Concurrent Oblivious Transfer
Bell Laboratories – Lucent Technologies
600 Mountain Ave.
Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA
garay,philmac ✁
We consider the problem of designing an efficient oblivious transfer (OT) protocol that is provably secure in a concurrent setting, i.e., where many OT sessions may be running concurrently with their messages interleaved arbitrarily. Known OT protocols use zero-knowledge proofs, and no
concurrent zero-knowledge proofs are known that use less
than a poly-logarithmic number of rounds (at least without
requiring a pre-processing phase, a public random string,
an auxiliary string, timing constraints, or pre-distributed
public keys). We introduce a model for proving security
of concurrent OT protocols, and present a protocol that is
proven secure in this model based on the Decisional DiffieHellman problem. The protocol is efficient, requiring only
a slightly non-constant number of rounds.
1. Introduction
Oblivious Transfer (OT) is a fundamental cryptographic
primitive introduced by Rabin [45]. Informally, an OT protocol
is a two-party protocol in which Alice transmits a bit
to Bob, Bob receives the bit with probability ☎✄ , and Alice does not learn whether Bob
receives the bit. A vari☎ ✝
✆ -OT, has Alice transmitting
ant of the✂✠problem,
to Bob, Bob✄ choosing which bit
to retwo bits ✞
. OT,
☎ ✝
✆ -OT, and other variants have been studied extensively
[1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 9, 11, 22, 48, 19, 25, 30, 39, 37])
and have been used in many cryptographic protocols (e.g.,
[38, 43, 8]).
Beaver [2] was the first to formally define security for OT
in a stand-alone setting (hereafter referred to as stand-alone
OT). He defined it in relation to an ideal system for OT in
which Alice and Bob communicate through a trusted host
that performs the OT operation, and in which all communication to and from the trusted host is absolutely private.
To prove a real OT protocol is secure, one must be able to
simulate the real protocol using an ideal OT protocol. The
idea is that an adversary that breaks the real protocol can be
used to create an adversary that breaks the ideal protocol,
which by definition is impossible.
Concurrent composition of protocols. When constructing cryptographic protocols for the real world, and in particular, when they are meant to be run over the Internet,
they need to be secure even when instances of the protocols
are run concurrently. There has been a great deal of work
on securing authentication and key exchange protocols in a
concurrent setting (e.g., [4, 6, 7, 24, 35, 36, 42, 44, 49]). 1
There has also been recent work on zero-knowledge
protocols in a concurrent setting. Dwork, Naor and Sahai [27] considered the general case of concurrent zero
knowledge in an asynchronous setting, and showed that
assuming bounds on the relative speed of the processors,
one can construct four-round zero-knowledge arguments for
any language in NP. This result was improved by Dwork
and Sahai [28], who showed that the timing assumption
can be reduced to a pre-processing phase. The timing assumptions were later eliminated by Di Crescenzo and Ostrovsky [18], who presented a constant-round concurrent
zero-knowledge protocol (proofs and arguments) with preprocessing for all languages in NP. Recently, Damgård [21]
presented constant-round concurrent zero-knowledge protocols assuming an auxiliary string is available to all players (see [21]), and Canetti et al. [12] presented constantround concurrent zero-knowledge protocols in the publickey model.
With no pre-processing or timing assumptions—i.e., the
“vanilla” model, Kilian, Petrank and Rackoff [41] showed
that if a language ✓ has a four-round proof-of-membership,
and one can black-box simulate polynomially many asynchronous concurrent proofs, then ✓✕✔ BPP. The number of
rounds in this lower bound has recently been increased to
1 This work was preceded by many attacks on previous protocols that
were not designed with careful consideration of the concurrent setting.
seven by Rosen [47]. Regarding upper bounds, Richardson and Kilian [46] presented a concurrent zero-knowledge
proof for this setting but they required a polynomial number
of rounds (polynomial in the concurrency). More recently,
Kilian and Petrank [40] have reduced the number of rounds
to poly-logarithmic.
To our knowledge, there has been no previous work on
OT in a concurrent setting (hereafter referred to as concurrent OT). On the other hand, there have been protocols
which are meant to be run in a concurrent setting and which
are based on OT [43, 8]. In these papers, OT is essentially
assumed to be a black-box in which concurrently-running
protocols have no effect on each other. However, all OT
protocols in the literature have used zero-knowledge proofs,
which, as discussed above, may not necessarily be secure
when run concurrently! In fact, the only ones shown to be
secure require at least a poly-logarithmic number of rounds
(in the concurrency), and thus would be very costly in practice.
☎ ✝
Our results. In this paper we focus on ✆ -OT.2 We
Beaver’s stand-alone security model for
OT [2] to
☎ ✝
✆ -OT in a concurrent setting. We then present a protocol
☎ ✝
for concurrent ✆ -OT in the standard model (i.e., no tim✄
ing constraints, pre-processing,
auxiliary strings, etc.) and
prove its security. Our protocol is based on a protocol due to
Bellare and Micali [5], and is the first protocol to be proven
secure without using zero-knowledge protocols (i.e., using
only witness-hiding protocols). The security of our protocol is based on the Decisional Diffie-Hellman problem 3 and
has a number of rounds (and number of exponentiations)
which is only slightly non-constant. (Contrast this to the
most efficient concurrent zero-knowledge protocol known
which requires a poly-logarithmic number of rounds.)
