THERMAL SCIENCE: Vol. 12 (2008), No. 3, pp. 85-90
Rangasamy RAJAVEL and Kaliannagounder SARAVANAN
Original scientific paper
UDC: 66.045.1:536.24:532.517
BIBLID: 0354-9836. 12 (2008), 3, 85-90
DOI: 10.2298/TSCI0803085R
In this paper, the heat transfer coefficients in a spiral plate heat exchanger are investigated. The test section consists of a plate of width 0.3150 m, thickness 0.001 m
and mean hydraulic diameter of 0.01 m. The mass flow rate of hot water (hot fluid)
is varying from 0.5 to 0.8 kg/s and the mass flow rate of cold water (cold fluid) varies from 0.4 to 0.7 kg/s. Experiments have been conducted by varying the mass flow
rate, temperature, and pressure of cold fluid, keeping the mass flow rate of hot fluid
constant. The effects of relevant parameters on spiral plate heat exchanger are investigated. The data obtained from the experimental study are compared with the
theoretical data. Besides, a new correlation for the Nusselt number which can be
used for practical applications is proposed.
Key words: spiral plate heat exchanger, Reynolds number, Nusselt number, heat
transfer coefficient, mass flow rate
Heat exchanger is a device in which energy is transferred from one fluid to another
across a solid surface. Compact heat exchangers are characterized with its large amount of surface area in a given volume compared to traditional heat exchangers, in particular the
shell-and-tube type. The most basic compact heat exchangers have a volume less than 50% of
that of a comparable shell-and-tube heat exchanger, for a given duty. The development and investigation of compact heat exchangers, has become an important requirement during the last
few years. The interest stems from various reasons viz. decreasing raw material and energy resources, the increasing environmental pollution and increasing costs for manufacturing and operation of heat exchangers. Compact heat exchangers are of two types, spiral and plate type heat
exchangers. Spiral heat exchanger is self cleaning equipment with low fouling tendencies, easily accessible for inspection or mechanical cleaning and with minimum space requirements.
Seban et al. [1] calculated heat transfer in coiled tubes for both laminar and turbulent
flows. Plot of Nusselt vs. Graetz numbers were presented for coils with curvature ratios of 17
and 104 with Reynolds numbers ranging from 12 to 5600 for the laminar flow region. Prandtl
numbers ranged from 100 to 657. Heat transfer and pressure loss in steam heated helically coiled
tubes were studied by Rogers et al. [2]. They observed that even for a steam heated apparatus,
uniform wall temperature was not obtained, mainly due to the distribution of the steam condensate over the coil surface. Mori et al. [3] studied the fully developed flow in a curved pipe with a
uniform heat flux for large Dean numbers. Flow and temperature fields were studied both theoretically and experimentally. They assumed that the flow was divided into two sections, a small
boundary layer near the pipe wall, and a large core region making up the remaining flow. Pres-
Rajavel, R., Saravanan, K.: Heat Transfer Studies on Spiral Plate Heat Exchanger
sure drop and heat transfer for laminar flow of glycerol was presented by Kubair et al. [4] for different types of coiled pipes, including helical and spiral configurations. Reynolds numbers were
in the range of 80 to 6000 with curvature ratios in the range of 10.3 to 27. The number of turns
varies from 7 to 12. The results of Kubair et al. [4] match with those of Seban et al. [1] at low
Graetz numbers, but deviated at higher Graetz numbers.
Outside-film and inside-film heat transfer coefficients in an agitated vessel were studied by Jha et al. [5]. Five different coils were studied, along with different speeds and locations
of the agitator. They derived an equation to predict the Nusselt number based on the geometry of
the helical coil and the location of the agitator. Numerical studies for uniform wall heat flux with
peripherally uniform wall temperature for Dean numbers in the range of 1-1200, Prandtl numbers of 0.005-1600, and curvature ratios of 10 to 100 for fully developed velocity and temperature fields were performed by Kalb et al. [6]. They found that the curvature ratio parameter had
insignificant effect on the average Nusselt number for any given Prandtl number. Kalb et al. [7]
furthered this work by applying the method to the case of a uniform wall-temperature boundary
condition with Dean numbers up to 1200, Prandtl numbers and curvature ratios in the ranges of
0.05 to 1600 and 10 to 100, respectively. Their results illustrate that there is a slight effect of
curvature on the peripheral variation of the Nusselt number. However, it did not affect the average Nusselt number. The effects of buoyancy forces on fully developed laminar flow with constant heat flux were studied analytically by Yao et al. [8]. Their studies were based on the
Boussinesq approximation for the buoyancy forces and analyzed for both horizontally and vertically orientated curved pipes. Nusselt number relationships based on the Reynolds number,
Rayleigh number and Dean number were presented for both orientations.
