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In the present paper it is presented the procedure of measurement, evaluation and results' analysis of an Argentinean medium tank T.A.M. Since there is no regulation on noise emissions and vibrations caused by combat units either inside or outside the vehicle, standards that evaluate similar situations were used. Then, noise and vibrations inside the moving vehicle and noise emissions of acceleration and static situations were assessed. Consequently, the procedure and results were analyzed in order to propose a proper heavy combat units assessment procedure.
In the present paper it is presented the procedure of measurement, evaluation and results' analysis of an Argentinean medium tank T.A.M. Since there is no regulation on noise emissions and vibrations caused by combat units either inside or outside the vehicle, standards that evaluate similar situations were used. Then, noise and vibrations inside the moving vehicle and noise emissions of acceleration and static situations were assessed. Consequently, the procedure and results were analyzed in order to propose a proper heavy combat units assessment procedure.
In the present paper it is presented the procedure of measurement, evaluation and results' analysis of an Argentinean medium tank T.A.M. Since there is no regulation on noise emissions and vibrations caused by combat units either inside or outside the vehicle, standards that evaluate similar situations were used. Then, noise and vibrations inside the moving vehicle and noise emissions of acceleration and static situations were assessed. Consequently, the procedure and results were analyzed in order to propose a proper heavy combat units assessment procedure.
Applied Mechanics …, 2012
Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH) is the study and modification of the noise and vibration characteristics of vehicles, particularly cars and trucks. NVH parameters which consist of noise (unwanted sound), vibration (mechanical oscillation) and harshness (severity or discomfort of noise or vibration) need to be evaluated in order to improve comfort and safety levels for vehicle occupants. In this paper, NVH study was conducted on Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) tactical vehicles in order to ensure that the vehicles meet the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Directive 2002/44/EC. The project aim was to identify the preferable solution that can improve the NVH parameters of the vehicles in accordance to the standard and test protocols. A 4x4 Troop Transporter vehicle which carried 8 persons at the rear cabin was used in the NVH testing. The vibration parameters studied are hand arm vibration (HAV), focussing on vibration on the steering wheels of the vehicle, and whole body vibration (WBV), focussing on vibration on the seats. For noise, it was measured at the driver cabin and rear cabin of the vehicles. From the results, the HAV value for driver during idle speed was found to be higher than the others velocity. For WBV, vibration value for passenger 1 in rear cabin was highest compared to the other WBV test points.
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013
Moving vehicle will produce dynamic excitation and can be categorized in the study of noise, vibration and harshness (NVH). Studies of NVH can resolve issues associated with the use of a vehicle comfort. Exposure to some level of noise and vibration can be classified as a danger to vehicle passengers if they are exposed in a standard eight-hour time period. Therefore NVH aspect is the most important aspect in selecting a military vehicle other than the factor of safety, reliability, fuel consumption and maintenance costs. This study was carried out on Malaysian Army (MA) 3tonne truck drivers who are exposed to noise and vibration produced by the truck. Vibration exposure at seat, steering wheel and body floor was measured using tri-axial and single axis accelerometers which were connected to a Brüel & Kjaer Type 3649 vibration analyser, while noise exposure was measured at the driver's ear position using a DuO smart noise monitor. From the results obtained, both vibration and noise pressure levels increased proportionally with the increasing speed of the truck. In the long-term, will have an impact on the health of the truck drivers. Sdn. Bhd., until April 2013, had supplied 2,260 this type of vehicle to the MA throughout in Malaysia [4]. It is widely used as logistic vehicles during military missions, such as Ops Daulat in Lahad Datu, Sabah, while other uses include carrying personnel, supplies and goods to the various places . In addition, this vehicle is used as a major logistics vehicle during the big events such the
Volume 2: Dynamics, Vibration and Control; Energy; Fluids Engineering; Micro and Nano Manufacturing, 2014
Automotive manufacturers invest a lot of effort and money to enhance the vibro-acoustic performance of their products. In a complex dynamic system such as a truck cabin, the enhancement effort may be very difficult and time-consuming if only the 'trial and error' method is used without prior knowledge about the noise contributors.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing this collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports (0704-0188), 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number.
