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The paper explores the environmental degradation and societal collapse of Easter Island, attributing these phenomena to geographic isolation and unsustainable resource use by its inhabitants. It critiques the dependence on synthetic resources in modern society, drawing parallels between the historical context of Easter Island and contemporary resource management challenges. Through analyzing the island's physical geography, cultural practices, and the impact of European colonization, the author warns of the dangers faced by societies that do not prioritize sustainable practices.
Ecological Economics, 2000
Two standard solutions for the 'Malthusian Trap' involve institutional reforms and technological progress. Using Easter Island as an example, we investigate the hypothetical role that technological progress and population management reform might have played in preventing the ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2016
Easter Island is the most isolated inhabited spot on Earth, devoid of heavy timber and most resources. Yet, the first European travellers to the island marvelled at large and delicately carved statues covering the whole of the island. For centuries, they wondered how those statues were built and transported, resorting to myth and fantasy to explain them. In the twentieth century, it was revealed that the first settlers to inhabit the island encountered a resource rich and bountiful tropical land, abundant in resources. They developed a complex society with strong hierarchy and sophisticated religious rituals, including the carving, transporting, and erecting of the large statues. Gradually, they exploited their resource base to extinction, and consequently fell into decline. Historians have put to rest any theories about the transport and erection of statues. Instead, they debate the causes for decline, and wonder why the islanders permitted the continued exploitation of their resource base, even after they were aware that they were causing severe damages to the environment. Jared Diamond has asked the question, "What were they thinking when they cut down the last palm tree?" This study examines the available historical, archaeological, and anthropological evidence, and combines it with theories of institutional economics pertaining to the management and governing of common-pool resources, in order to arrive at a theory for explaining why Easter Islanders permitted the destruction of their island habitat, and what motivated them to continue doing so. The results show that Easter Island's ecosystem was unusually fragile, and consequently, in the long-term, decline and collapse was inevitable. The study concludes with implications for modern society.
Climate Research, 2009
Proxy climate data for the Pacific Ocean show that the most intense El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) activity during the last millennium coincides with the most recent period of deforestation on Easter Island. We therefore raise the question as to whether an abrupt change in ENSO variability and its associated impact on the marine resources surrounding Easter Island might have been -for a population already under strain from a number of different pressures -the final stressor causing social collapse. Studies showing how this hypothesized interaction between climate, marine resources and human history on Easter Island could be investigated are discussed.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2013
The reigning paradigm holds that Easter Island suffered a socio-ecological collapse (ecocidal or not) sometime in the last millennium, prior to European contact (AD 1720). We discuss some novel paleoecological and archaeological evidence that challenges this assumption. We use this case study to propose a closer collaboration between archaeology and paleoecology. This collaboration allows us to unravel historical trends in which both environmental changes and human activities might have acted, alone or coupled, as drivers of ecological and social transformations. We highlight a number of particular points in which scholars from disparate disciplines, working together, may enhance the scope and the soundness of historical inferences. These points are the following: (1) the timing of the initial Easter Island colonization and the origin of the settlers, (2) the pace of ecological and social transformations since that time until the present, and (3) the occurrence of potential climate-human synergies as drivers of socio-ecological shifts.
Academia Green Energy, 2023
We are delighted to unveil the inauguration of Academia Green Energy, a pioneering open-access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal committed to propelling the boundaries of green energy research and cutting-edge technologies. With unwavering dedication, we aim to establish a vibrant forum where esteemed academics, accomplished researchers, and visionary industry professionals can showcase their multidisciplinary endeavors and foster the exchange of profound insights and transformative knowledge across all fields relevant to the science and technology of energy research. Embracing a holistic approach, Academia Green Energy emphasizes the profound interplay between energy, environment, society, and economy, driving the transition towards a cleaner, greener, and more prosperous future.
C.V. (publicat parţial şi în Who is Who în România-Enciclopedie şi platformă online cu biografiile personalităţilor de succes) I. Detalii introductive Nume şi prenume: Mureşanu Cristian Pseudonim: Cristi;
Cultural Values, 1999
The Institute for Cultural Research offers an institutional home and heightened visibility for cultural research at Lancaster, facilitating for a range of activities across the University. Running its own prograrrune of seminars, workshops and conferences, the ICR also coordinates an interdisciplinary programme of graduate studies in contemporary culture and culfural history. The lnstitute seminars currently in progress include: The Law of the Political; The Human Genome Diuersity Project; and Millennial Capital. The Politics of Emerging Politieal Complexes (February 1999) is a forthcoming conference. Cultural Research deals with contemporary culfure and cultural history from the standpoint of cultural theory. It attends to the changing nature of contemporary life, to contemporary culture's representations of itself, to its different social and spatial scales, from the local to the global; and to its technologies. It concerns itself with the everyday: with experience, and with cultural texts and their uses. Culhrral Research at Lancaster is distinguished by the extension of established theories into these new domains of enquiry.
Research in developmental disabilities
We compared the effects of three treatment approaches on preschool-age children with autism spectrum disorders. Twenty-nine children received intensive behavior analytic intervention (IBT; 1:1 adult:child ratio, 25-40 h per week). A comparison group (n=16) received intensive "eclectic" intervention (a combination of methods, 1:1 or 1:2 ratio, 30 h per week) in public special education classrooms (designated the AP group). A second comparison group (GP) comprised 16 children in non-intensive public early intervention programs (a combination of methods, small groups, 15 h per week). Independent examiners administered standardized tests of cognitive, language, and adaptive skills to children in all three groups at intake and about 14 months after treatment began. The groups were similar on key variables at intake. At follow-up, the IBT group had higher mean standard scores in all skill domains than the AP and GP groups. The differences were statistically significant for all d...
American Annals of the Deaf, 2002
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2004
Historia del Convento de Agustinos de Santa María del Puerto de Salmerón (1337 - 1836) Colección Scripta Academiae, nº 21, ISBN 978-84-96885-82-0 144 págs., 2009
Soil Use and Management, 2019
Los lazos de corrupción entre Rusia y Venezuela Una alianza con otros medios, 2019
Revista de Historia de la Construcción
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2014
Journal of Education and Teaching (JET), 2024
Nur Lailah A., 2025
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2014
Genes, Brain and Behavior, 2010