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2022, EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)…
4 pages
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The shift in technological advancements to Artificial Intelligence guided systems is ushering in a batch of new opportunities and challenges for various industries. The educational domain is especially affected by the use of chatbots to enhance learners' interaction capabilities and aid faculty roles by automating mundane tasks. The development of chatbots uses different approaches depending on the educational purposes that they are meant to accomplish. For example, some chatbots are developed using the social constructivist approach and have the ability to act as interactive tutors offering quizzes, assessments, and access to previous lectures. The disruptive technology of chatbots is affecting educational domains in various ways that need to be considered by institutions and practitioners in the field.
University News, 2022
The National Education Policy, 2020 emphasizes on the need to generate awareness as well as conduct research on various aspects of the emerging disruptive technologies. Chatbots are one of the disruptive technologies which are finding its way into education. Chatbots are the software programmes which can take the form of text/voice; facial mode or robots and can act like a helping hand to the teacher. Chatbots with and without educational intentions are being used in education for various purposes. With educational intention, chatbots developed on the basis of socio-constructivist approaches of learning can be used for various purposes like providing interactive quizzes, acting like virtual tutors, programmes for exercise and practice, assessment, answering questions, delivering videos of past lectures. Chatbots developed on the basis of behaviorist and cognitivist approaches of learning are used to perform various activities which do not have educational intentions like answering the FAQs related to course, handling many repetitive questions raised by students regarding project guidelines, deliverables, deadlines, grades, etc. Chatbots in education is less explored area and acceptance of chatbots by education stakeholders and its integration and effectiveness in education need to be explored further.
International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 2024
Chatbots are emerging technologies with the potential to improve teaching and learning processes. This paper conducts a systematic review of research on chatbots in education, focusing on articles published in from 2011 to 2024. The aim is to examine the various aspects addressed by the authors, such as design principles, pedagogical roles, interaction styles, and evaluation methods for chatbots in educational contexts. The tools were classified according to the type of user they targeted, revealing that 42% were aimed at students, 11% at teachers, 29% at both types of users, and 18% at external users. The characteristics of the tools along the above dimensions were analyzed, highlighting trends, good practices, and observed limitations. The key findings, challenges, and implications of using chatbots to improve learning outcomes, and experiences were discussed. It was concluded that chatbots are an emerging technology that offers benefits such as teaching personalization, self-learning, and real-time feedback but also poses challenges, such as evaluation and research into their effectiveness for education.
Chabot, a virtual teaching aid diminishing the monotonous duties of educators, is being researched and exploited in the sector of education. It has been configured in such a manner that customized learning atmosphere is generated and doubts raised by learners are cognitively responded to. This is achieved through vigorous analysis of response and the learning techniques undertaken by students. This paper assesses previous literatures published by researchers on the use of chatbots in the area of learning.
Computer programs known as chatbots can mimic conversations with real users. They are utilized more frequently in education to automate administrative activities, respond to student inquiries, and offer tailored learning support. An exploratory overview of the research on chatbot software and its prospective effects on the educational system is presented in this essay. The history of chatbots and how they have evolved in the education industry are covered in the first section of the study. The available chatbot software is then reviewed, along with its capabilities and effects on students and teachers. The requirement for high-quality data and the possibility of bias are some of the difficulties related with employing chatbots in education that are also covered in the paper. The future of chatbots in education is covered in the paper's conclusion. It implies that chatbots could fundamentally alter how we educate people. To completely comprehend how chatbots affect student learni...
The widespread use of chatbots is a reality and their application in higher education is promising. Understanding higher education users' expectations for the use of chatbots in education is important for the design and development of new solutions. The present investigation documents how higher education users envision the pedagogical uses of chatbots in higher education, and how experts in the domain of education chatbots perceive the potential benefits and challenges related to the use of chatbots in education. A qualitative inquiry was undertaken based on 22 semi-structured interviews with higher-education students and instructors, and experts from the fields of Artificial Intelligence and educational chatbots. Based on our findings, the envisioned pedagogical uses of chatbots can be categorized in terms of chronological integration into the learning process: prospective, ongoing , and retrospective. Under each one of those higher-order categories, specific learning domains can be supported (i.e., cognitive, affective), besides administrative tasks. Benefits and challenges foreseen in the use of pedagogical chatbots are presented and discussed. The findings of this study highlight the manner in which higher-education users envision the use of chatbots in education, with potential implications on the creation of specific pedagogical scenarios, accounting also for the learning context, chatbot technology, and pedagogies that are deemed appropriate in each scenario.
