c 2003 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 787–805
Elements of Computational
Science and Engineering
Osman Yaşar†
Rubin H. Landau‡
Abstract. The multidisciplinary nature of computational science and engineering (CSE) and its relation to other disciplines is described. The stages through which CSE education is evolving,
from initial recognition in the 1980s to present growth, are discussed. The challenges and
benefits of different approaches to CSE education are discussed, as is the emergence of a
set of core elements common to different approaches. The content of courses, curricula,
and degrees offered in CSE are reviewed, and a survey is made of all undergraduate degree programs. The curricula of different programs are examined for the common “tool
set” they define and analyzed for their relative weighting of computing, application, and
mathematics. A trend toward a standard curriculum is noted.
Key words. computational science, education, bachelor’s degrees, curriculum, courses, tool set
AMS subject classifications. Primary, 97U70; Secondary, 68U01
DOI. 10.1137/S0036144502408075
1. Nature of Computational Science and Engineering. The past decade has
witnessed extraordinary advances in science and engineering that were fueled, in part,
by dramatic increases in the power and pervasiveness of computers and communications. We have capitalized on those advances by developing techniques for modern
computers that let us better understand systems with ever-increasing complexity and
realism. Examples include climate modeling [1], quark structure of elementary particles [2], engine and vehicle design [3], materials development [4], drug development,
astronomy [5, 6], nonlinear dynamics and chaotic behavior [7], biodiversity, finance,
and the mining of huge data sets such as the virtual humans and the digital sky
observatories [8].
1.1. Definition of CSE. We define computational science and engineering (CSE),
or computational science for short, in several ways. Sometimes it denotes the multidisciplinary combination of computational techniques, tools, and knowledge needed
∗ Received by the editors May 17, 2002; accepted for publication (in revised form) May 7, 2003;
published electronically October 31, 2003.
† Department of Computational Science, State University of New York College at Brockport,
Brockport, NY 14420 (oyasar@brockport.edu, http://www.cps.brockport.edu). This author was supported in part by National Science Foundation grants 998094 (National Partnership for Advanced
Computational Infrastructure-EOT) and 0226962 (Math and Science Partnership-MSP).
‡ Computational Physics Undergraduate Program, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331
(rubin@physics.orst.edu, http://www.physics.orst.edu/CPUG). This author was supported in part
by National Science Foundation grant 998094 (Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement)
and the National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure-EOT.
Fig. 1.1 CSE as a multidisciplinary endeavor connecting computation with mathematics and science. Left: Early view in which CSE is merely the overlap of other disciplines. Right:
Current view in which CSE shares common concerns with these disciplines, as well as
having content of its own.
to solve modern scientific and engineering problems. At other times CSE denotes
science or engineering that uses computer simulations as its basis, and sometimes it
denotes the research and development of computational skills and tools needed for
The original view of CSE, shown on the left side of Figure 1.1, was as the intersection of applied mathematics, computer science, and application sciences. This
early view is now being replaced by the one represented by the right side of Figure 1.1 [9, 10, 11], in which an additional, central circle reflects the recognition that,
in addition to having common concerns with other disciplines, CSE also contains core
elements of its own that draw together and bridge the original three disciplines. (This
new view was first communicated in a 2000 article by Yaşar [10] in the IEEE Journal
of Computing in Science and Engineering; Yaşar later presented it at the SIAM CSE
Conference [12].) The core of CSE may be thought of as its collection of computational
tools and methods and its problem-solving mindset, which uses knowledge in one discipline to solve problems in another. This CSE core is now being incorporated into
computational science courses and books that combine scientific problem solving with
computation [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18], and into curricula at various levels of education.
1.2. Value of CSE in Research. Most scientific disciplines appear to be benefiting
from computer modeling, analysis, and visualization. In fact, the newfound and
widespread importance of computation has shifted the paradigm of scientific research
to include simulation, along with experiment and theory, as a fundamental technique
of science [19]. Simulation and visualization allow us to acquire insights into real-life
problems that are too complex or difficult to study analytically, or too expensive, big,
small, or dangerous to access experimentally. For example, simulations permit us to
study the fuel density, ignition energy, and heat waves in a combustion chamber at
temperatures above 3000 Kelvin [3]; the configuration of gluon flux tubes between
quarks within the proton [2]; and the possible orbits for earth–asteroid collisions [6].
As more scientists incorporate computation into their work, the value of CSE to
the scientific community increases. In particular, CSE working groups permit other
scientists to pursue their interests in science without having to spend time developing
algorithms and codes. These working groups have focused on identifying, studying,
and improving computational methods and software components that are common to
many applications, and on testing the performance of the related software on various
hardware platforms.