Laminar flow and heat transfer were studied numerically by Zapryanov et al. [9] using
a method of fractional steps for a wide range of Dean (10 to 7000) and Prandtl (0.005 to 2000)
numbers. Their work focused on the case of constant wall temperature and showed that the
Nusselt number increased with increasing Prandtl numbers, even for cases at the same Dean
number. They also presented a series of isotherms and streamlines for different Dean and
Prandtl numbers. The effect of buoyancy on the flow field and heat transfer was studied numerically by Lee et al. [10], for the case of fully developed laminar flow and axially steady heat flux
with a peripherally constant wall temperature. They found that buoyancy effects resulted in an
increase in the average Nusselt number, as well as modifying of the local Nusselt number allocation. It was also found that the buoyancy forces result in a rotation of the orientation of the secondary flow patterns. The heat transfer to a helical coil in an agitated vessel studied by Havas et
al. [11] and a correlation was developed for the outer Nusselt number based on a modified
Reynolds number, Prandtl number, viscosity ratio, and the ratio of the diameter of the tube to the
diameter of the vessel. Heat transfer enhancements due to chaotic particle paths were studied by
Acharya et al. [12, 13] for coiled tubes and alternating axis coils. They developed two correlations of the Nusselt number (Rem), for Prandtl numbers less than and greater than one, respectively. Lemenand et al. [14] developed a Nusselt number correlation based on the Reynolds
number, Prandtl number and the number of bends in the pipe. For the same Reynolds and Prandtl
numbers, their work showed that the Nusselt number slightly drops off with increasing number
of bends.
Heat transfer for pulsating flow in a curved pipe was numerically studied by Guo et al.
[15] for fully developed turbulent flow in a helical coiled tube. In their work they examined both
the pulsating flow and the steady-state flow. They developed the following correlation (1) for
steady turbulent flow for the Reynolds number range of 6000 to 180000:
Nu = 0.328Re0.58Pr0.4
THERMAL SCIENCE: Vol. 12 (2008), No. 3, pp. 85-90
They found that the Reynolds number was increased to very large values (>140,000),
the heat transfer coefficient for coils began to match the heat transfer coefficient for straight
tubes. They also presented correlations of the peripheral local heat transfer coefficients as a
function of the average heat transfer coefficients, Reynolds number, Prandtl number, and the location on the tube wall. Inagaki et al. [16] studied the outside heat transfer coefficient for helically coiled bundles for Reynolds numbers in the range of 6000 to 22,000 and determined that
the outside Nusselt number described by the following relationship (2) for their particular setup.
Nu = 0.78Re0.51Pr0.3
Heat transfer and flow characteristics in the curved tubes have been studied by a number of researchers. Although some information is currently available to calculate the performance of the spiral plate heat exchanger, there is still room to discuss whether it gives reliable
prediction of the performance. This is because the heat transfer and flow characteristics of spiral
plate heat exchanger has been studied. In the present study, the heat transfer and flow characteristics of water for spiral plate heat exchanger have been experimentally studied, in addition to
the development of a new correlation for Nusselt number.
Experimental setup
Table 1. Dimensions of the spiral plate heat exchanger
Plate width, [m]
Plate thickness, [m]
Mean channel spacing, [m]
Mean hydraulic diameter, [m]
Heat transfer area, [m2]
The experimental setup consists of
spiral heat exchanger, thermometer, and
steam purging coil, manometers, pumps
and tanks as shown in fig. 1. The parameters of heat exchanger are shown in the
tab. 1. The hot fluid inlet pipe is connected at the center core of the spiral
heat exchanger and the outlet pipe is
taken from periphery of the heat
exchanger. The hot fluid is heated by
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of experimental apparatus
Rajavel, R., Saravanan, K.: Heat Transfer Studies on Spiral Plate Heat Exchanger
pumping the steam from the boiler to a temperature of about 60-70 °C and connected to hot fluid
tank having a capacity of 1000 liters then the hot solution is pumped to heat exchanger using a
367.75 watts pump. Thus the counter flow of the fluid is achieved. The cold fluid inlet pipe is
connected to the periphery of the exchanger and the outlet is taken from the centre of the heat
exchanger. The cold fluid is supplied at room temperature from cold solution tank and is
pumped to the heat exchanger using a 367.75 watts pump.
