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Call for abstracts
Language is not merely the external covering of a thought; it is also its internal framework. It does not confine itself to expressing this thought after it has once been formed;
To want to teach a cultural language as a second language, without teaching its literature, is a form of barbarism. (Weinrich 1983, p. 11)2
Manuscript submitted for consideration for publication in Discourse
International Journal of Literacy, Culture, and Language Education
The Working Papers in Literacy, Culture, and Language Education (WPLCLE) is a project very near and dear to my heart. Despite the immense amount of time and effort I have spent in developing the concept, and formatting and editing this first volume, I could not have brought it to publication alone. Both the creation of the WPLCLE and the editorial process of the present volume are the result of the continued support, hard work, and dedication of many people. First of all, my profound gratitude goes to Mary Beth Hines, the former Chair, and Larry J. Mikulecky, the current Chair of the Department of Literacy, Culture, and Language Education (LCLE) for their kind support. They helped me present this case before the Executive Associate Deans of the School of Education at that time, Don Hossler and Jack Cummings, who graciously provided vital resources for the operations of the WPLCLE. After I finished developing the content, Pratima Dutta and Jon Lawrence helped me design the website, and upload the initial content. Subsequently, I publicized this new publication venue widely, and recruited graduate student volunteers to fill key positions such as Managing Editor, Assistants to the Editors, and Webmasters. I was fortunate to find wonderful people who fulfilled their respective roles in WPLCLE exceptionally. My heartfelt thanks go to all of them for their dedicated collaboration. I am also deeply grateful to my colleagues in LCLE for agreeing to serve on the Advisory Board, and for their PAGE | vi Contributors Deborah Adeninhun Adeyemi holds a Doctor of Education degree from the University of South Africa (UNISA) in English Language Education. She is presently a senior lecturer in the Department of Languages and Social Sciences Education at the University of Botswana. Her Master of Education degree is from the
Artha: Journal of Social Sciences, 2019
English Literature today is very different from what it was in the early 1990s, when the discipline was called upon to justify its existence by a vocal section of teachers and students. As a result of the changes inaugurated by the ‗crisis in English Studies' and due to the comfort afforded by the demand for English language, the discipline has been relatively free from internal and external pressures to justify its existence. This is, therefore, a good time to raise the question of disciplinary relevance. I draw on my experience as a student, teacher and researcher formed by the 1990s to argue that the transformation of the discipline was at least partly facilitated by its investment in the engagement with texts and texutality. Reading and interpretation, albeit framed by a very different set of concerns, remain at the heart of Literary Studies as well as its offshoot, Cultural Studies. I, therefore, suggest that we consciously focus on building this capability, even as we introduce our students to an every-expanding range of textual forms.
The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers, practitioners and policy makers to discuss issues, tackle real challenges, develop professionally, share opinions, find solutions and explore opportunities in the areas of education. The conference will serve the purpose of promoting a tight link between theory and practice and explore different perspectives on the application of research findings into practice.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of incorporating culturally-loaded materials like literature in EFL courses. We selected short story as an example of literature to be included in our course syllabus. After that, some eclectic short stories from "Chicken Soup for the Soul" were selected. 14 students were randomly selected and assigned to two classes as control group and experimental groups. Finally, by comparing the mean and median of their final scores, we found that the experimental group outperformed the control group both in the final exam and also during the term considering classroom discussions.
Materia oscura y Energía oscura explicadas., 2022
Studi rinascimentali, 2021
Ultrasound of the Kidneys: Application of Doppler and Elastography, 2019
Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade, 2020
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 2007
Scientific Reports, 2021
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2019
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 2006
Jurnal ICT : Information Communication & Technology, 2021
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 2022
Maternal and Child Health Journal, 2020
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 1996