroughly screened. Ultimately, a small amount was selected according to the defined eligibility criteria. The 12 articles that were reviewed involved a more significant number of boys than girls, and most clinical trials displayed the importance of starting early therapy. Astonishingly, the overwhelming effects of the COVID-19 pandemic did not affect the continuation of speech therapy in certain areas. In addition, studies emphasize knowledge scarcity, insufficient resources in certain areas, and the demand to educate the community. Conversely, no difference in the level of severity was noted with the implementation of early therapy. Early therapy, chiefly speech therapy used to treat children with ASD, demonstrated favorable outcomes. Communities require awareness about the condition on a broader scale to educate caregivers on early alarming symptoms. All in all, additional exploration needs to be done.
Autism Spectrum Disorder - Recent Advances, 2015
Communication is the base of human interaction. It is a process of sharing ideas, feeling, needs and desires through spoken and written word, signal, sounds, gestures, signs, pictures, symbols, music and body language Communication lends to the social and cognitive development of human beings. It helps in building relationships, acquiring knowledge, and taking decisions. Communication is a powerful tool, an eloquent weapon, a manipulative agent, a distinctive attribute and as recognisable as appearance of an individual.. From the most primitive to the most modern human being, communication as seen as the means to gain control over one's environment and to take one's personal and social needs forward. The ability to communicate and the selection of mode of communication varies from person to person. The most advanced the ability, the greater the learning capacity, and vice versa. Deficits in communication skills can prevent people from realizing their potentials. A communication deficit or disorder is reflected in the inability to receive and process or interpret and use concepts of linguistic symbol systems. Autism is a developmental disability that affects the way a child's perceives the world and learns from his or her life experiences. Even among the most complex disabilities, autism remains an enigma [1]. It is the frequently occurring form of a group of disorders known as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The Autism Society of America [2] has defined it as a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain, impacting development in the areas of social interaction and communication skills. Persons with autism have deficits in verbal and nonverbal communication, social interactions, and leisure or play activities. However, as autism is a spectrum disorder, its effects may vary from person to person. Some may be severely affected and others less so. Occurrence of autism in
Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología, 2012
Communication disorders of children with autism spectrum disorders will probably follow them throughout life if they are not included in remediation and communication intervention programs. The aim of this research was to identify observed changes in the Functional Communicative Profile (initiative, interaction, functions and means) and in the Social Cognitive Performance (vocal and gestural communicative intent, vocal and gestural imitation, tool use, combinatory and symbolic play) after 6 months of language therapy. Subjects were 50 children and adolescents (mean age 9:3y), with diagnosis within the autistic spectrum attributed by a child psychiatrist, enrolled in a specialized language therapy program at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. All subjects were filmed twice, with a six-month interval, after the first six-months of the therapy onset. Statistical analysis of data used non-parametric tests with a significance level of 0.5%. Results showed that all subjects presented at least one progress index and that 96% of them presented progress in the Functional Communicative Profile. These results suggest that it is possible to identify objective improvement indexes after a relatively short period of language therapy with individuals of the autism spectrum. Objective information about therapeutic results may favor better integration of intervention procedures and therefore enhance the possibilities of further improvements.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2012
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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2002
Empirical studies evaluating speech and language intervention procedures applied to children with autism are reviewed, and the documented benefits are summarized. In particular, interventions incorporating sign language, discrete-trial training, and milieu teaching procedures have been used successfully to expand the communication repertoires of children with autism. Other important developments in the field stem from interventions designed to replace challenging behaviors
Logopedia, 2015
It is always a great challenge for a speech therapist and the whole diagnostic team to make a proper diagnosis. This is the key moment of the therapy process. modern medical diagnostic tools (ICD, Dsm) can only show whether the examined person has a pervasive developmental disorder, or not. From the speech therapist-practitioner perspective, this kind of diagnosis is insufficient, because the medical criteria which are the basis of the diagnosis, say very little of the child's functioning level. a huge heterogeneity among persons with this disorder is another issue. This triggered the need for dividing subcategories among this population. The author of the article quotes two classification of autism: first according to L. Wing, second according to O.S. Nikolska. Classifications presented in this work became a starting point to create a more profiled speech therapy intervention. Therapy model presented by the author is based on applied Behavior analysis.
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Tese de Doutoramento apresentada no Departamento de Antropologia da Escola de Ciências Sociais e Humanas do ISCTE-IUL, 2013
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