R&E source, 2024
Artificial intelligence is entering the educational process as a new element influencing both pupils/students and teachers. This article explores the significant use of AI in the education process and provides insight into the perspectives of both parties -pupils/students and teachers. As part of our research, university students were asked about their views and experiences with AI in education. This allowed us to better understand their wants and needs. AI is viewed positively if it enhances the learning process and does not sabotage pupils/students' personal interactions with teachers. AI will help teachers with grading and generating tasks, saving them time and allowing them to focus more on interacting with pupils/students. AI will help teachers with assessment and task generation, saving them time and allowing them to focus more on interacting with pupils or students, helping them to better understand the needs of the classroom and tailor their teaching. A key point is preparing teachers to use AI effectively in the classroom.
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Diderot, 2021
The application of artificial intelligence in the educational field has increased significantly in the last decade. In fact, several works are carried out in order to implement smart systems to help learners in their learning processes. Chatbot is one of the AI solutions used to capitalize tutor knowledge and transfer it to learners. Its main feature is to interact effectively with human requests using natural language processing tools, which enables it to understand human intent and respond by text or voice. As a sequence, the chatbot improves the efficacy and productivity in the education domain. Our work aims to identify, collect, and synthesize numerous works from multiple research studies on the use of chatbot in the education field. In this paper, we studied the main research that focuses on the use of chatbot in education. Then, we make a comparative study to highlight research gaps and open new windows for guiding our future works in this area.
Recently, in the commercial and entertainment sectors, we have seen increasing interest in incorporating chatbots into websites and apps, in order to assist customers and clients. In the academic area, chatbots are useful to provide some guidance and information about courses, admission processes and procedures, study programs, and scholarly services. However, these virtual assistants have limited mechanisms to suitably help the teaching and learning process, considering that these mechanisms should be advantageous for all the people involved. In this article, we design a model for developing a chatbot that serves as an extra-school tool to carry out academic and administrative tasks and facilitate communication between middle-school students and academic staff (e.g., teachers, social workers, psychologists, and pedagogues). Our approach is designed to help less tech-savvy people by offering them a familiar environment, using a conversational agent to ease and guide their interactio...
Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018
Chatbots are becoming a ubiquitous trend in many fields such as medicine, product and service industry, and education. Chatbots are computer programs used to conduct auditory or textual conversations. A growing body of evidence suggests that these programs have the potential to change the way students learn and search for information. Especially in large-scale learning scenarios with more than 100 students per lecturer, chatbots are able to solve the problem of individual student support. However, until now, there has been no systematic, structured overview of their use in education. The aim of this paper is therefore to conduct a systematic literature review based on a multi-perspective framework, from which we have derived initial search questions, synthesized past research, and highlighted future research directions. We reviewed titles and abstracts of 1405 articles drawn from management, education, information systems, and psychology literature before examining and individually coding a relevant subset of 80 articles. The results show that chatbots are in the very beginning of entering education. Few studies suggest the potential of chatbots for improving learning processes and outcomes. Nevertheless, past research has revealed that the effectiveness of chatbots in education is complex and depends on a variety of factors. With our literature review, we make two principal contributions: first, we structure and synthesize past research by using an input-process-output framework, and secondly, we use the framework to highlight research gaps for guiding future research in that area.
Voprosy onomastiki, 2024
Asian American Religious Cultures (ABC-Clio), 2015
Journal of Management Research and Analysis, 2020
Mana. Estudos de Antropologia Socia, 2021
Recherches Sémiotiques/Semiotic Inquiry
Social Science & Medicine, 2008
Gida the Journal of Food, 2019
BMC Oral Health, 2016
Ciencia y Educación, 2024
Monographs of The Society for Research in Child Development, 2020
Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes. Journal of medieval and humanistic studies, 2009