One accomplishment of CSE working groups is the development of mathematical
libraries of subroutines for linear algebra, special functions, and other mathematical
techniques. These subroutines, whose use is emphasized in the various CSE education
programs, form the core of many large-scale computer calculations. Accordingly, it
is in the interests of the CSE community to look after the accuracy, performance,
robustness, portability, and scalability of these libraries as they are ported to different
high-performance computing architectures. These accomplishments have aided the
progress made with supercomputers and, with the phenomenal increases in desktop
computing power, are now finding wider use.
In addition to the mathematical subroutine libraries, CSE also develops and promotes simulation techniques that have widespread applicability. Consider, for example, the computational technique known as “particle dynamics” in which individual
particles are created and their paths are followed in time using the appropriate equations of motion [20]. This technique is used to simulate processes as diverse as the
settling of sand particles in a tank, the creation of stars and planets, the motion of
molecules in gases and liquids, the growth of thin films, the dynamics of droplets in
engines, and the motion of ash particles in industrial burners. Clearly, improving the
technique, or educating its practitioners on how to use it better, benefits many areas
of science.
The growing volume of CSE techniques and associated software libraries represents a priceless wealth of tools and knowledge. There is already a heavy reliance upon
them in the CSE community, and we expect that reliance to grow in the future. For
these reasons, we need education in CSE to pass this wealth on to future generations
of scientists and engineers.
1.3. Nature of the Job Market. The President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC) [21] has recognized information and computational technology as one of the engines of economic growth during the last decade. The committee
indicates a need for approximately one million people in information and computational technology, a need that cannot be met solely by all computer science departments working at full capacity. The National Science and Technology Council has
repeatedly reported the concerns of industry and the national laboratories that they
cannot satisfy their growing needs for people trained in information and computational technology. In addition, federal projects such as the Department of Energy’s
Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI) and the Information Technology
Presidential Initiative rely on people with scientific as well as computing knowledge.
These needs for more people with a computational education are a consequence of
the exponential growth in the power of computers occurring in this decade simultaneously with an extraordinary decrease in the cost of computers. Few other things in
life change by factors of 1000 in such a short time. Children now play games on computers of a class that 10 years ago were considered supercomputers and were available
only at government laboratories.
Just as computers now permeate many aspects of our daily lives both at work
and at home, they also profoundly affect the technical job market. One such way is
by placing people in positions that require knowledge in areas beyond their education
and (obsolete) job descriptions. Consequently, having multiple skills and majors is
viewed as a way of improving one’s marketability and employment survival time.
Employers seem to prefer people with education in multiple disciplines since they
can then hire fewer of them and can retain them for longer periods of time. Yet,
attaining multiple degrees is expensive and time-consuming, as is majoring in one
department and minoring in several others. In contrast, a multidisciplinary CSE
educational program saves time and money for those students who might otherwise
follow multiple courses of study. It also provides a coherent and consistent education
with minimum duplication and equips students with an interdisciplinary tool set (to
be described soon) that experience has shown to be useful in a wide range of fields.
2. Nature of CSE Education. Due in part to reports and grants from the federal
government, education in science and engineering has responded to the advances in
computational science. In 1989, the Office of Science and Technology Policy challenged
the educational system to (1) increase the supply of students prepared for careers in
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; and (2) improve the scientific,
mathematical, technological, and computational literacy of all students. Recently,
the National Science Foundation (NSF) has recognized and advocated computation
as an appropriate pedagogy for science and mathematics education [22]. Wright and
Chorin’s [23] NSF report urged the creation of mathematical modeling courses (the
basic approach of CSE) even for high school students.
The traditional teaching of science tends to focus on theory. In contrast, CSE
education offers an understanding of science through the computer applications of
mathematical models. It teaches science via the method of inquiry in which the
computer serves as a virtual laboratory that simulates nature. To aid in the inquiry, facts are presented as needed rather than as individual objects to memorize
[24, 25, 26, 27, 28]. As a consequence of its problem-solving nature, the CSE view
complements the traditional teaching of science and mathematics. It also makes many
science and mathematics concepts more easily accessible to students who may otherwise not be reached; for example, those students not interested in computer hardware,
software, and algorithms for their own sake [29]. In addition, CSE enriches the science
curriculum by extending the examples used in education to include problems that may
not have analytic solutions, thereby extending the range of problems open to study.
The National Foundation for Improving Education has examined the types of
learning supported by CSE [30]. These include the learner-centered or constructivist
view which suggests that students learn better when they are actively interacting
with, rather than just receiving, knowledge. The CSE approach is often both projectand team-based, as well as learner-based and supportive of authentic learning. When
successful, this combination of elements can transform uninvolved, at-risk students
into active and invested learners.
A CSE education is also well suited to a deductive pedagogy, that is, one that
works from the general to the specific. Students start with an awareness that nature
and its processes are governed by a small number of basic scientific laws; details and
mathematical analyses are added as needed. In cases where the students’ mathematics
skills are limited, the simulations can be understood via visualizations without delving
into mathematical and scientific details. Accordingly, CSE education fosters a view
that natural phenomena are basically simple, in contrast to the common student
perception of science as complex. It also provides a basic framework upon which
students can build as their skills increase. This ability to stimulate the curiosity of
students with interesting and realistic examples and to provide layered learning is a
principal motivation for educators to apply and master technology tools.