The technical contributions that underlie our results are
as follows. A first contribution is to show an OT protocol
that does not need to use a zero-knowledge protocol in order to be provably secure. This is not trivial, and in fact,
the Bellare-Micali protocol that we extend is the only one
that we have found that allows this. A major difficulty (especially in the concurrent setting), is to allow simulations
without the zero-knowledge property of the ZK-protocols.
That is, if a party must commit to certain values (or to the
knowledge of certain values using a proof of knowledge),
then our OT simulator must also, since the proof is not zeroknowledge.
A second contribution is the development of a new proof
of representations, in which some part of the representation
for ✆ ✁ -OT imply protocols for other variants of OT [15].
3 Most known (provable) OT protocols are based on specific complexity assumptions; in [33] an OT protocol is given based on any trapdoor
2 Protocols
must be guaranteed to not be zero. This turns out to be very
useful in our protocol, and may be useful in other contexts.
A third contribution is the development of proofs of
knowledge that work in a concurrent setting, even if we
cannot guarantee perfect indistinguishability between normal execution and execution after the extractor “rewinds.” 4
We do this using a slightly non-constant number of standard three-round proofs of knowledge, and show that the
extraction works with high probability for at least one of
the standard proofs of knowledge.
2. Basic Cryptographic Concepts
We say that a function ☎✞ ✄ is negligible if ✂ for any
✞✌☞ , there is an ✄✎✍ such that for ✄✑✏✒✄✎✍ , ✞☛✄
✕✗✖ ✆✞✝✠✟☎✡ ✌
✞☛✄ .
Discrete logs and the DDH problem. For a prime ✘ , we
will work in a group ✙✛✚ of order ✘ with generator ✜ . For a
specific example, we could use a group formed by integer
be prime,
modular arithmetic as follows. Let ✆✣✢✤✟ ✘✦✥
and let ✧✩✪ ★ be the multiplicative group modulo ✆ , with ✜ a
generator of order ✘ in ✧✦✪ ★ . Then ✙ ✚ would be the subgroup
generated by ✜ .
For ✫ ✢ ✜✭✬ , we use DL ✞☎✫ ✜ ✢✯✮ to denote the dis✌
crete log of✡ ✫ with respect to ✜ . Additionally, for ✰ ✢ ✜✞✱ ,
let ✲✩✳ ✞☛✫ ✰
✜✭✬ ✱ . We assume the hardness of the De✌
cision Diffie-Hellman problem (DDH). In this problem, it is
the goal of the polynomial-time adversary to distinguish the
following two distributions with a non-negligible advantage
over a random guess:
✡ ✡
✡ ✡
with ✫ ✰ ✧ ✔✵✴✶✙✷✚ , and
✌ ✌
with ✫
✔✎✴✹✙✷✚ .
Representations. We let REP ✞ ✡ ✞✺✜ ✜ ☎ ☞✻☞✼☞ ✜✾✽ denote
✌ ✌
a representation of ✡ over multiple bases/generators, i.e.,
✜❁❀❃❂ ✜✭☎ ❀✗❄ ☞✼☞✻☞❅✜ ✽ ❀✗❆ . In our protocols, we will need to prove
knowledge of representations over multiple bases, but with
the extra condition that the representation
one of them
to deis non-zero. We use NZ-REP ❇❉❈✠✞ ✡ ✞✺✜ ✜ ☎ ☞✼☞✼☞ ✜ ✽
✌ ✌
note a representation over the multiple bases, with the exponent on ✜✾❊ being non-zero.
3. Model and Definition of Secure OT
☎ ✝
Our model used to prove security of ✆ -OT in a concurrent setting is an extension of the model✄ used for standalone OT by Beaver [2].
4 In
particular, to avoid nested and interleaved rewinds in the concurrent setting, which could blow up the running time of the simulation, the
extractor operates a rewind execution differently than the normal simulation operation.
☎ ✝
Security for ✆ -OT is defined☎ ✝ using an ideal system,
which describes the service (of ✆ -OT) that is to be provided, and a real system, which✄ describes the world in
which the protocol participants and adversaries work. The
ideal system should be defined such that an “ideal world
adversary” cannot (by definition) break the security. Then,
intuitively, a proof of security would show that anything an
adversary can do in the real system can also be done in the
ideal system, and thus it would follow that the protocol is
secure in the real system.
The ideal system. As described above, the ideal system
described by Beaver for stand-alone OT includes two play✂
ers, Alice and Bob, and a trusted host. Alice sends a bit
to the trusted host, who then sends ✞
or ✞
to Bob
with equal probability. Also, either player can send a quit
message to the trusted host to abort the protocol. We assume
all communication to or from
☎ ✝ the trusted host is absolutely
private. Extending this to ✆ -OT we would first have Bob
a bit ✑ to the trusted host,
then have Alice send two bits
✂ ✟ ✡☞✂
finally have the trusted host
✄ ✌ ✂ ✎
send bit to Bob. Security is considered with respect to a
cheating Bob or a cheating Alice who tries to gain information that is not allowed.