Jurnal Teknologi, 2016
Exposure to noise and vibration in the driver’s cabin of Malaysian Army (MA) three-tonne trucks can cause discomfort to the drivers and passengers, and can be classified as hazardous if exposed to more than the standard 8 h time period. This study was conducted for two different road conditions often used by MA vehicles; tarmac and dirt roads. Noise exposure was measured using a DuO sound level meter, which is capable of recording raw sound pressure in Pa. Whole-body vibration (WBV) and hand-arm vibration (HAV) were measured using a Brüel&Kjær Type 3649 vibration analyser, which is capable to record WBV and HAV raw data from the driver’s seat and steering wheel. All the raw data was analysed using the Integrated Kurtosis-Based Algorithm for Z-Notch Filter (I-kazTM). Depending on the type of signal, an exposure model was developed for each measured parameter, with I-kazTM used for noise, I-kaz 3D for WBV and I-kaz Vibro for HAV. With reference to the limits from the respective inter...
Springer eBooks, 2020
Among the great challenges that every naval designer of modern warships must face, it stands out, due to its strategic importance with regard to the Control, from the early phases of the project, of the "acoustic signature" of the new design of the ship. Specifically, its "minimization" to achieve the objective of making the ship as "stealthy" (stealth) as possible. In parallel, the experience of the most advanced National Navies has shown the strategic importance of controlling the levels of vibrations and noise that are generated on board the ships, not only from the point of view of structural integrity of the platform, but from the point of view of guaranteeing the Protection of the Health and the Comfort of the Endowments, and in the European context, required by Directives and Local Regulations of Obligatory Compliance. Indeed, the experiences of one of the most advanced navies in the world have revealed the high costs derived from the consequences of "hearing losses" on part of the specialized personnel of their staff, as well as the "high risk" that this implies for the missions of surveillance and combat the fact that the personnel does not have a conditions of comfort guaranteeing the maximum performance and attention required. Fully aware of the aforementioned aspects, the Spanish Navy, in close collaboration with NAVANTIA, and advised by experts in the matter, has required for the new design of its Frigate F-110, the establishment of a "Noise Control Plan, Vibrations and Acoustic Signature", that, applied from the early phases of the design, allows us to give a satisfactory answer to these challenges. In the present work, and with support of previous experiences, the general lines of the aforementioned "Noise and Vibration Control Program and Acoustic Signature" are described, which is based on, among others, the Comfort Class Notations of the main Classification Societies as well as the most recent experiences of experts and specialized consultants. Keywords: "Underwater signature" Á Noise and vibration control techniques Á Reduction of underwater signature of ships Á "Silent ships"
International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration, 2009
The main focus of this paper is the study of the relationship between components of vibration and noise inside the passenger cabin of a production vehicle. The noise inside automobiles is largely composed of contributions from the engine, ground and wind. The engine and tyres successively transfer the vibration via the structural connections to the body panels, which then propagates through the air to the interior of the car cabin. The analysis technique is based on the signal analysis method of sound pressure level and vibration response, and the modal analysis method of vehicle structural components. Firstly, the results were obtained by the noise contour test, which is a contour of sound pressure level, done over the horizontal cross-sectional plane inside the cabin. This was carried out under the random excitation, to predict the dominating noise frequencies. Secondly, the vibration response on the front suspension in the vertical direction under the engine excitation was studied. Finally, the modal analysis was used to determine the dynamic characteristics of every component of the vehicle body panels; this would contribute to the interior noise. It was found that the interior noise of the car vehicle is mainly caused by the excessive bending mode vibration of the front suspension and twisting mode vibration of the cross-roof beam.
Acta Marisiensis, 2023
researchers spend inexhaustible resources of materials, time and money in determining the objective factors that are important in ensuring acoustic comfort in vehicles. In this paper, the factors that directly influence the interior acoustic pressure level in a heavy-duty vehicle were investigated. It was determined using specific descriptors and different units of measurement in assessment of sound levels and the impact generated by noise, the level of interior acoustic pressure and particular values of some prominent sources of noise in the operation of vehicles (engine, HVAC system), taking into account the factors of insurance and thermal comfort, with the aim of determining the cumulative impact at the board of heavy vehicles due to noise.