Experimental procedure
The heat transfer and flow characteristic of water is tested using spiral plate heat
exchanger as shown in fig. 1. Water is used as the working fluid. The inlet hot fluid flow rate is
kept constant and the inlet cold fluid flow rate is varied using a control valve. The flow of hot
and cold fluid is varied using control valves C1 and C2, respectively. Hot and cold fluid flow
paths of heat exchanger is shown in fig. 2. Thermometers T1 and T2 are used to measure inlet
temperature of cold and hot fluids, respectively; T3 and T4 are used to measure the outlet temperature of cold and hot fluids, respectively. For different cold fluid flow rate the temperatures at
the inlet and outlet of hot and cold fluids are recorded, after achieving the steady-state. The same
procedure is repeated for different hot fluid flow rates and the data related to temperatures, the
corresponding temperatures and mass flow rates are recorded. The mass flow rate is determined
by using the rotometer fitted at the outlet of the corresponding fluids. The range of experimental
conditions in this study is given in tab. 2.
Table 2. Experimental conditions
Hot water temperature
65-50 °C
Cold water temperature
30-50 °C
Mass flow rate of hot water
0.5-0.8 kg/s
Mass flow rate of cold water
0.4-0.7 kg/s
Figure 2. Hot and cold fluid flow paths of
Results and discussion
Figure 3. Variation of L with h for different water mass flow
Figure 3 shows the variation of the
length from spiral center and heat
transfer coefficient of cold water for
different mass flow rates. It is clear
that the heat transfer coefficient is
varying with mass flow rates. When
the mass flow rate is increased the
heat transfer coefficient is also in-
THERMAL SCIENCE: Vol. 12 (2008), No. 3, pp. 85-90
creased. On the other hand, the heat transfer coefficient is decreased when the length of spiral
plate is increased.
Figure 4 shows the comparisons of the Nusselt numbers obtained from the experiment
conducted with those calculated from theoretically. It can be noted that the experimental and
predicted Nusselt numbers fall within ±8%. The major discrepancy between the measured data
and calculated results may be due to the difference in the configuration of test sections and uncertainty of the correlation.
Figure 4. Comparison of Nusselt number
(experimental) with Nusselt number (predicted)
Figure 5. Comparison of experimental data with
Holger Martin correlation
The proposed Nusselt number correlation (3) for spiral plate heat exchanger is expressed as:
Nu = 0.242Re0.591Pr0.1325
The Holger Martin correlation (4) [17]:
Nu = 0.04Re0.74Pr0.4
4·102 < Re < 3·104
Comparisons of the Nusselt numbers obtained from the present experiment with those
calculated from the existing correlation are shown in fig . 5. It can be noted that the values obtained from the correlation are slightly consistent with the experimental data and lie within
±10% for the Holger Martin correlation.
This paper presents new experimental data from the measurement of the heat transfer
coefficient of water flows in a spiral plate heat exchanger. The effects of relevant parameters are
investigated. The data obtained from the present study are compared with the theoretical data. In
addition, a new correlation based on the experimental data is given for practical applications.
The authors are grateful to the Management and the Principal of Kongu Engineering
College, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India, for granting permission to carryout the research work.
Rajavel, R., Saravanan, K.: Heat Transfer Studies on Spiral Plate Heat Exchanger
control valve
heat transfer coefficient, [Wm–2K–1]
length of spiral plate, [mm]
Nusselt number (= hd/k), [–]
Prandtl number (= mCp/k), [–]
Reynolds number (= rnd/m), [–]
modified Reynolds number (= Re/c), [–]
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Authors' address:
R. Rajavel, K. Saravanan
Kongy Engineering College
Erode, 638052 Tamil Nadu, India
Corresponding author R. Rajavel
Paper submitted: December 17, 2007
Paper revised: March 12, 2008
Paper accepted: March 17, 2008