One can assume the bits that Alice and Bob send to the
trusted host are a function of an environment , the distribution of which is known to the adversary. 5 (Often can
be thought of as a random string drawn from some known
☎ ✝
The ideal system for concurrent ✆ -OT has multiple Al✄
ice and Bob instances that send bits
to, and receive bits
from, the trusted host. Again the bits sent to the trusted host
are assumed to be a function of an environment . Security
is considered with respect to a set of cheating Bob instances
or a set of cheating Alice instances.6
☎ ✝ In both the stand-alone and the concurrent model of
✆ -OT, once Bob receives a bit from the trusted host, both
index of the bit received and the bit itself is output. This
models the adversary somehow obtaining these values, and
is necessary for proving the security of these protocols in a
“black-box” fashion so they can be used within larger protocols.
Because in the ideal system, (1) the sender in the ideal
system cannot see the bit ✑ sent by the receiver, and (2) the
receiver cannot see the other bit
sent by the sender, it
☎ ✝ ✄ ✒
should be clear that the ideal ✆ -OT is completely secure.
5 Note that we specifically do not assume Alice or Bob has committed
to any bits. This would be called “committed” or “verifiable” oblivious
transfer [16, 17] and is beyond the scope of this paper.
6 This is similar to the model for concurrent zero-knowledge, in which
the adversary may corrupt either the provers (when considering soundness), or the verifiers (when considering zero-knowledge) but not some of
each. See Section 6 for more discussion on this issue.
The real system. Now we (briefly) describe the real system in which we assume an OT protocol runs. As in the
ideal system there will be multiple Alice and Bob instances.
In the real system these are defined as state machines. Each
instance starts in some initial state, and may transform its
state based on its input bits (which could be computed as
a function of an environment ), and after that, only when
it receives a message. At that point it updates its state and
possibly sends a response message
As in the ideal system, security is considered with respect to a set of cheating Bob instances or a set of cheating
Alice instances.
Definition of security. Security for oblivious transfer is
defined as follows:
Completeness: whenever any real world adversary
faithfully delivers messages between an Alice and
Bob instance the oblivious transfer completes successfully.
Simulatability for Bob (Alice): for every efficient real
world adversary that corrupts a set of Alice (Bob)
instances, there exists an efficient ideal world advercorrupting a corresponding set of Alice (Bob)
instances such that
produces a transcript of messages and adversary view that is computationally indistinguishable from that produced by .
✂ ★
4. An OT Protocol without Zero-Knowledge
☎ ✝
We arrive at our concurrent ✆ -OT protocol through a
series a transformations. ☎ ✝ We start
by describing a noninteractive (stand-alone) ✆ -OT protocol due to☎ Bellare and
Micali [5]. We transform it into an interactive ✆ -OT proto✄
col that uses witness-hiding proofs of knowledge,
which we
☎ ✝
then (in Section 5) turn into a concurrent ✆ -OT protocol
with slightly non-constant number of rounds.✄
4.1. The Bellare-Micali
☎ ✝
-OT protocol
✧✦✪ ★
✧✩✪ ★
Let prime , generator of
, and element
be known to all users; it is assumed that nobody knows the
discrete log of . Bob chooses
his secret and
as follows: he picks ✑ ✔
random, and sets
. His public key
✄✠✡ ✒ ✎
✟ ✡
is ✞
and his secret key is ✞ ✑
. Anybody can check
✄ ✌
by checking that
. Since the discrete log of is not known, Bob
should not know the discrete logs of both
suming finding discrete logs is infeasible); moreover, the
public key does not reveal which of the
two discrete logs
✂ ✟☛✡ ✂
. The protocol
Bob knows. Alice has a pair of bits ✞
✡ ✡
✡ ✡ ✢ ✄
✞✕ ✝ ✮ ✟☎ ☞✻☞✼☞ ✡✆ ✠✆☛ ✝
✡ ✢ ✜✭✬✌☞ ✡ ✢✎❇✑✍ ✏
✄ ✡
✄ ✆
✤ ✁
✥✬✮ ✩
✁ ❂
Picks ✯ ✯ ✁ ✌ ✎ ✑✱✓
✴ ✭ ✄✰✆ ✄✖✵✶✥✷✁✗✄✰✆✗✴ ✭
✁ ✯ ✁
Picks ☞
✄ ✆
✄ ✆
✁ ✸
Figure 1. The Bellare-Micali non-interactive OT protocol; Bob’s public key is ✞
is shown in Figure 1. In the figure, ✽ ✮ ✡✿✾ denotes the inner
product mod 2 of the strings ✮ and ✡ , and ❀ ✢❂❁ ✆❃❁ .
Bellare and Micali note that to prove security, a Bob must
also provide a zero knowledge proof of knowledge of his
secret key. However, no proof of security is given. Actually, it is not clear how to prove security in Beaver’s security model, although including the zero-knowledge proof
of knowledge seems to make their protocol “halfway” provably secure (that is, simulatable for the case when the adversary corrupts Bob). This proof would be based on the computational Diffie-Hellman problem (and uses the GoldreichLevin theorem [34]).
4.2. The new stand-alone OT protocol
✤✺✻✹ ☞
✯ ✻
✟ ✡
and his secret key is ✞ ✑
✄ ✌
keys. To our knowledge, a proof of knowledge for this type
of special representation is new and might be of more general interest.
Proof of knowledge of the special representation. For
simplicity, we present here the POK of the particular representation that will be used in our OT protocol: over three
bases, with one representation being non-zero; we defer the
general cases (1 out of ❀ , several bases out of ❀ ) to the full
version of the paper. The protocol is shown in Figure 2.