2.1. Stages of CSE Education. Education in CSE has been evolving in stages.
Originally, scientists and engineers taught themselves the computational techniques
they needed in the course of solving problems or received them as hand-me-downs from
their advisors. The first formal stage, ca. 1980–1990, was recognition-conception, in
which practitioners recognized that they were doing something new—but not necessarily well. This stage was epitomized by the 1982 Lax report [19], with its early
recognition of the paradigm shift in which computation was joining experiment and
theory as a basic technique of science. The report recommended that funding agencies
provide increased education in scientific computing in order to facilitate the shift.
The second stage of CSE education, ca. 1990–2000, was infancy [31, 32, 33], in
which the ideas of CSE started to be taught in a few existing or new courses, often
by those who were familiar with the ideas through their research. The third stage, ca.
2000–2010, is early growth [10, 34]. It is the stage we are in now and is characterized
by a number of courses and curricula being designed and implemented at both the
graduate and undergraduate levels.
While we expect the future adult stage of CSE education to resemble what we
have now, it is hard to make reliable predictions in the midst of rapid change. Nevertheless, we would predict that the number of CSE programs and courses will continue
to increase either as a deliberate thrust into computation or indirectly as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines hire faculty with CSE specialties.
We foresee a growing number of courses in “computational X,” where X is an
established discipline such as mathematics, biology, finance, physics, chemistry, or
social science. The pressure for these courses may come from multiple sources. The
national laboratories and industries have regularly indicated their continuing needs
for scientists and mathematicians who can compute [21, 35]. In addition, there are
undergraduate students in existing CSE programs who are interested in applying their
newfound skills to discipline X. There are also faculty members in the X departments
who want their research students to know how to compute, or who want to modernize
the courses they teach. And, finally, there are the CSE educators (the present authors
included) who believe as a matter of principle that computational courses are needed
to serve society.
It might be that a single “computational X” program will make it easier to start
a “computational Y” program sharing some of the same courses. After a number of
computational programs are established at any one school, they may choose to organize themselves under a CSE unit for the sake of efficiency and communication. These
units may appear as interdisciplinary programs within discipline X, or as a stand-alone
department of CSE. Such stand-alone departments may have a core faculty of their
own and a number of associated faculty from computer science, mathematics, and
other disciplines.
The thrust for new CSE units may also arise from the funding agencies, who are
beginning to support CSE more directly. Likewise, there are also internal thrusts from
colleges and universities as they follow the movement afoot to restructure themselves
into multidisciplinary units that emphasize problem solving in a societal sense [36, 37].
It is logical that these units will benefit from an association with CSE and its scientific
problem-solving orientation.
A stand-alone CSE unit can also offer a CSE minor that would benefit other
departments. A minor in CSE should include more of the core knowledge in computational tools and methods than is normally expected of a science or engineering
student, but not the full spectrum of subjects expected of a CSE major.
2.2. Demands of CSE Education. Because CSE has developed around the need
to incorporate computation into modern scientific problem solving, it is a researchdriven field that connects faculty interested in computation to those interested in
applications (the major disciplines symbolized in Figure 1.1). Faculty interested in
the performance of computer hardware and software are to be found in both CSE
and computer science; faculty interested in the performance of numerical procedures
are to be found in both CSE and applied mathematics; faculty interested in finding a
computer-based solution to extend theoretical and experimental efforts are common
to both CSE and application areas such as physics, chemistry, biology, earth sciences,
business, and finance.
Faculty tend to be attracted to CSE because it provides a means for them to
incorporate their research tools and developments into modern courses. It also saves
faculty time by bringing students to a level where they can assist faculty in their
research. The students, in turn, learn the tools and techniques needed by modern
professionals and obtain valuable job skills.
Although integrating your research tools into the classes you teach sounds ideal,
it must be noted that the instructional, research, and administrative demands of
a CSE program can be a heavy load for faculty as well as for students. Since new
tools are constantly arriving in industrial and scientific work environments, we cannot
maintain a static curriculum in a field that teaches the use of technology. Likewise,
the development of new courses, especially ones in which there is little in the way of
established texts, while being exciting, is also challenging and time-consuming.
In addition to curriculum development, CSE programs often house computational
laboratories with high-end PCs, workstations, supercomputers, or Beowulf clusters.
Maintaining these facilities with ever-aging hardware and software can be a major
chore. While a dedicated system administrator can be of great help, as can the
resources of a supercomputer center, the direction, management, and continued budgeting of a computational laboratory often falls on the shoulders of a faculty member.
