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Making and maker communities are at the cutting edge of social and economic innovation; participatory media encompasses civic and interest driven ways to create and communicate. This session explores the different potentialities afforded by making and using digital media for young people across a range of learning contexts (formal, out of school, community based and informal). Focusing on dimensions of identity and agency, presentations will question how engaging in digitally mediated expressive and communicative practices offer ways of learning that challenge conventional school pedagogy and curriculum. It will offer analysis of different ways to support and construct learning communities and explore the significance of young peoples’ participation in a range of civic and social contexts. What Does Making and Participatory Media have to offer Learning Science Research? Whilst there has always been considerable interest in the diverse ways that young people might use forms of out of...
1 Much could be learned from the devolved nations: the revised Northern Ireland curriculum (NI DOE 2010) implemented since 2007, mandates 'media rich' and 'active, hands on' learning experiences. Equally, within Welsh (Donaldson 2015) and Scottish (Curriculum Review Group, 2004) curricula, the expressive arts, including digital media and moving image, are of central importance. 15 'Connected Learning' is defined by three Learning Principles that are: a) interest-powered, b) academically-oriented and c) peer-supported, and three Design Principles that are: a) openly-networked, b) production-centred, and involve c) shared purpose (Ito et al. 2013
International Journal of Information and Learning Technology
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore how a small group of adolescents in an alternative care and treatment program develop digital literacy skills over time while immersed in a rich media setting. It also explores how the students use new media tools and affordances to “perform” their identities and to present themselves within their classroom community. Design/methodology/approach This ethnographic case study research involved seven students from a Canadian alternative school that provides educational programming for students from government approved care, treatment, custody and correctional facilities. Through an integrated arts-based curriculum, with a thematic focus on community and identity, the students used a variety to digital tools and media to create an “All About Me” book. Findings The students used inquiry-based learning and multiple modes of expression, facilitated by the multimodal, multimedia nature of digital media, including both screen-based and tangible...
In book: Youth Cultures, Language, and Literacy, Chapter: 4, Publisher: Sage Publications, Inc., Editors: V.L. Gadsden, Stanton Wortham, R. Lukose, pp.89-119, 2011
Traditionally, educational researchers and practitioners have focused on the development of youths’ critical understanding of media as a key aspect of new media literacies. The 21st Century media landscape suggests an extension of this traditional notion of literacy – an extension that sees creative designs, ethical considerations, and technical skills as part of youth's expressive and intellectual engagement with media as participatory competencies. These engagements with media are also part of a growing Do-It-Yourself, or DIY, movement involving arts, crafts, and new technologies. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a framework and a language for understanding the multiple DIY practices in which youth engage while producing media. In the review, we will first provide a historical overview of the shifting perspectives of two related fields—new media literacies and computer literacy —before outlining the general trends in DIY media cultures that see youth moving towards becoming content creators. We then introduce how a single framework allows us to consider different participatory competencies in DIY under one umbrella. Special attention will be given to the digital practices of remixing, reworking, and repurposing popular media among disadvantaged youth. We will conclude with considerations of equity, access, and participation in after-school settings and possible implications for K-12 education.
Innovations in technology are, once again, shaping how adults and youth interact with each other in school, at home, and at large. Our focus in this chapter is on how youth use multiple forms of media and technology, in concert with their commitments to community dialogue and social justice, as they learn to be participants in civic and democratic practices. We share two case studies that revolve around youth–adult interactions in learning environments that offer youth real opportunities to be influential in their respective communities. We look firstly at youth media production in the context of a community-based media arts project, and secondly at how young people use technology in the course of their work as student representatives on their local school board. Our aim in this context is to understand how digital media are used in relation to what we shall call social and cultural technologies, those tools that organize social participation in particular settings.1 Our definition ...
The image of young people as tech-savvy 'digital natives' at ease in the digital world in sharp contrast to older generations has become almost something of a cliché, and characterises much public discourse around 'young people today'. However, in practice there is a wide diversity of interest, knowledge, access and opportunities amongst young people themselves, and amongst older generations. Yet it is also the case that technological innovation, globalisation and new media have profoundly changed the current social landscape, with implications at a number of levels. In education, there is a keen awareness of the need to respond to what Kress (2003: 9) describes as 'the revolution in the landscape of communication' of the present day, to young people's experiences of living in this world, and the ways in which their involvement in digital culture and technology may shape their approach to learning in school. While schools explore the potential of Web2 sites and technologies, and a range of digital cultural forms for formal teaching and learning, online commercial and public interest campaigns such as 'McCann's Dumb Ways to Die' (Australian Creative 2012) effectively capitalise on the potential of new media to promote powerful informal learning and appropriation in telling and effective ways.