Lemma 1 The protocol of Figure 2 is a witnessindistinguishable
proof of knowledge protocol for
NZ-REP❅ ✞ ✡ ✞✺✜ ✄ ✄ .
✌ ✌
We now present
☎ ✝ a modification of the protocol above that
achieves secure ✆ -OT. Our protocol only uses a witness✄
hiding proof of knowledge
(POK) [31] in place of the zeroknowledge POK from Bob to Alice that would be used in
the protocol above. It also uses another witness-hiding POK
from Alice to Bob after the first transfer in the protocol. The
protocol is shown in Figure 3. In the figure, POK[ ☞ ] stands
for a (witness-hiding) proof of knowledge protocol, namely,
a so-called ❄ -protocol [23] consisting of three moves: an
initial message from the prover (in this case, Bob), a challenge, and a response. (Messages, of course, could be combined; we show them separately for clarity.) The proofs
are of disjunctions and conjunctions of statements. Efficient
proofs of monotone (boolean) composition of knowledge
statements were given in [14, 32].
Before describing the protocol more thoroughly, we first
explain a particular construction that our protocol uses,
namely, proofs of knowledge of representations over multiple bases, and, in particular, with the extra condition that
the representation over one of them✡ is non-zero.
✡ ☎ ✡
☞✼☞✼☞ ✜✾✽
✌ ✌
NZ-REP❇ ❈✍✞ ✡ ✞✺✜ ✜ ☎ ☞✼☞✻☞ ✜✾✽ , resp.—see Section 2.) This
✌ ✌
type of proof is needed for Alice to have a guarantee that
Bob only knows the discrete log of one of the two public
Proof Completeness is straightforward. For soundness,
using the knowledge✡ extractor
associated with the proof
of knowledge, let ✞☛❆ ❆ ✍ ❆ ✍ ✍ be the representation extracted
✄ ❇☛❊ ❊ );
the first part of the proof (i.e., ✡ ✢ ✜❈❇ ✄❉❇☛❊☎❋
✡ ✡
✞❍● ● ✍ ● ✍ ✍ the representation extracted from the second ( ■
❏ ✌
✜ ❊ ✄
❊ ❊ ); ❑
the ✡discrete log extracted from the third
(▲ ✢ ✄ ❀ ); and ✞☛▼ ▼❁✍ the representation extracted from
the fourth ( ■ ▲ ✢ ✜✿◆ ✄✜◆ ❊ ). If ❆✌✍ ✍P✢ ❖
then the assertion holds, so assume otherwise. From proofs 2–4 we
obtain ■ ✢ ✡❈❏ ✜ ❏ ❊ ✄ ❏ ❊ ❊ ✢ ✜◗◆✌❉
✄ ◆✖❊☛✄ ❀ , which yields ✡❈❏ ✢
❊ ✄ ◆✖❊ ✒
❊ ❊ ✄ ❀ . There are two cases:
✜ ◆ ✒
: Then ✡ ✢ ✜❚❙✗❯✺❱ ❊ ✄❲❙ ❊ ❯✺❱ ❊ ❊ ✄❨❳ . Since ▲❩✢ ❖
, this is a proper representation for ✡ .
and thus
❱ ❊ ❊ ❯❬❙ ❊ , and thus the verifier
✜ ❱ ❊ ❯❬❙ ✄
: Then ✄ ✢
can compute a proper representation for ✡ (say, ✡ ✢
✜❭❇ ✒ ❱ ❊ ❯❬❙ ✄✒❇☛❊ ✒ ❱ ❊ ❊ ❯❬❙ ❊ ✄ ).
To prove witness indistinguishability, note that each
proof of knowledge of a representation is witness indistinguishable, so even if the discrete logs of ✡ , ■ , ▲ , ✄ and ✄
are known (say ❪ , ❪ ☎ , ❪✱❫ , ❴ , and ❴✭✍ respectively), the verifier
is only able to learn the following restrictions (all ❵❘❛◗❜ ✘ ):
✥❝❴ ✍ ❞ ✍
✞ ✞ ✞ ✠✟☛✡
Picks ✝ ✝ ✝
☞ ✍✌ ✍✌ ✌
✏ ✄✁ ✌
☞ ✑✏✓✒
✂✮◗✆✗ ✧◗✆
❪ ❫
✥P● ✍ ✥
❴◗● ✍ ✍
❴ ✍ ❞ ✍ ●
✌ ✎
✟✞✟ AND
❨✆✖ ✧◗✆
☞ ✔✏
☞✘✗ ✏
Figure 2. Proof of knowledge of NZ-REP ❅ ✞
This system of equations has a solution for any ✞ ✮ ❞ ❞✾✍
satisfying ❪ ✢✯✮ ✥ ❴❭❞✷✥ ❴❁✍ ❞✠✍ . Note that no hardness as✄
sumptions are needed.
☎ ✝
The protocol. The new (stand-alone) ✆ -OT protocol is
shown in Figure 3. The basic idea is the✄ same as that in
the Bellare-Micali protocol. Alice gives Bob a value ✄ for
which Bob does not know the discrete log (this ✄ corresponds to the value in the Bellare-Micali protocol), and
forces Bob to commit to two values, one of them containing the value ✄ . However, we want to avoid ZK protocols,
so everything is done with representations. This disallows
trick which forces Bob
the use of the simple ✞☎✜ ✬
to use in one of his two values, and thus Bob has to do
a more complicated “NZ-REP” protocol, and include it in
a more complicated boolean POK expression. On the Alice side, any reduction from Diffie-Hellman will require the
value that the simulator sends for Alice in the first message
to include a value for which the simulator does not know
the discrete log. This is why we send two values ✞
and simply prove knowledge of a representation of ✄ over
and ✜ . This allows the simulator to incorporate a value
with an unknown discrete log into .