Other demands on CSE faculty arise from students’ (quite legitimate) expectation that faculty members are knowledgable in all the CSEs courses offered, even
those taught by experts from other departments. Related to this are concerns about
promotion and tenure decisions when faculty (1) hold joint appointments in several
departments, (2) have extra demands on their time, or (3) are undertaking multidisciplinary research or development that is hard to judge by the norms of a traditional
As may be true for all multidisciplinary education, a CSE student may face more
demands than a student with only one specialization. To start, CSE students need
classes, assistance, and advice in more than one field. In addition, students may feel
the extra pressure of having to master three fields, while their single-discipline peers
need master only one. Furthermore, there is often stress involved in having to deal
with an untested and rapidly changing curriculum, especially when there is no one
department to call “home.”
Yet interdisciplinary education can also open up new and rewarding worlds for
students. If their intellectual interests are in both science and computing, then they
are given the freedom to follow these interests. This should appeal to students who
would otherwise have been willing to face the rigors of multiple majors and degrees
and to those students who realize that this is the modern approach to problem solving.
2.3. Intellectual Content of CSE Education. While there is widespread recognition that computational science is not the same as computer science, at present there
is no nationally accredited CSE curriculum. The first CSE courses were taught at
research institutions that recognized their growing dependency on advanced computation as a research tool. Some of these courses were adjuncts to the regular curriculum
taught at local supercomputer centers and tended more toward training for the latest
machine than basic education. Other courses were taught within departments as part
of graduate-student research preparation, and some led to a degree containing the
suffix “with computing” (the “Michigan Model” [38]). Undergraduate classes soon
followed, and today there are even K–12 classes with CSE content [35, 39, 40].
Particularly at the undergraduate level, some understanding of the intellectual
content of a CSE education is needed in order to appreciate the different approaches
to that education. Yet there are very few undergraduate programs in computational
science to generalize about, and, accordingly, the specific subjects needed to provide
this intellectual content are still under active discussion (to wit, this paper). Consequently, the description to follow draws from published survey results, our own
surveys, and our experiences in developing two independent degree programs.
We start with a survey on the general types of skills that appear to be needed
in the workplace. The data in Figure 2.1 were collected by the American Institute
of Physics [41]. They indicate, for physics majors five years after graduation, which
aspects of their education are most valuable in their current employment. We see
that for graduates whose primary field of employment is engineering, mathematics,
and science, the three most important skills are scientific problem solving, synthesizing information, and mathematical skills. These skills remain highly important for
graduates who find employment related to software, with the latter group also having
a high need for computer programming and software development. The importance
of mathematics and computer skills was also examined in a National Science Board
report [42]. It indicated that 74% of mathematics and computer-science doctorates
work in the same field as their degree, in contrast to only 52% of degree holders in
life and physical sciences. A similar trend is seen at the bachelor’s level (35% versus
These surveys document the demand for mathematics, computer, and problemsolving skills in the workplace as well as the importance of a science education that can
be applied to a variety of jobs. It appears manifest that the integration of mathematics
and computer skills with a science and engineering education is a valuable investment,
particularly for undergraduates, who, as a group, are more likely than graduate students to find employment outside their discipline. Deciding upon the right balance of
mathematics, computing, and sciences is a question we shall discuss soon.
The determination of student learning outcomes (SLOs) is an important prerequisite for the establishment of CSE programs. This is especially true for CSE, where it
is (all too) easy to expect an individual course to teach students everything they need
to know about the subject. Historically, SLOs have been guided by research needs,
that is, in a “top-down” fashion. We are aware of only one published work [43] that
suggests a set of SLOs for all levels of CSE education. From a student perspective,
typical SLOs for a CSE education might include the following:
• learning high-level computer languages and high-performance computing;
• obtaining knowledge of applied mathematics and computational methods;
W h a t's Impor tant?
Percent "Very Impor tant"
Scientific problem solving
Synthesizi ng info
M athematical ski lls
Physics principles
Labor instrumentation skills
Scientific softw are
Sof tw a re
Engr., mat h, science
Knowledge of physics
Modeling or simulation
Product design
C omp. program mi ng
Softw are development
Fig. 2.1 Importance of knowledge and skills for graduates, 5–7 years after receiving bachelor’s degree. The categories are listed in order of importance for physics majors whose primary
field of employment is engineering, mathematics, and science (light bars); the dark bars
show level of importance for graduates employed in software. (Data courtesy of the American Institute of Physics.)
• learning the basics of simulation and modeling;
• interpreting and analyzing data visually, both during and after computation;
• applying acquired computing skills to at least one application area;
• learning to communicate solution methods and results effectively.
These learning outcomes are achieved by students studying various subjects and
working on explicit computational problems. Because courses in different departments
may well cover similar materials, rather than list individual courses, we give instead
the six general areas of knowledge (details to follow) that are needed to achieve the
• computational tools;
• high-performance computing;
• applied mathematics and computational methods;
• simulation and modeling;
• visualization tools;
• applications in science or engineering.