Learning, Media and Technology. 01/2007; 32(2):149-166, 2007
Based on work in media studies, new literacy studies, applied linguistics, the arts and empirical research on the experiences of urban youths' informal media arts practices, we articulate a new vision for media education in the digital age that encompasses new genres, convergence, media mixes and participation. We first outline the history of how students' creative production has been used to meet the goals of media educators and highlight new trends in media education that are instructive for creative production. Our goal is to introduce and situate the new ways in which youth are participating in creative production and the subsequent impact that this might have on teaching and learning media education today. Findings from an ethnographic study are used to demonstrate the potential of youth producing new media, such as videogames and interactive art, on media education research and practice.
Resumo: A presente pesquisa objetivou compreender como se estabeleceu no Convento Franciscano São Boaventura um ambiente de ensino e aprendizagem de música. Para tanto, a construção metodológica desta investigação possuiu caráter qualitativo em sua abordagem e a pesquisa documental como método. Como técnica para coleta dos dados, utilizou-se a pesquisa via internet, bem como a análise de conteúdo como técnica para a análise dos dados. O referencial teórico valeu-se de três conceitos: o primeiro deles, relativo às funções sociais da música na terceira idade da música; o segundo dispôs sobre o que significa formar-se musicalmente na Igreja Católica, enquanto o terceiro discorreu sobre o significado de ser formador musical na Igreja Católica. Assim, pôde-se concluir que a organização institucional da Igreja Católica, em que os espaços de formação, de estudo e de aprofundamento deveriam contemplar a preparação musical; a presença das dez funções sociais da música, por meio de diferentes manifestações; o intenso papel formador desempenhado pelo Professor Frei Franciscano Emílio Scheid; e um ensino de música direcionado não somente aos noviços e religiosos estabelecidos no Convento, mas também aos estudantes externos, são fatores que, entrelaçados, estabeleceram no Convento Franciscano São Boaventura um ambiente de ensino e aprendizagem de música, constituindo um fenômeno único que neste trabalho foi investigado. Palavras-chave: música religiosa, canto gregoriano, formação musical, professor Frei Franciscano Emílio Scheid. Musical Education in the Catholic Church: an investigation in the Franciscano São Boaventura Convent, in Imigrante/RS Abstract: The present research aimed to understand how an environment of music teaching and learning was established in the São Boaventura Franciscan Convent. For this purpose, the methodological construction of this investigation had a qualitative character in its approach and documentary research as a method. As a technique for data collection, internet research was used, as well as content analysis as a technique for data analysis. The theoretical framework relied on three concepts: the first one, related to the social functions of music in the third age of music; the second one, discussed what it means to be musically formed in the Catholic Church, while the third one discussed the meaning of being a music educator in the Catholic Church. Thus, it could be concluded that the institutional organization of the Catholic Church, in which the spaces for formation, study, and deepening should contemplate musical preparation; the presence of the ten social functions of music, through different manifestations; the intense formative role played by Professor Franciscan Friar Emílio Scheid; and a music teaching directed not only to the novices and religious established in the Convent, but also to external students; are factors that, intertwined, established in the São Boaventura Franciscan Convent an environment of music teaching and learning, constituting a unique phenomenon that was investigated in this work.
Curso: Diseño en Ingeniería (TP-304 ) Profesor: Ing. Rolando Agüero SISTEMAS DE TRANSMISIÓN CORREAS • La transmisión por correas consiste en una correa flexible sin fin, que conecta dos ruedas o poleas. La transmisión de potencia en estas transmisiones depende de la fricción entre la superficie de la correa y la polea.
Actualidad Civil, 2022
¿Uso exclusivo o uso excluyente? ¿Uso exclusivo o uso excluyente? Un análisis jurisprudencial de los alcances de la indemnización por uso exclusivo de bien común Exclusive use or exclude use? Exclusive use or exclude use? A jurisprudential analysis of compensation for the exclusive use of the Common Property Alfredo JIMÉNEZ SALAS* Resumen: En el presente artículo, el autor expone sobre el supuesto regulado en el artículo 975, dando a entender que se trata de un caso de indemnización y no de resarcimiento, por lo que no resulta necesario que el demandante acredite los elementos de la responsabilidad civil. Asimismo, el artículo en mención tiene su fundamento en el uso excluyente que realiza un copropietario sobre el bien común, impidiendo que sus cotitulares hagan lo propio. Finalmente, señala que, a fin de invocar la indemnización del artículo 975 del Código Civil, hace falta que el copropietario poseedor se haya opuesto a que los demás ejerciten su derecho, por lo que el mero uso del bien no hace nacer la obligación indemnizatoria regulada por el artículo.
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Poster Presentations
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