✌ ✌
essentially by constructing a simulator that simulates the
user instances in the real system using corresponding user
instances in an ideal system.)
plays the role of real-Alice (Alice in the real
system). Then ★ plays the role of ideal-Alice and simulates real-Bob for . ★ accepts
and ✄ and then runs
the knowledge✡ extractor
From this it re✡
✞☎✄ ✞☎✜
❊ . Then ✛★ chooses
✌ ✌ ✡ ✟ ✢
✮ ✡ ✮
❏ ✢
✍ ✔ ✴
✧ ✚ and sets
✜✭✬ and
✒ ❊ ✜✭✬✝❊ ✒
✜❁✬✝❊ . ¿From this point on, ✿★ follows the real-Bob protocol
✟☛✡ ✟☛✡
until the last step. When
it receives ❴ ✡
, it uses its
✂✠✟☛✡ ✂ ✌
and . It sends ✞
to the trusted host, and has ideal✄
Bob send its ✑ value to the trusted host. (Note that ★ does
not know the bit ✑ at this point.) The trusted host sends
✡ ✂ ✎
ideal-Bob the requested bit , and the pair ✞ ✑
is output.
This will be perfectly indistinguishable from what would be
output in the real world.
Now say plays the role of real-Bob. Then ★ plays
the role of ideal-Bob and simulates real-Alice. ★ follows
the protocol for real-Alice, except that using the extractor
associated with the second proof
of knowledge, it extracts
✟ ✡
from (who is playing
the discrete log ✮ of one of ✞ ✡ ✡
✄ ✌ ✡ ✡
real-Bob), and a representation ✞ ✮ ✍ ❞ ❞✠✍ of the other one.
If the extraction fails, or if the extractor extracts the discrete
logs and representations of both, then ★ aborts. (Note that
the extraction fails only with probability ✚✄ , and the other
case will happen only with negligible probability because
would essentially be computing discrete logs, as shown
✡ ✕
below.) Say ★ extracts the discrete log of ✡ for ✑ ✔
Then ★ knows that ✑ is the index✂ of the bit
✛★ has ideal-Alice send her bits
to the trusted
host, and then sends ✑ to the trusted
that ★ doesn’t
back from the trusted host, so now ✿★ knows
Theorem 1 Assuming the hardness of DDH, the protocol
of Figure 3 is a secure stand-alone OT protocol.
Proof [Sketch] Verification of the completeness requirement is straightforward. For simulatability, we will transform a real-world adversary into an ideal-world adversary ★ that attacks the ideal system and outputs a transcript which is computationally indistinguishable from the
one produced by attacking the real system. (We do this
✞ ✆ ✞✞
Picks ✤ ✤
✟ ✡
✆✖ ✧◗✆
✂✮✣✄✔✆✖ ✧◗✆
Picks ✁ ✁ ✮
✮✣✄✝✆ ✧
✆ ✧
✁✄✂ ✻
✌ ✎
✁✤✄ ✁
✹ ❊
)) ]
✁✍✌ ✎
✄ ✥✬✧ ✩✪✫ ✆
✟ ✡
✌ ✎
✯ ✁
✁ ✄ ✥❲✲
If✄✍✥✬✮ ✩✪✫ then
✟ ✡
✄ ✆
Picks ☞
✆✖ ✧◗✆
✮✣✄✰✆ ✮
✤ ✁
✁ ✟
If ✥✬✮ ✩ then
✭ ✄✦✥★✧
✁ ❂
✄✰✆ ✭ ✄✰✆
✤ ✁
✆ ✭
Figure 3. A stand-alone ✆
✂ ✎
, but not
. ✛★ then computes ❴ and ✎ as in✣ the✎ real
protocol, but chooses random values for ❴
If there is a distinguisher that can distinguish the transcript of from
the transcript of ★ , then we can create a
✍ for DDH as follows. Take a DDH chaldistinguisher
✡ ✡
lenge: ✞☎✫ ✰ ✧ and set
✫ . Run the protocol as
real-Alice against an adversary who plays the role of real✎
Bob, but extract the discrete log ✮ of ✡ and representation
as in the simulation above, where ✑ is
✞ ✍ ❞ ❞✠✍ of
the bit that wants. If the extractor extracts the discrete
logs and representations of both, then ✍ simply computes
the discrete log of ✫ and computes the correct answer to
the DDH challenge directly. If the extraction fails, or ex✟
tracts both discrete logs and representations of both ✡✆ and
but is not able to compute the discrete log of ✫ , ✍ an✄
swers “Random” and
stops. (This happens with probability
at most ✚✄ ✥ ✚✄ ✢ ✚ .)