Although not all of equal weight, these components are all essential and should be
covered either in dedicated courses or within the context of other courses.
1. Computational Tools. Inasmuch as the computer itself is the main tool of
CSE, it is essential to provide environments and situations in which students become
comfortable using computers. Typical courses in which this occurs are often called “An
Introduction to” or “Fundamentals in” one of the following: computational science,
modeling, problem solving, computational tools, or computer science. Additional
knowledge can be gained through courses such as data structures, advanced software
tools, and numerical linear algebra. Specific learning outcomes include
• programming in a compiled language such as Fortran90, C, C++, or Java;
• ability to work with UNIX and WINDOWS operating systems;
• familiarity with problem-solving environments such as Maple, MATLAB,
MACSYMA, and Mathematica for both numeric and symbolic computations;
• familiarity with floating-point computations and numerical methods such as
integration, differentiation, solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations, and Monte Carlo techniques;
• use of mathematical subroutine libraries and repositories such as BLAS,
ScaLAPACK, NetSolve, and JAMA;
• use of two- and three-dimensional visualization software packages such as
AVS, gnuplot, ACE/gr (Xmgr), and VisAD.
2. High-Performance Computing. Knowledge of high-performance computer
hardware and software is important for programming of computationally intensive
applications. Topics include parallel computing, high-level languages, and optimizing
and tuning techniques. The related theoretical knowledge would come from courses
in computer architecture and the theory of programming languages. Specific learning
outcomes include
• programming on supercomputers or PC clusters;
• understanding of program speed, memory hierarchy, performance benchmarks,
and precision;
• understanding the relationship among architecture, language, and performance;
• experience with industrial benchmarks such as the Linpack Benchmark;
• familiarity with parallel libraries such as PVM, MPI, and MPJ.
3. Applied Mathematics and Computational Methods. Basic knowledge here derives from courses in differential, integral, and vector calculus, preferably with a focus
on applications and examples. Numerical analysis and differential equations may
provide more focused knowledge, as might courses such as applied and computational mathematics, computational methods in physical sciences, and computational
physics. Finally, at least one course in probability and statistics is needed in which
actual laboratory data are fit. Specific learning outcomes include
• knowledge of computational methods for the numerical solution of differential and integral equations, such as finite-difference, finite-element, discrete
particle, discrete ordinates, mesh generation, adaptive meshes, high-order
ODE solvers such as Runge–Kutta, fast Fourier transforms, and Monte Carlo
• familiarity with partial differential equations encountered in science and engineering;
• use of scientific subroutine libraries;
• matrix computations with scientific subroutine libraries.
4. Simulation and Modeling. This subject is important in order to achieve CSE’s
goal of realistic problem solving. The skills may be taught in a variety of courses such
as simulation and modeling, dynamical systems, problem solving, and “computational
X.” Specific learning outcomes include
• Familiarity with exact and approximate equations of motion for natural systems. Examples include the continuity equation, equations for momentum,
Fig. 2.2 Perspectives on depth and breadth of computational science education.
energy, and mass conservation, transport equations, population dynamics,
protein folding, Newton’s laws, and the Schrödinger equation.
• Familiarity with the steps (problem, theory, model, implementation, assessment) in modeling as applied to a wide range of fields. Examples include
engine combustion, electromagnetics, molecular dynamics, genetics, drug design, quantum mechanics, climate modeling, dynamical systems, and finance.
• Ability to carry out statistically meaningful analysis of data from both experiments and simulations.
5. Visualization Tools. Familiarity with visualization software for run-time and
postsimulation data. Tools should be able to handle large data sets, permit twoand three-dimensional plots, as well as slicing and dicing for higher dimensional data
sets, and produce publication-quality figures. The level should be that of AVS, MATLAB, ACE/gr, gnuplot, and OpenGL. Courses to teach these skills include scientific
computing, visualization, and computational tools.
6. Applications in Science or Engineering. An essential part of CSE education
is having students focus on a traditional field of interest such as chemistry, physics,
biology, earth sciences, business, criminal justice, art, or engineering. This should help
the students in the job market, in applying to graduate school, and in understanding
different and realistic ways of looking at issues. Just which field and which courses
can accomplish this goal best is probably a function of local politics, expertise, and
student interest. Often a “computational X” course serves this purpose well, as it
provides exposure to applications while introducing students to the computational
aspects of discipline X.
2.4. Types of Programs and Degrees. We now address the (still unsettled) question of transforming the intellectual content of CSE into a curriculum of courses. Because CSE is a new and different field that may draw students away from traditional
departments, the academy is naturally slow to certify any CSE program. In addition,
CSE is multidisciplinary and there are no set rules that give the proper balance and
depth of the four components in Figure 1.1. Finally, there remains the decision as to
whether CSE should be taught at the graduate or undergraduate level, and how the
content would differ for the two.
