Social economy in Romania


During the past 20 years, social economy became a subject of interest because its organisations had to assume an increasing role in the production and supply of social goods and services of public interest. In Romania, although forms of social economy existed for a very long time in society, we can not speak of an institutionally or juridical determined area, with actual outputs. This study5 shows the stage of social economy development taking into consideration three forms of social economy which are present in Romania: the cooperatives, the non-governmental organisations and the mutual aid organisations. The three types of organisations have a low potential for social economy activities. There is no specific legislative framework which to encourage the development of social economy activities, while the availability of the public institutions to support the organisations addressing the vulnerable groups is very limited. The cases in which the three forms of social economy address ...

Daniel ARPINTE, Sorin CACE, Nicoleta Andreia SCOICAN - coordinators SOCIAL ECONOMY IN ROMANIA - two regional profiles - CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES INTRODUCTION 8 v 15 CONCEPTUAL EXPLANATIONS 17 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY SECTOR 20 METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH 24 REGIONAL CONTEXT FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 33 General data on South-West Oltenia and South Muntenia Regions Level of economic development Employment Education Incomes Vulnerable groups 33 34 36 42 43 44 Conclusions 50 SOCIAL ECONOMY ORGANISATIONS 52 Typology of the social economy organisations. Legislative framework 52 Profile of the social economy organisations in the two regions National context of the social economy organisations Current situation of the social economy organisations in South-West Oltenia and South Muntenia Regions 66 66 Support by the state institutions for the social economy organisations 76 Conclusions 77 PARTICIPATION AND PERCEPTION ON SOCIAL ECONOMY SERVICES Visibility of the social economy organisations 71 79 79 Participation of the individuals in the activity of the social economy organisations 82 Perceptions on the activities and quality of the social economy services 85 6 Perception of the social economy by the representatives of the social economy organisations 87 Knowledge of the social economy concept: content and sources of information 87 Evaluation of the current state of the social economy 88 Evolution of the social economy from the socialist past to the uncertain future 89 Initiatives and proposals to improve the social economy activities 93 Financing from the state 93 Foreign financing (European funds) 99 Concrete and specific initiatives 101 Legislative proposals to stimulate the social economy 101 PROFILE OF THE EMPLOYED POPULATION AND THE NEED FOR SOCIAL ECONOMY 104 Relation between the social economy and the occupational status 104 Characteristics of the employed population 105 Structure and profile of the employed population .....107 Employment and the level of knowledge about social economy organisations in relation with the occupational profiles 117 Participation in social economy activities and the occupational status 118 Conclusions 122 MODELS OF INTERACTION OF THE UNEMPLOYED, WITH THE LABOUR MARKET 124 Theoretical framework on employment and unemployment 124 Relation between the active/passive strategies and the short-term maximization of utility 130 Concepts regarding employment and unemployment 133 Methodology.... 134 Main categories of unoccupied active persons 135 Current situation of the unemployment. Causes and ways of losing the job , 140 Profile of the people who lost their job 142 Attitudes and behaviours concerning the (re)integration on the labour market 146 Typology of the unemployed persons 154 Conclusions 167 VULNERABLE GROUPS 170 Profile of the vulnerable persons 170 Perception of the social economy impact on the disadvantaged groups. Forms of support for the vulnerable groups 172 Employment of the disfavoured persons in the social economy 182 Social economy activities and their effect on the disfavoured groups Some conclusions on the relation between social economy and the • disadvantaged groups 186 EDUCATION AND SOCIAL ECONOMY 188 192 Level of education and place of work 192 Level of education and access to continuous learning 199 Education and involvement in social economy 201 Conclusions... IDEOLOGY OF INVOLVEMENT: ELEMENT OF A PROACTIVE BEHAVIOUR 205 Social economy is a key element of the competitive communities 205 Why do we get involved in local actions? What does the practice say Participative culture: element of the life style influenced by resources 207 207 211 Data and method Dependent variable Independent variables 214 214 215 \ 204 Results : Intention of involvement in the two regions of development Profile of the people who would get involved 217 217 218 Conclusions 227 CONCLUSIONS 228 REFERENCES 233