✂ ✟
Now choose bits
according to the distribu✄
tion expected by
(for instance, from a distribution that
). In the last step,✣ choose
depends on the environment
a random ❞❃✍ , set ❴
and either set
☎ ✝
✤ ✻✹
-OT protocol
if ✆
, or set ✆
randomly if
. Now run on the transcript. If answers “real
protocol,” then answer “True DH.” If answers “simulated
then answer “Random.” ✆
answers “real” and
Let -real be the event that
-sim the event that
answers “simulated,” and let ❞ ✢
✍✏✎ ✆
✍✑✎ ✆
✞ -real ”real” and let ❞ ✍
✞ -real “sim” . Since
distinguishes with non-negligible probability, we have that
for some non-negligible ✒ :
✟ ❊✠✡☛✻
✟ ✰☞✝✖❊ ❊✌✟☎❊✠✡✵✝
✬ ❊
✎ ✢
-real ❁ ”real”
❞ ✍
-real ❁ “sim”
Let ✕ be the event that the extraction fails, and let ✕ ☎ be
the event that the extraction succeeds but we cannot
✜ . Let
pute ✑ , and furthermore cannot compute DL ✞✗✖
✞✘✕ ☎ . Let ✕❨❫ be the event that
and let ▲ ✍ ✢
✄ ✌
the extraction
succeeds and allows the✍✏simulator
to com✡
✞✘✕ ❫ . Note that
pute DL ✞☛✫ ✜ directly. Let ▲✩✍ ✍ ✢
▲ , ▲ ✍ , and ▲ ✍ ✍ are the same whether ✧
✲✸✳ ✞☎✫
✲✩✳ ✞☎✫
, and that ▲✹✥ ▲ ✍ ✓ ✚ . Also note that when
✡ ✌
✲✩✳ ✞☎✫
, Alice’s responses are exactly as in the real
protocol, and when ✧ ✢ ❖ ✲✸✳ ☎✫ ✰ , Alice’s responses are
exactly as in the simulated protocol. Therefore,
✍✏✎ ✆
is correct
-real ❁ ✧ ✢
-sim ❁ ✧❂✢ ❖
✍ ✎
✠ ✠
5.1. Proof of security
☛ ✠
✏✍ ✎
❞ ✍
✍ ✎
Bob, and thus must transmit both bits (drawn from a simulated distribution) in the correct way. Given that the views
seen by the adversary running against the extractor and the
normal simulator are computationally indistinguishable, but
nevertheless different, the basic argument that the extractor
finishes in polynomial time does not hold. To get around
this problem, we make sure the extractor for a given POK
fails with polynomially small probability, and then after
a non-constant number of independent attempts fails with
only negligible probability.
which is non-negligibly more than 1/2. Thus, if there is
a distinguisher that can distinguish the transcript from the
real world from that of the ideal world, then the DDH distinguisher constructed above would have a non-negligible
advantage over a random choice.
This completes the proof of the theorem.
5. The Concurrent OT Protocol
We prove security by specifying a simulator that uses an
ideal system to simulate adversary operations in a real system, so that the transcript of an adversary attacking the simulator is computationally indistinguishable from the transcript of an adversary attacking the real system.
Let ✡ be the number of operations the adversary performs in the real system. ✡ must be polynomial in the security parameter ❀ , and without loss of generality we will
❀ .
assume ✡
The Alice simulator. Here we describe the actions of
the simulator for each possible operation of a “Bobcontrolling” adversary in the real protocol. We name the
actions of the real user instances as follows:
Alice0 Alice instance action to start the protocol (i.e., an
Alice0 action for a real Alice instance is sending a message
, and sending the first message in the first POK).
Alice-challenge Alice instance action to respond to the
challenge in the first POK.
Alice instance action on receiving the initial
Alice ●
message in ✆✞✝✠✟ ❏ .
Alice ●
Alice instance action on receiving the response
message in ✆✞✝✠✟ ❏ .
The simulator performs actions as follows:
The protocol for concurrent
-OT is obtained from the
protocol of Figure 3 by running sequentially ☎ proofs of
knowledge of the same statement from Bob to Alice instead
of just one, where ☎ is any non-constant (i.e., positive, increasing) function of the security parameter. (Note that the
POK from Alice to Bob, i.e., the first POK in the protocol, is still only run once.) For a given user instance and
☎ , we use ✆✞✝✠✟ ❏ to denote the ● th POK
for ●
from Bob to Alice in the sequence for that user instance.
For efficiency, the initial message in each POK can be combined with the final message from the preceding POK. To
simplify exposition, however, we will assume that the messages remain separate.
The reason we run the sequential proofs of knowledge
is that the extractor for the proof of knowledge is not able
to run exactly the same execution as the normal simulator, at least not without having to deal with possible nested
rewinding and interleaving of proofs of knowledge. In particular, the normal simulator will always transmit random
noise for the bit that cannot be read by Bob (because this
bit is unknown to the normal simulator), while the extractor will not know the index of the bit that will be read by
for ✓✼● ✓☛☎
Alice0, Alice-challenge, Alice ❍●
: The simulator behaves just as a real Alice instance
for ✓❂● ✓☞☎ : The simulator starts ✡
Alice ●
separate look-ahead simulations starting at the current
operation and running until the adversary stops. (Recall that the adversary performs at most ✡ operations
total.) In each one, the simulator does not use the ideal
system, but simply generates inputs for user instances
from the correct input distribution, and behaves as in
the real protocol. In each look-ahead, a random challenge is used for this proof of knowledge (i.e., ✆✞✝✠✟ ❏
in this Alice instance), and we say that the look-ahead
succeeds if a valid response for that challenge is received. Otherwise, we say the look-ahead fails.