Graduate Degree. Figure 2.2 represents the depth and breadth of graduate and
undergraduate programs in CSE. Although it may appear that the depth needed for
a Ph.D. program makes it formidable to set up, it is probably less of a challenge
than an undergraduate program. This is due to the dual constraints of breadth and
limited credit load that are typically imposed on undergraduate degrees. Doctoral
CSE programs tend to be of top-down design, with the top-level research needs dictating the courses at the bottom. If there are faculty members carrying on research
with high-level computation, then their needs and knowledge tend to determine the
elements of a Ph.D. program incorporating CSE at their institution. If there is a
supercomputer center on campus, then it tends to naturally provide the computational expertise and resources. While it is important that individual departments
offer relevant and modern courses, doctoral students have a great deal of flexibility in
meeting the requirements set by their program committees since they do not have a
large number of required classes to take in a fixed time period.
A doctoral-level CSE education is also easier to establish than an undergraduate
one by nature of the expectation that doctoral students will assume the initiative to
learn requisite materials on their own. Typically, much of a CSE doctoral education
is assumed to take place when a student performs the simulations that are part of
the research for a computationally intensive thesis. If done properly, students should
learn about performance of hardware and software, development and optimization of
numerical and computational methods, and advanced visualization skills. Yet even
a solid design for doctoral education does not guarantee quality. Without adequate
background in all the elements of CSE, the thesis will suffer and students may end
up with holes in their understanding. We recommend multidisciplinary course work,
as well as a graduate committee with members from computer science, mathematics,
and application sciences.
Master’s Degree. It is hard to generalize about master’s degrees. Usually graduatelevel courses are required, and often a research project or thesis as well. However,
many of the graduate-level classes may cover the same materials as the upper division
undergraduate classes in CSE, but perhaps with deeper applications. Accordingly, it
may well be that a master’s degree in CSE that does not require research or internship provides a similar education to that of an undergraduate degree. If research is
required, then a master’s program can be quite intensive. In fact, some combinations
of programs and advisors may require research that is nearly as significant as the
doctoral research of other programs.
Undergraduate Degree. The major obstacle with undergraduate CSE education
is that the programs which faculty consider well-rounded combinations of disciplines
tend to be so overloaded with classes that they are nearly impossible to complete in
four years. With already-full curricula, it is hard to find places for challenging CSE
classes, especially with university pressure to broaden the number of core courses, to
cap and even decrease the number of credits needed for graduation, and to increase
retention (presumably by lowering demands).
Although details vary with local conditions, we conclude that it is best for the
undergraduate curriculum to focus on a common tool set of subjects that have proven
themselves useful in a number of specialty areas. In order to avoid overloading and
to provide the needed breadth, we recommend that a B.S. or an M.S. program in
CSE have fairly strict curriculum requirements. This takes the place of a high-quality
thesis in a Ph.D. program and permits the marketplace and the graduate schools to
expect a common preparation.
In spite of the challenges, several schools have experimented with undergraduate
CSE programs, and these now provide some field-tested approaches. In Table 2.1
we present a sample curriculum for the B.S. degree in the Computational Science
Department at SUNY Brockport [12, 33, 43] This program was started in 1998 by
Table 2.1 Sample curriculum for B.S. in computational science at SUNY Brockport.
Calculus I
Application Sciences I
Intro to Computational Sci
2 Electives
Calculus II
Application Sciences II
Intro to Computer Science
2 Electives
Fund. Comp. Sc. I
Computational Tools I
Discrete Mathematics I
2 Electives
Elementary Statistics
Computational Tools II
Calculus III
2 Electives
Linear Algebra
High-Performance Comp
Application Sciences III
2 Electives
Simulation and Modeling
3 Electives
Applied & Comp. Mathematics
Topics in Computational Sci
2 Electives
Scientific Visualization
Application Sciences III
2 Electives
Table 2.2 Sample yearly schedule for B.S. in computational physics (CP) at Oregon State University
(180 quarter credits, equivalent to 120 semester credits). CS refers to computational
Differential Calculus
General Chemistry
CP/CS Seminar
Sci Computing I
General Chemistry
Integral Calculus
Computer Sci I
Vector Calculus I
General Physics
Writing I
Computer Science II
Writing II
Vector Calculus II
General Physics
Discrete Math
Series & Sequences
General Physics
Sci Computing II
Linear Algebra
App Diff Eqs
Modern Physics
CP Simulations I
CP Seminar
Intro Probability
Static Vector Fields
Writing III
CP Simulations II
Data Structures
Waves in 1D
Quantum Mech
Central Forces
Periodic Systems
Class Mech
Energy & Entropy
Num Linear Algbr
Math Methods Phys
Adv CP Lab
Soc & Ethic CS
Adv Web Authoring
CP Seminar
one of the present authors, Osman Yaşar, and we believe it is the first stand-alone
program to have actually issued a B.S. degree in CSE. In Table 2.2 we present a sample
curriculum for the B.S. degree in computational physics (the “Perspective” courses in
the table integrate fundamental knowledge from science and liberal arts disciplines to
develop cultural, historic, and scientific perspectives). This CPUG (Computational
Physics for Undergraduates) program was started by one of the present authors, Rubin
Landau, in 2001 within the Physics Department at Oregon State University [44, 45],
and granted its first degree in 2003 (to a transfer student).
