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Technical Report, Wellesley College Department of Psychology (5th ed.), 2023
Identity orientations refer to the relative importance or subjective value that individuals place on various identity attributes or characteristics when constructing their self-definitions (Cheek, 1989). The development of the Aspects of Identity Questionnaire began with items that were judged to represent the domains of personal and social identity (Cheek & Briggs, 1981, 1982). Further psychometric analyses indicated that certain items originally scored on the social identity scale (e.g., "Being a part of the many generations of my family") were tending to cluster on a third factor representing communal or collective identity. Therefore, the Social Identity Orientation scale was revised to more explicitly focus on William James’ (1890) conceptualization of the social self, and a new third scale for Collective Identity Orientation was developed (Cheek, Underwood, & Cutler, 1985) and then expanded (Cheek, Tropp, Chen, & Underwood, 1994). Neither the social nor collective scales focus on intimate relationships with close friends or romantic partners, so a fourth scale for Relational Identity Orientation (“Being a good friend to those I really care about”) was added to the AIQ-IV (Cheek, Smith, & Tropp, 2002). The name Social Identity scale was changed to the Public Identity Orientation Scale by Cheek and Cheek (2018). That completed development of the AIQ-IV containing Personal, Relational, Public(Social), and Collective Identity Orientation Scales.
Lebende Sprachen, 2009
Resultado: Bueno Comentarios: Los puntos extras te fallaron, pudiste haber quedado más alto.
Aula 1 -Quatro variáveis agregadas da macroeconomia, que se relacionam de forma que um afete aos outros: o nível de preços, o nível de emprego, a taxa de câmbio e a taxa de juros. -Essas variáveis afetam o crescimento econômico, a inflação, o comércio exterior, e a distribuição de renda.
The purpose of this paper is to identify the risks faced by banking sector and the process of risk management of different banks in Bangladesh.This paper also examined the different techniques adopted by banking industry for risk management. In the use of Bangladesh Bank guidelines for managing risks, it is revealed that asset liability management, investment risk management and foreign exchange risk management are much significant to the bankers. In order to make the risk management effective in the selected commercial banks operating in Bangladesh, the major types of risks, e.g., credit risk, market risk, operational risk, interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk, equity risk, liquidity risk, money laundering risk, information technology risk, marketing risk and human resource risk need to be emphasized by the concerned bank authority. This paper reviews the different literature on risk managementof banking sector of Bangladesh.Banks in Bangladesh are found to have a clear understanding of risk and risk management,and have efficient risk identification, risk assessment analysis, risk monitoring, credit risk analysisand risk management practices. The paper discusses the current status of risk and risk management employed in the banking sector of Bangladesh. It identifies the tools and methods used in managing credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk and operational risk by different banks.
The widespread use of cross-linked poly-ethylene (XLPE) as insulation within the manufacturing of medium and high-voltage cables could even be attributed to its outstanding mechanical and electrical properties. However, it's well-known that degradation under service conditions is that the key problem within the utilization of XLPE as cable insulation. Laboratory testing of aging insulation is time consuming and inexpensive. To avoid such costs, we've got developed two models which are supported artificial neural networks (ANNs) and logical system (FL) to predict the insulation properties under thermal aging. The proposed ANN can be a supervised one supported radial basis function Gaussian and trained by random optimization method algorithm. The FL model relies on the utilization of fuzzy inference system. Both models are accustomed predict the mechanical properties of thermally aged XLPE. The obtained results are evaluated and compared to the experimental data comprehensive by using many statistical parameters. it's concluded that both models give practically the identical prediction quality particularly, they need ability to breed the nonlinear behavior of the insulation properties under thermal aging within acceptable error. Furthermore, our ANN and FL models are utilized within the generalization phase where the prediction of the long run state (not reached experimentally) of the insulation is created possible. Additionally, costs and time is reduced.
En tiempos de furia. Ser, hacer, sentir feminismo, 2018
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