After all look-ahead simulations are finished, the
simulator proceeds as a real Alice instance would (i.e.,
the simulator generates and sends a challenge for the
ulator simply aborts.) The simulator sends that value
✑ to the trusted host in the ideal system, and has the
✂ ✟
ideal-Alice instance send her bits
. (Note that
✂ ✟
the simulator does not know and✂
at this point.)
✎ ✄
The simulator then receives the bit .
and ✎ as in the
Now the simulator generates
real protocol, and draws
✄ ✒
from ✙ ✚ . The simulator sends these values to Bob.
Question: Why can’t we use a simple extractor (that
succeeds with all but negligible☎ probability)
for these POKs instead of the
Answer: A simple extractor would rewind after obtaining the last message of the POK from the
adversary. But how do we perform the rewind
phase with the exact same distribution as the
normal simulation? This seems to require us to
know the ✑ values used by Bob instances in concurrent executions, which leads to more rewinding in other POKs and thus the same type of concurrency problems encountered in concurrent
ZK proofs. On the other hand, if the distributions are not exactly equal in the normal simulation and the rewind phase, we do not know how
to construct an expected polynomial time extractor that succeeds (either because it extracted the
desired knowledge, or because the normal simulation never received an answer in the POK)
with all but negligible probability, even though
the difference in success probabilities in the two
types of simulation may be negligible. For instance, say the normal simulation succeeds with
✘ and the look-ahead succeeds
with probability ✘ . The difference between
these probabilities is negligible, but the expected
simulation time would be about ✘ , which is
Since we cannot obtain negligible ☎ probability of
success in the extractor, we run
(which are similar to rewind phases, but run
before the normal simulation instead of after)
to make the probability of failure polynomially
small, and then run a non-constant number of
POKs to force the probability of all POKs failing to be negligible.
: If all look-aheads for all POKs have
Alice ✞
failed, or if all the look-aheads that succeed use exactly the same challenge as the simulator used in
the normal (non-look-ahead) simulation, the simulator aborts the simulation. Otherwise,
the simulator ex✡ ✡
tracts the values ✮ and ✞ ✮ ✍
from two responses
to two distinct challenges in one of the POKs. The
simulator can then determine the value ✑ used by the
adversary. (If it cannot, because it✟ obtains discrete
logs and representations for both ✡ and ✡ , the sim☛
❞ ❞
The Bob simulator. The actions of the simulator against
an Alice-controlling adversary in the real protocol:
Bob0 Bob instance action on receiving the first message
from Alice.
Bob1 Bob instance action on receiving the first message of
the first POK.
✡ ✕
Bob instance action to start
Bob ✞
✡ ✌
Bob ✞
Bob instance action to respond to the challenge
Bob-final Bob instance action to respond to the last message from Alice.
The simulator performs the actions as follows:
❍● ✡
Bob0, Bob ✞
❍● ✡
, and Bob ✞
: The simulator behaves just as a real Bob
instance would.
Bob1: The simulator saves the state of the execution
for a later rewind to this point. Then the simulator
generates and sends a challenge, as a real Bob instance
Bob ✞
: If the POK succeeds, Bob rewinds to the
Bob1 step, and uses the knowledge extractor to ex✡
. After rewinding, the simulator
tract REP ✞☛✄ ✞☎✜
✌ ✌
performs a type of look-ahead simulation as the Alice
simulator did above that uses no interaction with the
ideal world and no further rewinding. Essentially, the
look-ahead simulation chooses the ✑ value for each
Bob instance according to the conditional distribution
of ✑ values expected by the adversary given all previously revealed ✑ values. The reason that this works is
Bob instances
that have gotten to step
✕ ✡ ✕
Bob ✞
have already computed ✡ and ✡
values such that the simulator knows the discrete log ✂ of both (see below), and can thus
compute sent from Alice for either ✑ ✢
or ✑
, and
Bob instances that have not gotten to step
✕ ✡ ✕
are free to set their ✡ and ✡ acBob ✞
cording to the ✑ chosen by the simulator.
Thus the look-ahead simulation performed during
rewinding is perfectly indistinguishable from the normal simulation, and thus the extraction can succeed in
expected polynomial time (as in a stand-alone proofof-knowledge).
After extracting REP ✞☛✄ ✞✺✜
, the simulator sets
❏ ✌✢ ✌
✜❁✬ and
✜❁✬✝❊ , i.e., it knows
✒ ❊✺✜✭✬✝❊ ✒
the discrete log of both.
Bob-final:✟ Using its knowledge of the discrete logs
✂ ✟
of both
and ✡ , the simulator determines the bits
and sent by Alice (controlled by the adversary), and
sends them to the trusted host as the ideal-Alice instance. Then the simulator has the ideal-Bob instance
send its bit ✑ to the trusted host. (Note that the ad✑ at this point.) The ideal-Bob
versary does not know
✡ ✂ ✎
instance outputs ✞ ✑
This completes the description of the Bob simulator.
Theorem 2 Assuming the hardness of DDH, the protocol
described in Section 5 is a secure Concurrent OT protocol.
Proof [Sketch] First consider the case of an Alicecontrolling adversary . Let ✿★ be defined as running on
the simulator described above. (Thus ★ is an adversary for
the ideal system.) Since the simulation of Bob-instances is
perfectly indistinguishable from a set of real-Bob instances,
if could break the real system, then ★ could break the
ideal system, which is impossible.
