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A densebut instructve summary of Haack's approah to metaphysics and her Innocent Realism--plis her thoughts about virtual reality.
Egitto e vicino oriente
Over the last few years the Chinese porcelain found in ports and urban centres involved in inter-Asian trade along the Indian Ocean routes, together with material from the wrecks of merchant ships and collections, has offered ample evidence for the study of the cultural, economic and social relations between the various entities involved in this network of commercial and diplomatic exchanges. This is particularly true for the period preceding the advent of the European powers along these routes and their subsequent predominance as from the 16th century. It is a period that is increasingly being studied to re-evaluate the globalization processes in the ancient world. Here, Chinese porcelain represents material evidence that we can, without the least exaggeration, define as incomparable. In fact, the origins of and trade in raw materials and technologies, the hybridization of decorative motives and forms, and the wide-ranging diffusion and re-elaboration of practices and meanings associated with Chinese porcelain and stoneware, attest to intercultural dynamics and a global or, better, glocal utilization of these materials. In the broader context of relations between China and the Arabian Peninsula, few sites offer such remarkable leads for analysis of the connections between the production, reception, and use of Chinese porcelain during the Islamic period. This article focuses mainly on the period between 1279 and 1435, which saw the trade between China and Arabia, together with the consumption and impact of Chinese porcelain on the southern coast of the Arabian Peninsula, at its most flourishing.
Agora Para La Educacion Fisica Y El Deporte, 2014
International Journal of Middle East Studies, 1999
In his provocative essay Knowledge and Politics, Harvard Law School professor Roberto Unger undertook what has since become a familiar critique of the contemporary social and political order. Beginning with the main postulates of Enlightenment epistemology, Unger contended that our acceptance of “liberal philosophy” has divided us, as moral beings, between the private world of value and desire and the public world of rules and reason. Since, moreover, reason functions as the medium of public (and ostensibly egalitarian) discourse, its inevitable exaltation over desire threatens, where it does not undermine, our sense of self and personality. Modern man, according to Unger, is inextricably ensconced between the irreconcilable poles of individuality and citizenship. From religious fundamentalism to Afro-centrism, from classical and radical feminism to multi-culturalism, modernity is evolving into an endless concatenation of reactions against the threat of domination that lurks beneath...
Excel es un programa que tiene un gran potencial, pero la mayoría de la gente lo maneja de una forma muy simple, utilizando solo opciones básicas, pero hay algo muy importante que tengo que decirles. Excel cuenta con un lenguaje muy poderoso llamado Visual Basic, este es solo una parte del lenguaje, pero permite hacer o resolver los problemas mas fácilmente, solo debemos aprender a programarlo y para eso es este curso, podría la gente decir que este curso es un nivel muy alto de Excel y quizás si lo sea, pero es fácil de aprender ya que se manejaran términos sencillos, a mi me gusta hablar con palabras que todo el mundo entienda y eso lo hace mas fácil. La programación que emplea en este curso o las estructuras que aparecen son creadas por su servidor, ya que para manejar la programación de Visual Basic con Excel es necesario tener mucha creatividad, cada persona puede crear estructuras diferentes pero que trabajen igual. Así que manos a la obra.
Materiali foucaultiani , 2021
En s’intéressant aux premiers travaux concernant « l’éco-gouvernementalité » aux États-Unis, ainsi qu’à l’environnementalisme malthusien de la seconde moitié du 20ème siècle, cet article vise à définir les impasses de l’antinaturalisme radical d’inspiration foucaldienne – qu’on pourrait définir comme une contestation de la réalité des êtres et des rapports décrits par les sciences de la nature – en écologie politique. Un tel antinaturalisme conduit-il à renoncer à l’ensemble des savoirs produits par l’écologie scientifique – notamment en termes de seuil et limites -, afin de défendre une écologie politique entièrement déconnectée d’objectivation des êtres et rapports naturels ? Quel est le prix politique et épistémologique de ce renoncement ? Dans quelle mesure pourrait-on se référer à Foucault pour le faire ? A l’aune de ces interrogations, cet article tente ainsi d’ouvrir une discussion avec la pensée foucaldienne autour de la question des « limites » en écologie.
Journal for Semitics, 2017
The theme of salvation is central in the servant songs. In Isaiah 42:1-7, the theme of salvationprefigures the significant task of the suffering servant. First, this essay commences with a critical analysis of Isaiah 42:1-7. This analysis will shed light on the context from which the text emerged in an effort to decipher salvific themes in the text. Second, the study maintains that Yahweh’s exclusivist proclamation in the Old Testament (hereafter OT)is revised in order to also include non-Jews in his salvific programme of the universe. Third, the term salvation is defined as depicting liberation in the OT. Liberation comprises various facets, including but not limited to political freedom, economic emancipation, democracy, justice, poverty eradication, and equal rights, amongst others. Fourth, this essay will explore divergent views on the identity of the suffering servant in the servant songs, such as Jeremiah, Cyrus, Jacob/Israel, and Jesus. The Christian view of the suffering s...
In this article, we analyze the performance of students in the eighth year of basic education before, during, and after COVID-19 at Kimwenza High School from 2015 to 2021. The machine learning model used is the algorithm classification of the decision tree with the ID3 algorithm. The confusion matrix helps us to predict in the short term these results in the future years.
Dieser Aufsatz möchte den Beitrag der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls zur Debatte über die Fundierung der Geisteswissenschaft in groben Zügen enthüllen. Zunächst wird eine schematische Zusammenfassung der aus der deutschen Philosophie des 19. Jahrhunderts stammenden Debatte über die Fundierung der Geisteswissenschaften dargeboten. Dies soll dazu dienen, den philosophisch-historischen Hintergrund, in den Husserls Denkmotiv über die Beziehung zwischen Phänomenologie und Geisteswissenschaften eingebunden ist, zu begreifen. Danach wird Husserls Beitrag in dieser Debatte abgewägt, wobei im Besonderen die neuen Begriffe und Denkmotive, die von ihm in die Diskussion eingefügt wurden, nämlich der der regionalen Ontologie und der der personalistischen Einstellung, betrachtet werden. Dieser zweite und letzte Teil schließt mit einer Erörterung des von Husserl angegebenen Vorrangs der Geisteswissenschaften und des Geistes als ihr Korrelat, vor den Naturwissenschaften ab.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2019
Central Asian Bureau for Analytical Reporting, 2020
The Database of Religious History, 2021
International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2013
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 1994
Iranian journal of pediatrics, 2012
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2001
Crystallography Reviews, 2015
Advanced Powder Technology, 2019
Sustainability, 2018
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2012