3. Survey Results. To develop some quantitative understanding of the intellectual content of CSE programs, we have analyzed the curricula of the two programs
detailed in Tables 2.1 and 2.2 as well as the handful of other CSE programs of which
we are aware. Our goal is to provide materials for informed and critical discussions
on the nature of CSE education. The choices of programs were guided by information
we obtained at conferences, the latest version of Swanson’s survey of CSE programs
[34], a recent computational science Web portal at SUNY Brockport [46], and our
own Web searches. For a survey of graduate degree programs, we refer the reader to
Swanson’s survey [34], the SIAM Working Group on CSE Education [11], as well as
the SIAM listing of graduate CSE programs [47].
Swanson identifies one B.S. program in computational science, three B.S. programs in computational mathematics, three B.S. programs in computational physics,
and several concentrations and minors. The SIAM survey [11] identifies only Brockport as a CSE degree program. We included in our analysis all of Swanson’s programs
except for the University of Chicago, for which no sample curriculum could be found.
Although it did not appear in any Web searches, we include here a degree program
at UC Berkeley whose existence was communicated to us personally. Our analysis is comprehensive in its coverage of computational degrees, and representative of
computer science and physics.
The Swanson survey is particularly helpful in identifying where programs exist
and in providing detailed contents of different computational classes (similar to our
earlier description of a standard tool set). The analysis to follow is more general.
For each program we look at four years’ worth of classes and count the number of
courses that fall into the categories of computing, mathematics, applications, and
other. Admittedly, our analysis is crude. We examined neither the materials actually
covered in the individual classes nor the amount of “other” that may actually be
computing, mathematics, or application. However, we have tried to apply the same
rules to all programs (such as including chemistry in the applications category) and
have used posted sample schedules as our guide. As we shall see, even though the
analysis is crude, there appear to be significant trends that stand out.
As interesting as it may be to see how other countries put together their CSE
programs, we have restricted our survey to the United States. This is a consequence of
our difficulty in deciding how to count classes and requirements for foreign systems and
in extracting up-to-date data from their Web pages. We know there are high-quality
CSE programs at schools such as the Australian National University [48], Kanazawa
University (Japan) [49], Trinity College, Dublin [50], University of Singapore [51], and
the University of Waterloo [52], and we refer the reader to Yaşar’s Web portal [46]
for links to both national and international CSE programs.
Figure 3.1 shows the average percent of the total curriculum dedicated to computing, mathematics, application, and other for B.S. degree programs in computer
science, computational science and engineering, computational physics, and physics.
The computer science average is from Carnegie-Mellon University [53], the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [54], and Oregon State University [55]; the CSE average is from SUNY Brockport [56] and the University of California at Berkeley [57];
the computational physics average is from SUNY Buffalo [58], Illinois State University
[59], and Oregon State University [44]; the physics average is from the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [60] and Oregon State University [61].
In general we would say that the left column in Figure 3.1 shows the strong computing (black) but weak application (white) components in the computer science degree; the right column shows the strong application but weak computing components
Subject Balance (% Courses)
Ot her
Fig. 3.1 The average percent of the total curriculum dedicated to computing, mathematics, application, and “other” for B.S. degree programs in (from left to right) computer science,
computational science and engineering, computational physics, and physics.
in the physics degree. The two versions of computational programs in the middle of
Figure 3.1 are seen to provide a similar, uniform balance among the components.
In contrast to our analysis, the IEEE Computer Society [62] tells a student interested in a “career in computing” to expect a curriculum in which “35% of your
career will be in your major field of science or engineering, 25% in mathematics or
science (outside your major field), 25% in arts and humanities, and about 15% in
electives.” Our analysis indicates that an application-oriented computing education
is somewhat stronger in mathematics and has a stronger computing content than the
IEEE indicates.
While an undergraduate CSE student may specialize by selecting options in a
specific discipline, doing so makes the curriculum similar to one in “computational
X” (typically offered within the department of X). Indeed, as indicated in Figure 3.1,
an undergraduate degree in computational physics has a similar balance to one in CSE,
namely, approximately equal weights for mathematics and computing (∼ 20%), and
a higher weight for application (∼ 28%). However, a computational physics degree
does contain less physics than a physics degree and less computing than a computer
science degree.