Now consider the case of a Bob-controlling . Let ★
be defined as running on the simulator described above.
(Again, ★ is an adversary for the ideal system.) If there
is a distinguisher that can distinguish the transcript of
(running on the real system) from the transcript of ★ , then
we can create a distinguisher ✡ ✡✍ for DDH as follows. Take
a DDH challenge: ▼
. Whenever
✖ ✍ ✍
generate a new DDH instance ✞ ✖
which is a DH❀
❀ ✌
triple if and only if the challenge is. (This can be done as
described in [49].) Run against the simulator described
above with the following modifications:
When simulating Alice0, set ✢ ✖ (for a new ❑ ).
When simulating Alice ✞
from the correct input distribution
(conditioned on all previous inputs).
-real ❁ ”real”
-real ❁ “sim”
Let ✕ be the event that an extraction fails, and let ✕ ☎
be the event that an extraction succeeds but we cannot
✜ . Let
pute ✑ , and furthermore cannot compute DL ✞✗✖
✕ ❫ be the event that an extraction succeeds and allows the
✕ ✡
simulator to compute DL ✞✗✖ ✡ ✜ directly. For ✂
let ▲ ❊ ✡
✞✘✕ ❊ ✧
✲✩✳ ✞☛✫
and let ▲ ❊✍
✞✗✕ ❊ ✧ ❖
✌ ✌
. (In contrast to the proof for the standalone pro✲✸✳ ✞☎✫
✌ ✌
tocol, ▲ ❊ may not be equal to ▲✩❊ ✍ .) Note that ▲ ☎ ▲ ☎ ✍ ✓ ✚ .
Also note that when ✧ ✢ ✲✸✳ ✞☎✫ ✰ , Alice’s responses are
exactly as in the real protocol, and when ✧ ✢ ❖ ✲✩✳ ✞☛✫ ✰ ,
Alice’s responses are exactly as in the simulated protocol.
is correct
✞ -real ✧
✞ -sim ✧❂❖
Let -real be the event that
answers “real” and
and let ❞ ✆ ✢
✞ -real ”real” and ❞✠✍
✞ -real “sim” . Since
distinguishes with non-negligible probability, we have that
for some non-negligible ✒ :
✞✘✕ ☎ ✧
✌ ✌
▲ ❫
✌ ✌
▲ ☎✍
✌ ✌
✌ ✌
✌ ✌
✌ ✌
▲ ❫✍
✞ ❂
▲ ❫ ✥✷▲ ❫✍
▲ ☎✍
✌ ✌
▲ ☎
✌ ✌
▲ ☎
, set
✄ ✒ ✎
✞✗✖✞✍ ✍ ✝✖✠❊ ✟☎❊✠✡ ✟☛✞✗✞
✖ ✍
✝✖❊ ❊ ✟ ❊✌✡✵✬✰❊ . Otherwise set ❴
✄ ✒
❀ ✌✎
❀ ✌
randomly. (This makes the protocol equiv✄✠✒
alent to the real protocol if and only if the DDH
challenge is a DH-triple.)
If answers “real protocol,” then guess “DH-triple;” if
answers “simulated protocol,” then guess “random triple;”
if the simulator for ✍ aborts because the extraction failed,
✑ could not be determined and furthermore
or because
DL ✞ ✖
could not be determined, then guess “DH-triple;”
✍ aborts because ✑ could not be deterif the simulator for✡
✁ ✢
could be (say it is ), then if ✞✗✖ ✍
mined but DL ✞ ✖
❀ ✌
✖ ✍ ✍ , guess “DH-triple” else guess “random triple.”
which is non-negligibly more than 1/2, as long as ▲ is neg✄
Claim 1
is negligible.
is the probability that in one of the at most
Proof ▲
Alice-Bob instances, every set of look-aheads in the
proofs fail. We will show that the probability
of any set of
look-aheads failing for a given POK is
of any other set of look-aheads),
☎✞✝ and thus the probability of
the simulator aborting is
, which is negligible.
First, for a given POK in the simulation, note that the
probability that gives a response in the simulation is the
same as the probability that gives a response in the lookahead, since they both have the same distribution (because
✲✩✳ ☛✫
). Let ✆ be this probability.
Then the probability of getting a response in the simula✕
look-aheads fail is at most ✆
tion, when all of
. This completes the proof of the claim.
This completes the proof of the theorem.
6. Summary and Open Problems
In this paper we introduced a model for proving security of concurrent OT protocols, and presented a protocol
that is proven secure in this model based on the DDH problem. The protocol is efficient, requiring only a slightly nonconstant number of rounds. One immediate problem is to
design a concurrent OT protocol with a constant number of
One could also consider a stronger adversarial model
for concurrent OT in which an adversary may simultaneously corrupt parties playing Alice and Bob roles, and may
modify messages sent between honest parties. This model
could also be considered for concurrent ZK, but a more basic model is generally used to highlight the fundamental
problems underlying concurrency in ZK protocols. We have
chosen to use a more basic model for concurrent OT for the
same reason—to highlight the fundamental problems underlying concurrency in OT protocols. The stronger adversarial model (for either concurrent OT or concurrent ZK)
generally requires the use of non-malleable primitives [26]
to prove security, and thus causes protocols to be more complex and less efficient.
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