Thermal Science
Recent papers in Thermal Science
This paper analyzes the effects of coal grindability and its characteristics on the grinding capacity and power consumption for beater wheel mill during exploitation in thermal power plant TENT B in Obrenovac, Serbia. For this purpose,... more
This study discuss the application of Taguchi method in assessing maximum cooling tower effectiveness for the counter flow cooling tower using expanded wire mesh packing. The experiments were planned based on Taguchi?s L27 orthogonal... more
In this paper we investigate theoretically the unsteady boundary layer flow and heat transfer over a permeable shrinking sheet with non-uniform heat source. The nondimensional governing equations have been solved numerically using the... more
Aiming at developing a more common method for predicting two-phase flow pressure drop for small channels, experiments on frictional pressure drop of air-water flow in a vertical narrow rectangular duct with a cross-section of 40 mm by 1.6... more
Numerical investigations on the turbulent fluid flow and the local heat transfer from rectangular bars for three different aspect ratios were carried out with Re=22000 and Pr=-0.71. The standard k-e turbulence model and a modified version... more
The convection differential models play an essential role in studying different chemical process and effects of the diffusion process. This paper intends to provide optimized numerical results of such equations based on the conformable... more
The Lagrangian code LAG3D for dispersed phase flow modeling was implemented with the introduction of bubble break-up model. The research was restricted on bubbles with diameter less than 2 mm, ie bubbles which could be treated as spheres.... more
This pa per pres ents an on-go ing re search pro ject that aims to iden tify pos si bil i ties for wider use of evap o ra tive cool ing in pro cess in dus try, es pe cially the use of evapo ra tive fluid cooler units. Ex per i men tal... more
1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saga University, 1, Honjo-machi, Saga-shi, Saga 840-8502, Japan 2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Khulna-9203, Bangladesh 3. School of... more
Large-capacity compressors in industrial plants and the compressors in gas turbine engines consume a considerable amount of power. The compression work is a strong function of the ambient air temperature. This increase in compression work... more
a Fac ulty of Elec tri cal En gi neer ing and In for ma tion Tech nol o gies, Ss. Cyril and Methodius Uni ver sity, Skopje, Mac e do nia b Re search Cen ter for En ergy, In for ma tics and Ma te ri als, Mac e do nian Acad emy of Sci ences... more
In this paper multiple criteria decision making approach of alternative fuels for waste collection vehicles in southeast region of Serbia was presented. Eight alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies were ranked according to... more
The behavior of the mast is non-linear due to its slenderness and compliant guy-support system, having a tendency to lose stability and even crush suddenly. Wind load is one of the main factors affecting the stability of the structure of... more
A numerical investigation of the airside performance of a plain fin-and-tube heat exchanger having 4 row configurations has been presented in this study. Fluid flow is steady, incompressible and three dimensional. Laminar (400<Re H... more
The objective of the paper is to show the implementation of infrared thermography within world class manufacturing maintenance strategy. The results from infrared thermography inspections in a food processing and packaging solutions... more
Two-dimensional periodically fully developed laminar forced convection fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics in a horizontal channel with staggered fins are investigated numerically under constant wall heat flux boundary condition.... more
A large number of producers offer a wide choice of various types of industrial cooling towers. Usually, a proper choice of pre-fabricated cooling tower satisfies end-user needs. However, if there are specific end-user requirements, it is... more
Orig i nal sci en tific pa per Tri-gen er a tion sys tems are used to si mul ta neously pro duce elec tri cal, heat ing, and cool ing en ergy. These sys tems are usu ally more ef fi cient than con ven tional sys tems for sep a rate pro... more
The main objective of this study is to find a proper solution for the cross-flow water cooling tower problem, also to find an empirical correlation's controlling heat and mass transfer coefficients as functions of inlet parameters to... more
Study and research on arc welding have provided identification of errors in formulas for calculating the cooling time t8/5 and other dependent parameters. It is concluded that large errors are present in certain intervals which had caused... more
The ce ment in dus try con trib utes about 5% to global anthropogenic CO 2 emis sions, and is thus an im por tant sec tor in CO 2 -emis sion mit i ga tion strat e gies. Car bon diox ide is emit ted from the cal ci na tion pro cess of lime... more
Air pollution is fast becoming a serious global problem with increasing population and its subsequent demands. This has resulted in increased usage of hydrogen as fuel for internal combustion engines. Hydrogen resources are vast and it is... more
This research work investigates the use of neat paradise tree oil in a 4-stroke natural aspirated direct injection compression ignition engine assisted with the help of superheated hydrogen (hydrogen in gaseous state or above its... more
System, property, work and heat interactions, zeroth law, first law of thermodynamics, application of first law to closed systems and flow processes. Thermodynamic properties of fluids. Second law of thermodynamics, Carnot cycle,... more
A mathematical model representing temperature and moisture content in bread during baking is developed. The model employs the coupled partial differential equations proposed by Luikov. Dependences of mass and thermal properties of dough... more
The thermodynamic analyses of the triple-pressure reheat combined cycle gas turbines with duct burner are presented and discussed in this paper. The overall performance of a combined cycle gas turbine power plant is influenced by the... more
Original scientific paper UDC: 536.255 BIBLID: 0354-9836, 11 (2007), 4, 143-156 Com bined cy cle power plants play an im por tant role in the pres ent en ergy sec tor. The main chal lenge in de sign ing a com bined cy cle power plant is... more
Cryogenic propellants LOx/H2 are used at very high pressure in rocket engine combustion. The description of the combustion process in such application is very complex due essentially to the supercritical regime. Ideal gas law becomes... more
The fractional advection-diffusion equations are obtained from a fractional power law for the matter flux. Diffusion processes in special types of porous media which has fractal geometry can be modelled accurately by using these... more
Seemingly universal geometric forms unite the flow systems of engineering and nature. For example, tree-shaped flows can be seen in computers, lungs, dendritic crystals, urban street patterns, and communication links. In this... more
The objective of this paper is to present a fast and reliable CFD model that is able to simulate stationary and transient operations of multistage compressors and turbines. This analysis tool is based on an adapted version of the Euler... more
The application of lignite pre-drying technologies in next generation of lignite power plants by utilizing low pressure steam as a drying medium instead of hot recirculated flue gascombined with thermal utilization of the vaporized coal... more
This paper presents an investigation into the effect of the laser cutting parameters on the heat affected zone in CO 2 laser cutting of AISI 304 stainless steel. The mathematical model for the heat affected zone was expressed as a... more
The blade row interaction can alter the time-mean flow and therefore be of interest for aerodynamic design analysis. Whereas results within low subsonic turbomachines are quite numerous in the literature, there have been far fewer works... more
A physical model is established in this paper to describe the heat transfer and two phase flow of a refrigerant in the evaporator and condenser of a vapor compression refrigeration system. The model is then used to determine the... more
The objective of this study is to show the effect of guide vane geometry on the performance. In order to overcome the disadvantages of vertical axis wind turbine, a straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine (S-VAWT) with a directed guide... more
A steady state simulation model has been developed to evaluate the system performance of a transcritical carbon dioxide heat pump for simultaneous heating and cooling. The simulated results are found to be in reasonable agreement with... more
Improvement of the energy conversion processes efficiency helps to achieve a more reliable energy supply, a cleaner environment, more competitive businesses, and higher living standard. Industry data indicate significant potential for... more
Numerical and experimental investigations were conducted in a transonic centrifugal compressor stage composed of a backswept splittered unshrouded impeller and a vaned diffuser. A detailed analysis of the flow in the inducer (i.e. the... more