Of course, because computational science is still a young and developing field with
no set curriculum, some variation in individual programs from these averages is to be
expected. Accordingly, in Figures 3.2 and 3.3 we show the subject balance for several
of the individual programs that were averaged into Figure 3.1. We see in Figure 3.2
that the CSE programs at Berkeley and Brockport have a similar balance, which is
also similar to that in computational physics program at Oregon State University. In
contrast, the computational mathematics program at Stanford appears much weaker
in computing and application, but since it has a significantly larger fraction of other,
S ubj ect B alance ( % of Cur ricu lum)
Interdiscipl inary Progr a ms
O ther
Fig. 3.2 Subject balance for individual computational science and engineering B.S. degree programs
at (from left to right) UC Berkeley and SUNY Brockport, and the mathematics plus computational science program at Stanford. The computational physics program at Oregon
State is shown for comparison.
S ubj ect Balance
D i scipline-Based Pr ograms
Ot her
(O SU)
(I SU)
(Cl ark) (Stnfrd)
Fig. 3.3 Subject balance for individual computational physics degree programs at (from left to right)
Oregon State, SUNY Buffalo, Illinois State, and Clark (physics plus computational science
concentration). The mathematics plus computational science at Stanford is shown for
it may well be that a similar balance is obtained after students choose their large
number of electives.
We see in Figure 3.3 that the computational physics programs at Buffalo and Oregon State have essentially identical balances, while the programs at Illinois State and
Clark emphasize application and other more and computing less. (The nearly exact
agreement is probably accidental since we estimate a 1–2% ambiguity in our analysis
arising from the choice of options and courses listed in multiple departments.) No
doubt some of this uniformity arises from what might be called a “sum rule”: Because all programs are designed to have students graduate in four years with a similar
set of university-wide requirements, the computational degree programs tend to replace some of what would otherwise be electives with computation and mathematics
classes, and thus end up with a similar distribution. Future experience may establish
a better balance than we have now, although we suspect that there is no one global
While we have focused here on stand-alone programs, there are other approaches
that can supply a quality education. Surveys of programs described on the Web
[34, 56] reveal cases in which a B.S. degree in “computational X” is close to a CSE
degree with a minor in X, and others in which it is close to a degree in X with a minor
in CSE or computer science. So, even though the names may differ, the contents of
different programs may be much the same.
4. Summary and Conclusions. Although details vary, CSE education tends to
focus on a common tool set of subjects that have proven themselves useful in solving
problems in a number of disciplines. While many of these subjects may get coverage
in courses taught by traditional departments, we have described the need for separate
CSE classes that (1) put the tools together, (2) develop an appropriate problemsolving viewpoint, (3) glue the multiple disciplinary classes together, and (4) develop
a sense of belonging to a computational community.
Local politics and course offerings appear to determine how a school chooses to
integrate CSE into its programs. We conclude that the CSE content of undergraduate
education will continue to grow, either by integrating CSE into traditional classes, by
offering specific “computational X” classes, by offering “computational X” degrees,
by starting stand-alone CSE units, or by some combination of the above.
No doubt, a specific degree program in CSE has the most potential to provide a
coherent and well-managed education. It probably also does the most to advance the
field and guarantee continuity within the institution. As campuses develop a number
of “computational X” programs, it may be more efficient and simpler to unify these
“computational X” programs into a CSE department. Such units may then serve even
more departments by offering a minor in CSE. However, it appears that a degree in
“computational X” is currently providing a very similar education.
Strong links and cooperation now appear to be building up among the people
directing the new CSE programs and those who want to start such programs. Indeed,
efforts are being supported by the NSF [40, 63, 64] and DOE [35]. We are now sharing
course materials for newly developed courses as well as giving and receiving guidance
on the development of a well-balanced curriculum. Development of student learning
outcomes, building a consensus on a standard CSE curriculum, and the development
of some high-quality textbooks will help in the development of the field and in the
placement of our graduates.
While there appears to be general agreement that it is appropriate to teach CSE
at the graduate level, an undergraduate education in CSE is still a new thing. A
decade ago, a widely held view was that undergraduates should view computational
methods as just “black boxes” that should remain closed [65]. However, we believe
that the pervasiveness and importance of computation throughout all of science and
engineering means that even undergraduates should be able to enroll in programs
that teach them what’s going on inside the black box. Time will judge the viability
of these programs.
Acknowledgments. We wish to thank Angela Shiflet, Charles Swanson, James
Corones, Bob Panoff, and Joe Zachary for valuable suggestions and encouragements;
Katie Stowe and Rachel Ivie for providing the AIP survey data; and the SIAM referees
and editors for their constructive criticisms.
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[44] Computational Physics for Undergraduates (CPUG), Oregon State University,
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uiuc.edu/; sample curriculum at http://www.physics.uiuc.edu/Education/undergrad/
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