In shallow water oceans, mid-frequency acoustic waves take multiple ray-like paths to go from a source to a receiver. Classically, ocean acoustic tomography (OAT) uses the travel-times (TT) associated to these raypaths to retrieve seawater characteristics (sound speed, temperature. . . ) (1). In the 80's, geophysicists use the Born and Rytov approximations (2), well known in optics, to introduce the concept of wavepaths instead of raypaths. This allows taking into account the diffraction phenomena occurring at finite frequency to perform tomography (3; 4). This concept gives birth the so-called banana-doughnut sensitivity kernels that describe the paradoxical behavior of the seismic wave travel-times /citemarquering1999three. Sensitivity kernels are then brought to ocean acoustics to perform point-to-point sound speed tomography using acoustic wave travel-times (5). The use of source-receiver arrays and double-beamforming (6; 7) to separate interfering acoustic arrivals coming from the multiple paths, have been used to improve the TT sensitivity kernels method (8). The use of source and receive arrays also permits to measure the directions-of-arrival (DOA) and the directions-of-departure (DOD) corresponding to each acoustic arrival at the same time as TT. Considering these 3 observables, joint sensitivity kernels of TT, DOA and DOD have been theoretically formulated in view of ocean sound speed inversion (9). In this article, the forward problem using time-angle sensitivity kernels (T-A-SK) -estimate TT, DOA and DOD variations from known sound speed perturbations -is studied in order to know its strength and limits.
Considering a Pekeris waveguide of 1.5 km in range and 50 m in depth, and a signal of 2.5 KHz of central frequency and 1.25 KHz of bandwidth, the sound take ray-like paths to travel through the ocean. These paths can be characterized by their observables: travel-times (τ), directions-of-arrival (θ r ) and directions-of-departure (θ e ) as shown on Using the first order Born approximation [Born et al. 1999], it is possible to link the observable variations (δτ, δθ r and δθ e ) to the sound speed perturbations (δc) in a linear way [Aulanier et al. 2011] :
where K TT , K DO A and K DOD are the sensitivity kernels associated to each observable TT, DOA and DOD respectively. The waveguide volume is noted as V and dV (r ) is an elementary volume located in the waveguide at point r .
Therefore, knowing the sound speed perturbation it is possible to estimate the induced observable variation using the T-A-SK.
In order to analyze, the results of the forward problem using T-A-SK, the T-A-SK estimates of the observable variations are compared to the observable variations measured on parabolic equation (PE) simulations (10). The waveguide used in simulations is the same as the one described on Fig. 1. A set of 550 rays is selected including rays with 2 to 12 reflections on the surface and the bottom recorded with 25 pairs of source-receiver arrays. We focus on some test cases chosen to analyze the influence of the main parameters involved in tomography configuration, which are:
Figure 1
Sub-arrays of 15 m, 21 m, 31m and 36 m are used to look at the observable variations induced by the perturbation noted "E" on Fig 2. The normalized difference -expressed as:
• the sub-array sizes,
• the sound speed perturbation locations within the waveguide,
• the perturbation values,
• the perturbation areas,
• and the case of multiple perturbations of opposite signs.
, where δobs SK is the observable variation estimated with the T-A-SK, and δobs PE the variation measured on PE simulations -is computed for the 550 rays for each size of the sub-array. The results in Table 1 show that the estimate error does not vary a lot with the array size. Results, presented in Table 1 show that the estimate error have a variation of less than 2% on the 3 observations, with respect to the array size. We estimate that the biggest difference being 1.4% between the smallest and the biggest sub-array, the sub-array size is not a crucial factor for the estimate quality. However, the array size is determinant for the acoustic arrival separation. The bigger the sub-array is, the better is the raypath separation. In contrary, the bigger the sub-array is, the fewer sub-arrays can be made out of a single array. Therefore, a trade-off needs to be found to maximize the number of observables. In the follow up of the study, 21-m source-receiver arrays will be taken.
Table 1
Normalized difference (Eq. 2) of the 550 rays for each observable and each sub-array size.
Four locations of a same sound-speed perturbation are represented on Fig. 2. The normalized difference between the T-A-SK estimates and the PE measurement are summarized in Table 2 for each observable. It shows that the T-A-SK estimate is reliable no matter where the perturbations are located. Indeed, the T-A-SK-to-PE normalized difference differs, from one case to another, by only 0.5 % at the maximum.
Figure 2
Table 2
Normalized difference (Eq. 2) of the 550 rays for each observable and each perturbation location shown onFig. 2
TT 9.8 % 9.7 % 9.6 % 9.9 % DOA 11.6 % 11.7 % 11.4 % 11.9 % DOD 11.8 % 12.2 % 11.9 % 12.3 %
Several values of the sound-speed perturbation noted "E" on Fig. 2 are taken between 0.01 m/s and 20 m/s as shown on Fig. 3.
Figure 3
Shape of the sound-speed perturbations of different values between 0.01 m/s and 20 m/s.
The goal here is to determine the validity domain of the first order Born approximation, which assumes relatively "small" sound-speed perturbations. As the first order Born approximation is used to linearize the forward problem in the T-A-SK theory, it is necessary to have a knowledge on the behavior of the observable variations with respect to the value of the sound speed perturbations. Results are exposed on Fig. 4. First, it can be noticed that the first acoustic arrivals (2 to 6 reflections) lose their linear behavior sooner that the last ones. For instance, rays with 2 reflections loose the linear behavior around 6 m/s (Fig. 4a).
Figure 4
Indeed 5, the wavefronts of the first acoustic arrivals become very irregular when the perturbation value increases and the acoustic arrivals become badly localized in the double-beamformed domain (see Fig. 5). Observable variations of the latest arrivals can be Fig. 4a shows the behavior of the observable variations of the rays with 2 reflections with respect to the sound-speed perturbation value. Fig. 4b shows the behavior of the observable variation of the rays with 7 to 12 reflections with respect to the sound-speed perturbation value. approximated linearly until sound-speed perturbations of 20 m/s (see Fig. 4b for the observable variations of rays with 7 to 12 reflections).
Figure 5
Double-beamformed 3D-signal (time, reception angle, emission angle) integrated over the emission-angle dimension with a zoom on the acoustic arrivals 3 and 4. For the Fig. 5a the sound-speed perturbation has a value of 20 m/s (1.3 % of the sound-speed background) and for the Fig. 5b, 0.1 m/s (6e-3 % of the celerity background). Map of the 0.3-m/s sound-speed perturbation of large area inside the waveguide.
The case of a large sound-speed perturbation (Fig. 6) is studied and compared to the "E"-case of Fig. 2.
Figure 6
The histogram of the absolute difference between the T-A-SK estimates of the observable variations and the corresponding PE measurements are compared in the case of a small and large perturbation and presented on Fig. 7.
Figure 7
Histogram of the absolute difference between the T-A-SK estimates and the PE measurements of variations of each observable. T is the signal period at the central frequency (0.4 μs). L θe and L θr are the sizes of the main lobe of the 3D-signal in angle for the emission and the reception respectively (∼ 3 • for 21 m source-receiver sub-arrays). Map of the multiple sound-speed perturbations of opposite sign (+/-0.3 m/s) inside the waveguide.
Results show that the absolute difference between T-A-SK estimates and PE measurements increases a lot in the case of large perturbation. Indeed, the T-A-SK formulation of the forward problem supposes that the total effect of a sound-speed perturbation on the incident acoustic wave is the sum of the effects induced by elementary perturbation compounding the large perturbation. This assumption becomes wrong when the perturbation is so large that the part of the perturbation close to the sources modifies dramatically the acoustic field that reaches the end of the perturbation.
Finally, the case with multiple sound speed perturbations occurring simultaneously in the waveguide is studied (Fig. 8).
Figure 8
This case does not pose problem for two reasons:
1. Most of the acoustic paths pass by either one or the other perturbation but not both of them. Therefore, it can be considered as a single perturbation problem in this case.
2. For the acoustic paths that go through both the sound-speed perturbations, the effect of the first perturbation is sufficiently weak not to induce acoustic field fluctuations that cannot be approximated by the T-A-SK forward problem formulation.
The comparison between the T-A-SK formulation and the PE formulation of forward problem shows us the strength and the limits of the T-A-SK. Robust to array size, perturbation location and multiple perturbations, the T-A-SK linear approximation of the forward problem reaches its limits regarding the sound-speed perturbation values or areas. However in practice, sound-speed changes in the waveguide do not occur instantaneously. These limits can then be avoided if the time lapse between the reference acquisition and the perturbed acquisition is sufficiently small. This study also allows getting a priori information on the errors made on T-A-SK estimates. It might be useful to integrate this a priori information to improve the future inversion process.
Pearlman Torah Chronology, 2024
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Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series., 2021
Referensi : Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen dan Akuntansi, 2018